Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, October 02, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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"fi?i i?RJ
f Notice oFAsHisniciil for 'tin Ini-
proTijmenC ot CommarcialBtreet
nnd h part of Ferry, State, Court
nud (Vutro streets.
Jj"iUH liar iuirivea-ttvit,tii9 Assosinunt
hutule b OhlltjUiHHrNu "3oOfrthe tttp ove
went ( fall HiwCjHi t fUoiiunerclnl street be-
twui n tne nor'U entVoftUu brldge'Rcross South
Ml. I rook nud 'Ucnoi'iH Bldool CVulro strret,
(nil Ilia' p.n I it !," Hurt Ooqrtstre U'wt.'t-eu
tU Wc-iaiiluli'g.i sirefct and lhe e.utBldonf
trout Mreei.H i Ii'uupari-Tjcrerry street do-
' tween l lie e t sld- orLloerty M Iceland tho
I cmtBldrOf Kront streot.nll thai part oi fen tie
e street b'tweon th west) f1do side of Cimrttier-
rial street! ana me westpsiatr-.i from street, I
now aueann payiiDierai toe oniceot inetflty
Tieasurerin United S'Utr-a gold and 'silver
ulni at. i unlfiaa nnlH tanthl.i la IV H .til ftt .tit
the datent this notice, the iQnnrmnn xJHinct!
will order warrant for the collection! lhreo'.
HUH Aaa'ii
Lot No. 8 In block No. SO, owned1 by
JI Stapleton -.-.. S-8M 61
Lot No. 6 In block No. 51, owned) oy Or-eon Ltnd Oo , 314 8i
LotNo. 4 in bloofc.No. 61, ownovoy
j. i. rnompson mi uu
Lot No. 1 In block No. 60, owned' by
W.A.Cmlck L. 403 77
Lot No. 2 In blook; No. 60 owned by
This. Johnson, ...wj- --. 119 71
Lot No. 8, and astrlpofland 11 60 off
of the north side of lot So. 4, In
block No. 60, Salem, Oregen: ex
cept a strip ofUnd 23 feet wide oft
of the north side ol lot No. 3, scld
to E. P. Parlshunit, owned by H.
W. Cotfe 102 77
Beginning at the northeast corner
of bloc 49, salom, Ore; thence
southerly aleng the block llneli
leet; t bonce westerly parallel with
1 he n ortb line of tho blook 120 feet;
thenco no'therlv uarallel with the
east lino of the block 45 feet to the
n'r"i llnnf atd blook; thence
c.ifltorlya'oagthe north lneofsald
uo i iM e.i. to tho place of be
ginning, owned by the First
Nutloaal H.inkof salera, Oregon, 79 45
UfglnnlMif atiha nombwest corner
oilotNu. l.lnbloqrMa bock No.
49, "aiom. Oregon; thence south
erly alone; ihe alley In said
b'l-k 7f8 r.'el, thnre easterly
li'irallel with Ohemeketa Blreet,
J03 feel; thence northerly nlong
the ens lln-Jof block No 49,2261
feet; thence westerly parallel to
tno north line of said block. 126
jeet; thence northerly 4i feet to
the north lue of the block; thence
oy Aim A A Wheeler 87 41
All that portlon'ofland In lyU No.
land 2 In block o 49, Sab-m,
Oregon, described as follows,
Beginning at a point 22&Sfoet
Bouth of thesoutheast comer of the
building now known in the F.rtt
National, and running
southerly alon? the east -ilneof
the nloo 22.5.S feet then e west
erly, ptraliel with ha south wall
or the bank building, 15 feet to
the aliey In said block; thence
northerly nlongsald nlley 2258leet,
thence easterly 165 foet to the
pl"ceof beglnnlng.ownedby K.a.
lamport "
All tliatp rt on or tract of land In
l.otNo.2, lu blukNo4'J, Ha em,
or., descr.bed as follows, to-wlt;
BoHnlnz at a point -5.10 reel
south of the southeast corner of
the building known as the Firbt
N tloual Bank, aDd running
sou'ne'ly along the west Uneof
Oommeicla street 22 5Sfeet;thence
westerly, parallel to the south
wall of tho bank hulldlng, MB feet
to the ulley In said block; thence
northerly along the alley 22 58 feet
thenee easterly 165 feet to the
place of beginning, owned by w.
N' Laduo and T. Ford 37 41
That portion or tract of land in Lot
N . 2, In block 49. rJalera, Or., des
cribed at beginning atapolnt67i8
feet south of the .sou hest corner
of t he building known as the Fltst
National Bank and runnlngsonth
urly along Commercial street 7.75
leet; Ihence westerly parallel with
riesiuth wall ofiilrt bankbulldlng
16 feet to the alley In ald blocic
theuce northerly 7 75feetaldng tho
alley; thence easterly to the place
of beginning, owned by K. H. Lam
port. A". N.Ladue. T. Ford, John
M"ches. A A. Wheeler ana a.
BeiinnlDiTaiTh'eoufneiul corner
oflotNo 2, InblockNo. 49 Salem,
Or . thente westetly along the
south lineofsaldlot.l(i5feettothe
alley; thence north along Ihe alley
45 3jfeet; thence easterly p irallel
with Ohemeketa street, 165 feet to
the eat Una of said blook; then
Houtherly a'ong the eoai line or
said block 45.80 feet to the place of
betHiilng, owntd by John
CommendnTara"pVlT(55 feet
north of the southeast corner or
lot No. 3 In block No 49 Salem,
Or. thence north along the eat
Hue of said block 28 60 feel; thence
westerly at right anlei with Com
mercial otreet 15 leet to the alley;
thence ,-outherly along tho alley
2850 feet; thence easterly 165 feet
to the puce pf beginning, owned
Iim i i lliurn .-
13 1'
76 98
43 04
Jieslnnlrit- at a point 11-OSil Jeet
louthof tbe norTheast corner of
lot 4)n block -NO.-49. Salem, Ore-;
Ihence north along tlneaslllneot
said block 21.16 feet; thenco west
erlr at nebt angles with sld east
flnelW ftet to the alle: thenoo
south along the alley if 10 iet;
thence easterly 165 feet to the
place of beginning, owned by A.
a MtnrlfftT -- ' "
Belngafracllonal part oflpt 4, In
block 49, Halem. Or , described ,a
jollows; BeglnnlDg at a point on
the east line of said block 50 feet
uortherly Irom the outbeat cor
ner ql said block 49; thenoe alpng
the east line in a northerly dl e..
Hon 21 feet; thence westerly at
rlghtangle with sad east line of
block 49, 165 jeet to the Blley;
thence southerly along the alley
21 feet; thence easterly 16 1 feet to
the place of beginning, owned by
E. rt. Lamport --
Berlnntngat the corner
of block No. 41 Salem. Ore-, thence
north ulong the east line ol said
rv' .. o.i f?. tiiAnn u-ut. narallel
with coait'itreet.lW leet to the
.Hey, thence south along the a ley
20feltothe south line of Mild
line Jo the Place of beginning,
owned br W. K. Anderson-.--
Also lot No 4.blockl.aalem,Ore.
Lot No 8 lu bldck No 4j. t-alem, Ore.,
owned by B. O- l'atton , " -
UBifinnlne at the northe-st corner of
Bfi No. ii. in Klem. Ore.-, thence
westerly along the north line of said
bhS?x5j feet to the alley; thence
south along the alley .f.60"
thence east, para' el with Court
street. 165 feet U theeast line ol said
WocK thence north alpng iiljaj
Jlne 270 feet to the pwco " ts.m-
Bine owned by A. Bmh. --
Bering -t a point on th, eastnne
ot block 4S In ealem. Oregon S7-W
feMHiUh of the northeast corner ol
iiairt DliKik: thenc stfath a!0"gine
block line 27J feet; lijw.w
oaralltl with Court street- 181 ret
Euhe Galley thence norh aongtbe
alley 27J-lee t"fncfelet.Pfo the
with O-lun stnet. WSjt J0,1?,"
nlace of beg nnlng, Owned by M.
Beilnnt.gon the east line or, d.
A Balein. Oregon, sild point netng
w'fSrt i southol the wwtKirt
of Mid b ock; thence west P""
with Court itrtet, MJ"IJ?J$
alley; tbence north ," V.JJ
of said blo-k; tbence "J""
oriMiH ""'--T..ii. .lone
orsaia oio-a; iucut ..-. ,---,
Slid eit line i leet to the pUeeof
40 70
beginnl K.owa
Beginning at the
lo No i in blot
owned by Aroot iroog-
ihsBKinineikmi ooroe w
Miutbeiat cornerof
lA (ca J in h (Vk U. tUlU uitVMi
!Y " ,(., .ion ihorait 11 a 101
Sw bio. M leet; &?&
aliel with Court twW'"
Sit along the lot Hue 14 feet to the
nlseeof b-tinning, owned by A.
Blnniug at a point Snf iU
the ssutheist corner of 1 ot 3ln WocK
J. tsalew. Oregon; thenee ntHtn
along lb block doe W the nortbeau.
eoSeVof .ld lot tbjnce wt at
right angle 185 f t.,.Il7i
tbenoe south along .aid "ffJt
vmMStJtS feet "rthoUh aouth
Wet eororr of said Whew
lSfett,tbf TUe 0! 0S,rD;'
owt4 by W. Unj mn and B. Bry
JHiulBf at a point on Ma east Uu
ol low in block i 'Salem, Orceoa,
the s.une being 7.50 ftct lorlhoftbe
southeast ooriser ot said lot 3, thence
south along tald east line Sj feet;
thence west parallel with titatj
struct 165 feet to the alley; thence
north al mg the alley 2 reel, thence
east 165 fte tolbn plate ol begin
ning, owned by llarrystajleton .
Lot No. 4 In b Oi'k 48 Salem, Oregon,
excepting 17.&0 leet oil ol the north
side of 8 ild lot 4 extending Itsentlre
length, owned by Kllen JIxim,i',
II. Moorw, A N. Mo res, Kertha
Moo pa, Carrie Moores, V. L. Jlixires
aud tiity .Miller .
Lot No 3 In block No. 4S, Salem, Ore
gon, owned by K. P Boise .
Ail ot lot 8 In blocK 17,-aleiu irguu,
txcpptlng 61 leet offof the e tst eud.
owned by Tbos. Joryaud the City
olMrtlern; owned vs T Norlbcu t
Twentv-nlne fjet ott ofthe est eud of
lot No 8 lu block 47, salem, Oregon,
owut d ly tho City of Saietu
Lot No tin block No 47,nwnedbvJ. I.
416 17
182 39
67 35
Miirphv, K. o. iiurrhy and S. W,
(jnuicu .. . ...... -....
Cue uorih third oflut No- 2 la block 47.
413 77
Ha loin, Oregon, being 27 70ttt riont
on Commercial street, aud extending
the same width ba k to tne al ey,
owned oy J, Q Wight 45 27
f he central one-thlrti of lot .No. 2 In
block No. 47, balem, Oregon, belni
27.7U feet front on Coinine clal street,
aud extending the same width back
to the hI lev, owned b Jno. ewsomo
The south one third ot 1 it No. 2 In bUx k
47, S.ilem, Oregon, belng27 6u leet front
on Commercial street and extending
the same width back to the alley,
. owned by J.ti. Knight, Addle Pla
in mdon, J. J I'laoiondou, M. . 1'ln
mondon . .
Beginning ntthe northeast corner of
lot No- .1 lu block 47, H.Uem. Oregon; south along th-block line 23.60
fjet; thence west pur llcl with Kerry
street, 163 feet to the alley; thence
mrlh along theslley 2t.d0f Ijthenco
east to the place of beginning 153 feet
owned by J. C. Thomp-on
Beginning at a polut on the east line
45 82
45 82
42 4-5
or iota in diock ii. -viipiu urexou,
which point Is 8 60 feet south of then
e cornerof said lot No 3; thence south
along the lot Hue 23 60 leet; theuce
west parallel with Ferry street 165
feet to the alley; thence north al ni
the allov :3 53 feei; thence east 10a
f et to he place or beginning. Owned
by E 0 Small , 43 23
Beginning at a point r0 iBieet north of
the southeast corner of block No 47,
Salem, Oregon; thence north along
the b osk line 22.0833 feet thence east
parallel with Ferry "treet, 165 feet to
the alley ,theni e south along I he alley
22 08J3fot; thence east 165 leeito the
place of beginning, owned by l,
39 91
rmlrl Kl 17? hnl. S.W.77.
Beginning al the southeast corner of
block 47, in Silem, Oregon thence
north alone the block line 80.16 feet
theuce west parallel with Ferry Btreet
lbo feet to the alley; thence south
along the alley 80-16 leet to the south
line of the block; thence east along
said Bout a line 165 reet to the place of
b ginning, owned by Geo. 11. Turner 317 71
Lot No. & In block No 47, Sileni, O-.,
owned b, s T. Northern.!
197 46
Lot No.8 1nblok 46, Salem, oregon,
wned by the SonlQern Paclflo Ball
road Company
lieglnnlug at the northeast corner oi
hlncir No. 4. Halem. o.eL'en: thence
193 48
west along the north Uneof tils block,
165 leet to the a'ley; tuence so 'th
along the alley 06 feet: tbunce .st
47 60 f et: Ihence north 44 n t ji d
104 Inches: theuce east 117 6iijol to
thweast llne,ot the ulocrf;thence north
22.125 f et to the place of beginning,
owned by F. F. Milltr
Beklnnlug at a pomt on the east Hue ot
blk 48, ssalem.Oregon, 43.125 leetsouth
ol the nortueast coruer o said bloik;
thence west parallel to Ferry street
117.60 leet; tbencesou h parallel with
Commercials' reet 22 875 fee1; thenco
east 117 60 leet to tho east Uneof said
block; thance north aiong the wild
east line 22.875 teet to the p acs of be
ginning, owned by J. O. Johnson and
u I1. HfeharriRon ...
214 36
41 49
B ginning at the soulueast coruer ot
lot 2 In nlock 46, HUeni, Or; thence
west paral.el with Ferry street to the
alley; theuce uorih "long the alley 81
feet; thencecasllOi feet to the east
Uneof olock 4 thence south along
th block lino 8-Ueel to the place of
beginning, own -d by fc,d lllrsch lot in
Beginning at thonortheistco nerof 1 t
3?in blook 46 Salem, Oregen: theuce
west I6jfeet tatheallej: tnencebouth
along the alley 25 feet: the ceeastl6
leet to th east line of tlm blocw
thenco nor h along tald east line 2n
feet to the place or beginning, owneu
by Kd Ulrsch -r,v:
Beginning at a point on the eut line
of blk 4U,salem,or .10 feet north ol the
southeast coruer of Jot 3 In sa d blocki
then e west pirallel with Trade street
115 feeti theme no th p rallel with
Commercial street 1050 feel i thence
et.t 115 teet to thn eant lino of the
blocii tbence south 39 50 feet to the
plaod of b g nulng, owned by W. i..
Burke - --
Beginning at th somheast loruer or
Tut Sin b.ocfc 46. Salem. Uri Ihence
n..rth aloug the block llni 10 feeti
thence west parallel wlthlradeitrojt
60 fecit theuce Mutb 22 A fe t; thence
east pira le with the north line, 60
feet o the east lind of the block;
J hn.. nnn h li 60 feet, to the place I
60 96
73 6t
beglnulng,oned by J.Ohaptnaa and
. 47 16
I), i-impsun
Beginning at thn Boutheast coruer ol
D 0"K ". Dieuii wicijuu, uv-w .. the block line 62 lot; thenco
west at right angle with Corarnerci al
Hreet, 60 leet; thence north 21 60 feet;
thence west 65 feel: thence north 30AI
feel: thence west 60 feet to the alley:
theuce south along the alley 124 feet
to the south line of the bock; thence
cast alongtnesouth line t6ileettothe
&lace of beginning- owned by the
outhern PaclnsH. H Co., ------
LoU 1 and 2 In biook 45, Balem, Oregon,
owned by the ralem Flouring Mills
All nf lot 7 In b ock 38 Salem. ore .ex
cept a strip I teev wt' u.
side oi salu lot, owned by the ralem
Oregon, and a strip of land 7 feet wide
erA th i,nrthslleoflotNo.7losald
88 08
block, owned by Ed. "I?,nrr
15 61
LobNO.ain on "i ."f,""r-v
owned by E Kord, f. .1. Ford, O. A.
ATSfstrong.J M.FuVd F.M.Ford.L.
Knrd O L Ford, O. M. Baker, 1. J.
ESS;" U.fSiS: lilt. Fort nd W,
146 61
Bwlnnlug at the southwest cornerof
lot No. tT. n bio ik No 35, Balem, Ore :
ihence north along Ihe block line 75
;:..7,h.n..utu fieht aaale with
.'v?''.,., .treet. 165 f-et to the
128 61
Lou No 7 anil's lu bloon 35. -a em. Ore.
owned by A Bn-b and W. H I?i:V "
"ta.,Anyfi:h.nd wrA n;.; w a
. . - .' l. t,.,.!. jit uuiam iirnjiiu.
h&Mkem'. :.i s
""'!.:S..i v.rrr of
sontbe ft corner
bTkNT).3t,rtaem, Oreoo; thsnoe
east t rlfbi angle with ttmro wW
street to tne aiiey; i ucu "" " "-
the al evWo leet; tbence wert vit J;
lei wthVeny street tothe ea.tlln-of
OonTmerflal street: thente soath
aloT-idilne67wUwibeplac of
rUrinnlnz oneiby J. B lllrwrb ovi
lSlngS't a'polnt ,K K.'Vu
the southwest oornsr of bio f"."
lem Oregon, and ot tbe west line of
ilm blow tbenoe east MrtM;M
with Commercial street to ithe alley.
ii: lue""? ---:ri i.. tn tbe
ntnnt axjuui ai a -7- - -
pUee of bealnnlr;g.
uwnfd by H,
77 43
RwTnnlog at a point n tin oast una o
BVSSrUl street 30 75 fee. north of
ttntlf oast line ol
block W Salem, rrgonj tbeno est
at cht angles wfb Oommerclai
?trcet 1B W the all.jrj ; tbence
wXin .ion tbe alley 80 feeti
ihlnc it to UommercUl street,
Kso'"h5fett..t PUce of
beetnnlog owned by A uuu .-.-
RMrTanlBK at tb soutbwe.1 corner of
1SI7 WS J4 8ilem,ori tbence norh
along the Tblkilneil lh tbajceejsl
St ifsbt angles with OormerelaJ
"reVt 10 tbealleyi Umbo, outh aloug
iiiaalley 4 feet, thenee west to ihe
'".'RKrf ih. b.k. tbence north It
AS 01
feet to IS pbu of h lnnlnj. ownei
nPnta?itt 7mch worn of inj
norU.we.tuirnerol it.tokU.h
S3 7t
fietf inSnce west 1 feet to th, rface
of beginning, owned by M. K inger
u .-
the blk line lrtt feet; thonci east at
rtgbtangles nlth i.'Ommereiils'roct,
lbd feet to tno llej ! tnonos nor.herly
alon the ailey 2S. i feet to 111 . N.K
corner of lot 7: blk 34, tUenvJ west
along the lot line 91 feet; thenc t north
parallel with Cjrame-e a s reet to tho
north Hue or aid b.05; thenc J we-r
along tUf block line 75 leet to thu
plic-jof begtuulng, uwi edby A Ha-u 212 62
Beginning at tue nurtbeaU corner o.
lots, block 31. 1'hleiu. Oregon; thcueo
south along lb i en. I ilmj insula 1 t
tothesoutboastcornerthe eorj thenco
wet aiong me lot urn i leu; mm
north parallel with O'tn.uerclulKtroe
to tho uuub Hue ol Hi ' blk; thenue
easterly ulong tlm nor h Imoofb'k
91 teet to place f beguiulug, owuuil-
by Tbos Mof.rattO'i 1 7M
Beghmli gat th northwet o.inerof
lot 1, bk3l, -alem, Oregou; th ti o
east along the blk lli.o 2t60 fe ;
thenco south at right uugle with
State street 119 Id 1 1 i tin South lino
of lot 2 In Kalil b k; the..-iwo4 ulnu
n irtb along the alley 149 feet to the
place ol beginning, owned- by C.
I'anius .. . 4T1 87
Beginning at a point on tho uortiiJIne
of blk 3 1, Salem- Oregeu: HJ42 feet
west of the northeast corSer tnereofi
thence wen along, the blk llrte496tl
feet to a point 215 feet east or the
xllej-thenne south at Hght angles
with rttatestreet 149 Teet; to the south
Uneof lot 2 In said bin; thenee, east
along the lot line 4D.HJ feeti' theuro
nnrth UKfRPt tii the utaosoX bprln-
nlug. owned by 8. Ad 'pn 82 43
Beginning at a point 67 reet dnd'7 in
dies wesr of the northeast cornerof
blk 34, Salem, Oregon;- tho ce west
alonz the north line or the blk 24 leet
and 10 inches: thence south at right
angles 149 leet to the s utu Uuoofiot
2 In said blk; thenco ca-t nlonv the
lot Una 24 feet and 10 inches; thenco
north 149 feet to the plao-or begin
ning, owned byJ.C. Thompson. J.
Larore, Chas. smith uud Lena
Smith 41 08
Beginning at the northwest cornerof
blk 20. Salem, Oregon; thence east
alen: the b ojk line 60 feet; thence
south at right angles 101 feet; tbence
west 6tl feet thence nor h along the
block line ifll feet to tho place of
beginning, owned by the City ol
Saiein 88 07
Beginning at a point 60 leet oast ofthe
northwest corner of blk 20, Salem,
Oregon, tnence east along the blk
line 30 feet: thence south at right
angle.3 with -state street, 143 teet.
thtmce wst 80 feet to theeast Uneof
Liberty street; thence north along the
blk line 2 feet; ttenceeist 60 feet;
theme no th to the place ol begin
L.lug,owned by Fred. Hurst 46 02
Beginning at a point 100 feetand dinett
es castor tho northwest corner or blk
20. Saiem, Oregen: tbence south at
right angles with State striet 14860
feet to the south line oflot7. In said
blk: tbence west along the lot line
20.(0 feet; tbenaj north 144 5 feet to
State street; thence east 20.50 feet to
the plauu or beginning, owntd by D.
SteluerandA Bloser 85 69
Beginning at a point 18 reet east or the
northeast corner otthe west hall ol
lot 8, blk 20, Salem, Oregon; thence
easterly 21 feet and 3 Inches; tbenoe
south at State street
to th i north line of Ferry streoi;
tbeni e west 23 feet and 3 Inches to a
point IS feet east ofthe southeast cor
ner of the west half ofloj.5 In sad
blk, thnce north to the place ol bo
ginntng owned by M.T Klneman 80 42
The east hall of the east quarter ol Iota
7 and 8 In block 20, Salem, Oregon,
owned by 1 String, N. Strong, A.
Strong and M Kluney .. 85i49
Beginning at a point IH leJt 1.125
Inches cast or the northwest corner ol
blk 20, Silem, Oreron- thjnce south
nt right angles wit h State street to i In
south line lot 7, In said block; thence east
erly along the lot lino zi.z( leei; menco
northerly to State street; thenco et along
State street 21.27 feot to the place of begin
nlng, owned by Annla M. I McCorniack . . 35' 63
Beginning at the northwest comer of lot 1 in
blk 20, Salem, Oregon, thence south along
the alley to the southwest comer ol lot 2 In
said blk; thence cast 40 feet parallel with
State street; thenco north to the south line
of btate street, thence west to tho place of
beginning, oneU by P. II. D'Arcy 6 67
Beginning at a point 40 (eet east of the north
west comer of lot 1, In blk 20, Salem, Ore.;
thence south at right angles with State
street to the south line of lot 2, In said blk;
thence east along tho lot line 42.60 feet;
ilipi. north narallel 1th the allsy to State
street; thenco west 42 DO feet to theplace of
beginning. Also lot 3, blk 20, Salem, Oro.,
owned byfl. F, HughesandJ. Hughes...
rAiutiiuiinf loot I uml -2 In blkSJSiem.
Or.i owned by Thos Hu bard 11L 18
Eist hall ol lot 6, In bU2i, Salem, Or ,
ownea Dy j. j jiarpuy unu n.. j.
Murpby -
West nslf of loi 6 lu blk VI, t-aiem.Or.,
owned by J s vieraul -
rim piiaL liuir of lot 4. lnb k No. St. ba
lem, Or., except 60 leet oil of the east
oud thtreof. owned by O. W. Uray,
owned by los. Fontaine . .. 60101
Tho west half blk ot lot No. 4 In bik 1U,
Salem, ir owned by Hqulro Farrar,
J. F. Farrar, K, ti. Fariar, E. Far
Tar -. .-- 123!
Beginning at the toulheast cornerof
lot 6, bik 33, (4alem, Or ;thence north
along the west llnu or the alley- 60X0
teet, theuce west parallel with Stale
street 47 34 feet; tbence south 6U60 feet
to the uortbliueofSUtestreeti tbence
east 4731 foet to the place of begin
ning, owned by Jno. Fa) ne Hna ieo
I'UVMP . i .i...-
... 88 8tf
Beglanlng at a point 114 leet east or
t lie south west corner of mk 81 Balem,
Or i thence north pirallel with Com
mer lal street 60 feet; thence east par
allel with State street 71 66 feetstbence
couth 50 reet to the north line of State
siret: thence west 21.66 feet to the
place ot beginning, owned by J. J.
Murphy and H.O. Murphy .-
B'gtnntDirou the south line nf blk 83,
HaIein,Or:80feet-east ofctbe south
west corner ol saldblk.theacnorth
parallel with; commercial street; 60
8 37
reet: menco- eass puruuei wu mw
street:-! banco sou'h 60 fM thence
wen 14 reet to the place of beg Inning,
owned by F; J Frjer.J. J. itarpbv,
K 0 Murphy, Y. a. Dearborn, fc. F.
Bortb, Ell Usarboin, Kate Dear
torn. It U. Uearporn, aud Mrijll. A:
S28 7 F.J. Ffsyer paid 1 91, baL due
Ueglnn ng at a point 25 B0 feet north
or tbesouthwestcoroerof Ik IU, sa
lem, Or.: ihence north along the blk
)inefeet;thenc9eotnt rlgbtanr ei
wlthCommerc'al street B0 feet: thence
south 25 feet; thence west N) feet to
the placeof oeginnlng, owned by F.
H. Dearborn, K. F. Dearborn. Klla
Dearborn. It H. Dearborn and Mi.
17 &fl
II. A. Dearborn ...
47 13
Beginning at the north went corner or
lot 6 In blk 83,-fcilem.Or ithenre north
along th blk line 3 feett tbenoe east
at right angiM with Commercial
street to the alley; thence south aong
the alley 6 1 feet: I hence west U Com
merolal UreeU tbence north 37 feet to
the place of beginning. Owned by J.
W. U ntoand Jennlechipman ... ...
81 13
The south half of the north three
lourllHufioteln blk 81,Halem,Ore
tna. owned by Adam lUsten and
Adam llano. .. . . 4 DO
The north ha f 01 tne north three-quar
tersor loto, in oikos riinuivmum
Owned by a uusu. -. --.- -Astrlpofland
W feet Wide otful the
south side or lot 7, luunw.D.iciu,
Oregon. Owned by E. Ecke'lln-..
Lot No. 3 and 11 83 feet offot tbe north
.M.Aiimiin hik xt. lutein. OreEon.
9 10
Owned by W. Breyman and K. Brey-
1. aM
Lot No. I and the bortb hair or ine
north bklfof lot No. 3 in blk 83. H
"era. Or. owned by UoWllli'. Eo
geneWlflU.an4B P MeOnrnsck ...
Tbewethlloflt 8 In b kJl.Biljm,
or 7owned by Percy Wl-l and Leo
The eJt nillorT-tTiu bTl',"Halm
n. amruI hv ferrr Willis .-
317 09
160 7
LrVs No. 1 nd In blk JI.,,
owned by clumekeia Lodge No. 1,1.
O u. e.. of Balem, Or. ...... .----
Beginning at the aonlbeait corner of
5t no ? In blk 'A Halem,Or..lhnee
north along High .Ireet ;
thenee al 111 feet- thtnee
sontb 100 feel, to Court street, Ihence
east 81 feel to the place of be;lnnlg,
owned br D. K Wagner.. --.---
350 CO
19 07
Beginning I a point on lbs norm line
"of Own street. W point being M! the southeast corner of
lot 4 in bik W, H w. Or. thenee
nortn iw reet, mtuw "" ' '"I
thenee south 100 feet. tbene eat
aloSS Zlirt street 17 feel so; the p lac,
ofbk1nning.ownby Oeo Collins.
Beioulng al Ibe eonUiweat eorner ol
tot 4 In blk, W. fcUle.n OreH Ihence
S5rtb along lb. ."'
100 feet, thenee east '' l
leet then sou h IfO le tatbe
north I neof Oourtstlet,lhn';t
67 feet to the ploe (4 Uglunlng,
Ttseut kill pf las UM 4hAS.,n
The ItreauUrult Tree.
Usually tho Tolynosiau's houso is
bamboo leaves and grass, but somo
tiinos breadfruit upingbta and beams
tiro used. In fact this beautiful and
useful tree is one of tho choicest gifts
of nature to the brown man of tho
tropic seas. Its deeply lobed, dark
groon, glossy leaves, 12 to 18 inches
long, and its useful if not luscious
fruit afford him ehado and food, and
if he does notlilco baked bread ho
puts quantities of it in a hole in tho
ground, often 20 feet in diameter,
changing it from sweet to sour, in
which state it will keep for months.
Some of theso silos hold a couple of
Tho indigenous trees of tho West
Indies and South America, which
oro of tho Arlocarpaccco family, al
lied to the breadfruit, are tho bread
nut of Jamaica, and tho milk or cow
tree of Demorara. St Vincent was
tho first island of the West Indies
whoro tho breadfruit was planted,
and there it has flourished to a great
er extent than in any other of tho
Caribbean chain, even invading tho
forest edges to find a companion in
tho trumpet tree, which looks like it.
It grows on plantatiqns, in groves
and in. tho deoper valleys in a wild
state. American Agriculturist.
The Most Ancient Itulns.
Tho oldest architectural ruins in
tho world are believed to bo tho rock
cut temples at Ipsambool on tho left
bank of the Nile in Nubia. Tho
largest of theso ancient temples con
tains 14 apartments hown out of
Holid stone- Tho largest single stono
used in this work is one which forms
it vorandaliko projection along ono
Hide of tho main temple, It is 67
feet long, C2 broad and 17 (ono ac
count says l'J) feet thick. This co
lossal stone is supported by two rows
of massive square pillars, four in
each row, and each CO feet high. To
each of theso pillars is attached a co
lossal figure of a human being,
reaching from floor to roof. In
front of the main templo aro seated
still other colossi, four in number,
the two largest being each GS feot
Tho only hint wo havo as to the
actual ago of theso architectural rel
ics is from Smith, tho British Egyp
tologist, who says, "Tho colossi at
tached to tho columns which sup
port the largo stone mentioned are
each painted in gaudy colors, in n
kind of stucco, apparently aa bril
liant now, offer a lapse of ovor 4,000
years, as when first laid on." St
Louis Republic.
The King of Hulls.
Miss Edgoworth remarks that tho
Irinc of bulls" was uttered, not by
an Irish but an English preacher,
who told his listeners that "Moses'
two tables of stono were made of
ahittim wood."
Wk 22, Balem, Or., itailtd' by 1'. S.
Knight ,.
Ile-jinning t a iwint 41.2A leet weit ol thn
BOUllie&at comer ol lot S, In lilk 22, Balem,
Ore.;tlicnce et slotig the mfrth line ol
Court street 14 leet thence north 82.60 feet
theneecakt 14 tttt, thince south 82. W feet
to the place ol heglnnlng, ownwl by J. W,
Tliomat '..:"
fie 'Inning t the wiuthet corner ol lot No.
fi, In blink 22, Salem, Ore; thence eat along
tho K-mth line ol said lot 1 10.70 leet j thence
north at right aiiglos B2. 50 leet; thence west
along tho north line ol said lot 28.70
leet; thence south 25 Itet; thence wet 82
leet, thence south along the east lino ol
Liberty atreet 67 60 leet to the place ol be
ginning, oiiJ by L. I. Rowland
Lots No 3 and 4, In Wk 32, Salem, Oregen:
excepting ploco of land off ol the wstt and
Itouniled as ollow. to-wlti Ilerlnnlngatthe
south et corner ol lot 4, blk 32, Balem,
oregonjthence north along the alley 100
leet; thence et 60 leet; thence south 100
leet; thence wett 60 leet t" the place ol be
ginning. onoduy! F Wagner ... ,
nrinninit thaKuthaeat corner ol lot 4 in
Bl 63
2D 41
217 95
blk 32, Salcin, Oregon; thenco north along
the alley 100 feet; thence east 0 leet; thence
south 100 leet to the north line ol Court
Btreet, thence wett 60 leet to the place ol
beginning, oned by E. M Crolnan and J.
Beginning at the'autiie't' comer of lot 6 In
blk 12. Balem, Ore.; thence woat along Ihe
north line ol Court .treet 2(tet;thence north
at right angles 70 lett; thence ert 24 leet;
thence south 70 leet to the place ol begin
nlng, onibyU. D. BUevesand C. W,
Sleeves... - ......
Ileglnnlngata iwlnt 24 leet west ol the
southeast comer ol lot 6. In blk 32, Balem,
Ore.; thence north arallel with Commer
cial atreet 70 leet; thence west 22 leet;
thenc south 70 leet, thence eaat ti leet to
theplace ol beginning, owned by Win,
Kngland - ....., ,,.,
Beginning at the amilheiut comer of lot Sin
91 84
40 00
30 03
blk 32, baiem, lire , i"i -" ! mw
south line of aall '"' HO ft; thence
north lrallel with Commercial strett 70
leet, thence et 34 68 lett; thenc south
4 41 fert.lhcnce wet 0.25 leet;thnce south
23 leet, thenc et 7J leet to th weal
line ol said lot, them south along tbe aald
wet line 42 leet to the place ol beginning,
owned by 11 M Wad ,'.:,
Iletruinlng at th uorthwest comer ol Iota, In
219 W
tils 37,aieni, jiv. .... ,-m...
Court street 76 leet thenc south It 60 leet:
thenee eaat 0 40 let thenc south 23 33
leet; thence wot rallel with Court street
76 leet, theiie north 40 let to lite lilaoe ot
beginning. oned by Win. Knglaud .
nnnlnit ilnt SJ 7t tutt, vmth nt th.
65 5
northwest corner ot lot 6 in blk it, Salem.
Ore ;thene eaat aralll with Court street
100 leal to th alley, thence south slong
tb alley 43 feet and 9 lndie. tlience Wert
lamllel with Court street HJ leet; thenc
north 4 leet and 9 lncl to tbe place bt
beginning, owne-1 br K VI . Wads. . . .... 70 to
Ilegloiiing at th northwest comer ol lot 8, in
blk 31, Balem, Or , thenc esat along the
north line ol aak! lot to th northeast cor
n ilrerj. thenes south along th east
11m 32 It leet thenc west parallel to
Court street. 104 leet H th nest line ol
aald let: theuce north along said west line
12 7$ leet to the place el beginning, owneu
by W. f. Iloothby 60 041
lU 7 and 8 In block 32, Kalem, Oregon, tb
owner la unknown . Xei II
LH No. 6, in blk 31, Balem, Ottjun, vmaed
byB. I' B"t"C .-
Lot Mo. fl In Wk 31, Balem, Or., owned by
L I)eguHeaKiC Dexulr . . ...
L-H No 7, In blk 81, BaWM, Or.rwrtd by 1.
W Crawford ...
Lot Mo X. lu Uk 01, mlru, Or., owirtd by
CarrUH 0l. ... ...
111 11
IIS 47
1U It
17 M
U Ho I In Uk 01, luiem. or.., own; yj
Mrs. C- M Cro, Mrs. llelo H. Jordan,
Mr,. Jowl!- Beynolda, Mrs. AinelU
btrannby. A K Btrang. Anns II. Hun
btranB7. , wiiiu.
n w
LU S and lu blk 30, Ba), Or.., owned by
UA l'lnd 4 la lik W, 8ui,'6ri.', ewnid by
UaefoUs,Ula,Or.,rtrad byW. M.
Lo 7 la Uk , KU, Or'., wBl VJ E- U.
Ul r, and SaJUibrir. ...............
iJilio taU-t.ala.OrY1,rT
y Ary,Wi- Wgr aol a4.U
IS to
17 W
PywdarUthe Comma Ouacil, KUn, Or5r
fl4UrM,IsVI KP,x.h,bl
What is tho condition et yours? Is your lialr dry,
harsh, brittle? spilt at thn ends? Has It n
lifeless appearance? Docs it fall out when combed or ..
brusnear is ir. iuhoi
Is It dry or in a ncatea condition t ii meso aro eomo-oc
your symptoms bo warned In time oryou will becomo bald.
SkookiimRoot Hair Grower
' I" Mrr VvllnnAiir I
Uwhatyounwt Ita production ti not an nccltlent, but the ranH of Bclentlflo I
iTwarch. Kuowledjtft of the dlaeates of tho hair ana tcalp ltd to Um disco-, i
m nf t.rvi iM.t tliftm- MRfcnniram "eontiuni neither mineral nor olla. It
- -... -S..ii.-it1
tne follTcles, it slops failing
tV Keep tbe sesln elsan, heatthr. and free from IrrlUtlnr eruptions, tor '
tlieuw or Stootvrx likin Soap. It destrojs pareunia (iuccIs, whtoh ttd on I
and dtitrov li hair, . . ... . - '
If roar drultoBOtnpptr TOO seed dlrwtons,snawejrlHforwrd-
5 Mmm w
prepaltl, on receipt oi price,
Natural Wood Finishing,
Cor, aotu and Chemoketa Btreet.
J. E.
Geo. Fondrich,
Best meat and free delivery.
136 btato Street.
D'AROY ft BINOHAM, Attorneys at Law,
Rooms 1, 2 and 8, D'Arcy llulldlntr, Hi
-jutte street. Special attention given to biml
nirw In tbe supreme and circuit courts or Hie
state. a a
am. ivwim-j ni inn. -hioiu, stv
Office 274 Uommerclai street.
IV. iron,
nilLMON FORD, Attorney at law, Balem,
JL Oregon. Oflloo upstairs In l'atton block
J. HIGGKlt, Attorney at law,8alero, Ore
gon. Olllce over flush's bank.
) . Attorneys at law. Ofllre over Capital
National bank, Balem, Oregon.
JOHN A. OA1HON, Attorney at law, roome
H and 4, Bush bank building, Halem,Or,i
BONHA.M & HOLMES, Attorneys at law
Office In Uusu blook, between State am
xiurt, on Commercial street.
t) Cnlleoilons made and promptly remitted
Muipby block, Cor. Stale and CommorclHl
Ircets Hnlem,'Orfg'n. 8-tr,
teudent. Olllce,
Breyman block.
Architect aud lUierln
rooms 'i and 3 llutib
K. POCUE, Htenographer and Tjpo
. wrltcst Best equipped typewriting nf-
ilco but oue in Oregon. Over Bush's bank,
-alf m, Oregon.
TELLA HHERMAN.-'l'ypewrltlns: and
oommerclai stenography, room 11, Gray
K lint-clans work. Rates reasonable
Dll A. DA VIS. Late 1'ost Graduate of New
York, gives special attention to tbe dls
eases of women and children, noso, throat,
lungs, kidneys, skin dlsrasw and surgery.
Olllce at reMdenoe, lo4 Btate street. Consulta-
Ion from Bin 12a. m nnd It tn 5 p m. 70-6m
;mceillorommerclalstreet,tnEldrldga block.
Ri'sldence 47o Commercial street.
0. 11HOWNK, M. D., Physician aud Hur
. geon. omco, Murpby blojk; residence,
rommtrclal stroeL
II. T. 0 HMITH, Dentist, W State street
8 alom. Orecon. Kintsncd denial opora.
ons of every description. Painless fopera-
tlnns a specialty.
pvlt CLARA M. DAVIDSON, graduate of
U woman's jvieuioni uoiiegs, 01 j-euimyi-van'a
Olllce. Bush Hreyimn Block, Hnlem,
J I). I'UUIl, Architect, plans, speclflca
y r
tlnns and sunerlniendence for all
classes ol buildings. Olllce WO Commercial
afreet, upstairs.
Meets In their ball in Btate Insurance
building, every Wednesday evening
J. A. 8ELWO0D, Recorder.
Ann all.
'Ji DAYS to
Hours "icker ,0,0roct and Kan'
Through- Pullmm ind TourUt Sleper$, Free
Reclining Chair Can, Dining Ctrl,
for rates and general information call on
or adore,
vy. H. HURLUUrvr, Asst, tt. r. A
VA Wasalngton 81.. Oor4d
mmvi awn min
To Trade for Good,
Valuable timber and farinlnic lantU
In Lincoln county lu tracts of 10 to 100
acres. Will trade for nenerul rourcban-
dine. AildreM, Pbbk A ItOBflKLL,
0-6 lot Yaquina, OrJKn.
Htitcl MoHtcrey.
Newport, - Oregea.
Twjtfnl nn tlieltcacll.tWO lilllefl noitil
of Newiwrt on Cave Cove, a beautifully
.t.i...-.f .. um.tflfarfiil artArt. afta
batblnif. fl drive to Cape Foulwealti
er HublbouM. Houm new, room large
.mi airv. Klnnt rtnoft for famllleti or
Invalids. Uen an wiuter. ii
tuoderate by day or week. Intending
vUltora can drop 11 pottal card to how
port aud be met by back
John Fikpatkiok,
d-2 in Proprietor.
.vvvvv,i 3 . .
aanaruur uocs your scaip itcn r
luallHa a tort fvasKln TAnin m llmiiUHnn
hairr cures dan4naat preusJ
VWUitl vssv hiusuini n sj
w ur vf vuh
urowsr, mu per coiua i or o.w. Bsp,ew
57 Booth Finn ATenne, new norK, n. ,
Take It!
Only 3 cents a day delivered at
your door.
and CnmllrB.
Pi O. Bloolc
2l5KCcmmrclISt., Stltm, Oregon.
(Next door to KUIn's.)
Specialty of Spedaoles , and repalrlnc Clocks.
Watonen and Jewelrv
Smith Premier Typewriter.
Sold on easy paymentB. For IIcqU
W. I. STALEY, Agent, Salem,
H.N.IUUHPEK, OontllAgent, 101 Third Bt.
Portland. Bend fnrcalalogue.
Do you wr them? When noxt la need try a pair,
Best In th werld.
ron eers
If you want 1 line DRESS SHOE, mads lit the UM
ilvlsj, don't piy $6 to 8, try my t3, $3.30, $4.0$ or
$5 Shoo. They fit equal to custom made tnd look pod
wur si well. I fyco whh to eoitonilM In yow tootwosr,
do 10 by purchtifng W L. Douglil Shoei Noma fri
nrlca atamoad en the bottom, look for It wbtt you buy
W.IDOUatA8.1Jrockton, Mass. SoMfcy
uuiwruuuit33nu33t35j5uoju j Ovouw
Hair Death.
instantly removes and fore ver destroys rib
Jecllonable hair, whether upon the hands,
laon. arms or neck, without dlscoinratlon
or Injury to tuo most ueitcntesuu. ai
was for fifty years the secret 'ormuisntl
Krasmus Wilson, aokuowledsed by physi
cians a the highest authority anaiue
most eminent dermatologist and. hnlrsp
clallst that ever lived. During his prlvnw
nit flnt a. iiriviirnfl nmiinir luoiuuoi ur
tnd aristocracy of Kuropo he prescribed
this recipe. J'rlce, tl by mill, securely
jacked, txjrrespouuencecoouueuuai, nvp
tgents lor America. Auurca
nL il 1,7 Bouth Kllth Avonue.Novy York
B virinAnAnftnfVVtfi (Wnnn rVWvwiji
From Terminal or Interior l'oints the
I Is tho line to late
To all Points East and M,
It Is thedlnlng car ronto. it run through
vestlbulo trains, every day In tbe year V
;(No change or ears.)
Uompeaed or dining cars nnsiirpaaaed,
ftillman. drawing room sleepara
oriatest erjufrineit
Sleeping Cars.
ileal that can be constructed and, in wliUli
acoommodattena are both tree) and lur
nlshed for holder of am and eeeond-chvu
AeonUniiot Una ronavstlng with al)
Un.atordlni dlroot ait unluUrrmltl
sullman sl n " "atlontcaa bes
enreel in adrso" any agent f
the road.
Through tiekeU to and from all point
lu America, Kngland and Kurmp icas b
purchased at any tlokel oMce of this eoro-
Knll Information coneerntng.rate. tlmj
of tralus joules ndotlnldeUUatumlahM
Assistant Uenaral faaaenusr Agent. No,
Ul Klmt. strt, por. Wiahtn4na,- loU
Shaw V Downino, Ant.
g'?jawsgSayS U
4MBHetfcflt2ttHKyTFr I ft
vHhjFHHH f HI 1
Htt .'.'r.....llJiilllIlH
Noptbern Pacific RailroaQ
Eleetr?ic Lights
On Meter System,
ThoBnlrm Llcht and rower Pom piny at
sncnt isperife liiivo (.quipped their Klfctno
Iilglit pjantwltli the nit inodtra appnratua
and a nniwxh'e to oflcr the rublln a better
Might thnn tiuy nvtpm nnil nt a rate lower
tuan Huy cny op )ne ceasu
Aivjunl Inrnuilcsccnt Llghf
lng. Ilcctric Metors for sll
Dunioses whqrQ poer is re
Uul leitrea can be wind for as many light
an dwlred and the rowmmer pay for op)
Mion-HRlltH ni nrn uil. rmmeiDe reeijieieis
wj . .vyfrt,v wv
179 Commercial
Tho -.UDboUterer,
f Ramodel", rt-rjivr. Rn "J"1?
npuoiuii'iou luruiiurn. riri.-i-Ihrk
work. t,hrinn'",ti lreol.
State tnirarntiee-liliv. ;
h& MrKHlop,
Steam Wood Saw
Leave: orders at Fnlera Im
provement Co., S3 8tatstreet.
M13S ANN1ETUORNTON, ConserTntory
ot Muslo, Dresden. Uermany. Vncnl
Instrnmental music InructororFrencb
nd Herman nt Willamette DnlTentty
Jlopms 67, Bank Building. 0-1-U.
E. W. IIADLEYy Eecelvcr.
Iavre ?an Ft anolsco, Qct. 7t"i 7t ai4!7 h.
Leaves Ynqulnn.Oc;. 2d J3tb,d andNova7lh
For freight and paiseasfr.wtr npj.lo any
agent or purser ornf . M.
O.T,WABDIiAw-.T. K.f P A, , .
Q. M. POWKU8, Agent, a'cm Deck.
East and South
i of the
Southern Pacific Company
BoulfcTl r-ysah.
lftp. m.
U.W p. m.
Krlft a.m.
Han Fran.
kia. ra
7:00 p. M
AtiAva trnlna stun nt oil Stallone flOBft
Portland to Albany inclusive; also fttTttiMeBt
shedd, Halsey, llarrlsburg. Junetlon, City,
Irving, Euireno aud all sUtloMfrom Koseburu
o Ashland Inclusive.
Ar.J t-Mp.ta!,
Lv. l:Dp,.
Lv. 7.-e9.M
r.M a. UU
11:17 a. m
;&0 p. m,
Hiiiliig Curs oh Ugdeu Kt
Second Class Sleeping Cars-
Atlachcd to all through trains.
vVestSide Wtiswb, Betwwi ForiW
1-ju a. mTTLv.
tifcliv p. m. I Ar.
l'ortlauJ" XF.
fjorvallls Lv.
At Albany and Xrvallls co&aeot
trains of Oregon l"aclQq BallrpadU
t;li)"p. m. I Lv.
PoftTand ArTTltaft a.
7as n. m. 1 Ar.
MoMlnnville Lv.l Ja.i
To ait points In tbe KaaUru States. l"ano4a
anu l&urope can ue uoiaincu n . n.
irom W. W. HKINNKK, Agent. HeJo.
JCP. ROOEUn. Ant U, V aud !". A1
K. KOKHLKIl. Uanfnr
(Northern Pcl8e R. 0. C. tu-)
Two Through Trln Dally
lHlnn. a
I JUl'auL..
1 l)ulutli a
I.AshlandL a
8c Mats
I. Horn
Tickets sold and baggage checked, through
to ull points In the United BUtnt and Canada,
CtosconBactlotiarta Ib Chicago vrilli ail
trains aolngXast and Houttu ,
rorlullUforinatlou apyly to your
Utetaeator JalLCHIXt), ,
WnTVaas.anITkt,ASCtJb. 1
a new nrawij
A tni Srcu1e-a poMn sad rraet sUlajiB
f aU ioIm inn th Ul. nd a raatonjtfcw efkMhky
vlior to th tlnuM 11 v&vA to uft'Mcrafor sa Ant tfaae
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