Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 05, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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' TW ' JTfSft''1
Associated Press Daily News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast.
tfS.UO 11 Year.
25 ct. a month by MkU
Prepaid in Advance,
No Papers Seat Whca
Time Is Out.
VOL. 6.
NO. 235.
- -V -T
We are Retiring from Business.
We Mean Business,
Dollars Saved on
the Necessaries
of Life.
Stock Must Be Sold Within 30 Days.
SROAT & GILE, Bush Block; Salem.
0ST0N TA110IllNG m Mm nm
Piessed. Cleaning and Pressing Gent's Suit 2.00 to $2.50.
' " Ladlea' " 1.50 to 2.00.
Dying, 50 cents to $1.00 extra.
Work neatly done on short notice, at moderate prices.
State St., 1 door below Smith & Stelner's drugstore, Salem. I. GOLD & 00.
Ed. C. Cross,
EX Meeker & Co.,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TMMPLETON, Gcn'l Agent.
a j
J. RUBEtfSTEIN, - 308 Commercial Street, Salem
Suits made to order and cleaned or repaired.
Receiving all the
Associated Press
wHMinv " " a I
. . ,
by its publishers to secure good P.e'oeDt P '
able to deal justly and fairly with all.
Complete Telegraphic, State, Capital, For
eign, Market and Crop News.
Choice Meats.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt ami
Smoked Meats of all Kinds
OS Court and
110 State Streets.
Here is a cbance of a life-time, Why
appear shabby when you can have an
elecant suit for
a Hoi
paper l.
t.i nvorvdmnir to have
le flews
And a Fat Kanaka
That is the Meaning of Blount's
vvvt iwnu
Makes Recommendations Regard
ing the Annexation
Hawaiian News.
Washington, Oct. 5. The nature
of Mr. Blount's recommendations, re
garding the annexation question says a
morning paper Is to tbe eflect that no
action should be taken by tbe United
States, without full consent of tbe na
tives as well as the foreigners.
If Cleveland adopts the recommen
dations submitted, it practically means
tbe queen restored to power, each of
whose votes is to be equal to that of a
foreigner, and it will mean further and
the sugar king.
More Silver Resolutions
St. Louis, Oct. 5. The last day of
Pan-Amerlcau Bl-Metalio convention
opened an hour late. Tbe question
then came upon the adoption of the re
port of the resolution committee. Ma
jority report adopted.
Harrison in Command.
Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. C The com
mnudery of the military order of Loyal
Legion lust night installed its new com
mander, Ex-President Harrison.
New York Democrats.
Baratoqa.N. Y Oct. 5. Tho Dem
ocratic state convention met hero this
morning. LiaaoMaynard was named
forjudge of the court of appeals. The
committee on credentials began the
work of bearing contests which will
probably occupy the entire day. Even
if J the Anti-Snapper contestants aro
admitted the Hill men will have con
trol of the conyention. For this rea
son it has been decided to deal gently
with Antl-Snannere. There are con
tests iu 14 districts.
Kvterprise. Never before have
the people of Salem had so line an op
portunity to And everything In the
shoe line as now at lirauBse uros,
Their prices make trade fairly hum.
Municipal Case.
Portland, Oct. 6. In case of city of
Portland vs. O. H. Lewis et al Judge
Hurley this morning decided against
tbe city. The case Involves the right
of the city to construct tho western ap
proach of the Burnslde street bridge.
TbeJudge held that tbe street was prl
vato property.
t .... m simrno'H dairy are
kept as tine a herd of Jersey cows us
you wish to see. That Is why they sell
such excellent wim """
Fire at LaQrande.
LaGhandb, Oct. 5 -A fire last night
dtbtroyed tbe elevator of the Pacific
Coast Elevutor Co., the largest at auy
Interior point on tbe coat. The origin
of the Ore is unknown, aud when dis
lovered the entire eastern end of tbe
building was euvejopeu. ...
Thegraln destroyed In the elevator
amounted to about 40,000 bushels, the
laruebt Individual loser being A.M.
on the building and machinery Is eatl-
mated at J3U.UW.
h imLt known, and worth tw lrv lor
that none. " Mol,,K(Hbtfy, au.
Btnt by chrre prM, on relj'
IBRAorieto f
ci prec, r -
"J"." "mm1ZZZ:ai
Continues to Grow in Frightful
New Orleans, Oct. 5 The storm
horror coutlnufs to grow in frightful
loss of life aud property. Hour by hour
reports como iu, though it is believed
approximately full detnils are now at
hand. In Pointea La Hache country
the death Mat la swollen up to SO, with
pronpects of reaching a hundred, before
all are heard from. At Shell Beach
and St. Mulo Island, the loss Is about
30. Iu Mississippi Bound aud vicinity
probably a score are reported. Chan
toleur Islands were swept away with
great loss of life aud property. Losaof
life iu Cook Bayou country will annrox-
Imate 200. News from Grand Isle this
morning places loss of life tboro at not
above 'Ja, all negroes.
Property damaged $100,000. The
Cheniere population Is about 1400 and
loss of life 000 to 1000. Seventy-two
were drowned in Chinese camp on ba
you Scnet and bayou Andre. Estima
ted aggregate loss of life In tbe storm Is
between 1200 and 1500. Property loss
several millions. Fifty-seven bodies
were found in the vicinity of Grand
Prarle and old Qiarautine Station.
At hnyou Dufont 10 were drowned.
Coffins are out of the question and un
identified aro buried in trenches. The
suffering of survivors is being relieved
as much as possible and a second ship
ment of supplies was sent this morning,
dead bodies are floating around on
every side. Tho situation is unparalled
iu tbe History oi tuesoutu.
Horrible Details of Deaths and Do
struction of Property.
New Orleans, OjI. 6.-Over 2000
killed and nearly $5,000,000 worth of
property demolished Is tbe record of
the great gulf storm in Louisiana.
There has never been anything approxi
mating It since the country was settled.
More than half the entire population
in tho devastated region Is dead.
Everything Is wreoked und survivors
without food, uhelter or clothing.
Deaths so far reported and confirmed
aggregate ovor 2000.
Near Barrus the bodies of three little
glrls.ovidently Bisters, were found cling
ing together, horribly mungled by a
barbed wire fence against which they
had been thrown by the force of the
wind. A man, wife aud two children
went on board a schooner outsldo of
Bayou Cook. Tho schooner was
wrecked and the husband aud children
drowned. The woman lashed herself to
a broken must aud was rescued in tbe
morning by a passing vessel.
Scores of bodies lying around are bo
ginning to show signs of decomposi
tion mid for tbe safety of tho rest of the
colony It became necessary to bury
them Immediately. There was no time
to make coffins nor material or Imple
ments, bo tbe living dug trenches In
which to deposit remains. It will
never be accurately known bow many
lives were lost. Tbe population of
Cbemeie was about 1400 and at least
lOOare mlttsiDg. It Is Impossible as yet
to give tbe financial loss, but it runs
Into hundreds of thousands of dollars
Unless steps be Immediately taken for
relief It Ib uot unlikely that muny will
perish from starvation and thirst. All
tbe provlflionB on the Island were swept
away. Fresh water is so rcarco that
therols not sufficient to relieve the
thirst of hundreds, who are now with
out anything to eat and havo scarcely
unythlng to wear.
Prices Cut Dearborn tbe book
seller has cut the prices of school books
fully 20 per cent, wbloh will save all
buyers one dollar on every Ave, The
people appreciate this sacrifice, and buy
their books of Dearborn.
Dosr, Mud, Rain. That Is what
the average pedestrian has to overcome,
und people make as few trips out as
lohslble. They call it Lnekwood mes
senger and stay by the warm lire until
the reply comes.
Bore Ui.uu The first suit drawn
from the co operative suit club of J.ltu
benstelu was delivered to N. Van Slype
yesterday, aud tbe second was drown
laat evening. Mr. Van Hlyno's suit
coat him only l-00 and Mr. Mitchell's
only f 2 00. t
LiCKN8ia.-(,'Uty Ule't tti uaJI
ued llcennea to wed to Miry Mayer
aud Fred Hubwab, Ueo Vartlnts., wit-
, Kaile H Ulugo and O. Ts. Mo-
Key, A. K. IUngo. wltnew.
it.... .-ua lirlwl nruneft are In cood
demaiid at "i el hoi! ludlwitliiiis are a
No. 1 article will Muu len cciiih ueioro
the top Is reaebwl.
, -- II MIIHI !
Voum Was Fatau.0. L. Jones
the youui man, ugtd about 28, n
Judge Holbard's farm on MIlon Bot
tom, who was coitii'niniiy iuih in "
leg last Sunday evening, dh-d this
morning at 4 a. iu. II leaves wlfr,
Dd will bo burled Friday at 2 p. m.
m w ah
Bombardment of Rio
Janeiro Resumed.
Shell ;
Heaps of 4 he
Foreign Affiirs.
London, Oct. 6. High British offi
cials received a dispatch from Bio Jane
iro saying tbe Insurgents wero again
bombarding tho city.
This Is very important la view of tbo
fact that commanders of ail tbo war
ships at Rio, among them several
American naval vessels, had warned
the rebels not to flro on tho city again.
It may portend a general naval battle.
Spain and Turkey.
Madrid, Oct. 6. The war office has
ordered all available men In Malaga to
proceed to Melllla. The force will num
ber 80,000 men. Other troops will prob
ably be sent from Seville. Tho captain
general of that placo bas been ordered
to hold troops in readiness to start for
Morocco at once, should It bo found
that the forco already forwarded Is not
strong enough to cope with tho Moors.
A largo quantity of munitions of war
and provisions havo already been sent
to Melllla. Tbo Spanish government
has sent a strong diplomatic protest to
tho governmeut of Morocco, and bos
decided to act with yigor, in order to
wipe out tbe Btaln of the defeat. The
fort near Melllla, upon wbloh the Span
ish troops were at work when attuoked
by tho Moors, will bo erected and the
Moors will bo punished, fit whatever
cost in men and monoy. The Moors
swear they will not pormlt the erection
of a fort in proximity to a Mussolman
The field after tbo battlo presented a
terrible spectacle. Tbo bodies of 160
Moores, terribly mutilated by tbo
Spanish shells, lay In boaps. Many
other bodies were removed by tho
Moors during the fighting. The village
of Frojano was almost wreoked by tht
fire of tbe guns of tbe Spanish fort.
The bodies of dozens of human beings
und domestic animals were buried
under tbo ruins of houses. Fresh con
tingents of Kubylca continue to arrive
at Melllla. It Is believed tbo natives.
can muster 26,000 fighting men, Include
log 6.000 mounted. Rolnforoemenu of
artillery from Malaga arrived at Melllla
and wero enthusiastically received by
tbe Spanish garrlsou, wbloh is thirst
lug for vengeance.
Madrid, Oct. 6. Tbo minister of
foreign affairs has assured foreign rep
resentatives that Spain would maintain
the status quo In Africa, but building
of forts lu Morrocoo Is bolng energetic
ally nusbed. Spain would also demand
full i reparation from tbeuuian lor tno
outrage at Malllla.
Conflicting Report.
Wabhinoton, Oct. 6. Tbe depart
ment of state bas a dispatch from the
legation at Buenos Ayres stating that
the revolution Is ut an end.
London, Oct. 6. A number of dls
patches received today from Rio Jano
Iro say everything Is quiet. Banks are
reopening and business is resuming.
Deafness Cannot Bo Cured
by local applications as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There Is only one way to cure deafness,
and that Is by constitutional remedies,
Deafness Is caused by an lullambd con
dition of the mucous llulng of the Rus
t.nt.i.n till. When this tube Is In-
fumed vou have a rumbling sound or
i....rfw. liAarlnir. and when It lseu-
tlrely closea, ueaiueea mo ictuh,
hiIms iim Inflsmatlou can be taken
out aud Ibis tube restored Ut Its normal
condition, bearing win oe ursiruycu
ferever: ulue cases out oi u are uauwu
by caturrh, which Is nothing but an ln
llsmed condition of the mucous sur-
Wo will give one hundred dollars for
any case of deafumfcaued by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh
Cure, Beud for circulars; free.
V. J. Oiiknev & Co., Tolodo.O.
&-Bold by Druggists, 7&C
Whkat Doww.-Balena mills pay
44lo40J today, drop of 1 Jet. No
wuMt Is comlug In aluco ralas sot It.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Seuator Bntler Criticizes
Nebraska Democrats Yoto Down
Free Coinage.
Washington. Oot. 6.In tho son
ate Butler denied a minority of tho sen
ite was attempting to coirco anybody,
ind added (hey themselves did not In
tend to be coerced. Tho minority, he
iald represented millions of American
citizens, billions of property, and would
not yield becauso tho majority thought
it tlmo to take a vote. Butler went on
to defeud the president against the
obargeof interfering with tbe inde
pendent co-ordlnato department of gov
ernmeut. "Wbon tho suggestion of
oompromleo had been made,1' be said,
"It bad been whispered around tho
president will not accept a compromlso
that does that high offlolal a great in
justice, becauso It is none of bis business
what tho senate does, I don't bolleve
be has attempted to use bis high ofllae
to inlluouco legislation In this body.
As to what tho bankers wanted, tho
moat unsafe advlfers for congress on fi
nancial questions wero tbe bankers of
Now York aud Boston. In tho very
nature of their calling they had become
selfish and sordid."
At tho couoluslon of Butler's remarks
Blackburn, Dem., of Kontuoky, ad
dressed tbe senate in opposition to re
peal. He said If bo was obliged to
choose between a gold and silver basis
for the flnanolal standard of the coun
try, ho would prefer a silver ouo, He
hoped some acceptable compromise
would bo reached. Blackburn closed
bis speech by stating that whllo ho al
lowed no ono to exceed him lu bis
friendship for and loyalty to silver, ho
would not engage In any obstructive
tactics in opposing tbo bill. Tbo people
demanded action and they wereoutllled
to know their fato.
Washinqton, Oct. 6. Iu tho houso
yesterday after tho presentation of sev
eral resolutions, Peel, from tbe commit
tee on publlo lands, reported adversely
tbe Bowers resolution calling on tbe
attorney general for Information as to
whether tho United States could be
mado a party to tho cases of tbe South
ern Pacific now pending to dispossess
settlers In California. The house passed
a lolnt resolution expressing to foreign
governments participating In the
world's celebration tbo acknowledge
ments of coDgrosa.
Under call of committees, Oates re-
rmrtt the bankruptcy bill and Mc-
Croarv the substitute for tho Everett
bill amendliig tbo Geary exclusion act.
After a rather heated debate on tbe
propriety of recognizing war claims of
which a portion baa ueen paiu vy mo
confederate troverninent the elections
.iniiatn uu resumed by Compton, of
Nfarvland.ln support of tho measure,
Sweet of Idaho denounced Cleveland
for his course on the sliver question
.ml Hold Andrew Johnson was im
peached for acta less odious, Cleveland
Imagined himself dictator.
Lane of Illinois maintained that
armed men at the polls should be with
draw now and forever.
Murrray, a colored Republican from
South Carolina, closed theday'a debate.
'If I owe allegiance to this govern
ment" said he, "then tho government
which squeezes my life blood out In
taxes owes protection to me. The
guardian of stateu sovereignty Is agalu
hovering about the dome of tbecupllol,
I eubmit that men armed with rllUs
and shotguns who stand at the ballot
box to murder or terrorize us to prevent
us from votlng.are us much armed eue
rules of tbe United Htatv as au luvad
lug army.
Just before the bouse adjourned,
,.ii mi.i, r.1 tha ivtmntltteii ro-
.i i.. l.m intmluned a substitute!
S.leb.Ulliei out the section of the re-
vised statutes empowering tbe military
to keep peaoa at the polls and repealing
all laws regarding appointment of su
pervisors or deputy marshals. Tbe
substitute would leave In forco tbe elec
tion laws relating to punishment of
prlvnlo Individuals for bribery and,
ibove all, li-avea In force the declara
tory principles of the fifteenth amend
inout. Northern Democrats, after an
Informal conference, decided that tbe
Fucker bill was two sweeplug and this
substitute was formulated to rneetob-
Nebraska Democrats.
Lincoln, Neb. Oct., 4. The demo
cratic state convontlon to nominate a
candidate for assoolalo Justice of the
supremo courts and regents of the state
university met. There was a scrim
rnago between adherents of President
Cleveland's financial polloy and tree
silver mon led by Congressman Bryan.
It came In tbe selection of temporary
chairman and resulted lu a victory for
tbo administration men by a vote of
800 to 110. A free coinage resolution
was voted down.
SfioiDK or Accident. Monday
evening Andrew Vail, residing near
Lebanon, was shot Just over the heart
by a ball from a Winchester rifle. Just
how tbo matter happened is not agreed
upon by tho neighbors who have inves
tigated tho case. Vail made a state
ment to the eflect that he was climbing
over tbo fence when the hammer struck
the fence and tho guu was discharged.
Ho wus found lying near a gate,
though, aud it 1b stated that he had
been having some family trouble, so
that one version of tho matter is that
ho shot himself. Mr. J. W. Sawden,
of this city, was at his houso last even
ing and reports him in a dying condi
tion. A later report this morning was
to tho ellcot that he could only live a
short tlmo. Albany Domoorat.
A Good Fiiih. Among Salem's old,
est residents and substantial business
men aro Fred Hurst and H. A. John
son. Tbese men havo opened an omce
In rooms 1 and 2 Bush-Breyman block,
for a real estate exchange, under toe
firm name of Hurst & Johnson. They
Invito all who havo any real estate to
sell or wishing' to buy, to consult with
them, aud get tho benefit of their ex
perience aud extonslve knowleJgo of
the business.
I I III 11 M !
Remkmiieu tub Date. Entertain
ment at the opera houso Friday, Oot.
18th. Miss Bara M. Brown will make
her first appearance, as a reader, before
a Salem audience. Look out for more
press notices of her successful reading
Salem will also bo favored for tbo first
time with two piano selections by Mlsa
Gladys Byrno. She Is highly spoken
of as a pianist
vt uuran
what a comfort it ia to
havo ready at hand a
remedy that novor foils
to reliovo Constipation,
and that, without pain or
discomfort; and almost
immediately curea head
ache, and diappla every
symptom of Jjyepopaia.
Buck a remedy ia found
in Bimmona Livor Regu
lator not a uwootened
compound to nausouto, or
ou intoxicating bevoraaa
i j cultivato an alcoholic
ippotito, but a medicine
pleasant to tho tosto, and
perfectly harmless whon
given to the smallest
child. 8. L, H. novor
disappoints. It possesses
the virtuoa and perfec
tions of a reliable remedy
of tho kind ondoraod by
eminent physicians.
"It tSotd iu pleMurv to add any, WiM.
moor u uo yu ,y aSgrjr nf
rferae to your xaluM "'.ki
niBiraou, wT.r f"S"V
Mtaiciu bit uu win ; i