Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 05, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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    I'fc.AT- . ' ' Jn'm. ifr-fl
mnufMWjiii uiwsni-c
" .
V&Ni'i O-M&b tf'OTON&iVfHTJRSDAlr, OCTOBER , 18D3.
Notice f)i'A.ssoXsnu'nt for thadra
provoin nit oi Ooiinhercialftttcot
nml ji part of Ferry, State, Court
ami Centro streets.
"Wee.I hrreb-glven that the Vwosimant
".... H frr.UriiuiPo'No 350fortho Imn ove
inentifalltliat-iin t .ifCoinmerct-l Htreetbe
twwi tbo tiorl trend otthe brldge.ncro8 South
LWUp.l i" .1.1...... I. kIa ... ,'.. Din at
Mill I rCBK flllU imMJUlni niuoui ur omv,
ill t ba p u t oHtnt unrt Coon strots between
11 Vf welMdoMgn street and I he eukt side or
K ,nt fctreet.althaVbartpfFerry sireet bo
tneeii ll.ewe-t sUluol liberty -street-Sid lhe
cfi'Tl8!d"or Front slreeivnll thut furt ol Centre
oi-'Htt between th-! wejja'sfdfl side of Coftimer
clal streett and tho west slua t Front strfeet, 1
now due ani payable at the otnco.JrthiUlty
Treasurer m UultetftHrfSUsVgold and illvbr
coin; and unless part "VUBlff ten d trffrsra
the date ol this notice, the CpMftioiI tMuncll
will order warrants for the colleeilon tltereof.
XiOt No. 8 In block No. 50, owned' by
H Htapleton -rr-
lot No. 6 in bloelc No. 51, ow&M by
13X2 61
mua nrecrnn Lund Co ....
321 R
292 00
ot No. 4 in block; No. 61, ownei By i
j. I. Thompson p-t-r-
Lot No. 1 In block No. 60, owneatb
W. A.Cuslck !.
Lot No. 2 In block No. 60,ncd by
Thus. Johnson, XLZ .-
Lot No. 3, an d a strip of htud 11 60 off
of the north sldo of lot No. 4, In
block No. 60, Salem, Oregen: ex
cept a strip of land 2a feet wide oir
of the north side ol lot No. 3,scld
to K P. Parkhurst, owned by H.
W. Cottlo
Beginning at tho northeast coruer
oT blocs 49, Halem, Ore; thence
southerly al-ng the block line 4
feet; thence westerly parallel with
t he n orth line of the block 120 feet;
thence northerly parallel with the
east line of tbo block 45 feet to the
. . ii na r rM hio-k: thnre
caster yalongthenirthilneofsald
b u . m v . - cue piace of ut
giunlng, owned by the First
N ttlonai Bank of Salbiu, Oregon,
IJCKluiilhgattlw norshwe-tl corner
(itlotNo. l.lnbtociMn bock No.
49,-4i'om. Oregon; thence south
orly along the alley In sold
block. e7f8 feel, thrnee eaUeny
parnllul WltU OheintkoU utreel,
105 fept; thenco northerly nhing
tho ens HneOt b'ock No 41), 22 M
fet; thenco westerly parallel to
the north line ofs.nd block. 12
feel; tlionfe northerly 4t feet to
tho north luoof the block; th'-nce
westerlyEOfcet to theplaceof begin
nlng.owned uy mis a a Wheeler
All that p-jrtlou nf land In LiOts No.
laud 2 In block -o 4J, Sil-m,
Oregon, descrlhf-d as follows,
Beginning at a polut 2258 feet
south orthe southeast corner of the
hultdluuow known at tbo i rtt
National Bsnk, and running
southerly alon the exist lln J or
the Mock 246S feet then e west
erly, pirallel with tho south wall
of tho bank building, lto feet to
the ahey In paid block; thence
thence easterly 165 ftet to the
plxcoof beginning, owned by E. H.
Lamport ;-;-."
Alllhiuuirlon or tractor landlu
Lot No. 2, In block No 49, Stein,
or., described as follows, to-wlt;
Bejl nlu at n point s5 16 loet
south of tho southeast cor er or
the building known as tho FirM,
N itlonal Bank, and running
sou'horly along the west line or
Commercla street 22 5H feet Jthence
westerly, parallel to the fcoulh
wall of the bank building, 18i feet
ti the alloy In said block; thenco
nortnerly along the alley 21 53 feet
thence easterly 105 feet to the
408 77
119 71
102 77
79 45
37 41
37 41
Place or beginning, owneu uy
N- lidue and '
una i. ri
That portion or tract of Und in 1it
N . 2, In block 49. Salem, Or., clej.
crlbeduT begluutngatapoint7 ts
feet south of tho sou. heast corner
of t he building known as the b list
National Bank and running south
iTly along commercial strewi7.75
ivr, l hence westerly parallel with
tue i.)uth wall of said biukbu lldlng
10 feet to the alley In ald blPCK
thenco northerly 7.75fetulong the
nlley; thence eiBlerlV to the place
of bilnnlnc, owned by L. S. Lam
p jrthv. N.Ladue, l Kord. John
li.Kbes A A. Wheeler and B.
Bo- nntn7nrtiooiifhiast ortier
oflotNo 2, In block No. 49.aalom,
ur tht-uce wrsle ly the
wmth line of said lot. Ibb feet to the
alley; thence north along lhe alley
45 3J feet; thence eastoi ly parallel
with Ohemeketa sireet, 16o feet Ur
the eau ltue of said block; tnenne
southerly a'onsr tho easi Hue or
Kid block 15 30 1 feet to the place of
beslHiilug, owntd by John
north of the Miuthenst corner of
lot No 3 in block No 49 Salem.
Or. theuce north along tbo east
line of said bliwk 28 50 feet; thence
westfir.y at right atules with Win
merclal street 1U5 leet to the alley;
thence Kouthor.y along the alley
thenoo north along thou.tUneof
Jald block 24.46 fet; thence west
er ly at right angles w h s Ud rost
line 165 feet to the alle: thence
south along tho alley W eM.
ihenoe easterly lto ieet tn i the
place of boglnnlug, owned by a.
BrtnSa fracllr'pafr of"pt 4,Tn
block 49, Hulem.or , described as
iollows; Beginning at a Jton
tho east line of said block 60 reel
noxthtrly irom the southeast cor
Sr ot eald block 49: thence along
the east line In a northerly dire i -tlonll
feet; thenco westerly at
rlBhtanulo with sad east line of
SfiSk 5, J65 ieet to the lUlW
tlienceBo'utberly along the alley
31 feet: thence eaterly l8'".61,
the i plane of beginning, owned by
Be'lnnKtho"7onThe;iBt co'riicr
of b-ock'No. 44 saleiu.ow.thenos
nqrth along the east line oUald
biiick 2J feet; thence wet, -ralhrI
WltU Com t street, m Ket to the
llv' thenoo"southalongtheft ley
28 fit to the M.uth line or pa;d
Sock' thenco east along said south
UnS to the place or beginning,
"" .j k. fl Andergon..-
76 96
AliblotNo 4.block49.Halera.Ore.
lrlV ilooB tbe north lino of sulrt
oniitii alone the alley 7oO ieet,
JSSiSe K para el with Court
IireetTl65 feet Li tbecast line ot said
mock; 55"V,,V- T-7X nr hiwin.
nPngVowned by A. Uu.h-.-----.-
?eH Boulb. of the northeast corner oj
nV '".IwL 9i ' feet' thence west
to."eJfa:,iir 'hSnis r i m
n ..rtstreVl. 185 feet ti the east Hue
rl.i i.i k-"brace " alonB,
orald ii.Si ut to the ptsce i f
t d east line ii i'.1 J" . qlnmr
tuaieof b g nnlng, owued by J
ihVnVi7ir.utb along ld alley to
Wet corner of said ll hJSlnnlb.; p-oa oi iy.05,;'
ow- by W. lirejrmandBrey.
ot lota In block 4, S-l?m, Oreeoa,
the same belrig 7.60 recti orlhortho
soutbpast corner ot fukl lots thouce
south along Mild east Hue 2i feet;
thence west parallel with btat
street 165 feet to the allt-y; thence
north al imr tin alley 25 'o-i, thence
eat 165 fee to ibe piace ol t-gln
nlng, ow ned by llart v ta letou 4S 68
Lot Ni 4 in ) oi'k 48 Salem, ureg m,
exufptliig 17.X) leet oil ol the north
Bide of sild lot 4 exteudtnt Its entire
le Kth, owucd by Lllm Mnon-s, r.
B litres, A N. .Mo res, llertha
Moo e, Carrie Mooics, V. L. Moores
ami 'Juy Miller 416 17
Lot No 5 lu block No. 4S, Salem, Ore-
con, owned bi It. I Holso 0 02
Auol lot 8 in bio KI7, -nlem Ortgou,
excepting ui ieet un oi me e ist enn,
owned by Thos. Jury and tbe City
ol Salsm: owned bi a T Noribcu t 182 SO
Twnty-nlnefeet oil of the east end of
iHJNokin diock 47, s,uom, ureon,
owned bv tho t'ltv of S i em 67 35
Lot No llnblockNo 47,ownedbv J. J.
Miirphr, K. O. .Murphy aud 8. W, ,
Church ' .. 413 77
Xne north thl'd of lot o- 2 lu block 47,
M.uera, uregnn, being -n tu -et iront
on Commercial street, andeitendlng
thesime width ba k to tue ate,
oWDed oy J, G W Ight 45 27
rho central oue-thlnt of lot iNu. 2 In
block No. 47, Salem, Oregon, being
27.7U feet fronton Co nine clal street
aad extending the sime width back
to theallev.owni'd hi' Jnn..Nevysome 45 82
The s jutti one third oi 1 itNo 2 In blo k
47, Salem, Oregon, bclnf & 6u lett front
on Commercial street and extending
the batne width back to the alley,
owned by J. H. Knlcht, Aildle I'la-
m adon, J. J Platnondon, AL A. Ha
niondon 45 82
Beginning attho northeast cornerof
lot No J In block 47, Salem. Oregon;
tlio'ite south along tli i block line i 50
f et; theme weat pir llel with terry
street, 16) feet to the alley; thenco
n'iri h along the alley 2 LoO fa t; thence
cast to the place of beginning lli-3 feet
owned by J. C. Thompin 42 45
Beginning at a point on the east Hue
of lot 3 In block 47, salPin Orezon,
which point Is 3 60 feet south or then
e cornerof said lot No 3, thence south
along the lot Hue 2)160 lee'; Hiouch
win!, nnmllel with Kerry street 165
feet to tneatii-y; thencj north al mi
the nlloi '350 feet; thence cast 16j
f etio -ho pUceut beginning. Owned
by E C. Small ,
Beginning at a point M) Bieetnorlh or
42 23
tile suumeaM. corner ui uiou nu .,
Silem, Oregon; thence north along
the b ock line 22 asJ.1 feet tbenco east
parallel with Ferry street, 165 rectto
the nlley.thenio south ilonglhealley
2!08lf et; thence east 16ieelt the
place of beginnl g, owned by L.
Thompson "
paid. 84 17; bal. &X1.
Beginning at the southeast corner of
lilo"k 47, In 8 llem, Oregon thence
no-thalonit the block linn 80.10 feet
thence west parallel with Ferry street
165 feet to the alley; thence south
along the alley 81-16 left to the south
lino nf thn hlnc.k! thence east along
said suutn Bus llw feet to the place of
b glunlns, owned by Geo. H. Turner
LotNo.51n block No 47, Salem, Or.,
317 71
197 46
mvupil bi T iNonncu'i
Lot No.8Inbloik 40, Salem, Oregon,
wned by thahmt'heru Pacldo Kail
road Oomp inv 18 48
Beginning at tho northeast corner oi
block No. 46, Sali in. o egon; tbonce
wi st a ong t he north llneof the block,
165 leet to thealej; tuence so th
along the alley 00 feet: tbence ist
47 60 fet: l hence north 41 ( id
10K lncne: theuce east 117 6 i .to
ih;p.iBt. ilncoi the ulocii:tueuco north
22.125 f et to tho place of beglnulng,
owned by F. F. Miller
Beginning at a point on tho tast line ot
214 36
blR 4'i, aaieoi.wreguu, 10.140 irenmiu
ot the nortneast coruer o said block;
thence west paiallel to Ferry street
tn 50 leet: theucesou h parallel with
41 Commercial sireet 23 87ft foe'; thence
cast 117 60 leet to the east line oi Bam
block; thanco north a ong the wild
east lino a t75 teet to the p ace of be
ginning, owned oy J.U. jouuauuauu
u 'P m-hurriann ........
- 41 49
n iiimiriiriLt the Boullieast comer ot
lot 2 in blo-k 46, Silom, Or; thence
west paril el with rerr sireet to the
alley; lliencanor h m long the alley 81
leei; lueutu eiwi "' cDU tw """ -llnoor
.lock 4H- theuce south along
the block lino 83 feei to the place of
begin alug own d by lid Ulrsch-..
Bejluningattuenortheistco nerori it
.i?lnblo,.k46 Salem. Oregen: thenco
161 Sfl
13 H wont 10 feet to the al ! : tlif ucesouin
along the alley 3 eei: wo ,i
leet to th easu line or th bieca:
thence nor h along sal I east lluo
feet to the i.laceor boilnulng.ownod
brKd liliseh ----.
Beginning ata point on the eij-t line
:S 1.11. jt jaimn nr .10 feet north ol the
60 96
southeast corner oriot 3 In sa il blocki
then e west parallel with T radestr -ei
lucu ." i'-rr. . ...iioi u,i iii
115 reeli tnauie nu 1 1 i '"-'. -
Oommtrcal street H ivT feet, theiic..
ea,l 115 leet to th Jim. of the
blocli tbi-nco souiu "" "--J 'JL'vr
place or b g uulni, owned by W. L. flj
Bennmg arth"ou"heast confer of
5t 3 lu b ock 46. Sateni. ur i l hence
n rtn along the block lln .10 feeti
thence wt parallel withJYnde tro t
60 recti the jco fouth S2 M fo I ; tbence
tast pra le wLh the uorlh Hi e, 60
feet o tbe eaU lliu orthe bleck:
thence north U 60 feet to the place f
beglnulng.o ned b, J-'apma J .and
Be'lniifng Ht'tUH'wulbeiM. "oruer ol
hloTk 16, Siiem, Oregon; thenco north
a ong ho block line 62 le t; thence
west at nght angle with '
Ureet.60eet: thence noit)i22B0fect.
thence west 65 reel: tneuce north J9M
feet: tbence west 6i feet to the alle i
then e south along the alley 124 feet
to the south line of the block; theuce
easonhesouthllne -Wleetio he
43 04
place or oeziuniuB. V.""v" "'
CiA..,l.cin Piiclflfl It It CO.,..-
... MI 75
LoU 1 and 2 In biock 45, Baleni, Oregon,
owied by the Halem'r.ourlng Mhls
1 u .icir.t 7 in h ock 30
B.iloni, uro , ei-
0.-ptaKlrlp7leet W?
olriue norm
owned by the talera
HlueOI HU1U lui
68 08
AtinhotNo 8 1u bock Jin. ao. miieiii,
iirg .n, and astrlp or and 7 feet wide
.V& ,1 ..nrih 81'Ib oflot No.7 lu said
Water l
10 69
, b ock, owoea oy u. -;- -7 rz
Lot.No 5 in bio. k No i.. A'l;',ore ,
nwned bv H' K ford, . 1. horil, C A.
TS.rg.J M.KiiVd F M Vpta.U
Anuiii"".- -:- -., ,,.,kf..
I. J.
K:y.-K;3:iro7da w.
RolnuliigTftue souibHt cornerof
lot No fa. n bio No 3 Salem, Ore:
tnw north aloog the bio k Iine7j
Commerce. "-?.",,, ha alley 75
alley Tbence south along the alley 75
Self tben?e west W feet in tha .face
of beginning, owned by M K inger
128 61
rt Nnriia blwk 5 NHi. Jru.,u"
ItNo lln, uregou,
-" - - . it,ah nrt W.I niuu-
500 02
241 63
JI at right ani with Comm rclal
Suw to tfw aJ l" ; h Mice uor b aloa .'
a1oTOTn.57wUwt.epHO of
tne soutliwest cprner if b o k J
lera, Oregon. anu ui i"'.n
:Mhi.ii,fnraBiit atrlzhiaug e
wltn Commercial sireet ,o
thenMn-ith .lung the alley Une.f.K
fi! tbence west to tbe we.t fine of the
Lfo-k-; l hence south iy iee. W the of beuliiDlig owned by H,
B4?nnlng"at i pilnt lhViiTne"ot
BtoSimef5al street 20 75 fee; . aortli -f
the southwest cornerof lot No a.
block34. Salem, regon; tbeDO eat
at rght angles wrii ConnDerelal
?irJt i fret to tbe alley; tbence
streetii" ," ',, ,' reet.
.'.J.'JirA,riai to thealle:
40 70
fhince west tb Commercl.l street.
iKsouU. J tohrt to , e Place of
iwrnulBgit tli Muthwesl corner of
ZTl b"kS4 Klein, ir i thence norh
oioiW the blk line .11. U the .oe e st
bumping. ' Y, h"it c2r
r.Ve'eVloSh'eX,, .u.'u K
thetdleyl". thenoe we.t toiM
to' l! PlaVe or b .inulng. own.l VinVMlJ.' 7iuche soutnofthe
T- .. .. f. a
J.-...dbvT Burruwa - ,
the blk line 103 feet; thence east at
right angles wlih Commercial olroet,
IW feet to tb i iillex ! tneuo n hrly
alon tbeailoy 28 5 feet to tlu N. U
corner of lot 7. blk 31, i hence west
along the lot Hue 91 feet; theuca norl h
ptraiiel wtthttimmi di k net to the
noith line or i aid b oj, thence wot
along th b'ook Hun 75 leet to tbe .
plsco or beginning owiedbyA lluh
Bi'clnnliiK at the norihcau corner oi
lot 8, block 31. Kblem Orrgun; thenco
south along th- e.t llieoii-nld lt
U)thasmilhu.utcoruerthe cof; thence
we t tilling the lot lino 91 teet.thtn e
north parallel wit h i)i mi uerclal siKsi'
to tbe uoi th Hue or th blk; tbence
easterly along the uor h lino orbk
91 leet to piace f beg nuing, owi-i-d
by Tlios AlcF. I'atton . .. .
Beginnl 'gatth nortuweNt curneror
lot 1,, "aleni, Oregon; th u e
east along the blk lli.e 2tC0 feet;
thenco south ul right angle wish
State street 119 (eet t tin smthllne
or lot 2liifalit b k; the,wc nlou
n Tin along the alley 149 feet to tbo
place ol beginning, owned by C.
l'aulus . -
Beginning at a point on tbe uortn line
of blk 3i. Salem, Oregon; UJ 42 feet
west of the northeast coruer tnerw.r.
thence went along the blk line 49 6(1
feet to a point 215 feet east of the
nlky; thence south at right angles
wltn state street HJ feet to tho south
line or lot 2, In said bU; tbence east
along the lot line 49.6U feet: theme
north 149 feet to the place of begin
n Inc. owned bv 8. Ad 'Db.....
212 62
42 37
82 43
rwinnlmrat anoint 87 feet and 7 in
cues west of the northeast cornerof
blk 84, Salem, Oregon; the ice west
nlone the north line or th6 blk 24 leet
and 10 Inches; theuce south at right
nugles 149 leet to the b uta llneofiot
21u said blk; thence eatt nlon the
lot line 24 feet and 10 Inches; thence
nortn 149 fret to the placxof begin
ning, owned byJ.O Thompson. Ji
Lnrore, Cbas. smith aud Lena
Smith -
Beginning at thonnrtbwest corner ol
til 20. S.ilem, Oregon; thence cost
:itoi2 the bock line 60 reel; thenoa
south at right angles 101 reel; theni-e
west VI Teet tbence nor h along tho
block line iOl reet to tbe place or
beginning, owned by the City ol
rtiuem - ..... - ---
Beginning at a point 60 leet es.t orthe
... !..... ..- nf l.llr 0 KnlAin.
83 07
Oregon, tnence cast alo i the blk
line .W reel; thence south at right
angles with tate street, 143 fet.
th-uce WrstSOreetto the east llnoor
Liberty street; theuce north along the
blk line 42 reel; ttencoest 0 feet;
thonionothto the place ol begin-
i.lng, owned by Fred Hurst 46 02
B"lnulug at a point 100 foetand Olnch
es east or tho north west corner or blk
), luiem, Oregen: tnence south at
right angles with State stret 14S50
feet to the south Una oflot7.1n Bald
blk; tbence west along the lot line
20.10 reet; t bene. north 1115 reot to
State street; thence east 20X0 feet to
the niBceoi Deuiuume owueu uy u,
HtntnpfnnCl A lllOOSOr .......
-..... 85 89
Beginning at a point 18 leet east of the
nortneast corner ui luo ni ui
lot 8, bltt 20. salem, Oregon; thence
easterly 21 Teet and 3 Inches; thence
south at right angles w,th SUte street
to tin north lino of Ferry street;
thenco west 23 foetand 3 Inches tou
point IS feet east orthe southeast cor
ner or tho west half ollot6 In sad
blk, th( nee north to the place ot be
ginning owned by M.T ltlneman
The east liall of the east quarter ol lots
7 ond o in hlnok 20. Salem. Oregon.
S6 42
owned by P. Strong, N. Strong, A.
Strong and M S. Kinney ....
Beginning at a point 124 rest 1.125
Inches east of tho northwest corner ol
blk 20, Salem, Oregon' thance south
at right angles with State street to I In
south line lot 7, In said block; thence east
erly along the lot line 21 27 feet; thence
northerly to State street; thence ot along
35 49
State street 21.27 rcct to mo piace oi uikiu
niiig, owned by AnnloM. I McCormack .
Beginning at tho northwest corner of lot 1 In
blk 20, Salem, Oregon, thonco south along
tho allej to tho southwest comer of lot 2 In
said blk; thenco cast 40 feet parallel with
State street; thenco north to tho south lino
of State street, thence est to the place of
beginning, owned by I'. II . D'Arcj , . , .
Be Hnnlng at a point 40 feet ea9t of tho north,
west comer of lot 1, In blk 20, Salem, Ore.;
35 63
5 57
thence south at Mgni angles o
street to tho south line of lot 2, in said blk;
thence east along the lot lino 42 50 feet;
thenco north parallel with the alley to btato
street; thenco nest 42 60 feet to theplaco of
beginning. Also lot 3, blk 20, Salcn, Ore.,
n nod by O . P. Hughes and J . Hughes . .
o.... i, m i,.iu lun.i In hllc 21 Salem.
SI 01
Or.i owned by Thos Hu bard ... HI 18
Kit.1 half ol lot 6, in blk 2, Salem, Or ,
ownea Dy j, j. .uuryuj "
Murphy. -.- : -t:
Wct n iff of 101 6. in blk 21,.-uitin,Oi ,
..urn.rt hv .T ih vieraul .......-
133 80
151 M)
n,nii. i.iiir of lot 4 In b k No. .Si. ba-
lum.'ir-. ncmit 6'i teet oil of the east
end thtrr. owned by U. W. Gray,
owned by I os rouUlne. ......-.-.-- 60 ei
Ihovesthalf blkot lot No. 4 lu b,k Si,
Salem, r., owned by "quire tarrar.
J.F. Farrur, K. K. Faunr, t. Far
lar -- , lZ7 i
Beslnulug at the loutbe-iat corner, f
lot 6, blk 3, Salem, Or , t he nee north
along tho west line or the alley 60X0
leet, tbence west parallel with Swto
street47 31 feet; thenco south 60X0 feet
to the iionuiiueomwMi reoii """
east 4731 feet o tbe place of beirln-
nlug.owneil by.
Jlio. i -ayne huu vjcv.
88 OS
Hejloolnir at u point W leet east of
1 lie southwest corner or n k 8,Bilem,
Or : theuce uortti p rnll'l with Com
iner lil t trcet 60 feet; thence eait rar.
allel with sUte street U ifi reetitbeDce
Foulll 50 feet to the north llneorHlate
mreeti thence wetUW feet Xo the
place of beginning, owned by J. J.
Murphy aud f (J. Murphy....--.- l 37
BoKinningon me buuiu hud v.
Halem. Or: 80 feet east of the south
west oiirneroi said blk tbeace north
parallel with CommeVolal streeti 60
rent: tbeuee cast parallel with Hui e
street: ihence ou h 60 fa-li tbHuw
west H feet to the place or beginning,
owned by K.J Krjer.J J. Murphy,
K C Murphy. K. . bearhora , i:. K.
lloratth Hif UenirBbYn.Kte Dear,
born, II U. Dearborn, aud Mrs. U, A:
k J Freyer paid ta ji, pai.;due
BeKinn eg at a, point' J5 B0 ieet north
oT?be 0s5utUeitW?eripf blk M. H-
Vm nr, ttumcanbrlb a'one the blk
17 86
hne.'l'i reel!tbenceattflgbtaug es
wltbC'om-nero'al klrct u "! l"i?
south' ieeum.e' "w'A,, i?
the place of beglqnlng.pwped bvK,
Ji. AearboriJ, K. Y. liJrborn, Mlla
Dearborn, H H. Ueriorn and Mis.
II. A. UeHrbOrn . r"T
Ileirlnnlngat the nunlrwwit eornor or
lot ft In t.ik Kl.Si.lcm.lJr ihenceTioHh
along th.bk lines feeiitheuw ea.t
at right angle wl')i iJonJmerclal
thlIeV6ileUlheWeeV4t U Com
I erclal Hreet: ihence north M feet tp
hep uceor beginning. Owned by J.
47 18
84 13
TlieWb bairor taaw thrg
JS?." owned by Ad-am HHuiu and
ThV nSrt'bha'f o. th"notrii tlrSaip
tewQf lottUo blk 31. fulem. Oregon,
Owned hr A. Bush --
a .trlnofJsnd W frtt -fldn otfpllbe
41 Jl
46 10
3 0l
317 06
150 07
i At Ho Sand 11 3J feet offot the north
sideo'lotT blk W. B-letn. Oregon.
Own?dby W.Hreymkn abdlillrey.
iJ?taNo7TanaThTi;oTlh imir oftBe
ohs.?2r lot No. J,, blk -M. Ha.
n, J...'T J i urfvrnir ill of lit - ah KKi?m'
wiiiib. mii . "rr"-- . . "
Or.owned by Percy
Wills and iw
TheeaVtEallof M 8 b ", muni..
OreTownel br Vtrer Willis- ------
151 II
ijiTsNn. land! in ii' Ji.r-'f-. .",
.wnedby h roekeia lx)dgeNo.l,I.
iiijlnnlng at lhe soul bw'l corner l
Bejtnninj ",'.,,, Hui.ra, Or-tbence
LSmrflOOfeit, t Court .lirt,IUene
!St Si ftet to the Pl of hetlonl.g,
68 01
Is.. i- f Mi sITl.
Vl09 ! lbsV- " ,
ihence soutn 100 leet,
then'e wa't
OT r!1. i"";7i,-i-iri.tbnewest
oirned by I). K Wagner -.--3-;
Beglnnlug'ta ..--"-.--,---,.-.
01 court s-r ;.. "-?. c::T;ii. r.t
.mi tti nuiiiriub
jrt' CT "ft. , pisis r-bi -uit.-i.
TrtWuTSi half d M Ke.,U
Wrtetfe soiLVd Claying cahos go.
rerhnp Ynn Think tlm Jurrnnts flet Tliem,
but Thy llim'U
Onlookers in the cnrdroouis of
clubH, gnming resorts and einiilar in
utifiiHnnB hfivo Bomotimos nsketl
Avlmt btxinmo of the Boiled playing
cdrds after they were cast aBide in
such places. The number of now
packs of cards called for in a fash
ionable club or a prosperous gam
bling house in the courso of a month
is enormous. A pack may bo used
through an entire evening, but it
frequently happens whero high
btakes aro being played for that half
a dozen now packs will bo called for
in a singlo game in tho courso of a
nicht. As nono but cards of excel
lent quality aro used, and as a player
for stakes has a right to demand a
fresh pack whonever his caprice or
suporetition prompts him, the keeper
finds the cost of providing them a
considerable item of his running ex
penses. What is done with tho soiled
cards? You may think the servants
get them, but they don't Tbero is
a traffic in them which in the courso
of a year in a city like Now York or
Chicago amounts to quito a hand
somo figure. The cards that have
beeu used are carefully saved and
sold to a regular buyer, who con
tracts to take all that tho proprietor
may have to offer during tho year or
season. As a rule these cards are
but little soiled, many of thorn hav
ing been used for perhaps less than
a dozen deals. The buyer, who con
ducts a regular business, sorts then!,
cleans them as well as ho can, re
places missing cards from great
stacks of odd cards kept for that
purpose, puts them into tho original
wrappers, which have been saved
for him and then resells them. His
customers aro mostly necond and
thu-d rate social clubs, or nongam
lilinL' dubs in smaller cities and re
tailers who can bo persuaded by low
prices to purchase in largo quantities.
iNinopacKsoutor tenoi tuoso curua
will pass anywhere as strictly nev
ones, so carefully aro they cleantd
and restored, and for all practicalpiir
poses they aro just as good as if
thoy wcro Btrictly fresh. I know a
swell club in a busy city in tho in
terior which is noted for its urilini
ited supply of first class playing
cards. Outsiders marvel at its ex
travagance in providing what seems
to be a brand new pack for ovoi7
game pf whist, pedro, ouchro br
poker that starts in its cardrooiris.
As a matter of fact tho cards all come
from tho becontfriand dealer hero in
New YorKanu costaooui. o or o cunw
a pack in largo sets. It enables that
club, as it (lOuimess onauios oiuura,
to make a great deal of show for a
very littlo money. New York Her
ald. lilk 22, Halem, Or , iiwnwl by I", 8.
jnafigst a JkiIi'iMI I'i loct ,'wcit "of thn
Boutheit conicrol lot 5, In blk 22, Salem,
Ore ; thenco west along the north linn or
Court Btreet 14 ftet thenco north 82. Ml feet
84 68
thence eut 14 feet, mmce bouhi oi.uu icev
to the place of twginniiiir, owned by J. w,
Tliomas , ...... .,..!"
Iletltiultu at the mnitlincit cf.ri.r of lot No.
6 In bloi k 22, Salem. Orel thenco eat slung
the couth line of ahl lot l'0.70fcet thenoe
north at rlflit aujflo" B2 80 feet; theuoe west
along the north line of ald lot 28 70,n.aioiitti2S feet:, thence wont 82
ii 11
feet, thence aoutb along
fc.t. thence noutli along the eaut lln
ne of
Liberty Btreet 67 M foot to the placo of he-
,,.ln ninnl bv I, I, Itowlaml
LiittNo 3 and 4, nlM3l, Halem, uregen:
oiceptlng s piece of land off of the et end
Iwuniled m follows. t. wit: Iteiliinlng at the
Bouthweat corner of lot 4, lilk 32, Haleni,
Oregon; thence north along the alley 100
feet, thenoo out W feet; thenco south 100
feet thence wot 60 ftet to tho place of be.
ginning, owned by I). V Wagner .
Ileirlnnlngat the Bouthet corner of lot 4 In
hlk 32. Haleni, Oregon, thence north along
the alley 100 feet, thence eaut 60 feet, thence
south 100 feet to the north line of Court
Street, thence weet 60 foot to the place of
licglnnlng, owned by K M Crolaan slid J ,
llcirlnnlng at the Boutheatt comer of lot 6 In
21(1 CO
blk 2. oaiem, lire , incnra --. i"" ."
north line of Court itreet 2lfeet .thence north
at right angles 70 f.t, thence eart24feet;
thence south 70 feet to the place of begin,
nlng, owned by 1) U. Hteoves and O. W
Steevcs . ..,...
ninnlngats point 24 (eet went of tin
iutheit comer of lot B. lu blk 32, Balera,
Ore., thence north xallel with Cnuuner.
clal Btreet 70 feet, thence wit 22 feet
thence south to teuli thence wut 22 feet Ut
theiila of begiuulng, eisntd by Win,
EnitUnd . , . i. .
IksHnniiig at the noutheut comer of lot 6 In
blk S2, Halem, Ore , thence cunt along the
south line of Bald lot, 110 feet; thence
north parallel lth Commercial troet7p
feet: thence went 34 68 feet; thence south
4 42 feet.thencs west 0.U feci; thenco aoulh
23 feet, thence ev75 feet to the wejt
40 00
36 08
line Ol BSia IOl, iucik- mnnu i.i .;.
wett line 42 feet to the place of beginning,
owned by 11 M Wade . . .
llcirinnlng at the northweet corner of lot 6. In
llk 32, b-!cw. Ore thenoe eat -vrallel to
Court itreet 76 feet thenceouthl2 60fect:
tbence eattt 40 feet thenoe south 23.83
. . ... wmi larmll! with t!ourt street
7 feet, thence north 40 feet to tlw place of
ItghinW.o-neilbyWra KngUni 65 45
Rezi'mlnz l s Hnl 32 75 feet south of tlis
fiorthweat corner of lot 0 In Ml 32, Halem,
Ore .thence eatt irIlel with Court street
im feet tn the alley, thence south along
.. -n... ii feet and 0 Inches, tlienee Weit
r-rsllel with Court Btreet 1J lout, thtwe
imnh 49 Iwt ami 0 InclMW to the place of
beginning, cm nun ht "",,..,
Itecliining st tlie northret iximrr ct l"t 0, In
blk 31. Balem, ()r . thenee et alwig ths
north line of bU lt to the (uirthoaet cor
ner thereof thurt xiuth along tlie eut
line T& f. them Il' -J
Court street, IMfeet Uttltt we.1 line 4
bbU lot thente north akrtig aald t line
M 7 fott to the iA of bediming, owueo
l.Vf Y Itoothby ..... ... ... .;
,..., , ,. m..i
It 69
vn u
143 47
Iote I awltl in Woe" i l-ism, iregon, u
enmer la unknown . ....
Lot No I, la Uk II, fciu, Orevua, owned
br It 1' l"4e . . '
U No. 8 In blk II. Haleni, Ore., owned by
L I)gulreaie lxulre . ,
Lot No J. In Uk II, Saliin, (he jwntJ by 1.
LMNo'tMa Mk ' -il'ewi Ore..' owned by
Crne M . , .. jp. ,
Lot No
1 ui oia ei. .. W.-I "" i
u n u i7ni. aire. iiein n
f.,.i.ii ILMMoldi. Mrs
1-9 (77
".' '."T'i aTf-iu.'Aniui II. Huu
Siktr A b WiwatkaanaOeo. WllUauu.
!!- and la " 8al4. " rt", fc'
1x5s luS to blk . HaUmOrs.', ic-J 'f
. .iiitlfL-ia. 0.'oaVd"by U
L-feamlfc-hbhrirs ... j. ,
Y II irAry, m
bulge sm4 flufbut
Bdrolt-e OoBuaon OounelL Ui,Ori
What Is tha condition ef ywrs? Is yW'hiir dry, JJj
harsh, brittle? Does It spilt at the end? Has It n d
lifeless appearance? Docs It fall out when combed or
brushed? Is It full of dandruff? Does vour scalp Itch?
Is It dry or in a iicatca coaaiuon t incse aro bwoi oi
yoursymptomsbo warned in time oryou will becomo bald.
SkookumRootHair Grower;
v.. . - .iniiii nnt an iv!i1nt.but the retail efselentlfla I
Kwarc&kuowledga of the
!,hotiDjre.butnilellgMniIir cooling inn nimomi juuio. 4.7 ""'V''ri
tno follicles, ttopt ailing hair, curt dandruff- and (rreies hair on totll,
"'"rV KefT the scalp elstn. hettby, and free from Irritating rnptlon by
the uia oi T&ooVum fiSln Soap. II destrojt panuttW imc( wfcfcA W oi
on Jt Touroro(tUtwnotiupi.lyycnfna direct to wand we win forwrt ,
nll.oo iS3ptof mice. Orower,lJ00t)rbotUejrorW0. 8osp,BOo. ,
T1'MI. 31 AUK
V i.Vre.
Natural Wood Finishing,
Cor, 30th and Chtrafiketa Street.
Geo. Fondrich,
Best meat aud free delivery.
136 btato Street.
J. E.
.1 ,H r V VI
Talce It!
OnlySoenUn dAy delivered at
your door.
P. H. D'AROV. oo. o. binohAm.
D'AUOY 4 BINGHAM, Attorneys at Law
Itooms I. 3 and S, lXAroy Bnlldlne. 141
state street. Special attention given to bul
ne In the Buprerne and olroult courta or the
V. UOISK Attorntyat law, talem, Ore
gon. Office 'Zl Commercial street.
rfULMON FORD, Attorney at law, Bnlern,
X Oregon. Office pp stolrs In FaUon block
J, BIOQKR, Altoi npy at law,8alem, Ore
gon. Office over bush's bank.
. Atiornoys hi mw. viim-u mw tj.i-.
National bank, Salem, Oregon.
JOHN A. OAIHON, Attorney at law. rooms
B and i, Uusli bank building, Halem, Or,
BONlf AM & HOL.MK9, Attorneys at law.
Office in Bush blook, between State and
i.ourt, on Commercial street.
.1 follooilons made and promptly remitted.
Muiphy blook, uor Htnte and Commercial
streets Halem, Oregon. 9-Mf.
Architect and sui orln-
W lendent. Offloo, rooms
Breyman blook.
!i anu a lsuan
K. POOUE, Htenographer and Tipe.
.lfAa. llAaf Miilnnnd f vnAWrltlniT HI.
nee but one In Oregon. Over Bush's bank,
Salem, Oregon.
TKI.LA HUHMAN.-Typewrltlng ana
1 commercial stenography, rom 11, Gray
ock. Hrstoloss work. Rates reasonable.
rH. A- DAVH, Latel'tisturaauateoi xiuw
11 York, gives special aueuuon u mo um
eases of women and children, nose, throat,
i..H. iriiiava nirin rilRPAjteii and sunrery.
i.niX.'.,! muiiinnx ini Ktaln itreeL. Consulta-
U011 from 0 10 12 a. m and a to 5 P m. 7-1-Om I
W PitvttiiifAN ANinHimriEON.
OUlceatofommercial strcet,In Eldrldge blook.
ltrsldonce 47o Commercial street.
0. 11HOWNE, M. D., Vliysiclan and Ku
, geon. OIIUo, Murphy blo;k; residence,
-.j. i ommi rclal street.
lt.T O HMirif, l)enllt. u Btato street
Baleuii Oregon, rinisueu ueuuu uJti,
ions of every description, rainless lopern-
tlotis a specialty.
DIl OI.AUA M. DAVIOHON, graduate of
Woman's Medical College, of l'ennsyl
vun'a tilllce, Hush llreymon lilt ok, Halem,
1). i'UOII, ArcliHeet. plans, speoliloa ami aiinArlntnnilAnre for all
clasaes ol buildings
nt reet, ti p stairs.
Ofllce V90 oommerchil
PllOTEOriON U)nUK NO. 3 A.O.U. W
MeoUIn their hall In Htato Insurance
building, every WednesdayuU. w
J, A. BEL WOOD, lleodrdor.
ai DAYS to
lloure the Quickest 10a Chicago
Hours uicker ,0M? ct and Kan'
Through Pullman and Tourlit Sleeper, Free
Reclining Chair Can, Dining Can.
or rate and general Information call on
V. II. HOKUBUBT. Asst. O. V. A
1M Washington rft. OprAl
-lTI WM """' '
To Trade for Oooda
ir.t..-i.l tlmlior and funnlllK land
In Lincoln cotuity In IrseUi fit 10 o
Sim. A'Mrtiw, Pekk & Rombli.,
0 6 ll" XB(UIUU, uii:k"".
Wnomort. - OrgO.
17 bo
Locatta oh the Reacb.two mllea noUU
or Newport oh Cvo Vove, beautifully
7i 43
18 tO
Uthlnir. fine tlrlvw toC-pe Foulweatb
er IlKhtdouw. Houae new, room" -ntl
airy. Flowt rwort for fcinlllM pr
Inv-llda. Oju all w uter. Terew
''!.....l.i.:u r.r w5ok. Intend uk
UI.IU-IHIB "J - , " .J 1kii.
vJfcHora cau nrop a p-ii ciu. w -i--nort
aud l ouet by back.
d-3 ru ProiuUlor,
dUeaiosof the hslmnd scslp led to UwiIUcot.
and le-
nd t'aiidlcs.
toOKTfl SALhM.
r o. Bio
a2t5KCommrcltlSt - StUrn, Oregon.
(Next door to Klein's.)
Specialty ol Bpectacles, and repairing nock's.
Watches and Jewelry.
The House Mover.
4&1 Marlon Sii'6bt.
Has the best facilities tor moving and raising-
hdusei. tieavo orders at uray Bros., or
address Halem, Oregon.
BA.BM, - - - Ortgon
I'rlvato work a specialty.
O. B. CL-MENT. Manager.
Manufacturer of Wagoun, Car
riages, eto,
1 iipairin a
Bhop 45 HUte street
S3 SHOE noTW ,
Do yon Wer them? When next In (td try Pk,
pt In the werld.
Ifyou want a In DBESS SKU& mji in m mm
strls. don't pa 0 to $8, try my 3, $3.50, $4.00 tt
$S 6ho. They flt esuil to tstto- miiJe nd look W
weir at well. If yo'i wlh to efcnomlis In ywr fwtwHr,
do to by purchMlng W. I. Doogln Shoei. Nimt W
price itsmped on thi bottom, look for It when you boy
W.IOOaA8, Brockton, Masf. Sold by
Hair Deatb. ,
f-....! MmnvMiinrl fnrver dttrAV-J Ot
moe uriusur not. -""";,:,;. ii
Lirlnlury to the most delicate skin. U.
Iwaa for fifty year the secret 'ormuia oil
E.rasmus wiison, cuu-.iouki j '"
clans as tue nignesv lumunir b n-
most eminent dermatologist and bftlr spe 1
lallsttnateveriiveu, -""" vv..-- v a. life-time among tbo nubility f
nd aristocracy of Korope he pfecrlueU
.V.- V.T i.liu. at t.c. tnalt ma. BY
;iniaiii-.i.-. ... ---.--,
,1f.,,,,.V?Ae7hr AdSSs. -"'
... v.-... --... ...,...
,nt or.uuium .ww, ..w.... w. ,
..a AUMniiiiu DnnT uim iiuiiw.h I'll
Inept, l
lb 67HOUIU ruin Avenns.nviT iui
ifionnrvwi ryv Hioo fyvnvvn
From Terminal or Inferior l'oinli (be
lathe Una to take
To all Points East and South,
It t the dining ear route, lirui's through
-eVtlbiile tralna every day In the year w
yNo change of ears.)
Oorotxwed of dining can unsurpassed,
l'ullroaa drawing ntn,leepet
Of lajesi ejnlrnenl
Sleeping Cars.
Ilaet that can b constnl6Ul aiidlu'whlct)
MominodaUeoe are both. Irre .aad lur.
nlshedforholdewomrstand seemid-el"
Adontlnnotl Una flcnnesUng vlth all
Une.aorciln ttVieot und autntcrrupteci
'Fultman sU r -wtlomean )v
cured in aart ' " '
'nrougU Uekets to and frout all polnta
AUUnt Oeoeral fisisefctTr Aceal. H".
Hiiaw 4 powMinq, AfetlUi.
AKftB -MWs-.
A 4 Kflsssi.iil.ui
ttmw HnHHHjHH!
12.00,0. fSPPfi
ena Fr Jsssms
Northern Pacific Railroaa
Electric Lights
On Meter System.
ThoHnlMn Llaht onrt Tower rorapaoyjjt
great expense liovo eqnlppeil their Ivleeino
L'igtit'plftUt with tho m l modi ni aprret
DilidnuwIlo to oflirvilie rubl'o o K'ttr
ItabtlUau uiiy nvitem nod lit rteIoer
than nuy city 011 the ceiuit.
Arc nntl Incandescent MfsMtl
Ing, Electric Blotors lor nil
prposes whore power is re
ItcHencct cm be wired for M many HghU
aa denlred and tho consumrni yy tot only
nuch light a are lined. This being regl&teiea
by an Kioetno Meter. Office
173 Commercial St.
TKe Upholsterer,
Rcmndela, rc-covm and replr
upholstered rurnlture. Klrst
clasa work. Ohemelceta street,
Btate Tniiuranoe bloc.
David McKUlap,
Ski Wood Saw
Leave' ordern nt Knlem lrr
prorement Co., VS suite Mrctt.
MIR8 ANNIHTUOnNTON, Conservatory
ol Muslo. Drtsden, Uermany. Vocal
ana Instrumental mtisle. Insiructorof French
nnrt German at Willamette University.
Rooms 07, Bank Building. 0-1-tA
E.W.HADLEY, Recetver.
-ea-rrsSan Franolsco, Oct.7th, mil and 971k.
eavea Yaqulna.Oot, 2d, .tb,'JBd aad Ntrt Jfllh
For freight and paiseagcr rates apply to any
agent or purser of this company.
K. K. V U L(!A UY, Oea'l Sopt.
O. M. niWliKU, Ageni, Mi.em uw.
East and South
of the
Southern Pacific Company.
CALiroKMM. Kxrntsa taik ntm daily be
TWkkN 1-OBTlJtKUAIlflS. r.
o 16 p. m. I I.v, Portland Ar.l KaiB.n
u (un. in
Ban Kran.
7:00 p. m
Above tralna stop ai all stations Aona
Portland to Albany Inclusive; also otTamant
Hhedd, Ualsey, llarrUburg, Junction tlty,
Irving. ICutene and all statlonsfrom Keaebtirt:
ill isuinnu inclusive.
ir. I iini p. a u
T.( 1:40 km.
OlnlMg 4HI-8 on OgUea Xante
Second Class Stooping Cars
Atlaohed to all through train.
ftd Side Wm, Beiweei FoHkMi
Hi Cetr&Ilis:
7:J u, in,
12:16 p. m.
At Albany and Oorrallls connect
trains or Oregon PaMfla Rallroa .
4.40 p. tn. I liV.
Ar.l kMa..
Ijy. 60a.i
7 i. ill. I ir.
.,.., ,. ..... m-,... mead-
I indEufocan bTobtaln, tflmir9M
- 4 I i.m "w. W. HKINNKK. A cent. BMein.
i I .vm. ,.....----.-- - . -----.
JS.J'. ROOEIW, Asat.41. r. ana raaa. Ag't
H. KOKHf.KIt. Manaaer
(Ncrthtrs Pacific R. R. Ct., Unit-)
Two Through Trains Dally.
1 MlnD..a
1 46pm
I . Asblana. a
d-ao a. m. I iiv.
11:17 a, hi 1 Lv.
:60 p. m. I Ar.
Tlekets sold and baggage chocked ttanwf
toaUpolnlsln tbe IJultHUlMWdUw;
(;in mnnentlon made In Uhloaao Wltn alt
tralna going I at anu bouib. . . fe
roriuil lUloriuHuuu ntT'.'l'TSB K
tlebet agent or J , 49. -"OsTO. v
urn l'iuandTkUAgt..OWs, U C
Before QoIrc te tka WM't -hr"
Tlie Limited ExpMM LtralM of tCW
enpo, Milwaukee B. ftml llwa
lM.tWfeii til. I'aill aan unioago aim
- ..Ilea anil l1hllU-r.
! TlieMitntluiKre vantlbul).!, Uotrte'
IlKhted and ateam baatetl. wih U ik
tt DIuIuk aad Hleptii Oik ftsrVtoe In
li a worlu
TtwKteetrlo reading Mtbl l J"eJ
berth le the wfnl sovelfy of tbia
progrwwl ve aiie. and k highly apweMai
e.1 by all reKUlar pktia ot lata 1U.
We wUh otbera to kfcw Ito wstribs M
,!. (1hl-a Milwaukee e. t.Fttl Is-JJ-
aytetl4olylli Mm wert imfa
'inK tb exclave lsiUiJetsji.
For witter tHtanmmm apf w
I). J. JIHBV, Uiseesl Aa-sat,
lknvfflror,; xsesvss&x
i -sifihri-frair--'