Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, September 13, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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S5cts. a moatk by XaH
Prepaid In Advance.
No Papers Seat WImw
Time la Out.
Associated Press Daily,News-
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast.
$3.00 a Year.
VOL. 6.
STO. 2t6.
at the New York Eaoket, when so many merchants are com
plaining of dull trade ? If you will examine their goods and
prices you will quickly see the reason.
The New York Racket
sells reliable goods at reasonable
ana snoes are ot tne best t. Liouis make. All better grades
warranted. They carry a line of shirts, hats, working pants,
overalls, hosiery, , underwear, valises, table linens, counter
panes, lace curtains, and a general line of notions. They can
save you 10 to 20 per cent, on all goods in their line.
State Insurance Block.
H. W. 'COTTLE & CO.,
General Insurance Agency.
Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies: '
BTATE INSURANCE CO., iGtna Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., Bun Insurance Co.,
National Insurance Co., Westchester Fire Ins. Co.,
Ijlon Klre Insurance Co., Imperial Klre iDBurance Co.,
.London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Boo., London Assurance Corporation,
Alliance Assuraoco Uo Norwich Union Fire Ins.Boo.
Oldest and Leading Firm In the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in the trade
enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
cive estimates. State Insurance block, Chemeketa street
Ed. CX
E. Meeker & Co,,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMJPIiETON', Gen'l J gent.
Lamoureux's Stables,
West Printing
do better work than ever. Country orders receive prompt at-
803 Commercial Br.,
245 Commercial Street.
American Fire Insurance Co., Pblla.
Home Insurance Co., New York.
Uorwlch-Unlon Ins. Co., Liverpool.
Palatine Insurance Co.. Manchester.
OvwOne Million Dollars Deposed With State Treasurer of Oregon for
Protection of Policy Holder In Oregon oaly.
AH Losses Adjusted nd Paid Through Balem Agency on Policies Written
in Marion, Polk, Yamaiu ana uw -Also
Write Life and Accident Insurance in Beet Compn in the World.
W Mf
prices for cash. Their boots
. Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked meats of allfiUnds
95 Court mid
110 State Streets.
Has iusfc received some
of the latest faces of job
''type and is prepared to
Balem, Oregon.
- Agenta,
Western Assurance, Toronto, Canada.
Lancashire, Manchester, Eng.
Hamburg-Madeburg. Germany.
Home Mutual, Ban Francisco, Cal,
His Gang in the Big Ex
press Robbery.
By the Porlngese Govemmeit
Several Land Getters Fall Dead in
the Ranks.
Bill Dalton Suspected.
Chicago, Sept. 18. The detectives
who are working on the Lake Shore
train robbery case believe Bill Dalton
bad some connection with It, as he was
in this city within the last week.
CiiiOAao,Ill8.,Bept. 13. The amount
secured by the Lake Shore robbers is
now put at nineteen thousand dollars.
The chief detectives of Chicago place
little credence in the story that Bill
Dalton, the notorious southwestern
train robber, had anything to do with
the robbery. He says the best informa
tion indicates that the gang consisted
of seven men, of whom two were col
ored. New York Infected.
Lisbon, Sept. 13. The Portuguese
authorities have declared a cholera
quarantine against New York as an in
fected port.
The Land (Jotters.
Arkansas City, Bept. 13. The
crowd coming into the town is stupen
dous, being augmented hourly. Regis
tration goes slowly on, and many more
clerks are needed if nil now on hand se
cure registration.
Gamblers are plying their trade at
which there is much indignation and
-trouble feared. '
Three men died here this morning at
the booths, of dust and exhaustion.
An Oregon Highwaymen.
Klamath Falls, Ore., Sept. 13.
The highwayman who held up the
Agor stage Sunday afternoon, stopped
the same stage yesterday and relieved
two Chinese passengers of ninety dol
lars and returned to the driver, two
pension drafts, part of the spoils of his
first adventure. The express box and
mail pouches he left untouched this
A Lumpy Arm.
Wabuincjton, Sept. 13. A large
lump having developed on tbe right
arm of Secretary Carlisle, will, in a
day or two have a surgical operation.
Tbe lump has long resisted treatment,
and the secretary has suflered great
atrony. He has littio use of his arm
and has endeavored to keep the fact of
the approaching operation a secret.
Attached By a Mob.
Rome, Sept. 13. A mob of Italians
attacked Hungarian peasant at Deal-
yees and tried to burn the town hall.
The riot was quelled by troops after 25
were wounded. Tbe trouble was caused
by radical animosity.
Sudden Death.
London, Sept 13.-8urgeon Parke,
who was a member of both the Stanley
andEmln expeditions in Africa, died
suddenly on Sunday while vis ting the
Duke of St, Albans at Alta Craig.
Cures Scrofula
iaad tocul low condition
StwJik, k wm Uclt t could not lire.
Mii Cared my little boy of berUUry
M gerofuU, wMcb wied ftll orr
kW fe. For jrr I tu4 rl tea
up H fcoj ot kU wcowy. wmo anUy I wm
loVlOMd tO MS MHHMM A few bOttUS
cur4 him, and Hf ao rrmpUma of
In Oongross.
Washington, Sept. 18. Senate
Mills today giive notice that he would
address the senate Tuesday, when
Stewart's resolution for the committee
to ascertain whether seuators were in
terested In national banks came up.
Stewart addressed the senate lu adjo
cacy of it. After a few moments ho
diverged into a general dlscusatonof the
silver question.
Voorbeee suggested one week from
today aa a suitable time for closing tho
debate on tha repeal bill. Dubois, of
Idaho, objected. Shoup then addressed
the senate in opposition to repeal.
Though the bill to repeal the federal
election law Is to bo presented tomor
row In the house. It la not nrobable the
debate on the measure will begin before
Friday. The debate promises to be a
bittor partisan one.
House Talbert, of South Carolina,
Introduced a resolution directing the
currency oommlttea to immediately re
port the bill of McLurln, of South
Carolina, for Issue 'the hundred and
twenty-flve million dollars of treasury
notes, for the relief of tbe people. The
resoiutldn waa received with luugbter,
and objections, and the house went
Into committee of tbe whole on the
publlo printing bill.
Congressman Geary, of California,
states tbe administration's chango of
policy on the Chinese question is not in
favor of the passage of the Everett bill
suspending operations of tho Geary law
for one year.
The cabinet has just had u mooting
on the Clhnese subject.
Steamer Sunk.
Olympia, Wn., Sept. 13. The
steamer Multnomah, on her regular
trip to Seattle, struck a suukon pllo
about balf a mile from ilso wharf. She
put into the west side mill wharf,
landed twenty passengers, and then
sank. The damage is notyetkuown.
Seattle's Treasury Gone.
Seattle, Sept. 14. A statement was
made recently that City, Treasujor
Krug could not produce the (300,000
which tbe lost statement of the city
controller showed should be in tho
treasury. This caused tho city council
to make an Investigation. It resulted
In finding but $73,000 in tho city vaults
Treasurer Krug could not be found and
tho mayor has formally removed him
from ofllce, appointing Edward Graves
president of tbe Washington National
bank, acting treasurer. It is known
that Krug has gone to British Colum
bia. Millionaire Ames Dead.
New Yokk, Sept. 13. Frpderiok I.
Ames, the millionaire vice-president of
Old Colony railroad, and director of
tbe Union Paclflo, waa found dead this
morning. Rumors are prevalent that
an official examination and autopsy
would reveal the cause of tbe death to
be entirely diflerent from that glveu to
the public He Is reputed to bo worth
twenty-five millions.
Heresy Case.
Toronto, Sept. 13. Tbe trial of Prof.
Campbell for heresy began here before
tbe Montreal presbytery. The first
charge was "in view of the inspiration
of tbe scriptures discrediting there Is a
supreme and infallible source of relig
ious truth." After a lengthy and
heated debate tho charge was declared
proven by a vote of twenty-one to
Brutal Murder.
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Sept. 13,
Tboinas McCoy, aged 45, during a
drunken fight with Paul White, aged
21, smashed In the letter's skull with
an ax. McCoy was held for man
A Strange Vessel.
Panama, Sept. 13. A strange vessel
flying a red flag and cruising oil Msgda-
lena recently was pursued ly the Co
lombian guuboat La I'opa, but f Heeled
ber escape, sailing eastward. It is be
lleved she iiad arms on board fur the
revolutionist. She is probably the
.....l ,fif IhftH fun tfvinlllr!
since by a Venrzuelan revenue cutter
on Maracuoo.
Emperor William Gives His Peo
ple Some Taffy.
Crimea and Casualties from nil
Emporor William at Oarlsruha.
Berlin, Sept. 13. Emperor William
reviewed tho troops at Carlsruhe and
in response to a toast at a dinner given
m his honor In tho ovonlng by the
Grand Duke of Baden, the emporor re
ferred to his visit to Carlsruhc last
spring on his return from Italy, saying
that at that time the thought occurred
to him, Will tho German nation remain
to Its task or deviate from (ho path In
dicated by Emperor WllllamI and show
itself unworthy of tho good deeds of
Emperor Frederick as tho decisive hour
approached and it became necessary to
again direct tbe Germun people lu tho
right way? Ho thanked' the grand
duko and othor princes for the efforts to
bring forward their men to assomblo
around tho Imperial standards, and
said that through tholr united efforts
Germany stood arrayed in fresh armor
as tbe onco divine hero Heimdal stood
watching over tho peace of tho world,
Bio 'Janeiro Bombarded.
Rome, 8ept. 18. The Italian govern
ment has received a dispatch from Bio
Janeiro, dated yesterday, saying that
Admiral Demallos was informed by
representatives of foreign powers at
Rio Janeiro, that tho vessels of the In
surgent squadron would open flro on
the city's defences, at 9 o'clock this
morning (Wednesday), The forts In tho
buy vili bo tho first attacked separate
ly, it Is believed, and upon tbo result of
(.his bombardment the future move
ments of the rebels will be decided. In
consequence of this announcement ar
rangements havo been mudo to send
tho foreign war ships and merchant
vessel at Rio, to positions outside the
line of flro.
Trouble in South America.
Montevideo, Sept. 13. Brazil's
naval rebels are having it hard tlmo of
It. Hemmed In within tho bay of Rio,
they fear to run tho gaunlet of tho fort
and torpedoes at 'he entrance and put
out to sea, and an attempt to land has
been repulsed with considerable loss of
men. The Brazilian minlstor lioro re
ceived n telegram yesterday saying that
the rebel squadrons had fired upon NJc
thorey, a suburban town near tho en
trance to tho harbor of Rio. Tho in
surgents then tried to effect a lauding
with some of their men In small boats,
but were repulsed by the police, rein
forced by some troops with Krupp
guns. Fifty-one of the rebels were
killed and thirty moro wounded. Tho
government Josses lu tbo encounter are
not reported. Tho land forces and tho
garrison in tho forts remain loyal to
President Pulxoto. Rio and Nlcthorey
havo been declared In a state of siege
for tho last ten days, and this condition
may be extended to any part of Brazil
whero It Is deemed necesrary. The
rebel squadrou shows no Inclination to
leave tbo bay, The Brazilian gunboat
Bahla has gone up to Paraguay river,
with orders in case any of tbo ships at
Matto Grosao Join in tbe revolution
against Pelxoto to engage with them.
In South Africa.
GAl'UToWN, Sept, 13. DUquIetlug
news is received from Fort Victoria.
Large bodies of Matabeles In full fight
ing order are on the frontier of tbe
chartered company. Numbers of fright
ened Maabouas stampeded in Fort Vic
toria, where preparations are being
made against a determined attack by
force. Mounted troops were sent out
to Investigate, wltb tho result that all
settlers were called Into the fort, bring
ing alt the arms, food and ammunition
obtainable. It Is feared the bostlln
will capture tho trooper's horse.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Excepting Only in Point of At
Somo of tho Agricultural Premi
ums Atrnrdod.
The Blato board or agriculture aro
making horolo struggles to save the
stato fair from financial ruins.
Tho peoplo simply havo not got tbo
monoy to pay gato foes with, to say
nothing of othor inoidental expenses
attending visits to tho fair from a dis
tance. Of course, all with free passes
aro present. Those who expect to get
50 eta to (6,00 on bed quilts, orooheting
and canned fruits arolu attendance
long enough to entor their exhibits.
The Chicago world's fair has taken
tbe financial life out of every stato fair
lu tbo nation and Oregon Is no excop
tlon. Tbo Iowa stato fair ran $10,000
behind paying expenses and gets $50,
000 from tho stato. Pooplo who did
not go to Chicago are saving to go to
the midwinter fair at Sun Francisco.
But this combination of evils is per
haps better to have come on In a year
when tho fair was havo u
The Oregon stato agricultural soci
ety held its thirty-third annual meet
ing at the of II co of tho sooloty on tho
fair grounds Tuosday night, the meet
ing being called to order by President
Wm. Galloway, with Secretary A. F.
Miller at tho desk.
Oiucors wero elected for the ensuing
years as follows; Wm. Galloway, pres
ident; J. G. Wright, vlco president; A.
F. Mlller,ecrotury; A. Bush, treasurer.
M. Wilklns was re-elected member of
the state board crt agriculture.
J. T, Gregg, John G. Wright and
Wm. Galloway woro appointed n com
mittee to proparo resolutions on the
death of R. E. Bybee, Dr. Paytou and
T. McF. Putton, members of tho soci
ety. Tho following named were elected
life members of the soeloty: John G.
Wright, W. L. Slraoral, W. H. Savage,
A. F. Miller, O. P. Miller, Al. Cart
wright, Henry Fletoher, Amos Wil
klns, C. M. Parmenter, I. L. Simpson,
D. H. Loonoy, A. F. MoAtce, J. R.
Wilson, 7u F. Moody. Dr. Jas. Whithy
oombe, R. O. Hawley, John Stewart,
Van B. DeLashmutt. W. F. Matlock,
J. T. Hurst.
Tbo society adjourned to meet on
Friday evening at tbe samo placo.
The Judges of tho races wero Messrs.
Loouey, Matlock and Simpson and
Mlnto and Baker kept time on tho
racers. Wrlgbt and Collins acted as
Tho first race on tho progani was for
2-year-old pacers for a Btake and f 250
added. Parker's Altawood was the
only entry and the black filly went
round the course In 2:20J and took tho
3-hinutk tiiot.
Barrow Bros.' b g De Linn,
Multnomah Barrow 3 112 2 1
J. W. Ballev'a br s King
Patchen, Mombrlno King
RowtMembrlBo.Mosler 2 2 2 112
T.O. Powell's b g Oliver
Twist, Graduate Berd
Henry 18 3 8 8 8
TJme-2:37i,i:3o,, 2:35, 2:37, 2:80, 2:30.
The third was a running mite dash
for 2-year-olds for stake and f 250 and
here Is the recerd:
Phillip Painter's br f Verde Paul. St,
Paul Ree 1
William Cribble's b f Manetta, HU
Pul . Byrno 1
Time 2:00.
Tbo last race of the day was a three
elghU mile dash for a purse f 1)00.
J, WhlUet'sgr g Gray Cap unknown
................ uaiuraitii a
F. M.B turkey's g Cyclone, Ironclud
clad............... Uozviii'iu 1
J. O, Thorp's br g Funny, unknnwu
. ... Reea 2
Time 80.
The Judge took the entry books from
the secretary's ofllce yesterday morn
ing and during the day the work of
passing upon tho merits waa paosecuted
and by evening the following award
uad oee. uuneuueed:
R. Soott, superintendent; James
WIthycombo and L. N. Grabel, judfes.
J. H. Albert, Salem, bull 2 years and
under 3, 1st.
D. H. Looney, Jefferson, bull 3 yeara
and over, bull calf under 12 mo., cow
8 and ovor, cow 2 and under 8, cow-1
anduuder2, heirer calf linger 12 mo.,
herd of 0 smlumln, Is'; sumo, cow 3 aud
ovor, o-w2 and un.lor 8, oiw 1 and un
der 2, heifer under 1, herd of 6 animals
1 bill 1 1 and 4 cows, 2d.'
F. W. Durbln, Howell, bull 2 at d
under 3, cow 3 and ovor, cow 1 and un
der 2, bull calf under 1, helftir under 1,
1st; cow 1 and under 2, 2J; herd of 6,
and cow any ago, 1st.
H. W. Cottlo, Salem, bull 3 and over,
cow 2 and undor 8, bull any ago, sweep
Btakes, 1st: cow 3 or over, cow 2 and
under 3, herd of 5, 2d.
J. L. Parrlsli, Salem, 1st on cow 8 and
ovor, cow 2 and under 8, heifer calf un
dor 1, and herd of A.
Hnmlln Smith, superintendent: Geo.
Goodbuo and O. D. Nairn, Judges.
11. W. Carov. Salem. lBt on ram over
d, ram over 1 and under 2, pair ram
lambs, ewo over 2,owe over 1 and under
2, pair owe lambs.
John Mlnto. Balem. 1st on ram over
2, ram over 1 and undor 2, and pair
ram lambs.
John Mlnto, Salem, 1st on buok over
2 aud buok ovor 1.
J. W. MoKinnoy, Turner, 1st on ram
ovor 2; and 1st aud 2d on ram 1 and
undor 2, ewo over 2, ewe 1 and under
2, 1st on pair ram and pair ewe lambs,
Jas. WIthycombo, Portland, 1st oa
ram over 2, ram overland under 2,
owe over 2, ewo over 1 aud under 2.
J. D. Nairn, Bellevue, let on ram
overland under 2, ewo over 2, pair
ram lambs and pair owo Itunba, 2d on
ewe over 2.
BURorsimiEs and oraded.
E. O. Cross, Salem, 1st on ram over
Jas. Wlttycombo, Portland, 1st on
ram over 2.
E. O. Cross, Salem, 1st on pair ewe
Georglo Blmeral, Maoleay, 1st on ewe
ovor 1 aud under 2; Roy Blmeral, Mao
leay, 2d on same.
Claggett & Son, Balem, 1st on buok
over 1 and under 2, ewo over 2, owe
over 1, pair ewe lnmbs; diploma on sin
glo ewe.
A. F, Miller, superintendent: Thos.
Paulson, A. F, McAfee, Judges.
Douglas & Co., Springfield. 1st and
2d on creumery butter not less than 10
Mrs. F. A. Wolfe, FalU City. 1st on
25 pounds packed dairy butter, Mrs.M,
Carr, Falls City, 2d on same, IC. L.
Uluuard, Hllvertou, 2d best 10 pounds
BaruhA. Condlt. Aumsvllle. 1st on
best 10 pounds In pound priuts, butter
made by famines on the farm In the or
dinary work of manufacture: Mrs. K,
J2. Wandt, Salem 2d on esme;Mrs, D.
McKlbauey, Whitaker, 2d ou best 26
pounds packed farm butter.
Mrs. J, Condlt, Turner, 1st oa 10
poundajvrsey butter; 2d on 25 pound
packed butter.
The oxblblt of the Thos. Kty weefea
mills of 841111 wua yesterday fm4
upon by th special committee and the
uwurd nf first premium wm made in
Mr. K y for (tie tu-xi ilUp n.v it iuunu
fMO'ured woolen giMiis,
Ctias. Walt, who uot uu aud fee
oharge of the apleudld dtyIy at tH
aiuie rair paviuon baa given im the M
Htwuaoa roariu ptKf.)