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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1893)
WKHf! WWWHU'JMJlWiiJJIWlJI " "Vf "'C " iW"!f1P ivxaisre oAjKii-Ai. joi,a2.'Ai.tnESDAT, September 2s, ioso. TEE (aPITJL J0115AL j n-tute ja milt, rxfixyr wX oi xrm Cs&l J&srsd Psfcfesisg f4&3rairA. CUKSKFOlt JJSTWS. lBgfJg E2JTBE2S. Us.Jy.ST mtr.5kT : at. Vtedbv pctr Jer, EW, Sir ta je' Jf T5 MBfef a awa 3p5- t JUl&AB W&- W e?2 ? "jejs A stSSgBqffiES 2ft .- f Eat c&antvftvtt &fti-.Em &. w?55 tint FtM7 iatfeS 3!MCta trfe Mrt & nana. ySTuat gft- tox4 Sfce fa feed. Ee &rax& fey fa- sailer StopaKahmga Saw sags. At tee ry ew-siasfcel ifcs Is&ijciisifcaEearesSr EcScsSifect is esatpi Sis AUadtritlrttfflic&T. - OS IxrdLc iniJwc4Ki 7ivar ir cas teftot psetSux 7T Irle very tr&H? W- j sb4e ? Ltlf jo Vita:. "Ztt tinjisee te a. rrf. A Est?J ett 34tf to?u! Lacetr PWnes Ka 3fcra-"T feat tT CS BE ISDEFESDEST. Tb 6aUle Telegraph admit ttuU ereff little irbitefoaie poe saj Moe- tiling o Br awBt Us taoaty qwsjfoc that we re more than ever eooOrxatd !o the 5dt Ux&t coe opinion b atoatx jjod s Dotber nd tlut U oaly way tbecrjiugft probleza can Le solrtd i by atoal experfmat. Sfr Jofaa Iob- botk Is the Utett oatrifcator to tb much diietuKd tot4c He uka tbe Uoited 8Uia wby tbey cbAaid waat iBtercAtioozI UtaetiliUiii. H' precede tbis by a italetoeot wbfcb we woaUi Co well to lay to heart, zutmetjr, that t place altogether too cnaeb tti&e opoo what EoRiand tbloka or proposes In re gard to coioag. He ay EogUod ha asjttem wbleb eafU her parposea ad mirably and therefore Is cot Hkely to change it to accommodate m. H think that we should devise & tjtUna that will meet oar owa requirement and take the rut of the world In to u lit tle ooctideratloa u we poib!jr can. He realizes the important troth that coin sod eorreney are for by (ki the greater part only trad In domestic transaction, and hence thai the domeatic need aboold be firat contaited In determin ing the monetary policy of a coactry. Bat Bir Job n, a we have aaid, aska if we really want international bimetal- ln- ThU, be reminds us, does not aimply mean that certalti nations of Jioropo ihall oae ilver. but thai India, China and all the reat of AJa and Booth America sbali also adopt the rue of kouL He tell o that if they d this gold will become tearse and valae will be unsettled. He adda that Ail- aile btuineu will be done on llrer for long time to come, and, indeed, ap pears to doubt whether sold will ever be recognized as the money metal of that continent. Hence be argues that as we cannot have International timet alliim, each nation ought to ad J cut lt coioage to meet Its own convenience. Bir John's observations bear out the contention of Tbe Telegraph that the solution of tbe silver question for tbe present at least is a ran-American monetary and commercial anion with an. export duty on sllvtr bullion. America holds tbe card on tbe silver game. Will she have tbe courage to play tbetu? Mr, Grant W, Barnes "fat years I bare had burt diflkoHy aad Wy UonlU. I was usable to )ep on tar stttsUs. laanowtrtHtromXUlaejUoiibU a4 u ifeep oa eilbsr side, thanks to Jf osd's SftMijorilU. My wUo bad cUosm throat tor 20 years. Bluco t&U&x Hood's Cures jOiI' faftifariUa lbs has act hod tore sfcfMt accept oaf wHso bs took cold." iitujrt w, Baaxcs, iilcbiord, N. V. Vm PiUa ar Uw bt aHsrsUoasr jniU, sassrt OssmMim, curs Hck aeaJsts .- '.', '-'Mrs frt V SBK$7' MX fflt J)ot 7wt; tcs CSeSS ascwre al- aeo -r-irmr-TT'- laftslf gly SskiBa e& of Sas ebsss Utrkz BaiiVxr? BegaJaasr it JsssBgtagtsc voaJhskh IsiSassiSeei - ti-. . l. .- .Ki tse fd&Sss'; S5 G&- HA-J5 fesre leea re to hbqt- cxz&S SrTGt'tuea?! tnaiiss br SiffiEscea Ixrsz Bsca- iag zsA rcretj vegetabfe. "it zSerU ae fUansrr vtAi ssj tr sower (U tt creai 'rtrsc of SSke Ur -iLrsxk&svc. Ikar tdeerJ SKk R. ax urrstfUm &rrra,r.Ata. ix asiay fyex crnl tsmfrtHrrf itvot P20H STAT202T- Ma HfeWtiwij rery- tHatbss hecae pa"Frct street 3kaB7tha Sarahs kft foe Sriean l?t wek where she oiff tztcd the win tec DiparySberifi Coopes- waatntoTc Satordaj. Miia SKfaerEofaertsoo ofBaiess exo- op Ttsfiay oa aabort Tiit, to her rtla- tirts and fjsodj. retormog hacday. V. G. Httg and family mrwrtd to CrawfordsTiBe, Linn Co. oa Monday ltii. &c rf?3xt.lte fUi&. jerf fssvs. Ic?ir?stiCC- sad P JPntSEi Jack Tooox. of Albany wuineujAniFV too oa oaunes vt eacescay. r- Mr. Card Uren and family ot Sber mao eoanty. On, are thegaesKoOIr aad Sirs. Henry Keeoe. Mr. Long of Portland, was in town last week. He came np with cor newt Ore engine to see that it was properly tested. Hrs. Pete Thorns was In Portland tatt week, laying In her fafi millinery, f Dr. Ki tefceo made a btuiaeaa trip to Albany !at week. Mies Grace vaje left SiJerday to take charge of ber new sobou! at Union HUL Dr. aad Mrs. Wyatt acoompanied by Mrs. Dotty and .Mr. David Wyatt spent Friday in town as tile guest of UrcBalffcy. Mrs. Lake and Mr. Morgan left fori a visit to their old home tn Minnesota Monday. We wwa them a good time and a pleasant Journey. Tbe torfal Asnct Ftidsy night was one of the most enjoyable aad largely attended social affairs that have been held In Slayton for many a day. Ail tbe sarrouading town were well repre sented. One of the eTtis ccHuequent npon the introductioo of the trolley sys tem is the damage done to shade trees in the residential strc-ete throogh which tht wires are laid. The tpply cables are Strang on poles along the curb, and of coarse the lower limbs of the trees were in the way and had to be removed. Tbe branches which stretched out over the roadway and would have ffwept acrosfl the trolley and guard wires also had to be cut away. On Greene avenue, between Cl&sson and Franklin, both sides of the street are lined with handsome bhade trees, many of whkh have been almost ruined by the placing of the&e wires. Formerly the branches of the trees met across the roadway, forming a good shade, but since the branches have been cut away there is a broad belt of sunlight risible between tbe trees, and they have an ugly, lop sided appearance. In many places. too, the linemen bare fastened in sulators on the trunks of the trees to whih the supply cables are at tached. Brooklyn Eagle. Til Tor T. Collector I reallj can't understand why you don't pay me my little bilL You hare never given me a single cent Hostetter McGinnis If time was not money. I'd explain it to you. . Now you are iriTintr me imtrn- dence.' "Well, you were complaining just now that I hadnt given you any thing. Yon are always grumbling about nothing. "You protftlfeed to pay mo three, months aj;o. and I railed pu you," "That's to." "And you hed." "Pnxttsoly so. I lied on you, and you relied on me, to we art even Goodby."-Texas Sifting Completing b Outfit. "Tim collection for the heathea last Sanday," said the minister, was rery gratifyUur. We got three dotea shirt buttons. If the congregation will Id dly 1nt a few shirts in tas plate th.s raom ng to go with them, no more can be ex pected of them." Harper's Bust. T&w W1US Cabans. tsW at ifce csqasreaTx efe V.53F !-, arerv a tst Vj" ssailktsw Tiiawit-it fr-T-J J -" '- sis' c us faxe aart jnuwfiea -mtst sxz99aas asKSfeey. tie Saoer hoot cjKfB9 vsaaae . fasi ub ritrvK feitMUJWif totfaeidsME. aS of SKAJenrirh site sad rotr SK7Sal iisMii irinfriTj- Ik Aecseae' rrrrtwr Tl? rb iSid &e esfieorr (KeliB 6ete tie royal varsrjB'w-erfc rsfaeedlqreorAsof searfk. Xa f tie -n--1 pOf issiirvifcV r. wptii- In Vspc -' As JaSfo it tert&eefeyiHfe t pcvrifeastBegjit. , To resaflrre it to tbe cswtii a beat TCstABk eraresalj for sheperpaie orer fe. ocsaasaB5id as4 hZAsxS&l 2 ' " ' ; " jes. Eesrr vjzh sShssr aad oid, ea j cfcew tse rvyii porjser. aa4 ra uos $ 1 state be fioesed ooflrs tte rrrer. r. re cgrrgrtfc&atyfa'nartBa&og tise peo Hfe CT-i-v .1- i .t-,-t' tvseucKu i:aj, nusuu io-. - - sv-- eotrKicct taiBeffsEaawLesaenaas . to the cfej. sre a p2ao& hzA tefeo Vsak fca- Vf? ttsHo tee- royal psi- i sao. cmn& i ami tTSS Af 7V1 T -' y-y-"'- OUT ' wasftpart&ir fes carartrypfeuie. f aSbaib eWst faa. Irit- -fcL& VITSwWiawsa? 'r a Jare rOTane- o aotfes-srere ap- A geed ary-K beg told ef oee of eer presaeers. L&s. Scadav atf s- ersooc a. ocrsjfecalkd sr tfee pir- jeered, so the rereresd atieessa ' xaa&Tssool, if the "presefcfir raen'" trri tvpt ttTJ m tjm rnTiit! la flbeTr coo2i22Cgl vnvarmz thsr fot- ' Set. Of cocrse ir was sappoeed tier 2 bad owss to bs raarrKd and erery f 17 t - tT rLjiArx.T caphax. Jocbsai. Qaoca- 3THt rra iTfsrsn "sttt tt? rJ-9tz.7T?f TV5jfiT 1 Ltr& ui; liciuv ij& i.Hifli cr yr wreath 33re carefully adjusted f by the lady, ard the geiulersaa care- j falrycots&d. his hair. Tsea thsiri Tv!a TTere yxxs&i, and the srAeam - words were epoken which birid hu- mans tocjether in wedleck: i The ceressocy over, of coarse it was supposed the newly married 1 coaple would fca in haste to depart. Bat u wa noc so with thetn, and by their aciiocs they betrayed that they j eipected something eli before lear- j iag. Ftnally the reverend gentle-j man remarked. "Weil, now you are married," and the answer came, Oa, yes, ve lua jnarried tet Febra ary. and now vaot unser btgture da kea." A feather would have knocked down the preacher tfpoa the reveea rionv It was the yksan: man." they were looking far and not theTireach er man.' However, there "can now be no mistake about thetr being mar ried and that the knot is tial gotd and tight. Maryh f?f4d News. People Who Ait CsreleM ml Oliver. It is sometimea a little odd how people who are thoroughly well bred in tfifeir home seem utterly to disre gard the amenities abroad. In then own bouses they are deference and fcindtwa personified. AH that can be done for the comfort and happine of a guest or another member of the household is done freely and fully But a&ide from tfau their fellow crea tures, bound to them by no tie of hospitahty, could tell another story. When they set out on a journey, aD their faults apparently eome to tbe surface, and their fellow travelers perceive m them tbe hateful traits of peevishness, sei&shneta and irrita bOity. Tbe umbrella is tucked horizontal ry under the arm to stab the eye or puncture the breast of a fellow crea tare who has the misf ortune to fol low in their waka The seats are monopolized in the crowded car, oiled with boys and bundles, white aged people or moth era with small children stand ia the aisles. The best food at the table is appropriated, and the toilet room in the sleeping car is moaopoiiEed for an hour, no matter who or bow many may be waiting. Chicago Ia ter Ocean. Gold&Oi Broarn Sparrow. A porky London sparrow went to dnnk from the famous Temple foun tain. A wicked goldfish leaped up and seized tt by the leg. Aood fish, hearing the sparrow a soueok. came and did likewise. Between uaetu iue poor sparrow found a wa tery grave. - Lond.o Tit Bita VIGOR of men El, O.ktlr. rsmaMcMj Rtittrtd. WEAKKESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, d 4BlSmiarn tntatrtnj MnUur se. U itm ar -rori. ilctuii. 7 rvBumn 0ta Iw c7 ercis u4 p.4r U U tu4r. ftmt mfrmlMttJi. tMujUwbuivwauu iM rrfnaer. HmM, mil mm ERIE VEOICAL CO. urrato, n.y. -jCArUERS TOX IVER CURE SirS: SstdanKXStt vt&tvf 3 Sat Srniiss Sa JmC ss a V-irj xae c & neasu BtS is Ifa-musM. Itmiiea. Di'ntiw Ctasrew fr eaagg ?aacaii8tJtSfcae, g 'Oiiif gfrne mat fy-gttf3u'w.filiiil. Mlart femes Wuivx&icixzxq? SICK Cl'I"IUg sas?T.ttacsErsaXiissscftmLKfc. V3U gSSlSS. "S3to HIM J-l II Sf - elae Huer-vtiibtlK aiams. LxxytBk sy&cas ssTr- !nci Cis eserensg: laa J ft ia .lift & w p' ! iB SyXtO aaaa?ga."a3BiifefcBasaa7 rtaiag ACHE St JSe tsaeef sooasay-JDnai Sbts iar Si-wid '5a? "r, "F5- s315- "-pc acsKcsiazcc Cif ,i.i"Ijmjc (nnhu iwico3 jBrfwrreaoirso Eiat Okas'crnrgrpB!Ba2 &. 'Eit axser cffr--aiieatf o aecergggr i-m. tn tjr dor -psStr actios U2SZ QS3I S, Srr 1st. .a l gajl JVa f-sl ftrw ssiii. -sssa as BosycraeS; TODAY'S HAEKETS. S Prices Ccrrest by TelsgraBi Local aad Portland Qcotatioas. SAiEac, September as. 4 p. m.-Office .- tioevs for day and up to boor of going to press were as feISdws: gAU3CPBOICCZA?.KKt. ' fTXCTT. Apples 35c to 0O2. a be-beL Peacfcea f&clo To a box. UU1VHKR STOCK. Veals dressed 4 eta. Hogs dressed S to 6J. Live oUle J to 2. efeeep arive Jti to fiCO. Hpriug lambs SL-SG to i tSfi. MILL PB1CES. Saiem Miiunz Col oooteai FJonr 10 wbeaJe lots 23.1ft. Brtail IZ-iO. Bran 815 blk,H6lsseked. Shorts 1171 Chop feed JlSaod flO. WHEAT. Old wheat 00 storaze -H cents. 2f ew wheat -is eesU. HAY AXD ORAET. Oats old. Si to -SOc, new 30c Ha v Baled, new IS to 12; old ?19 tx fl4. "Wild In balk, $5 to SS. "Bariev Brewior. at Salem, No. L S6 to f LOO per cwt. Nu. 2, 70 to bo eta. faem PEonccrs. Pea and beans-S to 19 cents a gallon. Wool Best, Hfcu Hops ma!l sale, 151 to 17c Ejtxs Caab. IS cents. Bolter Best dairy, 23; fancy creamery, 39. . Cheese 12 to 15 eta. Farm sroosed meats Bton 125; hams, 13; shoulders, 10. Potatoes new. 30c to -45c Ooioos 11 to 11 cents. Beeswax -34c Caraway seed, ISc AnLeseed,26e. Ginseng, JL'40. BIDES MSD PELTS. Greea, 2 ett; dry, 4 cts; sheep pelts, 23etsto4ic ro qnotauons on inn. UVE POCLTBT. Cblekeas 7 cts: broilers 7: ducks, S 10s: tarkeys, slow tale, choice, 10c; geese "c P08TLAND QDOTATlOJfS. Grmio, Feed, etc FVsur-Siandard. 1325: WalU Walla, 5.23r graham. S2.75: superfine, Ji60 oer barrel. Oats Old wbite.26a per bu., grey, 33c; rolled. In bacs, & 2aG$5.W, Darreis, !i06.75: eaea. 3 75. Hay Best, 1015 per ton. Wool vallev. 10 to 12c MHIatoMs Bran. $17.00; shorts, t20; rroaod barlev, $2223; chop feed, f IS per ton; whole feed, barley, S0S5 per eental: mkidliBir.f236fc2 per ton; Drew r c barley. 90J6c Der cental: cbicken. mt total. $1.1015 percental. Hops OW, 10 to 16c, new 15 to 17 DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter Oregon fancy creamery, 25 zir; taney dairy, ai&jsyc; iair 10 gooa. I617e; common. Hto 15c per lb; Cali ferula, 3S44e per r61L Cneese Oregon, 12: Eastern wIb 16c; Young American, 14c per per d Kind: California fiats, 14c Egg Oregon. 15 to 16c per dozen. Pooltry-Cblckens.old,S4.50; broilers, taree. I2.00(SAOw: docks, old, f40g 8.00; youDg, f2504.00; geese, $&00 inrxeyr, uve, hjc. SAX FKAXCISCO JIAKKET. Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 10ft lOo; do Inferior, 809c; do valley, 12 Hops ISie. PHatneKrIy Rose, 304O. Bar- 'auk. S.40fi50c Oaioit THjt&Vi per cental for red, F)d 90Stit for eilversklDS. Barlei .Feed. 033705 per cental for good -QUihty aad 83jc for choice; irewiBg, 9 1 ier cental. 0es .0l 10. Deutscher Advocat. OSTOmCE BLOCK, - - SALEM, OR. IdmlUfd tn mrnj4Lm In mil thM mortis I bpeCal att4mtsoa ctrea to German speak-1 Of roopi 4LD4 baure al lbs coontr audi liiaoasct. iinoyH,AouryiMbUe. I I BR j - 5 was aary. i""" srinBtL 5s A27 re, -insrf - - , See ssasij Tea. aB rswSr. ) H. Ciml M'M' "ZSwa: I asaytaBS , 3bhuh- awiiiiiiar is arf ciisii m rtraa-fcaf I ssbbY ai-7easrsBC-sM&3 i Hf Ok. yea: tkt sSBfc Hs ys gsc I eijf!c 'i .bbskm Sfee rtseafcCy EssyAsac. ""; i d"i TBS Jfe- iac sc Lt xraai esc 1 ""oas . bktte & xsasiSt 1 E -'WeS.S&sa 1 Se Sszrr: Tfese c tie- z5st& TaiiT're ta i eeftt sa ast lens. -Js3 tlsbsx. if Ikii3;fecsrrir isbssa3i Tie rias pair were s3kt 1 5ccm2ec. 2Trr. if jw"H jfe - xe asai I tt 2E VXp OTeS" JSCT ili-1 tlt I Ss TCeeas is, Isss5b5 See Tea swsr we cas. By f "y. I -swc&L letter taxe sy saelS siks. 2T telExr w&ai say basyjer Et Sa& Itra tss Scis TsEra it . Oaii." d waii liaas" 3y rinsVlrf lairassffso gsc ibd. ir si fa sspf wis yc gss teics tea essees jssi eecser, k tbesSiilf aad yesTH susreanprc csfcrcse. Isa:ta yeet).c2r!:2 yocr sice Thssiis, clear, yse're so SOU He WeO. we're cr &-A: laae Brfi szogi I asrrest kciid say Ksi.aael aat ssssgs Bssse- He tfespsraJelyr Ofe, ceese e- Tse caraia vM fcs ap. Sfee (reyroacfc2yJ Tve teen ready tfcese S asaasstea. He Yoae os vsa&r ersr. Sea Way, Pes waicz far yec He ja aazeraass) Fr rae? f a IpstisitrrV-Fra wsiirsz isz ye3 to pet tot cii ecr. We cant go aad IesTeGMrh?a:totbceiriag. Ctsh. Ell Great Dnlre. "IwastapoHisca,'beiaHas be es- ttz&l tas crfns. batwereanyfcrreisoreedofaayEicsj at Tr3Zj" -Oh. taafsvaH rt,"sa5d the eaBs - csesrraQT. -loVKtt espee; xsj salary. In fact, rrawiEsig to pay f or the priv-i Hese of havhig esplsynseal. "Wcatkiadof apcsnendoyoawasi?' asked tae tasgcrint is. aaorrrmgit. "I i-i"i reset, care as locg as isTs cae ! degree Hgber than tie typewruer ad I tfce&5ceboy.w f Way these two parassrlyT' "Well, you see, it's jest this way,! es jfconeA the caller o&ztSdesriaBy. "Ira carried aad have ccecHld a boy. 2ew tbat bov ir3t zsiad rae, and his zaosher Iasgiss waea I try vs extnnrrasbority. 1 Sa Tve got despsrate, aad I tboaght if I oobM get a poatson where the typewriter girl would have to obey tee aad the See boy weald have to get np aad bcstle when I spoke it wozM sort of square rae with ray cigairy, which 13 rapidly gei fcg away fnna rae. Wcnldnt do any oe aav harzs, yon izsow, aad it weeld t-'Vk -rr fr-l fitAif-T i-n my T-tirA to reaEre that I was a raaa who had to be obeyed. Chicago Post. Carctescaru. TJ1 neyer f orset Bill Tharasj,' 'said tho rasa who cjed to hre ia the far northwest. 4-B21 wasasgaraearaaaas ever lived aad too geaerocs to take ad vantage." "Isi't he lrriag now?" asked the Es- tecer, who had tees a good deal-ira-, pressed by the sadness of the narrators tone?. "No. rwa3onthecorciier3 2srythat looked after BaL" "What was the verdict? "Dkd of carelesiBessr "Got into a fight withoat a gnn on mTn. Denver Tribcac Keonlt of tbe IepriIon. Waichfnl ilother Is i: true that Geonre asked yoa for a kiss last eves- ins? Hand Yes, titt-tii bet I refused him. Watchful Mother That was right. Mand. Maud I toil him that times were so hard I really couldn't afford it. So I gave htm a half a oae and zsade him supply the other half himself. Boston Transcript. iloses, tiie great lawgiver and re puted author of the first five books of the Bible, died on the aniversary of his birth, Aug. 7. 1705 B. C. be ing exactly 120 years old. The carbon of the food mired with the oxygen of the air furnishes fuel for the body which evolves the heat in exactly the same war that a fire or candle does. ' H you are behind the counter, von must have a singleness of purpose in the direction of making your own and employer's business career a success. 1 EMtS hbwc. I t2 w r werr tntm aukv v,-UA wtimmr we4itiMi, sxtt Tint's Pills Satfcal riaut jai still mu ttu 1 1 mmy lkr Ulm-t. M hTm tfcrao Mk eaaleA. JQea-ejMlr Minr " UlatW liM.lIu. SOLD J&YMMtYWMXMML AAm. IXate lil WuUutu c V -v ,mi niamevm. m . x ALL OVER Ll l:i$s f-r -t r t-f - -- ri?j TME WILLA 2V1ETTTE; CedpeeCed"axid ready to wait en ecsteeoers. -Hones- bearded by day or week at reasoceabie psieesw We keep fcH sire if Trce&s Drays asd'Exress to caset- aM demand-'-. Also keep tbe fiaeat fctalli-t iaatiis ecc'nt. Serrke. Bara 2 bioc south of p nfSc& HYAN&tO. CIvEA-N If yoa would be clean and Lave tout ckthes dece up in the neatest and dressiest manner, take them to the SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY where all "orkjis done by white labor and in the most pron-pt manner. " COL02TEL J. OLMSTED, Liberty Street Lamoureux's Stables, At the ComrneretaJ street bridge near uhscb uauj kucu cuisauuj. jmj f "S3 nor poor neasa: 232TT. 1 ' -0 3CH U RCH I LL Pfcnips, PiiiiiP.s,Piimp r BURRUGHSJ J J. W. TflDSHBDRG, THE IPHOLSTEREK. BecoTers and repairs! rrflaolstered fcrnitnre. XongExneriesce is tbe tnvk enables me to torn oat first-class work. Samples of coverings. Xo tronbie to sire estimates. State; Insurance block, Cbecaettta street. . money to loan - Oaiactmn! Btai Ettiie. a aisocsts acfl t!-i tn mw. jioetixj tz. crrrnWrrVr.c loasa. FEAR & FORD, iJXw Bnora 12. Bca Raifc Mnr-lr. Before Going to the Weld's Pair1 higher mnsJeaT edsnpasrnoo. o Enauire About better grade of work done west oftts ca?o, MOwankee & St. PanI Railway between St. PanI and Chicago and LOmaha and Chicago. riUese trains are vestibnieu, electric lighted and steam heated, with tbe fin est Dinins aad Site Dine Car Service in the world, I Tbe Electric reading light in each berth is the soeceesfc! novelty of this1, progressive age, and is highly appreciat ed by all regular patrons of thU line We wish others to know its merits, as l tbe Cbicago Mllwaofcee St. PanI Rail way is the only line in tbe west enjoy- ing the exclusive use of this patent. For further Information apply to nearest coupon Ucket agent, or address C J. Eddy. General Aeent. T TX r.CT?n- 1,P TXaa 1 35 Stark 6t,, Portland. Or. tf . ,.. v.j,.- r.A, tl.l.lM. -"5 IMP0ETAKT. If you antiacate visitint; tbe world1 fair, or your friends in tbe Eat, take advantage of the present opportunity as the fares are now so low tbey cat no figure in tbe expense. The Chicago 4 Northwestern Railway have placed in service a solid vestlbnltd train, between Portland and Chicago, tbe famous Wayner tourist cars, free reclining ehair cars, and dining car "par excel lent." With the afcommodatlona for Bisbed.rates now offered, together with tbe Ebort time ennsnmed in making me trip, ills wttnin the reach or all. For farther Information, apply to any ticket agent, or write A. G. Barker, Gen'l Act. 272 Washington street. Portland, Or. MAKE NO MORE MISTAKES CZTABtXa X. &UITH ROBS Tile Rustler Food. Saw and be da&t born cp hair jocr wood. In fatl, wbea be mv it. -Mske Towcoolncts with blm pemocaHy or leave oMn at VcaUlja eituuoi bearbora'a boolc (loocitt Suaootr nreet. or addreu me hy null. S-lt-u HOWARD, The House Mover. -.SI Mjtrl Street. Has the bait &etle tee aaoTtae and rab ns booua. Laatc ordos al uiar Bxua cr aHtrrWnn. Oregon. THE WORLD Tfaer arc caJling for it aad ocr shipments are iocrcasir dailj to other lamR Tbe mmm mi urn Coodensed Milk is the first conden sed milk ever offered to the public. It is the leading-brand. It has stood the test for 30 years. It has in itations but no eqn2L Trj to remember that? All Grocers and Druggists ssfl it frorr -gra a Jcp -g; l!.-j rf ?-- ,'v STABLES Willamette HoteL New stock ard ve- ue msm. Brno? renwmi. .io;ci!iJ BL Ii- LAMOUBECX. Proprietor. 10s State Street. iCflDsewatfliy of Mit WiHamette University, Salem, Or, School of music fcrpiaxo, organ, violin, sioging.pseitraliEstrimieati, binno- Bend for annual year book, or address, Z. M. Jarvin, Mua. Doctor, mtaicu uutcur. S9anoa ST. PAUL'S ACADEMY, St Paul, MarinTi Cousty, Orejco- em t3ird &Wnarsi outiocxeifrcj. ' - fturf e beeaoor reaebed br bauoouj j Stti?ds!g&gi "" coarse or stattru cemplete: cf.....w .-j p-.T-Hmv Tirrit t M,ailMJUlJ Bil" Ji-W.n i Terms moderate. Foe tenter partfea arsapptr to "titer ?' or. ris3 I 2 Willamette liveiy FIFTIETH YEAB. Oldest, Highest and Most Extended InstitnUon of Eeamlng in the Psofle Northwest. Sixteen courses of Instruction, fjra Grammar, through Academic and u lege, to rheofogy, Iw and Medicine. Bpleadld (ourea for TrlDb Teaching. Business, Art, EtoejU and Vnlc. Several Post Gndost Courses Stronger and better than ever. It's Woman's College affords an W borne focyoangladieswiihunsurpa facilitiesi for their care and training. The school year opens Spt- lS9- For Year Book and all lol"3 relatlns to school manageiDent ao course of study, address, AeUac Pres.W. P.HA.WLEV. IX. &- For financial information, address, Ber. J- H- E00KK. Agent. 8-22-dAw Salem, orego- CflflS. WOLZ, GERMAN x MARKET feat OBersBeraJ"-8; u- AH fctaOs leeSutsaHaad asaased aaj Saunter gas. ceUYKT .-iltei-tVi,, ..