Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, September 21, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Associated Press Daily News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coasts
$3.00 a Year.
SScte. a saesrtli hr
Prepaid la AdvawM. !,
X Papers fJat
Ttee i Ottt.
VOL. 6.
NO. 223.
sssJa JHHfhP5BM3B2BtfflHt
Pictured, but our new all wool suits at
$6.50 draw trade like a house afire. Draw
in and fee! of em.
' -.
General Insurance Agency.
Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
BTATE INBORANOK CO., .(Etna Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., 8nn Insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., Westchester Klre Ins. Co.,
Lion fire Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Insurance Co.,
Ixmdtm & Lancashire FIro Ins. Soo., London ssurnuce Corporation,
Alliance Assurance Co., Norwlou Union Fire Ins.doo.
Oldest and Leading Firm In tbe City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Pressed. Work neatly done on short notice, at moderate prices.
State tit., 1 door below Smith. & Stelner's drug store, Salem. I. GOLD & CO.
Ed. C.
E. Meeker & Co.,
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLETON, Gcn'l Agent.
Lamoureux's Stables,
rigs nor poor horses. H. L. LAMOURbUX, X ropneior.
The WesfPHnlg CoSrf
Special attention to mall orders.
80S Commercial Br,,
Insurance - Agents,
245 Commercial Street.
American Fire Insurance Co., Phila.
Home Insurance Co., New York.
Norwich-Union Ins. Co.. Liverpool.
Palatine Insurance Co.. Manchester.
Over One Million Dollars Deposited
Protection of Policy
All Leases AdJwted and Paid Through Salem Agency on Policies Written
la Marion, Polk, Yamhill and Linn Counties.
AKWrito Lift and AecWent In.urt.ur In Beet Companies In lbs World.
Tailoring and. Steam Dye
ing Works.
Ladies' and Gent'emens' Clothing Cleaned. Dyed, Repaired and
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of allKimls
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
First-class work.
Reasonable prices.
Falem, Oregon.
Western Assurance, Toronto, Canada.
Lancashire, Manchester, Eng,
Hainburg-Madeburg; Germany.
Home Mutual, San Francisco, Cal,
With State Treasurer of Oregom
Holders in Oregon only.
train mm
Try their Hand and Get
Badly toft.
for Bombardment
Crimes and Casualities in all
Attempted Train Robbery
Centbalia, 111., Sept. 21. Three
men attempted to hold up the New
Orleans limited train last night. The
robbers climbed down and over the
tender, calling on tbe engineer and
fireman to throw up their hands. In
stead of doing so they made for the
robbers, who fired, wounding both se
verely. The robbers then attacked tbe ex
press car, firing numerous shots
through the doors, The express mes
senger and conductor, who happened
to be in the car, replying in klud till
the door was shot full of holes.
The robbers finally broke open tbe
door with a sledge hammer, and letting
themselves down over the top of tbe
car with grappling irons, renewed the
flht with tbe messenger and conduct
or. Among the passengers was an old
brakeman, Jake Sanders, of Duquoin,
who bad a shot gun. Howentatonceto
(be express car and succeeded In bring
ing down one of the robbers with a
well aimed shot. Seeing the game was
up, the other two robbers fled, hnvlug
s?cured nothing. It Is understood a
large amount of money was In the ex
press safe. It is thought the wounded
robber will die. His name is believed
to be Daniel L. Jos- pbs.
Tho name of the wounded robber Is
D. L. Jones, of Oxford Mills, Iowa.
He confessed that tho other members
of tbe gang were named Charles Odwy
erof this city, Jumes Harding of Dan-
ylllo, Ills., and a man named Nichols.
He also Implicated a man named Mar
tin in Duquola In the plot, althouga
he took no part in the robbery. Odwyer
Is under arrest at Roanoke.
Suspense at Rio.
London, Sept. 21. Private advices
from Rio Janeiro state that bombard
ment Is hourly expected. The only
reap on the bombardment was not com
menced yesterday is that negotiations
between tbe rebels and tbe government
were undertaken at tbe Instance of the
foreign powers and foreign warships
who wished to save the city from de
struction. It Is not believed that it
will amount to anything. In fact it is
believed tbe government is merely pro
lou ing them to allow non-combatants
togetuway and merchants to save their
New Yobk, Sept. 21. Business mes
sages are received interruptedly from
Brazil, and make no mention of tbe po
litical situation.
In Congress.
Washington, Sept. 21. Senator
Pfeder Introduced a bill creating a,
loan bureau similar to bis bill of '02.
Piatt introduced his amendment to tho
mini. Drnvldlne for cloture and ad-
Is a scientifically prepared Liniment
and harmless: every ingredient Is ol
recognized value and in coruUnt use
by the medical profession. It Short
ers Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes
Danger to life of Mother and Child.
Book "To" Mothers "mailed free, con
taining valuable Information and vol
untary testimonials.
Bot by epre,chree ppM, cm receipt
of pile. IWOpm bottle.
dressed the senate In favor of tbe adoption.
At tbe conclusion of Piatt's argument
the repeal bill was taken up. White,
of California, spoke In opposition. The
ways and means committee deolded to
at once begin work on tbe new tariff
War In Congress.
Washington, D. C, Sept. 21.
Against tbe protest of tbe Republicans,
the Democrats of tho bouse committee
on rules this morning decided to report
an order for two weeks debate on tbo
federal election laws, repeal bill, and
then vote. On assembling tbe bouse,
an order was reported and tbo previous
question demanded. Reed demanded
the ayes and nays to determine whether
the Democrats had quorum.
Will Hang.
FRKSNO,Cal.,8ept.20 Judge Holmes
this morning sentenced Dr. F. O. Vin
cent, for wife murder,to hang Oct.27tb.
Cashier Guilty.
Tacoma, Sept. 21. 8. B; Dusinberre,
cashier of tho defunct bank of Puy
allup, plead guilty today, to tbe charge
of embezzllug tho bank funds to tbo
amount of forty thousand dollars.
Another Revolution.
Buenos Ayhes, Sept. 21. It Is ru
mored here that a political crisis is im
pending. The cabluet council is hold
ing a constant sitting and the state ol
siege Is rigorously enforced. Advices
from Tucuman say severe fighting hat
occurred between tbe revolutionists and
tbe covernment forces. Tho rebels
mado an attack on the governor's po
sition at Cabella, but were repulsed.
The natlnlul troops In tho provinces of
Cordova nnddSau Juau haye mutinied
and joined force with the revolutionary
movement. A special sitting of con
gress has been called and important
events are looked for at any moment.
Belhgrlnl Is about to leve with troops
for tbe North.
Buknos Avkes, Sept. 21. The revo
lution in Argentlue Is spreading. Af
fuirs have assumed a most alarming
aspect. Tbe government was defeated
In he buttle in Tucuanan.
Krug the Absconder.
Seattle, Sept. 21. Mayor Ronald
is evidently right In bis belief that pow
erful forces are at work to prevent the
return of Adolpb Krug, thonbscondlng
city treasurer, to tho scenes of his mis
doing. This seems to be the case In
faco of the fact that Krug has signified
In black and white bis willingness to
return without extradition process.
Bearing out tills fact the following
special dispatch was received from St.
Paul last nlgbt:
"Adolph Krug was arraigned In tbe
police court this morning, charged
with being a fugitive from justice and
remanded to the couuty jail to await
the arrival of the Scuttle, officers with
requisition paper. In tho afternoon
Attorney A. M. Harrison, of Minnea
polis, acting under Instructions from
Hart & Hart of Seattle, was In St. Paul
searching Ur Information on which to
bane habeas corpus proceedings und to
secure Krug's release. He visited tbe
prisoner, but no step were taken up to
a late hour. Chief of Police Garvin
holds an agreement, signed by Krug
who nlgolfles his willingness to return
to Seattle without objection. Krug re
fuses to be Interviewed and Is complete
ly broken down."
Tbe Kaiser and Blsmark.
Berlin, Sept. 21. Emperor William
sent a telegram from Gueus to Prince
BUtnark expressing sympathy with
him In bis Hlnei and offering him the
use of one of tbo imperial castles which
be thought might prove beneficial In
view of the trying climate at Pr led rich
ruhe, tbe prince's place of residence.
Prince Blsmark replied In a Jong tele
gram, In which he cordially thanked
his majesty for his sytnpatby and tbe
use of the castle, but said be was ob
liged to decline the emperor's kind of
fer as bis pbjilclau, Dr, Schweninger,
wu opposed to bis making a cuafef.
A Colored Assassin Burnt to
Homes Consumed And Msny Per
sons Injured.
Dastardly Assault.
Roanoke, Va., Bept. 21. One of the
most dastardly outrages in tbe history
of tbo city occurred yesterday. Mrs.
Henry S. Bishop was ontlced by a ne
gro named Thomas Smith Into a empty
saloon basement, beaten into insensibil
ity and robbed of her pooket book con
taining less than $2. Tho fiend was
captured and lodged In jail. A crowd
gathered around the Jail and kept in
creasing as night approached. At 6
o'olook tho Rqanoko light Infantry
marched to tbe Jail by order of Mayor
Trout. Guards were posted and the
streets In tbo Immediate vicinity
cleared. About dark tho crowd was
Increased by a hundred men from tbe
vicinity of tbe woman's homo, headed
by Mrs. Bishop's son. At 8 o'clock a
a portion of tbo mob battered at tho
side door of tbe jail whero the militia
and Mayor Trout retted.
Shooting was commenced by tho
mob and tho mayor was shot In tbe
foot. The mllltla was then ordered to
return the fire and a volloy from about
twenty-five rifles was poured into the
mob. It Is thought about five men
wore killed by tbo fire and as many
more wounded, some fatally. During
the oxcitement caused by tho vollej
tho negro was taken from Jail by ofll
cere and secreted.
Tbe dead and wouuded weroremovod
to a drug store and to offices of near by
physicians. Tho mllltla then dispersed
and left tho scene as quietly as possible.
Roanoke, Va.. Sopt 21. Tho nogro,
Thomas Smith, who assaulted Mrs.
Henry Bishop last nlgbt, was lynched
this morning. After last night's fatal
encounter with tbo militia, tbo mob
continued to search for tbe negro.
Tbey found the place whero be was se
creted, dragged him to death, and tbon
In the presence of a thousand excited
people, on tbe river bank, incinerated
hts remains. Eleven persons In all
were killed in last night's battle.
Owing to tbe bitter feeling and
threats against the mayor and Captain
Bird of tbe mllltla tbey left town, Ex
oltement is running high and trouble is
fear 1. Only nine were killed last night
is follows; B. A. Wick, Wm. Sheets,
0. W. Whltmeyer, J. B. Tyler, George
White, W. E. Hall, W. Jones, John
Mill, George Settle. A number of the
wounded oro likely to dl
Terrible Fire.
Omaha, Bept. 21. A special from
Deadwood, 8. D., to tbo Bee last nlgbt
says: At 0:30 tbo forest Are had burned
to Load City. Tho Home stakd saw
mills and lumber yard wero first to go
Help was called fromall other tewrs
tnd 1,600 men wero battling with tin
flames. At 0:30 tho wind changed and
there appeared to be hopes of saving
the city.
Fire on tbo East has reached tbe foot
hills five miles from here and Is threat
ening the ranch property of Henry
Stearns and also that of Charles Tre-
vore, Stearns' family drove two miles
through tho flames to this city. Tbe
condition of old Mrs. Stearns, Mr.
Henry Stearns is serious, as all exposed
flesh was burned to a crisp. They will
probably die.
A bad fire Is gaining headway on top
of Black. Tail divide, threatening Cen
tral City aid the county poor house.
Inhabitants of Terry Lave loft the town
to tbo flames: Everything will be a
total loss and damage will amount to
$00,000. Tbe Buxton mill and dwell
ing bouse, valued at $2,000, were de
stroyed. Damage on Centennial Is a
follews: Henry Frawley, Centennial
hotel, $12,000; Cbas. Treper.Cllfl house,
fS.OOOj Charles Plunde, $6,000; Henr
Stearns; $0,000; Charles Thompson,
Deadwood Is not seriously threatened
although 200 meu are patrolling tbe
bills aud putting out Incipient flree,tb
Uucle Bam sixty-stamp mill and town
of Perry bavo been destroyed Com
munication Is shut off and tbe full ex
tent of tbe damage cannot be learned.
Fire Is burning at tbe fair grounds and
the stables at tbe race track and otbei
buildings will probably be destroyed
A special train left bere at 10 o'clock
for Fort Meade to bring up three com
pauiss of soldiers ad citizens la cob
troUJa tit fkwi,
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
A report reached Lead that Runkel,
a small town twenty-five miles from
hero, was destroyed by fire. A hun
dred and fifty homeless people from tbe
burned boo Itn ere now at Piedmont on
Centennial pralno. A number of res
idences and several people wore burned,
one woman so badly that sho may die.
The fire near Lead Is under oontrol.ow
lng to a change of wind, aud no further
damage is apprehonded.
Aa Oregon Re-Union.
Medfohd, Or., Sept. 21. Although
tho weather Is qulto cool, with occar
lonal showers, the second annual re
union of tho soldiers and sailors of
Southern Oregon Is progressing very
satisfactorily. A laro crowd Is In at
tendance from Ashland, Grant's Pass
and other points of Southern Oregon.
Hon. H. B. Miller, of Grant's Pass,
made an Interesting talk thin afternoon.
Company D of the National Guard, of
Ashland, was down today In full force,
and went through a skirmish drill for
the eutortalnmont of those present.
Tho first annual tournament of tbe
Medford Gun Club commenced today,
and Is being participated In by several
tportamou from abroad as well as local
How to Cure Hoboes.
Cle-Elum, Sept. 21. Tbe citizens of
this placo have adopted an etteotlve
method of dealing with hoboes, dozens
if whom pass through bere dally and
commit more or less depredation. Last
Saturday morning Brakeman Charles
Secour, of No. 67 freight, missed two
overcoats and a saok coal from the ca
boose. Ho spotted a hobo banging
around the train Just before t started,
aud bis tralu had gone but n few miles
on Its way west,, when the garments
were missed. Tho traltr whs Htnpppd
and Secour started back Mward Cle
Elum. Ho soon met the hobo, west
ward bound, carrying a gunny sack.
Secour held him up with his revolver
and opeued tbe sack, when his coats
fell out.
Tbo tramp was brought back to Cle-
Elum, and glvq-n the alternative of
going to jail oi receive all the lashes
that bis captor could administer on a
quarter-mile dash, the hobo to take six
feet the start. Tho latter proposition
was accepted, aud Secour procured a
blacksnako whip. Tbo start was made
and In covering tbe distance the whip
was laid on tbe head, back, shoulders
and legs with great vigor, every crack
of tbo whip bringing out a yell. Since,
two hobos bavo been similarly treated
and were severely punhbod.
General Black holds his pension by
graco of a special act of congress.
Tho princesses of tho English royal
family have on tbo average married at
tho ago of S3 tho princes at 28.
Mrs. 8. G. Holdeu, who introduced
dental inspection into the public schools
of Detroit, considers beauty an achieve
ment. Princess Mario, oldest daughter of tho
Duko and Duchess of Edinburgh, is
called tho beauty of tho English royal
Nelson L. Phillips, a report on the
Barro (Vt.) Enterprise, Is In his eighty
second year. Ho is described as active
and erect, not showing his age.
The present presldont of tbo Btaten
Island Ladles' club Is Mrs. Norman
Walker, Jr., formerly Miss Minnie Wl
man, daughter of Erastus Wiraon.
Mrs. Crook, the widow of the Indian
fighting general, is a very line looking
woman, with snowy white heir that U
In striking contrast to he yosthfal and
vivacious spirits.
Tbe tax collector's list la Cklcopce,
Mass., contains tho name of John Quad
densedobetoucoart, but his busy fellow
workmen, pressed for time, call him
Silver" for short,
Ladv Bheilev has left tho unpublished
letters of Bbelley those which are real
ly 4o clear up obscurities to tho Bodle
ian library under conditions which pre
cluo thslr being read for yet another
B0 years.
Mile, de Bovct has been elected a
member of tho Soclete des Gens de Let
tree, an honor rarely accorded to wom
en. Shs writes over tho signature of
Mat." She Is below the middle height,
vlvaeloas, qnlck of coiaprehwuloa aud
a Tasfcl talker.
I -
t umivi '
Hop Market.
New York, Sept. 21. Hops are still 1
Very quiet, with light demand. The
best i'aclflo's are quoted at 2122e.
English cables report a dull and weak
er market.
Gay Murderer Arrested.
San Francisco. Cal.. Bent 21.:
Annie Staley, Dr. West's mistress, was
arrested today, charged with being an
accessory to tbe murder of Addle Gil
mour. Tbe parents of Addle Gilmour
live In Portland, Oregon. They for
merly lived at Arlington, Oregon.
Ban Francisco, Sopt. 21. Wheat,
December $l'.16j.
CalcAQO, Bept. 21. Cash, 07J; De
cember 71J.
Portland, Sept. 21. Wheat valley,
f.07i; Walla Walla ,87i.
How's This I
We offer One Hundred Dollars re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Wo. the undersigned, have known b
J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and be
lieve mm perrestiy honorable In all
business transactions und financially
able to carry out any obligations made
oy meir urm.
West it Ibuax, Wholesale Drug
jrists, Toledo. O. Waujino, Kinnak
Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Tole
do, O.
Hall's Catarrh ruro la taken intArn.
ally, acting directly upon tbe blood
and mucous bu r faces of the system.
TeetltaoBlule sent free. Price 76o per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
A Battle for Blood.
Is what Hood's Barsaparllla vlgorous'y
fights, and It is always victorious in ex
pelling all tbe foul taints and giving
the vital fluid the quality and quantity
of perfect heoltn. It cures scrofula,
salt rheum, bolls and all other troubles
caused by Impure blood.
Mood's Pills oure all liver Ills. 25c.
Sent by mall on receipt of price by O.I.
Hood & Co., Apothecaries Lowell,
Metcl JfeHtcrcy.
Newport, - - Oregea.
Located on the Beacb,two miles north
of Newport on Cave Cove, a beautifully
sheltered spot, wonderful scenery, sea
bathing, fine drives to Cape Foulweath
er lighthouse House now, rooms large
and airy, Finest resort for families or
Invalids. Opeu all winter. Terms
moderate by day or week. Intending
visitors can drop a postal card to New
port and be mot by hack.
John Fitzpatrick,
d-2 m Proprietor.
Conservatory of Music.
Wlllametto University, Salem, Or ,
School of music for piano, organ, violin,
singing, orcheittrul Instruments, tisruio
ny, counterpoint, fugue, orchestration
and higher musical composition, No
better grade of work done west of tbe
Rooky mountains. Prices low. Seven
tesebfrs. Next term beglus Sept. 4th.
Send for annual year book or addree.
Z. 1. Purvln, Mus. Doctor, musical
director. 8 0 SsndJcw
it. ?al, Marten Oettaty, Orate.
Coudaeisd bjr tbe "Mwt oHM Holy Kum ot
em ie aitQ tor hmuuuui oveeK
Ht. I'fcul ea k NUlly rmtebetl fey ttau u tM .')
wiiiuiu, Th buuiB-1 bwimi Maewsi
Willi all tbe modern impfuTwaewta, Tt
WUIH Ol llUdjr M uwipit.
tmagrayhr wdTyyewriex Tamdst, i
Terms moderate,
ror ru rtar psi um at apply to ,wer mms
CfiflS, W0LZ,
South OawuMMta) Ht.ftitaw.
AU ktai rrft,HUe4 fcrntri Umim
aM? ,&- ""&"--