Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, September 22, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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nnn riinn nmn Ain
KK G JililMlU
Dress -
Ladies Should be Siare to
See It.
307 Commercial Street.
P. S. Ladies should see the DeBevoise Waists for boys
and girls. A waist for boys with suspenders on.
- IF
Vou are"i;oln tfbulldlor mike any Jrlndof
Inurovemeal, call o line uuder igned tor
material. vVe have a complete stock, and are
ready to supply any prepared contract, sewer
work, grading, etc.
Salem Improvement Co.
A Quince Pkunk riiKB. While na
ture has many freaks to record in Ore
gen, the JouhnaIi now has one that It
thinks Is a trifle ahead of any yet re
ported. W. B. Blmpson In his orchard
on the Bouth Balem hill has time Hun
garian prune trees, about eigbt yearn
old, that have borne several good crops
of prunes the past few years. But this
yoarth y are getting the start of them
selves, and everybody else, by each of
them beirlng some quinces. Every
boJy knows it is impossible to graft a
quince, or any other seed frult.outo the
tree of a prune, a pitted fruit. Never
theless the trees stand there at this
writing with both varieties of fruit on
their boughs, growing thriftily. The
prunes are about ready to pick, but the
quinces are not yet full grown. Mr.
Blmpson has no quinces oi his place,
although his neighbors have some, and
some think It may have been possible
for the prune blossoms to be fertilized
by bees from the pollen of the quinces,
but that would be a pomologlcni im
possibility. Tho whole thing is a mon
strosity, and Mr. Blmpson, aB well as
many other hortlculturlstst would be
under great obligations to any one who
can explain it. He wlll'probably have
tbe trees photographed, showing the
two varieties of fruitgrowing on them,
PitOFEsioNAij Ernies. Tho Eu
gene City Guard tells of a good joke
which was played a few days ago on
Mr. Woodcock, a woll known nttorney
of that place, by some of his friends.
A fow days since Mr. Woodcock had
oocaalon to pay a visit to Portland on
some legal business. Ho registered at
ono of tho loadiug hotels of tho me
tropolis. Somo of Woodcock's friends
devised a llttlo "practical Jest," which
thoy proceeded to carry into execution.
Ascertaining ut what hotel (he attor
ney was staying, they rang up tho pro
prietor at a very early hour by tele
phone, and told him to summou Wood-
cook to tno "puone" immediately, as
thoy had some very Important uows to
communicate to him. After some de
lay aud dlfllculty tho Eugene barrister
was routod out of bed aud brought down
to tho telephone Whou ho got there
his friends merely wanted to know If
ho "was up," and "If he had slept
woll," Woodoook's precise answor Is
not known, but It vas blue with sul
phur, Took Possession. Yesterday Con
stable Welch tiled an attachment on
tho U. W. Hawks' stock of goods far
f50 In the Interest of a Portland bloyole
company, and looked tho place up. In
tho aftt-ruoon Deputy Uhcrlil I T.
Wrlghtman camo aloug with a ohattlu
mortgago of $00 in favor of A. E.
Hawks, and levied an ex cutlou on
tho sumo under u prior Hen. Both of
ficers claim the right possession, but j
under tho o rcumstancca the sliorlll has
"nluo points of tho law In his favor."
AOCIDIJNT.- Last evening while the
Capital City railway cam stood near
the postofllce, ono of the boys started a
car up for a short distance to grouse the
track, wb u It struck another car in
front with considerable force, turqwiug
the uiotomiau, Dick Hlnea. through a
pane of glass at tho rear. His face was
considerably cut but ho la again on
duty this tnornlug.
Dry Goods Cowokation. The
Van Armltago Co., has been incorpor
ated at Portland with a capital of $20,
000, to dispense dry goods.
Show Not ConiNq. 8Iqiu has
Hot bad many publlo shows this season,
Now (here Is one (hat is not coming,
but Jr already hear thet . show
ef frwJU e(o at Van IJaonV, grocery
e Best Meals
rriviUe Kniw '
4 IIHninjM.lF'Jlrffl"' ' L ' "" 1 1 tvrrJL
- . - Goods
d:&y goods
W. A. Hamilton, of Colfax, Wash.,
Is iii the city.
Fresh crobi, Davison's market.
Miss Hortense Levy left last evening
for Ban Francisco.
Fresh cribs, Davison's market.
Simmon Liver Regulator surely
cures headache, indigestion and all dis
orders of the liver.
Fresh crabs, Davison's market.
J. W. Thornburg, the upholsterer, is
in Portland today.
F. L.W,estand family arrived In the
city today from Des Mjines, Iowa. He
is a brother of Mrs. A. L. Brown, of
the water works, with whom he Is vh
ltlug, and will probably make his future
home among us.
Fresh crabs, Davison's market.
Rev. J. H. Roork enme home last
night from a visit to Moscowf Idaho,
after a ten days' visit in the interest of
the University.
All kinds of llsh at Davison's market,
94 Court street.
Attorney Wm. Kaiser went to Toledo
t day to return with his family, who
have been rusticating over there for
some weeks,
Fine poultry, Davison's market.
Regular services at the Christian
church this evening. Elder J. N.
Smith of Monmouth will preach Satur
day evening and Sunday. Everybody
is cordially invited to come aud hear
him as he is a very able man.
Mrs. Hlugleton and Mrs. Holt n,
with the family of A. KleiUj, returnid
today from their outing at Mehama.
Bessio Grayson has joined E. E. Dam
mer's "Errors" company.
Thoro seems to bo some doubt about
Eleanora DusiS coming to this country an
othor season.
Jnnauscliek has written a play called
"At Last," which eho thinks of produc
ing tlo coming season.
Louis Harrison does not proposo to
travol in fnturo. Ho will livo in Now
York and dovoto hirasolf to writing
Tho now play written for Beerbohin
Treo by Henry Arthur Jones is entitled
"Tho Tempter," and Mr. Treo will play
tho Arch Fiend.
Howard Covonoy nnd his wifo, Mrs.
W. J, Floreuce, nro in England and
probably will not return to tho Ameri
can stago tho coming soason.
That admirable actress, Minnio Mad
dorn, will return to tho stago tids season
and mako a starring tour under tho
management of A. M. Palmer.
Francis Wilson and his company, have
bogun rehearsing "ErmimV'at tho Broad
way theater, Now York, "where thoy re
vivo tho old hut popular opera on Oct. 2.
Florence Hamilton, whoso fifth Benson
as leading lady of Bartley McCtdlum's
Bumiuer theater at Peak's island, Port
landi Mo., has terminated, will star tho
coming season.
Mario Wainwrlght will this bousou ap
pear only in modern drama, her reper
tory including "Frou-Frou," "Camillo
and "The Social Swim." Barton Hill is
her leading man.
Economize in Paper.
Clean newspapers, tied in bundles of
100, not cut, tor sale at this oilleo at
ilfteen oeuta a bundle. A heavy straw
wrapping paper, largo sheets, two rents
a pouua. jxexi uoor to mo postomce.
Paying Gaul Brewster & White
the feed dealers, carry a general tock
of grain ami hay feed, aud are paying
the highest market prlco for oats, in
spot cash. St
In a Hunuv. Tho disappointed
boomer from Cherokee Strip no doubt
tnado good time getting out, but the
Lock wood messenger move with great
er velocity than nil.
Btonk Hkuk, Several carloads of
thePloneor stone from Yaqulua bay
has arrived for the city hall, and work
is being pushed.
in the City at
for Famine .
rmmQ cablum
-Plaintiffs Petition tile Supreme Court
for a Rehearing.
Siuco Judge Bean's opinion reversing
the Cliemeketn street decision, there
has been cousldernulo Interest in that
case. Tbe property owners Interested
have held n meeting, and besides pub
lishing some conclusions on their side
of tbe case have decided to ask the su
preme court for a rehearing. The at
torneys have tiled their petition, which
will be considered early in the next
a. fTL...I. nlnt rrtnhnntilnn la en a
term, xue.r """ ''- " J
ly on the ground of the assessment hav-
lngoeenievieaiuuuiuijjruperuiuuuci... . . mnnnar ,.at , ,, tha
The city council, as is generally
known, made tho assessment on the
Chemeketa street- improvement by the
front foot" on the whole area of the
work done, and this the supreme court
sustains. The plalutifls claim that the
assessment should buve been made only
for tbe actual work done on each lot,
and ask for a rehearing on this point.
On this subject, in his opinion Judge
Bean cites sections 46, 47, 24, 25, 11, 12
and 38 of tbe city charter, and says:
"It thus seems that the rulo for esti
mating the costs 6f making the im
provement in front of a lot or part
thereof, and the proportionate share to
be assessed thereon, is not prescribed by
the charter but is left to the judgment
and discretion of the council."
"In such case an assessment by the
front foot is held valid and constitu
tional by numerous authorities."
The plaintiffs in their pelltiou say:
"We think sections 37, 39, 43, 44 and 46
of thecity charier have a direct bearinu
upon the rule or mode of making local
assessments for city improvements,anri
should he considered in connection
with tbe sections quoted by tbe court
in determining the questiou as to the
correct rule or mode of making local
assessments. "Hence In view
of the newness of this question inthif
state end Its Importance to property
owners, we deem It only proper that
we should call the attention of the court
to these Ave additional sections, and
ask for a rehearing upon that point."
Young Man Takes a Fatal Fall Near
A sad nccideut occurred near Sublim
ity last Tuesday, which has since re
sulted In the death of one of the partici
pants. Mrs Rabous, who lives about
four miles northeast of Sublimity, has a
family of crown up children, most of
whom live ou the place with her. Last
Tuesday morning Henry, aged about
35 years, wasscullltug with hisouuger
brother John, when ho tripped iu such
a manner as to strike tho left side of his
head and eye severely on the floor,
from the efleots of which he was
Dr. Kitchen was called aud at once
saw that tiie young man was iu a pre
carious condition, and said that there
could be but very little hopes of-his re
covery. He did for the young man
what ho could, but the. patient kept
growing weaker, until at a late hour In
the night ho expired.
The family, and especially the youn
ger brother, John, are sorely grieved
over tho terrlblo results of a playful
misstep. They ore German people
who came from Ohio some years ago,
are ludustrlous, nnd one of the thrifty
families of the settlement.
The funeral was held today and the
body was Interred near Sublimity.
Finishing Coukse. Yesterday
Contractor Masou commenced putting
tho finishing course of gravel on Slate
street. He expects to complete from
tbe railroad track down to High, all
but rolling within a' week, when he
will proceed to flulsh atiovoJ2th street
and roll tho vn le street. It is getting
to look like a street. '
To SrAY Aukkst. In the case of J
W. Beatty, v, T. F. Goodrich, tho de
fendant's attorney, Wm. Kaiser, this
moruliig riled a motion to vacate the
writ of arrest. It will bo tried before
Judge Burnett at his earliest conveni
ence, probably Monday. A. O. Condit
Is the attorney for tho phduttff.
A Busy Man.;-,Ui)o1o BI lyAVrigl t
Is very active these daj-8 tlxlng up
lawns and gardens for tho winter sea-
sou, Ho hasscores of patrons who will
allow no oue else to do their work, be-
causo when he does It they know it Is
all right.
Used in Millions of Homcsio Viars the Srandwi
mil ladles, '
joubhal, fbiday,- setbmbbq aa, ww.
Board of Charities.
After a vacation of several Months
the Salem board ofcbnritles will meet
this Friday evening at 8 o'clock sharp,
at tho oflloo of Ex-Gov. Chadwlck In
the Grlswold block over Brasfleld's
clothing store on Commercial street. It
is linportnut Unit there should be a full
attendance as active work will be inau
gurated for the coming fall and winter
months. It Is but fair to presume there
will be an unusual demand upon tbe
charities of nur people and systematic
work alone will meet the requirements
of the case. The public will, It Is safe
to predict, be generous in its support of
the board and an organized eflort will
bfl mQde exp(jnd o fund(j cQntrib
greatest number the greatest good, and
to merit tbe confidence placed in the
organization. It is earnestly hoped
that every member of the board will
be present and come fully prepared to
enter upon an active and unremitting
campaign during the season when our
labors aro most needed.
W. L. Wade,
Fkank E. Hodokin, ' PreB.
The Father of Many Ills
Constipation leads to a multitude of
physical troubles. It is generally the
result of carelessness or indifference to
the simplest ruiu.of health. Eugene Mc
Kay, or lirantrord. Out., writes:
"I had for several years been a sufferer
rrom constipation, uad taken a great
many different remedies, some of wnich
did me good for a time but only for a
time, then my trouble came back worse
than over. I was induced by a friend,
whom Brandreth's Pills had benefitted,
o try them. Took two each night for
i week, then oue every night for about
six weeks. Since that time I have not
experienced the slightest difficulty
whatever, and my bowels move regu
larly every day. I believe firmly that
for sluggishness of the bowels aud bil-
lousuess Brandreth's Pills are far supe
rior to any other."
Don't suffer from dyspepsia, Take
Simmons Liver Regulator. It always
Congregational Church. Dr.
Freiland, of Seattle, late of Pueblo,
Colo., paid to be one of the ablest pul
pit speakers on the northwest coast,
will preach at the Congregational
church next Babbath morning and
eveniug. Everybody cordially Invited.
Choice Venison. Ed. Cross this
morning received two fine deer by ex
press from Riddles, in southern Oregon.
There Is come doubt about its being law
ful sale now, but as it is being donb iu
Portland Mr. Cross feels safe iu placing
it on the block.
How's This!
We offer Oue Hundred Dollars re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
We. the undersicued, have known i
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, aud be
lieve bim perfectly nonoraoie in ai
business transactions and financially
able to carry out uny obligations made
bv their Arm.
West & Iruax, Wholesale Drug-
ir sts. Toledo. O. waldino, kinnan
& Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Tole
do, u.
Hall's Catarrh ure is taken Intern
ally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system
Testimonials sent free. Price 75o per
bottle. Bold by all Druggists.
To Trade for Goods.
Valuable timber and farming lands
In Lincoln county in tracto of 10 to 1G0
acres. Will trade for general merchan
dise. Address, 1'eek & itussELL,
9-6 lm Yaquina, Oregon.
AGAIN. John Holm has agah
opened a blacksmith shop In Balem, at
rear of Cook's hotel. All fritnds in
vited to give him a call, and get work
done iu tho best muuner. 9-0- lm
Opals. Wo have a few "opal'
plates left, aud until they are gone, we
will make opal pictures at a reduced
price. Sperry, the artist, Commercial
street corner Court, Balem. d-tf
Largest Gun in the World.
Is on exhibition at tho great world's
fair. You ought to see it. This Is tbe
month of mouths to visit tho fair,pleas
aut days, cool nights, delightful travel
ing weather.
Maximum comfort euroute to Cbl
cago on the vestiouled limited tralus oi
tho Chicago, Union Pacitlo & North
western ike. B a your nearest Union
Pacillcugeut lm rales of other infurma
Hon. 12-9-tf
ltids Wanted.
Bids will be received by the asylum
board of trustees, until noon, Sept. 18,
1693. for hauling brick from the penl
teutlary to tho asylum farm. For par
ticulars, appiy to
L. L. Rowland.
W3-td Sunt.
A Battle for Blood.
In what Hood's Sarsaparllla vigorously
lights, nnd it is always victorious in ex
pelling all the foul taints and giving
the vital fluid the quality and quantity
of perfect heoltti. It cures scrofula,
salt rheum, bolls and all other troubles
caused by impure blood.
Hood's PillB cure all liver ills. 25c.
Bent bv mail on recelbt of urlce bv C. I.
iioou s jo., Apotnecaries ijoweii,
HoTT the "Writing of ttie Egyptians Were
rreerveil Tor All Time.
The clay of which the Tell Amarna
tablets are composed differed greatly in
different regions. Dr. Bczold says: "In
color tho tablets vary from a light to a
dark dust tint and from a flesh color to
dark brick red Tho naturo of tho clay
of which they aro made sometimes indi
cates tho countries from which they
come. No. 1, a draft of a letter from
Amenophis HI to Kallimmasin, is mode
of finely kneaded Nile mud. Others are
of tho dark red clay which is met with
in the north of Syria. Five of Ribadda's
letters aio written on tho yellow clay
which is common on the Syrian coast.
The tablets from Shubandi, Widya and
Shuardata contain fragments of flint."
Of the shapo of tho tablet she says:
"Tho greater number are rectangular,
and a few are oval, and thoy differ in
shape from any other cuneiform docu
ments known to us. Some are flat on
both sides, somo are convex on both sides,
and somo aro pillow shaped. Compare
the name given to such tablets by the
Arabs, mekhadid or 'pillows.' "
The tablet, having been kneaded into
shape, was inscribed while the clay was
damp by the use of a wooden stylo, and
theobverso having been written tho tab
lot was supported by some means whilo
the back was in use. In the caso of somo
cuneiform tablets, holes aro found in tho
corners, which wero made by pin3 of
wood, on which they rested, so as to pre
vent the written surface from being ob
literated whilo the reverse was being in
scribed. But these pinholes do not seem
to occur in the present collection.
Some of the letters nro divided into
paragraphs by ruled lines, which are,
however, not always truly horizontal.
The royal letters, which are the most
carefully written, have well shaped sym
bols in true horizontal lines, but many
of the tablets from Syria seem to have
been hastily written and are often very
crooked. Tho care, however, that was
taken by tho scribe 'is evidenced by the
corrections which ho has introduced of
unfinished words, to which a syllable or
moro is added by insertions between tbe
lines, while in other cases words, or even
a whole line, have been erased by
smoothing out tho writing, other signs
having been substituted, or in some
cases the space has been left blank.
When, therefore, translators who have
found difficulty in understanding what
was written have supposed that the
fault lay with tho carelessness of the
original scribe, we can only regard such
a supposition as indicating the self suf
ficiency which is a common fault among
a certain class of modern scholars, who
aro convinced that if there bo any error
it cannot bo their own. Edinburgh Re
view. English Funeral Etiquette.
There is ono division of English eti
quetto which " strikes an American as
worthy of note, and that is in connec
tion with the dead. On tho day of a
funeral every house in tho immediate vi
cinity has tho blinds lowered until the
last carriage has passed. Every boy is
taught to lift his hat as the hearse goes
by, whether it be tho funeral car of the
noblo or tho pauper's hearse.
During the interval between tho death
and the time that the body is removed,
often a week, no shouting must bo in
dulged in by the children of the neigh
borhood, and no games must bo played
near tho desolated home. Tho merest
acquaintance sends a card by a servant
bearing a message of sympathy, but there
is no intrusion upon the mourners ex
cept by tho most intimate friends. Those
who attend the funeral services always
wear black gowns, bonnets and gloves,
and nil letters of coudolenco must be
written upon black edged paper and in
closed in an envelope to match.
English ladies do not go to the grave,
though there havo been somo notable ex
ceptions during the last few years in the
cases of wives of prominent men. Their
departure from the old custom is one of
many indications that English women
are preparing to take their rightful place
in tho world that thoy are no longer
content to be regarded as helpless crea
turesbut may tho day bo far distant
when they shall lose tho gentle courtesy
which is tho charm of the English home.
New York Times.
An Intereitlujr Calculation.
The ago of a person and tho month in
which ho was born may bo discovered as
follews: First you ask him to go to the
other end of the room to prevent your
Beeingwhathe is going to -write. Then
you ask bim to put down the number of
the month in which he was born and
multiply it by 8, then add 5 to the Bum,
and multiply the latter by 50; add his
age to the product, then deduct 805, and
add 115 to tho remainder. Supposohe
is 49 years of age and was born in Feb
ruary, the computation might stand
thus; Two multiplied by 2 equals 4, plus
5 equals 9, mnltiplled by 50 equals 450,
plus 4U equals 4U'J, minus Utu equals 184,
plus 115 equals 249. The last two fig
ures indicate the age vbi, 49 and tho
first figure (2) February, tho second
month of the year. ou niuiply ask the
person to state the result of tho calcula
tion and then declare that he was born
in February and is 49 years of age.
Experiment with this as often as yon
pleaso, and it is sure to work, provided
n do it rnrra-tlv rxclmnga
.'ifJJi.JHiuj-u.jiu.u.MW.i i urn
We Radiate.
In every direction OUE,
sent to all points of the com
pass bringing joy and gladness
to many. Patronize our
Home Mills.
Good luck to you nnd (rood luok It will
ba to every one who tahe advantage of our.
Neither a horse shoe or four lenfclovercan'
rlng you such opportunities. Bee thatfl
four cuuaren go 10 me Slate street DooK
tore lor tueir school supplies.
JBoolcsellers and. Stationers,'
Legal Blanlc Publiahers.
BusU'b New Brlck,over the bank, Com'l street.
Bates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day
The best hotel between Portland ad Han
Francisco. Flrstr-closs In all Its appointments.
Its tables are served with the
Choicest Fruits
Jrown In the Willamette Valley.
A. I. WAGNER. Prop.
Portland's Great
Constructed at a cost ol J10.0CO and throwing a thousand lets of water In all tho colors of th
rainbow will beautify Music Halt
Containing fish otall varieties lound in Oregon waters.havo been constructed at great expenM
t.'ii.0011!? a. llet,on ot paintings selected trom tbe World's Fair. Among tbem Kll
iurgi celebrated painting Custer's Lust Fight. To vlBlt this great Exposition End view IU
onders In every department of Art and ecience, will bt next thing to a vlit U the world'l
ruir at Chicago.
for further Information address EC W. ALLEN,
D-a-aw dw Huperlntcndentnd Becretary-
Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery
Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices.
N. W. Cor. St-te and Liberty Sts. SALEM, OREGON.
Wb want, tn ramlnri nnn l.o .- !...
selling them at prices to suit the times.
Our $5.00 fur trimmed are our $5.00 and 16.00 pll
ouea for ladles and misses.
nn. siVij; n,aoe"erJa!SetI we have a
anu $16.00. Wo can Bave you money on
We have about bIx dozen l-wllesaad misses long cloaks, left over from 1' .. . y are a Na J garments and la Hoe condition. Being out of styl w
will sell them at any prioe. Come and see them.
Westacott &
3111 IB PAPEH Is kept on file at E. C. Dau'i
. Advertising Agency, 64 and 05 Merchant
zchange. Ran Franclsro, California, where
contracs for advertising can bo made for It,
CHRISTIAN BC1ENCE Literature of all
kinds on sale at 826 liberty street. 4-5-Iy
All goods at W. M. Sargeaul'u will
be sold at the regular price for the next
30 daya at 10 per cent, discount fcrcash.
3ALEM, ... Or.gon
Private work a specialty.
C. B. CLEMENT, Manager.
Manufacture Standard Pressed Brick,
Molded Brick In all Patterns for Fronti
and supply the brick lor the New Salem CUT
Uull and nearly all the fine "buildings erected 03
In the Capital City.
Yards near Penitentiary, Balem, Or. Hd
Manufacturer of Wagons, Car
rlaues, etc.
Repairing a. Spoolalty.
Shop 45 Btate street.
Conneetlog and Primary Classes open
Monday, Sept. 25th,
Cor. Court and Liberty streets, opposito opera
For teachers and mothers will begin October
2d. at the same place.
For particulars apply to
Mrs. P. S. Knight,
Industrial Exposition
. ......... ..A art
beautiful Jue at 18.60, s 10.00, lise"
your fall purchases. Try us and see
Irvine, Prop'rs.
mm,..ZmSZi2 IT ""-W
b l5M.-i&M..A