Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, September 22, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Assb'cialecTPrcss Daily News
paper Published .onihcL.
' Pacific Coast.
$3.00 a Year.
SB etc a meat by
Prepaid ia Advaaee
X Papers Seat
Tlate fa Oat.
"vdit. g:
NO. aai.
jyyiniafiBfp!!!"1 iiyWIyff
The New York Racket
State Insurance Block, 333 Com'l St.
Will save you 10 to 25 per cent, on staple goods, such as boots
and shoes of all kindsfbr ladies', gents' and children's storm
rubbers and sandals ; fur, wool and crush hats, (these are
mf4eiLv,ery low qual.ity considered.) Underwear of all kinds.
WKite sh'iHs, neglige and work shirts; pants, overall's, jackets,
nuuouB, iaces, emuroiaenes.
Linen tablecloths, towels, table
pencils and notions of all kinds.
why w so mm u mm
ecause all goods are bought for cash from cash houses, and
all marked ab close profits for cash without calculating for
losses from bad accounts, giving the customer all the advant
age of the per centage saved, you can plainly see why we can
sail goods of good quality, at low prices.
General Insurance Agency.
Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
HrATE INSURANCE CO., .Etna Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., tiun Insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., Westobester fire Ins. Co.,
lilon ( ire Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Insurance Co.,
LiOQdou Lancashire Fire Ins. Soc, London Assurance Corporation,
Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Union Fire Ins.Soc.
Oldest and Leading Firm in the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance.
Pfessed Work neatly done on ebon notice, at moderate prices.
fitute tit., 1 door below Smith & Stelner's drug store, Sulem. I. GOLD & CO.
Ed. C. Cross,
E. Meeker & Co,,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
TF. A. TJEMPLETON, Gen'l Agent.
Lamoureux's Stables,
rigs uor poor borate. H. L. LAMOUREUX, l roprietor.
The West Printing CoSi?
Rpecial attention to tuall orders, .
203 Commercial St..
245 Commercial Street.
American Fire Insurance Co., Phlla.
Home Insurance Co , New York.
Norwlcb-Unlon Ins. Co.. Liverpool.
Palatine Insurance Co,. Manchester.
Over Oaa Million Dollars Deposited
Protection of Policy
All Loses. Adjasttdana Pa Through Salem l"81 WrUten
in Marion, Polk, Yamhill and Linn Counties.
Also Writ LW. and Accident Insurance in Beit Companies in the World.
.Linen and Turkey red damask,
oilcloths, lace curtains, tablets,
Tailoring and. Steam Dye
ing Works.
Ladies' and Gent'emens' Clothing Cleaned, Dyed, Repaired and
Wholesale and Retail
Denier in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of allKinds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
First - class work. Reasonable prices,
Palem, Oregon.
- Agents,
. . SALE5C, 0KEG0N.
1 Western Assurance, Toronto, Canada.
Lancashire. Manchester, Eng.
Haraburg-Madeburjr. Gerrauuy.
Home Mutual, San Francisco, Cal.
With State Treasurer of Oregon for
Holders in Oregon only.
His Grandson Will
And their Success is Conceded by
Many Killed and Mangled Taken
from the Wreck.
Surrender Expected.
London, Sept. 22. Advices this
morning from Rio Janerlo are to the ef
fect that tbe city is still in tbe hands
of tbe government forces, but a surren
der Is momentarily expected. Tbo
rebel admiral, tiring of dilatory negotia
tions by the government, bad ordered
tbe decks cleared for action, drums beat
to quarters and suns shotted and run
out. All eyes were turned toward the
flagship, whence the signal to com
meuce firing was expected every mo
ment. Tbe utmost consternation pre
vailed among the Inhabitants still in
the city. Everybody expects the day
to decide tbo fate of tbe city, either it is
to be shelled into subjection, or surren
dered before the firing begins.
The following dispatch was sent by
the Brazilian government yesterday af af af
terneon: Sedition is confined to that
part of tbe squadron of rebel vessels in
the bay deprived of power. Tbe move
ment cannotland owing to the resist
ance of tbe land forces, nor leave the
bay on account of fire from tbe forts,the
Republican succeeded in escaping, but
was repulsed at Santos.
A prominent Brazilian diplomat at
Vienna, Is quoted as saying he Is con
vinced that the revolutionists will
eventually triumph, and Prince Pedro,
a grandson of Doin Pedro, will be
placed on the throne. A Brazilian dele
gation, representing the rebels, arrived
today, on a mission, it Is supposed,
t)uchlng tbo recognition of the new
government, when established.
Fatal Collision.
Cirioxoo, Ills , Sept. 22. At Kings
bury. Indiana, on tbe Wabash road,
sixty-five miles east of Cblcago,tbe sec
ond section of the west bound passen
ger train, from Detroit to Chicago, ran
Into an east bound freight on tbe sid
ing early this morning, wrecking both
engines, tbe coaches and sleeper.
Twelve bodies are already taken from
tbe wreck, and It is believed eighteen
or twenty more will be found.
Another Wreck.
Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 22. North
of this city this morning tbe limited
train on the Queen and Crescent road
was wrecked by tbo removal of a rail.
Several train men were hurt. Passei -gers
escaped injury. Bloodhounds are
on the track of the wreokeru.
Strike Expected.
Teubk Hautk, Ind., Sept. 22
Grand Master Sargent, of the firemen's
brotherhood, who has returned from
Cincinnati, where be attended a fruit
ks conference with President Ingalls,
relative to revoking tbe cut In wages
ordered, says be believes there will be
a general strike of all tbe federated em
ployes on tbe road by night. The
lodges are voting on the question and
the result will be known in the morn
lug. HowlsMlPJopJl
I hid a tillgnnt breaking out on r
below the knee, ud ww owed KWDdindjrll
with two and a hlX botUe of MM
Other blood medicine bid WJed TW
tO dO (U M COOd. WA Cv JJf'fc C
I wet troubled from JikK'ffiJS
ravnUd cut of Tetter, end I bree botuee
....i.m.nii akin Dieeifc mined
tX "" BwWBrWno CO, AtUaU.0.
la Congress.
Washington, Sept. 22, Senate
Alien (Populist of Nebraska) Intro
duced" a bill making a dollar (which
may bo coined of 412 grains of silver
or 25 8-10 grains of gold) the unit of
Mitchell, of Oregon, introduced a bill
appropriating 1376,000 for the construc
tion of two steam revenue cutters for
the Paclflo coast.
The resolution by Piatt, of Connecti
cut, for cloture rule, was taken up,
Wolcott, of Colorado, spoke in fayorof
bringing the question to a vote, though
opposed to cloture, as only in the way
of determining whether or not the son
ate wanted to stifle debate. If It failed
to pass, criticisms on the opponents of
repeal must cease.
Tbe repeal bill was taken up. George
concluded his speech. Halnabrough,
Republican, addressed the senate in
opposition to tbe bill.
Tbe report of the committee on ac
counts, abolishing clerks to unimport
ant committees was agreed to. Loud
of California, rising to a question, of
privilege, called the attention of the
house to tbe fact that two resolutions of
inquiry which the introduced over a
week ago had not been reported to tbe
Tbe first was a resolution calling
upon the attorney general for instruc
tions to bo given judges and marshals
relating to the Geary Chinese exclusion
act. The resolution was agreed to.
Another resolution calling upon the
secretary of the treasury for Instruc
tions to forward to collectors and other
officials of the department also, infor
mation as to the number of Cnluese In
this country, number deported, and
number registered, under the act.
Also agreed to.
Pension Report.
Washington, D. C, Sept. 22. Pen
sion Commissioner Lochren submitted
his auuiml report to the secretary of tbo
Interior toluy. It shews: Pensioners on
rolls 000,012; net increase 80,044 during
year; paid for pensions during year
$166,760,407; balance at close of year
$2 437,471.
The cotuiul-sloner thinks the appro
priations for tho next fiscal year ample.
Estlmutes for the fiscal year of '05
amount to $102,031,660.
He thinks from '05 on, tbe pension
list will decrease.
Tbe commissioner defends his course
In suspending certain pensions, saying
ho sought honestly and fairly to carry
out tho provisions of the law, citing In
stances, aud declaring that they and
others such were granted In evident
violation of that law.
Silver in India.
London, Sept. 21, A dispatch to the
Times from Singapore says: Tho
Straits settlements currency commission
ended its sittings today. Four separate
reports were preneiited. Six members
of the commission advise that token
coinage be adopted. Six others de
mand that free sliver be continued.
Tbe free silver meu advocate tho con
tinued use of Mexican dollars, and, for
safety, the addition of ibe proposed
British dollar ehull never bo converted
Into token coin. The report of the
Chinese members Is to tho same cflect,
but contends that cheap silver would
be advantageous to producers, wliilo
token coinage men sty the following of
sliver means new taxation. The Chi
nese reply that it is better to have new
taxation tt;au token coin. The opinion
of the European member Is divided.
Hungry Men Transported.
Los ANOKMW.Sept. 22 On tho San
ta Fe overland twin lait night there ar
rived In this city nearly one hundred
men without mwey giving It a their
intention to lake placet nude vacant
by deported Chinese. The men came
from varioue points In the Knit and
iBirfl Hltooether a hard looking lot. To
day they scattered out, vleitlng various
portions of the city and suburb but
minlfeated no ptrtlcular detlrtt to go to
work right away. It I reported that
some of the city authorities of the Est
made special arrangements with rail
roid companies to tranipirt the msn
free to the wt la order to be rid of tho
I undeslred element,
Justlable Harder.
Grand Forks, N. D., Sept. 21.-Thls
city Is Intensely excited over a murder
whiob occurred shortly after daylight.
The man who did tbo shooting was M.
F. Murpby, president of tbo State bank
of Reynolds, and a prominent business
man of this olty. Charles Link had
attempted to rape Murphey's little
6-year-old daughter about threo
weeks ago and again night before last.
Yesterday the identity of tberavlsher
became known from facts Btated by
Murpby'a children. About 3 o'clock
this morning Murphy called in Chief
of Police Hennessy and asked him to
go with him to Identify a certain per
son, Link was found coming out of
his room at tbo Windsor hotel, He
was then taken to Murphy's bouso,
where he was fully Identified by the
child and others. As the officer, with
Link, turned from the house to go to
the city jail, Murpby stepped baok, al
lowing them to pass. Then ho drew a
revolver from his pocket and fired, send
ing a bullet through Link's body, kill
ing him Instantly. Murphy gave him
self up, but Is at liberty on his own
The Valkyrie Safe.
New York, Sept. 22. The yatoh
Yalkyrie arrived this morning setting
at rest all doubU as to her safety.
Go and See Cleveland.
San Francisco, 8ept. 22 It Is
stated tho suspended silver mines in
Colorado, Utah and Montana owe San
Francisco powder companies upward
or $300,000, which It is impossible to
collect. Requests for payment are an
swered: "Go and see Cleveland."
To Prefer Charges.
New York, Sept. 22. Rov. Patrlok
Corrlgan, pastor of the Cathollo church
of Our Lady of Graco, in Hoboken, has
sont letters to Bishop Wlgger, and Rev.
Joseph J. Synuott, of Seton Hall semi
nary, South Orange, N. J., Informing
them that ho meant to havo them
brought boforo Archbishop Batolll's ec
clesiastical court to answer for attacks
which he alleges they havo made upon
htm In connection with his paroohlal
school. Father Corrlgan declined to tell
Just what charges ho has made against
them, but said that they were indicated
in tbe letter tbat be had publlsbod dur
ing the last few days, In which ho an
swered criticisms emanating from Be
tou Hall, and justified his position in
favor of some compromise between his
school and tbe board of education
Bishop Wlgger will not talk,
Brazilian Muddle.
New York, Hept. 22,-Tho steamer
Whitby arrived here yesterday from
Rio. She left Rio Just before tho out
break of tbe revolution. "When I left
Rio, August 22," said Captain Ormls
ton, "thero was no fighting. The
Brazilian fleet, the Yorktown, and a
British gunboat wero In tbo harbor.
There was a good deal of grumbling in
Rio, Tbe people said the times wore
hard enough uuder the emperor, yet In
tboso days they knew what they bad.
The Brazilian navy wants to see Brazil
an empire. It was down in tho Argen
tine country that things were lively.
We wero In tbe La Plata river In tho
latter part of July. There were many
skirmishes between the rebels and pro
vincial government forces. Tho gen
eral government troope stood baok
waiting for the other parties to get
worn out, aud then they exoeoted to
sweep down and end the whole bus!
nesa. We eaw an engagement between
tbe rebels and tbo provisional govern
ment force July 8d. It took place on
tlm nutekirts of Buenos Ayres. Tboro
wero about 1000 on each side. The
battle Ited half a day. The rebel
drove tbe provisional force before
them as far aa La Plata. About 160
men were killed. The troops of tbe
oeutral government were then holding
Buenos Ayres. There was soaio lively
fighting at ItowrU. I heard that 100
men were killed there. The United
Stales corvette Yantlo was there when
tbo fight twn, tbo bullets or wbicu
whizzed through tbe rigging of tbe
Yautlo. I beard tbe commander of the
corvette sent a company ashore to pro
tect tbe property of American citizens."
Ban Fbancmjco, Bept, 22, Wheat,
December 11.161.
Chicago, Bept 22.-Cah, 67J De-
cosaber 70 J.
Powxaud, Bept. 22.-Wh8t vallei
f.Wj; WalU Walla ,fc7.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Corpses Found on
Cherokee Prairies.
All lato News Points to Strength
en tho Now Govern
ment. The Reservation Pires.
Guthrie, O. T Sept, 22. The scene
of tho recent terrible prairie fires on tbe
Pawnee reservation la one of devasta
tion Bcatterred all oyer the prairie
are partially burned wagons, wrecked
oarap outfits and charred remains of
household goods, and hero aud there
tbo bodies of horses, For miles, as far
as the eye can reach, there is a black
waste, and, to add to the horror, In n
uumber of places aro fouud blackened
and burned human trunks. Nearly a
dozon of these bodies havo been found,
and it Is feared many have perished.
There Is no olue whatever to the inden-
tlty of those unfortunates. The dust
Btorm continued all day with unabated
fury, and hundreds aro leaving oyery
town, unable to stand tho hardships
any longer. At Perry tho dust Is thiok
eat, and all business is suspended.
Hawaii's Condition.
Ban Francisco, Sept. :?2. Hono
lulu advices, per bUbiiht Australia,
which Krrlved bepU-mbsr 20, saj : .
Publlu utlalrs aro quiet. Givern-
ment finances are prospering. The
cash balance hi tho trratury has In
oreased since August $00,0 10, Tho sales
of bonds for special public works in
August wero $05,600. President Dole
has sailed on blB first vacation at Kohali,
Vico President Hatch performs tbe
president's duties.
The United States steamship Boston
saluted tho president, on his departure,
with 21 guns,wblch made a strong and
dlscouratcing Impression on tho royaN
September 2 was the queeu'a birth
day and she was honored with some
observance by the royalists. Horse
races wero held In the park. Many
persons paid their respects to the ox-
qeoen in tbe early morn'ng, but no In
terest or enthusiasm was publicly
shown. No notice was taken of the
day by tbo authorities pro or con.
It is being rumored among tbe na
tives that the ox-quoen would be re
stored upon her birthday, and some ex
citement was expected, but they were
told the matter would be postponed to
the Gib Inst., when the malt would
bring orders to Admiral Bkerrett to re
place her on tbe throne. Bo strong
was this expectation among tbe na
tives tbat they brought flowers to dee-
orate her path. Tbe queen herself ex
plained to a lady teaoher who called oir
her In reference to some promised funds
tbat she expected In a few days to be In
funds by her return to the throne since
tbearrlvalof the mall the great event
has been" again deferred uutll the mall
following at which Usae the royalist
leaders have glvea out to tbe natives
tbat they have positive advices from
Washington thai the restoration will
be ordered, The last report from
Washington, that Blount was about to
conduct tbo treaty with Thurston, act
ed dlsoouraglBgly upon Ike royalists
I Tbe rooms of Admiral Bkwfstt, a
the Hawaiian hotel, were entered on
August 81, and 300 in jewelry stolen.
Tbe annexationists demand the re
moval from office of pronounced royal
ists. The government Is expected to
pursue a moderate course, avoiding the
appearauce of partisanship.
Tbe statue of Father Damlen, the
Molkal missionary, was unveiled with
great pomp on tbe 11th of September.
Hep Market.
New York, Sept. 22, Hops are in
V ry light demand andMgr1Mesr
Pacifies are quoted atl'SWi;"''
Tbe Pacific coast stock Beeuw to Ma.
finding the moat (avor with shippers
for the English rauket.
Although whales grow to enormous
elzo, sometimes 60 and oven 00 feet
long, tho tliroat of the common
whole is bo small that it cannot swal-'
low a hito us largo as a tea biscuit:,
Tho spermaceti has a mouth larg--
enough to admit a man. 'i
Dr. Mondolioff, tho groat Russian
chemist, beliovoa that petroleum k
constantly being formed deep in the
earth through tho action of wateri
leaking down from nbovo upon the
highly heated carbides of metals ex
isting there.
Hong-Kong, formerly a little bar-,
ron island ut tho mouth of tho Can
ton rivor, in China, was given to the
English and is now covorod with
tho warehouses, gardens and resi
dences of wealthy morchunte.
Tho vast profounds of tho deep
havo become a sort of almshouse or
aeylum wboreunto antiquated forma
havo retired, and amid the change
less environment havo twoH for ages
unaltered, l
A woman says that a man can oal-i
oulato to tho uttermost farthing the
cost of a Suez canal, but ho cannot
estimate tho prico of a woman's boa-'
net without egregious errors. f
Hotel MeMtcrey.
Newport, Or.
Located on the Beach,two miles aotth
of Newport on Cave Cove, a beautifully
sheltered spot, wonderful scenery, sea
bathlnir, fine drives to Cape Foulweatk
er lighthouse. House new, rooaae large
and airy. Finest resort for families or
Invalids. Open all winter. Terms
moderate by day or week. Intending
visitors can drop a postal eard to New
port and be met by hack.
John Fitzpatrick, ;
a-z m proprietor. .
Conservatory of Miia
Willamette University, Balew, Or.,
School of music for piano, organ, violin,
singing, oroheetral Instruments, narnao
ny.oiunterpolnt. fugue, orchestration
and higher musical composition. No
better grade of work done west of the
Rocky mountain. Prices low. Be?
teachers. Next term begins Bept 4th.
Bend for annual year book or address.
Z. M. Parvla. Mas. Doctor, musksi
director. 8 8 Scad
ftt. Paul, Marian Cwsr, Otefsw.
Coueaeted by tbe or the Ke
JuiHiUirr. The location aSV
iwn ho luf rail Mr hA&Mfcfal oetSlBf
Ht, feul be eaellr reaobeS by bases a
WilUmette. The buS I a
wilb all tbe HtoA'm lwfwiwH.
ooium oretuay m wrwt.
ftisMCFayay aal Tywftttnc Tan.
Tern moderate.
Kor rurtutr pai tica'am pfiy to '"y
CflflS, W0LZ
fterlUKOf tbe
ouiu " '-' Bt.. SeleaL.
I All ktuW Kmte,ewH4
i. rM iNsUVMslY,
, -ML. LJ Tlimtl iflltltfcriTrifc&lll-to'' . -..1-