f J-- JFT-"f! aflVJCHlNt OAJL'JLTAJi iJ.qinfcJSJAL, tfttfiBDAY, OOl'OBEB 0 1898. , yTWcrnw ""! Notli (ii'Ajw.meiil fur thulm pi'otvm.Mit of Commercial street and a part of Ferry, State, Court mid Centre h( roots. WjftjoJ Jr U - il "erv that the Mm3nt initio Ir Urdj nucu Ni ISO for (ho I -up ove mrnttfitill'ltb m I fUdhitnercl..l street b. tvrtVJ th" nor h eifd oftiB bridge hcm-nSouih All'l reek uml tucnoifh side ol Ctnue strtet. All thn pun nHt i .-ml fjniirlAtret -t."-en til Wi imil'f Hr iHirt-rt.HOttUie east side of Ki int street, n f tl nl part ot Ferry slrm be leun l.one l lil fit Liberty strretniid the eat md-'O t rout street, nil that part of Ctntrp street b' tween t li west dido side of Commer cial street! and th. weHlsldq,i.i Kront street. In now due and puvablenttue office oliba City Treasurer in United isnttn cold and sliver cein: and unless paid witliluteii d yd ff mi tbe ante nl this notice, tne Ciimnlon v,uifli will order warrauUi for the oolite Iho thircn , . , HUM Ato'D uov nu.om oiock ho. 50, owned bv II. Htapleton . ... Lot No. 6 In blocn No. 61, owned by (322 61 IxitNo. 4 in blootcNo.fil. ownai or inoviKJU uiUU uo 321 8i J. I. Thompson j,t ' Lot No. 1 In block Wo. 60. owned dy W.A.Cusick JLi ' ' Lot No. 2 in block No. GO owiicd'by Thus. Johnson, ... LotNo. 8, aDdimtrlpnrijlud U&Outr of the north side of lot No. 4. In block No. 60, Halem, Oregon; ex cept a strip of lind 25 feet wide off of the north side ol lot No. 3, scld toE. F. arkhurut. owned by H. W Cottle Beginning at the northeast corner or bloon "49, balem, Ore: tbenco soiith'Tly alng the block llue4i feet; ihence westerly parallel with t he n orth line of the block 120 feet; th'-nce northerly parallel witn the eat line or the block 45 reet to the ' ' -k; th-nre easterly along the north lneofsatd .....co of ue ei iniiiif, owned by the First Nitloani Bank of salem, Oregon, Ix-gluniKgat the norsbwe-it corner oilotJvu. l.Iublnohta bock No 4U,-alem. Oregon; thence south erly Blong the alley lu said block 7 SS feet, th'-noo aterly Parallel wau Chemeketa hi reel, JOi feel; thence northerly along tnaem llnjot blook No 49,226s feet; thence westerly par.tllol to tho north line of Ba.d block. 128 leet; thence northerly 4" feet to the north lux of the b'ock; tbence uy Mis. a A Wheeler All that pirtlou or Jam! In irfits No. land 2 n block o 49, Halem, Oregon, described as follows, Beginning at a point 2268 loet HOiuli of tbesoutheast corner ofllie building lio.c Known a the I' it National II ink, and running southerly alnu the east lluitof the Moo SBJMteet then e west erly, pitaliei with 'he south wall of tho bank building, lh5 feet to the ahey In said blocs; tbence northerly along saHnlley 22 68lcet, thence easterly 165 feet to the pliceof beginning, owned by fci.S. Lamport AH th upirt on or tract of land in Lot No. 2, In block No 49. Ha era. Or., described as follows, to-wll; lie I nlntr at) a point 45.10 feet south of the southeast cor er of the building known as the First N tl'inal Hank, and running siu'ne'Iy along ihe west line of Co nmeicla street225sfeet;thence westerly, parallel to the fcouth wail of the bank building, 185 feet to tho alley in said b'ock; thence northerly ulong the alley li 58 feet thenoo easterly 165 feet to the place of beginning, owned by W. N1 Ladue and T. Ford That portion or tract of land in Lot N". 2, In block 49. Baleru, Or., dos crlbedai beginning nt a poIntb78 feet south of the sou beast corner of the building known as the Flist National Bank and runnlngsoutb uily along Commercial street 7.75 f"ei; Ihence westerly parallel with fie smith wall of said baukbullding 1G feet to the alloy In mid bloca. thence northerly 7 "5fe-tiilong the alley; thunoa easterly to the place of beginning, owned by 13. S. Lam pirt.vV.N. Ladue, r. Ford, John ll"ehe. a A. Wheeler and B. Fostner Beginning at ihe southeast corner of lotNo 2, In blookNo 49 Salem, ur . theme wesleily along the south line of said lot, lbSfeet to the alley; thence north along iheailey 45 3J feet; thence easterly pirallel with Uhemeketa street, lto feet to tbe east line of said blosk; then -e aoutherly a'ong the cam Hue of said block 45.30 feet to the place of be;lHiilng, owntd by John Hughe Commencing at a point l.l.04 feet nmthofthe southeast corner f lot No. 31u block No 49. Salem, Or. tbence north along the east line of said block 23G0feei; tbence wester y ut rlgh' atule with com. tnerclaUtreet 183 leet to the alley; thence toutherly along the alloy 28 50-feet; Ihence easterly 165 fret totbepUcaof beginning, owned byJ.o. Hrowu-.. Beginning at a point 11.0831 feet south of tne northeat corner-of lot 4 In block No. 49, Salem, Ore-: tbenee north along ilneastllneo! eatrt block 21.16 feet; tpence west, erly at right angles with said east line 105 feet to the alley: thence south ulong the alley w.16 jeet; theoce easterly 165 feet t'i the place of beginning, owntd by A. A starkey.. --- JJelnir a fraclkal part of lot 4, in bl e't 49, balem. Or , described as jollows; Beginning ata point on the east line of said bloct 60 feet noitlierly Irora the wutbeastcor-, nar ot ald block 49; thence along tbe east due In auolheriy dl e -lion 21 feel; thence webterly at right angle with sad east tine of block 49, 165 Itet to tbe alley; thence loutberly along the alley 21 feet: thence easterly lttifeetto the place of beginning, owned by K. s. Lamport . - Berluuingat the noutheus'.'coracr of biock No. W Slom, Ora-.tbencj north aloiig the eatltne oUald Diwk 21 feel; thenio wot, para'ld with Court stroet, 18 Ictttothe lley ; thanue south along the a ley aifiellotbe Miuth line of ald IjiocK; t hence east aloug said snut h lino to tbe pUce of beginning, uned bv W. It Anderson. AlsolotNo 4,block49.aalem.Ore. LotNo HlnbtockNo iJ.rialem.Ore., owned byE.C' Palton il 'ginning at tbe norlhe.st corner or bloik NO. 48, in Halem, Ore,; tbence westerly along the north llneof said bloo.,105 feet to the alley; thence fcoutti aiong the alley 27 60 feet, thence east, para el with Court mrret, 165 feet to theeast line ol said IjIock; theuce uortb aloog sld east lne27J10fe-t to the pUceof begin ning, owned by A. Bulb- -- Beginning ata point on th eastllne oruiocK48ln oalem, Oregon .7.60 feet south pf tho northeast corner ol B-.H olock; theuc south alo 'g the block line 270 feet; theuce we.t raraiM with Court street 105 ft iitboi'ey;thencenor'h aougthe alley 3Z6U leet; thencwea t pa-al el ...i... ....,- nrit 1&5 feet to tbe 292 00 408 77 113 71 102 77 79 45 37 41 37 41 37 41 13 1' 76 96 43 04 41 17 16 99 62131 270 21 244 63 place of beg nnlng, Owned by M. :;.S .4 aeglnnl eon Uia easl line ofi block A, Balem. Oregon, said point being V feet south oi the northeait c-.rper of said b ock; ihence west Prl'I with curt street. 165 feet to tbe alley; tbence north ilong the alley U feel: tbe oe east paralUl With O nrt klreet. 165 feet to tbewt line offaldblo-k; thence south along kaid east line ti Itet to the place of beg.nnl e owned by Aram utruug- Belnnlugat Ihisoutbeast corner of lo No a lu block . Halem. Oregon; thence north along tbe east llnof sld blo-k. Ul leet; thence west par ul, el with Court street, Itt leet to the al'-ey. tbence south along Ihe Alli-y W leet. to the utfiwe-t corn' ot lot i In said block, theoce east along the lot line lfc5 feet to the Blaodof b g. nnlng, owned by A. a.h ., . Ue lnul'gutarlntJJOfinorthoj the jutheist earner of lot 3 In block U. caiem, Oregon; thsnee north abjngtbe block loetolbenorlueaM. comer of ald lot 8;tbence west at right angle 105 ft tolbe alley; theuees-mth along .aid alley U a point. VM ft n'Ttholtbe south; vrt corner of said toVbeore eat lUfeett.ith place ot begluplng, owed bj W. Urejrnaan and li Unj "" . glODlnf at a polnl on the eut liaa 10 70 110 30 vase ollow In block 41, 8tiem, Oregon, the same being 7.60 fcot Mirth of the soutliCAntcorfctrolsnld lol.l thence south along tald mst lino 2 feel: tbeni'e weal parallel with Htati street 165 feet to tbe alley; thenco north al mg th t alley 25 ei( them e eal 165 fee to It he piaic ol bagin nlng, owned by llaryta .letou.... Iijt Nil. 4 lu ij o k 43 Malem, Oregon, mm w; i'.iiik i.. lei-bun oi inu norm side of a-iid lot 4 extendluK lis entire le gib, owned Iw Kilen Jlinm,!', II lioorw, a N. .Mo re. Kertha JIoo i, Cri le HooroH, V. L. Mixrtn and oiiy .Mlllei'. 416(7 LotNo 5lublocko. 4s, saiem, Ore gon, owncl by H. I" Bo.se All oi lot 8 In bio K47, nlem Iimcuu" SO VI pxcnptlng 61 leet otr.ir the eist end. owned by I'tios. Jury and tLol'ily ol Halem; owned b S T Nonbcil t 182 89 rwent-nluofeet otloftbemst end of ljtN" lu block 47, laleni. nrciroii. own. d t thel'lty of em Lot No i lu block No 47. owned b J I. 67 35 minim, t. i; imuimv mi, 4. u' Church ' ' .. 413 77 rhenorili thl d oflot r.o- in block 47. Halem, Orcinn. being 27 70t-et fiont on Commercial street, Niidezt?udlng the same width ba k to tue alej, uwueuujrjfU vv ignu ...-, 27 tne central oue-thlra of lot. xhii. 2 in block No 47, alem, Oregon, being 27.70 feet (ronton Coiuine clil Mtreei am extending the same width back to tbe alle, owned bv Jno,ewsouie rhos iuth one third oil it No Slnhlink 47, B.ilem, Oregon, beln2.6u leet front on Commercial street and extending the same width back to the alley, owned by J. 8. Kuluht, Addle 1'la mrmdnn, J, J 1'lamondoo, M. A. Pla- 45 82 monaon 45 82 Beginning at the northeast corner of tot no-d in block 47, HUem, Oregon; thence south along the block line -1.60 feet; thence west par llel with Ferry street, 16) feet to the alley; thence n rlh along thejilley 2U50fd t; thence east to the place of beginning 185 feet owned by J. 0. Thorap.nn 42 45 Bezlnnlugata point on the east Hue of fol 3 In block 47, -tal'm Oregon, which point is 3 60 feet south of then e corner of Bald lot No 3: theuce south aloug the lot Hue 2350 I eel; theuca west parallel wltn Ferry street 165 feet to tne alley; thence north along tha nllc '.3 50 feet; thence east 16 i ara uepiuLeoi uegiuuing, uwnea by K C Small , 42 23 Beginning at a point t-0 16 leet nonh of lbs soul heist corner of block No 47, Salem, Oregon; thenco north along the hoik line 22.UUlfeet thence east parallel with Ferry "treet, 165 feet to the aliey.theme south Jlongthealley 22 OS .3 fet; thence east 185 icet to the place of beglnnl-ig, owned by K Thompson 39 91 paid, 81 17; bal. S.I3.77, Beginning at the southeast comer of block 47, In Bilem, Oregon theuce no thalomi the block linn 80.16 feet tbenodwest parallel with Ferry street 165 feet to the alley; thence south aloug tbe alley 80-16 leet to tbe south lino of the block; thence east along said soutli lino lb5 feel lo tbe place of b glnnlnsr, owned by (loo. H. Turner 347 71 LotNo. 6 in block No 47, Salem, Or., owned d r noriucui 197 48 Lot No. Sinbloik 40, Salem, Oregon, wned by theSon'heru Pacific Kill road Company 193 48 Beginning at the norihe.ist cornerot block No. 48, Salem. Oiegon; thence west along the north llneof the block, 165 leet to the adej; theoce so th along tbe nlley 66 feet; thence : st 4750 fet: thencu north 4) p t ind 1UJ lncue: tbence east 117 6.x to tbeieast llnciot tbe olocRjtheace north 22.125 f et to the place of beglnutng, owned by F. K. Miller 214 30 Be 'Inning 11 tn point on tbe 11st line ot blk 48, Halem.Orezon, 43.125 leetsouth ot tho nortueast corner o said block; tbence west parallel to Ferry street 117.50 feel; thencesou h parallel with Commercial street 22 K7ft fee ; thence east 117 60 leet lo the east line of bald block; thjnce north aiong the said east Hue 22.t75 leet to tbo p ace of be ginning, owned by J. C. Johnson and S T. Ulchardson 41 49 B ginning at the soutneast corner of lot 2 lu tilo-k 48, H-tlera, Or; tbenco west par iliel with Forrv street to the alley; thence north iloug thealley SJ feet; theuce east 105 feet to tbo easl llneof olock U: tbence south along the, block lino 83 feei to the place of beglnatng. own d by lid lllrsoh . 164 S Be Innii g at tbe nortneist co nerof 1 it 3, In block 46 S-ileni, Oregen: tbence wet lOifeet ttbenilj: tnenceboulh along the alley 25 eet: the ceeiistiG! leet- 10 th east line ofthn block;: thence nor h along f-abi east lluo 25 feet to the place of be,'lunln, owned be Kd Uirsch 60 96 Beginning at a point on tbe ew-t, liuo 01 blk 4H,rialem,Or .10 feet north ol tne southeast corner of lot 3 In si U block) then e west pii-allel with Trade str- ei 115 leeti tbeu.e no th p rallel with Commercial street t950 fecii thenca ea l 115 leet to tho east lluo of tho blocli thence south Sftbt feel to the plaoa of b g nulng, owned by V. K. Burke , 73 01 Be 'Inning ai th southeast corner of otSln block 40. Halem, or; ihence iinrth along the blook liu- 10 feeti theuco west parallel with Trade ktte l 60fecti theace-outh '.2 50fo I; tbonce east pari le with tbe north line, 60 feet o the eatt Hid of the block; thenco nonh W60 feet to the place f beglnulng,oued by J.Chapma 1 and l. Hmpson..... .... 47 15 Beginning at lha southeast cornerot bio k 40, Sa tin, Oregon; thence uoith K.ong tho block line Hi le t; tbenca west at right nnele with Commero al treet. TO leet! thenco uoith 22 60 feet: thence west 65 reel; tbenceuorth3Ai feoi; tbence west 60 reet to tho alley: tbeu e south aiong tho alley 124 reel to the south lino of the block; tbence castaloigtnosouih line 'boleeitothe place 01 neginning, owueu uy nw Smlhem I'aclfldlt It Co..... 121 75 LoU 1 and 2 In biock 45, Halem, Oregon, mtmatt hv thn Hitlem Kiourlne Mills VO, -- ' Alliflot71n bock 36 Bale n. Ore , e- ""' - M.3 jn o pta strip v leet wiueimiuu umiu sldeotsaiuiot, owned by the rnlem Water 1 o - . All Of lot No 8 lu bockN11.SH, naleui, oreg in, and a strip of 'and 7 reel wide orfol the iion h side oflot No. 7 111 said block, owned b Kd.lllrson Lo-No. 5IU blocK No 35. Ail'in, Ore., owneJ by H- K. Korrt, v. I. Ford, O. A, Armstrong. J M.Ford F. M.Ford, L. yLVa.a. l. Ford, p. m. luner, i. J. Ford.J'll. FJid, 11.11. r ord and W, Befinnlug'at'tho'sbuiiiweiit corner of Jot No. 6, nblotkNo 35, Salem, Ore: thence north along the blo.-k line 75 feel: thence east al light ajgle with 68 08 159 61 116 61 'nmmerdfli street. IU f'ei to tne alley: thence south along the alley 75 reet: Ihence west 1'j5 reel to th place ..Hd Htt ..... lia 01 Lou No-7 and 8 in block 85 -weal. Ore. owned by A Hu.h and W, H Lidd... 485 05 Lot No. 1 in block tt, na,'"". uruiuu, owned by A Buh and W. .-i. Lidd ItNo 4 In blonSI. halem, Oregon, 200 02 1. 100 03 Beginning at the touthe at corner of easiut rlghi angie with Comm relal stiee to the alley; 'hence nonh aloug the aley 670 leei; tbence we.t par. ! lei w th Kerry street Vi ihe ea.tllue of J?:. J...ii .irei. thence so-itb atoigMldline67 601eeltotbeplac of becinning oneloy I H lllrsoh - 801 Kl ueginulngata paint br ;eet n-iriu oi tnesouthwest corner of b'o k Ha lern. Oregon, and o J tbe west llneof laid Woe; tbence east at right ang e with CommercUl street to thalb-yi thenc-nttth .l-ug tbe alley llneSTk ft; thence west to tbe west line of tbe If .. n..nrv,uiuih.nu iee. to tbe pUce'of bealnnlig. uwoed by H, -J 77 Beginning at a P lnt on th.eaii'iine ol ( ouimerrial slre-t 2075 feet north of the southwest oornerui .i - -. block 31. !"'. regon; thene e-t al rgbt aiglei .wfb CommercUl MmrflOi fret to the !" noil 1 a'ong tbe alley 30 feeii r,;i wost to OoinmereU! street! tbenesoutb 30 b IMU. 1 1 pb.ee 01 iM-irlnulnc owned 01 K uusu DegtiinlBcat tbt southwest corner of "VI .7. d.i.m !. ititnrji nor h 61 01 ffiMtsL!ijsa 1 hi ansiKa wim s ,.... rtet to the place M7S B ginnlnr B ee TV.ncbe ,oth of lbs nonuwrt wrner ol 101 7. b k : . Ha lem Or Oi tueno" mum . rr iSeb". " aiilbialM with o.nim- reul t' to ihe ad 'eore MtthatoSg tue alley U " tjaenewt be plare 01 beginning. owotdbyT Burrows - - --, 63 J7 lBczinninzattba nwwm "' - I tu,lUa, Or 1 tbenee tooth alosf Al itreet totbeilleyilbiee ata,o the alley feet; thtnee west to the west line of ths 61k, tbenee north 21 Of UVWluing.owooa the blk line lm feet; thenos east nt right angles with Commercial street, 168 fceltothinlleiittieuoeuoi.uerly BlontheHiloy2x..j reel to th N. B corner oflot 7j blk 31, iheboe west Along theJol line 91 feet; thenca nun li psrai el with C'omnie , in net lo the north litioofftld biojk. thencs wpt along U11 b.ock lluo 75 ioettj tue Pi icnof bctflnnlnor nor .il I. v A tin li 911 IK iieginning at, toe nor.beaai corner ot lots, lilock3l.ialein Ongon; thenco south along ill ea-t I1.1.0. wild 1 t to the southeast corner the eof, llimice we.t nloug thoioi i.iieOl i'e.t,th'ri e north parallel with nmti nerclaletrra to the no, ih line of Hi blk; ibente ra9te'lralo'-g thtiorh I'neoruk 91 leet to p'niM r beg nuiLg, owi.il byTlips ilcK.I'atto 1 7 91 Beglnnl galih northWn-t 1 oiler or loll bkSI, -alem, Orou' Ih 11 e east along ihe blk lti.e 2i6tl re; thence boulh m iluhl angle ivl'li Htate street 119 lo t ti I In s nth Hue of 10' 2lii said b k; the -uo ulou; tliclotllncSISItel t illieull y;thenoi n rlh along tbo alley 119 feel tolt.o place ol beglnnimr. owned by 0. l'aulua 42 87 Beginning at a point on tbe nortd line ofblk 51. Halem, Oregon; WJ 42 reet west or the nort heast corner tnereof; tbence wet along the blk llnalOGU feet to a point 2iG feel east of tbe niiey;ineuno seuin at ignt angles wltu Mtate street 149 reet to the south llneof lot 2, In said blk; tbence east along tbe lot line 49.68 feet: tbenro north 149 feet to tbe nlace of begin ning, owned by 8. Ad iph . 82 43 Beginning at anoint 67 reet and 7 in dies west of the northeast corner of blk 34, Halem, Orefon; the ice west alone the north line of the blk 21 feet and 10 Inches; thence south at right angles 149 leet to the sum line or tot 2 lu said blk; thenco catt alnnz the lot lino 21 reel and 10 Inches; thence norm 149 reet to thn plao'or begin nine, owned byJ.O. Thompson. J, lauore, Chas. timlth aud Lena smith 41 08 Beginning: at tbe northwest cornerot blk 20. Halem, Oregon; tbence east alonz the b.ock line 60 reet; thence south at right angle 101 reet; theme west 60 reet tbence nor h along tbe block line 1OI reet to the 'Dlace of beginning, owned by the City ol Halem . Beginning al a poiut 60 leet cast or the northwest corner of blk 20, Halem, Oregon, tnence east along tbe blk line 30 feet; thence south nt right angles with -date street, 143 feet, theuce w.Bt 80 reet to the east llneof Liberty street: tbence north along the blk lino 2 reet; tbence east 60 feet; tlionrann til It fltn nlnoA ni emirl,- 83 07 Ling, owned by Fred Hurst 46 62 Ueginulngata point 100 reet And 0 Inch es eaM of the northwest corner or blk at, naiom. Oregen: tueuce sjuib at right angles with State street 14350 reet to the south line oflot 7, In said blk: tbence west along the lot lino 20.10 leet; Iheucj north IMS feot to State street; thenco east 20.60 reet to the Dluceot beuluulnir. owned bv B. Hteluernnd A BIoser 85 69 Beginning at a point 18 reet east or the nortneast corner 01 1110 west nan 01 lot8, bis 20. Halem, Oregon; thence easterly 23 reet and 3 Inches; thence sout h nt right angles w.th Htate street to thi north line or Ferry slreei; theme west 2.1 reet and 3 Inches to a pol nt 18 reet east or the sout beatl cor ner of tho West hair otlotS In sad blk, th' nco north to tho place ot be ginning owned by M.T lttneman 36 42 The east liall or Hid east quarter ot Iota 7 and K In block 20, Halem, Oregon, owned by 1. Htroug, N. Htrong, A. Strong and M 1. Kluney .-... 85 49 Beginning at a point 121 rpet 1.125 Inches east of the northwest corner ol bill 20,8 Hem. Oregen: tlisnco south nt right angles wit h Htate street to 1 h 1 Bouth line lot 7, In said block; thence east erly along tho lot line 21.27 feet; thence northerly to State street: thence nest alonsr State street 21.27 feet to the place of begin. lilng, owued by Annie M. I McCorniacK . Bonnliiff at the northwest corner o( lot 1 in blk 20, Salem, Oregon, thence south along the alley to the southwest corner of lot 2 In said blk; thence cast 40 feet parallel nltli State street; thence north to the south line of State street, thenoa west to the place of beginning, ovtncduy P. II. D'Arcy Dcirinninir at a nolnt 40 feet east of tho north 35 63 t 67 west corner ol Int 1, In blk 20, Salem, Ore.; thenco south at right angles with State street to tho soutli line of lot 2, in sattl blk; thenco cost along the lot line 42 60 feet; thence north parallel with thealley to State street; thenco west 42.60 feet to theplace ot beginning. Also lot 3, blk 20, S.ilem. Ore., owned by 0. I', Hughes and J Hughes. , 01 01 Sins t u.ill 01 lots I aud 2 In blk 2J Haiem, Or.i owned by Tons liu .bard 111 18 Kist halt oi lot A, In bU 2, .Salim, Or , owned ny J. J. Murpliy and K. O. Murphy .. 188 80 Wt n If or lo 6, tu b)K -.l,aiein,Or., owned by J s v eranl 15180 The east' naif of lot 4 lu b k No, 81, Sa lem, Or. except ft-) ieeioll of ihe eaut odd tuerjof. owned by U. W. Ur.y, owned by die Fontaine 60 61 I'he wen, Halt i.lk nl lot No. 4 lu Ink 3:1, Hiltim, r owned by -qutM Farrar, J. F. Furrur, tl. K. Fauar, K. Far ur ......... ... . . 127 9 lleiluulug nl tbe mutt'eas'. corner ( lot 5, blk 33, Halem, Or 1 ihrnue north along ihe west line of ihe alley 6Of0 leet, 1 hence west parallel with Htate street 47 81 reel; thence south 60.W reet totha north liuoufHtateHtreeli tbence cast 4731 feet ' hi pluoo of beuln. nlng.owned by Jno, l'j ne and Oeo. i'.iyue 83 08 Be.'lnulng at h point 91 leet easl ur tbe soutli west corner or i'k 33,&lem, Or : tbence nortn p.rallil with Com mer lal -trtet 60 reet; thence east rar nllei wli h Htate struei 11 08 reetit hence fouthiVO reel lo tbe north line orHtate street: thence weat2I.W reet to the place of beginning, owned by J. J, Murphy und t.C. Murphy. 18 37 Beginning on tbe south line nf blk 33, Half m, er: 80 reel east or the south west oornerol said blk theace north parallel with commercial strect 60 feet: tbenon easl naratlol with Htaie street: thence sou h 60 t li th"nco west 14 roet to the place or beginning, owned by F.J Frjer, J. J, Murphy, '.j. j. niirpn Dearborn. K. K O Murphy, K, 8. Dearborn, ur, Hozaith Kda llearbotn, Kate Dear born, It 11. Dearborn, aad Mrs. II. A: 1) -a room r-M 19 F J Freyer paid fK 91, bal due 17 80 Beglnn ng at a point 25f0 feel north or the southwest corner or blk .14, Ha letii.Or.t thence north a ong the blk lne23reetitbencaeai.tatrightang e wltbC'nraxierelal street 80 feti tbeqce south 25 reet: thence west N) leel tq theplace of tieglnnlng, owned by K. h. Dearborn, K. F, Deirborn, Ella Dearborn, It H. Dearliorn and Ms. II. A. Dearborn 47 Beglnnlugut the northwtwt corner of lot 6 in hik 33,-4alem,t)r ithence north along th. blk line 3 fee'i theoce tint nt right angles wlb Commercial street to the alley: thence outli a'ong tbe alley 61 feel: tbence west to Com. merctal ktteet: theuce north 32 reet to the place or beginning. Owned by J. W. 11 ntoand Jennie rhipman .. . (1 13 The south half of tbe north three. jourllHiif iota in out i.naiem.ure gou. Owned by Adam llsen aud Adam llano .. 49 36 The north ha f 01 tue noith threewiuir. ten of lot 6. In blk ttt. c Alem, Oregon, Owned hy A. Hush. 41 8) A trlP of land Vi feet wide ntrol the south tde of. lot 7, In b'klJ, Halem, Oregon. Owned by K. JfekA'lin, U 10 Lot Np. V and It S3 feet offof tbe nortn side o' lot 7 In blk SI, Halem. Oregon. Owned by W. Breyman ahd B.'Brryr nmti - lt88 Oi, Lot No. I and the north half n( the nortn nan 01 mi no. s in m), " lera. Or, owned by Leo Willis, K n Willi, and K I' McVirnv: ... 317 00 Thewethsltoftot 8 Jn blkJl.lWem, or.ownedbyl'erey Wl'lUund Leo UI1IM. .. . . .. 150 07 The el Hall or l-t 8 in b k 21, Halem Ore., owned by J'erey wiiii j... Lo'sNo. land 3 In bl ?!, Halem, Or., 151 49 ownea oy rii'ineaeia unu.i,i i 11 - .afUiitArfi. Or. . 359(0 Belnnlng at the southeast corner of t"o 4 in blk 22, Kalrin.Or.. tb'nre nortn aiong jiio irvv w thenoo wit 81 feet- Ibcure south ICO feet, tn Court street, Ihence eat81 feetlothepUee ofbedunUg, nrniail h II. V Wurner . 19 07 Beginning la point no ib nurtb line at Court 'f eet, Mid point being 81 ftetwrstol the southeast corner of lot 4 In blk a, Ha fin. Or, thence north J feet, ibeute vest 17 lti tbence touth 100 feet, then- ( along ourt lnt 17 feet w tu-' ple of belnnng. ownel by Geo Olims. Besinolng al tbe. south west corner ot Vot.4 In btk W, aln ore., ihence north along ibe w.t Hoe of tbe lot idbfeet, tbenee out al r'ght ani$tea trj Jeel then sou h I0O ! UOie ruirtbl obfJourtktreellb'BeAW'l (7 feet to tb piece ol Ueglnnlng, owned by Je. Utjvt- . ..- : Mil 1M "Llnio .tin's" ruling Cards. "I lmvo rt tmolcof Hilk playing crtnlg bnt I valuo very hihly," said patri irchal luolcing Colonel Fitzhugh of Toxaa. "Thoy we ro given to 1110 by .Ion. Alexander H. Stopheua of ieoigia while ha was in congress a srood many years ago. Ho was very fond of playing whist and ono oven ing had invited Sonator Fryo of Maine, Senator David Davis of nil nois and ex-Senator Robert Toombs of his own state to Ins rooms for a so cial game. The sat a good whilo, overy member of tho quartet enjoy ing tho pastime with keen ssost. In tho cut for partners Mr Stephens and Mr. Frye were pitted against tho other pair nnd won nearly every game, both ranking as master play ers. I think Mr. Toombs was the most indifferent player of tho four. He was of too impetuous a disposi tion to master tho science of whist. After tho play was ended tho host presented me with the cards, and I would not willingly part with them." Washineton Post Little Danger In Eating Fruit There is no possibility of harm ro Bulting from a fruit diet, unless through carelessness or misrepresent ation 'green fruit is eaten. Tho little people need continual warning on this point. As for tho man who in his greed seeks to sell unripe fruit to young or old, the least he deserves is to be exposed to publio derision and contempt. New York Commercial Advertiser. Ico Water Early In the Morning. I am always surprised whon I Bee a man fill his stomach tho first thing in tho morning with a glass of ice water. The ordinary stomach is tired anyhow, aud when, yawning, listless, it wakes with the rest of the system, it feels liko strotohing and resting, folding its hands for a littlo mor? sleep and a littlo more slumber, just tho same ns tho rest of us feel. What, then, must bo its surpriso to have thrust into it, through no agency of its own, it tho unwilling receptacle, a torrent of its deadliest enemy, ico water? Having swalloved a glass of ico water, the ordinary idiot thruBta into tho samo stomach his oatmeal, his berries, his beefsteak nnd his pq tatoes and his hot roll and tlion won ders that he feels heavy. Why, do you know what tho stom ach is doing all this time? It is wrestling with that ico water. Di gestion cannot begin until tho water is brought to its normal stomach temporaturo, and whilo tho overbur dened, ovenvorked, strained organ is doing its best to warm this horrid stuff in it flout; your steak, your ber ries and your oatmeal, nnd there, thoy must float until tho gastric juice and the water aro at a common tempora turo and tho work of assimilation may properly begin. Howard in Now York Recorder. Iilk 21, Halem, Ore, owned by 1', S, Knight 84 Si Ileinning at a xlnt 41 2.1 foet west of thn southern corner of lot 6, In blk 'II, Balem, Ore.; thence west ilonu tho north line ol Court street 14 foot thonce north 82,60 feet thence cast 14 feeti thence south S2.TO feet tn the place of la-gt'iinluir, owned by J, W, Thomas 2d 41 llerlnnlnir at Ihe miuthwrsl corner of Int No. D, In him c 22, Haleni. Ore; thonce east along ttiu soutli line of said lot 1 10,70 feet; thtnee north at rl.'bt angles 82.60 feet; thence west along tho north line of wl.( ot 28,70 feet; thenco south 2S feet; thence west kt feet, thence south alonif tho east line of Liberty street 67 0 't to the illco'of be. chinhir, nwned by L U Rowland , 217 96, Ixits Ha 3 and 4, In blk St, Halem, Oroini'M oiceritlnx a piece of land off of the est end bounilei) at (oln. tu-wit: ItcalimlnjraLtho southwest corner of lot"', blk 92, H-ilcni, oreirnn j thenco north alonir tho alloy lOo feet; thenco oast 60 feet; tbence soutli 100 feet; thenco west 60 hot to the i!aco pf be. iriiinliiir. owned by I F Wuimer .. ,. 210 00 lleirinnlnK at the southwest comer of lot 4 in blk 32, Halem, urei(oii;inence norm aiong tho alley 100 feet, thenco east 60 feot; thence south loO feet to tho north lino of Court Street; thence sett 60 feel to the place of beulnninj, owned by K. M Crolsan and J, II MtNary 1 Bl llexlnnlmr at the southeast earner of lot fi In blk 2, Niem, tiro 1 wenco worn siainr ine north line of Court street 2lfoot;thouce north at right angles 70 fort; thenoo eait24foet; thence south 70 feet to tho plico of begin nlng, owned by I. U. Bteovei and C. V, Sleeves. .. 00 Beginning at a iwlnt 24 foet est of the souilieati comer 01 mi p. in oik ox, naiem, Ore,, thenco north parallel with Com mer. dal street 70 feet, Ihence west 22 feot; thenco south 70 foet. thence eatt 22 feel to tlietla-e of beginning', owned by Wni, Kniian.l 3d 08 Ik-ginning at the southeast corner of lot Sin blk 31, tuioin, ore , mihim can aiong III south line of said lot, 110 feet; theni north parallel with Commercial trjil70 foet; thence west SI M feet; thence south 4 42 feot; theuce otat O.li f ttt; thenco south 23 feet, thenco west 71 foet to the west lino of said lot. Iliento south along the said west lino 42 feet to the plsct bl beginning, owned br It 11 Wade 219 60 Ilcginnlng at tbo northwest corner of Jot J. In bill St, Halem, Ore- thenuu oast parallel to UiUtl nrecv fnipvv (iienuvwMiiiis.poibcv thtnee cast 0 40 feet thenoo south 23 S3 feot; tbenco nest rallel with Court street 76 feet, thenoo north 40 feet to the place of Uirlnnlrof. owned by Win, Kngland 05 46 Ilcginnlng st a point 82 74 feot south of tho nonnwesi cunicr ,n o u 111 oik l D4ICIH. Ore , thence east farallel with Court street 101 feot to tho alley, thenco south siong tho alley 13 foot nd 9 Intlies, thonce West parallel with Court ttrost ItM foot; tlioace north 40 loot and 9 Inohee tho plaeeof beginning, owned by It M . Wado Hcrlnnmg at tlie northwest crnor of lot S, In blk 32. Kalsm, Ore , tbenca Mat along the north line of said lot Lo tho noflbeast tur ner Iherw, thenco sooth alotur tlie aast lino S2 76 feet, thorm west parallel to Court street, 160 I'M to Hut wmt liuo nl aald lot. Ihtnes north along said west line tt.lt feot to tbo pbwo cf twglaiiing, owwal by W. r IWrfhbr lfA 7 and 8 in Uoek H, Salem, Oregon, tho owner Is unknown Lot No. t. In Uk 11, Halcui, Orovon, owned byK V IVlj LotNo, dlu Uk II. Kslen, Oro,, owned fay I, uiirulre atvic liwruir Lot No 7, In Uk II, fiilwu, Ore, owntd by J. W. Crawford Lot No- 2. hi Uk CI, Salooi, Ore., owuwl by CarrWM Ogle -. 70 K 207 II 162 IS IIS 47 IS It S7 SO UstNo 1 la Uk CI, BsJem, Ore., ownod by Mrs C W Cross, Mrs. Ilslta M. Jordan, Mrs. iooepblM lUrnelds, Mrs. Amelia gtrangoby, A K Mran. Anna II. Hun ier, A 0 Hdiwatka aJ Ow. WIIIUum. IU 6 ul C la Uk 30. fsalcsn. Ore., Owuod by H llruifl U I al 4 le Uk to, Silirni, Ore., owuod by JotMi Majers .";.'.. Lot Id Uk U, Mtn, Ort, vtraod If II. M. Wtdo . , Lot 7 Ui blk !, Or., vwiml by K. M. 7 M M7 7 it IS SO II M I, atxttuakbhslrs - V. II WX"J,U Btal.'s sjmI twIJ UwiTb iru kVoUurll.1. Ktmritf, jrJffVVVAfVWVkfVV,srSrVVSrVWV mAJUU What Is tho condition ef youra? Is your hair dry, 5' Iiarali, brlttio? D0c5.it solft at the enda? Haslt n j: ft 5s hXhuijsh nicies oppcarnnco r -, . brushed? Is It full of dandruff ? Docs your scalp itch ? Is it dry or In a heated condition ? If theso aro some of yoursymptomsbo warned in time oryou will becomo bald. SkookumRoot Hair Grower! It what yen need. Iu production it notanaccldrat,btit the rwnlt of sdentlflo I research. Knowledea of tho diseases of the hair and ccalo Inl to tha dlsoo 1 ery ot how to treat ibem. unotaiiro.Lutadeiiiibtrciircooiinjr ana rttrrinmr Tonic itriimuitin the f oUlclea, 44 (font falHno hMdM. v f"Eee; atfal ttti-tt U your drudrlit ctanot turply ron nd dtreet to va, tnd wo will fonmrd ', fmoAlii. on reMlDtof Drlce. Grower. L0O d botlla i forUVQEL &oD.fiOa. , 1 "., s ss UM' " i por jmx 1 9 jw &vtt THE SKOOKUn "5.!Jius. 07 BoBth r" tnyisiafmiw J . ifWsWTO Iff A I c , vi) if y jj! wvyvyvrVos wwvywwvwvwvvyvvv T. J. KRESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, 30th and Chemeketa Street. Geo. Fendrich, CASH MARKET Ileal meat and free delivery. 136 State Street. PROFESSIONAL AND nUBINESB OAKDS. P. II. D'AliCT, OEO. O. BINQHAM. D'AltOY 4 DINOHAM, Attorneys at Law, lionms 1. 2 and s, li'Arcy Kulldina;, 144 diabn street. Special attention Rlvon to bunl ne In the suDreme and circuit courts nr the state. 2 11 RP, UOISB. Attornty at law, Halem, Oro . Ron, Ofllco U74 Commercial street. T1LMON FOBD, Attorney nt law, Balem, Oregon, unice up stnlrs in IMtton block H, J. DIQQBK, Attorney at lnw.Balem, Ore. gon. Ufiloo over Hush's bank. T J.flHAW.M. V. HUNT. HUA.W4 HUNT rj . Attorneys nt law. Offlce over Capital National bank, Knlem, Oregnn. TIIIIM A flAltanPJ Allnm.0 al Inw wwm. K and 4, Bush bank building, Halem,Ur. B. K. UOVHAM. W. II. IIOLMIW BUN HAM & HO I. MRS, Attorneys at law Ofllco In Bush Mock, between Stale and Uourt, on Ootnmerclol street. fOUN UAYNK. ATTOHNKV-AT- AW. I tVilleo Ions rnnd4iu,d promptly remitted. tr,,..u I.I.I.I, , 'nH u.. nn iuiM....uii jA,,,,u ui'ivai ui m..bo nuu UMIJllllUIOlIll streets, Hnlom, Oregon. 0-M-lf, 7tro. KNIUIITON-Arohlteut aud surerin- Vt leudent. onice, rooms aud B Bush- Breyman hlnok. o-iu-tt Tl tf W IViniTII? Ulunnal-un,n nnA IH ma. . writest Ilest equipped typewriting or- flnn hut nnn In DrAirnn. llvnr Iln.h'a Imnk U.I.M OpA-nM lwriM - '. TEI.LA HHKKMAN. Typewrltlnu and oommcrclnl stenography, room It, CI ray lock r irsu-cmsa worx. Ilaies reasonable Dlt. A. DAVIS, Late I'ost Qraduate of New York, elves special attention lo the dls cuses of women and children, pose, throat, lungs, kidneys, skin diseases and surgery. Ofllco at nIdence, lol (ilnte street. Consulta tion from ntn2 a. m and2t)jp m. 7-1 -Dm w DIllCO s.aioiT, I'll YclIOIAN AND HUKOKON. Office aiot'oinmerrliil streeUlu Kldrldge block. Il'-sinence 470 (nmme'Plni Hirwt. liUOWKlH, M. Ll., .'hysiulauuiidi-iur. coon. Olflce. Mumhy bleck: realdonoe. 45, i 'o ommrrolal street. T.U HMiril. Dentist. 62 Btule street BhIciii, Oregon. Klulsbed dental opera, of every description, rainless lonera- tTon-i i tlnns a specialty. . DH CLAItA M. DWIIMON, grsdunto or Woman's MedlnHl Collwo, of 1'cnnsyl vania ofllco. Hush lirrvimn Mllock. Halem, WD. I'UUIl, Architect, plans, sjhscIUch . lions and superintendence for ah classes ol buildings. Otllco 290 Commercial slreot, upstairs. PltOTKOl'IONllUaKO. 2 A.O.U. W. Meets In their hull In Htate Insurance building, every Wednesday evening. i. yv. ui'.nfiio, si, w. J, A. BBLWOOI), Kecorder. TO SALT LAKE, DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS AMD AM. EASTERN CITIES 1 DAYS to J2 CHICAGO eHtteQjMaspu4 Hours Q"01" t0 Oro?11 m& an" Through Pullman and TourUt Slefpen, Free Reclining Chair Cart, Dining Cart, for rales and general information call on or sddrtsu, W. H. HUHLBUrtT, AMI, 0. 1'. A VA Washington Bl . VorM To Trade for Qoods. Valuable tiuitier nod farnilnit IaikIh In LIiiooIij county In tracts of 10 to 100 acre. Will trade for fteiieru! nierchao diMJ. A'ldreaa, Vkkk. &. liVHHKLh, Ofilm . Yaquina, ort-Kon. Hotel JHeHtercy. Newport, Ore0B. Tr-aud nn (hellcacli.two miles noitli of Newiort on Cve Cov, a beautifully elielterwl mxit, wonderful noenery, aa batlilotf, flue drive to Cape Coulweatli' r llilittioua. House new, rooms large and airy. Pineat retort for families) or Invalid. Open all winter. Turuaa tuoderate by day or week. Intending vUltora cau drop a postal card to New. port and U met by hack, JJUM JkITWATHICIC, d-2 m Proprietor. jpftTBtODGH (B TICKETS sIL Hi -g-y ntiAu; ". M mm .. . . 'k . uocs it lau out wnen comnea or "Skookum "contains nslther minerals nor oils. It i hair, cures dondrvir and erows Aair on bati,' en tbe scalp clean, healthy, and free from Irritating ernntlont. by Stookum iStin Soap. It destroys jxmuuto iruccti, fthiek lad ci I ; (A olr. . ' - - " - srw ROOT HAIR GROWER CO.. ftli Avesne, Kew Xeik, K-Tr. J. E. MUKl?IsX -Brick and Tilo NORTH BALKM. Fresh- Nbstsn Paoers- Take It! ' EVENING JOURNAL, Only 2 cents st day delivered at your door; and t'Hti(llr)s. J. L. BENNETT 4 SON. P. O. Bloolc. J. H. HMS, THE WAT O H MA K EH, B2I5S Commialil St., StUm, Orsgon. ' (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty of Spectacles,- and repnlrlnc Clocks, Watches and Jewflry, Smith Premier Typewriter, Sold on caiy payment. For Bent W. I. STALEY, Agent, Salemr H,N.BUlU,KE,aeilMAgent, 101 Third HI. Cortland, Bend forlcalatngue. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE soTOr. Do you wear them? When next In need try a pir Beat In the world. v5.00 00 4.00; 50 3.50 2,50 2.25 42.10 rOflLAMCS; 2.00 4I.7S. ron boys ih.7 2.00 roit m If vnuwint att nttrSS SHflFi muU In 1Kb tabu! itvl.f. ilea't nav iS (a fl. trv mv 13. $3.50. $4.00 or $5 Shoe, the nt equil to Cutfom made and look and weir ti well, I f yoa with la economUe Is your mlvttf, do to by purchulnc Wi Li Oouxlti Shosi, Nm and price stamped on the bottom, lock for It tshtnyou buy W. X UODOLAS, Ilrockton, Mass. SolTby KllAUBSB linos. vOOuuOuOUUuO ouOUiuiw jO J OjuaU Hair Death. Inftlnnflv rsmnvMsnlt rnravurilftatrnvanb. 'jecilonable hair, whether upon tbe handii moe arms or neck, without dlscntnrntlon or Injury to the most delicate skid. II iraa uir niLV Tssri ilia acrDL 'iiriuu'isi.j Krssmus Wilson, acknowledged hy rhysl clans as the highest authority undlur most eminent urniaioiogtsi anit tmtr spa clallst that ever lived, During his prlvutl uractionni . iirs-iuns aruonir tne uoni ill ind ariaticrary of Knrope he p cs!rlbe0 ibis recipe, t'rice, It ny tii'iil, se'-urci incked, t'orTespoudeureconndeutlul Hoi tgenls for America, Adilreas TH SK00KUM ROOT HAIR GROWER '0, lepU 11. MKonlh Killh A venue.New Vork fnnonfyiiiniiwiiwi' -t hw, .hhk..h. From Tcnuicil or Interior Folati li Is the Hue to take To all Points East and Soutb. Itlsthedlnlngoar route, ltrutis through voalibule trains, every day In the year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO ;(No change of cars.) Composed of dlnlngcars unsurpassed, fuUrnan drawing room sleepefa Of 1st est uipmciit TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Ileal that ean bet constructed and in which aocominodatlwas are both tree and fur nished (nr lioldsrs of llrsl and eeound-fJa" tickets, audi ELEqANT DAY COAOnEfl. mm. m Acontlnnocs line omneetltig with all Hosts. aOordlox d'reot "1 untuUmipted Mrvlee. fullraan sli-;' - - vn I Ions cau lie se cured In advtf'i- -u any agent nf the road. Through tickets to and from all points In Arnerlc, Kogland and Kuropa ca be pnrehaaed al auy iloketomaeothfsootii. roy, Kulllnforraalloaeoneernltvs rates, lime of t rains, nmtej and other deUlUfurnlibel on aullullon lo any aueol or A. D. aHAlUiTON, AaaUtant Oanoral faaaem.'M Agent. rn, m tnrst street, oof, WaslilBitiw, iorl. liBd.Oraeroii BUAW k Dowsixa, Amenta. IsissssssBiass' .afffsw3 asiasai'l, mrt BSBBBSl,: i, , uilIJIIUBI iltj wu.'iBar!,1- Eleetuic Lights On Meter System TO CON8UMEB8 1 Theen(em Light (did Power Company t eet fiipene linve equipped their Klcctne Light p'.aptvlth the ronet modern nupnmtne nod fni.wch!e o ofler Ihe pnhl'n a better ilrhi ihitn i-oy svem end, at a rate lower thiin Uii? rily on thp cost, 4iv u;tl ImnndcsccHt Light; iiit;. I loc.ric Motors lorftU pun?s whqrp power is re quired. r.iv-Ueuccacan be wired fbr aa many llfhia m rtuslred una the consumers pay for only laninnxpreuBoa, i ni oeins regwteceu nueoirio acwr. 179 Commercial St. T. W. THORNBURG, The Upholsterer, Remodels, re-oovrs and rejwjrn upholstered furniture. FlrtU olam work. Ohemeketa street, Btate Insnranoe block. David HcKillsp, Steam food Sai Leave; orders at Balem lot provement Co., 95 Btate street. Mia" ANNIE THORNTON, Oonservntory ol Music, Dresden, Germany. Vocnl Instrnmental muslo. InsiructorofFrench nnd'arman at Willamette Unlvorslty. llooms 6-7, Bank Ilulldlng, 0-1-tf. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD CO E. V. HADLEY, Receiver SHORT LINB-to.CALIFeilftLL OCEAN STEAMER SAIMNGS- a B. WII.LAMETTK VALLKY. tfCuycs ?nn Kianclsco, Oct. 7th, 17th and Tih. Of uycs Vaqulna.Oct, 2d, lathHd and NovHth FA "IMA I. WAYS BAaiBFAOTOIlT. For freight and paisenger rates apply to any tutu tor purser of this company. It. B-M ULiOA dY, Qse'l Stijat. O. T. WA IIULAW. T.K.4P A. Q. M. 1'OWKUH, Agent, Blom iolc East and South -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE th Southern Pacific Company. oAuroitMiA xxrncsa ti(aiM nun nAixr be- TWKEM POllTllAlfl) AVTt B. V. ouTh" "KorthT UISp. ni. 9XM p. ro. 10-lli a.in. Xv. uv, Ar. VortTand Hal oro Ban Krnn. X: 8:20 a, ju C:80 a. m 7.-00 p. M Lv, Lv, v.l Above trains stop at all stttlons from Portland to Albany Inclusive; also ut Tafnt Hhrdd, Halsey, llarrlsburg, Junction Gift, irving, uuirrue aun an siuuonsirom noweuort rg n Apuianu tiiciuaive. IIOHCHtlnU MAlI. DAILY, khi a-m. 11:17 a. ui M p. m. 1-v. JUv. Ar. PbrtlantT Ar. I tJJ s.in. Halem hv.i 1:40 i. m. I lose burg tiv, 7.-09 a. IMuii'K C'hi-s oh OgUen Koitte PDLLMAN BDFFET SLBBPfflS AND Second Class Sleeping Cars- Attached to all through trains. iVcstSide Djyislofl, Behreei FstIUmI aad Cwvailis: PAii,T-(Krc3u-r atWDAt). YM a. ax.' IJilft p. m. Lv. Ar. I-ortland Itorvallis fr. 5:aS p. in. 10 p. Hi, At Albany and Oorvallls connect Iraius of Oregon laMBo Kallroevd. wltn "TifUKHHTKAIH (Uatl.Y XXOSrTNUNBAT -m "ietTp. m.Ev. 7iOr. m. I Ar. Tt'ortlanoT"" McMlnaTllle Ar. hifa.M J()a.m THRtUdli TICK1TS To all tmlnts In tha Kastrru Btates. Csuutda ipdi Europe can be obtained at loweet ratea PJUl w. n, onijinr.n, jifaai, imiuiii KlMlOOKKn. Aw.t.0. lf.aiida(.Ag't it, KUK1IL.K1I. aiansaex WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES (Norths Pacific R. R, Co.( Leute.) LATEST TIME CARD, Two Throvgh Trains Dally. Ifci'.pm I.'Jipm to-anain I 4Jutn 8.!5pm 7:14 tun l.Minn.a K4estn B.0tktm ll.lQam tUCeun I Hll'aul.a lDulnthB I, Ashland, a rhlcgol titftspM 7 8t.S 4JNIHH twpro 7jlttpm 7.ltm luum &Wptn Tickets sold and baggage checked through to all points In the United BUtej and Osuaada, I Close connection wade la Chicago wlln all I trains groins; blast and Bouth. ruriuu lumriuaiuia apiuj' in jusr ummnm. ticket agent or JAS, O. itlMD. (tea. Haas, and Tkt, Agt., OniesM, 111 .J.----.. m. -..-' ' , .... .-- SYPHILIS! A Ntw IUmd j A true EpIsc-a peslilve aoJ yrmum tUmimflm call poisesi from tb tsuoJ. sal s raawrstlaa e( lisr ytsw la U lwut it isfsnd to suSWwl fix UM tfasM to a tttwHif ucn au v wanviam fa" sslrau uMflmanu fur lb nat lino ". It sua. It as as z -r n - a i .u .. -n .. i CaiW. aad b iH cxvt fa&Tas ll is a ttM sssMsia lufSljJJUkpjIaooa&l all Wood 4Usas.. IlaiMiM. lUnsff bfofuUfmkiJsisaipwf-(Saasi auiog your lytwA hh MMeurr "" esasf, uissssm. Thit rsauiiy will curs pxtiay. Ism dys wUkow Sad. We gujirsiHtse at sntrsi r iiwss m iMMMaas ft KOFFATCWIMai.Ce,, 11 Vine Mrcet Vt4s)tfaVMtV Ola, SMITH BROS., CON I'-RAUTORii . yLAiJTEKKRa. I .y w . tW-JrWethawt klockooi l I P i il usail6jalsua!.