" " nmw ?3mmwm-. xsvfijSiim OAJia-jUL. uUOiAli, THTJKSDAT, OOTOBEE 5, IWd. I THE CAPITAL JOURA'Al. PUBLISHED DAILY, KXCB1T 8UNOAY, BY MS 'Capital Journal Publishing Company, I'ostonlce Blick. CointereJal Street. HOFER BROTHERS, Editors. Ually. byovrler, pr month. Dally, br mall, per 7f. Weely,8 pge, per year, .-$"50 .340 - L&J ORRWON IN AUSTRALIA. fc'eeretary TrVluo Isjp receipt of -a copy of the AdelufilS, Australia, Adver tiser, containing a late letter from Chi cago with tbe following about Oregen: jfot merely are splendid facilities af forded at the'WorldVfalr for studying frthta of many lands and many climates and a -variety of proe3fles conuected with tbe Important-industry of fruk nreservatioQ. bat tlie tfresence .of ex perts from variou states and couutrie in charge of the exhibits, all of wboti are keenly eager to impart iniformulloi In regard to the districts whence tltej nail, enables tbe interested visitor t pick up many Important facts an, many useful hints for future guidance la the displ ty of ripened fruit, the sev ' eral states of the American Coufeder ation with reputatious in this line o enterprise have vied with each other t make a great show, while several othe states ha'e unexpectedly turned up a the fair with truly iniguitlcent exhl bits. Among the exhibiting states are Ore gon. Colorado, Miwouri, Washington Montana, New Mexli-o, Florida, III! uois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa Maine, Michigan, New York, aur California. Of these Oregon makes an exceptionally grand display, justi fying a "hit of blow" in the form of amusing Inscriptions tellliug the world that "there are two bites to a cherry it. Oregon." and similar wouders. Aj plea are shown weighing 3 pounds pears weighing over 4 pounds, cherrier measuriug3 inches iu circumference, and peaches considerably larger than cncket balls. The apples are unexcell ed for size, Oneness, flavor.and keeping properties. Tbe evaporatiou of apples, peaches, and apricots is largely followed in the state, the use of this form of pre served fruits increasing by leaps and bounds throughout the United States. UNChK SAM'S JlO.NEY. The Jouunat, dispatches yeMerda ahntvMl nn prmrmnna vnlmtif. nf nlrpii. II latlntr medium, seventeen hundred thousand mlllions.or an average of over $ 25 per capita. This Is all good money, worth 100 ceuts on the dollar receivable for all debts, taxes, customs and dues of the government. It should be noted that a little good money will go a great ways In business Wo recently saw a check for $21 dollars ttuvt had tblrteeu endorsements. It. paid $21 thirteen times before It was cashed at the bauk It was drawn ugtlnst. For the past two mouths an individual check would hardly pass from hand to hand. It could not be sent from Salem to Portland. As times are improving the capacity of money to pay deLts Is increasing. Of course, Populists will deny the correctness of the above gov. eminent statistic, and refuse to believe In auy statistics but their own. Uncle Bam has Issued the above amount of money, and it is somewhere in the pos session of his subjects. To hatextent they will make good use of It rests witli themselves. II u btoppcd the Cubic. William Datum and Joseph Mitten dorf, strangers from St. Louis, wero see ing the sights in the west bottoms last night. Not boing used to the ways of o big city, Mittendorf fell from a eable car and was slightly bruised. lie w.is takeu to the- Fifth street power house, Dainui following. Wbifb the doctors wore at tending to Mittendorf his compauion with the swear word imtno wauderwl around the rKwor hona3u1fl fajlinto tl cable conduit. IIo wMghnlWho pounds and consequently knocked the ropo from tho drum and for a fow miunti-a stopptd thd whole Fifth street cnWIu s atom. Ills escapo from death was narrow, but as it was ho was hardly hurt at all. Kansas City Star. Take- my advico mid novor draw caricature. By tho long pmctico of it I have- lost tho enjoyment of bouu ty. Iuovorseo n face bin it isrtu tortod, and novor havo tho sntiafiif tion to behold tliv liuman face tlivinu. Hogarth, "Thoro nro only two creature," Bays tbo eatttoru provorb, "that can Bunnouut tlio pyramids tho eaglo mid tho biiuil. Ilonce purbevornnco can Bometinuw equal gonitis in its tv hW 15 Port. "XkRVobecuairrcnt sufferer from TerfilU Lltvr nml i-Nioiikti. Su'i'V ihlHtr I noilUjirccUltljiouuHlX ww is fz, Bans JOl"' RE " I t can wow Mrrct any ltfitl offootti mo or liu h livuilncliu. nml lrviculu tHinrtoen iioiimlu lu ttolclit." W. V, tiCUVi.TZil, ColuiabU, U, C. fiOIDEVEBYWHEBE. AX AOIUMX CY0L0XR. a The theory' thatcyclones can only occur iu hot weather is nearly exploded. The" Loulslanacyclone has surpassed al others In extent rf Its fatality and destructionand has come at a time of year when the heated term cannot be saidjtojiaye brought it about. The question arise?,are cyclones grow ing more frequent Iu occurence, and are they to be heard from at all times of the ear? It U certain that they are heard of more ofteu than formerly, aud are attended with greater fatality. This may be due to tbe fact that popu lation is growiug Iu denslty"and facili ties f.,r gathering news are much mbre perfect. The Jouii.VAii baii thenly com plete telegraphic .account of this great storm and had it before any other newspaper-iu thecity Further details of tbe great storm are-given today. jBhymelVith Reason. To'eeus the number, who wonM dire to Of all tbe UN th it ft -sh It heir to. To near the half u c 'Uld uot bar Ur, And In ely man hs hi" sh ire. t o. She'd hive nonie less If she'd repair to Or. Pierce'e Favoritp Prescription. For "run-down," debilitated aud over worked woiueu, it is the best of all res orative touic?. A puteut specific for til those chronic weaknesses and dU--use peculiar to women; a powerful, general, a- well as uter ue, tonic and it-rvine. It imparts yignrand strength to the whole system. It promptly cures weakness of tbe stomach, nausea, indi rection, bloating, debility and sleeplees less, in either sex. It Is carefully com pounded by an experienced physician tnd adapted to woman's delicate organ zition. Purely veeetableand perfectly harmless iu any condition of the system be only medicine for .women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee of atlsfaetion In every case, or prlce(?l.C0) refunded. SUSUESTED COMMEXT. The kicker objects to whatever doet uot yield him a s-ilary or a proflt. The postofflce at Eugene has been or dered removed into the Masonic build ing by the department officials. Times are, not too hard to majry If you can And a widow with a bank ac count who will have you. With all Its railroad tracks the only use the public will ever have of State street is siuoe it is improved, The Journal reaches five thousand people every day in the week but Sun day and hence is a good advertising medium. But for our lluely improved streets our city would present the appearance of Strlngtown or a large edition of Mud holeville. It would be a joke on Cleveland if after forcing his repeal bill through both houses he should get free coinage of sliver as a result after all. The state board of railroad commis sioners, does not believe in wasting time. They have just finished inspect ing the S. P. road, and have inspected as many as thirty miles in tblrty-oue minutes. llarrisburg Courier, That was u valuablo Inspection. It shows that the Southern Pacific has solid tracks and can make good time. It also shows that the commissioners are uot afraid to risk their lives at a high rate of speed. Hood's Cures Xrs. O. II. Titus " Evory Doso Holps Mo When I take Hood's Sarsaparlila, and I think It tho best medicine for the Mood. My six-year-old boy had sore on his feet, caused by I'OInon ivy. They became so largo and KUnlul be could not near his shoes. A weeK afler I began giving him Hood's barsaujrllla the son besan to heal and when he had taken two bottles ha was cured." Mas. a H. Titus, 8 Gibson, ra. HOO0'8 PlLLS " portly Trouble, cd not lut 11" or CTlc Try a bai, c SALEM GAS LIGHT CO. Reduction in Price of Gas. JF rqni aud after Ootober 1st, 1803. the , price of gua will bo us follews: Less thau 600 cuUIq feet per month f3.60 per KW0 oublo feet. UvorftOO cubic feet per month f600 per 1000 cublo feet. Special rate fur Jarge consumption given mi application to L. II. McCLANE, Manager. A TRUE INCIDENT. "Good ncwl Great nwr' be rati and held The prieeiem lellwjR bis OMUtrvtehrd hand. "Good new ami Kft! I nm nr brother's friend. Torn bus grown rhtt la yonder n cetera lend. Bnt count hlrawif mr nnlem you l,re Ills gathered vrealfh arm falthfal ke and care." She took the letter, nd br pale, tliln cheeks Flushed to the inonir; i' wom!ertnjrmrprie. Then etowlypttlhcrcd the larp. Miter tears In the dry ferer of lir liope1e eyes. Too Jalel Toi lateT' rte cried, "such words to eayl fits mother cHl lienrtbroken yesierdny. "Died of pure sreirftie s In thru bard tight, AVWch ift he untMd wl MTtSrtyand woe. To4 lalrf this b.fl hope, tod fl too Intel It mStit bae bill her live a wk age: Kay, had It only come but jaetenlay. In Its sweet peace ho might have passed away." And then her grief broke passionately forth; She wept with youth's alwm.ou by hur dead, nidle. filled with Keen reinonM. the r tranger And. bitterly repentant, bowed his tiead. Crylnin My fault, my lauit: i Knew your strait. And yet" for Idle pleasures dared to wait. Two weeks ago, nlaI I had been here. But lingered iu the city day by day. By runny a folly lured. Oh, wretched manl What to my friend and conscience can I sayT What tearVcan cleansb my soul from this dark stain? What pra era restore the dead to life again?" And ever since, the shadow of Hctnorse Darkens the blory of hU manhood's prime. Duty deferred to oruel wrong had turned And made delay "as heavy as a crime." Changed Love's sweet messenger to upratdlng fate, Whow h'.untlng cry was even "Late! Too ate!" LIUIe C Barr in Kew York Ledger. An I'.cllpse anil a Poem. Apparently the usually accepted epoch at which Archilochus, the great satirist of Paros, flourished must be brought down about half a century. In one of the fragments which alone remain of the works ad mired by Horace, he speaks of Zeus turning midday into night, av phe nomenon so remarkable that he thinks no one ought afterward to be surprised at anything not even if dolphins and laud animals should change places. Au Italian astrono mer, Processor ilillosevich of Rome, has recently re-examined the ques tion of explaining this by the occur rence of a total eclipse of the sun in the locality where Archilochus resid ed, with the result that only one in the seventh century before Christ will perfectly correspond with the circumstances. This was the eclipse of April 0, B. C. C48, which was to tal over Thasos about 10' o'clock in the morning, and thus fixes the date of tho poem. Notes and Queries. Heroism ou the Stago. "If you knew what agony ballet girls suffer on account of their feet, you would wonder how they aro ever able to smile at an audience in the way they do," continued tho doctor. "The premieres, if they appear twice tho same evening, invariably have a chiropodist back of the scenes to attend them between acts. It is peculiar, but ballet girls get corns under their great toenails. This of course would prevent them from dancing, but wo havo a way of treat ing such things. Wo split the toe nail down tho center and place cot ton between this and tho corn. This has to bo dressed after each dance. I havo seen a preiniero dauseuse come off the stago smiling aud fall down in a faint as soon as she was out of sight of the audience, all caused by the pain in her feet." Pittsburg Dis patch. The Queen' Secret Guard. The queen of England is closely guarded by detectives every moment of her life. When sho proposes to ride abroad, the information and the probable route that she will take aro at onco announced to her special police by the equery on duty, and at certain points all along tho road that she will travel police are btationed and the roads carefully watched All kinds of queer iKioplo, lunaticn, cranks and ad vonturcrs soek to gv.iu hur majesty's attention, so that the utmost precau tion i4 neccjjtrfiry ii) order to preserve her from constant nnuuyuuuo if not from actual danger. &m tSauuisco Argonaut, A Mexican Iilol. ArchbUhu) Almijan has presented the National nuuetun at tho City of Mexico with a fctono head of tin idol which nntil its discovery by some Catholic mi&sionnriqs a short luuo ago was still boiug wurwhit by the Indians in tho state of Mwehw. Tho lead was on a statue of immense size covered with a crow diHVs hide. -Exchange. The KuaiauK still retain their old barbaric lovt uf i4miUH ml when the oinprto shows herself the ib u vision of uuuiutchtxl goiyafeuess. Sho is ono of tho few moiuuvhb of Europo who stall have a practice of wearing n crown on grtut occa&ous Eesllj. Quleklr. Pcrnunentlj Rutored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DECIUTY, ud all tjb into fetlU frouiMilj iinHitrlittr exetM., ti. tiwlit of oierwvtk. tlvkoett. worrv.tie ruiLirwijil.! d tupbtNii nd ma. Slti" iu ory urfmn J n- Ma (.( tbe Uxljr. htmpl Bttur.ln.rtWt. IUUM!lUl'tHMr 1MB.QI MO. t..Hutfinte. xpUaoUoa uil pru(i UaUcainleltff. ERIE MEDICAL CO. urrAW, n.v. IflfiffDrfD ftfijfkl ftn ltf cS a Jill JlpS5 te& !q rsriS. ELMIRA HATCH. HEART DISEASE 20 YEARS. Dr. Hilts Uedleal Co Elkhart, Xnd. Dear Sim: For 20 years I was .troubled with heart disease. Would frequently have falllna spells and smothering at night. Qed to sit op or get nut of bed to breathe. Had pin in ray left side and back most ef the time, at lut I became dropM'-aL 1 was very nervous and nearly won out. The least excitement would cause me u THOUSANDS SLsS with fluttering. For tbo last fifteen years I could not sleep on my leftside or backnntU began taklnz your fine Heart Cure. I bad not taken It very long until I felt much better, and I can now sleep on either side or back without tbe least' discom fort. I havo no pain, smothering, dropsy, no wind on stomach or other disagreeable symptoms. I am able to do all my own housework without an; trouble and consider myself cured Etkhart, Ind.. lbS3. Mrs. Eumti Batch. It Is now four years since I have taken any medicine. Am in better health than I have been In -10 yean. I honestly be- g . p ri lievethat Dr. Mite' Hew fTI J W f JJ JXtart Curo saved my Hie W 8 and modo me a well woman I am now 62 years of aze, and am able to do a good day's work. May 29th, 1S32. Mas. Elmiea Hatch. COLD OH A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 25 CTS. Hold uy 1). J. Fry, druirgist, Salem fi.iby cried, Xlothor Mghed, Dc-ctor ijscribt-d : Castoria- Economize in Paper. Clean uewspapere, tied In bundles of 100, uot cut, for pale at this offlso al fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw wrapping paper, large sbeets, two centf a pound. Next door to the postofflce. tf TODAY'S MARKETS. Prices Current by Telegraph Local and Portland Quotations. Salem, October 5, 4 p. m. Offlc Daily Capital Journal. Quota tions for day and up to hour of going t press were as follews: SALhM PHODTJOE MARKET. FRurr.i Apples 25c to 35c. a bushel. Pe ucbes 05c to 75 a box. BUTCHEK STOCK. Veals d rested 4 J cts. Hogs dressed 6"to 7. Live cattle to 2. Sheep alive $1.50 to $2.00. Spring lumba $1.50 to $2.00. MILL PRICES. Salem Milling Co. quetes: Flout in wholesale lots $3.00. Retail $3.40 Bran $15 bulk, $16 sacked. Shorts $17 $18. Chop feed $18 and $19. WHEAT. Old wheat on storage 44 cents. New wheat 46 cents. HAY AND GRAIN. Oats-old, 33 to 40c, new 25 to 30c Hay Baled, new $8 to$12; old $10 t $14. Wild In bulk, (6 to $8. Burley Brewlug, at Salem, No. 1 05 to $1.00 per cwt. No. 2, 70 to 85 cts. FA Hit PRODUCTS. Peas and beaue-8 to 10 cents a gallon. Wool-Best, 10c Hops Small sale, 17 to 18c. iirns uosn, 15 centa, Butter Beat dairy. 25; fanc creumery, 30, Cheese 12 to 15 ctp. Farm smoked meats Bacon 12 : bams, 13; shmildera, 10. Potatoes 25c to 40c. Onioiis-1 j to 1 cents. Beeswax -34c " Caraway peed, 18c. Ause seed, 20j. Ginseng, $1.40. HIDES AND PELTS. Green, 2 etc: drv. 4 cts: sheen pelts. 25 eta to 40c No quotations on furs. LIVE POULTRY., Chickens 8 cuj broilers 8: ducks, So; turkeys, elow bale, choice, 10c; geese c. PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Fred, etc Flour-Staudard, $3.25; Walla Walla. $3.2; graham, $2.75; supffflue, $2.50 per biuret, Oats Old whiU',S3c per bu , grey, Soe; roiieu. in iias, $o.ao0.60; carrels, 16 767.00; ca-rt. M 75. Hay Bi-m, H012 per ton. Wool Vttllev, prk-e unmiual, Mlllstufls-BrbU, $17.00; shorts, $20; ground barlev, $22(23; chop feen, $18 per tou; whole ftid, barley, 8085 per ceutul; middling, $232S perteu: brew in barlev, 0005o per cental: chicken wheat. $1 10T.25 er cental. -. Hopa-- Old, 10 to 10c , new 15 to 17. DAIRY PRODUCE. Blltttr OrvM.mi fHtinvprpanin. 5713. SO.-; fsnoy dnlry, 22125e; fair to good; fornia, 3032 er roll. Cheeoe Oregon, 12; Eastern twins, 10; ug Auierlotn, 15o per per pound; California flats, 14c Kuga OrfKOti, Aio per dozen. Poultry t'hlrkeuii.old.H 00; broilers, larire, $l60(a,3 0.i: ducks, old, $4.00 5 00; yottng," f204.00; geese, $8.00 turkey, live, 14.!. 8AN FiiANOISCO SIARKET. Wool; Oregon ISnstern choice, 10 13i; do inf, ilur. S0(K do valley, 12 I5c Hopa 171c. P. tatiK.ly Koee, 2040. Bur banks, 8035c Oats-Miuiug, $1.S01.55. WARD M'ALLISTER CRUSHED. Slngclo Cllne's Brucsy Self Introduction Left tlio Social Arbiter Speechless. Tho second Pullman car in tho Boston special which pulled out of the Grand Central station a few days ago had an unusual share of distinguished people aboard. Society was represented by Ward McAllister. Miss Clift and Mr. Bertschinan, sou of the Swiss consul general; yachting was represented by young Mr. Slater, who owns nearly half of thesnburbs of New London; medi cine was represented by Dr. Ferd C. Valentine: the law was represented by Assistant Corporation Counsel Sweet zer; newspaperdom was iepreseted by a reporter, and the stage was represent ed by several members of the "Prodigal Father" company and by tho Irish song bird, Maggie Ch'ne. Miss Cline had jnst returned from a three weeks' vacation in the Catskills and was as breezy and sparkling as the summit of Kaattrskill mountain. Her wealth of auburn hair was artistically arranged, and sho woro all her dia monds, including he companion to the earring she lost at the races this sum mer, which now shimmers on a lace pin. She was going to Bridgeport to begin an engagement with tho "legitimate" and was so vivacious that her chaperon, Mrs. Knight, had to utter a warning, "Sh, Maggie," many, many times. At tho particular request of her friends Fh sang a verso of her new song, "Yo, Heave, Ho," with which she is Boon to delight the public ear. Every body was charmed, with the exception of Mr. Ward McAllister. That is to say. he was not apparently charmed. He may have been thrilled to his heart's core, and he probably -was, but he called up every bit of his breeding and main tained tho conventional blase airof good society. Just before the train rolled into Bridge port some ono called Miss Cline's atten tion to tho fact that the elderly gentle man with tho soft, brown hat was the social arbiter. "Lord bless and save us," said Maggie. "Isn't ho nice? How I should like to meet him!" "Can it be possible that you havo nev er met?' was tho astonished chorus. "Never," said Maggie, with a stage sob. "I throwed away my only chance when I refused to sing for tho Vaudeville club last winter." "It's too bad that there is no one here to introduce you," said Mrs. Knight as the train slowed up. "It's such.a lovely opportunity, and I'm 6uro he would bo delighted." Oh, I don't know that it's too bad," Eaid tho song bird airily. "I'll just in troduce meself, and he'll bo more than delighted." "Maggie, don't j-ou dare," began Mrs. Knight, but Maggie gave her luggage to the raster and bore straight down the aisle for Mr. McAllister. Sho caught up his right hand from his newspaper and Bhook ituntil her diamond bracelet made an aureole about his soft brown hat. "Mr. McAllister, I'm delighted to meet you," said she. "You know me, of course. I'm Miss Cline." Mr. McAllister could not havo been more courtly before her gracious maj esty tho queen. "Miss Cline," said h dexterously removing his hand to grasp his hat, "tho delight is entirely mine. I have always admired yon on the stage, and now my admiration will be yours in privato life." "That's right," said Maggie warmly. "I think us prominent people ought al ways to be friendly. Good day." "Good day," said Mr. McAllister as ho sank into his seat. "Good day." He never chauged his position from there to New London, unmindful of Mr. Bertschman's broad smiles, Mis3 CI ft's suppressed mirth and the excited hum of tho voices of tho others in the car. But ever and anon his lips seemed to frame those parting words, "Good day," "Good day." New York World. A Desirable Chaperon. Trotter Is- your mother a good sailor? Rosalie Not a bit. Tho sight of a; boat unnerves her. Trnttpr tonrnpcfltM Fli rv-il1r.' you persuade her ta chnperon out jauiuug ifcuij l IUIJ1. London's nrea is lartrer rhnn Saw York, Paris and Berlin put together, an area which may be represented by a circle SO miles in diameter. CARTER'S ITTLE IVER PIUS. CURE Sick Headache and wile all the troubles lncl dent to a blltou ttata of the tjutm, such as Dtoimws. hausea. Drowsiness, Distress arur itii'.ta,aU'8Bi!,e-c tfhllethetrmolt remarkable success baa been shown in curiae SICK Headache, yet dwrca'a Lrrrut Lrvta Pitxa are equally valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing this annoy ine complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, cumulate the lirer and regulate the bowels. Lren U they only cured HEAD che they would be almost priceless tA those who suffer from thU distresslnr complaint! but fortunately their pocJnedoes not end here, and those who once try thetn will find these little ptUs valuable In so many ways that they wUl no be willing to do without them. Hut after all sick head - wom. ACHE Is the bane of ao many live that here U where m,ou8TO )0- Our iJU cure while others do not. CxftTYit'a Ijiii r .. t... . .. !aIM7S5?3r,oukB- One Of two piS mike not enm or puree, but by their eeutl action Ore for It Sauenmlun. .uik....,i - J waw MMUT irsTV labia aand do dim KEUStZ CO, Kiv Tat MU SaulS Sdlft I TH ARE YOU -GOING A 'FISHING? m - On the label of every can is TOE NEW WILLAMETTE STABLES Completed aud ready to wait on customers. Horses boarded by day or week at reasonable prices. "Ve beep a full line of Truck", Dra.s and Express to meet all demands. Also keep tbe finest Stallions in this county, for service. Barn and residence 2 block south of postofflce. RYAN & CO. CLEAN. If you would be clean and have your clothes done up in the neatest -and dressiest manner, take them to the SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY where all workis done hy' white labor and in the most prompt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED, Liberty Street. Lamoureux's Stables, At the Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve hicles being added constantly. Only the best service rendered. NoBhabby rigs nor poor horsts. H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor. CHURCHILLlPtimps.Piimps.Piimp & r 103 BURROUGHS State Street. I W. TflORNBJRG, THE rPHOLSTEKER. Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience In Ihe trade enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to srive estimates. State Insurance block, Chemektta street. The West PrmfiDff ZoUsSHH Special attention to mail orders. 303 Commercial Bt., MAKE NO MORE MISTAKES CHARLES A. SMITH BUNS Tie Rustler food Sn And he doesn't bunt up half your wood, In fuel, w ben he saws It. Make your contracts with him personally or leave orn era at Veatchs cigar store Oearborn's book 8tore,i36 Summer street, or address me by mall. 6-H u Deutscher Advocat. P0ST0FFICE BLOCK, - - SALEM.0R. Admitted to practice In all the courts. Special attention given to German peak ng people and busTneos at the countv and tate offlcea. E. HOFEH, Notary fublic. m Willamette Unlveraitv. Knlpm. Or School of music for piano, organ, violin, staging, orchestral instruments, Harmo ny, counterpoint, fugue, orchestration aud higher musical composition, No better grade of work doue west of the Rocky mountains. Prices low. Seven teachers. Next term begins Sept. 4th. Seud for annual year book or address, Z. M. Parvln, Mus. Doctor, musical director, 8 0 2md&w IMPORTANT. If you anticipate vibltiog the world's frtlr. nr vnnr frlanHa I,, ftic V..?. ,.!... advantage of the present opportunity, no iud tain are uuw so JOW luey CUl no figure In the expense. The Chicago & ..vnuncoiciu luunar unvc piaueu 111 service a solid vrstlbnled train, between i uiuauu unu imicago, me famous Wayner tourist cars, free reclining chair cars and dining car "par excel lent." With tbe accommodations fur nlshwl.ratfs now offered, together with the short time consumed in tnakine the trip. It is within the reach of all. For further Information, apply to any ticket agent, or write A. G. ItAKKEn, Gen'l AgU 72 WxHhingtnn street. Portland, Or. SMITH BROS., CONTRACTORS & PLASTERERS. LvordratOotUe-larkhumbloclLrooiu 14. tJalcm. Oregon. ntftw Hunting, Pic-nicinp, Camping, Mit.irur Lumbering, or on a general outing? If you afe do not fail to lay in a supply of the bu ili Ell Condensed Milk. If gives (he most deli cious flavor to tea, coffee, chocolate and many summer drinks. It Will keep in any climate. You can use it in the place of milk for general cooking purposes. Your Grocerrand Druggist sell it. the signature of Gail 'Borden. First Class work. Reasonable prices. Salem, Oregon. hi urasiij F1F1IETI1 YEAR. Oldest, Highest and Most Extended Institution of Learning in the Pacific Northwest. ' Sixteeu courses of Instruction, from Grammar, through Academic Bnd Col' lege, to Theology, Law and Medicine. Splendid Oourses for Training In Teaching, Business. Art, Elocution and Music. Beveral Post Graduate Courses. Stronger and better than ever. IfoTVomari'B College affords an ideal home for young ladies with unsurpassea facilities for their care aud traiumg. The school year opens Sept. 4, 1693. For Year Boob and all Information relating to school management and course of study, address, Acting Pre., W. C. HA WXEY, LL. B..A . For financial Information, address, Sev. J. H. EOORK, Agent, 8-22-d&w Salem, OregoD. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Iteal Estate, in amounts ard time to suit. Ho delay In considering loans. FEAR & FORD, Hoom 12, Bush Bank block. 11 ST. PAUL'S ACADEMY, St Paul, Harioa County, Oregon. Conducted by the Ulster of the Holy Names oj Jesus and Mary. The location oflW d all w1" can be desired for healthful outdoor exert" Mt. ffcul ran be easily reach d by botU on ins Willamette, The bttildlnc 1 newandtuppuj" wnh all the tnod.rn Improvements. J" comse of study Is complete. Stenography and Typewriting Tftngbt Terms moderate. For further pat Ucu aw apply to "WSSr CflflS. WOLZ, Proprietor of the GERMAN :-: MARKET South Commercial RL, Salem. All kind Fraah.uk3tand Smoked A!" ana 8aiuvc. Willamette Ue rb DKuyjwv. ""C- ' ,aiiMrir,1Mrt- MdsH stUVn -, . ui. fclLH-Jfc, M A.