f-fjH tr mmmtsglammam iiiimwiimiDiiiwunw mn3SSm RBRXA 5V"JitLe OPlTAJu JOOK2s'Ali, SATURDAY, SZPTE3EBZR 23, 183. m THE BLEGANT DISPLAY TEST WEST TO YES SAT. iwft-jini- A BAD BUS AWAY. Wk A Gxt Parry ef Salesiies Ttot 3TJSLTT25S 3ES ETTE2ESTED. X3a Oreasa Pieifc WHI Figii the ITersr lEreisi Bates. Oetafcer vssvaA itu teen set Ser fcearieg ef Use ofcj ;tioti ef tbeOre-ges Pactfe Railway Co. izaisii tbe bw Radiate. -OP- I I 1 . i ft. Dress at NORTH WINDOW. Ladies Should be Sure to See It. SOMKIHISG XEW IX ETEET LIKE. THE PALACE 307 Commercial Street. T S 1 MYtez shoald see the and oirls. A waist for boys with suspendere on. - IK -- Yae are pAstPO"ir at T fc1 rix KStr aar prvpufl oxAruA, term vorie, jrn.'iiai. sc Salem Improvement Co Was He GciltV- Tbe wqoeltoa dittorbaooe Mrer marriage liosoaere ceoUy iwatd lo tbb atj i Wid by lb CcrTalUa Times aa folk, we, "I can'l fetand M lire with thstmia any laager, mamma; and if I can't Hve with yos aad papa, I will go some where efar andliTe." "Tbat'a why my daogbter left Le Porter after Hnng with bitu only three week and two days," aW Mra,Dr- Cain, of Sfooroe. "rihe left him becaase be ww to ctom, aod che left bhn willingly." ilre. Cain was in town MJekisg tbe ad rice of an attorney upon tbe point of whether or not her daughter was Porter'a lawful wife. The marriage license was fraudulently ob tained upon the false oath of a certain German, who swore that il Cain waa a lawful age and a resident of Linn county. Bbe waa neither, and tbe Dutchman is ture to wind up in a shared bead and a striped unit, if tbe Cains cbocee to bring bis frightful swearing to tbe attention of tbe Linn county grand jury. Oregon Pjjars Hon. J. M.Wal lace, who baa this year bad tbe man' agement of the Wallace estate pear orchard, baa just received a fine ac knowledgment that our state beau tbe world for superior prara. Some time ago while in conversation with bis fnend Cbas. F. Grty, president ol tbe Hyde it Leather hank in Chicago, that gentleman questioned whether Pacific coast pears bad as floe flavor m those of tbe East. Of course, he bad only tbe California fruit in mind, but this was a comparrison that no Oregon pear grower could admit for a moment. In order to convince his friend Mr. Wallace sent blm a box from their orchard In a recent shipment to that city, and now that gentleman beauti fully acknowledges the corn, and ad mits that Oregon pears are the beat be ever ale. He mildly winds up his eu logy of tbe fruit by eaylug: "They cer tainly know bow to raise good pears in Oregon, as I have found out by this ex perience." ANbw VurrroKa In connection with Miss Ballou's kindergarten which opens next Monday, will berearter be conducted training cfa&aes for motherl and teachers, for instruction in the principles of tbe Froebelian philosophy of Instructing children. The classes for mothers will be designed to also Im part rules for tbe management of chil dren, as well as an exposition of the methods employed by klndergartners. This venture will be In charge of Mrs. P. H. Knight, who has thoroughly pre pared herself for the work by taking a course of study In addition to her years of experience in teaching and manag ing children. Mrs. Kolgbt Is thorough ly devoted to the work, aod enoys the fullest realization of the necessities for It. Bbe will give particular attention to an explanation of lhe"MotLero Play" by Froebel, while she will be assisted by ablo persons In the other branches to be taught. It Is to bo hoped this new enterprise will meet with tbe suc oees It deserves. All kinds of fish at Davison's market, 04 Cout street. A Good Hei-oiit. Borne time ago the Albany Democrat stated that an application had been made for the re sumption of business by the Llnu County National bank, but that it would probably not be doue until mat ten picked up some in tho fall. Tbe Detaocntt 1 aow Informed that this Will be done within a fovr weeks. Fl Haaclal matters have Improved suffl- eJeatly to make tho move n safe oue, ad It Is oue that will be of general tefU to the community. It la to be feofxtf It may prove true. Freeti crabs, Davieon'a market. The Best Meals I Private KiiiatB Goods ANDSH0EGCOMPANYi DeBevoise Wais's for boys PE2S02TAL A2JD LOCAL. Tfce board of eiwitks expects to give an eeterViicment on TbanksgJricg, fer tbe beoefit of their exebscqoer. Z. ". Hail, of Bsena Vista, was a &Aan visitor yesterday. Paymaster J. W. Taylor, of Whitea ker, was in Sleta on badness today. Dearborn beys secacd band school boots and pays cash for the same. ' K.C. Patloa went to Woodbarn this afternoon to look after bb varied buii ne interests there. Fresb crahs, Davfeon's market. Rev. G. M. Irsvin left today for La Grande. Mr. F. A. Moore went to Portland this aftemooD. Fresh crabs, Davison's market. W. D. Freeman will open school Monday in tbe Booth Howell Prairie tcbooi, district No. 0. Kracsse Bros, are still cutting prices on shoes. In fact tbey are dividing all profits with their patrons. Mrs. Anna Phillips, of Seattle, is the gueat of her sUter,Mrs. O. B. Hubbard, in Yew Park. Mrs. E. C. Xichols was reported very ill this morning at her rooms on Court street, with neuralgia of tbe heart. Kraasr Bros, stock of fall goods are arriving daily. Prices in shoes never so low. 2dua Ballou's Kindergarten opens Monday at tbe old location on Liberty BtlWU In tbe lead Clark & Eppley, at pleas ing tbeir patrons. Tbe Albany races ended yesterday. Clark & Eppley continue to be bead quarters for tbe choicest vegetables. Y. M. C. A. Rev. J.B. Hale, of Jap an, will speak at 4 p. m. All men wel come. A. M. E. Church. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Jus. P. Simmons, pastor. Evangelical. Preaching at tbe W. C. T. U. hall tomorrow at 1020 a. m. and 720 p. m. Sunday school at 12 m. J. Bowersox. pastor. AjtSOUWCKMEST. -Services by the German Baptist Brethren (Dunkards) In the Evangelical tent in East Sa'em at 4 p. m. Sunday afternoon. Chkistain. Elder J. A Smith will preach this evening and tomorrow. Morning service 1020; evening 7:30. Sunday school at 12. v. p, q c jj, 620 p. ru. Everybody is Invited to come aud bear Elder Smith. Usm Cucncir. Services at 1020 a. in and 720 p. m. Sunday school at 12. Rev. W. E. Copelaud pastor. Sub ject of morning service "Some Echoes from the World's Parliament of Relig ion." Subject of tbe evening lecture, "The New Heavens." CoNOnEOATIONAL CHURCH. Dr. Freilaud, of Seattle, late of Pueblo, Colo., said to be oce of the ablest pul pit speakers on the northwest coast, will preach at tbe Congregational rhurob next Sabbath mornlnir aud ' evenlug. Everybody cordially Invited.' First M. E. Services at the First M. E. church tomorrow. Rev. Geo. W. Granuls will preach morning and even ing. Subjects, 1020 a. m. "Faith In the Living Christ;" 720 p. m., by re quest, "A List of Exchanges," a tern- perauce lecture. Men, young aud old. are especially Invited. C. P. Church. Rev. J, B. Hale, of Osaka, Japan, will preach at the Cum berland Presbyterian church tomorrow nl II n'flnolr n tn unit ulll . l. !.. -...-..-.....,.. ,,, iw gun ai lecture Illustrated by stereoptlcoa views' lu theovenlng. He has beeu a mission-' ary In Japan for 17 years, and Is a most , excellent speaker. He ties beeu taking j n year's rest lu this country, and will soon return. j in the Citv at tor Fjtjttilies yAQCT-A, Or.. SefC S3. Stial tfce JoceaX. Cea iBTitottM Sept. Hateafeay ef ihtOregm PariSe putj ef cafes popi vest S2e,p"Wt es Tber4ay, soeae tfesm stayicg estM this a&traeos. As eSegaat diaaer w aerrei span arrival at tfe Bay View beaje. Roee bnwk's orebestra frwn Teiedo was esgtgtd for the eeeatieo, aad tbe opera boo resxweded with tbe tread of bkt- v -" a-Ofil ttA rll luasirx f Jlrs. Ges ctraag, Mrs. Bri&ed,Mr2. B- P. Rnue, jf., Mr. Frank Hszbta, Misses Ada Breymaa, Anna Breymaa, Lena Breyman, Maggie Co-per, Mae Bobe, Miss Waters, Carrie Moores.Ma Carpenter, Edith Hagbes, Nellie Ede. Mfesa. W. B. Mr5. J. M. Keene, R. P. Boiie, jn, F. K. Lovell, F. B Amoa, H- S. Jordan, F. 6. Dearbora, P. H. D'Arey, A. V. MendeahalL Frank Hughes, A S. BrasfieW, Heary Mey- tTB. Friday tbe entire party were taken oat oyer tbe bar on the tag RtsolBte, aod a special train bk all who wished to go to Albany ia tb ereoiog. m Onsen. TzaS Morezzsn's. Sapl. Malcsbay writes tbe following letter to a Eegeoe boots maa,wbieb will alw be of interest to people all alosg tbe riven In regard to tbe Sisters navigating tb river to Eageoe. It is oar parpo&r to pat tbe Sisters in service as soon as the stage of tbe nver will permit, be tween Salem and Esgene. It would be policy for tbe good people of Eugene, tb rough their board of trade oriasome other effective manner, to eaose tbe snag boat to make a trip to Eogese at tbe eariieet possible date, as we will feel perfectly safe in following her, and probably would not reach Eagene ro tooa if she dos not nuke tbU trip.a.- we would be in doubt of the condition of the river above Harrbburg. "It stems to me abo that tbe firt and meet important thing in this coo- nectioa for tbe Eogese board of trade. is to provide some kind or acoomoda-1 that wju enforce the Iowa law, which tion on tbe river bank to handle their j ti njM the Oregon law, by enacting a freight, as this will be necttiary no distance tarift with terminal charges matter what boat they use. ; added, and thus protect all parts of tbe Oar rate on israin aad potatoes from ' tate and all roads equally. Tbe busi river points to San Franci-co, will not nfesS men 0f Salem should be strongly be deflnitely established until about tbe represented before the commiseion at time we are awe to navigate the nver. it win be about H irom iiueene, izo from Harrubu rg, 1 from Salem and Indpendence, points south of Corval lis take the H&rrbburg rate and south of Harrisburg, tbe Eugene; potatoes will probably be 60 cents per ton more." Wat a Receivek. Receiver Beall, of tbe Linn County National Bank, has made an application for tbe ap pointment of a receiver to take charge of the property of J. L. Cowan's IM anon bank. Tbe Express says: Tbe complaint of Mr. Beall not only ques tions tbe legality of tbe transaction, bat also charges Mr. Cowan and tbe trus tees with bad faith, and with the at tempt to defraud tbe Linn county Na tional bank. No one, acquainted with the circumstances, will for a moment believe this, and if the case depended upon that question alone there would be no doubt aj lo the outcome.The trus tees, we understand, ill defend their po-itian aud not permit it to go by de fault. At the Can neby. About thirty bands are busy at work on canning pears. Tbey have about two car load', more to work up, and will be tbroueb early next week. After that work will begin in the evaporator. A large uum her of prunes will be ready to be dried. and tbe work will run that department for several weeks. Recepkion to Incoming Pastor. There will be a reception to the incom ing pastor. Rev. J. M. ShuUe, and fam ily at 3outh Salem M. E. church on Tuesday evening, Sept. 26, at-720 p. m. We extend a cordial welcome to all to be present, and especially invite the city pastors. Com. Fine poultry, Davison's murkeL Boys rtirrnuNvn Frnt !!., amj junsome Sutton, two Inmates of , ... r.. ..! ... whlla at work n.,..i,t J. n. 1..1. ,JT were returned yesterday. Fresh crabs, Davison's market. ffeSSl Baking l! Powder! Thinly Pure Cream of Tartar Powdcr.-Ko Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes do Years the Standard STRONG'S RESTAURANT, Mid Ladies. frefebt safeettale ef tb Stbern Pao&c Railway 0. reeeally premalgated by lbOfrtCH raiire&d exaeaiirfoa. As tbe Jocks al ku sbews, those rates r f u per cent, bigbtr j ibu is?N (DBiBbiioa rates 3 wib- - t .-, pTTT 7T7. 1. . t. h .".w- ..... . La.v rav9 ?.... a.eu ft.. k f est or! all shipmemtf to r from tbb ,, .. , raHey over tbe Oregoa Pfic railway. . . " . . . . lutciaBra were maoe accoi toe . L. z, ,.-... cime to Oreoa, aod s-tre ssmcsioazd by tbe Oregon railroad commi-eion. , Tbe Oregon Pacsfie has secared a bear - s r J loi j . ing for October Si, and will show up .h!i.-.i !. . tbe ioio-tice of tbe rates. .... ... . 24lem business mea aad tbe entire -:.i j.. ,. . j W, lliamette valiev bare a trtmendocj t - . i. interest in this caas. If tbe rates sane - . - - -- uoued by i be com uu-ioa c&anot be set u !., j , , aside and the old rate restored tbe Ore - gon Pacific raUway may as well te palkd np, so far as it benefits its own - ! era or the producers and balnea men oftbi valley. Tbe rates will be shown pellins all tbe foal Uinta and giving to have been so amended as to make tse riial fluid tbe quality and quantity team baaHng profiiaWe as compared to ' & hb-1 .ff rofSla, .. .,1-r . -a ..- j l ealt rbeam, boils and all otber troubles tbe prohibitory tanfls sancuoswd b?;aos&i Dy impare blood. tbe commi94oa. To all appearances tbe Southern Pacfic Is thus made as completely master of the atuation as Sen maUon reldt,t of pric by ctll uwugaii owneo toe uregon i-acinc railway. It looks, if all tbe facta are as stated, as tfcocgb tbey found it a great deal cheaper and far more profitable lo themselves to own tbe commission than tbe competing road. The Jocbs al has been almost alone so far in calling attention to tbb dis- a pound. Next door to the postofHce beartening state of affairs. But the if press of the whole state should take up tbe case and back tbe Oregon Pacific AAnf-," L Job I0,m, ha ,agn In lUfifat for fair ajd just rates for ail Jines of road in the state. Tbe people do not want a commbsion owned by tbe Southern. Pacific or any other com pany. The peoiAe want a commi-sion jtA hearing October 2d, and every town in tbe valley should send a delegation. CHBYSASTHEMtJit SHOW.-Th man agement of the Salem fioricultural so ciety, a? wa announced after the rose fair in June, expect before tbe holidays to hold a chrysanthemum fair. It will probably be held at tbe same place, and tbe ladies in charge are busy thinking of what will be the best attractions to ofler The rose show wa3 a great suc cess in every way and oter foO now remains in the treasury to begin with. This b a handsome nest egg, which tbe leaders know most well how toappre-j ciate and bow to use. .Meetings of tbe society will be held regularly from now until after tbb fair, and some very con scientious work will be done, all of which will go to perpetuate Salem's claim f the title of tbe "Bouquet City." Still at Laroe. China Long, tbe murderer of Yuou Hing, b still at large. Sheriff John Kwigbt and several dep- ... . ., . , .! uties have been on bb trail since the hour of the deed, but with no assurance of success. A Chinamen, owing to tbe great similarity of all wearers of a pig tall, is a difficult person to trace, Sheriff Kuigbt wll yet bring In man. but bis Social Item. The young ladies of tbe city have agreed that the place in aletn to get tbe latest styles of millin ery aud bats for fall wear is at the La Mode Parlors of Misses Pinkbam and Sanford. No old stock, and everything fresh. Prompt orders a specialty. Court street. Pear or Pumpkin? This is liable to be the quandary the average new comer finds himself in now-a-days,as be shits up a grocer's sidewalk display. Chock Full. That Is what ailed the fellow who called on tbe police judge the other day, but it is also what ails an Eaton's grocery store. A New Ciitmcir. Rev. H. F. G wynue, went to Turner this morning, w here he ill dedicate a new Presby terian church. Mil. Cl&rk Eogers tliroaa fres a Wagoa aTid'Hsrt. Last eveaig Mr?, dark Rogers, e compaBted by ber ten-year-old sen, started for beta? with a team asd wag ed, bat was fated ts bare a serines acci dent before rtaefetBg there. Tbey lire seven raiks s&ath is tbe red hills, aad , jost as tbe team bud pasd tbe seaey- a ebeek-reis broke ... . -. .... I and Be oT tbe harass raa tip a side hill swang violently, r&e wacon was op- f -a m rul tH IvkV f Kmvn Mnaa "VT rm Rogers' bips, pinsingber to tbegrouDd r?rtil .lrk ap-hpac! rn MJiaro - TK. ',. -i k.i .,u v., ; boy was also badly scratched up, bat ,'...' -r i is not senocsly hurt. Mrs. Borers was . , j.t.,. t Pcked npand taken home oaabed . qoilt by the neighbors, and proved to ; be most painfully injured. Dr. Banom , .,.. . A . -. .' . . . morning bad Dot foand that any bones , . . .. ... s i were broken, yet tbe patient was in 5 .. . , . . .. tbe most intense pain. Tbe neighbors . , - , . T . . . . . and friends hope tbe inianes so-tained . .w - .i. may notproTetobeservscs-yet jndgmc i , .. T -t. - j V. . v, frtxa tne temble pain endured bv Mrs. t .. r . TTt. .- "j Bogers tbey feel rather discoaraged. j J , A Bzttls for Blood, ! T, . ,t r,.,, ,.. ,, nbu. d itisalwavrvittorioasinei- tcod is. CO., Apotbecaries Lowell, Mass. Eccmomza ia Paper. Clean newspapers, tied in bundles of 100, not cat, for Eaie at this office at fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw wranoioz nscer. larze sheets. Iwownu reu- of coofg bott.L fneodTia-, vited to give him a call, and get work ' '. done in the best manner. &-6- ImJ Largest Gita In the World Is on exhibition at tbe great world s fair. Yoa ought to see it- 'Ibis U the month of months to vbit the iir,pleas- i ant days, coot nigbts, delightful travel ing weather. Maximum comfort en route to Chi cago on the vestibuled limited trains ot tbe Chicago, Union Padfic fc North western line. See your nearest Union Pacific agent for rales or other informa tion. 12-&-U Hotel Monterey. Ne'wport, - - Oregon. Located on tbe Beach, two miles oojth of Newport on Cave Cove, a beautifully sheltered pot, wonderful scenery, sea bathing, fine drives to Cape Foul weath er lighthouse. House new, rooms brg and airy. Finest resort for families or Invalid-. Open all winter. Terms moderate by day or week. Intending vbltors can drop a postal card to New port and be met by back. i John Fitzpatbick:, i d-2 m Proprietor. Conservatory of Music, WHlamettc University, Salem, Or., , School of music for piaco, organ, violin, )S'DBing, orchestral instruments, banned DyicVan,ferPoint! faKc?. orchestration aDd higher musical composition. No better trade of work done west of the ( Rocky mountains. Prices low. Seven ' teachers. Next term begins Sept. 4tb. j a?T?;" " Z. M. Parvin, Mus. airector. 89 2md&w ST. PAUL'S ACADEMY, St. Paul Marlon County, Oregon- Ooodnced by the -Uteri of the Holy Names of . u. uu Mimij. oe locmuon anordi U ihat cin be declred lor healtbfal oatdoor eienas-. J; Paul can b easily reached by boiU on the Wlllametie. The baUdiaeU newnaapped "in aU tbe mod m IraprovemenU. The cou-M of stady Is compIeteT Stenography and Typewriting Taught. Terms moderate. For farther paitlcn1 an apply to Htsler 8nper or- 8-1-Uadaw CflfiS. WOLZ, Proprietor of the GERMAN x MARKET Sooth Commercial 8L, Balent. free oeuveby. MONEY TO LOAN On improved Read Estate, in amonnU and time to suit. Kodeiay taionsMS ki.V"1 FEAR & FORD. Room It Bosh Bank block. 6 Eld Deutscher Advocat. P0ST0FFICE BLOCK. - - SALEH. OH. Admitted to practice In all the courts. Special attention tfven lo German ..v f.1LS;ple aa1 fcpfne? at theuntrnd 27iGommercialSt In every direction OTJR HOME MADE GOODS are sent to all points of the com pass bringing joy and gladness to manv. Patronize our Home Mills. SALEIVl, GOOD LUCK TO YOU Goodla-Cloyoaasd real loelc 11 win pe u erezr e wbo tike adrastate of ocrS SCHOOL BOOK SALE. Netiher a bore hoe or focr ifrinrwr rttiz too rodj osronoBlSM. s iai jocrcaECtrarato it SUtesmet boot htiore vx aaz waoM appues. Patton Bros., Booicseller add. Statlonora.1 S STATE STREET. E. 3L WaITEPBLXTIXG CO., BOOK 1SD JOB PRKTERS -ASI Legal BlanJc Publishers. Baiii'ft New Brieknrer tbe teak. Coral street. THE WILLAMETTE, 8ALE3I, OBBGOIf. Bates, $20 to $5JM) per Daj The bat hotel belveea Portland aad Baa Fiaadioo. Flm-dac la all 11 acpotauaeata. lu tables are served with Uu CJioicest Frit its Grown in tne Willamette Valley. A. !. WAGNER. Prop. Portland's Great OPENS SEPTEMBER 37 UMTTS CELEBRATED MILITARY WILL FUHXIfeH THK Mrsia A WOBLD OP MECHANICS iw MTNTATrmrL THE BPECIAL FEAT0BES WILL ECL1FBE THOSE OPAST FBKYIOCa TElt MADAME GIRARD Oonstrncted at a cost cf SKEOand throwtstratbeosand JeUot water tnaU the cotoncftt rsicbow wlu beantlfy atosie HiL LABGJS AQUARIUMS. Containing fish ol aU varieties :ound In Oregon watersutTe been constructed at fitat expts TSJ3 AST GAZLERY, hko,?SnJ5?Ile;U?.n JLpa,?Un eltd Jrom tbe Worid's Fair. Amon them E SS5C celebrated plnUns Cutter1 Last FIeht. To TUlt this sreat Expffiiuoa wid TiewW FateatuSaua? deIrtmealof " ance, wlU to Btabag wlVtoit to the orif KEDUCLll RATE3 OX ALL TBAXHPOBTATJOH LINES. M-Jwdw u. .wmcr uuurauuon UOKI) Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery AND AGRICULTURAL, IMJPLEIwlENTS. Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices. N. W. Cor. SWe and Liberty St. SALEH. OREGOM. SPEAKING OF JACKETS e want to remind van that hao . .i.n. u.. .r n,. n.t. r-.it andart selling them at prices to suit the Umea. Our$5.00fur trimmp.iJai.iret i. . h....n -. .. n. m -a (fiOonulB ones for ladles and misses. v.- - .nIHfiaD?beUerJ,Lcketweh,lvebentlfu"i'e at $50, JiaCO, , f anaio.uu. e can save you money on your fall purchases. TryusandB we don t, r We have about six dozen ltdiea and 5?' .Tbey are a No. 1 earmenta and In wui eeU tbem at any price. Come and WILLIS BROTHERS OPERA HOD8E CORNER, Wescacoit & Irvine, Prop'rs. WE Wb.K.1 OREGON. JULVg ADITKTTmiTVT rpHXS PATER likejx carats LaiWi I J- AdTeraucsAjesey.Mj.aieKBtiaMa ; toatnera br adTerUrisz cka tsas bTx CHBISTlAIf SOESCE-Uaatoi rfa U.Csoasa!eaISLttan7istcS. Wf CSii 6RIH. SOX, BRiKiEB t CO, Wairrffle. X.T. HOP 3UYERS. OS atare UTUUctu & EcriiiTj tat Patfnt. Groneri taTtted to eaS. 1T H.aWHITSlK,Aft THE PACIFIC DEIEtUTE AND COLUECIKG BUEAU SALEM, - - - Orison Pilrste vatic a rpKiilrf. C B. r.f.KMKST. Xtsiftt. ! BPRTOX BSOTHESS . XaacUetcre Btaaiard PresMd Eri. and tspplj tie brtci tor the Sew sOeaCtr , . UmU aad nearlr 11 lis fiee bcM -rxermA ' ax VB- utpnal otr. lards &car yenlfaattarr. Satea, Or. titr ! P. J. LAJRSEN & CO, Manufacturer of Wagons, Car riazes. etc RSoJrlxie a. Specialty. Sipt5StUfSt I MISS BALLOU'S KINDERGARTEN) UonaecUngaad Prinsao" CIiam cja Mondaj, Sept. 25 tn, Oor. Court aad liberty streets, opposite met bouse. TRAINING CLASSES yorteaeaenaadmoihenimi bein Odoiff 23. at tbe tame place. Far particulars applr to Mrs. P. S. Kxight, Prtadiat Industrial Exposition fPQQ CLOSES OCTOBER 28 GYER'S PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN E 'W. ALLEN, 8a perinicnaent and Seereuu- mtasM liui riria iftt over from I fine conrfiHnn. Rlnir out of style see them. & CO. BALEW. OBEGOX - , - a TotJL Mur lHyfib -- t jafcah JH-Jj.