WTv? ITii hi i Hfctm -mrt VmCQG CAPITJLL JOmtKXIi, WEPXESDAT, SETEMBEH 18 1894. FALL AND Notwithstanding the hard times storaiffnam the faw,re have IMPORTED A FINER AND LARGER STOCK of Dress Goods, and Ladies', Misses' and Childrens Wraps, than ever before. Ladies of Salem and vicinity need no longer send their money out of Salem for their DRY GOODS? as we can save them money besides keeping the money at home Our stock comprises many of the finest varieties of German and French manufacture and it will pay you to ex amine our line of Dress Goods and Jackets before purchasing. THE PALACE 307 Commercial Street. - IF - Xoa are coin j to bulWKr make anr Hnd ImproTemeaf. call oalthe underrifned tor materlaL We bare a complete stock, and are re4j to supply anr prepared contract, sewer work, jrradinj, etc Salem Improvement Co. At the Opeba Hocbe. A large au dience witnessed the wcoud perform ance of Wade's Comic Opera companj last night and were highly pleased bj tneexcellent rendition of Gilbert kSul livan'a production "Pinafore." Espe cial hita were made by Miaa ReU Oougb, Miaa Trixie Wade, John and .Louie Baker and Gilbert Gerard. The scenery was deserving of mention. It mav be truthfully said that no better presentation of "Pinafore" was eyer made to a Salem audience. The com pany will present tonight the charm ing opera of "Mascot," and should be greeted by a packed bouse. m A Fine Office. Mips R. F. Hall has been made general agent of the Vutvl company for the Pacific coast. For five years sbo has hud charge of the company's local business here, and recognizing her ability and adaptation to the work she has been promoted to the general agency. Miss Hall will still make her headquarters here where she will be moat of the time. The rooms of the home ofllce have been newly car peted and furnished with new uphol stery, making a very comfortable place. When away looking after local ageucles a representative can be found at the Balem office. Bad Rains. Frank J. Beatty of the Ls Blsb fruit farm, commenced loading a car of fruit last week for the Chicago market, and by the time his men were in the midst of the picking thoraln commenced. It kept up to suou t.n extcnttbat he is now compelled to abandon shipment and dry It. He Bays the fruit would have netted him 3 cents per pound on the tree, which makes fruit raising very profitable. FlOHTKRS RfcOOVEWNO. M. W. Smith, who received three bullet wounds during the fracas on the Island not long since, has do far recovered from Lis Injuries as to bo able to be about agalu. He was In town today. The elder Htablbuch was also In town today and with his two sons, is recovering from the Injuries received in the fight Corvollla News. No I'io Tails Wanted. There la a general disposition not to allow China men to work In the hop yards of Ore gon. All the money they get Is carried to their heathen land and benefits no one In this country. There are plenty of white people who need all the work offered on the Puclflo coast and they should havo it. Tho American people have no use for tho pig tails. Cottuge drove Leader. To Compete With the 8. P. A stock company Is being formed In Eu gone to build u boat to ply the Willam ette river from Eugene to Albany. The purpose of the company is to have reas onable transportation connecting them with tho Oregon Puclflo. This is be cause of the extorllouat rate charged by the Boutheru Paolllo. Ruoovekinq, Tho ninny friends of Rectnr Luud will bo pleased to know that he Is recovering. He he had a aevereattaok of nervous prostration and Iwart trouble. Wholksalk Pricks, Ladies vest ltd combination suits at 65 end C5c,s worth fully 75a ami (1.25, at the Ladles' Jkaaar, State Insurance block. OrALB. We uvo a few "opal" ptatM k'ft, and until they are gone, we will make opal pictures at a reduced wee. K perry, the artist, Commercial tret corner Court, Salem. tl-tf WllkiBS Restaurant. At the fair grounds catches the Uuu imla. Best hot meals for 25 ota lu the ety, Toleflof electric railroad plat fowl. d8t The Best Meals . WINTER. DRY GOODS AND SHOE COMPANY, PEESONAL AND LOCAL. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. I. Thompson are home from a trip to Newport. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pogb have returned from the seaside. Sailor and walking hats bargains for cash, at Mrs. Fiester's. 9-11 tf THE Faik is headquarters for bar gains in everything. M. H. Fayle, mayor of the prosper ous little city of Grants Pasa, is a guest at the Willamette this week. The official fair program andadver tlsergolten up by Major Caufield.isa very neat specimen of workmanship and convenient to have during the fair. The firm of Jones & Bernardl expect to move their business Into the D'Arcy block early next week. Bee Dearborn's window for a fine dis play of stationery in the latest styles and shades. Go to Clark & Eppley for the best sweet potatoes In town. Rev.- W. E. Copeland will bwgln next Sunday night a course of lectures on the relation between science and re ligion, the subject of the first lecture being "Tho new earth." Headquarters for Bartlett pears at Clark & Eppley's. The mountain of brick on High street will soon assume the graceful proportions of a modern city ball, as designed by City Architect Pugh. Headquarters for the best peaches on earth at Clark & Eppley's. Southern Oregon peaches and water melons are the finest in the world. So are California grapes. John G.Wright is headquarters for both. He is also the leader In a line stock of all kinds of fruits and vegetables. The crack salmon catch is reported by Judge Burnett from Tillamook, where City Attorney Bingham, Mrs. Bingham, and Mrs. Burnett caught a 20 pound Chinook, while trolling. t)f course the whole statement Is official. Mrs. D. L. Fienter has jUBt received by express the latest thing in fall sail ors. See them. It was M. Wilklns, of Lane couuty, who was added to the state agricult ural society, and not A. Wilkins. Mr. Wilklns was one of Oregon's world's fair commissioners. Judge Galloway, of McMlunvllle, succeeds J. T. Appearson as president of the old state Agrlculfural society, and will also succeed him as president of the state board of agriculture. A. F. Miller, of the old society, was chosen secretary, John Savago, of Pendleton, Henry Shoemaker, J. G. Grilley, C. M. Par menter, ami C. F. Lansing, of Salem, are the state fair pavilion marshals a very efllclent force. WIIIF. Byars, of Portland, Is In the city taklug lu the state fair. Mies Grace M, Dick who has been a guest at the Willamette the past three mouths, left for her home In Ban Fran Cisco this morning. Frank Glover, of Lebanon was In the city today. John Holcomb and sister Miss Hen rietta, of Oregon City arrived on the morning train and will be la attend ance at the fair this weeK. Rev. Hutchlus will speak at the Gos pel meeting at the W, O. T. U. tent on on tho fair grounds, tonight Sept 13. A. D. Gardner,proprletor of tho Stay tou flourlug mills, Is In the city today. The agricultural college regents aro to meet at the state house this after uoou. Simmons Liver Regulator, bear In mlud. Uuot an experiment. It Is en- dorsed by thousands, POI.ICE L'OUKT. Q. F. Fredericks and Will. Conroy, were today houudj over by Recorder Edes, for advertising a lottery scheme. m Pills promote oonstlpatlou Simmons Liver lU'uulatnr ouri-a constipation. Nothing drastlo In TUTT'eJ PILLH.i in the City at .-..- Pummel I (OooUnncd from lint pae.) lowing list of contributors to that tine list of fruit: Geo. WhlUker, Browns Inland, Mar ion ceunty: Bed Rosslan apples and Crawford peaches. Major Walker, Polk ceunty: Bald win, Gloria Mundi, Twenty Ounce. Lady, Gravenstein, Rhode Island Greening, Blue PermaJu. J. H. Sbepard, Zena: Italian and Petite prunes, Gravenstein apples. Samuel Clark, Candelaria fruit farm. Salem: Italian, Petite, Beineclaude. Hungarian and Seedling prunes; Co lumbia and Bradsbaw plums; Bartlett pears. Mrs, Manpfleld, Mt, Taber: Petite prunes, Egg plums, Fall Batter and Pound pears. ' eamuel Craft, ML Taber: King of Tomkins Co.. Strawberry and Sweeting apples, Columbia and Green Gage plums, Bartlett pears. Charles 8nyder, Marion county, Hun garian prune; Baldwin, Blue Permaln and Dutch Meignone apples. A. Kiel, Marion county, apples, Bald wins, Pippins, Spltzenburg; Italian prunes and Green Gage plums. Seth Lewelllng, Milwaukee, apples, Graveostien, Strawberry, Sweeting, Lady; pears, plums, prunes and crab apples. L.E. Pratt, Salem, Carolina Red June apple. J. Christie, Grants Pa.s, fjresa de Agen prune, pears, apples and water melons. George A. Jackson, Central Point, watermelons. Mary Woodcock, Clackamas, Silver prune. Wm. Powell, Ashland, apples, peaches, pears. - Perry Raymond. Salem, Bartlet pears and. branches of plums and moun tain ash. W. H. Holmes, hops,! from ranch near town. THE ART DEPARTMENT. There is a modest corner occupied by the work of a member of the Art Stu dents League of New York Miss Lena M. Knight. As an frt illustrator In magazine and newspaper work Miea Knight has won an enviable distinction by years of patient devotion. The col lection embraces a great variety and is worthy of a special visit. There is more really meritorious art work shown than ever before, probably based on the hope that this year there would be judges who were competent to judge from technical standards. Another collection by a member of the New York Art Lesgue Is by Miss Myra Al bert who showed eight subjects in oil, a marine, still life, fruit and a figure. The work is nearly all from nature and Oregon at that, which makes it doubly interesting. ART EMBROIDERY. There are many individual displays, but the largest collection of silk em broidery is by Miss Christina Oberg, a teacher of art needlework at Portland. This lady has a large display of accept ed work at the world's fair. Another line exhibit of this work is by Mrs. Jones, a Salem teacher in this line of work. Mrs. Frank Hughes has a beautiful case of artistic china and embroidery. Miss Mae Carpenter has also a case of art china. Miss Ada Brevman, who was connected with the art department at the world's fair, has too exquisite cases of china. Salem may well feel proud of these exhibits. OIL PAINTINGS. Mrs. Wm. England has a large and choice display of portraits and a life study in the nude. Mrs. Geo. F. Smith has a large collection of various land scapes In oil, thirteen pieces making a very rich display. A collection of flower painting by Miss Maude Folger Smith, of Portland, and also several fruit pieces attracted deserved atten tion. The ilower collection In oil was I very much enhanced by Borne work of Mrs. Mem Chapman, ofHalem. Children's art work is well represent ed by Miss Riueman's collection of an- 1 Imal crayons. It Is rather unusual to Isee such a variety of subjects treated by a mere child and Miss Rluemau prom ises well to be an artist of some merit. I Harold Gilbert has beeu a regular con jtrlbutor to this department, and his ! showing this year Indicates great prog ress, lie nas a very line cow's head. There ts a flue show of marine and still life studies by Individuals. THEOARRI60N SHOW. J. M. Garrison has 150 of his thor oughbreds and has really made a ureal sacrifice to be a hand as usual and is a D&PRJCFS USPowder The only Pure Cxeaiu of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alms. Used in Millions of Homes An Vdars th StatncUnA STRONG'S RESTAURANT, ..j i show all by himself. His light Brah- mas, JfJymootfi Kocfcs, wyanaoues and Brown Leghorns attracted a good share of attention and he has a lot of young stock for sale, There are a num ber of other exhibits but the poultry show would be a failure but for Garri son. There is a Chinese golden pheas ant In the collection that Is a wonder in all respects. It is part of the Garri son collection. SPECIAL BUSINESS. The City Council Meet and Attend to Some Special Matters. At the special meeting of the council last nigh t,the general license ordinance in lt amended fom passed. The committee on streets and public property reported that Mr. Anson, of the Consolidated Street Railway Co., bad agreed to remove obstructions, in the way of wood from Trade, Mill and Liberty streets. The committee on Are and water re ported adversely on the clustering of old wooden buildings, in the rear of the bricks, on Commercial street, south of Bush's bank. The matter was re ferred to the city attorney. An order in favor of J. E. McCoy, for $150 on his contract, for repairing the big bridge, was ordered. On announcement by the city attor ney, of the supreme court decision, in favor of the city, the recorder was In structed to give notice of the proposed collection of tax, due on the system,of improvements involving the original ordinance. The question of piling up material for the new city hall, a year before the city will get any use of It, and paying for srme was argued, uroea oeing deem ed ly opposed to It, No action was taken in the matter. A warrant was ordered issued to the city marshal directing the collection of all delinquent taxes due on the State street Improvement. James Yates was declared a common drunkard. The ordinance authorizing bonding the city's indebtedness as it existed February 15, in the sum of $59,500 was referred to the committe on ways and means after first reading. The ordinance awarding the contract for the Oak street improvement for $570 28 passed. Several bills against the city were presented and referred to the various committees. A Silver Speech. O. A. Phelps, of Santa Barbara, Cal late of Colorado, a man posted on the silver question, will speak at tbe state Insurance ball on Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. All Interested in this question, are cordially invited to attend. Admission free. Dairy Meetings. The regular an nual meeting of the State Dairy associa tion was held at the court house this afternoon to elect officers. Prominent dairy men present are: C. H. Bmitb, Secretary Williamson, President John Looney. Citizens.-John Pflffner, Mendelln, 8hlafle and Bonface Kapelle today de clared their Intention to become citi zens. Joseph Joho and John Baettig were made full citizens. AGAIN. John Holm has again opened a blacksmith shop In Salem, at rear of Cook's hotel. All, friends In vited to give him a call, and get work done In the best manner. 9-8- lm THE MARKETS. Ban Francisco, Bept. 13. Wheat, December $1.10. Chicago, Sept, 13. Cash, 601; De cember 72. Portland, 8ept. 13. Wheat valley, .92J.95; Walla Walla .82J"85. MAIUUKD. REED-RE ID. Wednesday, Sept 13, 1893, at Chattanooga, Tenu., Elsie Evangeline Reed to Jackson Chase Reid. The groom will be remembered as an old Salem boy, and a former clerk at The Fruit Palace store. DEATHS. PU I'NAJI.-Tuesday, September. 12, 1893, at the home of bis son at Eola, Polk couuty, Newton Putman. First-Class Meals. Fine home cooked hot meals at all hours by tbe Presbyterian Ladies Aid society to left before you enter State Fair. 25 cents. 912 3t Most of our ailments come from a dis. ordered liver which Simmons Liver Regulator cures. Sons of Veterans, Attention. Capt. C. A. Hermann, of Oregon City, delegate to the national encamp ment, will be present Thursday night to address Bumpier Camp. Let all members attend. All visiting sons of veterans, members of the Grand Army and sons of Union soldiers, sailors or marines over eighteen not members of tho Sons, are cordially invited to be present. House Robbed. The residence of Samuel Phillips, near Zena, Polk coun ty, was entered and robbed Monday, September 11,- of nearly every portable article of value, besides three notes. One for $600 payable to M. F. Phillip?, due January 1, 1894 and credited on the back with $100, signed by W. B. Dun can; one for $200 dne one day after date, given about August 8, 1893. payable to Samuel Phillips; one for $100 dated December 6, 1893, payable to J. N. Bkaife. The Foot Races. In a 75 yard foot race, between Braitbwait and Young, this forenoon, the former won by two feet in a little less than eight seconds. There are to be several more races of this sort. Summer Weakness And that tired feeling, loss of appetite and nervous prostration are driven away by Hood's Barsaparilla, like mist before tbe morning sun. To realize the benefitof this great medicine, give it a trial and you will join the army of en thusiastic admirers of Hood's Sarsapar 111a, Sure, efficient, easy Hood's Pills. They should be in every traveler's grip and every family medicine cneat. vac a box. To Trade for Goods. Valuable timber and farming lands in Lincoln county in tracts of 10 to 160 acres. Will trade for general merchan dise. Address, Peek & Russell, 9-5 lm Yaquina, Oregon. Largest Gun In the World. Is on exhibition at tbe great world's fair. You ought to see it. This Is the month of months to visit tbe fair, pleas ant days, cool nights, delightful travel ing weather. Maximum comfort enroute to Chi cago on tbe vestibuled limited trains of tbe Chicago, Union Pacific fc North western line. See your nearest Union Pacific agent for rates or other informa tion. 12-9-tf Economize in Paper. Clean newspapers, tied in bundles of 100, not cut, for sale at this office at fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw wrapping paper, large sheets, two cents a pound. Next door to tbe postofflce. tf FALL OPENING PATTERN AND , TRIMMED HATS, Sailor and Walking Hals, the Latest in Children's Caps and Hats, Prices at Bed Rock fox SPOT CASH. MRS. Fl ESTER, CONTRACTORS. Sealed bid will be received by tbe Trustees ot tbe Lake Lablsb Drainage District, for deepening tbe lower end or their ditch In La bUh township, T. . 8. K. S W. The part to be improved is MOO feet ions, 3,652 cubic yards o! material will have to be excavated Tbe bid must state the amount tht the ditch will be completed tor.. nan, profiles and pecincllns are on flle In the otfloe of E. B. Henry.njglneer In charge or the work, room 7. Gray Hloik. Bid must be left with him on or before 3 o'clock p.m. Monday, Bept. 17, 1KW A eerlinedchec of 325 must accompany each bid as evidence of goad faith. The right to reject any and all bids la reserved. 9-lDtd iSids Wanted. Bids will be received by tbe asylum board of trustees, until noon, Sept. 18, 1893. for hauling brick from the peni tentiary to tbe asylum farm. For par ticulars, apply to L. L. Rowlhad. 9-13-td BupL WiHam ette Dniversi FIFTIETH TEAR. Oldest. Hlcbeatand Most Extended Institution of Learning in the Pacific Northwest. Sixteen courses of Instruction, from Grammar, through Academic and Col lege, to Theology, Law and Medicine. Splendid Courses for Training In Teaching, Business, Art, Elocution and Music Several Post Graduate Courses. Stronger and better than ever. It's Woman's College affords an Ideal home for young ladlea with unsurpassed facilities for their care and training. The school year opens Bept 4, 1893, For Year Book and all information relating to school management and coarse of study, address, AcUn Pre., W. a HAWXKV, LL.B..A It. For financial information, address, Xer. J, H. BOOBK, Agent, 8.22-dAw 8alem, Oregon. !27iCommercialSt B (MUST dllTI U OP MODERN TIMES is how cheap the1 "Woolen Mill Store is selling their Oregon madeVALL WOOL CLOTH ING. Get their prices before you buy. VJ00i VIM STORE SALEM, OREGON. "i NOTE THIS DOWN. Not this down In vonr memorandum oook. icai we are having; a special sale on Tinted Writing Paper; Our prices will astonish yon. We are elllnfc tbe finest kind of writing paper for ttM sheets of writing paper for 10c Call and; iBSWa 1U1 UICi I BWJ U i.WK i iK n 13 Mill Sa71I VIJS-1 assortment on oar Dargain counter. Pattern Bros., Booksellers and Stationers, 98 STATE BTKEKT. E. X. WAITE PRINTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AND Zegal Blank JPublisJiers. Bush's New Brlckver the bank, Ooml street. THE WILLAMETTE, 8ALEM, OREGON, Bates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel between 'Portland aad Ban Francisco. FlriUcUas In all Its appointment, its tables are served with the Choicest Fruits Grown In the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER. Prop. Portland's Great OPgNS SEPTEMBER 27 WILL FURNISH THK MCSIC. A WOfiLD OF MECHANICS IN HINIATUBE. THE SPECIAL FEATURES WILL ECLIPSE THOSE OF ANY PREVIOUS YEAR. MADAME GIRARD GYER'S PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN Constructed at a cost of 110,000 and throwing- a thousand Jets of water In al the colors of tb rainbow will beautify JAuslo ilaU. - LARGE AQUARIUMS, Containing flah ol all varieties found In Oregon watern.fcave been constructed at great txpenu THE ART GALLERY, Will contain a collection of paintings selected from tbe World's Fair. Among I hem Ell burg's celebrated painting Caster's Last Fight. To visit this great Exposition and !'" wonders in every department of Art and bclence, will be next thing to a visit to the W oriel -Falr at Chicago. . REDUCED RATE8 ON ALL TRANSPORTATION LINES. ... . or further Information address E W. ALLEN, 8-3-aw dw Mnperlniendent and Secretary. Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices. N. W. Cor. State and Liberty Sts. SALEM, OREGON. Recept WUlia Bros. , , " una iniw. Oi vu., will UD uioaotu w - visitors to the Oregon State Fair the largest and most complete jacketb' clothing, HAT8, ' CARPETS, TRUNKS AND VALTBE BLANKETS AND QUILTS, FINE SHOES. UNDERWEAR, -IN SALEM.- xAiaAnrs i xyxxy DBAncanr. WILLIS BROTHERS & CO. OPERA HOUHE CORNER, - BALKM, OREGON Westacoct & I iuM MKW ADTKKTIHEMEKTS. LOST. Arinrof Ireyn. The finder will t rewarded oy returning the same to Mof. (ett, the house mover S-1&& T OST. A pair of brown kid tiovfs.No.7. and set reward. tj-tt EURNHUED BOOMS for Ut ht houiekeep ins; for rent. No 182 Center street. 9-U-& 31UIS PArKK la kept on flle at E. C. Dakt's . Advertising Agency, St and 65 Merchants zchance.Ban Frandaco, California, where contract for advertising can be made for h. CHniSTlAN BCIENCE-Llteratare of an kltids on sale at 33$ liberty street. 4-5-ly FAIR WEEK Commencing September 11th, 1893. fade's Opera Comiqne Co. Comprising 30 Artists and Fine Orchettn will present the following Reperteire: Monday Tnesday Wednesday. Thurday Friday. Saturday .Mascot .PUttton .Patiesee Jllksdo -Hun JSrmbl GOOD MUSIC! STRONG MOS! Gortcous Costumes, Blde-splittlng Fun ! MAGNIFICENT SPECTACULAR DISPLAY! Don't fail to see this extraordinary attrac tion. Seats on Sale at Patton's, Industrial Exposition 1RQ3 OtOSBS OCTOBER 28 & Co., will be pleased to show; HOSIERY. GLOVE8, kTG Irvine, Prop'rsT 4 I rrtlU Kw lr FMMilicg iumJ Ignite. i V