Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, September 11, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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jasY-JiifJCG OAFil(Ali JOUBSUi. itdiTDAY,!SEPTiarBEll 11, IMS.
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Capital Journal Publishing Company.
Poalofflce Block. Commercial Btreet.
HOFER BROTHERS, - - - Editor.
Dally, by carrier, per months
Dally, br mall, per year,
Weekly, S pages, per year
By the free coinage of silver Is meant
that any person owning silver may
take It to trie mints of tbe United States
6d,bave It coined into full legal tender
money. It does not allow that this
siut be done free of charge. The gov
ernment may or may not make a charge
for coinage. The term "free" does .not
necessarily mean a coinage free of ex
pense, bnt the freedom of the Individu
al to have the silver comeu into money,
jot as any wheat owner la free to take
bis grain to a mill and have it ground
Isto floor.
The gold owner has this freedom at
tbe mints. He may freely take bis
gold there and have It coined. The
silver owner could do the game thing
previous to 1873. and no one np to that
time questioned the wbdom of the law.
Since then it has not been so, and all
the free coinage men now demand thai
silver be given tbe eatne right at the
mint that it had previous to 1673, tbe
same that gold still enjoys. We bold
that the gold owner Is no better than
the silver owner, and that silver money
la just as good as gold money; and that
to have gold and silver both as money,
as it was previous to 1873, is better for
the people, aa it enlarges tbe money
supply, doubles the debt and tax pay
ing power of the people, gives better
prices for products and fuller employ
ment to labor. Progressive Farmer.
Sard Hits
at Him by
Hatched. One Simon
Who wants a gold or single standard?
The moneylender.
Who wants to demonetize sliver?
Tbe moneylender.
Who wants to retire the greenback?
Tbe moneylender.
Who wants national and state bank
Tbe moneylender.
Who wants a system of finance which
Is subject to manipulation to the extent
that panics can be produced?
The moneylender.
Who holds the majority of mort
gages? Tbe moneylender.
Who crowds tbe mortgagee and fore
closes mortgages?
The moneylender.
Who bids in tbe property at a very
low price?
Tbe moneylender.
Who gets the benefit of tbe sacrifice
The moneylender.
Who makes landlords on the one side
and tenants on tbe other?
The moneylender.
Who la responsible for tbe process
which crowds more of the products of
the soil and of labor into the dollar?
The moneylender.
Who controls the national indebted
nosa of tbe entire civilized world?
The moneylender.
Who ruined Australia ?
The moneylender.
Who ruined Iudla?
The moneylender,
Who has bis clutches on tbe throat
of the world's industries?
The moneylender.
Who caused the spark of life to de
part from Rome?
The moneylondor.
Who caused tho collapse of Babylon?
Tbe monoylender.
Who put tbe exception clause oa tbe
back of tbe greenback?
The money lender.
Who passed tbe national banking
Tbo moneylender.
Wbo contracted tbe currenoy in 1806-
Tbo moneylender.
Who demanded tbe credit-strength-enlngaot?
The monoylender.
Who demonetized silver?
The monoylouder.
Who caused tho panto of 1873?
The moueylender.
Who dlotated tbo resumption act?
The ruonoylendor,
Who opposed the Bland silver law?
The rnouoylender.
Who took gold out of tbe country?
The moneylender.
Who is responsible for tbe present
Htottey panto?
Tbe moneylender.
Who will be the gainer In the flu.
41 ( for existeno that is. now bolug
TtM MMaeyleader,
Who is ever looking out for No. 1 and
Tbe money.lender.
Whom must tbe people dethrone in
order that they may gain compltte In
dependence? The moneylender.
m i , aga
Tbe Athena Republican thus philos
ophizes on tbe value of its city's war
rants, which are at present below par:
"There is no reason why our city war
rants are not better than national bank
notes which are also"promises to psy."
The city notes are exactly 7 per cent
tbo beat from the fact that they draw 7
per cent, interest and the bank's prom
issory note draws nointerest. Another
reason that they are better. is tbe fact
that tbey are safer. Who ever beard
of a city bursting? Banks are, bursting
everyday. Tbe simple fact that our
warrants do not command their "face"
and probably could not be readily
cabbed at 50 per cent, discount, is en
tirely due to tbe present money strin
gency. There is not money enough in
circulation to conduct the daily business.
Then tbe warrants are too large to pass
as a circulating medium. Let tbe city
council get together and call in all out
standing "promises to pay" and issue
"promises to pay" in their stead In
sums of $1. to $5. and tbey will be re
ceived more readily in this community
in paying for all debts, public and pri
vate, or in exchange than national bank
notes, endorsed by one man, and bear
ing no interest, when tbe municipal
government notes are endorsed by the
whole city, redeemable in gold, and
guarantee to pay interest at 7 per cent,
per annum. Which would you take?
Tbe Republican would take all the city
warrants it can get in exchange for
Abont Hops.
The Puyallup Commerce says pick
ing was commenced in a good many of
tbe yards this week and by Monday
will be general all through the valley.
Seventeen cents seems to be about
tbe top figure on contracts, and several
reliable growers Bay they have refused
that offer.
The bop louse bas appeared in some
of tbe yards in a way not anticipated.
In passing through a yard a person
would suppose, judging from tbe out
side appearance, that a vine was entire
ly ftee from lice, but upon a more close
examination tbe louse will be found at
tbe almost extreme top and In tbe burr.
This state of a flairs bas caused some
growers to commence picking a week
earlier than tbey would have otherwise.
A. J. Query, one of the most observ
ant growers, says he can find a few lice
in most yards, but he does not think
they will do any damage.
There is no activity in tbe market
It Is a matter of harvesting the crop,
and indications are that the market
will remain at a standstill until the
crop is about harvested.
The Best Life Policy.
It's not tbe Tontine plan, or Endow
ment plan, or Ten years' renewable
plan. It's not adding your few dollars
to tbe hundreds of millions that tbe in
surance companies boast of. It's a bet
ter investment than any ot those. It
Is Investing a few dollars in thatfttanrl.
ard Remedy, tbe "Golden Medical Dis
covery." a cure for Consumption. In itn
early stages, and all throat and lung
AGINTS WANTIU oa Siliry ,d C.mailiilc
ByOA.IL. HAMILTON. hU literary axeontor,
wltu t he oo operation of ul family, and for Mr
lllalna-j Complete Works. "TWKNT V YKA1W
- w.w(br.oo(
anil film IaIav hrwlr . Urfkf f
riUAi. uiuubmoN8." One prospectas for
V .." r "5" niiubiflu dooks in lae market.
A l Jordan ol Me., took 113 order frctn nrst
im.fla avnta ntwM incyi it.n
of O. took 15 orders, IS Seal Kusala. In one dy:
proat 138 25. K. N Klce,of Jtaaa. took 27order
InldAya; iroflt II7.1S. J. -atndirof Me. took
a orders from M calls; profit 17525. E. A
Ialraer ofN.D.k. took ill order tis days:
pjoatiwas. kxuujiivkt nmTOKYt
en. If you wish to make L.AKUK MONEY,
write Immediately fbrUima to
THE HENRY BILL PUB. CO., Norwich, Cop.
OI11 l-W
loin's Q uIc'(est Chicago and
ilniirc Quicker to Omaha ant) Kan
UUUtt sas City,
Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepert, free
Reclining Chair Cart. Dining Ctrl.
tiBm TNT?
forratoa and central ts&trtaauoa call on
or address,
Sftt Waakinrton su.
Tbe Chronicle speaks of receiving
circumstantial accounts of tbe death of
Zmla which should remove all doub s
from skeptical minds. Still in spite of
! all the details tbe public will not bo
surris :d to bear of bis bobbing up
serenely again. African travelers are
bard to kill off.
Tbe dispatches concerning the col
liery strikes In England are brief, but
tbey Indicate that tbe struggle is a
fierce one. Tho employers will no
doubt win because they are being as
sisted by the military and have public
sentiment arrayed on their side, the
strikers having made tbe fatal mistake
of resorting to arson and other acta of
R. B. Mitchell of tbe executive com
mittee of the midwinter Fair has just
returned to Ban Francisco from a trip
East, taken on behalf of the coming ex
position, and the report be makes has
aroused a greatly increased interest in
the enterprise. Mr. Mitchell says that
headquarters established in the Callfor
nla building at tbe world's fair are
crowded every hour in the day by men
wiowUh to bring their exhibits here
and that tbe executive committee finds
itself confronted with the serious prob
lem of deciding among a vast number
who wish to make exhibits.
Easily, Qolcllr,
Pennanentljr Restored.
mad aUtbctralaof nii
from early erron or later
exceue. tbe remit at
OTerwork, tlckrneu,
wornr.etc. Fullitrecgtb,
derclopmtnt and tone
glren to erery organ and
? or lion of the body.
Impl. natural method.
seen. failure Imponlble.
ZfUi references. Book,
explanation and proof
mailed (ealed) free.
Tie Rustler Wood Saw
And be doesn't bnrn no half vonr -wood, in
fuel, when he saws it. Make your contract
with him personally or leave orders at Veatchs
cigar (tore Dearborn's boot toro,438 Summer
street, or address me by mall. 6-lt-U
Before Going to tbe Wo j Id's Fair
The Limited Express trains of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway
between St. Paul and Chicago and
Omaha and Chicago.
These trains are vestibuled, electric
lighted and steam heated, with the fin
est Dining and Sleeping Car Service in
tbe world,
Tbe Electric reading light in each
berth is tbe successful novelty of this
progressive age, and is highly appreciat
ed by all regular patrons of this line.
We wish others to know its merits, as
the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail
way Is the only line in tho west enjoy
ing the exclusive use of this patent.
For further information apply to
nearest coupon ticket agent, or address
C. J. Eddy. General Acent.
J. W. Cabey, Trav. Pass. Agt
225 Stark St,, Portland. Or, tf
If you anticipate visiting the world's
fair, or your friends In the East, take
advantage of the present opportunity,
as tbe fares are now so low tbey cut no
figure in tbe expense. The Chicago A
.Liimuweaiern itaiiway nave placed iu
service a Bolld vestlbnled train, between
Portland and Chicago, the famous
wavner tourist cars, free reclining
chair cars, aud dining car "par excel
lent" With the accommodations fur
nished, rates now offered, together with
tbe short time consumed in making
tbe trip, it is within the reach of all.
For further Information, apply to any
ticket agent, or write
A. G. Barker, Gen'l Agt.
272 Washington street.
Portland, Or.
How's Thial
We offer One Hundred Tktllnra m.
ward for any case of Catarrh that can-
uot do curea oy Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F.J. Cubney&Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for tbe last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable iu all
business transactions unci flnnnoiniio
able to carry out any obligations made
by their Arm.
West & Ibdax. Wholesale Dm...
gists, Toledo. O, Rinnan
& Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Tole-
Hall's Catarrh fure is taken Intern,
ally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of tbe system.
Testimonials sent frue. Price 76o per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Uok ut Mk It ral.r. OirV UmSm,: brukua
' Maw t4U o. rlnaIV tXS
Twywkw. Mattuka KiZoI, ft.11.
Bold by Baskett A VauBlype.
K "ia ll JF
Stricken Down with Heart Diseases
Dr. XUt Xe&teelCoXUtkart, Xttd.
Gnmxxzxt I feel It or doty, as veil cj a
cte&sore, to publish, casoUeUed, to the world tbe
benefit recelTed from pa. Mitrs-Rrrronvnvc
flCMtoica. I waa trleken down wllb Mtart
XHsrate and to complication, a rapid poise Tazy
IngXromSOto 140 beau per roinnte, a. choking or
training sensation. In the wind pipe, oppression
Iton of the heart and below- lower rib, pain in tke
arms, shortness of breath, sleeplessness, weakness
and ireneral debility. The arteries in sny neck
would throb violently, tbe throbbinjt of ray bean
could be beard across a large room and would
tbake my .whole body. I was to nerrota that I
could not bold cry band steady. Z Jutms teen
undrr th tnatmmt of eminent 2fteteu
and Tiav tnhrn BnuofMmi JsTesHetfM
trifAowt thm Imm benefit. A friend recom
mended your remedies. She was cared by Dr.
Wiles' remedies. Ibaretaken mm n mm am
thfee bottle of yonr Kewfil J RED
Heart Core and two, bottles V lsa
Nervine. My pulse k normal, I bare no now
violent tbroboins; of tb heart, ihiwiusih
I tincerelr recommend every one with symptoms
of Heart Disease to safe At. XUc tuiurra
Mew ItrmettUs ani & curat.
Gyprom City, Kan. L. L. CaKJfxa.
eold by D. J. Fry, druggist, Salem
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed : Castoria t
Prices Current by Telegraph Local
and Portland Quotations.
Salem, September 11, 4 p. m. Office
Daily Capital Journal. Quota
tions for day and up to hour of going to
press were as follews:
Apples 50o tciTotv,! bushel.
Peaches 50c to 60 a box.
Veals dressed 5 cts.
Hogs dressed 6 to 6J.
Live cattle 2 to 2.
Sheep alive (1.50 to $2.00.
Spring lambs 51.50 to $2.00.
Salem Milling Co. quetes: Flour
In wholesale lots $3.20. Retail $3.00.
Bran $17 bulk, $18 sacked. Shorts $19
and $20. Chop feed $19 and $20.
Old wheat on storage 40centa. New
wheat 48 cents.
Oats old, 38 to 40a, new 30c.
Hay Baled, new $8 to $12: old $10 to
$14. Wild in bulk, $6 to $8.
Barley Brewing, at Salem. No. 1.
95 to $1.00 per cwt. No. 2, 70 to 85 cts.
Peas and beans-8 to 10 cents a gallon
Wool Best, 10c.
Hops Small sale, 15 to 17c.
Eegs Cash, 16 cents.
Butter Best dairy, 25; fancy
creamery, 30.
Cheese 12 to 15 cts.
Farm smoked meats Bacon 12;
hams, 13; shoulders, 10.
Potatoes new. 50c. to 60c.
Onions If to 2 cents.
Beeswax 34c. Caraway seed, 18c.
Anise seed, 26c. Ginseng, $1.40.
Green. 2 ca: drv. 4 cts: sbeeD Delta.
75 cts to $1.25. No quotations on furs.
Chickens 8 cts; broilers 10 to 12;
ducks, 12; turkeys, slow sale, choice,
10 cts; geese and ducks 9 aud 10.
Oraln, Feed, etc
FIour-8tandard. $3.25; Walla Walla,
$3.25; graham, $2.75; superfine, $2.50
per barrel.
Oats Old wblte,86o per bu.; grey, 33c;
rolled, in bags, $6.256.50; barrels,
$6.600.75: cases, $3.75.
.Hay lieat, $I015 per ton.
Wool vahey, 10 to 12c.
MUistuOs Bran, $17.00; aborts, $20;
ground barley, $2223; chop feed, $18
per ton; whole feed, barley, 80085 per
cental; middling, $2328 per ten: brew
ing barley, 0005o percental: chicken
wneau $ per cental,
Hops-Old, 10 to 16c., new 15 to J7.
Butter Oregon fancy creamery, 25
uj tanoy uairy, zuwjc; aur to good,
1617c: common, 14 to 15o per K; Cali
fornia, 3544o per roll.
Cheese Oregon, 12; Eastern
twins, 16c; Young Awricui, 141o per
per pound; California flats, 14c. c
Eggs Oregon, 15 to 16o per doaen.
Poultry-Chlckeus,old,$i60; bntllen,
larce. $2.003.0e: ducks, old. tl.fM2i.
6 00; young, $2 504.00; geese, $.00
turkeyt, live, 14o.
Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 10
10c; do inferior, 89c; do valley, 13
Hops 16jo.
roirtoes Krly Rote, 3040. Bur
banks, ,4060o.
unions 7585o per cental for rs
" .omajuutf ior siiveraKius.
uaey-,.lBed, CS70o per oental
tur gooa
quality and 83Jo IW cholee;
ft ft.1 - sVt "ft
brewing,? &) per cental.
uaia miui
Off, I .90 1.10,
"Only a girl," growled 2f oab ParUiouse,
turning contemptuously away when Miss
Deborah Soryea brought tbe tiny morsel
of humanity, wrapped up hi a faded flan
nel shawl, to show to him as be sat before
tbe big wood fire in tbe farmhou.e kitchen.
"Why couldn't It ha been a boy?"
"Bring her to me," said Mrs. Parkhouse's
weak, tremulous voice from among the pil
lows. "My little girl I My own daughter!
What did he say, Debbyf Wasbepleasedr"
"Well no I can't say he was," says Deb
rah, rubbing her nose.
And Mra. Parkhouse, whose gentle soul
had naught of affinity to the Are noisy boys
and their gruff, material minded father,
laid her cheek against the little baby girl's
and silently gave thanks.
Tor," thought the mother, "she will be
all my own."
Dorothy Parkhouse jrrew np, as it were.
In the shadow. It was true that her moth
er loved her with a silent idolatrous sort of
devotion, but with the loud voiced father
and the five riotous boys she was evidently
"one too many."
"If It wasn't for mother," thought Dor
othy, curling up the little chlll,feetthat
tbe farmer had decided "there wasn't no
use in buyin new shoes for as long as tho
old una hung together," "I shouldn't want
to live."
The next year-Dora's eleventh summer
an artist came out into the rural wilder
nesses sketching "studies" for his winter's
work and boarded for a few weeks at
Farmer Parkhouse's. Dora watched him
aa Aladdin of old might have watched the
marvelous productions ot the magician.
"I believe I could do that," said Dora,
with a voice that fluttered with her flut
tering breath. "Mr. Ryner, I have saved
6 pennies. m Would you be .good enough to
buy me a "pencil like yours when you, go
down to the village tomorrow? "
Mr. Ryner looked around with a good
humored smile.
"T&ke one of mine, Cinderella," he said
and threw her a piece of paper and pencil,
and then he went on with his drawing.
Dora worked on iu silence by hla side, so
rapt and absorbed in her occupation that
she never noticed when he glanced over her
"Faithlnotsobad'saidhe. "Is this the
first you have done?"
"Yes, sir, the very first."
Mr. Ryner said no more, but he gave
Dora a lesson every day after that until she
had learned to handle her pencil with no
mean degree of skill.
Dorothy Parkhouse had been an ugly in
fant, a plain, unattractive child, but it la
not always possible to judge of the flower
by the folded bud. She grew un rarely.
daintily pretty, with brown hair, blue gray
eyes and a face like a wild rose.
But Bezekiah Parkhouse did not notice
her any more than he noticed the cat in
the chimney corner, and he never waa
more astonished in his life than when
George Elden, whose father owned the best
sawmill in the county, asked him to use
his Influence with his sister in his behalf.
Hezekiah went home and communicated
the great news to Dorothy as an eastern
emissary might be supposed to tell the
humblest slave of the harem that the sul
tan had cast a favorable eye upon her.
"Weill" cried Farmer Parkhouse as soon
as he had sensed up the tidings, "Dorothy'a
tortin's made now, sure enough."
"Not in that way," said Dorothy calmly.
"I shall not marry Mr. Elden."
"You won't marry him!" roared Farmer
"But I say you shall if I havetodrag you
to the altar myself 1" he said.
Dora said no more, but the next morning
she was gone, and all the remaining trace of
her waa a little penciled billet, pinned to the
sleeve of her mother's calico morning dress,
which bore these brief lines:
Mother, I'm going to try mr own luck In the
world. When I have made my fortune, I'll
come back after yoo. Keep up good course
and don't for a moment doubt that I will keep
my promise.
"Well." ejaculated Mr. Ryner as Dora
presented herself before him and told her
simple tale, "what do you suppose you're
going to do, little one?"
"I don't know, sir," said Dora simply.
"Tho ravens fed Eliiah."
His wife gavo her some breakfast, and
then the kindly artist took her to a place
where other girls were drawing pictures on"
blocks of wood for a great publishing house.
"Try your hand at this," said Mr. Ryner.
"I won't Insure you a fortune at first, but
you'll get on if you are painstaking and
, Dora tried, and at the week's end she
found herself the possessor of a sum of
money that exceeded her wildest hopes.
"Why," Bhe cried, "Hezekiah don't getas
much aa this for his week's work on the
"Possibly," said Mr. Ryner dryly. "You
see, my girl, you have talent, and Hezekiah
has only strength and muscle."
It was in August when Dora Parkhouse
"ran away," and it was a bleak Octnhrr
night when, she once more approached the
cluster of butternut trees that surrounded
the house. The light flickered faintly from
the kitchen window as she walked briskly
Suddenly she stopped. A figure stood
before her at tho forks of the roads. Its
garments fluttered in the wind, and one
hand was pressed to its brow,
"Mother!" she cried aloud.
"Doral Dora! is it you? I was going to
look for you, child. They beat me, they
turned meout of doors, but I knew I should
find you."
And she sank sobblnsr on her danrrf.j.
"Ibave come home Just in time," said
Dora, folding the frail, quivering figure In
her arms. "Mother, dear, we will be all the
WorUl to each other henceforward."
And from that moment Noah Parkhouse
and bit flvo tall sons never saw Dorothy or
her mother again.
Dora has a bright little home, sustained
and kept sunshiny by her own industry
and Mrs, Parkhouse is serenely happy '
..w uau6u. piuicuiuucrougn.
"We don't want any third one to make
us contented, do we, mamma?" Dora asks
"IBew?Uua. my comfort aiadiheln li,i
comp the, day you werebora, my Dorothy
ny gUtiOt GocL" Chicago Post.
A Satu'UtuU For Ola.
In anuraW of places h;,tha eastayerr
pretty sobsUtutcvnlr glass la betoi used in
tbo window and other places where abua
Ueommooly employed. 1 U,R ia-bstaaw
whitbat flrat jjlance sscms. much Ilk a flue
crossed with a net work of aa black lines.
Its bails is a cloth of fine tl wire, the
rirTT ,f " "abeioK
twtJfthotaa.Inch. Tbe.vrire . huuic
mde,i dhW Into poti 0f specially pr
WvarnUi, which fill aU-JiiUiitlce.;
and makes tta who! a traaluostivreHow
Aast. The Baurlal Is tt auwbt. ud
U (kffMt WuUfuL-Xw VUk Iisjm
"CatoU ! so well adapted loeMm4fca
known to me." H. A. Aacaza, K. H,
HI So. Oxford St, BrookrB,-X. T.
"The use of' Cutorla'ts so universal and
It merits so well known that It seems a work
of supererogation to eadorse It Fewareths
IctaUttest ifsmWee arboido aot keep Caatoria
within ay reach."
Ciaiaa KsJrrrsvjD.D-
Receiving all the
! Associated-Press-
DMBYllrfiliT' $31
These low hai)d times rates enable (every farmer toihave
his daily paper and 'know thoBtate.of; the market and all the
news of the world..
EditoriU' fearless and independent. Edited
by its publishers. to secure good government for the people,
able to deal justly and fairly with all.
Complete Telegaphi'iStat, Capital; For
eign? Market and Crop News.
U 4NlonthS
$3 a. Year, Postpaid.
The Only One Cent Newspaper ou the Coast, More
than any sir weeklies that cost $9 to $12 a year .
No papers sent after time is out.
Ai lMdepiBc, Paper frr-All Strfe tf Readers.
for Infant and Children.
"--TT-TT"nWri nnniHmflima.
SwWwnsrfvIHarrhoBa. fimetetZa.
XOaWoraM, gtr. ahp, aidiSSotoi d
insuoatSbwiSam BMdfafjttea.
Tor semal tmti t fun .,
mvwatr. Pixsn. Jt D
Taa WTbMu o y," lasth street aaa fth xra,
Tax Caarnxm CoKFjjrr, 77 Vcsaur ETazarr, Kr Toss.
Completed and ready to wait on customers. Horses'-boarded by day or wetl
at reasonable prices.- ye keep a full line of Truck", Drayp and Express t
meet all demands. Also keepthe finest Stallions in this county, for service.
Barn and residence 2 block south, of pcetoflke. RYAN &. CO
If you 'dean1 and have your done up ii
the neatest and dressiest manner, take them tothe
where all workis done by white labor and in the most prompt
Liberty Street
State Street.
m i in
LY " " "a Double NewsDaner
'," ' ,J . Editore.and Publishers,
aOeai, Orego.