Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, September 11, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    jsst fi.'iBftaa
9r '-essr' -
SBcts. a moatk hy MaM
Prepaid in Advance.
No Papers Sent When
Timo is Out.
Associated Press Dajly New
spaper Published qnthejr
Pacific Coast.
$3.00 a Year.
j Ar 1 1 AJu
VOL. 6.
a ... - .
NO, 214.
NflRfifiiniaLaBirmlav RIB s 9 IH
li M .
at fclie New York Racket, when so many merchants are com
plaining of dull trade ? If you will examine their goods and
prices you will quickly see the reason.
The New York Racket
sells reliable goods at reasonable prices for cash. Their boots
and shoes are of the" best St. Louis make. All better grades
warranted. They carry a line of shirts, hats, working pants,
overalls, hosiery, underwear, valises, table linens, counter
panes, lace curtains, and a general line of notions. They can
save you 10 to 20 per cent, on all goods in their line.
State Insurance Block.
General Insurance -Agency.
Representing tke following wel'-known and reliable Cempanies:
STATE IN80RA.NOK CO., jKtna Insurance'Co ,
Traders' Insurance Co., bun insurance Co.,
National Insurance Co., Westchester Fire Ins. Co.,
Lilon fire Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Insurance Co.,
London a. Lancashire Fire Ins. Boo., London Assurance Corporation,
Alliance Assurance Co., Norwlou Union Ftrelns.Aoe.
Oldest and, Leading Firm in the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture.' Long Experience in the trade
enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
eive estimates. State Insurance block, Chemeketa street.
Ed. C.
EX Meeker & Co,,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
IF. A. TEMPLETON, Geil'l J gent.
Lamoureux's Stables,
At the Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve
hicles being added constantly. Only the best rvlce rendered. No 'shabby
rigs nor poor horets. H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor.
AAt Prihtinrr
ww vui I r ii i uii vv,f type and is prepared to
do better work than ever. Country orders receive prompt at
tention. 303 Commercial Bt Balem, Oregon.
Insurance - &gmntm,
245 Commercial Street.
American Fire Jnsuranc&.Co., Phlla.
Home Insurance Co., New York.
Norwlch-Unlon Ins. Co.. Liverpool.
Palatine Insurance Co,. Manchester.
Over One Million Dollars Deposited With State Treasurer of Orel on for
Protection of Policy Holders in Oregon only.
All Losses Aljastedwd Paid-Through Salem Agency on Policies Written
in Marion, Polk, Yamhul and Linn Counties.
Also Write Life and Accident Insurance In Best Companies in too World.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked meats of allKinds
96 Court eind
110 State Streets.
Hasjust received some
latest laces ot iod
Western Assurance, Toronto, Canada.
Lancashire, Manchester, Eog.
Hamburg-Madeburp. Germany.
Home Mutual, Ban Francisco, Cal.
Will Have Trouble Over
To Give Ckincse Three Months t
Times Improving and Thous
ands Employed.
China Aftor Franco.
Berlin, Bept. 11. The foreign office
is informed that China Is preparing to
protest against France's aggressions in
Biam, and has ordered the Chinese
squudron made ready to sail for the
scene of action at a moment's notice.
Geary Bill Amendment.
Washington, Sept. 11. Hoar In
troduced a bill In the senate today
amending the Geary Chinese exclusion
act, ending the time for registration
three months after Its passage, and re
pealing that portion requiring that the
witnesses in cases against the Chinese
shall be white. The bill continues ip
force the first six sections of the Geary
act until a treaty can be made with
China for the regulation of Chinese
Geary Law Compromise.
Washington, Sept. 11. Tbequea
tlon whether or not the administration
has called a halt in the matter of en
forcing the Geary law and is desirous
of the passage of the Everett bill, Intro
duced in the house to extend the time
for registration until Sept. 7, 1891 at
the same time modifying the stringency
of the conditions imposed by tne Geary
law, is exciting much attention.
Prosperity Returning.
Pittsbobg, Penn.,Sept. 11. A large
number of Idle men were given em
ployment today by the resumption of
numerous Iron and steel plants.
For the first time since July 80th,
every department of Jones & Laughlin's
American works, are In operation, giv
ing employment to 8500 men.
Sixteen additional furnaces have
been put Into operation at the Inatlonal
tube works and sheet mills of Moor
head, McCleane & Co. started.
Foster Will Resume.
FosToniA, Ohio, Sept. 11. A state
ment of the receivers of Ex-Secy. Fos
ter's affaire puts the liabilities at ?!,
080,671, assets, $060,842. A proposition
Is under consideration to allow him to
take charge again.
Coal Miners Strike.
Pittsburg, Sept. 11. Three thou
sand railroad coal miners struck this
morning against the reduction of five
cents in price of mining. Twenty
eight pits are Idle. All quiet.
Receiver Asked For.
Detroit, Sept. 11. The Farmers'
Loan and Trust company, Mortgage
trustee, applied this morning in the U.
B. court for receiver for the Detroit, Bay
City and Alpena railroad of which
General Alger la president,
Simmons Liver Regulator, bear la
mind. Is not an experiment. It Is en
dorsed by thousands.
For rtnoTiUog the entire irUm,
eliminating Q roUoa f rum the
i Jk 4..liata Ajmf ulsl tit
origin, thl prtpantioa bu no egtul.
"rorlhtn mouthi IWm
tiling ore on my toe. w
trailed by Ut tool iibrilciuu.
I norallef the (or irridaUlrcr
I Sully took
B. D. B , Wa ni (suni
cured otter luiar a few bottle.'
McLmmoix, UMfrfon, Tex.
TreatUe on Mood and SUn 01
him nulled f .
Taa firmr Sraomo Co..
bat bEUlned
In Congress.
Washington, Sept, 11. It is stated
that thirty-three senators have ar
rangod. io sgeafe, and ten or a dozen
others may decide to tako a band be
fore the conclusion of the repeal bill.
Should this prove true, more than prob
able snow will fly before the matter is
settled. Even if a compromise is ulti
mately agreed upon, a final vote will
not be taken earlier than the first week
in October. Silver senators still insist
the vote cannot be reaohed at all with
out cloture rale. It bad
-., xi uou vevuuiu uvi'
dent that t the expressions of the
ways and means committee develop,
that the tariff bill wilt bo much more
moderate than If framed some six
months ago, but there Is practically
unanimity la the committee luikvor of
pntting wool oh the free list and mak
ing a heavy cut In wool manufactures.
Tho same membors of the committee
will work hard for free lumber.
Senate Stewart submitted a resolu
tion for a committee of five to report
whether any senators are interested as
stockholders or otherwise in any na
tional bank. Bill objected to It on the
ground of the reflection on senators.
The bill went over until tomorrow
The repeal bill was taken up, and Pugb,
of Ala., spoko in opposition to It
A Fiend Incarnate.
Spokane, Bept. 11. Speolal. Goo.
Muloch, a well known business man of
this city, late candidate for mayor and
president of a i political organization
known as Little Tammany, was Satur
day charged with the heinous crime of
having outraged his 18-year-old daugh
ter Maud, For eovoral days past rum
ors have circulated to the aboye effect
and the facts could not be vorlfled until
late last night, wnen the vlotlm escaped
from her brul tether's "close confine
ment of her and she made known her
terrible story.
Soon after men to the number of
about 60 gathered together and went
up to Mulocli'a residence for the pur
pose of making him the central figure
in a lynching beo.but be had evidently
become aware of tbelr Intentions and
skipped, sb no trace of him could be
Today a complaint was filed and war
rant issued for Muloch's arrest, the offi
cers are now scouring the country for
From the story as related by Maud it
seems that nearly two years have
elapsed since her father first committed
the unnatural crlmo and he has sluco
repeatedly subjected her to uis lust, he
also swore that If she ever disclosed his
crime that he would kill her and him
self. Sbe says many times she has
been on the point of disclosing all to
her mother, but fears of her father's
carrvlngout hi threats deterred her
and it was until she could no longer
conceal her condition that she told the
story to her horrlflod mother.
Muloch's family consists of a wife,
two daughters and a sou, the victim
being the oldest of his children. Bho
Is a winsome girl and favorite amongst
a large circle of friends. Muloch Is a
prominent member of the Baptist
The Indignation of cltlsens Is so
strong against Muloch that if captured
be will be lynched.
Murdered Sis Mother,
Kansas City, Bept. 11. -A shocking
murder was committed Saturday In a
prominent office building at "J unction"
the most prominent location In the
business district of the city. Mrs. Jane
Wright, better known as Madame
.Wright, the well-know employment
agent, was killed In her office. Her
face bad been cruelly beaten and her
hands and feet securely tkd with a
stout wrapping cord. Deep red Im
prints of human ringers on her throat,
discolored face and protruding tongue
and eyes snowed how the murder had
been done. There appears to be no clue
to the murderers.
Late In the evening Mis. Wright's
son, Albert Froltey, was arrtitted.
Nothing drutio Id TUTT-d PJLL8.
Tho Vote in tho House of Lords on
Home Bulo.
London, Sept. 11. Sir Henry Pon-
sonby, tho queen's private secretary,
passed last night at Blaokoralg castle,
where Mr. Gladstone is taking a boll-
day with Mrs. Gladstone and a party
of friends. In the morning ho and the
prime minister had a long Interview,
and before noon Sir Henry left with a
speolal dispatch from Mr. Gladstone to
tho queen, concerning thogoverumonts
attitude toward tho defeat of tho homo
rule bill In tho house of lords last even
ing, it is Significant that Sir Henry's
mission was not undertaken at the
queen's Instance, but at the Baggestlon
of Mr. Gladstone two days ago. The
queen Is known to havo awaited with
unwonted anxiety. Mr. Gladstone's de
cision as to bis course after the rejec
tion of the bill by the bouse of lords.
Tho royal Idea is that Mr. Gladstone
should appeal at onco to tho country,
and tho determination which is under
stood to have been expressed by Mr.
Gladstone In his special 'dispatch, to
hold on indefinitely will not'gult her
majesty at all. Acoordlag to constitu
tional precedents, the queen eertalnly
bad some reason to expect that after
the overwhelming majority of tho lords
spiritual and temporal, bad condemned
blm, the aged premier would resign or
ask the electors again fojUBtlfy bis pol
icy. It is surmised -that Mr. Gladstone
Intimated In tho dispatch carried to
Balmoral today tho readiness of tho
cabinet tp submit to the queen's preroga
tive to dismiss her present mlnisteis.
This Intimation would mean little how
ever, as ho knows ho can rely on the
queen's discretion to tako no step In
volving tho crowu in the popular out
cry against tbo house of lords. A large
and influential body of tbo ultra-tory
party expect such direct intervention
from the queen, but their oxpeotatlons
will hardly bo realized. On tho other
hand, the queen's opinions as to tho
proper course for Mr. Gladstone will
weigh with him undoubtedly In has
tening his appeal to tho country.
Befqre last night's sitting of tho lorda
tho highest vote reoordod in tho uppor
house was 876, This was given on the
question of repealibg the corn laws In
1840, and included the proxies of absent
members. The attendance and vote
last evening, therefore, wore quite be
yond precedent. No euoh gathering
of hereditary legislators had been seen
previously In London. Many of the
peers who came to town to vote against
tho bill had nover seen the interior of
tho house before, and 60 of the were ob
liged to sign the roll for the first time,
before voting, To render the duty of
attendance loss Irksome, somo 60 or 60
peers loafed In the refreshment and
smoking rooms d tiring the debate.
Several, finding tho cuUlne of the res
taurant of tho houso unseasonable to
their taste, had their own cooks, wlaos
and meats brought in for the occasion.
One, for Instance, gave a dinner pre
pared by his own chef, served on his
own plate by his own servants. In
neither its publlo nor Its private aspects
did the house reveal any characteristics
likely to strengthen Its chance of along
Unostentatiously Buried.
Gammsons, N. Y., Bept, 11. Simple
funeral services without any address or
eulogy, were held over the remains of
tbe late Hamilton Fish this morning.
Chinese Ordered Back.
Ban Fkancisoo, Bept. 11. The Chi
nese Six Companies deny that tbe exo
dus of Chineso from San Bernardino,
was caused by their orders. The Chi
nese will be ordered back to tbe place
from whence they fled.
Cherokee Strip Opened.
Arkansas Cm', Ks., Bept 11.
Throe government booths for tbe regis
tration of tbe Chorokee atrip boomers
opened this, morning. It Is estimated
that between five and seven thousand
people are In line,
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Chinese Unlawfully Landed.
New Yonk Sept. 11. The Ioug fight
over the admission of tho Chinese at
this port camo to a head in rather a
sensational manner Saturday, when
the official of tho Ward lino of steam'
ships landed two Chineso aganlst'tho
protest of the United States customs
officer on tho dock and the orders of
Collector Kilborth, who decided the
men should not land and uiUBt be re
turned by tbo Btoamshlp company
This Is the first case of tho kind that
has ocqiireLhere and created much
excitement in
customhouso and
stoanashlp circles.
The People Lose.
Olympia, Sept. 11, The commis
sioner of tho genoral laud office has de
cided tho caso commonly kuown as that
of tho Pennsylvania syndicate lands,
involving 43,000 acres of timber of an
estimated value of $160,000. Local office
decided In favor of the eutrymen and
the commissioner of the general land
olllco sustained the decision, holding
that the government's case was defect
ive for the reason that there was no
positive proof of fraud, tbe evidence
being only hereaay. The government
sought to prove that the syndicate had
hired William Jamleson and others to
enter tho lands, tho syndicate paying
tbo fees and other expenses. ,
Minister to Bolivia,
Wasiiinqton, Sept. 11. Tboprcsl
dout nominated C. H, J. Taylor of
Kansas, minister to Bolivia.
Bismarck HI.
Pakib, Sept. 11, It Is reported from
Klsalugon that Bismarck Is seriously llll
He has lost tbo uso of both hands.
White House Baby Wolghed.
Washington, Sept. 11. The new
white houso baby was weighed this
morning, and turnod the scales at OJ
- Counterfeiters Arrested.
Eluehton, Ga., Bept, 11, The ar
rest of twenty-three men scattered
through Jaokson and Elbert counties,
charged with wholesale counterfeiting
silver dollars, has stirred up tho whole
World's Fair.
Chicago, Sept. 11. An event of
world-wide historic Interest, took place
here today. It was an assembling of a
parliament of religious followers. Jeho
vah, Christ, Confusclus, Buddha, Mo
bammed, with various Beets thereof,
stood ready In turn to glvo without
controversy reasons for the faith that
is ii them.
Must Be Deported.
Ban Fkanciboo, Cal., Sept. 11.
United States Judges MoICeuna and
Morrow rendered a decision in the case
of YlngLee today. Tbe Judges decided
that under tho law warrants for the
arrest of Chineso who havo not regis
tered must bo Issued on tbe complaint
of any private citizens. Tbe court said
that whenever it Is shown that there
are no funds to deport the Chineso, tbe
cases of those pn trial shall be dropped
Immediately, but until that Is shown
deportation must go on.
Sasuaer Weakneas
And that tired feeling, loss of appetite
and norvous prostration are driven
away by Hood's Hamaparllla, Ilka mist
nerore tue morning sun. to realize me
benefit of this great medicine, give It a
trial and you will Join the army of eu
tbuslastlu admirers of Hood's Bsrsapsr
Ilia. Sure, efficient, easy Hood's Pills.
They should be in avtry traveler's grip
and every family saedlolno cheat. 25a
a box.
San Francisco, Sept. 11. Wheat,
December $1.10.
Chicago, Bept 11. Cash, 05J; De
cember 60.
Portind, Sept 11. Wheat valley,
.02J.06; Walla Walla .82J85.
,You cannot do effective work with
out a olear bead, uud for this takti Sim
mons Liver Regulator.
Tho Mulmrujuli'i ituie.
Ono littlo incident of tbo maharajah's
trip to this country that has not yet
boon chronicled gives a Bplco of adven
ture to tho potentate's visit not often f
met with in these prosaio nineteenth
century days. Tho Hindoo laws Tclat-r
ing to women not only enforce their se-t
elusion from what wo term society, but,
forbid them from leaving tho boundaries
of India under any pretoxt. They are
allowed to travel about fn tbetrown
country under the strictest surveillance
and with tho proper escort, bnt the
Drahmans, tho ancient priests of the
Buddhist religion, holding their Iron rule
ovor rajah and low caste alike, have
from timo immemorial forbidden the
womon to travol in foreign lands.
E veu tho savants of tho country and the
wealthy mon of tho younger generation,
who havo spent aovorai years in Europe
In tho study of the languages and,customs ""'
of tho continent, havo been compelled on
thoir return to pay what, they caU &.s
dnlco,- or indulgence, to tho Brahmans,
on acconnt of their prolonged absence
from tbo sacred soil of Buddha, Travel
ing, bveu for tho male Bex, thaw, k ao
oncouraged in India. When the maha
rajah decided upon taking Ids favorite
wifo with him on Ids visit to tho United
States, ho had to deviso some means of
circumventing tho Brahman tradition,
and what did ho hit npon bnt tho old
disguiso of Rosalind!
Ho dressed his pretty littlo Anana up
as n boy and sallied out upon a long
Journoy without fear of tho displeasure
of tho priests. Tho littlo lady lent her
self willingly to tho part Bho had to play.
Several Americans who met thorajah'a,
party in Rome and other continental
cities woro attracted by tho pretty youth
who was with thorn. Thoy tried to make
friendly advances, bnt the extreme mod-f
esty with which thoy woro met rather
puzzled them until, on arriving at Paris,
tho pretty youth disappeared, and the
wlfo of tho rajah took his place. Pitts
burg Dispatch.
f ---! ''
Tho Medicinal Vol on or Water.
Tho human body is constantly under-,
going tlssno change Wornout particles
arocaat osido and eliminated from the
system whllo the now aro ever being
formed from tho incoptlon of life to its
Water has the power of increasing
these tisauo changes, which multiplies
tho waste products, but at tho same time
thoy aro ronowed by its agency, giving
rise to increased appotito, which in turn
provides fresh nutriment Persons but
littlo accustomed to drinking water are
llablo to have tho waste products formed
faster than thoy are removed. Any ob
struction to the free working of natural!
laws at onco produces disease, which, If
onco firmly seated, requires .both tune
and money to cure.
Poonlo accustomed to nso in the morn
ing weak and languid will find the cause
in tho imperfect scrotion of wastes,,
which many times may be remedied by
drinking a full tumbler of water before
rotiring. This very materially assists la
tho process during tho night and leaves
tho tissues fresh, and strong, ready foe.
tho activo work of tho day, '
Hot water Is one or our best remedial
A hot bath on going to ben, oven la
tho hot nights of oummer, is a better re
liever of insomnia than many drugs.
Hall's Journal of Health,
The House Mover.
4E1 Mt-f trwt.
Hw the bt fecilltloa lor MQVlH and Ml.
Inir bouiM. Kara order at Urjr Mro., r
addreu lem. Oregon.
St. Paul, Marios Cewaiy, Oregea.
UoudUB'ad by the ftlitars. oftha Holr Human at
Jeu Btia KUnr. The location aRHxaSt all tttai
oau bs ilMtred tor healthful outdoor maw.
Hi. faul can ha anally rwaaliart bj boa m tfe
Willamette. TDtuuiiaiftgK Bwaaaaaij4
with all the mxliru Iropfovtmaat. Tkt
courts oatudyUooniplaU, ,
trtesegrayAjr a4 Ty wrHhaf Yauoffcfe,
Term moderat.
ror furtasr pMtlouUr apply to Wtlur