rnrsTri" ,.m ,yt HMWWfffl Jtlf1'lf''".,,C n""l iti'VMJLtre OAl'llAI. JOOBNAIi, SATUHBAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1893. "I". - TP COTAL JQIIB1UL PUHI.IHUJ5J) DAlLV, EXUKPT HUNUAVK nr Tax " Capital Journal Publishing Company, l.,tomco Block. Cpmmerclnl Bireei. HOFER BROTHERS, - Editors. w Dally, by catrler, per iiionlb,. DAlly, by uml, por year, Weelily.8 pages, per year, to cn 300 1.6 DDK 8ATUIUAY MUilf. .. Some preaebpra of Saleni do not seem to oe juiy'Setter than inutiy other new p'e a Ibid wicked world, and if ac counts atre'truey they might beta fuirlj good example by pruying for the Lord o fonjive tuelr own meauuesa Instead of monkeying bo "oiuclily" about book other fellow's etn. But the Hoouer u great many people, coitae to regard a preacher bo extraordinarily Qod-llkt that he does not commit-nln( the bettei it will be for all concerned. A preachei !b human and should 'be" quite willing to stand upon the universal uluue ol other good men and tiutied only uk auch. While the devout and holy man of G d is iryluyr to keep the devi from completely capturing boiiiu pooi sinner ho should keep a sharp outlook that Satan Is not toying with his owi skirts in a manner that id liable at un time to give his enthusiastic followers!. Slimpeeof "trickH which are valu and eedB that are dark." Cottage Grovi Leader, No community should persecute n a fallen or erratic minister or attribute to bis sect or the Christian religion tin weakness or depravity of oue man. The truth will struggle on and princi ple Is quito as well assured of an exist once as the Dlviue Thought of Good ness itself, though mistaken and pre tending teachers drag in the mire the cause they pretend to champion. The people must see that there is at least a Blight defect, an absence of true ideals, underlying some ot these organizations for religious culture. Men who advo cate a brass bund, gold-plated material hereafter with never-ending pleasures of ecstatic bliss, that will not cost cept to enjoy, and whoso religion con sists In making sure to get there as a reward for being outwardly decent here, are the disciples of u base scheme of selilshness, beside which the Mahome tan with his harem of hourls In the other world la at least a frank and out spoken sensualist. Until all worldly.so clal, business aud political self-seeking is eliminated from Christianity it is un worthy the name. That man or wom an who only sees and seeks the good of others alone possesses the true Christ thought. Tho husband and wife, who only think and uct and live, each for tho other's good, alone enjoy perfect harmony in the marriage relation. The moment rfsolllsh thought arises the satauof ultimate discord is Introduced. Tho minister who pufls himself up over his ofllce to rule over others, to work up a big salary or rep utation, or wlu applause In political or flojlal Bchemej or follows his patulous and appetites Is a messenger not of the best human thought, to say naught of revealed wisdom. Ho reveals the nu Imal In man, which Is a grado lower than In brutes. Hut it ia more than likely that quito n crowd will coutluue to worship tho blataut egotist and liv eried fraud whether ho useends the pulpit or bands prize packugea out of tho rear end or a wiurmi ,,t n, nt., fair grounds. But It Is not uecessuay " to Invent puulsbmont for the preacher whoso true Inwardness happeus to come to light. Ho sutlers endless tor meuts which never afflict tho manip ulator of loaded dice In the saloon bar roome. The latter douos't protond to.be a teaoher of morals or a spiritual guide. Thlp wob never more finely Illustrated tban In Huwthoruo's book "Tho Soar let Lottor," where bo haa Heater Prynne, the betrayed Puritan g!rl,ineet ber betrayer, Shu weara ou her bosom tbe scarlet badgo of Infamy Inflicted upon ber by the colonial bluoluwsof her timo, aud Just us cruelly Inflicted by society at presout. He weara (he bluck garb of outward reapeotabillty, tho badge of tho profession ho success fully disgraces. Tho followlug bccuo lanes pmee; After awhile, the minister llxod bis eyea ou Hester Pryne'. Heater," Bald he, "Hast thou fouud peace?" Bho smiled dreamily, looking dowu upon ber bosom. "Uaat tnouv" ahe aslcetl. "None uotblng but dlsp.ilr," be answered. "What else could I look for, being what lam, and leading such a life aa mine? Were I an atheist, a man devoid of consclouoe, a wretch with eoarse and brutal Instincts, I might have found peace long ore no-.', Hay, I Bver should liavo lost It. Jlut, us matter stand wttb my eoul, whatever of good capacity there orlgmallv wna !, all of Grid's gifts that were tlo hwleust have become ministers ofspir Hmi torment, Hester, I am moat mis. mule," "The people rovoronco thee," paid Hetter. "Aud surely thou workeut rood among tbein. Doth Ibla bring th no comfort?" Mon misery, Heater-only tbe more misery I" answered (lie clergy tuan, witnauiuersmuo. "Ascoucerual . tb Kood which I may upneur to do, I have no faith iu It, It tuuat needs bo u ttekalou. What can a ruined soul, llko wine, effect toward the redemption of other souls or a polluted soul toward their purification? Aud aa to tbe ieo- Me'u revereuco. wouiu mat it were turned toocoru uud haired. Canst thou I takes inches off n tall hat. then civo d-MMlt, Hester, a corfsolatluu, that I us a blapk woman, to-sit behind at hum stuqd up In my pulpit awl ruw.t tho thoator every time, Boston Mi aiaay fcye turned upward to my Transcript i face, as if' the light of heaven were beaming from it must see my flock hungry for tho truth, and listening to my words iw if a tongue of Pentecost were Bppaklngi and then look hi ward and discern tbe black reality of wVt( they IdoIlzeY 1 have laugueu, in uu terness and agony of heart, at tbe con trast between what 1 seem to be and what I am. Ami Sutau laughs at it, also." Heseyiska him if ho ha? not deeply and soroly repented and left his sin be hind In the days long past. She re minds him that bin present life la not less holy, in very truth, than it seems in people's eyea. She asks, Is there no reality in the penitence thus sealed aud witnessed by good worka? And where fore should it not bring him peace? "No, Hester, ho," replied the clergy mau. "There is no substance in it. It la cold.aiid dead, aud can dq nothing for me. Of, penance, I have had enough. Of penlteuce, there has been none. Else, I. should Jong ogo have thrown oil these garments of mock noli uess, and have shown myself to man kind as they will see meat thpjudg-meht-seat. Happy ire you, Heater, that wear the seariet letter openly upon your bosom. -Mine burns In secret. Thou little knowest what a relief It Ja, after tho torment of a seven-years' cheat, to look into an eye that recog nizes mo for what lam. Had I one friend or were It my worst enemy to whom, when sickened with the p'ralseaof all other men, I could dallj oetray myself, and be known aa the vilest of all sinners, methinks my soul might keep itself alive thereby. Even thus much of truth would save me But, now It la all falsehood all empti nessall death 1" Does not tho wrongdoer's punish ment surely follow him, whether he lie a criminal in prison or an errant spirit ual guide of others? Hester wears her badge of adultery in public and ha. peace with herself. The minister en joyed an apparent outward peace but in uisbreaatue carried the torments of u life that was a living lie. A Romance. She was fair and my passion begun) ' ShOHmlled and Iconic! notuutlovel Hut when fiom afar 1 detected catarrh. No beauty my passion could move. In despair she sought doctors In vain. Till she learned of "Humanity's boon;" Mow her bicalti Is ab sweet as the dew Whlou fulls upon roses In June. Tonight, ns we sit In our home. And I kUs her sweet lips o'er undo er, Wo bless Dr. Huge In our bliss. For tho Joy that ho brought to our door, There is no disease more trying to friendship than catairh! The constant eilnrt to clear the throat and nose, the foul breath, all the features of the dis ease, make it aa much dreaded by tht friend aa by the victim. Humanity haa cause to bless Dr. Sage for bis "Ca tarrh Remedy." The manufacturer oiler to forfeit $500 for any case lhej cannot cure. Tho highost waves in tho ocean are said to bo tboso off tho Capo of Good Hopo. Under the influence of a northwesterly galo they huvo been known to exceed 40 feet in height. A gold coin of tho weight of 4 pennyweights aud valued at Os. 4d.. struck in the reign of Henry VI. is Known ns an "angel, out why no coin collector can tell. It takes soven days after death, ac cording to Sinine.se belief, for the eoul to roach heaven, and prayorsaro kept up for that period to help it on its way. A lU'itl CiMtto In the Air. Mr. Tobiausky, the .engineer, is start ing u company for tho introduction of a novel feature to tho Antwerp exhibition. which ia to 1m started next year. It is f flAttalaf r n -wnti- m..li . to consist or a raft, with an area of about 20 squiiro yards, and constructed of bamboo rodanud steol and alumiuintu tubing, on which a palatial restaurant is to bo erected and tuowholo suspended in midair at an altitudo of 600 yards by means of capttvo balloons. An ingenious combination of anchor cables will hold this "aerial castle" iu po sition and effectively prevent any ospil latiou even in tho strongest galo. Two smaller captivo balloons, each to carry eight or ten persons, will servo to convoy visitors to this floating island and back again to terra Anna. Each of the larger balloons ia fitted with a silk tube, through which, by means of an automatic ar rangement, a fresh supply of cas is ob tained when required. Electric lamps of intense- brilliancy aro fitted to tho raft for tho purposo of lighting tho exhibi tion grounds. Tho entiro fabric can bo brought dowu to tho ground iu 10 min utes by means of steam winches,--Pa triots. ltallrouil IVuces Iu Oregon. An act of tho Inat legislature compola all the railroad companies in tho statoto renco their tracks within three youra. Tho Southern Paciflo company accord ingly has placed a fencing crow on the lino of its road. The fence consists of poata 10 foot apart, with false post8 in tho center of thupauel. Three etranda of barbed wire aro stretched from post to post, with a board on top. The crow uumbera SO men and erects a mile of fencing daily, Portland Oregouian. Some TolU Nser Change. "Who was it," said tho man with conspicuous clothes, "dut wont look in fur windmills when ho felt liko ecrappint" "Don QuLxoto?" "I fink dat's do naino, Anvlmw ho was lmrtyiuuch do same as rh. prizoilghtora nowadays." Washing- ton Star. 'A Theutric! Item. It is said tliat a black hat tnkoa inches off a tall woman. If tho con verso bo truo aud a blacic woman Intelligent Eoadors will notico that T .jlB IVII hits v e i MGaQ W IS HIV aro not "trnrrnnted to curt" all clause of discancs, but only Mich as result frotn a disordered llcr, vizi Vertigo, Headache, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Costiveness, Bilious Colic, Flatulence, etc. For these they ore not warranted tn fallible, bnt aro un n curly so at 1 1 1 jioi Iblo to nialte a remedy. 1'rlcc, SSots. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Stopping the Counting. Mr. Osmond Tenrle, the tragedian, haa gathered up some good stories of tho stage in the course of his experi ence" in touring through England and America. Here is ene: I wont one night to hear Fechter in a melodrama of a tragic cast. In ono part of tho play Fechter had to count out money. He was very do-, liberate and said .slowly, "One, two, three, four, five," and so on. The interest of the play was hanging on tho tragedian's having enough money and paying it over to tho villain. He kept slowly counting, and the audi ence grew more restless and anxious for him to finish. A witty son of Erin in tho topmost gallery, getting tired, yelled: "I say, Mr. Fechter, give liim a check 1" London Tit-Bits. Ice Cream Is Mado For Women. Ice cream is one of the lovely and luscious things of this life that fill this world with sweet little oases for womankind. It is as necessary to her existence as love or tea or fear of a mouse. Sho has to bo ice creamed at proper intervals in the summer season, and if some one doesn't do it for her she must do it herself. What is tho summer for anyhow if it isn't to gladden woman's, heart with soda water and ice cream? Sho looks aud longs for it when April begins to fade as sho docs for a chip hat or a china silk dress. Sho would die if sho didn't have her ico cream, and she could die eating it, Oh, tho congealed joy there is in a plate of the frozen pud ding 1 New York World. Curios About Human Hair. The study of tho hair upon human species offers an oxtonsivo field for inquiry and one which presents many unsolved problems of tho first order of importance. Why man as a species should present tho kind and tho amount of hair which ho does is variously explained, and the differ ences between . tho varieties of' tho human race are so groat in this re spect that ono of tho most popular subdivisions of species is founded upon it. That tho human family has the longest hair of any species of animal is a well known fact, hut why they lost it ovor most of the body is subject for much curious conjecture and speculation. St. Louis Republic. Anil Very Tew Women. Pugilist-Why, Bluffley can't fight. I don't believe ho could put a baby to sleep I Nowwed No; neither do I. There is no man who can put a baby to sleep. Truth. Beforo Going to the Wojld's Fair Enquire About Tho Limited Express traina of tho Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railww between St. Puul nnd Chicago anil Omaha aud Chicago. Theae trains are veatlbnled, electric lighted and steam heated, with the flu eat Dining and Sleeping Car Service iu the world, The Electric rcadlug light In each berth ia the successful novelty of this progressive age, and la highly appreciat ed by all regular patrons of thin line. We wish others to know ita merlin, m. the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way la the only line In the west enjoy ing tho exclusive uso of this patent. .for runner Information apply to nearest coupon ticket agent, oraddiess C. J. Eddy, General Agent, J. W. Casey, Trav. Pass. Agt. 225 Stark St., Portland, Or. tf IMPORTANT. If you anticipate visiting tho world's fair, or your friends iu the East, take advantage of the present opportunity, aa the fares are now so low they cut no figure In the expense. Tho Chicago & i.unuwraiern iituwav nave iiinPi.il in servlco a solid veatilinled train, between Portland ond Chicago, the famous WllVllor tnnrlaF mra tm., ni.. ..I..V1- " "7 .5 .. .. ' .. 'CU""'J! viJiwi vni. nun uiiinig ear "par excel lent." With the accommodnilnua fur ulsbed, rates now ottered, together with the short time enusuiucd iu making tbe trip, It is within the reach of all. For further information, apply to anv ticket agent, or write A. G. Hahkkr, Gen'l Agt. 272 Washington street. rortlanii, Or. VIGOR v MEH 5"Ujr. Qulcllr, PrmnnHf Reilored. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEQILITY, niJ slllhu train of rlli Iroif r mttj iriurur Ucr fjnifuoL tiu, iv.ulu or ovrruik. Utu.j.. worn.eio. FuUMreufilL UevcIoimiCDi uul lune Six n tu t ry urgtn and iKtlnn ft IU bodr. Nuiplr. natural melboJi. IiuniMUi..,uiirrTfaiot Wuj rfreu7aiuk. ipUutUon sad pruati allU lild) freS. ERIE MEDICAL CO. wrrAW, n, v, Mm The Suit Against Villard. John Swope, of Pennsylvania, one of the stockholders of tbe Northern Pad flo Railroad Compauy. on behalf of himself aud other stockholders, has be gun an action iu the supreme court of New York against Henry Villard, Charles L. Colby, Colgate Hoy t, Ed win H. Abbott, of the Northern Pacifle railroad; T. F. Oakca, Henry C. R.iuse, Henry C. Payne, Its recelvera, aud the Chicago & Northern Pacific Railroad Compauy, to compel the individual de fendants to make restitution of millions of dollars which, It U alleged, the Northern Puciflccompony was deprived of bymeauaof fraud. The complaint allegea that Villard, Colby, Hoyt and Abbott, in September, 18S9, owned land at Harrison street and Fifth avenue, Chicago! upon which waa then being constructed the Grand Ceutral passen ger station, and also controlled the Chi cago & Great Western Railroad Com pany, the Bridgeport & South Chicago Railroad Company, and the Chicago, Harlem &Batavia Railroad Company, which operated lines of railroad within tho limits of Chicago. The value o' the land mentioned and the railroad properties was said to have been $8,000, 000 in March, 1800. Swope charges that these four men, iu September, 1889. conspired to defraud the Northern Pa cific company by selliug to it, through themselves aa directora, allofthiaChi cago railroad property and land for a price in exces8 of its value so that they could make an exorbitant profit to themselves personally in fraud of the Northern Pacific compauy. By the scheme they received about $18,500,000 For the purpose of disKuising tbe conaplracy-the Chicago & Northern Pa ciflc Railroad Company waa organized oy Villard, Colby, Hoyt a.id Abbot in November, 1889, with a capital atock ol $399,000, secured by mortgage on the property of the Chicago & Great West ern Company. It is alleged that $19, 950.000 bonds were delivered to the four men in question in payment for the diflereut properties muutioned, and their shares of capital atock in the three railroads In Chicago were assigned to the Farmers' Loan & Trust Com pany as the trustee. Villard and his associates then made to themselves, as owners and In control of the Wisconsin Central Company, a lease of 99 years of all property of the Chicago & Northern Pacific Company, subject to a lien of a $30,000,000 mortgage and other out standing mortgages. Then the Wis consin Central was leased to the North ern Pacific on a mortgage for 99 years. Villard was then chairman of the Northern Pacific aad two of his nssoci ciatea were director. This waa ar ranged so that iu addition to a profit of 10,350,000 already realized by them on the bonda, they would bo entitled to about one-third of the profits derived from the operation of the Chicago & Northern Pacific so soon as it became self supporting. The purpose of the suit is to have them restore to the Northern Pacific, or tho Chicago & Northern Pacific,. $10,850,000 of bonds and 04,250 shares of atock obtained for their Chicago properties. An account ing is sought at a fair mariet value ot the property at Harrlaon street and Fifth avenue, Chicago, and also of the three Chicago railroads. After deduct ing $1,049,000 encumbrances upon those railroads, the petitiouer asks that Vil lard, Colby, Hyt and Abbott bead judged to deliver to the Chicago & Northern Pacific all bonds of the com pauy received by them in excess of a fair market value of the property. He also asks for an accounting of the sum of money contributed by the Northern Paciflo to the Chicago & Northern Pa cific for the payment of Interest on tbe $30,000,000 mortgage, and to pay for' 04,350 sharea of the capital stock of tbe Chicago & Northern Paul Ho received by them at ita par value. is Life Worth Living? That depends npon tho Liver. If tho Liver ia inactivo tho whole sys tem is out of order tho hreath is bad, digestion poor, head dull or aching, energy and hopefulness gone, tho spirit is de pressed, a heavy weight exists after eating, with general despondency and the blues. Tho Liver ia tho housekeeper of tho health; and a harmless, simple remedy that acta like Nature, does not constipato afterwards or require constant taking, does not interfere with, business or pleasure dur ing its uso, makes &im nions Liver Regulator a medical perfection. vL?T? A08.t0du virtues jpersoMllr, and JiVhln "vadaohelt l tha boat medi, Sihi-thlworh,eve MW JIve tried fortr ?i,i'Sfi..r'moai beforo Simmons Uv lleiruUtur, and none of them gavo mora not only relle veJ but cured. U.U. Jones, Maoau.(HW World's Fair, Chicago. UflTEl tynBetAvnueandSUi8tt. HUlCL " ""'! room! naVU S-J rr'm$5Zr:$3 AN EFFECTIVE WEAPON. One nnndred a Day Wm Good Knougli For Him. "Yon can'alwayu tell -how green a man may bo by the color you think ho is," said the drummer sententiously, and the hotel clerk ran his eyebrows np into interrogation points. "No," he went on, as if tho clerk had put hla question into words, "no, you can't. Lost week I was in New York, and one night I went down to sleep by the sea." "On a bench in Battery park?" in quired the disingenuous clerk. "Of course not," retorted' tho drum mer, "down at one of the nearby sum mer resorts. Well, aa I was saying, when I got there and had registered at one of the swell hotels a country look ing citizen stepped up and took my place beforo the book. Ho wroto his name and looked up at the dignified and im perious young man behind the counter. " 'Got any rooms, young feller,' he said, 'fer about one dolyer per day? " 'Certainly not,' waa the haughty and disgusted reply. " 'How's yer rates anyhow?" " 'Well, you can get a suit for a hun dred dollars a day,' ho said, with tho air of ono man expecting to see the other man drop dead. " 'Good enough,' responded the coun tryman without turning a hair. Til take that kind for five days and pay in advance. Can you chango a bill for me?' and he slapped a new $1,000 Wil liam that must have looked a yard long to the clerk. Whether it did or not, ho grew red in the face, said he'd have to see the landlord, couldn't raise over $150 in chango to save his life that early in the season, and while ho was trying to apologizo the countryman stuffed the bill in his pocket and went across tho street to another hotel. "That evening I talked with him on the beach, and ho said he was nicely fixed at $3 a day for a month. Then ho laughingly told me he carried that bill along with him to slug higkfalutin hotel clerks with, and he called it a thousand dollar hillie because it knocked them every time." Detroit Preo Press. Hood's Cures Mr. J. A. Wlicclcr " During the War I was taken ill with spinal illsenso and rheu matlsm. When I camo home my trouble wai still with me, and I was confined to my bed, unable to help myself, lor 22 months. After taking seven bottles ot Hood's Sarsa parllla I was well, liavo not been troubled with my old complaints. My wife was In 111 health, suffering with headache, dizziness and dyspepsia. Sho took two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla nnd feels like n aetr nomiin." J. A. WiiKELKn, 1000 Division St.. Baltimore. Hoc id's. Pills act easily, jet promptly nu en uciently, on the liver and bowels. Bids Wanted. Bids will be received by the asylum hoard of trustees, until noon, Sept. 18, 1893. for hauling brick from the peni tentiary to the asylum farm. For par ticulars, apply to L. L. Rowland. 9-13-td Supt. Deutscher Advocat. P0ST0FFICE BLOCK, - - SALEM, OR. Admitted to practice in all the courts. Special attention given to German speak ing people and business at the county and state ofllces. E HOPKR, Notary IMbllo. MAKE NO WORE .MISTAKES OHAKLES A. SMITI! RUNS Tie Rustler Food Saw And he doesn't burn up half your wood, In fuel, when he 6a ws It. Hake your contract with hlrn personally orlvaveoraereaiVeatcbs elgar store I (ear bora's book atore,48d Hummer street, or addresa me by mill. 6-lltl H0WARD, The House Mover. 451 Marion Street. Has tho best facilities tor movlntr and rain. tne houses. .Leave orders at Uray Bros., or .Q.IOl,U13UU, SMITH BROS., CONTRACTORS & PLASTERERS. . Iveordeni at CotUe-llirkhnrst block jwm l5,Halera,Orrcon. . A GOOD CHANCE ! Allgoodaat V. M. Barpeanl'a will he sold at the regular price for the next spdaysaUOper cent, discount for casb. THE PACIFIC DBJECnVB AND O0LLPXG BUREAU Prtrkte work rcldty. ft B. CLEiUCXT, Vuur, NO DISEASE GERMS! Your You can use it with success for all cooking purposes. TUB NEW WILLAMETTE STABLES Completed aud ready to wait on customers. Horses poarded by day or week at reasonable prices. We keep a full line of Trucks, DrayB and Express to meet all demands. Also keep the finest Stallions In this countv, for eervice. Barn and residence 2 block Bouth of postofilce. ' ' RYAN & CO. ' CIvKAN. If you would be clean and have your clothes donekup in the neatest and dressiest manner, take them to the SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY where all workjlis done by white labor and in the most prompt manner. . COLOJNEL J. OLMSTED, Liberty Street. CHURCHILL1 Ptimps, Piimps.Pamp BURROUGHS State Street. J. W. TflQRNBHRG, THE UPHOLSTERER Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in tbe trade enables me to turn out flrat-class work. Bamplea of coverings. No trouble to t;ive estimates. State Insurance biook, Cbemeketa street. THE LEADING INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN PAPER OF THE CHEAPEST I Receiving all the y Associated Press ., Dispatches, DAILY BY MAIL,PERYE4R;:' ;; a a These low hnrd times raUs.nable, every ifajmfr to have his daily paper and know tbe news of the world. Editorial comment is fearless and independent. Edited by its publishers to secure good government, for the people, able to deal justly and fairly with all. Complete Telegraphic, State, Capital, For eign, Market apd Cropjews. - . TRY "ONE 25 Cents a Month. $3 a Year, Postpaid. The Only One Cent Newspaper on the Coast. More news than any sis weeklies that ost 9 to $12 a year. No patera sent after tjmq 5s put. An IiilepeaOeii Paper far All Sirtfi ef Readers. 1 ..?9P?. QTHERS, .' - ii. Can possibly exist in a food that has been heated to more than 2120 Fahren heit.. Every particle of the GJILBOBDEK EAGLE BRAND Condensed Milk is sterilized by this enormous heat and is therefore a perfectly healthy food. Thousands of children are annually reared on it and in times of con tagious diseases it is safe, healthy and nourishing. For 30 years it has stood First. Buy it and take no substitute. Grocer and Druggist sell it, 9 V mw .. 1. aipup 103 VALLEY. I-K! a Don j, n. slate of the market and all the THE I DAILY!" $1,00 for 4 Months Edjtors and'PubliBhera, Sftlfu, Oregon. w SPA PERr p we Nenie I