DRESS Fl Uli NEW PATTERNS IN FRENCH FLANNELS, FINK SUITINGS IN HOP SACKING,. BROCHE, Changeable -:- Diagonals,-- WHIP Jackets Best THE PALACE 307 Commercial Street, P. S. Ladies should see the DeBevoise Waists f r boys and girls. A waist for b iys with su'Bpenders on. IF - You are golnto build or mike any Mud of Iraoroveraent, call ou ttje undersigned lor material. vVe have a complete stock, and are roidy to sapply any prepared contract, sower work, pradlnz, etc. Salem Improvement Co. More Objections. A meeting of property owuereou '"oruniereial, State, Court aud Ferry streets was held yes terday afternoon nt Judge Boise's offlce. Hon. A. BuBh was chnst-n chairman of the meeting. After discussion of th mitter it was resolved to be the sense of the meeting that the effort to collect the assessment for improvement of the streets named should be resisted and a cnmtnitLee was annotated to obtain counsel and conduct the fight against navment of "the assessment. The grounds of complaint mentioned were that the lmDrovement was not what was wanted und that the contract was not In accordance with the ordinance authorizing the work. Another grlev ance alleged was that a man employed by the property owners to have the work done according to contract was not recocnized. Tnerefore they will contest the collection of the money. Young Man Shot. There was an accidental shooting Monday. C. h Jones, who resides on Judge Hubbard's place twelve miles north of Salem, op poalte Wheatland, was shot In the leg While out bunting ho and a conipaulonj saw smoke issuing from n pile or brush. Tho two hurrying toward it, the latter tell and his gun was discharged, the load of shot euteriug buck of Jones' knee. The wound is a severe one, and the Joint wl'l probably be still. Mr. Jones la a nephew of County Judge Hubbard and brother-in-law of Super intendent Graham, the latter of whom went out to the wounded man yes'er day. Neku a Range. With a daily aver age of about thirty prisoners to feed, Mrs. Knight, matron of the county jail is put to her wit's end to flud culinary nparatus lu the suerlfl'a kitchen to cook for all her boarders, to say nothing of the High Bherllt and his deputies. She 1b going to Invito tho grand Jury in to phow them how she has to cook cab bages in tho wash hollar and fry beef steak on a scoop shovel. Unless the county furnishes u larger out Ik for manufacturing grub some of the prison era will hayo to board at the Willamette hotel. Bad Walks. We are asked to glye tho follewing: A capital of a state should be a model in nil respects to other cities nnd towns iit the country but It Is not so especially us regards plank sidewalks in the City of Salem a few days ago only, the writer saw a lady tripped face foro most and might had It not been for the interference of good luck, so to ppeak, been seriously Injured by the catching ou a broken oil unsticking piece of sidewalk plank. This occurrence cauafug a hard fall causes tho wrltlug of these lines by a party visiting tho capital. Shame to such negllgeuco. Ghowino Isettkh. It Isthegeuer. al sentiment among business men, farmers, mechanics aud laborers that times nro getting better aud money easier. Tom Hubbard, who is collect ing for Russell ilk Co., aud probably knows the conditions of the couutry as well as any roan lu Marlon county, says ho believes things have Improved not a little lu thq past thirty days, aud that they aro growing better every day. MUBlOVIi AND LlTKKAUY. MttH Brown's Impersonation of Juliet re called pleasant memories of Julia Mar lowe, and was appreciated by all lovers of SUttkeepere. Tho uppreheusloti and fear of the maiden when about to drink the potlou prepared by Friar Lawrence wer deploted villi great strength DknVku Rwukmc. Opera house Fri day evening ou 13th. Capital City Drug Store, LUNN & BROOKS, 1IOLMAN CLOCK. (jrOOU CORD. assortment ever in Salem, DRY GOODS AND SHOE COMPANY, LITTLE LOCALS. The new car barn at Morninpside If nearly completed and many new build lugs are going up Dr. L.A. Porte I' going to add to the u Mural beauty of Mission street a beautliui residence ami grounds. The Bheds are being put up for the winter's work on the city hall building. The board of BChool direc tors held a regular meeting yesterdaj in the olllce of the clerk, Webster Holmes. The resignation of Sumptei Craig us janitor of the East school building was accepted and Charles Cal vert was elected to fill the vacancy. The newly elected janitor's duties to be assumed immediately. Mr.and Mrs. Ed. Croisau leave today ,for the world' fuir At the regular monthly meet ing of the Salem Buldlng & Loan asso ciutlou lust evening at the office of Sec retary Smith two loans were made one of 1700 and one of $600, both pay ing seventy-six months' interest in advauce. Mrs. W. O. Powers, of Shedds, Is In the city Prof. D. W. Yoder, principal of the Woodburu schools, is in the city. Miss Isabel McArthur has returned from New Era. Her sister, Miss Alice, accompanies her aud will attend school here. Weath er continues wet Rev. S. M. Free laud who has occupied the Congrega tional pulpit for two Sundays has been engaged for a two mouths supply. He was formerly at Pueblo, Col. Earl Dlwre of Silvertou has been sent to the reform school.. .Marriage licenses were yesterday issusd to Mrs. Emma Anderson and Hugh F. Jory, aud Ag gie Ramp and Harrison Jones. D. II. Loouey and wife have gone to the world's fuir. Revival at the Chris tian church continues. ...The state of Oregon paid out between (40,000 aud $50,000 salaries yesterday. Mrs.Mary Pay ton, member of the board of lady managers of the worla's Columbian commission from Oregon, leaves today for Chicago, upon n telegraphic call f from Mrs. Potter Palmer, president of the commission, to be present at the October meeting of the board, which will be convened ou the 10th Inst. Sbe will be accompanied on the trip by Mrs. Dr. W. T. Williamson of this city. Mrs. P. Beckett went to Albauy to day to attend the wedding of u friend. Matthew Small of Silvertou wtuxiu j-tho city today.... .John Hoover aud Alex Masou of Brooks, and Clinton Tracy-of Turner were In Salem today. Dr. J. C. Qrlfilitb was a passenger for Portland this alternoou. Mr?. W. P. Williams is visiting In Portland. Geo. II. Baubert of tho Stutesman, is at tho hub Napoleon Davis re turned home today Oliver Ruch of Mt. Eaton, Ohio, who has beeu.yls'tlug at the home of F. L. Sauboru, lelt for the east today E. P. Spaufdlug is in Portlaud. ..Dr. J. C. Smith, Jr., went to Portlaud this afternoon "lu his best suit of clothes."- .-Walter und tiugeno Combs of Eugene, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Kiuzlo, on east State street Mrs. Geo. Hoeye, accom panied by her niece, Miss Ada Hughes, Miss Lizzie IVtzal, went to Portlaud this afternoon, -..Weather forecast for Thursday Is light rt'lus. Simmons Liver Regulator has never been known to fall to cure all liver dis eases. PERSONALS. Liout. Col. D. M. Dwyer, of Silver- ton, was a Salem visitor yesterday. Dr. Mllla B. Lund is expected home from her visit in tho East, W. L. Hicks, of Sllverton, was In the Capital City today. Dr. F. W. Tower of Moutaua univer sity, Helena, Is lu the city, Captain John O'Brieu, state printing expert, Is lu the city ou business at the sUto'liouse. Miss Mary Thelss, a teacher lu the Park school returned from the world's fair today, Business Chancik. J. II. Alleu has bought the North Baleni meat market of W. II, Hunt aud proposes to , run It in good shape. Mr. Huut has also opened a shonou aorta Liberty j street, State Street Improvement Bill City Officers Reports. Mayor Galoh presided at the meeting of the city council last night. Alderman Albert, Cross, Gray, Klein, Lnfore and Smith were present. Recorder Edes read the minutes of the last meeting. Approved. BIM.B ALLOWED. W. W. Martin 116.00, Capital City Bindery, 120.00, Union Title Abstract Co. $5.00, G. Stolz (2.65, Gardner & Darr (city ball) (5,25, same, (streets) (6.00, same (streets) 5.50 same (city ball) J0.60, streets and labor (04.00 8a lem Improvement Co. (30.00, States man, (30.00. City Engineer Culver reported that Archie Masou had completed contract for improving State street from west line of High to city limits, with excep tions noted, and recommended" that it be accepted. Following is a statement of bis acceunt: Contract price (8427 95 Firstpayment 4000 001 Balance due (4427 95 DEDUCT. For 2076 ft curb not built (112 39 For 15000 ft plauk not laid 220 (XI For gravel not put ou 28 83 (361 22 Balance dueTess deduct (4U60 75 Estimate aud recommendation ap oroued by street committee. Recorder irdered to draw warrants ou State street improvement fuud. Communication of J. M. Wallace, president of Salem Water Co., asking that Chief Eugiueer Low, of the fire department, and City Surveyor Culver inspect the laying of the new 2 foot steel suction pipe Irom crib to Water tvorks, and satisfy themselves that it is thoroughly light aqd laid lu a proper manner. Officers ordered to do so aud letter filed. QUAKTEKLY REPORTS. City Treasurer E. J. Swafford sub mitted the follewing: GENERAL FUND RECEI ITS. July 1st bal. ou hand ( 4,505 52 Reed, from Recorder Edes 2,017 25 v Total (6,522 77 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants herewith ( Interest on bridge bouds, 50 coupons Bal. ou hand M 025 00 5 517 82 Total BUILDING FUND. .lulv 1st bal. on hand ( 2,250 00 By 4 warrants paid 2.2o0 UU STATE STREET FUND- RecU. from asse8ments 1 089 02 DI8UURSENENTS By 1 warrant paid --$ 630 27 Bal. on hand 58 75 Total ( 689 02 COMMERCIAL STREET FUND. Amount ou hand ( 217 58 Referred to City Attoruey Bingham. City Recorder Ed. N. Edea submit ted the following for term ending Sept. 30tb. Balance on hand from last re port ( 8 04 Reeeiveii from fines 200 50 Saloon licenses 1203 75 Vehicle licenses 29 05 Show licenses -- 75 00 Miscellaneous liceuses ... 320 'Jo Mificellaueous receipts 17 25 Total (1805 84 By amount paid treasurer .....(1857 27 Balance on hand ( 8 57 Total uumberof persons appear ing before recorder . , 132 Days served , - 435 Discharged 1 1. 21 Fines paid T . (200 50 Warrants were Issued as follews: Jail account ( 85 Police account .- 1145 35 Salary for city officer's ac- couuts 1000 00 Fire Department account I" ho 73 Fuel uccount 4 00 Street account 101S 64 Bridge account 210 50 Stationery account 26 10 Board of city prisoners 812 15 State St. Improvement fund 4000 00 City hall building fuud 10200 00 I'ttX rebate 10 00 Legal services-,- .... .. 145 50 Water 414 90 Light 1340 25 Miscellaneous , 1331 15 Total (22951 18 Referred to commilttee on accounts aud current expenses. R. R. Ryan appeared aud asked to be heard ou inequalities of recent license ordinance. Referral to health and police, Petltition for vacation of alley in block 8t Yew Park, aud petltlou of Geo. Collins for rebate ou taxes, to street committee. Remonstrance against Improvement of High aud Church streets. On an tyo und nay vote resulted as The only Pure Cream of Tartar Utd in Millions of Homes OR O 0 1 f1 CO aTIUbE.o ftaalOaking USjaPewder: follews: Aye, Lafore, Gray nnd Klein; tines, Smith, Cross nnd Albert, the mayor voting affirmatively, the motion prevailed. Albert gave notice (hat he would fitea protest against this action m Illegal at the next regular meeting. An ordinance declaring James Yotes a common drunkard passed to its sec ond reading nnd was referred to com mittee On ordinances. An ordinance providing for the is suance ol bonds for the improvement of State street from the east line of High street to the eastern limits was then introduced, passed to its second reading and was referred to committee on ordinances. CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET. Order of Cases to be Heard by Judje Burnett, Monday, Oct. 9. 1. Schuyler Rue, Insolvent; assign- ment. 2. Frank C. Baker, vs. Eric Ander son; perfect title. 3. J. C. Brown, ineolvent; assign ment. 4. Jos. P. Cook, et al. ys. W. H. Byars; action for money. 5. P. HEistou, insolvent; assign ment. 6. M. M. Ellis vs. F. J. Ford; action for money. 7. Mary A. Hoen, vs. W. C. Riggs; suit for possession ot real property. 8. Heness Bros. vs. Alleu & Smith, action for money, and Searle & Deane garnishee. 9. F. G. Kennel, vs. Erie Ander son; action for money. 10. James McCloskey, vs. W. P. Bennett; action for money. 11. Marx & Jorgenson, vs. A. E, LaRoque; equity, Pogue, referee. 12. Charles Relchstelu, vs. W. P. Bennett; foreclosure of lien. 13. Snell, Heitshu & Woodward, vs. tt. W. Cox; action for money. 14. John F. Searles, vs. Olive P. Penulugton ot al.; foreclosure. 15. Thos. Taylor vs. Metzger aud Messenger; action for money. 16. Arnold Wink, vsClarance Brown, et. al.; foreclosure. 17. H. D. Norwood, vs Ellen M. Farnsworth; foreclosure. 18. Allen & Lewis, vs W. ELShields, et. al.; action for money. 19. Thos. J. Ford, iusolventj-osslgn-ment. 20. Dorrance Lumbering Co., insol vent; assignment. 21. State of Oregon,vs Southern Paci fic Co.; objections to cost bill. 22. Gilbert Bros., vs Whale & Galli uer; action for mouey. 23. Amoa Strong, et. al., va H. P. Miuto, & The C'ty of Salem;in)unction. 24 A. Bush, vs Chas. Stewart, C. B. Kuight aud Wm. Woodworth; action for money.' 25. F. Nan Der Baan, va Samuel Ramp; mechaulc Hen. 26. C. Darst, va U. S. Banking Co.; action for money. 27. V. Wattier, vs U.S. Banking Co.; action for money. 28. Paul Fuudman, va U. S. Bank ing Co., action for money. 29. Edward Wright, Insolvent; as sigunienc 30. State of Oregon, vs H. S. Simon; ofler to bribe. 31. F.J. Eldridge, va. E. A. Biey- mnu, et al, partition. 32. C. P. Glover, executor of the es tate of William Glover, va. Lucy Sauu ders, et al, foreclosure. 33. Sherman, Clay & Co., vs. P. H. aud Hattie E istou, H. P. McNary and the City of Salem, foreclosure mortgage. 34. Irvine L. Lindsay, Vb. Ida I. Lindsay, Divorce. 35. Joseph Myora, vs. Bam'i L. Lov ell, action for mouey. 86. James Alexander, vs. J. and E. Bayless, et nl. 87. George W. Waterbury, vs. G. A. Van Derbeck, actiou for speclllo per formauco of coutracU 33. Mary A. Denham, va. G. M. Kulz, et al, suit to quiet title. 89. Geo. Swegle, et al, vs. Emma Bender, et al, suit to cancel deed. 40. Geo. W. Edgar, et al. va. D. W. Edgar, Suit to set aside deed. 41. Minnesota Thresher Mfg. Co.. vs L. W. Beuson,etal. Action for money. 42. George E. Sly, vs. Lulu Sly, Di vorce. 43. Thos. Holmau, appellant vs. T. P. Welch, Appeal from Justices court, 44. H C. Caldwell &. G. D. Bprague, vs. J. W. Lyons, action for money, 45. J . D. Grogoire, vs. T. F. Roarke & C. Hamilton, Appeal from Justice's court. 46. N. M. Coomer, va, John Pennln- ger, action for money. 47. Eluabeth .Eberhard et al, vs. C. L. Kester et al, Partition suit. 4S. G. M. Lease va. Harvey Massay, Powder. No Atmaonisj No Alum, 40 Years tht Standard Foreclosure. 49. W. P. Miller, vi. Valller Wat tier, Suit to declare trust. 60. Annie Grosse, vs. Henry Onwse, Divorce. 51. J. J. Shuw, executor nftheluHt will of Henry Shrum, deceased, vs. M. L. Abatt, confirmation of salp. There are about sixty more caw which Clerk Eguu will have prepared for the printer tomorrow. STJPftEME COURT. The law class all passed an examina tion and received tbelr certificates authorizing them to practice in all the courts of this state. The famous Soldier's Home case of D. C. Sherman, respondent, vs. A. J. Bellows, James Byron, J. W. Mullan, Chas. Nickel!, and S. 8. Frame, as trustees of Oregon Soldier's Home, appellants, appeal from Linn county. Argued and submitted today. So sltDDle vet always efficacious In all billious disorders is Simmons Liver Regulator. Elegant new fall goods arriving all the time at the Ladies Baziar, 8tate Insurance block. Always in 8eason. The dealers who are always in season make friends with their patrons. This is the aim of Harritt & Mclutyre, the post office grocers. Try their new celery and cranberries. Religious. Revival services at the Christian church each evening thia week, at 7:30. Come and hear good preaching aud good singing. Strang er8 cordially invited. m Jerseys. At Sbarpe's dairy are kept aa line a herd of Jersey cows as you wish to see. That is why they sell such excellent milk and cream. Take Simmons Liver Regulator to re move the bile, clear the head and re store digestion. Takes the Belt. J. H. Allen, of North Yamhill, reports the heaviest hop yield of any man so far heard from. From 1 acres, containing 1060 bills, he baled 7208 pounds of prime hops. Who can beat thai? O. N. G. Adjt. C. E. Roblln went to Eugene this morning where he will meet the other members of the exam ining board of the Oregon National Guard. Captain-elect May, ofD. Co., Ashland, is to be examined. After Breakfast To purify, vitalize and enrich the blood aud give uerve, bodily aud digestive strength, take Hood's Sarsaparllla. Continue the medicine after every meal for a month or two and you will feel "like a new man," The merit of Hood's Sarsaparllla is proven by its thousands of wouderful cures. Why don't you try it? Hood's Pills cure constipation. They are the best after dinner pill and family catbaitic. Circuit Court. There was served yesterday a writ of attachment in the case of Goodman & Sons against Riley J. Ritchie of Gervais. The suit is to collect five different sums ot back ac counts aggregating (1025 37.... .In the suit of A. Bush against the members of the Consolidated Street Railway Co to enforce the payment of a note for (22, 000, aud In which attachment was is sued some time ago, the attachment was yesterday vacated, other satisfac tory security being furnished. There will be a large cnmlual calendar thla term. It is very difficult t o convince children that a medicine is "nice to take" this trouble is not experi enced in ad ministering Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It is almost as palatable as milk. No preparation so rapidly builds up good flesh, 1 strength and nerve force Mothers the world over rely upon it in all wasting diseases that children are heir to. i Pwpwd by Scott A Bown. K. V. All dnigriit. Largest Gun in the World. la on exhibition at the creat world's iuir. iuu uuruit in sea u. inisistne .l- X t- A- I.W .lit-.- I .. month of months to visit the fair.pleas ant davs. cool ulchts. delightful travel inu weather. maximum comfort enmute to Chi- eago on the vestlbuled limited trniua ot the Chicago, Union Pad 11 o & North western Hue. Bee your nearest Union Pacific agent for rates or other Informa tion, lg.g tr " doubt Simmons Liver Wlthout a Regulator will cure you. It has cured thousands. The Southern Pacific has nlaeed tlm .,!,! a.JL .. ", .. ?!.w ,! price oi rouna 4np iioueia, good for 10 days to the Portland exposition at 13 35, including one admission to the exDosl.' tion. Tickets on sale Monday. Wed. nwdaya aud Fridays only. U NEW MOON NEW GOODS Not old chestnuts, and best of all the The Newest and Lowest Prices of all wool home-made cloth ing at the ioowql pull sto GOOD LUCK TO YOU Good lurk to vou and trood luck It will joe 10 every one wno latte advantage or out SCHOOL BOOK SALE, Neither a horse-shoe or four leaf clover can Ioring you mch opportunities. See thai four children go u the State street book siore ior tneir scnool supplies Patton Bros., IBooksellers and Stationers, 08 8TATE STREET. E. M. WAITE PRINTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS -AN Legal BlanJc Publisliers. Bush's New Brick ,over the bank, Com'l street. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM. OREGON. Bates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel between Portland aad Ban Francisco. First-class In all Its appointments, its tables are served with the Choicest Fruits Orown in the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. (J?yp MITCHELL, WRIGHT & CO. 215 Commercial Street. American Fire Insurance Co., Phlla. Home Insurance Co., New York. Norwich-Union Ins. Co.. Liverpool. Palatine Insurance Co,. Manchester. Over One Million Dollars Deposited With State Treasurer of Oregon A Protection of Policy Holders in Oregon only. All Losses Adjusted and Paid Through Salem Agency on Policies Writt in Marion, Polk. Yamhill and Linn Counties. ' Ala0 Wrlte Llfe and Accident Iusnranoe In Best Companlea in the World. J ANOTHER NEW LINE Of Jackets arrived yesterday from New York. tuese. as tney are all of the latest styles. suit the times. Prices range from $4.50 to 915.00. Jackets. Try us and see. POPULAR LINES OK NEW DRESS GOODt ' Plaids, Plain. Changeable and Hopsacklng effects, at prices from 25o to 35c, 60o and 75c, for splendid values. e" over irom last year are going raat. ll you want a bargain hurry "H" Bet one of them. If you Unci one to suit yoS there will be no trouble about t nrlee. We ansae! line them it lets tli.n rir-i,. T T TC. rnrtTT VVlIJUlO BROTHERS & OPERA HOTTHE CORNER. - hatbut I B.Uen'e ai boys' dothlng nevtr so chap. SALKiM, OREGON, NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. LADIEH wishing to make rsweeklr t lng writing ui their hoinw, addle. rri . .. - vu""" auurcA. mAA ciueiDB biamp, miss Louise Fulrfleld. r I Bend, ind. WcOD WANTED.-100flae2.year-ol4n . tree?. to trade lor wood. Good varle uiut(t7 ui v. i. u.emeni. ion 80 A5FJTAJAJ."?-ilN-forU buildings, on railroad. Will take tamil wagon as part payment, or some eoodMB .uv. u au.es juiuruvta. vim co-s. xl A.uiark,on let h street, BtleoO.il "" 3Hjl Taia PAPER Is kept on flle at K. 0. Out vertlsing Agency, &J and 63 Mercte ige.San Kranclgro, California, the ' for advertising can be made for k Exchange, conixaoa ZlURIdTlAN HCIENf!BI.liPr(nr. .f.J j kinds on. sale at 328 Utterly rtrert. uM CHAS. GREEN, SON, BRAIN1RD CO. Waterville, N.Y. Hop Buyers, 'i Office nbove Williams & Kngland'i be'tl .-mum. urowers mviiea 10 can. 9 16-tf H. C. WHITNAH, Af, BURTON ItltOTUBRS Manufacture Standard Pressed Brick, Molded Brick in all Pattern! for Kroil' and SUDtllv the brick for the New Halp-nHn Hall and nearly all the fine build ngierteul In the Capital City. I Yards near Penitentiary, Salem, Or. 8iii? MISS BALLOU'S KINDERGARTEN Uonnectlngand Primary CUuiei open Honday, Sept. 2otL, Cor. Court and Liberty street), opposite opei house. ' For teachers and mothers will begin Odole 2d. at the same place. ' For particulars apply to Mrs. P. S. Kkioht, Prtncijit McCROW & STEJSLOPP, FRESH REFRIGERATED MEATS 316 Commercial Btreet, Salem. Only the Best Stock Bought. "BBS?" Only the Best Meats Bold. Good service. Prompt delivery. GENERAL Insurance - Agents, SALEM, OKEGO: Western Assurance, Toronto, Canadi Lancashire, Manchester, Eug. Hamburg-Madeburg. Germauy. Home Mutual, Ban Francisco, Cal, F T HART LEADING MER0HAN' Is 1 llrVn I TAILOR. 247 COMMERCIAL OTREET. Ladles cannot afford to ru We have marked the prices low, Wo can save jou money THOSE LONGCLOAKS- CO. OREGO ir'T"-1 in rfrfh ''