Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 03, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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    --wipwi ;
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yr&saU Ui'lTAi, .ioiiiimAJm TtfflSDAT, OOTOBKIt fl iWB.
roxiJhiiizB iailt. kxcbit atwn t.
Capfctf JwraaJ Prifefefag CfT.
- ln.
laOSr. br carrier, rw
HaBr.- aal, lee 7
Prices Carres by TeJcgripa Lccal
aad pSrlSLi '(Jaoiatioas.
The price of American nay ia Lafl
don bu dtdial to $S per too. ef S
Down in Maryland the fine varie
tiea of peaches r ingl&tbetwchard
atSo-utsa busbel. Pns are so tow
that it does doc iar to
ship them Cb
Dioat bank ta celery with earth
during tbe hot weather. The 05
cf this caaUoa is vAt wakes 0 moeb
early celery rus'y. Le bjards fa
bksching aatM oH weather eoQt.
Westers Ioara Farm Jere: Tb
Odebolt Herald says tbat Wtbste.
Heath, ef Wan L-ii tswaship, rxi&tts
oa an sere of gruaad tte aad a quarte
Vxzs f grxp from vines only four
years eld.
AM tbe ga expred this year b
bxn rscwered exept Hiro.O'- The
fadiextioas rr, h t -jw, that gald ex
parcatioe, oa a tanH seato ait Seut, wilt
soon be resumed.
Unioa Star: We were very mo
ped with tbe sale at tbe W. A
Elliott farm last Tuesday. Horj
brought as high asf:. Milch aw
went for $53. aad steers from 21 to SSI.
Hogs vent dear oat of sight.
Tbe agricultural reports ia Eu eland
are beginning to give as tbe final re
main of tbe Ion? droegbt. All tbe
grain crops tbl s year will be eoaiderabli
below tbe average, a ad some esJimai-r
dedare tbt tbejietd ef bay will not
exceed one-fifib of tbe avcrkge.
iToaday' New Yors So a bts a threcr
eslama article on tbe world's vbeat
svpviy, frfring tbe total predaetioa at
g,?17,tO3J,0J boibels and tbe require
menu at 2,4HrV,Cv:J ba-hi. ftboviog
a defieeoey of 197,0 O.OjJ btKbeb.
Wants of icaDorUng can tries &rv
figured at iSi TfO.O.'O bujbtb sod tbe
sarpto. of paniog owtrk at S,- j
3a.C btubeis. Tbe crop of tbe Ua.ted i
State, ia estimated at 3C1.3ftMM bab
all and tbe borne ievjaireeit3 at J7S.
000.CCO bosbelf. A sarpio of 101.C",-
OCO bosbeU from former crops is admit-
Apples are In good demaad forth Ip
pinj; and drylag at Salem. Tbe Ore
gon Fruit & Prodace Co. are fbippiag
to tbe Sound and to MSatnaota at prer
ent. No potatoes are being shipped aad
&o rovect of immediate adraace ia
Salek, Oetober 3, 4 p. m. Offlet
Daily Capital Jocr.sai- Qaota
Uoos for day and up to hour of geiag to
press were as fallew:
Apples 25c to SSs. a bethel.
reASbea &c to a box.
Veal dressed 4 et.
Hog dressed 6 te 7.
LJ re cattle 1 lot.
Hbeep aMre JA to iOJ.
Bpring lambs J L&) to .00.
viu PBica?.
Balem MUliDg O. qtet: Flear
in wholesale lou U.W. Retail f.t.
Bran $15 bolt, JWaMxwl. Sbaru $17
fIS. Cbop feed flSaad 1.
Old wheat en storage 4 ceats. New
wheat 4a ceats.
Oats old, 3S to 40&. aew 36 ta &&.
Hay Baled, new J toflS; oW $ to
J14. Wild in bulk, hi to &S.
Barley BrewlBtf, at Salem, No. l.i
toiofi.ooperewt. vo. 2, 70 to SS .
farm HKonocra.
Peas and beaav-S ta Weeati a cUteo.
Wool Bt, Iftfc
Hops SmaM sale, 17 to 15c
Cash, 1 ceeU.
JUutter Bet dairy. St; fancy
creamery, S.
Cbeenfr 12 to U cts.
turn smoked tuejiU Bacon 13;
Potatoes 36s. t MSi.
Onions 1 ta 1 orals.
BetMwax 34. Caraway fcd, lSe.
Green, 2 cts; dry, 4 U; sbeep-pcHs,
Hi cia iw iw --u quoLaueas an tani.
Chickens S cts; broilers S: daekf.
Sc; turkeys, slow sale, choke, HVj;
Onla, Ynn. ale.
Fltiur-Btaudard. f3.i; Walla WalU,
ia25; graham, $2.75; ftuperflae, f&4
jier barrel.
Oita Old whIte,S34 ;vrbu .grey, Stag
rollfHi, la bags, $6.S0; barrels.
o 73(a)7.uu; case, ta ?o.
Hay Ileal, f 1012 per to.
Wool vallev, price nmnlual
MIIUtutls-Hran. $17 IX); sborU, SQ:
ground barley, f2323; cbop feed, fig
tier tou; whole f-cd. ttarley, 6XS5 per
oeuiai; luiutiiinir. a3 periau; orew
Iuk barloi C0Doo percental: chicken
whtwU 91 1(XHT.'J5 lr cental.
Jlo& Old, 10 to ia , new 15 to 17.
llu W OrvgvMi f4UcyemtiU8rytS7J0
1 (m rfry. A Mr t cptW, f
lTftS; mmmm. HI f ; CW
' lwA, 9f 0Mi hf L ..
t" uv.f't rat. wwT
tw1s,l-. YimogAm-tlkam. U rc
w va fifiMwa HEitf mr amwmm i
Zi.oL-Z. Mi ilfik UtwmT ,
lMje SlJMafx: . m.
-r. - . -- aa ..h. '
wm ,
yvr, ymt. izm-vr, sw!e,
A.X rR, WAWK'lfr.
W4k Qriiiy SHer oHotei". la
IUUrt- Er-Hy Ro-f, 9MSM- Baf-
OtU Mititss. II SNftl as.
Tfce Bra"jret9 MreaaIH Agey
rep7U Iveay-tbree faimns fa tbe
Paneaiit ataod "terrttene $r
toe eteskd ye4enliy, M'iSxn pared
ritlvl3 fef ths grerioaiijNefc ai H
5pc lbeorfep3dll week ief lSi
Tbe Wrt3 fwrtbe pt wet were
divided acMSg tbe tJe V"-5
o saJooss, S sreoeral B9reballSer2 e
tectlooe3v3sroa, X jHaibr,I bard
ware'l taitor. l"bQtber, 1 drag", 1
as, 1 grxtu diier, 1 bbctmito, 1
dotbiar, 1 dry sl, 1 bote!, 1 piat
(nedMaes aad 1 eJoifcj.
In Plain Eslisi!
CrBetioaaMy conrtdertd ofiocal
ealaMe oja-qsroee in erretiag all
oBtitdtioBl o9taraVsatIa, & Dr.
Pierce's Goidea Medieal Dueorerj
Csa eoaiKTrBtioasly commead It u
arefat coaderauos, eoafideat of its
asipeteey ia ail coetrollabie ehrook
:ob plate ts.
Tbe -GoJdea Medical DiscoTe-y" i
tbe rsstt of mueb research and wid
-xperjeaos-. by a practical pbycteiaa el
vrtd-KrBows; its format embraco
be moji. potent rcturatiTes of tbt
irboie vegiaWe kiarttofa. It is r--tHy
recD8Bhradd t-tt all biood disvr
deri dytf ep4a, it-rer and kidney eoai
jfcUots onJ'uli, rttrbeam, catarri.
ad cobmibijHk'O in it early Maze
la-arisg reitef aad can in all cases!
m m
BuilH la tbe DusX of Cttln.
Dr. ilaniredi bas tiSo. azmocacing
sasae diqoieniis fsczs coooemiae
tie omnipresence of faad inkrobai.
In tns bosy tboroaidifareof actjwd
ed aty be ess foend 2,0:5,OCO,OCO
microbes to a grsrn of dust, cad m
the diraesi strt-eG S,CD(J.C0,C1 per
gram. A large nnrnber of disesae
prodaciDsr microbes were fonud
fimong these; the number of socn
morbi&c germs bemg directly propor
ckmal to the aggregate number of
(X -12 cases ia wham he mccn!aied
ratnpta r&s-s with Xefinohan dnTT- he
'detectad the tubercle bacSlos (the
rertn of coasempoon) in three, the
tel!u5 of pes m eight, the badHus
f . baaU ?
fatal b&cOli. A medxal paperscg
gests that the streets of American
End fa ouofenj xhzxxn manvof them
a harrest a ncfa tn variety and d&&
hness a was gamertd-ia Naples
coold easily be seoared. Emphasis
isgiTen to Dr Manfr&di's alarming
statistics by the results of some m
veftiga&ODS which have been carried
on by Professor TTffelraan with re
ppect to the carrying of cholera
bacslh by means of lettars, postal
esifc, etc Pinsburg Dispatch.
Irct IJurd tn rrrertv.
Injects that spend most of their
Hves ia a torpid or smitorpid cosdi
tioa are not always lallcd by being
frasdR. InataaofS are numerous of
tr-avater ia the Rocky moantains
aadiag bottermes above the aow
liae froaea sifil When carried to a
watmat cfimau or into a cabin, they
oftB eoaipleiy revive. Tbetrnor
mal vttal power s so low that a de
gree of cold that would prove fatal
to other creatures does not kSl thorn.
A Typographical Ilrror.
A seotimeatal novelist oace wrote,
"Edwin thea kised Angelina asder
ihe fdtent stars.'
The compositor st it up thus,
Tdwin thea kicked Aagebjia aader
the ceOar stairs."
A Trlt Remark rin tbe Stc.
At oeeof the tran(OBtia thiars
the other night the etas aaaaaeer
made a rueiark which was alasost aa
pjgram. Otwuf the turns was hsscd,
The stag manager came to the front
with a conciliatory speech, ending by
saying, "The man who hisses a fre
shew is a fool " Buffalo Expreas.
!r-Dngor of Consumption
-1 M aJ lMcfe4 X ae4
satatsy 4wtoc MtMkuiMlUl
a4asatllTlaa. Ii-
Hood's Cures
cMMWiXsUrs lniuiiitai aa4 I aa
aaa War tj " MtM IXuul 3ca
X TCt, Absw. IfannH. f
la IliU- tool .iMr nt ttt
nksrS: . a &p
JJ r DHikUlil
XJUs Aims ifoit
.av.;, MUavcrxal tontU. jYocue.
"Wi wb bouar later.""
tag wlsWVaa tvwai f ""
ttMie at larpr ta ta f In u
f UmI , 1 an? .
- ' ?r i.
ft df wLi tb was i.i
by a vnat trota on- ff tb
of Use maor lie wsw
J. .aria-as
by whew 1st fsjatteeir rrnJ
rpfa4 irP on fh- t
sm wiser? I wax tBBMBar
TWd'mr wa opm. and th wirk-
wi!T vnsMa. atM wttsstMSi
fsatMa a wtaai or a took slsw
a waited' sa4 k. astd frisftf. ds
rectly to fbe stairs Utat fhr p to
the second flour He returned al
atost at ooce a&l started out stop
ptogkatg uBWssdi ta. tuafttooaTcr
the rOMfx t2ut be wa afrail wt
badat chanxl UMsa staxrs.' aad
b-'d -got to soticsleSsp 'as aaotaer
1C year?."
"I saw thee the object of hs call
and when 1 recaHtd Ae rasny times
he had vuaggled' troaks up the
fcrm-r &t?ep and Barrow mght I re
spected has sotkitisne.
"v And I wo&dared then that hooses
are so often bmrt wttiioat regard to
their Bbs. New York Tin.
A Jrlal Poo BiK.
In the eosrse of jadxafcl tnais
sometimes rkh, rare aad racy things
transpire. At Amencos there was a
negro. Joe Murray. tng tred by
the justice coort, charged with the
offense of perjery. The prvsimg
justice was the only witness in the
case. The jusace. being sworn by
the prosecadag attorney, remarktd
that, the court bang a witness, he
woeld uiiiolve court and mre in h
testimony Vscaong hss ndxaal
seat, he proweded to give in his err
denee, and after testif yiag aad un
dergoins; a archiag exzauaatioo
the oorert remarked, "'This court will
now resolve itself into a court and
resume business." and then proceed
ed to announce the judgment of the
court, which wrt that the defendant
be conSntd ia i-J or give band for
his appearance ot tbe next term of
the superior court. Atlanta Coated
Jim AVi PrValj ExrftL
"John, dear." said Mrs. Barlow, I
inV yeor brother Jim i awfuBy
qcsq to tae baby Tm sorry we
named Jamesy aftrr hiwt."
-Why f What's Jim done to make
you say thatT
"Why, Jamesy pet sand in Jim's
watch on the btach this morning,
aad really. John. Jim said words that
i wouldn't repeat." Harper's Bazar
&aM 10 Poll.
"I bTte3 a frt sufferer from
Torpid XJvr acri Ujrp aIj. Xyery
ihlDC X a:iiiirudBit sietra till
IS B53
tTTffl aT 3"
I eaa now dient .ny J.trJ offcotfj
never bars a LoCzruc.DBi) iiJTOSJ-a-ed
tin tea pocrmtvin KciSbt."
VT. C &C1I I LTX, Cel urnMa, S. C.
A Practical PcUcj.
Two or three years ago a practical
poliocsan from an inland dry had
been promised a government position
for valuable services rendered h:s
parry, and oe few preparatory or
preliminary itOesoo&s were aikrd
'You know. I presume, something
about the history ef the wastry,"
said the examiner.
"Yes, I west to the. public schools
"How are you oa the tarirTqnes
tker" 'Fair. I
read the Sunday nws-
"How about our foreign relations r
"Rather shy on that I guess."
"How about the na&nasal policy of
His eyes brightened at on.
"Well, you b I've got that down
nne.-riesti(L "The poery has broa
m nsy town to pw evtwy osat where
u would do the nxn -cod. aad never
lay down a nickel for a vote until u
was dehvared. Its the oaly eaie
policy, tea, aad wr won ' t v-
eryuaa. That's whv Pa barw "aad
ob this expoauioa of a great theorv
the appbowt was pasted.-LVstroi't
Free Press.
From twte to tim books oa ea
qaetteare V-ssag yabfasitd. atsa the
reader thereof w jrrawatr aad to
some fexwsit arburarUj uii certain
ruis for behavior which to those
broht up mottrkocttaMgxMl
ciMty Mm vary abaurd. It would
not appear aeoMMry to taw wrld at
larg to be told -Vkw wiung to
reasons cherry pis&. ohre ttoaes or
Uts of boae frm tJsa south, direct
your neighbor's artntkto to some 1
object in tb oppcMtto duwum and
than osuekly aad wuh a hule bum
as possible reeoore Um sose. pit or
ww rrom your asoatsi aad put u
aader the left hand tad of yuur
ptata" The same st rf rule gives
the aawr to a qawdoa which is
aanostely aaked in soaHeof tW daily
papers, How shomsd a rriattfiaan
carry has batr Yt there are a
great atany peopteaf aoertaa cJa
to whom tins sort of kauKcfedsa k of
6rvi4. ThensarttaownaW Corzi
l wveryssuag, asm it t eay u
J a vomI mistakes if oa be careful -
23 - S
I ISTf e PI lit
ra u 3 11 r- ri s
Stricken Down with Heart Dt3s&'
Dr. 3tOt XfiiccX Cfc, ZOXarU Jnd,
Gcrtxt I tA a rr Crr. ts -rtn zs
;ieamrt. to pstdh. t3uxse. to XI wH tl
LTCd SZ2 Dm Unr-r- ncrnMnr
Wtwrytta. I via itryrra ov3 aa Jxear-
til-ra SO to le besa jer isJssss. a cfeotias c
rn !rg v st;vn 13 lit -"-&. p;e, v yrtoA
xwn sflwnsis
C3C!l W-
a WW m '-'l
la lis it
s C3Cj2 le besrS irwa a Icre roca aad vonlJ
27 Ve loij I TO tO 3ETTO3 tbX I
CX.M a -4 boa 7 toi ftMfij; X tes
etui hare (aim fraOoKJ of Patrmt Jfaiirim,
tcUXn I hn-cf-L. A fcjgri recces
r"'-' jvjt xemwrifi. Sis czrtd It Er
Kief reiiea. Itaxetxtaa - . (np .
ttr-5 Icale dimJnURED
errfee. MjfTcSe S ocrl. I tire ix an
TZSxesX. TiBTi-hr-Kit it ittts-. wry.
Trf.r 1
i ercTCC srtehis
ef Hetrt "Ksatse so Mk 2r. jrOtj' .
Crpes-aQCT.ttrA. LLCitru.
solo on a Ksrmt cuARArrrcc
rsW by D. J. Fry, drarzist, Salem
brother aghed,
Doderprfecrad: Cascrh"
Economics in Paper.
Clean newspapers, tied ia bundles of
1(0, not cat, lor sale at this office a'
fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw
wrapping paper, larse shts, two centi-
pound. Next door to tbe po-toffioe.
Strao e tnrj of in Ixiujie Man.
I heard a remarkable story in an
up town dub a f w nights ago. Ir
was told by a prominent New Yorker
The talk had reverted to lunatics and
to the potability of sane persons be
ing incarcerated in insane asylums.
"You have ail cited cases of sane
persons lercg locked up." said tht
gentleman. 'Now let me teB you
an instance of an insane person whe
once escaped.
"He had lea confined in an asy
lem in an adjacent state for some
time. Tie keepers got negligent,
and during one of their lapses of vigi
lance the jjernofi in quesdo-n ecapd.
" He cn e duect to New York, and I
having ir-: me socially several years j
before kl d me up. I kr.e;w noth J
mg about L:s meatal condition at the
tune, and there was nothing unusual
m his manner. '
I introilnced him in my dub and
vouched for h" at the hotel where
be had engaged a 5uit of rooms. He
hved like a prince for a week, run
ning up big bills.
"Of oofirse this thing could not go
on for any length of time, and at the
expiration uf a week the asylum au
thorities had gotten trace of him and
tracked him to New York.
'They came on and took him in
custody Ee was entertaining a party
of newly made acquaintances at the
chth. Ycu would never have imag
ined that he was a crazy man uqtil
he st oy6 upon the madhouse keep
ers. 'Then he broke iato a wild laugh,
a strange light sprang to bis eyes,
aad everybody realised instantly
that he was a maniac.'" New York
A Soeteh Parma' CITer E-plj.
When muaccl instruments were
first used in the services of jhe Scot
tish churches, many strict Sabbata
rians objected to the iniquitous pro- J
One of these persons, on meeting
the minister souse time after leaving
the 'kirk'' because of the introduc
tion of a haraiOBiem, said with a
sueer. "Well, aad hew is your fanner
getongonr" (a fannar being a win
nowing machine resembhag the bel
lows of an organ in its working).
"Oh. splendidly." answered the
reverend gentleman. -It s just keep
ing Use gUl com and blowing the
chaff away "Spare Moments.
Eatflj. OaUllj.
rVnaaataUj Euiti
aad aS IS trasa T a
(rataHj Hnnif Uter
xerMk ta raaJu
ra. llflltll,
t aS iiu
tea4 aiarUaarUaa.
3tM tt(rakm. &k.
cxsaUataM aj rnoU
Mp iff' TMl fiU '! I Ci
limw 1 aa aamamg toridffaH wiaek
sapfssMd on her aaajwry's Id Ch
ada ia vm rae ta Dulse of York
wm est buard It orewwd whr
the vwrH wa bnt a few days a so.'
Becaav roralty was aboard aa- '
wssl picmuisosu were eVrTed to (
Nsak the ship tborousrbJy safe
When aa iowtory of tse coramss
rarhU ww taken, two eepwsow
looksas; boxes were found among the t
stores of whseh bo account eouW be
dtscorered. This was a time whes
the aQeced artinty of Irfeh drnamit 1
ers was ginnc CAgusomen many
Tuubled dream An expkxqon al
most in ntidocean hd sunk a ship
attached to the PacsAc squadroa
mly a short time before, and it was
wbered by many that the explcoon
aad been caused by dynamite.
The commissariat omcers of the
Canada were sorely dismayed by the
rwo mysteorious boxes. Might not
ome fanatical lush patriot have
sought to gain for himself everlast
ng glory by smuggling an infernal
aiachine on board the ship which
was to carry the pociWe future king
it a hated nation t Such a machine
would be timed to do its deadly
work when least expected.
What could the suspicious boxes
contain if not the doom of a warship
with all on board! The prmce was
the coveted game, to be sure, but 3W
.nqgnifjcant souls must go with him.
Who could blame the omcers for
oeing alarmed! There was some
Jung to be alarmed about when no
account of tLe boxes could be found
itaong tbe ship's papers. No time
jiust be lost, for before another
hour they might all be scattered to
the elements.
The sedate old captain ordered the
two boxes to be slipped overboard as
"damaged goods" and the matter
Sept strictly secret from the prmce
and the men in order to avoid a
After more than two months on
the ocean another inventory of the
ship's stores became necessary, for
the captain- intended to take in a
cew supply at Halifax.
Now the invoice of two boxes of
German sausages taken on board at
Portsmouth was found among some
other papers. But the goods were
not in stock, nor did e accounts
show that thev had been consumed
during the vovage.
What had been a aark secret with i
a few soon furnished amusement for j
the whoSd ship, for the boxes con
tamed German saesace. London '
Sack Hdeii aai nrre aB tie trociJ fad
SsZ to a bSsKs suse ef U rrueci. ssci as
Dssxs, Xaaiea."Dr9Tsaa.Du9ss afur
exars, Paa n tto Siie. e Wtfi- tharracus
nsarabie iwtb baa baes aiwra ts ecnsf
Hdaip. jt Cisrxx s Ltttix Urn Pi?i
are TsJSr Tafeaike ta Or;iS7aa3 cnag
ass prrrtcssss Ciss asicrjsx coesiAast. vts
lorj- ass correa m osaraen ec :
asa tbe feirr aad rt xiabemtio.
ASirs ti?T o:il be ai-ws pnw,s to tbae
io vsSee fraes tial 6areEj- eecsriaat;
tea foeTBiiitjr tbcsr reuses dra oc ol
Vre. nil taceia i ttxr Of titeo wiffl fed
fea tele fH rt V-v'-jf asasazriraTsUuat
ibrj- -wH tot beiar toiia'SKicct -
b tbetas ot K but Hrei ua bar is wfeere
e saike cer creax soaK. Oct ra er a
wiS ethen do ec.
Cumilnu Unx Pnu irtotsiS
aalTTryrrto tats. Ooe ec to eSi cite
a drse. Tier are fSrwdj- rr-pettJetsti ds
CftfripeorpcBTr, tet tj-tij-tt aensx
ffaueUrtoBK Owsb. hniuSceo,
CwfcrSl SMJermrbrre,ericstS7XL3.
mm rr.rnn sl, st tx.
MIS. te&tei. bSPrii
Going to the Woild's
n quire About
Tbe Limited Express trains of tbe Cbi
caro, Milwaukfe 4 St. Paul Railway
brtween St. Paul and Chicago and
Omaba and Chicago.
These trains are veUbuled, electric
HRtiteU and steam beated. with the ne
wt Dialog and bleeping Car Service ia
tbe world,
The Electric reading Hht In each
berth is the successful novelty of ihi
proreasi ve axe, and is hicbly appreciat
1 by all regular patnms al thU line.
We wiah others to kaow its merit, aa
tbe Chicaeo Milwaukee A St. Paal Rail
way is tbe only liae in tbe west enjoy.
Ine tbe exclusive u of this patent.
Far further information arolv in
I nearest coupna tieket arent, or address
v. j. imdt. treaerai Arent.
J. W. Casey. Trav JrW..Agt.
fS6 Stark St PartUsd. Or. tf
Deutscher Advocat.
AdsalOMt to muhm la alt lb oscna.
Ppal aMattw ctrts to Gtrsaa k
ax U)(
wttr xsji
R J. 1aAJaSEInt & CO.,
Maaa&atwer af Wsgans, Car
riages, etc
Ropatrtsis a
Kkop 6 gtats stnat
tTraaanjBBBl I
1 m 1 ill mimm
Foar to are para waler to cee cf
u reasonable prices. We keep a full
meat 11 HAmt.1a A l Vu ffl. tH.
Barn and residence 2 block south
If you would Le clean
uie neatest ana dressiest niannor, taie tnem to tlie
where all work is done by" white labor and in the most prompt
Lamoureux's Stables,
At tbe tmmerciai street bridge near
bides being added constantly. Only
i.s uvr pwr ao.-5ts.
iiecovers and renair unholstered
'nabfe me to turn out first-das -wcrk.
j ?ive estimates. State Insurance block,
Tho I Jacf PmnfTr.rf Crs Book&JoU
lliVu fIVuaJll 1 liiHlJjy VUs.Prlnl
Special attention to mall orders.
SC3 Oomrsercial St,
Oa tsipraxtO. Rati Estai. tn aaaocnls aol
lia: to ssM. Ho Ctixj is conilinxx V"-.
IVcea I2.Bsaa Bask bksek.
The Rustler W Saw1
Asd t dmc1t bera p talf yocr mood, la
faet.Tbeabaaa It. ICaxe jtku-coetric
orarnere ivsibam's took are,U Scuotae-1
Mrt.eradirK to br rrua. tio.'
The House Mover.
451 Marion Streel.
Has fce beat txeJHUt jsr aorta and rais
ltr boefot. Lear ordov aa iiaj Sm. or
St. PanL ararioa Cctaty, Oresna.
OMdBel bj- Ute lter ofli HoJtV-v
jMtasdlUrT. Tbe SoraUoa asv all ital !
cr? r1 tWd osuiour extteb.. '
. Haalcaabtajzlr reaea4b7 boauoatb
-- . .w. ww is ispimcaxau, XXM
wi v m bvkx mrnrrif
Stenography and TypeurritiryE Taught.
Tenet SKaieale.
For aribr jaartiea. an appirtoeifter Kcper
If yoaanUeipate vuIUdc tbe world's
fair, ar your friends in tbe Eatf, take
ad ran tae of tbe nresent nrAitnn!t-
as tbe fares are new so low tber cot no !
bane ia ine expense. Tbe Chicago &
Jvoi thwesteru Railway have placed la
service aclid vctlbaird traiR, between
."...n. uu wuKafV. ice tamccji
Wayeer tourist cars, free recHuiajri
r .. 1J.. "."u ""BrT oar -par excel
"- n me aecassmodauosa far-
uuuru,iau dow vatrxeu, iPgetBerwilo
tbe short time contuBard in makiaj
I be trip, it is within tbe reach of aa,
Far further luforamioa, apply -to any
ticket ageat. tr write
A. G. Babkek. Genl Ajtt.
73 Washington street.
Portland, C.
If so you will thank us for calling
your attention to the necessity of
keeping the
Condensed Milk always on hand
In the sick room. or the nursery, in
the kitchen or on the breakfast
table it is always ready for jsc.
Your Grocer and Druggist sell il.
Eafk Ccaicaei Male r-Vn rs. g
line oTTroelf, Dras and Ex whs d
?-!: t .; . . . K. w I
of po&toffice. RYAN 4 CO.
and have your clothes doct uj-iJ
UL,VJSJLLi J. UixilbTiiL),
Liberty Street.
Willamette HoteL Newstodrsndn-I
tue best service rendered. Nogbabtj
ji. Xt LAMOUBELX, Propnetof.
State Street.
fhrnitnre. TitiFrnHiinM .. h inil
Sampfes of coverings. No trccMe til
Cheniekita street.
First class work.
Be&snable pricn.
Salem, Ortpia.
(kerratoFT of M
Willamette nnlrersJtv. Pakm. 0
School of music forpjaco, organ, Tiote
singing, orchestral icstrcroents, tare
and higher musical ccnjpoHtioo. '
j better grade of work dene west oftl
jBocky tuoanuina. Prices low. HR
lexebers. Nutifrm triESWD!.!
Send for annual year beck or cdnl
z. it- rarvia, iius. Doctor. dbi
director. S92nx!i'l
1tt t
WiilaiD tte rniveialj
Oldest, Highest and Most &'
InsUtution cf Learning in tbefto"!
CI, n... - 1irru4lATI. &tS
Grammar, through Academic tVJ
lege, to rneoirry. I-'' ua J'Ts
Splendid Courses for Tialclcfj
Teaching. Business, Art, Ek
and Music, Several Post Gr
Cbureea. Stronger and tetter lbne
IV Woman's College sffcrds an l
borne for voqdc ladies wib onwup1
facUilfc for tbeir care and tralnioff.
Tha ivKivnl tmt nrr.i Seft. 4. 1"
For Year Book and all &?!, j
course of study, address,
Caauu( ta' KAitA'i mifl - -
AtStcgfe,W;aHA.WXEY LI-B
For financial Infarmatioo, adJras,
Xr. J. H. ROOEK, .Agent,
S-2Sd4w Salem. Oief
CflflS. WOLZ,
.. .... s.Vr.
.. JTrTTr VZi ft
. aaa aear-.
i run OKLXVEBf-
THF Pkcmr.
. - OrS