Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, September 21, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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    rMmrn"mmMmmmmmKaH8mr. "-"- MM ,, ,,,, wm
mYjSjnjuSw 0-aJ?ilflX JOUitNAi, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 81, 1803.
$5PW5r '' x ' TrP7f v"! ;. n- . . ' - , r
" . r r . Tr
Capita! Journal Publishing Company.
Furtofflc Block. Commercial Street.
lally, by carrier, per months
IUlly, by mull, per year,
Weekly, S pages, per year
The mo6t significant of the series of
remarkable events at the world'B
fiir, unquestionably, is the Congress
of Religions. Such a tbluK has never
before been seen in the world, and
its importance cannot be easily over
estimated. The spectacle of all classes
ofChrtetiaBS, not only, but representa
tives of all kinds of religions, meeting
in an amicable and considerate spirit
may fitly be regarded as a great bistort
c I occurrence, a tpleudM and beieu
cent triumph in the development of
civilization. It shows dlstiuctly and
impressively bow the world is mov
lug, and what wonderful changes
have taken place. The pro
gress of the race is reflected it
it with peculiar Interest and encourage
ment; and we arc assured in a practical
way that the age of persecution foi
opinion's sake has bee n succeeded bj
an epoch of rational aud friendly toler
ation. Men are no longer tortured on
account of their religious belief, but an
& freely granted me ngm lonuenyui
ll oooecieui nuu ui juusmcui ... uv ...-
II ...! . ln.l..ntanl III tliuf ro
latlon. The time has gone by for tbr
kind of BDirltual zeal that once made
Christianity a terror and turned its bes'
Impulses and purposes to mockery. It
has been learned in the course of gener
al experience that people may dlflei
about religion as about anything else,
and yet live together on terms of mutu
al resrject and appreciation. The les
son Is profound and far-reaching, and
soeclal profit is to be derived from the
close study of It.
The Puyallup Citizen sayB the bos
pltable North Yakima has been feed'
ing at municipal expense, the horde of
people who prematurely came into that
city in search of labor Incident to hop
picking. This has been done al the In
stance of the city council and their ac
tion was generally approved by the
growers and business men of tho ylcln
ity. But there bus nevertheless been a
minority that strenuously opposed this
humane and well advised action. Now
that picking has fairly begun It has
been found that 0000 would not be re
quired to pick even the 12,000 bales
that were so wisely estimated, and
that it will be difficult to register over
3000 pickers in all the district. Present
Industrial depression has greatly fa
voted Yakima with a surfeit of pickers
that were easily and inexpensively oh
tallied, and it would bo but flying in
tho face of Providence to glvo cold
treatment to a class of working people,
' that under other conditions, would
have beeu difficult aud expensive to
gather. It was but a few years ago
that Indian pickers were given a bonus
of $7.60 each to work for jtho growers of
White river, whllo paying (he furo of
pickers to aud from long distances, has
often been done by the growers of the
Bound. It could have been easily for-
teen that this season there would bo u
surfeit of pickers In every district In
Amurica; and tho misguided Iudiuus
who sent a communication to the
Growers' association of Yuklina, to the
effect that they would charijo $2 per
box, have been probably ullbided on
opportunity to regret their little scheme
to exploit the Industrial class from
which they might reasonably expect
to draw ituuual wago-mouoy for many
years to come. It would not be struuge
were the bop acreage of tho Northwest
Increased fifty per cent another seasou,
and thut the acreage of Yakima county
would be doubled; and thut, as years
pass, it will bo quo. of tbo most
extonslvo hop districts on earth.
Thero will be u revival of burl
ness and enterprise aud the unem
ployed will be occupied In other ave
mica of Industry, When these condi
tions prevail tho people of Yuklnm will
liavo no reason to regret thut they have
paved the way fur an annual return of
ninny pickers who ure now at work in
tho district, but who under present clr
cumstnuces could be easily replaced. A
Urge, hut often requisite proportion of
plotters are not solely actuated in going
to the hop fields by tho money that
may bo made. Matiy tollers In the
cities who csunot atlord to pay the ex
peuaea of an outing or to loo uny time
from earning bread-money, go to the
hop fields for tho purpose of making u
healthy break In their monotonous
lives. In the oh! days tho inceutlveof
a change was n great factor in gather
ing togctbor (ho riullaus of the North-j
west for tho races, potlaohes uud ull tho
pomp and circumstance of euvuge glory
wm the star event of the year among
Uu lonely Blwushes. Pickers should
k treated with a rational amount of
eid.tlwe consideration for the tltno will " proved to bo a Uhinco cu
eotm that their service, will U neotfcd, p1""1"" lut 27 iuchos long, which
around i'ualm
Tk JVkrhJHihlaeoug-
is 4 x
HBJJMilBMflllMMBwHBfiMyfciiiidMltfi&MMBlMM i Bin On jldifettiaiiiCt&ft.
Advico to ilie Aged.
Utah bowels, -weal fcldney nd blad
der and torpid liver
Tllft ; PlIlS
bare peeif le of feet on these organs,
stimulating- tbo lml, elrttis natur
al dlacbarcM Without straining or
griping-, and
to the kidney, bladder and IItcT.
Xbcy aro adapted to old or younjr.
gregates about 400 acres and they ex
pect to bale 160 tons from their yards,
These l,5bo bales would consume the
full capacity of a train of 22 cars.
E. Meeker informs the Citizen that
going free local oflera for the new crop
may be quoted at 17c.,. The early sam
ples from his yards are the best he has
drawn for ten years. He Bays that
present conditions for quality are most
generally excellent, but that some few
exceptionally small bops are going oft
black. The bulk of the hops, however,
will compare favorably with the pro
duce of any year during the existence
of the district. He thinks the state
will but fall slightly below 50,000 and
that Oregon will produce fully 25,000
bales. Two carloads were shlp'ped to
London from the old Meeker ranch at
the White River bridge, Tuesday. In
this yard.375 pickers are at work and
260 pickers are busy at the lower farm.
Among the earlles received by the
Meekers are ten bales of the Johns crop
and a portion of the Van Harris crop
raised at Alderton. He says that tbe
latest advices from his agent in Eng
land, say that tbe English crop is now
e'timated at 10,000 bales short of last
year's crop and that conditions are
-lightly improving in Germany. Tbe
growers of Washington have generally
secured their picking money on quite
easy terms, though a few wero forced
iuto contracting at 15c Mr. Meeker,
maintains that the short pole and
string system is an immense success
and has this year shown that by pur
suing tliis method, an earlier ripening,
a finer color and a superior quality can
be obtained. For tbe past ten days he
has bad a crew of men at work clear
lug 27 acres in Maplewood Addition, of
Puyallup. This area be will plant to
hops next season and will arrange tbe
yard for the vines with the short pole
and string method used in tbe other
Marion Meeker commenced picking
on the old Campbell ranch, Monday
E, Meeker & Co., will commence pick
ing lu their yearling yards within the
city limits on the 23d Inst. The Meek
ers have bought the crop on tbe Puck
ing houfceyard and commenced picking
Never have the hops been so rich in
lupuliue, nor have, the earlier samples
been of such uniform excellence.
lien and Kittens.
It may interest your readers who
euro about this sort of subject to
hear of tho singular incident at our
farm two years ago of a hen taking
chargo of threo kittens. Tho moth
er cat must havo taken them herself
an hour or two after their birth and
placed thorn under tho hon, which
had mado a nest for horsolf two or
thrpo yards off undor tho maugor in
a cowshed. I buw tho cat and her
progeny lying on tho straw directly
after thoir birth and noticed Uio hen
on hor nest. Returning' nn hour or
two later, tho cowman Bhowed me
tho kittens under tho hen, wonder
ing how thoy had got there, as no
body olso had beeu in tho Blind, and
ho had not touched them.
Till the kittens grow too big, tho
hon novor left thorn. Tho cat used
to go away foraging and como down
every now and thou, throw herself
down alongsido tho JUeu and ntirso
hor young ones, sometimes lying
with hor head under and her paws
almost round tho hen's neck. As tho
kittons got older it was droll to sco
thoir foster mother following thorn
irtiout and trying to covor thorn with
hor wings. For somo 6ix weeks it
was quite tho sight of tho neighbor
hood. Cor. London Spectator.
Gucumlicr Suuke.
Down in Miles Rivor ueck, Talbot
county, thoro is a spot whoro tho
nverago Chinoto would delight to
dwell. It is a plnco whoro Chineso
cucutuVxfd grow to an enormous size.
This vegetablo, howovor, assumes
somotimes a hhapo which frightens
tho natives of tho neighborhood, in
epito of tho fact that Talbot is n local
option comity. Tho cucumbor grows
long and bIiiii, and at times twists
iteolf into coils resembling a snake.
A man gomg from Eastou tho other
day to linos River ferry, iu passim?
a umo cioaring in tho woods, noticed
u groon looking object iu a patch of
vegotublos, and ho got over tho foueo
to mako a closer examination. Ho
almost fainted.
Another uitizon eamo along soon
. x i n . .
uuorwaru. tho urst man had ro
vived and waa leaving tho patch at n
Nauoy Hanks gait. Wlion accosted,
ho said to his f rioud, "Boon hit by a
snako; woods full of 'em." Citizen
No. 8 persuaded tho frightened man
to go kick, and upon examination
Jtsolf upin tho form of a Bnako.-
Baltimore American.
The testimony of the witnesses who
baye appeared before Mr. Wilson's com
mittee Is practically unanimous to the
effect that a reduction of the taritl
would necessarily be followed by a re
ductlon of wages.
The publlcexpenditures ure not quite
so ranch In excess of the receipts this
month as they were last month, but
the showing in that respect is still a
good dead worsetbau Itever was under
a Republican administration.
Tbe number of business failures is de
creasing at a rate which proves that the
conditions of trade are steadily Improv
ing and that proper action at Washing
ton is tbe only thing needed to make
tbe situation as good as it was before
tbe trouble began.
Not the Bight Word.
"No," said Bertha sadly, " 'pain'
dosen't express what I Buffer at tbee
times it is simply 'anguish!' I Know
I ought to consult a physician; but I
dread it sol 1 can't bring myself to do
it. Then: too, 'female diseases' always
seemed so Indelicate to me, I can't bear
to have any one know or Bpeak of
"Yes, dear," answered Edith, ''but
don't you know you can be cured with
out going to a physician? Send to any
druggist for a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Fav
orite 1'rescnptlon, and take It, autl 1
warrant you'll fel better in a very few
da vs."
The manufacturers warrant the med
icine, too, They guarantee it to do ex
actly what It claims, viz: -to cure leu
corrhea, painful irregularities, excessive
(lowing, prolapsus, iutlatuatlou or ul
ceration of the uterus, ..and tbe innum
erable other "female weaknesses." It
so strengthens and 'builds up the uter
ine system, and nerves; that worn-out
runrdown wives and mothers feel re
juvenated after taking it, and tbey are
eaveu tbe painiui embarrassment aud
expense of a surgical examination ahd
a tedious, tiresome treatment.
i m
If you anticipate visiting the world's
fair, or your friends in tbe East, take
advantage of the present opportunity,
as the fares are now so low they cut no
figure in the expense. The Chicago &
Northwestern Railway have placed iu
service a solid vestlbnled.traln, between
Portland and Chicago, the famous
Wayner tourist cars, free reclining
chair cars, and dining car "par excel
lent." With the accommodations fur
nished, rates now offered, together with
tbe short time consumed in making
the trip, it is within the reach of all.
For further information, apply to any
ticket agent, or write
A. G. Banker, Gen'l Agt.
272 Washiugtou street.
Portland, Or.
Before Going to the Wojld's .Fair
Enquire About
The Limited Express trains of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway
between St. Paul and Chicago and
Omaha and Chicago.
These trains are vestibuled, electric
lighted and steam heated, with the fin
est Dining and Sleeping Car Service in
the world,
The Electric reading light In each
berth Is the successful novelty of this
progressive age, aud is highly appreciat
ed by all regular patrons of thin line.
We wish others to know its merits, as
tbe Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail
way Is tbe only line In the west enjoy
ing the exclusive use of this patent.
For further Information apply to
nearest coupon ticket agent, or address
C. J. Eddy, General Agent,
J. W. Casey, Trav. Pass. Agt.
225 Stark St., Portland, Or. tf
Tho 0 unvorkuil' l'ork.
An absurd and inconvenient dic
tate of tho present fashion is tho al
most comploto hanuJunent of the
teaspoon. Tho uiultiplo fork has
gradually encroached upon tho
spoon's domain, till oven tho various
grains and vegetables of tho more
elusive -sort, which wero onco wont
to occupy exclusive little dishes and
havo a teaspoon apieco, aro now
amalgamated with tho rest of tho
dinner and disposed of as best one
may with a four tiued implement.
For tho present teaspoons aro still
permitted for stirring' and sipping
hovorages without incurring tho
odium of greenness and vulgarity.
x'nuaueipuia rross.
Dueling by the Ituulait Method.
Tho Russian method of dtioling is
a peculiarly Banguinary affair. Tho
oppoiiontaarosot 15 puces apart, with
liborty to atlvauco fivo paces each at
a given signal and to tiro at will.
Should ouo flro ami miss, tho other
may comploto his fivo paces before
returning- tho shot. It of ton happens
that ouo of tho two is mortally
wounded hoforo firing and has yet
sufficient strength to creep forward
to his mark, tako steady aim and
shoot with fatal effect Tho great
Russian novelist Pushkin was killed
in this mnnnur af tor wounding hia
opponent. - Inndon Tit-Bits.
VIGOR of men
Ewllr. Qulclljr,
Permanintljr Restored,
and all the train of evils
"? ttltmun or laur
excekte, tfa rwulu of
oteroutk. tlekuess.
vromr.tto. rullitreugth!
development and tine
Kites lu every organ aad
l4tloa of tbe body.
RlmjJ natunlmeihoua.
MTA V UnpotilUa,
f"f rfreucriJuo,
explanation and pruufe
CDie urnimi .
nib ncurUAL LU, I
orrAuo, n.y.
. dua
Mir.?jg cf WiitVi PelelTtt2 Ccnedr Go,
PrKnlB.ii Bind and Orchestra.
Dr. mUm Medieal Co Elkhart, Ind,
You trill remember tbo condition I tras in flro
yean ago. -when 1 -wu afflicted with a combinft
Uoaof disease, and thought there was q help
roRMt I tHed all kinds of medicines, and scores
of eminent phrsiclana. Jljrnerrw were prostrated,
producing dlulnesa, heart trouble and all the ills
that make Ufa miserable. 1 commenced to take
and in three months i was FtRftcTtT cured.
In my trarels each year, when I ee the thousands
of physical -wrecks, suffering from nerrous pros
. . tration. taking prescriptions from
M Hi local physicians who bare no know 1
i a a' edge of their case, and whose death
is certain, I feel like going to tbem and saying,
"ac-r dr.Miixs Nervine and at cured." In
my profession, -, imrrx 2here 4!10
arewmanysn fil 1 R K I J fferers from
OTerwork.men1' '-' tal prostra
tion and iJWroas exhaustion, brought on by the
character of tho business engaged In, I -would
w a Euro euro for all suffering from these causes.
Jakes R. Wxxtz.
gold by D. J, Fry, druggist, Salem
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed : Castorin
Prices Current by Telegraph Local
and Portland Quotations.
Salem, September 21, 4 p. m. Office
Daily Capital Journal. Quota
tions for day and up to hour of going to
press were as follows;
Apples 35c to 50c. a bushel.
Peaches Goe to 75 a box.
Veals dressed 4J cts.
Hoga dressed 6 "to 6J.
Live cattle H to 2.
Sheep alive $1.50 to $2.00.
Spring lamb's $1.50 to $2.00.
Salem Milling Co. quetes: Flour
in wholesale lots $3.10. Retail $3.40.
Bran $15 bulk,$16sacked. Shorts $17j.
Chop feed $18 aud $19.
Old wheat on storage 46 cents. New
wheat 48 cents.
Oats old, 38 to 40c, new 30c
Hav Baled, new $8 to $12; old $10 to
$14. Wild lu bulk, $6 to $8.
Barley Brewing, ut Salem, No. 1,
itt to $1.00 per cwt. No. 2, 70 to So cts.
Pens and tx-uns-8 to 10 cents a gallon.
Wool Best, 10c.
Hops Smull sale, 15 to 17c.
Eu'gs Cash, 15 cents. x
Butter liest dairy, 25; fancy
creamery, 30.
Cheese 12 to 15 cts.
Farm smoked meats Bacon 12;
hams, 13; shoulders, 10.
Potatoes new. 30c. to 45c.
Onions- to 1 cents.
Beeswax 34c. Caraway seed, 18c
Anise seed, 20c. Ginseng, $1.40.
Green, 2 ete; dry, 4 cts; sheep pelts,
25 cts to 40c. No quotations on (ure.
Chickens 7 ctfj broilers 7; ducks, 8
10o; turkeys, Blow sale, choice, 10c;
geese 7c
Grain, Feed, etc
Flour-Stnudard, $3.25; Walla Walla,
$3.25; graham, $2.75; superfine, $2.50
per banv 1.
Oats Old whlte,30o per bu.; grey, 33c;
rolled, In bans. $0 25C60; barrels,
$6 606.75; cased, $3.75.
Hay Best, $1U15 per ton.
Wool vallev, 10 to 12c.
Mlllstulls Bran, $17.00; shorts, $20;
grouud barley, $2223; chop feed, $18
per ton; whole feed, barley, 8085 per
ceutul; middling, $2328 )erten: brew
ing barley, 0005o per cental; culcken
wheat. $1.10 1.25 per cental.
ilopsOld, 10 to 16c, new 15 to 17.
Butter Orecon fanevcreamerv. 25f3
27e; fauoy dairy, 2022c; fair to good,
' I617e; common, 14 to 15o per lb; Call-
I lorma, K)(o)44o per roll.
twlus, 16o; Young American, 14o per
per nouuti; uailiorma nais, no.
Evgs Oregon, 15 to lOo per dozen.
Poultry Chlckeus,old,$4.50; broilers,
large, $2 008.0; ducks, old, $4.60
6 00; youug, ri604.00; geese, $a 00
lurkeyn, live, 14o.
Wool; Oregon Kastern choice, 10
lOo; do inferior, 80o; do valley, 12
Hops 101o.
Potatoes l-rly Rose, 30040. Buisd
03I1K8, t.-Jl(AOC.
On Ion 76r.&S3o rwr cental for rod.
and f.SolMHiTorsllverHktus,
uariei iveU, USM71W per cental
I for trood miulltv andfiSIn for ilmlrw
id i
Ii..i. ru," ". . . ,
wowiugi .vu vr wuibi.
0td-MUlIn, f, 9001.10.
X Mletaken Idea.
v -y
3 y3.,.
ilr. J. Howard Bragg Yes. I told him
to his face he lied.
She Did you? Why, 1 had no idea
there was that much difference in your
sizes. Life.
Lincoln' Opinion of Cowardice.
While Lincoln was fearless in his
own nature he had tho keenest for
bearance for tho timidity of others.
He would never consent to shoot a
soldier for cowardice. He called them
"leg cases.''
"No ono need ever expect me to
sanction tho 6hooting of a man for
running away in a battle," he said to
me once. "I won't do it. A man
can't help being a coward any more
than he could help a humpback, if he
were born with one." Then, turning
to me again, he said, "Voorhees,
were you ever scared?"
I confessed that I had some little
experience that way.
"So havo L" said Lincoln, laughing,
"and I just know what it means.
And in any contest or controversy
which arises between the head and
the heels I never knew the heels to
get anything but the best of it. No,
sir; they needn't send any leg cases
to mo at all. I'll never order a man
shot for any such offense."
Once when I was up to the White
House to see him about something
he turned to me with a pathetic look
of anxious pain and said: "Voorhees,
doesn't it seem strange that-I should
be here I, a man who couldn't cut a
chicken's head offt with blood run
ning all around me?" Senator Voor
hees in Kansas City Times.
I Had a Running Sore
ray ankle five years, the doctors pro
nouncing it salt rheum. It conUnued to in
crease in size, until I commenced taking
Hood's Sarjaparilla.-and usfng Hood's Olive
Hood's Cures
Ointment In two years I was completely
cured and have had no trouble withitsluco."
BiMEOX, East Taunton, Mass.
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, biliousness,
ilck headache, and consUpatlon. 25a.
World's Fair, Chicago.
nvi Calumet Avecne and 29th Street.
KIITrl b Fireproof 3l ruomai nearFalr
mm urounai, nains on every noor.
& na j. BBMi nujci iwu aim .uf v)Jcaw iiiauo.
UBBML(ll 1 tixonaaay. rtrsvciau ta
tl to (3 a day. Flrst-clast family
American ana uuropean Dians.
afinviia noieu
nnio tor circular.
Oldest. Hlcbeataud Most Extended
Institution of Learning in the Pacific
Sixteen courses of Instruction, from
Grammar, through Academic and Col
lege, lo iiieology, .Law and Medicine.
Splendid Courses for Training in
Teaching, Business, Art, Elocution
and Music Several Post Graduate
Courses. Stronger and better than ever.
It's Woman's College affords an Ideal
home for young ladles with unsurpassed
facilities for their care aud training.
The school year opens Sept. 4, 1893.
For Year Book and all Information
relating to school management and
course of study, address,
AcUng Pre., W. C, HAWLEY, LL.&.A.U.
For financial information, address,
Rev. J. H. EOORK, Agent,
8-22-d&w Salem, Oregon.
On Improved Real Estate, In amounts and
Ume to sulu Mo delay in considering loan.
Boora 13. Iluah K.tntr blnek. S 1M
Deutscher Advocat.
Admitted to practice in all the court,
Special attention rtven to German speak-In-
people and buTnea at the county and
state otBcea. E. HOKER, Notary 1-ubllc,
watervuie, n.y.
Hop "Buyers.
Office above William & Kni-Und'a bank,
Baleta, arowenlavUdvooaU. '
9 19-U H, C, WKITKAX, AgU
.UUt.tuU .mSaiuJ
r wcrtTExriztti
3Ir. Simeon Staples
Willamette University
.H " -- -"- " r - n
x Use it In the nursery
Completed and ready to wait on customers. Horsea boarded by day or week
at reasonable prices. We keep a full line of Truck,' DrajB and Expresa to
meet all demands. Also keep tbe finest Stations in this county, for service.
Barn and residence 2 block south of posloilice. RYAN & CO.
If you would be clean and have your clothes done up in
the neatest and dressiest mannar, take them to the
where all workis done by white labor and in the most prompt
Liberty Street.
CHURCHILL Pfcmps, Pamps,Pu-mj)
BURROUGHS State Street.
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in tbe trade
enables me to turn out flret-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
givo estimates. Btate Insurance block, Cbemekttfi street.
Receiving all the
Associated '"Press
" "
These low hard times rates enable every fajmtr toiavi
his daily paper and lsnow the
news of the world.
Editorial comment is fearless and independent. Edit
by its publishers to secure good government for the people
able to deal justly and fairly
Complete Telegraphic, State, Capital, For
eign, Market and Crop News.
"Aill- Ann- r n il!
25 Cents a Month.
S3 a Year,
The Only One Cent Newspaper
tnan any su weeklies that cost $9 to $12 a year.
No papers sent after time 5s out.
Ah Mepeadeit Pajer for All Srto ef Readers.
Editors and Publisher,
'ti2&. fit titft&'ri&immfflNlSmfrWfa m.H 44C.ta t2
To use a condensed milk that Is made from the
Purest and Richest Milk to be had. The old
Condensed Milk is made from the milk of the
finest breed of cows. The New York Condensed
Milk Co. owns factories In only the best dairy
regions of the United States. Its inspectors visit
all farms and look most carefully after the con
' dition of the stock. All milk about which then-
is a shadow of a doubt is at once rejected.
Your Grocer and Druggist sell it.
and in the sick room.
Dispatches, ;
a Double Newspaper 1.50
state of the martet and all th
with all.
$!.Op for 4 Month?
on the Coast. More
Salem, Or'