ElBRK -M- "' CHEAPEST Associated Press Daily News paper Published on the Pacific Coast. $3.00 a Year. ONE CENT DAILY! Mela. Hentk bjr MuM Prepaid 1m Advftae. He Papers Seat WW Tie fa Out. CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. 6. Wlffffff DAILY EDITION. SAJLEM, OTiEGON. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER UO, JL893. DAILY EDITION. NO. 222, .ni-i. ' "li,,"' ' " . . t The New State Insurance Block, 333 Com'l St. Will save you 10 to 25 per cent, on staple goods, such as boots and shoes of all kinds, for ladies', gents' and children's storm rubbers and sandals ; fur, wool and crush hats, (these are umru.ua very iow, quality considered.; Underwear of all kinds. White shirts, neglige and work shirts; pants, overalls, jackets, ribbons, laces, embroideries. Linen and Turkey red damaRk, Linen tablecloths, towels, table oilcloths, lace curtains, tablets, pencils and notions of all kinds. II w so ice BE SAW? Because all goods are bought for cash from cash houses, and all marked at close profits for cash without calculating for losses from bad accounts, giving the customer all the advant age of the per centage saved, you can plainly see why we can sell goods of good quality at low prices. COME) AND SEE. E. T. BARNES. H. W. COTTLE & CO., . General Insurance Agency. Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies: HTATE INSURANCE 00., .Etna Insurance Co., Traders' Insurance Co., Hun Insurance Co., National Insurance Co., Westchester Kire Ins. Co., iilon Fire Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Insurance Co., liondou g Lancashire Fire Inj. Boo., London Esurance Corporation, Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Union Fire Ins.Soc. Oldest and Leading Firm in the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance, BAOTAftl Tailoring and Steam Dye U5 I UN in2 Works. Ladies' and Gent'emens' Clothing Cleaned, Dyed, Repaired and Pressed. Work neatly done on short notice, at moderate prices. State tit., 1 door below Smith & Steiner'a drug store, Salem. I. GOLD & CO. Ed. C. Cross, WmnHMBk K. Meeker & Co,, Hop Kxporters OFFICE, Oberheitn Block, up stairs, Salem. W. A. TEMPLETON, Gen'l Agent. F. T. HART 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. Lamoureux's Stables, rigs nor poor horses- H. L. LAMOURLUX, I roprletor. TbeWesIPpiDfiDgCo.KK Special attention to mall orders. 803 Commercial Br., MITCHELL, WRIGHT & CO., t GENERAL Insurance' - Agents, 245 Commercial Street. American Fire Insurance Co., Pblla. Home Insurance Co., New York. Norwich-Union Ins. Co.. Liverpool. Palatlue Insurance Co,. Manchester. Over One Million Dollars Deposited With Stata Treasurer of Oregon for Protection of Policy Holders In Oregon only. All Losses Adjust Paid Thtoh Salem Agency on Policies Written in Marion Polk. Yamhill and IJnn Counties. Also Writ Life talent imunoe In Best Companies la the World. York Backet Choice Meats Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of allKinds 95 Court and 110 State Streets. LEADING MERCHANT 1 J.L LKJ iX. First-class work. Reasonable prices. Falem, Oregon. SALEJf, OREGON. Western Assurance. Toronto, Canada. Lancashire, Manchester, Eng, Hamburg-Madeburg. Germany. Home Mutual, Ban Francisco, CaJ, Rebels will Fire Rio to a Surrender. MINERS BORIED ALIVE. Thirty Entombed in Mine. a Cornwall REIGN OF TERROR IN LOUISIANA. A Negro Murderer to Be Burned at the Stake. Final Bombarding. London, Sept. 20. Admiral Demel lers has sent an ultimatum to the au thorities at Rio De Janerio, announcing his intention to Immediately and thor oughly bombard the city with all his ships,unless it Is promptly surrendered. The dispatch adds that Rio is in the utmost consternation and dismay. Cit izens are fleeing to the country. Mer chants are packing goods into cellarspre parutory to following them. Consulate representatives of the powers are using the utmost efforts to dissuade the rebel commander from carrying out his threat, but so far without avail. A heavy pressure Is being brought to bear on the local authorities to induce them to surrender, as it Is considered folly to resist. In the meautime three rebel vessels reached Santos and after a sharp fight succeeded In landing a strong force of marines who are en deavoring to take the city. Ooal Miners Entombed. London, Sept. 20. By the caving in of a mine In Cornwall this morning. Thirty miners were entombed. It is believed some are still alive, and efforts are being made to rescue them. Reign of Terror. New Orleans, Sept. 20. A reign of terror exists in Jefferson Parish over the murder of Judge Estopinal, by a negro named Julian. The governt r has been appealed to for troops by negroes, reparations nave neon maue to burn Julian at the stake and have him tortured when captured. Desperado Captured. Chicago, Sept. 20. Policemen Ro wan and Fltzrnorrls this morning at tempted to arrest the notorious crook, Chick McMullen, and his notorious mistress Nellie Foley. Rowan was shot in the groin and will probably die. Fitzmorrls has two bullets In bis thigh and McMullen a bullet in the back, a fatal wound. New Appointments. Washington, Sept. 20. The presi dent today appointed J. W. Nlchol, of Indiana, deputy second comptroller of the treasury; W. L. Chalmers, of Alabauaa,land commlBsIoner In Sitnoa; Q. H. Foster, postmasler of Baker City, Or.; T. F. Meagher, at Sprague, Wn. ""pugilist Arrives. New YoitK.Sept. 20. Charlie Mitch ell, the English pugilist, matched to fight Champion James Corbett, arrived here thts morning. Rcelver Appointed. Wheeling, W. V., Sept. 20.-A ie ceiver has been appointed for the Wheeling Bridge and Terminal com Danyfor inability to pay overdue cou noDSontwo million dollars mortgage bonds. The company has no other In debtedness. N 01THING LIKE h.r blood medicine. Hcurtaoieeaaeaoi ?Sn;ioodndklnbyrtinoTtai;thciU5'n. "" "SSdSi YJVtJC 4nl ft tfpJ&'awS, IRIK JSJHJLB JSSkrfalre.,or relief "" " - My Mood m bdly poUoned 1 Uosed tut ytar.wnicn diiiwi i ot mr W yten o ' "'"."7 JooMtADt ftoaro of ufferinr.no , ' fliirntri polite na itite and mtoflUe. Two bottle or VVH !MreoeJrIorUoodllei- - ,,.. , " """"' -Jomk Oavix, Darton, 0" T-euUe a Uood sad kla di JMttwIfr. BWTJT WXCOTO CO, AtUfltt, Qt. Opera House Fire. Canton, Ills., Sept, 20. The only loss of life by last night's opera house Are was that Peter Curry, an old man, borne down' and killed In the crush from the gallery. The Injured will probably all recover. Portland Not Responsible. Portland, Or., Sept. 20. The Com mercial National bank of this city deny the published statement that they are responsible for tho suspension of Port Townsend National bank. They state they made no demand upon the bank and furthermore that the Port Towns end bank Is not Indebted to the Port land Savings bank. Hop Market. New York, N. Y., Sept. 20. Tho demand for hops continues slow, and there Is no change in quotations. Prizo Fighter's Sorrow. New York, Sept. 20. Robert Fltz- simmons, the prize flghter,today begun suit against his wife for divorce. FROM MARION. Jacob Dswester has rented a farm near Stayton, and expects to move there in a few days. Lee Wiseman, who has been away the most of the summer, is back at Marion again. Mr. Picket and family havo lately arrived from New Moxleo. They are visiting at Rev. Scott's and W. J. Had ley's. Mr. Pioket is a brother of Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Hadley. Mr. G. V. Eplerhas bought the Wil lamette Poultry Farm, of Melville Qoodmau, for $600, and Mr. Goodman has gone to Portland to look for a loca tion. Mr. Eplcr has also bought the Farnham property, on which the post office is located, aud expects to repair the dwelling here, put new rustlo on and paint it. He has employed A. E. Cadwell to do the carpenter work. J. M. WInslow has received the ap pointment as postmaster here, vice J. L. Farnham, resigned. Norman Ace has rented a farm near Mlllersburg, and expects to moye to it, In a few days. A man, who said his name was Clark Smith, and that he lived In Portland, boarded at the hotel here for nearly two weeks, left one morning last week, without paying his board bill. Mies Mary Kelley, of Cbemawa, ar rived horo last Saturday, and opened the public Bchool on Monday morning, with a good attendance, yet several of the pupils are away. Some threshing and some picking hops. Miss Kelley has the reputation of be ing a good teacher, and we hope for a prosperous term of school. Several of tho Jeflersonlans were at the meeting at the Presbyterian church last Sunday. Rev.Stoops will have regular appoint ments here on the 3d Sunday In each mouth. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Wo. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions und financially able to carry out any obligations made by their Arm. West & Ikuax. Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo. O Waldino, Kinnan & Mahvin, Wholesale Druggists, Tole do, O. Hall's Catarrh "ure Is taken Intern, ally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials Bttnt we. Price 76a per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Ilunl uu lltu lla'ltlheadeil Man. Professor Biaelde, tho Scotch philoso pher who itceiitly celebrated his eighty fourth birthday, is decidedly eccentric In many reBjx'cU. and at times ho has shown absence of mind. On one occa sion, about 13 years ago, after he had visited Egypt, he gave a lecture on the subject before the Edinburgh Philosoph ical society. Coining down from the platform Into the body of the hall, in or der that he might use his pointer on the diagrams more f roely, ho proceeded with his remarks. Roars of laughter were heard from all parts of tiw building, rm... -.wosi nif .wl tlif.m Imf. At nnt ."...... ,,, ..... .,,! .,. that while he w speaking he had put 0nthU disengaged hand for something to rMt u 0 hd had secured the top of th8 kad of a baldheaded gentleman In the front row. a ihi woruiwi mj uu iuu- ject the protestor gently stroicea toe head and presently began to pat it. Aft er this the recipient of his attentions hurriedly moved to another seat, and th lecture went on without further inter-ruptlon.-Chkajro. Tribune LIFE IN CONGRESS. The Filibusters Scared by Dem ecratic Caucuses. REED GETS AFTER SPEAKER CRISP. And Declares Ills Action Unusual. Most Washington, Sept. 20. Morgan, today presented a petition of citizens of his state In favor of the repeal of the Sbormanaot. He said it wasonoof the petitions sent out by the New York bankers, and be considered it wasa mandate from them, not from the oeo ple of Alabama. Voorhees moved the repeal bill be takeu up, after a sharp passage between him and Piatt, of New York, who wished to mako a motion for tho amendment of the rules, providing for cloture. The latter yielded to Georra of Mississippi, who addressed the sen ate In opposition to tho bill. The fight continued all aftornoon. At 4:30 o'clock apparent ond of fight would be that federal eleotlon bill be reported despite dilatory tactics opposi tion. Washington, D. O., Sept. 20.- The decree of King Caucus is all dominant In the house today. Tho Demooratla majority acted as a unit In ending the filibustering which has blocked legisla tion for weeks. When the house met tho Democratic benches were crowded. The committee on rules had held a meeting at whlob, over the protest of Republicans, tho members of the com mittee Instructed a report on rules that would disarm tho flllbustorers. Soon as the Journal was read Bur rows moved to suspend call of commit tees for reports. Catohings from the oommlttco on ruloa preseutod a report providing that no othor business be In order untfT the report of committees wero received. Burrows made the point order that tho report was not in order and had originated with the committee. After a sharp tilt with Burrows and Reed on one side, the speaker on the othor, the Sneaker overruled the point of order, holding that the committee on rules would originate the order of business Just as the committee on appropriation would originate appropriations (Dem. applaud. The speaker instructed tho clerk to read the report of the committee. Reed made a vehement fight against the ac tion of the speaker, and declared the clerk hod no right to read report, de claring amid Democratlo cheers that the action of the speaker was tho most surprising In legislative history. Washington, Sept. 20. Senator Dolpb has introduced a bill to permit the state of Oregon to Import Jute mill machinery free of duty. The house committee on Judiciary has ordered a favorable roporton Gates' substitute for the Tucker bill repealing the federal election laws. Tho beet sugar men were before the ways and means committee yesterday to prevent the repeal of tho sugar bounty. Senator Squires of Washington has Introduced a substitute repeal bill. It provides that silver bullion may be deposited at any mint, to be formed Into standard dollars of the present weight and fineness (to be legal tender) for the benefit of the owner, but there shall only bo paid to the person depos iting It such number of standard silver dollars as shall equal the commercial value of the sliver bullion deposited. This difference, if any, between th coin value and commercial value shall be retained by the government m seigniorage. The coinage shall not ex ceed H.0O0,0U0 per month, and when the gross amount reaches 200.000.000 It Is to cease, the dollars thus coined to be legal tender. The senate has agreed to allow A. (J. Beckwith 'JOOO. Lea Mantle $3600 and John I). Allen I2S00 m expeosA locurrea in contesting xor ukht In the senate. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report :. X .a ABSOLUTELY PURE Premiums Awarded. WATER COLOR PAINTING. Miss M. E. J3perry, flowers from na ture 1st and 2d. Miss Lena Kolnht, landscape from naturo 1st, Mrs. Claud Gatoh, d. Mrs. Claud Gatoh, landscape 1st and 2d. Miss Carrie L. Simpson, Albany, por trait 1st and 2d, EMBROIDERY. Miss Ada Breyman, lnfauts shirt 2d. Mrs. Geo. F. Smith, crib cover 2d. Mrs. W. A. Cuslck, sofa cushion ap plique 2d, handkerchief cauo; tray oloth outline stitch 1st; bolting cloth scarf tapestry stttob, sofa cushion same 2d. Mrs. A, Jones piano coyer, tablo cov er, foot stool, bureau scarf, sham towel, table centre, tablo runner, pillow sham, fancy apron, tray cloth, best display embroidery 2d; sofa cushion, table cov er, fire screen, portiere, splasher, table runner, laundry bag, stocking bag, crib cover, toilet sot, best display Kensing ton embroidery 1st. Miss Mamie Hogan, table cover 1st, window lambrequin and doylle 2d. Mrs. Claud Gatub, Infant's blanket, toilet cushion, portiere, mantel lambre quin 2d; scarf and sofa cushion let. Mrs. E. U. Waters, infant's blankot 1st, stocking bag 2d. Miss K. Oberg, Portland, sofu cush ion, tablo center, tray oloth, sofa cush Ion, best display silk embroidery 1st; Qro screen 2d. Miss Ethel Cuslok, sofa cushion aud chair bolster 2d. Mrs. J. Qulun, fanoy apron 1st. MlesE. L. Farrell, Portland, table cover 1st, Mrs. F. M. Wllklns, Eugene, wash. stand Bplanhor2J. Mrs. S. C. Bcrlber, pillow sham 1st. Mr?. M. S. Skiff, sofa cushion, mil tit el lamherquln, bureau scarf let. Mrs. Lois Green, Lincoln, handker chief case 2d. Mrs. T. W. London, Portland, foot stool 1st, laundry bag 2d, obalr bolster 1st. Miss Genevieve MoKinney, toilet Bet 2d. Mrs. Frank Hughes, tray cloth 2d, doylle 1st. Mrs. I. L. Klmber, sham towel 1st Miss Olga Bridges, sofa cushion 2d. Miss Nellie Litchfield, sofa cushion 2d. Mrs. A. L, Leach, Argentl, turklsb rug mat 1st. Mlsd Stella Cannon, infant's skirt, 1st. Mrs. A. B. Buren, toilet cushion ap plique 1st. A Battle for Slood. Is what Hood's Barsaparilla vigorously fights, and it is always victorious in ex pelling all the foul taints and giving the vital fluid the quality and quantity of perfect heoltb. It cures scrofula, salt rheum, bolls and alt other troubles caused by impure blood. Hood's Pills cure all liver 111b. 25c. Bent by mail ou receipt of price by O. I. iioou & uo,, Apoiuecaries jjoweu, Mass. Dlekena a Dandy. I found my mother talking to a very ypnng gentleman, with long brown hair falling in silky masses over his temples; with an eyo which, young as I was, at once struck me as full of power and strong will, and with a touching expres sion of swoetness and kindliness ou tho lips. There is not tho slightest reason why I should give yon any more detailed picture of tho countenance or the drees of Charles Dickens. Lot it sufflco to say that he dressed up to the very height of the existing fashion. He is not to he blamed, I should say, for having done so. Ho was fesling his life in every limb and enjoying its bright side and its good things. Aftsr an unhappy childhood and a la borious and, comparatively speaking, Indigent youth he had suddenly, through Ids own wonderful genius, wholly unaided and unpatrontzed by the noble or tho wealthy, turned the corner to find himself pacing the high way of roses, and with Old Time trudg isg by his side, looking kindly on the youthful traveler and gently holding tkeltourglau, which was in truth laer iUblo, hut la which, to ,Bo,M the sands were as diamond dust that sparkled a they pasted, Everything stalled wpoa him, O, A. 81 w London Telegraph. Powder THE STREET CASES. Of course, The Journal la pleased over thoBupreme court deolslou revers ing Judge Burnett aud upholding the validity of all tho street Improvement made In Salem last year. The Jour nal fought hard to break the Ice and pave the way for any street improve ments whatever. It had no pet theory as to any purttcufur kind of pavement, but wanted the Capital City to get started out of the old ruts und mud- holea wbero mosabaoktsm and conser vatism had been wallowtug In its pen-uy-wlse economy and pound-foolish in dlffercuce. Arrayed on the side of this elemont that Is found In every progres sive community were Mayor D'Arcy, Judge Burnett and the leading attor- joys and bankers and a large number of wealthy property owners. Totba oredltof Mayor D'Arcy be it said, that when ho found the objecting nronerty ownero going to the length of beta willing to have the improvements made and yet trying to throw the expense In curred thereby, which was entirely for their benefit, upon the entire commun ity, he withdrew his support and fought valiantly on tho other side. The Journal wishes to congratulate Attorneys Bingham and D'Arcy for the clfy. and Judge Shaw who assisted them (ufcounsel before the suprem court, on their victory. They won a significant battle for pro gress for the whole state. These gen tleman deeervo public thanks for secur ing from our highest court so clear and strong a decision as that handed down In this case by Judgo Bean, who has also done himself great credit as a pro gressiva Jurist. For ourselves wear glad to express our gratitude to these gentlemen, not only for personal reas ons, but becauso tbey were on the right side, and the Issues Involved were vital to the future development of every city la Oregon, Died Today, Mrs. U. W. Irwin, at the family home In Yew Park. Don't Buffer from dyspepsia, Take Simmons Liver Regulator. Ie always cures. Hetcl Monterey. Newport, " - Orgt. Located on the Beach. two miles north of Newport on Cave Cove, a beautifully sheltered snot, wonderful scenery, am bathing, fine drives to Cape Foulweath-' er lighthouse. House new, rooms large and airy. Finest resort for families or Invalids. Open all winter. Terms moderate by day or week. Intending visitors can drop a postal card to New port aud be met by hack. John Fitsspatkick, d-2 m Proprietor. Conservatory of Music, Willamette University, Baleen, Or., School of muslo for piano, organ, violin, singing, orchestral Instruments, nariuo uy, counterpoint, fugue, orcbeetratlon ana higher musical composition, JNo better grade of work done west of the Rocky mountains. Prices low. Seven teachers. Next term begins Sept. 4th. Bend for annual year book or address, Z. M. Parvla, Mus. Doctor, inimical director. 8-9-SomMiW I ST. PAUL'S ACADEMY, St. Paul, Mariftn Oeaatr, Oregek. Uoudnoled by the 'Uteri of tho Holy NOM of Jeeua ana Mary. Tlie location aeMweeiu that cm If declred tot healthful ouUteer mmmhm. hi. I'aul can be ttully reach by bo oa th Willamette, Thebuildln; UnewaaetMiptf! wit a all the moirru lmpruvemsnta. The eou re ot etudy la oomptote. feeaegnifky KaATyyewHetef Teach. Terma moderate. XoriurtborjxtUlcu are ay ply m algf M CflflWOLzT GERMAN :-: MARKET goaUi UomwereieJ m.. AU kinds r?h,BaHsa4 rmw 9KdYitW Kl t (tt