r-,if&xrTii& i rtifiiarAsj(y rt - 'i5 t 7 " - . ,em mmmmkmmmttmMmmmmmm CHEAPEST Associated Press Daily News paper 'Published on the Pacific Coast. $3.09 a Tear. WUjWiONBOENT DAILY I SScts. a momtk by WMt Prepaid ta Advaaee. Wo Papers Seat WImm Time is Oat. VOL. 6. DAILY EDITION. SALEM, OREGON, SATUKDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1893. DAILY EDITION-. NO. 213. - -' ' - T i it r r ..vr! . ,;-y ;-"!?" CAPITAL JOURNAL HJHHHHZBB!C(iwulliJEUHUHB - - - ? - . ..-w a $5-;;.'" $s .' - j; .v " hj- ... We will sell you an all wool ult, Navy,. Blue, war ? ,4 !" ranted fast color,. for ,$5. . , !, , , .W.JOIIS0ictSON. iLJzi ' - " i:f v$1 f ai, .iJ ..' t . 7 " '. X . MIA H. W. COTTLE & CO., General Insurance "Agency. Representing the fallowing well-kmwn and reliable Companies STATE INSURANCE CO., 'Etna Insuranoa Co., Traders' Insurance Co., Han Insurance Co.. National Insurance Co., Westabester KIre Ins. Co., Lion Klre Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Insurance C Liondou Lancashire Fire Ins. Soft, London Assurance corporation, Alliance Assurance Co., . Norwich Union Fire Ins.Soo. Oldest and Leidlng Firm in the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance, J. W. IflORNBORG, - . , THE UPIIOLSTtiRER. Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in, the trade enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to rrive estimates. State Insurance block, Chemeketa street Bt. C. ptoWRssMW&, ED. Meeker & Co,, Hop Exporters OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem. W. A. TEMJPLETON, Gen'l Agent. R T. HART j 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. Lamoureux's Stables, rigs uor poor horses. H. L. LAMOUREUX, l ropriewr. Ill J r - Ji" f Hasjust received some West Printing Cot do better work -than, ever. , Country orders receive prompt attention. 203 Commercial Bt., a r MlTfHRI h IffiK gbnbr!al ' Insurance 245 Commercial Street. American Fire Insuran., Pbi.a. I Home Insurance uo., new mi. ij.ZnT.itAebur. Germd-v. 0.r 0 Will.. Ddl. DwdMfB. " 0r"M jPnftioa of Policy Holders In Oregon oniy. All Lo AM'aU-M ta i. Harto- Pelk. Yall and Linn Cou-tiea. AUo WrlltlMf' World. $5 . v - r. '-. JuJ t .. . ttp-t, ar &, t '' b'.j. . A hA . Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresli, Salt and Smoked Meats of allKinds 95 Court and 110 State Streets. Choice Meats. LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. Balera, Oregon. SflT 5 CO., is - JLgmntm, , SALE, OREGON. Urn A MEME Cleveland Against Silver in Any Form. BABY RUTH BAS A SISTER. Conflict Growing Serious in Sonth .America. BLUM JAILED AT PORTLAND. English Strikes Assuming Sorions Aspect. Cleveland Will not GompromiBB. Washington, Sept. 9. President Cleveland absolutely refuse? to consent to grant any concession in the silver fight, say the Post. More than tbls, be will not promise to agree to any recognition of silver, even should re peal be passed. His position has re newed the confidence of the, friends of unconditional repeal, who assort un wavering faith in the final passage of the measure, with the understanding that the president stands upon the platform of unconditional repoal or uothing. Senators have settled down for a long siege. In the meantime the Democrats in the senate concerned for their party will make a careful canvass. Baby Ruth. Has a Sister. Washington, Sept. 9. Mrs. Cleve land gave birth to a baby girl at noon. Mother and child doing well. It was an hour after the baby was born before anyone outside the White House was aware of the fact. The af fair was kept a close secret until Dr. Bryant was convinced that the mother barf undergone the ordeal safely ond the baby wan well and sound. Though the press Intimated at times that Mrs. Cleveland would become a mother in time, the birth of the baby today is somewhat of a surprise, as Mrs. Cleve land was out driving last evenlpg. Tho Brazilian Troubles. BoENts Ayrks, Sept. 9. It is re ported that insurgent war vessels have left Rio Sanelro for Santos with the In tention of seizing that port and joining in the revolutionary movement in Rio Grande Dj Sul. Governor Oliveraof thU province has resigned. Rio Janeiro, Sept. 9. There Is great anxiety nmng the inhabitants as to the intention of tha insurgent fleet. It is feared the town will be bombarded if the government fails to comply with tbeir demands. Washington, Sept. 9,-Tbe situation in Brazil Is regarded as extremely ser ious by officers of this government, the state department today sent a protest against an emlargo being placed on all telegraphic commmunicatlon with that country. Blum la Jail. Portland Sept. 9. Nat Blum,un- der indictment for smuggling, arrived here this morning from Ban Francisco In custody of an officer, he was placed In Jail. ' The Proposed GompromiM. Washington, Sept. 9. The propo sition of compromise now under 4b- cussion and meeting with great favor, provide that, coupled with the bill re pealing the purchasing clause of tln mjcsfRitr If nitd bv Wlvti .bouwociixritnca tli pilnful orcUil MtantUnt ! ChlUJ-blrtn, Jr tit InhWUe Jelf. to lor, ana tbe torture ofeuo- tmtufut, ittiHnK tbe dinger thereof to UiUi mower uu cfalU. UU Iff IMM. tuf pMfttU. HI ""lTAT '3V MAtftCLB lUtATWI ca,ATtANT,dA. 8'ifrman not, there shall be a law di recting the secretary of the treasury to buy mbnthly a conslderablyreducod amount of silver bullion, and to net ually coin this bullion Into money. The secretary of the treasury is also to bo given ample power to protect all gold and currency and money of tbe United States and to makelt Inter changeable. . In addition to k this tho National banks or the United States are to bo permitted to issue national notes to an aggregate equal .to tho face value of United Btates bonds on de posit. Concessions to state banks have also been discussed. The four, soperato and distinct subjects, which' It Is pro- posed to add to the repeal bill various compromise amendments there to, represent the four faotlpna into which the United States seriate may be Bald to bo divided at this time. None of these factions would secure what it his been demanding by Uib legisla tion, but each would receive slight con cessions and some consolatlouvfrom un conditional repeal, and eaoji faction would retire from tho coDfllot free from the uuus of defeat, and with jaurols of a part victory to be placed o Its credjt. In Congress, r . Washing-ion, Sept. 9. Tbe house held a short session. Objection was made to consideration of the'resolutlon by Miklejohn, of Nebraska, calling for Information as to the administration pension apt 90, The committee ou elec tions reported permitting Belnapof the fifth Michigan district to make a con tent for bis seat held by Richardson, In the senate Pfefler spoke lu sup port of his resolution asking for Infor mation as to whether tho banks of New York, Philadelphia and Boston main tained a lawful reserve and -whether they paid checks In currency. At 2 p. m. tho repeal bill was taken up. Government Matters. Washington, Sept. 9. Tho cabinet held a meeting yesterday and It Is un derstood that the topics which came up for consideration included government finances, tbe Hawaiian question, tho trouble in Brazil and the Chinese ex clusion act. It is believed to bo settled that tbe government will enforce tho Geary act to the full extent of tbe funds available for that purpose and congress will be asked to make additional appro priations to enable a thorough enforce ment of tbe law. Iu vlow of tho prac tical determination of the government to eu force the Deary law and the bellof that the Chinese wilt not accept thia action peacefully,, arrangements hard been made to strengthen the naval forces in Chinese waters. Nearly tho entire present fleet of wooden vessels will be replaced w 1th new steamships. The change Is now la progress. Martial L&wln Bio. Washington, Sept. 9. The martial law bus been declared at Rio Janerlo, Brazil. It Is feared the olty will be bombarded by the revolutionary navy. Word was received at noon by the state department, from Minister Thompson, at Rio, to have Secretary Gresbam at once communicate tho intelligence to tbe navy department. ' A consultation was had as to the United States vessels bdng ayallablo to be sent to the scene to protect American Interest. ' , fc . "i Hawaiian Policy. Washington, Sept. 9. Alberts. W. Ellis, tbe nwly appointed mlQlxter to Hawaii, was at the state department yesterday and had a conference with Secretary Gresbam. It Is expected that he and Mills, tbe consul-general to Honolulu, will sail for their poet of duty as soon as their nominations shall have been con firmed bytbo senate. The na ture of tbe instructions that will be given EHi l a matter of considerable speculation, In view of tbe pretent con dltlon of aflalra In Hawawll, but It Is believed that be will be authorized to maintain tbe statu quo that now ob Uiosintbat country pending the ac tion by congress on tho report to be submitted to it as a mult of the Blount mUtlon. ENGLISH COAL SiTHIKERS. Men Desperate nnd Hungry. Growing EMIN PASOA SURELY DEAD. Ills Dispatches Found by tho Ex peditlon. The English Strikers. London, Sept., 9. Lord Inasham's colliery near Pontefruot waa badly wreoked by tbo rioting coal miners thero last evening, The troops shot eight of tbe rioters, two of whom have slnco died. The conflict caused much. commotion among the strikers, who are gathering from all points and vow ing vengeance. Fromdlflerent sections of Yorkshire come reports of striking miners rioting aud destroying tbo property of their employers. Troops havo been seut to nil Beotlons where theso troubles aro oc curring, people aro much alarmed. Thousands of pounCa of damage has already beon done and tho work of sa loons are belug pillaged and crops de stroyed, On the other hand 00,000 Wolch miners resumed work today and It is hoped that their notion may havo a boneflclal eflect upon tbo English miners who aro nowin a state of ox tremo excitement. The Forth Staf fordshire miners also agreed to resume work at tbo old wages. There is great distress among tho miners at Dsrbyshiro, Men there are literally starving. Surely Dead. London, Sept. 0. A letter from an officer of Emln Pasha's expedition confirms tho report of the murder of Emln, and announces the finding of a box of Emln'fl dispatches, written Just before he was murdered. Tho box is now on Kb way to England. Tho lot tors describe in dotal! tho capturo of Nyangua, which was stormed March 4th, Tbe Arabs lost 800 men. Only two Europeans were killed. Hotne Eule Killed. London, Sept. 0. At 12:40 a. m. the bouse of lords rejected tho homo ruio blllbyavoteof410to41. A significant feature of the home rule discussion In tho houso of lords Is tho fact that a special pollco force wac ordered to report for duty in tho palace yards in front of tho houses of parlia ment, In order to bo ready for Imme diate action lu case a hostllo demon stration should be made against the lords wlieu they left tbe building after tho division on tbe home rule bill. Tho house presented a brilliant aud almost unprecedented speotaclo when, at 10 p. m., Lord Salisbury rose to deliver the last speech lu opposition to the home rule bill. Tbo house was crowded as well as were all the approaches. The Earl of Klmberly spoke for the bill ou behalf of the govormont and a division waa taken resulting Iri the home ruio being defeated. In tho street an Immense crowd awaited the announcement of the result of tbe division. A strong detachment of pollco mingled with tho orowd and was unln front of the entrance to tbe building. When tbe result finally reached tbe people it was received with vociferous cheering, An analysis of tbe vote ahows twenty-five bishops and archbhlsops who were present at tbe division all voted with majority, The vote was tbe largest ever record' ed In tbe bouse of lords, Pigmies vs. QUnti. Lilliputian as they are In size (being no larger than mustard eceds), tbey achlove results that their Brobdingna glan opponents utterly fall lu. We refer to tbe efficacy of the powerful prepara tion known as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, com oared with that of tbeir gl (rantio competitors, the oldttylo pill, Trv tha Utile crlints. when dyspepsia. liver compiaini, unuiswuu. uuuuu new. or any blodred Ills aatall you, and you'll make no mistake they'll disap pear at onoe. .-.- ; r im-ii -. in Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. jsmam ABSOLUTELY PURE fl ' y f . Gov. BoiM Talks. Uuundy Centre, Ia Sept. 0. Gov ernor Boles spoko hero this, afternoon, opening tho campaign in tho .Jtato for tho Democratic party. Ho devoted most of his time to tho tariff", pensions, prohibition add state Institutions. Tho governor vigorously repelled the charges of the Republicans thatDem ebracy. is roponsiblo for the present ffnanolal (crisis, On tho Bllvor question he said: "This question ought never to be hampered by partisan politics. It requires for proper adjustment tho "best men of all political parties, The great mass our people outsldo of thoeo directly bene fitted by exchange look upon the act- of ''73 demonetizing silver as u colossal national orime, -and are anxious to remedy the wrong in anyway It can be done without committing another, and without detriment to the credit of the nation." Portland Bank Resumes. Portland, Sept. 0 Oregon Nation al bank resumed business today. Bank Statement. New York, Sept. 9. Tho weekly bank statement shows that the banks now hold (2,000,000 In excess of legal requirements. Balding of Ohineso. Frebno, Cal., Sopt. 0. A mob of six whlto workmen raided a Cblneso camp at Mctzlor's vineyard last night. Three Chinese were badly wounded. It Is re ported that two Chinamen were killed in tho raid ou Smith's vineyard. Boy Killed. Portland, Sept. 9. Wllllo Lainers 10 years of ugo, was killed lu the shop of J. Graham, a contractors, this morn ing. Ho attempted to step over some shaftlug wheu his clothing caught In a nut on a wheel. Twebty revolutions woro made beforo tho machinery was stopped. Tho body waa frightfully crushed and maugled, haying tho right side of tbo body and skull crushed. Tho low er portion of the body was torn out. World's Fair Day. Chicago. Ills.. Sent. O.Todav la a led letter day at tbe world's fair, It bo lug Grand Army day, California day, Uluh day, Civil Engineer's day. Trans portation day, to dedicate new Liberty bell, and trausfer the Columbus cars- vela irom opaia to wiu uuiwi mates. Mklni: Car Wlieelt. An unusual method of making wkeels for cars lias been brought lxiforo railway men. Wherever tt is dosired to liave reliable wheels, steel tires aro almost universally used, with paper, wrought or cast iron centers. Cast Iron centers are tho cheapest form of any us regards first cost, but it is rathor dlfllcult to form a good connection between the tiro and the contcr. In tho now mothod of manufacture a stock of tires Is made up comploto. Tho molds for the center of tho wheel are then cut up, leaving a space for placing tho tire in the mold, so as to form a part of it, Tho mold is next opened, and tbo tire, heated to a red beat, is placed in position. Tho mold is then closed and tbo molten metal for tho center immediately poured in. Tho result is said to bo a practically perfect anion, forming a solid wheel which has the advantage of a durablo steel rim and a cheap body .Milwaukee Wisconsin.? A Method orrrooL Tho president has pardoned Jack Pe, which recalls the attempt of an English lectnrcr here a good many years ago to prove that a fish and a pigeon were one M...1 1. tk .nma XJnra ta IliA Al-cmttlnllt; a ,,v .!a t. a flh nlo. Therefore a tub plo is a jack pie, a jack pie is a job pie, a job pio is a pie John aud a plo John i a, pigeon. Boston Transcript. Relic of tbe I'Mt. Borne time ago in India a large tigress killed tho belorod husband of tbe eoceu trio Lady Dormer. Then tbo tigress lu her turn was also killed. Now the be reaved widow U bringing the btad and tail U the defunct animal boar with H Baking ivVfltci ADDITIONAL LOOAL. Work Progressing. Archie Ma eon's crew have now completed, ex cept tho fine finish, State street to Wlu ter and it really looks more like a Btreot than any Salem over had. Tha Initiatory Btep for good streets is what the city has long needed and the work will not stop with Ttata street. . With tub Secretary op State. Oeo. L. Hlbbard, H. A. and H. W. Hague yesterday filed nrtloles incorpor ating tbe Five Continents Trust Co, The principal place of business Is to be at Portland and the capital stock lim ited to $100,000. Evanoeuoal. German church.oor uer Center and Liberty streets, services. on Sunday, Sept. 10 as follews: Sunday school at 10 a. m., preachlog at It . m. and 7:30, Y. P. A. at 7 p.m. All peo ple are cordially Invited. A. A. Engle bart, pastor. Unity Church. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 12. Rov. W. E. Copeland pastor. Subject of morning sermon "Hid with Christ In God." Subject of evening lecture, "The Riddle of the Sphynx." Baptist Church. Services morn ing and evening at usual hour by Rev. M, L. Ruggtof Seattle. Sunday school at 12 m. Endeavor meeting at 030 p. m. Evangelical. Usual se'rloe at W. C. T. U. hall, on Court street, at 10:30 a. m., and 7:30 p. tn., and Sunday school at 12 rn. tomorrow. You. are welcome J. Boworeor, pastor. W. C. T. U.-Thero wfll boa Gospel Temperunco meeting at tbe W. O. T. U. hall on Sunday at 4 p. m. TbeGoe pol will be sung, road and talked. Everyone wolcom. St. Paul's A. M. E. North Salem seryice? at 11 a.'m. and 730 p. m. Sunday school at 1 o'clock v. m. All welcome. Rov. Jas. Simmons, pastor. Y. M.'C. A. All young men are In vited to hoar an address by Rav. J. K. Blair, at tbo Association rooms to morrow afternoon at 4 o'o ock, ! II I HI l.. CongrkoationalOhurch Preach ing both morning and evening by Rev. Mr. Kerober, Another Burned. Rank Edgar'a bop bouse, four mltei ea9t of Marlon was burned lost nigh't. There had been picked and stored about $700 worth' of hops. The entire loss Is about 2000. Insurance $1100. No Chinese connected with this t urnlng. ' Biikruw Balk. Deputy Sheriff Wrlghtman sold lots 6 and 7 of block 2, Riverside addition, at public auction at the court house today. The sale was to satisfy an execution In the cat of J. B, Standard vs. J. E. Kartell. The property was bid In by thq pklutlfT, at $437 82, tho amount of Judgment. Eight acres of lund belonging to Frank O'Hurold, seven miles north of Baton, was also sold by the sherift this after noon, to satisfy a o'alm of O, B. dem ent. TBX XARKXTS.. Ban Francisco, Sent, 0, Wheat, December $1,161. Chicago, Sept. 0, Cash, 96); De cember 00). Portland, 8ept. 0, Wheat valley, ,02J OS Wall Walla .82J5. In order to accommodate the many students whd pay their way rough school by working In the ktarveai flekb, fruit pleklnsr, eta, tke manageyof tbe Friends' Polytechnic Inetiiut have re vised the school calender so a to Infer fere as little as poselMe with attest wotk. By the new arruit tb SOtMal jwr uegiua mm ru, ?p. vh, tim u of the 12th, as heretofore announced. The course of study will a Wo be erraagetf after tbe Chicago Uulverrtty plea, that a student may drop otrt jwrt of Um year and yet Mud a clees ready tor him. wheu be starts again, thus Win eJU to take tbe full course of study wMb& golug the entire school year, ' '