SSIJSPSIfW" w HPPWRi cWBHP vS-sa WpPwfw'riPfW SP jrnsznfrd oju?rr3JL JutniSAi,, MORA'S? OtTOUES , iw& 9w r K 11 ME ALL goods XEW PATFHRXS IK FRENCH FLANNELS, FJXESUrHNGS IX HOP SACKING, BROCHE, Qtiangeable - WHIP i iA Best J gLCS yM in Salem. THE PALACE ANDSHCOMPANY, 307 Commercial Street. P. S. Ladies shojld see the DeBevoise Waists for boys aa J girls. A waist for b iy - suspenders on. - IK - Yen gcx;3 tasace-sskeasx rnof Xsa svrezacsS taTs a ;ie act, i are rsr7iraT ra ,, ZT i P Salem Improvement io. TheBiq iJsnffiE. Oootracter Mc- Coy today compJetel tbe work oa the tig WIBaraett bridje, asd it is aaia m& to cross wbb any kind of leaded Teaicaex. Tbe entire stractare, except tbe east approach, w ptanKea wa three loch plank oa tbe wagon side. This required iSJCOi feet of plank oa tbe west appeoaeh, tbe coctnet pnee , which u 1S.SO per M, and -J5,0 feet ; on the spans, at Jiat3 peril, tbe pnee for tirnienins and ad j acting was JTiXO and repairing tbe broktn spaa oa tbe eiJdf2a.CG.raafanatoUieaslwtntoegoath SaJeci people ye terday tbe Improremest JlCSLsJ. It "oo'caiUr occtroiablr. Ber. Grannis has ready for acceptance by ue coanty ccartfl. Tbe bridge stil needs painting to pat it In th best posMe shape for" wear asd tear, and this will no doaU be at no distant date. Tbe re-corering was a most tedkos pfeceof work, as tbe pmsinz teams were constan tly st y ing prograas. "Wheat vs. Bkjls." A local paper discussing the relative prk of wbe t and bran asks wby wit wheat at iS cents a beshrf bran seils at Mb a toe The manager of one of tbe milts was seen today and said: "Bran is 15 per ton, not SIS. Why can't the fellow tell tbe troth? He asks "wby is thisr Did he ever stop to think wby there is soeh a demasd for the Oregoaiaa. while his own paper goes beggiag. Does not supply and demand reflate tbe price? Bran is worth f 1-5 per toss because there .& a demand for it at that figure." Schools Opes. In all the depart ments of tbe poblie schools tbe work of tbe year opened today In Reed shape. At the East scoool aboat 503 were re ceived. At tbe Park school 351 were present. Tbe other schools had not re ported this afternoon, t ot a fall show ing of attendance will be made tomor row. Sapi. Anderson says the ind e tlooa are that there will be aa increased showing of school popu atioo. Chbisttax Wobk. A very large asd attentive aodlence was ia atten dance at tbe Christian choreh last night to bear Elder Smith. Tbe sub ject was" Which way.or the two roads." Tbe sermon was a very able one. Re vival serrices tooljbt at 7:31 Sabject, "After De tb Whatr' A cordial In yitation exteadel to everybody. o FlSHlSO LXTEKESTS. U. S. Ffch Commissioner McDooa d arrived Sat urday and has come to inspect the site of tbe proposed fish ladder at tbe falls of tbe Willamette. He says unless tbe river can be cleared tbe batcbery at Clfccfcimai will be abolished. He thinks fishing tboold be pr.biblted after Aog. 10th. Axxual Metttno. The ladles Auxiliary of tbe Y. M. C. A. will hold tbelr annual meeting la tb parlors on Tuesday, Oct. 3d, at 3 oclock p. m. This is the time for tbe election of offi cers for the ensuing year, aad every member is requested to be present, t Wby Kot. The grand Jury has Leen Investigating into charges against Chief of Police Hunt, of Portland. It Is said gamblers and prostitutes have bsea Myiru; for polios protection. If tkot unfortunate people are not en titled to police protection wbo is? Rush op Cuildkkk. This morning tke public schools of Salem opened or ike year, Hundreds upon hundreds of sitMJwp searched up with new books wttfkrtsselr arm ready for buslnesa. JtaMr furnishes all school books at Mm lewsi prices. SstfiXMO Artist. Miss Brown's i wse exceptionally fine, Her i ot Jaa fagelow'a "Echo and ts Fsery," was marked b- great deli Mya4 amUI.7astQB Herald. Mias Maw K. JbwWB will wad fu Bx'eru Oct. IHk. : - Diagonals,-- CORD. assortment ever LITTLE LOCALS. Ward BatJer ef lloamoath will pre- ritkedectiKrrat Monmoath. Miees vrfe BJe acd Geaevirre Hajtbes, we sjta-s Bjcgt ecompKsh d voaaz ladies, bar returned bom aftr ft wtek & 0jrmEt ia Albany, the i goejig of jtirfa Ftora and Veaia M jq Jodge Bamett will open cocrt t Sifcia next Monday. L-E.PraU, " tepe- f petiole records in tbe ccanty (CSert'6pffios is bo2 from TbeDaiies, vbtre be was a witaews In alaad case. T Mr. and Mra. Samter Craig a W13 bora Sept. 35. Married at Salem Sept. 29 Mfea Miranda Smith of Harioa coaaty, to A.L. seits, of Ben- toa eoaaty, Jodg BateheJor o3eLatin. Atabe was born to Mrs. Huw ti,e poor fna ist week EeT.Caai:e5 pfeached for tbe first time cccapUd tbe First M. E. pulpit several tlm a with cool satisfaction and tbe Methodists are happy all around A copyof Senator John Mitchell's great silver speech is at hand and is a v. ry ibk 2ort Barley is nearly In full supply for brewinr. bat for feed there i some demand at &i em Three drunks responded to roll call with Recorder Edts this aieiniaz and received fines aceordiazly Papers are fild in a ait for money in tbe circuit court of A, Boih v C. X. and J. A. Tanne PSESOKALS. Sept. R E. Mnleabey acd Att'y C. H. Gcst of tbe Oregon Pacific railw y re at tbe Willamette. The latter is accompanied by bis wife. District Grand Master K. of P., Geo. H. Hoeye went to Portland this after nooa where be will spend the wetk on nosincsa. C L. Hobbard, a Dallas contracttr and builder, is in tbe city. He was for many year a resident of Sale m. Mrs. Leopold Hirscb went to Port land yesterday, oa tbe afternoon train, expecting to remaiu a week, visiting friends and relatives. E. W. Hadley, receiver f tbe Oregon Pacific is in the city to attend tbe bear ing of tbe rate cases before tbe railroad commissi en. City Surveyor Culver is borne frem a week's trip insecdng as a government special some land surveys east of Pott land on tbe Ball Kan. Chief Engineer Low, Alderman OUn stead started today for their timberland claims at tbe foot of ML Jefierson. State SupU MeElroy has returned from Cnieajroi. Lwis McCoy, tbe contractor, Is ofl for tb- Santiam country to locate a sawmill at McCoyville. Governor Pea noyer and State Treas urer MeUehin returned to the dty to day. Railroad Cemmisisieners Gomroon. Macram and Eddy aad clerk Baker are in tbe city. Wm. Iter, th bop contractor at Butte ville, is la tbe city. C T. Ward aw. trafiie manager of the Orrg n Pxofie, is in the dty. Dr. John Shan has gone to Portland to take a course of lectures in the Wil lamette Medical college. BUhop Dillon cf the United Brethero church starts for Oakdale, Cat, to bold a conierenee. Mrs. Roberta, of Garden City, Kan., wbo has been visiting her sons,-returned today. i Presiding Elder Biwersox returned today. AG A IX. John Holm has again opened a blacksmith shop in Salem, at rear of Cook's hotel. All frieads In vited to give him a call, aad get work done lu tbe best manner. &-S. lm XcAflv ISA) th,lilrn hl hwn Mxrl. tered to attend school in this district, f and tbe clerk is lasy U be Urns Is suing more. Simmons Liver Regulator has never been known to fall to cure all Urer dis eases, j The Fair Thai Is where you get bargains. Opera house block. 02SGOH PACIFIC BATS CASE Shs-ariaz "Up hi Srx Caazusoaasr Ireirit Schedale- Tte? receiver aad mortals ef the Ore; j cos PaesSe vest before the Oregofe ( rsMread cstasntssioa at their nw la i tbe statefeose today at 2 p. m. There were also dekzattoa of taslaaea from Salem, and ether valley eKks in J attesdasce. t The strossJe teSre tbe csiai-feo ' is otertbe sew rates of freight prosaul- eatedsooaailertbeeSeneftifrpOrexoBi Pacific to bring aa Franeisea freight j iate Oregon by water via Yaqtaa Bay. j Then tbe rates oa tbe Southern PamSc ! eSatrs of being the sua aaaed Freder aH over tbe vaMey were advanced -54 to scks&a wb murdered tae Saatbera Pa- 63p?reetrt. Mr. Ges tbe attorney for tbe Oregon Pacific filed a petfUea setting forth tbe specific objections to tbe dw tarift, and showier discriminations aainsti towns and against, certain disses of freight and asking thai tbe commis sion fix days for bearing tbe o&Jretioas of shippers at cities aloes the ae the Oregon and &ratbera Pacific rB ways. - Tbe cccuraiaaoa has taiea the matter uoder adrisexseot. Several members of tbe oiaimireion express an inciinatioa to correct what ever wrong or isjastice tbey bare done m allowing tbe Soutbein PaqSc its oew rales. It is probably too late to regain the confidence of tbe shippers and tbe nabac. but it is not loo late to undo a great injustice toward the sn Pacific acd take of! a tax levied apon tbe whole valley which is entire- ly unwarranted. In Plain. English. C"-uTsestion&bly considered of incal culable consequence in correcting all constitutional cootamlnarJons, is Dr. Pierce's GoSden Medical Discovery. Can eoofaentionsly commend it to carefal eonsicerauoa, confident of its competency in all controllable chronic complaints. Tbe "GoSdea Medical Dbcovcy" the result of much research and wd experience, oy precuau iJ - -. 1 .5 1 l Z-2- world-renown; lis iormcia taomcts ; - - tbe meet potent restoratives of tbets"ss lor got makings "Father" of whole vegetabJe kincdom. It i espec ially recommended for all blood disor ders dyspepsia, liver and kidney eom jjlaian," scroftili, saltrbeum, citarrn and consumption ia its early stages insuring relief and cure in all cises! A Fashioxable Colob. Cranberry red is 4fee latest fad. The ladies all want it, and to get it ia its greatest pu rity they should get some of those fresh eranberriea at Clark Eppley's. 'Tbey are extra cboke- FiXE Apples. Th five old apple trs in front of tbe Allen Rhodes p.xp- erty on Cbem. keta street are yielding over 3J basnets each ot nae uawwiss. ineywere not sprayto aw iaei ij sorceiy a wormy ap?se. CoxTKjtCT Let. Fred Erixion, tbe stone contractor, will put ia tbe foue - dation for tbe new Dr. Pone residence! in i'ew Park, bouse will not Tbe coBtract for tbe t let for abxit a week. Happy Fajolt. Two men with bundles, three women with one (o two babies each, in all twelve children and none over kindergarten age, was a Sa lem sight today seldom equalled. His Mabk. J. E. Lewis, of Aums viHe.bas registered a mark for bis stk v required by law. His cattle wi 1 bare a smooth crop od of each ear acd a bit cut out under tbe left ear. Want Office. A vacancy In office of constable In tbe justice district of Cnampoeg, caused by removal of John Kerr, is asked to be filled with Jobs Scoliard by a strong petition. Good Selection. The Stale Press Ass'n chose as its president, I. L. Camp bell, the live aad geslal editor of the Eugene Guard. He is a newspaper man at present. m Bar ExAnyATios. Tbe exami nation of applicants for admislsn to tbe bar will be held belore tbe supreme court Tuesday, Ort, 31, at 18 o'clock sharp. Oekjox Hops. Tbey are tbe test In tbe world, and always give (be beat satUfactioo to consumer. So wkb the groceries frem Van Eatea's grocery stare. Jerseys. At Sharre's dairy are kept as fine a herd of Jersey cows as you wish to see. That b wby tbey tell such exceKent milk aad cream. Weather Forecast. Tuesday oc casional showers. Slight temperature changes. Takes Up.-Two vounr iihirV"w"u,T??rT"vr' Hmini rr.. r, 7 ..7- v.' .u I Ing on John Boebrioger, Uacialn, Or. ( tKn- Tickets on sale Mondays, Wed 10 i-d w nesdays and Fridays only. tf GnfllLBaking 2fowder. The oaly Pure Cream of Tartar Pawner 2fa Araaiaia; No AIot. Utd ia Millioris of Homes40 Ycars the Staodard is he rssDsaicssos? AMxa ia C'sstody Salen Be lieved to bj ti Slsyer of Brcce. Strdsy eveaisrc Wa Morgan, alas Sob. A. HS& ws arrested at WmMmcb kr CfcW of Police ilia to. jurf knaglM (o tbi ehy oa charge f luwgy to- - J es Morrv-eey, a Wiafeek. W former. Morgan de- t ares tbis tad says be bascfat the goods. He bjl a fcesriarc tefrre Recorder Edes tbisorat bt k & trial aad the pressasisMry exaita:t:w t set far Wa. aa, Taeaday. Tbe arreted EBaa b ssrcied by the eifie bratetnaa. Brace, ia tbe Sijiiy&Q BXXiQtaiBS swse time axo for which a reward of fitOJ is fiered jointiy by the raiiraid eom,.niy and Wells, Far- He is a medism sizd man, ha; a abort, red beard which be did not have -iariag his aeqaiiaiioee with ilorristwy wbo beliiTtd him to be Fredericksan. He is a bright fetfowbeioe what might t termed a danzeross character. As j roco as tbe party arrived Hoffman was examined very ekeely. All bis clotb jiog was removed and the following marks, tattooed In tbe skin were noted, same of which correspond with the de--cription of tbe murderer of Bruce. On his left arm were a ccat of arms, a milk maid, bsbt-boa-e. a sailor, a Ore-JQyjjgt a .bleW. On the right arm was a tailb hope and charity sign, A Christ on tbe cross the goddess of Hberty, abracele; back of the hand. asd a star on tbe STATE 2TBT?Ta ITEMS- Mrs. Mary Mohler, aged &4, died at Aurora, on tbe SJ.b. A Portland school teacher has an at tendance oL ninety-three primsries. James Bell has saed the Benedictine : P-lhM- if, Ancel for S13O0 dam- him. Tbe Salem Sign, published weekly by the inmates of tbe deaf mute asy lum has made its appearance agair., aad is an Interesting family publica tioa. At tbe preliminary bearing of the men who were charged with being en gaged in the riot at La Grande, in which the Chinamen were driven from Li Grande, were bound over for appear ance before tbe grand jury. i About IOj delegates are expected to j te Bsat at the meeUne of tbe West j efa Baptist's association at Monmouth q Thuriday, Tfer Commercial bank of Portland ojned for be,-iBess at the usual hour I Monday morning. ' Thaannoal race meeting of tbeNortb Paeiac Trwtine Horse Breeaers' aas ei&tSon will open at Irvington park, Portland, next Wednesday and con tinue four da vs. The malt-house connected with Weln bard's brewery. Portland, handles fourteen tons of barley a day. o After Breakfast To onrifv. vitalize aad enrich tbe blood and eive nerve, bodily and dlwstiv strength, take Hood's Sarsaparilla Coatince tbe medidne after ever meal for a month or two and you will V1 "like a new man." Tbe merit of Hood's SarsaDArflia is proven bv it thousand of wonderful cures. Wby doa't you try It? Hood's P213 cure constipation. Tbey are the best after dinner pill and family cathartic Take Simmons Liver Regulator to re move tbe bile. c!ear tbe bead and re store digestkm. Notice to Contractors. Separate sealed bids for brick and stone fouudition and basement walls of a residence for Dr. L. A. Porte will be received up to 2 p. m. Saturday, Sep tember 39th. Plans ana specsnesuons can be seen at tbe office of W. C Knighton, architect. 9 2S-6d largest Gtm In tho World. Is on exhibition at the great world fair. You ouebt to see It. 1 bis is tbe month ef menlbs to visit tbe falr.pleas ant days, cool nights, delightful travel ing weatner. Maximum comfort en route to Chi cago en tbe veatibuled limited trains ot tbe Chicago, Union Fadfic & North western 11 ae. See your nearest Union Paeinc agent for rates or other informa tion. 19-tf Tbe Southern Pacific has placed tbe price of round trip tickets, good for 10 ineiootBe one aa mission to tne exposi Old Time fV.ethqds of treating Colds and Coughs were based on the idea of sup- I pression. e rx now know g that "feeding a cold" is good doctrine- Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil with hypo phosphites, a rich fat-food, cures the most stubborn cough when ordinary medi cines have failed. Pleasant to take; easy to digest, P-TTTrS W SVgtt A &Pt X T. LAKjhtrr. Lacchter has often dissipated di&v ease and preserved life by a sadden effort of nature. We are told that the great Erasmus laughed eobearri lyat a satirical remark that he broke atuznorazjd recovered his health. In a singular treatise on "Laughter" Joabert gives two .similar instances. A patient being very low. the physi cian, who frd ordered a dose of rhu barb, countermanded the medicine. ;rhich was left 03 the table. A monkey ia the room jmnpingup discovered the goblet, and having tasted made a terrible grimace. Aafn patting only his tongue to it, ae perceived some sweetness" of the dissolved ia. while the rhubarb hftd sank to the bottom. Thts em boldened, he swallowed the whole, but f ennd it such a nauseous potion that after many strange and fantas tic grimaces he ground his teeth in agony, "d in a violent fury threw the goblet on the Scot. The whole aSair was so ludicrous that the sick man burst into repeated peals of laughter, and the recovery of cheer fulness led to health. Xew YorE Ledger. Author of Plajx. An author speaking on the com pensations of playwrights said the other day: "I cannot encourage any one to go into the business of writ ing plays. Xo one can conceive of the trouble we have in getting a play produced. It is almost an im possibfliry to get one read and ac cepted. You have wondered per haps why certain plays that seem to be drawing crowded houses are sud denly taken oiL The cause is very simple. Managers cannot afford to pay authors the royalties they de mand. For one or two years pos sibly a good play is a fTinricial suc cess to the manager, but after that he begins to lose moneyed it. The author refuses to reduce his terms, and the play is taken o2. You wiD ask why author and manager do cot compromise. That is just what we all want to know. It ought to be done, but the fact remains that they do not.'" New York Tribune. To ret rrtW Gt tsdrrtV-a. femecaze arCfMpa&oo.or tO"pld nrer wjtaoct Cfetc b- inr ic Korwa or paetcc ut Cursea. taxe iewCons of Cantr slime liver Klls.l&er V1X1 piGbt JOff" Tfcas tired. lacrciS ftUrx atKjiaUie & aeheU'er Cl x ee'l Take rarpefOtr. u s tJU'if i-irw mi tor rrcr asd raa TOirnaitua. lEtrsmr tui uoaiocm. Tbej- zcale oa Sod I&xtx life ira neth llviB. TaJteoaeofi arur"Ltsx!e Lc-erPIUt -fT ttUBP IX wilt iiit CjrzTlK. aid ciT-ijHo pye wx xaa ttjbt o IE arn. Dft.GUNN'S XSQSUtAD UVE& PILLS A MILD PHYSIC OKE PILL FOR A DOSE. 43'retcfiabcwafe&y.lgmml ij xxjr,. Tim jci kjtui ta ajiun tkxuiua a nctZju. CmEMdKiib tncs a Xr tricitif ti CoajioSaa txeur T,i-5 tMT. a-i-V-i VwlOa.rt ,--U-j,-:.y. Sold by Baskett & YanSlype. Deutscher Advocat. P0ST0FTICE BLOCK. - - SALEH.0R. AfiolUM to practiee ra aa t corU. Special aueatioa ctvea to Grsxaa rpetk tt people aad buicou at tbe cocnty asd staisoam. E. HOFER. .Sotary Poc SALESI GAS LIGHT CO. Redaction in Price of Gas. From and after October 1st, 1S3X the price of gas will be as follews: Less than 500 coble feet per month ISO per lft cubic feet. Over SX cubic feet per month 13.00 per 1000 cubic feet. Special rates for large coasumptioo given en appHcatioa to L B. McCLAXE, Manager. P. J. LAJRSEN & CO., Manufacturer of Wages, Car riages, etc. Rjx&trirm a Specialty. &b0p8iatoatrt 'SKSX g.iitUvvSt I 1 1 w l I & NEW NEW. GOODS! Not old chestnuts, and best of all the Ik Newest and Lowest Prices of all wool home-made cloth ing at the SAJLEM:, GOOD LUCK TO YOU Goodlnttoj-OQ ad tA lcea: ttwffi b io erery oe ao uxe aa vastsfe of ec: SCHOOL BOOK SALE. Xeilhera honeybee or filer leaf c2ariE?eiz -rtai too loch, osnoncatuet. see Usa: jncrealidrenceta tbe Suienree& took iore jot sxa caoo seppnet Patton Bros., Booksellers and Stotlonon..' I. 93 STATE STEEKT. E. 3L WaLTE PBKTISG CO., BOOK M JOB PRINTERS ASD Legal Blank JP6f foier. Bots" ye- BrtdcjTw tfce tank. Cast meet. THE WILLAMETTE, SA KEIT, OBJEGON. Rates, f50 to $5.00 po- T j Tie tort bold between PorUaad asd Ban PrajvriiwTy nrrt-fwin mn m jnfr-t ,-t Choicest Fruits Gxvwn. rath WlBzsseUe Ya3ey. A. I. WAGNER. Prop HcCROW 5 yjp FRESH REFRIGERATED MEATS 315 Commercial Street, Salem. Only the Best Stock Bough t. "s S Only the Best Meats Sold. Good service. Prompt delivery. MITCHELL. WRIGHT 5 CO, GENERAL 215 Commercial Street. American Fire Insurance On., Phils. Home Insurance Co, New York. Xorwieb-Unloa Ins. Ox. Liverpool. Palatine Insurance Oou Manchester. OTer Osa MTWftn Dollars Deposited Protectioa of Poller All Losses Adjusted aad Pui Throeh Salem Astacy oa PoHries WrlW in Wirica, Polk. YaEihill M T.fc Cosstxes Also Write Life and Accident Insurance in Best Companies la the World. f T UADT ii I 1 nHil 1 1 247 COMMERCIAL STBEET. ANOTHER NEW LINE Of Jai-krf a arrinwl mt.ftu. V. Ibese, as tbev are all of tbe latest aii-W. suit the times. Prices ran et from t4AntntiAfn vcinnT vou csscecs jacseu. try us ana see. POPULAR LIMES OF NEW DRESS GOODS, Plaids, Plala.CbaDseabteaad Hopsacklog effects, at prices frem 26c to S5e, Ci Mc and Toe, for splendid values. THOSE LONGCLOAKS- Left over froai last year are going fast. If yea want a bargain hurry P reteoeef tbem. If yea nodose to suit yoa there wiU bono trouble aboot price. We are selMaa: them at less than half price. WILLIS BROTHERS & CO. OP.EBAHOUSE CORNEB, - 8AIXM, OBBG0 aMeas aad Wys esathlsc sever so dwap. w a . oask w MOON. I """l ' t,,T r" OREGON. 2IXW ADTEETIHtMrvn. OU tnae. Tea acres Irao.Trrni. -vfih J! rtt APRIN AT A Rltnilv fee lrtt " Mtlfisii rtl a.t . --- niw, a4 (-a,T KXiaUf iv. 31 F; fUMX-A rttsl ecaa'i tnn lid rinu ! rit Tm.wv bv -- VS aUWfcffl UUCC. B OABD WaSTED. , r M nn 'J waata to wefa: tar hi barA aMps chool u,iuu iaj.a.xiit, im' qfUUSPAPSiaktptosat E.atwjl J. AdTerUdsxce7.MadQltfxttau KTftiaDce. aa yrxaeiy o. i.-. v&n tsziznxr Sor ajiTtrtttiss cxn btsat as fc riHKI-iTlAS KOESCD-intrisiia ofill j X1&& oa ale mx32i Liberty fsrts. -lj! Cfiii uEHX.SSXBRiKiEDiCa, Walerraie. y.T. Hop Buyers. OSce above WI2!azss & Krfiiri bul, iua. wuacca istuss co qui wtr H.awHiT-Ar,in, BUKT.V BROTHERS arcU.-lcre Starf!rd Preset! B.-fefc, Voded Brlei la aa Pasienn fir r4 1 adccp$Tlbeteiefc iarth yrrSaScaQal biaa. aadtteartrsUUieCae belli era steal tn tae upnai (27. YariDearrttttiarT.a3es.Or. 11(1 1 MISS BALLOU'S KINDERGARTEN Ow.Twe'iirr acd Pnsary Ca oja Mondaj, Sept. 25th. rtor. Cbcit aad LXbaty streets Of-TOii ejea 1 TMMG CUSSS Fee teacbert a2 mnchrra wSl bra CdttA I at. at tbe eazse psee. Foe parUc!ara a pptr to Mes. P. S. Kxight, Pzatiiii. j 5TE05L0FP, J - - sales, obegox f Western Assurance, Toronto, Cansd. lancasmre. Alancnesxer, r-cg. I Hamburg-Madeburjr. Germany. 'Home Mutual. San Francisco, OaU With SUt Trassrer ef Oreraa fef rTners ia Oreroa only. LEADING MERCHAM TAILOR: V..k T-Jt - olT.vftl ts rSi W hm nutid tbe nrices ! w v . . . - j Agents liiMifriffiriiM'iTlai'1 ''""'' --"- --