Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, September 02, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    W "W i
OHEAEEST ,. . fc
Associated Press Daily News
paper. Published' onthe'
Pacific Coast,
$3.00 ft Year.
SScta. mouth by Mali
Prepaid la Advance
No Papers Stent Wlte
Time is Oat.
U Ar 1 JL AJu
VOL. 6.
NO. 207.
The New York Racket
Still occupies their old position in the State Insurance Block,
333 Commercial Street, and still offer
In all lines of goods which they carry. Their fine ladies and
misses Dongolia shoes, are a,way below what they can be
u'jugub ior generally, ana every
boy's and children's shoes. In all lines of goods such as boy's
and men's fur and wool hats, wool, black satpen, and gents
light dress shirts, white laundried and unlaundried shirts;
Ladies, cents, and bovs nnrlflrwflnrr Tin.Tir.R- nvAmlln inrdrofa
gloves, bed-spreads, lace curtains, embroideries, laces, table
niiuu, urusii, luwkih, puuKet Knives, Duggy wnips, ana a large
line of all kinds of notions, all sold at
We buy all our goods for cash, at the lowest possible
prices for good material, and can afford to sell at low prices for
General Insurance Agency.
' Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
8TATE INBURANOE CO., jEtna Insurauce Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., Bun insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., Westchester KIre Iub. Co.,
iilon Clre Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Insurance Co.,
London Lancashire Fire Ins. Soc, London Assurance corporation,
Alliance Assurance Co., Norwloh Union Fire Ina-Suc.
Oldest and Leading Firm in the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance, T
Eecovera and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in the trade
enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble tu
give estimates. State Insurance block, Chemeketa street
Ed. C.
CHURCHILL Piimp5,Piinips,PiiERp
Sd 103
BURROUGHSJ State Street.
I I. tlttnij TAILOR.
Lamoureux's Stables,
J At the Commercial street bridge near
. .
III i r JL"
West Printing
do better work than ever. Country orders receive prompt at
S03 Commercial St.,
Xaiaurance - Agnt
215 Commercial Street.
A...l t r 1I,IIb
Home Insurance Co , New York.
Norwlch-Unlon Ins. Co.. Liverpool.
t)..l.f r n ir...l.u(av
uuo iiiburauce A ju6iraiwi
Over One Million Dollars Deposited With State Treasurer of Oregon for
.. ... . O.TJ. in nrnn OTllV.
rraeeuoa oi reucy
All Losses Aajnated a&i Pali Tkrosgk Salem Agency on Policies WrttUa
AUo Write Uh asd Aoekknt Iswrmaw
snoe ot tne better class war-
Wholesale, and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of allKinds
95 Court find
110 State Streets.
Willamette "' -i""; bbv
.. a TT.i1 "Kfr &vaaIp onn Vtkm
f Has just received some
Balem, Oregon.
Western Assurance, Toronto, Canada.
Lancashire, Manchester, Eog.
Hamburjc-Madebunr. Germany.
Home Mutual, Ban Francisco, Cal,
wu -- --
la Bt Company In the World.
Homestead Mills Re
sume with 2000
Provides for $50 per Capita en
Land Security.
Another Cholera Yictim Found in
Jersey City.
Work Eesumed.
Pittsbobo, Pen., Sep. 2. The Car
negie Homestead plant, which hat
been partially shut down atx weeks,
will resume all departments Monday.
Thla will give employment to two
thousaqd idle men.
Pfeffer's Scheme.
Washinoton, Sept. 2. Pfeffer's
sub-treasury bill introduced yesterday
is in the nature of an amendment to
the constitution. The first amendment,
known as No. 10 directs the secretary
of tho treasury to print and Issue to
state governments f5,000,OCO for each
hundred thousand inhabitants, or at
the rate of $50 per capita.
This money is to be distributed in
small denomination legal tender bills
delivered to states free of cost or inter
ests. States are prohibited from lend
ing It in excess of Interest charge, 3 per
Money is to be let on landed security
double the amount borrowed. No per
son shall borrow ruoio than $2000. Cor
porations are not allowed to lend
All other money other 'than metal
now outstanding shall be called into
the treasury and destroyed.
The secretary of the treasury is re
quired to print 6,000,000 fifty cent bills
and tho same number of 25 cent bills
to be sold by postmasters.
Amendment No. 17 prohibits the de
posit of any public money in private or
incorporated banks other than the na
tional treasury or sub-treasury.
Amendment No. 18 provides for the
free coinage ot both gold and silver.
Amendment No. 10 prohibits sub-
treasuries from buying gold or silver, or
receiving gold or silver for deposit, and
Issuing substitute money therefore.
Amendment No. 20 divides the na
tional treasury Into two separate de
partments: one to receive all revenue
due the government and disburse the
same, and one to irsue money and dis
tribute money to states and renew
mutilated bills.
Great Oload Sunt.
Savannah, Ga., Sept. 2. A cloud
burst is reported at Guyton, on the
Central road, thirty miles from here,
People caught In the streets and on the
country roads had to run for their lives.
Many bridges are washed away, and It
is thought some lives are lost. The
water is now said to be four feet deep is
the Guyton streets.
Mors Okokra.
t,m, rii-w Hn 9Annthar tl-
peeled case of cholera wns discovered
here today in the oerson of John Lynch
of Baltimore. Vigorous measures are
being taken to prevent spread or lbs
Is a scientifically prepved Liniment
and harmless: every ingredient Is of
recognized value and in constant use
by the medical profession. It Snort
ens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes
Danger to life of Mother and Child.
Book "To Mothers" mailed free, containing-
valuable information and vol-
wiiuiittwurW mum, , .
Oholer In England.
London, Sept,'2. A sailor who foil
ill of cholera Aboard of the crlmsby
vessel In Btomifess burbor, two days
ago, died this morning.
In donircss.
Washington'; Sep. 2. In tho senate
today Dolpb of Oregon spoke In favor
of his bill appropriating half a million
for the enforcement of the Chinese ex
clusion act.
The boaae baa resumed debate on the
Voorhees gavo notlco that ho would
on Monday move to begin the dally
sessions at 11 o'clock instead of noon,
adding that he had an old-fashioned
notion that the senate Bbould submit
to tho will of the majority. Silver
men see in the motion and the accom
panying remarks! indications of an in
tention to force matters in the repeal
bill debate, with the probable effect of
adopting cloture.
The bouse bill to provide for certain
urgent deficiencies in the appropria
tions, passed With amendments.
The cholera outbreak lu Jersey City
has caused a scare among congressman.
It may do much toward shortening tho
session. Officials of the marine hospi
tal service do not ' fear a general out
break. Chinese Troubles.
Rkdlands, Cal., Sept. 2. Precau
tions taken by calling out national
guard prevented attempt to drive out
Chineso last night. Town perfectly
quiet today. Believed autl-Chineee
movement checked.
San Bebnaruino, Cai., Sept. 2.
Night passed quietly and without dem
onstration. Chinese were bar r lea ted
all night long u their quarters armed
witb-guns of-all descriptions.
Bedlands, Cal., Sep. 2. Deputy
United States Marshal James D. Furrls
in conjunction with some citizens, has
procured the names of the Chinese hero
and on Monday warrants will be sworn
out before Judge Ross of the United
dtatea district court of Los Angeles, for
the arrest of all Chinamen here not re
gistered. Prominent citizens bavo
guaranteed the preliminary expense of
securing the arrests.
(J. A. & Encampment.
Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 2. The
city today welcomed the Veterans of
tho Grand Arm; of the Republic to its
27th annual encampment. Today's
chief feature will bo the naval brigade,
under the command of Rear-Admiral
Osborn An Informal reception will af
terwards be held on board the model of
tho war ship Keareaijo.
Davenport Ousted.
New Yohk, Sep. 2. Under Instruct
ions from Secy. Carlisle, Postmaster
Doyton today took forcible possession
of the rooms In the federal building oc
cupied by John I. Davenport, United
States Supervisor of Elections;
Secret Labor Meeting.
Louisville, Ky., Sept. 2. A secret
session of the railway labor unions Is
lu progress. A committee will wait on
the officers of the Louisville k, Nash
ville road, this afternoon, and ask for s
Sunday Closing 8caa4aL
Chicago. Bent. 2.-Scsndsl plied on
scandal yesterday In the litigation over
the world' falrBuorfay closing Judge
Gogglns told his side or tu story at
length and It is difficult (o see what
further can develop that would give
the matter a more extraordinary phase.
Judce Gugglns nukes a remarkable ex
nlanstion oi his unprecedented decision
in favoring Sunday opening. He said
In part: HIt is a Judge's duty to decide
a case without reference to what either
riHrinin or American or Scandinavian
or Irish papers think of ft but simply
as to where rlirlit sua justice lay. i was
within my right when i Kioxeu juig
Breutanoofftbe bench with me, Judge
Dunne dissented from me and I re
spected his dissent. But Ju Ige Bren
tano afte r agn-elug with me oti a propo
sition of law, shifted nl vote because a
German newspaper favored closing the
flr on Sundsys. To say this tuade me
mad Is to express my ftdlugs bat
feebly, so I did what I did.
Glndstoae's Bill Passes en Pinal
Great Cheers For the CharuploH
of Freedom.
The Battle Won.
London, Sept. 2. Gladstone's long
hose rule fight in the house of com
mons has ended. The bill passed at 1
o'clock this (Saturday) morning by a
vote of 801 to 207. It was hurried to
the house of lords which gave It the
first reading and then adjourned.
There was uuiMualnnltaatldn along
the route from Gladstone's residence to
commons this afternoon. The streets
were crowded with people who wished
to catob a glimpse of the great cham
pion of home rule, and though there
was no organised demonstration he
was cheered all along the route. He
was aceompanled by his wife and was
evidently much pleased with the hearti
ness of the greeting he received from
the populace, bowing constantly to the
The galleries of the house were filled
long before the sitting opened, a largo
number of ladies being present. The
premier was loudly cheered by his fol
lowers as be walked to his seat; tho
galleries also gave him a warm greet
ing. Justin McCarthy opened the de
bate speaking in the same lines as Dil
lon last night. Chamberlain followed.
He said the bill struck a deadly blow
at the honor and interests of the coun
try, but be could not avoid being filled
with admlratton at tho courage, resolu
tion, resources and eloquence of the
prime minister. Chamberlain spoke
over an hour and his address was a
brilliant one. Balfour spoke more than
an hour. He said the government's
lnsano action bad done more than 100
tory governments had done to demon
strate the necessity for the house of
lords as a bulwark of greatness and In
terests to the empire. John Morley,
chief secretary of Ireland, spoke blttet
ly of the tactics of the opposition. He
said there was a great party In Great
Britain determined that Ireland should
no longer be the cockpit of England's
factions. After many other speeches a
division was had upon Courtney's
amendment to reject the bill and it was
defeated. The bill was then put on tho
third reading and passed. The full im
port of the occasion was felt by all and
the culmination was accompanied by
rounds of frantic cheers from the galler
ies and upon the floor.
Gladstone received a fresh ovation as
be left the house. The scenes in front
of the bouse after midnight were ex
citing. A knowledge of the vote to
be taken attracted a large crowd.
Many Irishmen were la the throng
and the sentiment of the crowd gener
ally was for borne rule and Gladstone.
This was expressed In tasoy ways by
singing "Wearing of the Green, "God
Save Ireland," cheering for Gladstone
and booting Balfour.
Portland Races.
Portland, Sep. 2. The races today
resulted as follews:
In the sven sixteenths dash Funny
won. Roanoke second, Black Prince
third; time 42.
Three-fourth fialle, heats Viceroy
won. Queen Bee secoud, Arklo third;
time 1:10
Trotting, for two-year-olds Adalene
won, Marchioness second, Ella T third
beettliste im. This Is the beet time
ever made by a two-year-old In the Pao- j
IR0 ftortuwest.
The 223 class Bonner N. B. won.
Qullkdue second, Desota third; time
Han Fkancisco, Sept. 2. Wheat,
December 11.14).
Chicago, Sept. 2. Cash, 031; De
eesaber a8J,
Pokt&ad, Sept. 2. Wheat valley,
valley, .KJJ.W; Walla Walla .821fo
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Two Unpardonable OSfonies In tlio German
Army Relate to Efficiency.
Thoro are two things which tho
Gorman officor does not and cannot
condono ono is nonefHcioncy of tho
jBoldior'a riflo, tho other a chafed foot.
If eithor of thoso two talceB place on
tho march or during tho maneuvers,
thoBoldior is immediately punished
with arrest and is not nllowed to
offer any oxcuae. During tho differ
ent maneuvers of German army
corps that I havo attended I cannot
recall a handful of footsoro men in
tho courso of a day's work, and yot
at all thoso field operations forced
marches aro a featuro in ordorto
test tho enduranco of officers and
Tho Gccret of this uniform excel
lence as regards marching powers
Uea in tho training which tho men
receive When thoy cuter thoir com.
pany as recruits in October, tho first
thing that is impressed upon their
minds is tho importanco of the shoo
and tho musket No pains aro spared
in giving tho men at tho start com
fortahlo footgear, and thoy aro ex
pectod to look after this with as
much interest as if it wero a chro
nometer. In tho spring following, when tho
snow is off the ground, marches aro
undertaken, and thoso 'aro regulated
as carefully as aro tho strokes and
tho courses of tho college crow un
der the hands of tho trainor. Each
day the men march half a mile pr so
farther than tho day before ; each
day thoy carry on thoir back an
ounco or two more; each day tho
speed thoy aro nhlo to maintain is
carefully noted; in fact, tho record
of a company's marching from day
to day until lato in tho Bammor
when thoy movo into tho open coun
try Is kept as minutely as if it wore
a singlo picked company training for
a match or competitive drill.
The Gennan soldier is educated
and trained for tho purposo of fight
ing, and to have a man fall out ho
foro ho roaches tho firo lino is looked
upon as quito as much a disaster as
if ho had been shot and wounded by
tho enomy. Tho art of war, as prac
ticed In Germany, is very much tho
art of "getting thoro.'' nud it is tho
general who posts himself most ad
vantageously at tho critical moment
that may bo assumed to havo won
the battle. Harper's.
London Corporation OlfU to Eloyalty,
During tho past century tho Lon
don city corporation has expended
on 28 separate occasions something
liko 80,000 upon gifts to royalty.
This is exclusive of tho grant of 2,
COO which has boon voted for tho
marriago present to tho Duko of
York and Princess May. All the
sons of tho queen aro citizens by pat
rimony. Tho marriago presenta
tion to tho Princess of Wales 80
years ago was a diamond necklace
and carriage which cost 10,000.
London Tit-Bibs.
Reviewing' Her Conduct.
When a quito youthful and much
potted damsel named Ru th goes away
from homo without her mother, sho
is soraotimea unmanageable, and al
ways on hor return is intorvlowod as
to her deportment whilo absent. On
a recent occasion, after a round of
visits sho had madowith a certain
doting and indulgent relativo, Ruth
was asked tho customary question as
to whether sho had been a good girl.
"Well," she replied deliberately, as
if carefully balancing tho evidence,
"I was pretty good, I think only
kicked at my grandmother twice."
Now York Tribane.
A Very Old Vitally.
Bannistor used to tell a story of his
having been introduced, with Mrs.
Bannister, to an elderly lady of ex
ceedingly "high notions," After the
presentation had taken place, the
lady asked a wit of tho day who was
"Who aro the Bannisters! Aro they
of good famllyf '
"Yea," said the wit, "they aro
closely allied to the fttairs."
"Ofe," said Lady Lucretla, " very
ancient family from Ayrshire, dates
back to 1640. I am delighted to see
your Me&dL"-Ixndoa Ttt-BHs,
" r"i "
yviwwiw .
Iteformlnc a Stan.
I bolievo that each ono of usfc con
nected with divinity by a spark of
light within. In Bomo it is a mere
speck of light; in others it is a steady
flame; in others a burning fire, and
tho physical naturo is a more grato
which contains this fire. Perhaps the
man within whom tho spark is very
small and feeble may conceive a mad
infatuation for somo woman who be
lieves sho can reform him through
this lovo. But if ho is merely infatu
ated with n woman in whom tho di
vine principlo is feeble his reforma
tion is liablo to bo on an unstable
Tho man who has felt tho divino
within tho woman appealing to his
hotter unturo, who has felt the holy
spark within his bouI fanned into a
largor flnmo by hor influence, who
has felt hor cpiritual influence abovo
her physical charms, that man may
bo reformed and stay reformed al
though his past may havo been worse
than that of tho prodigal son.' And
yot I think that tho spiritual naturo
which enabled him to respond to this
woman's lovo could havo saved him
by its own upreaching force per
haps. Tho woman was merely a
mouthpioco for tho divino to call to
tho divinity within him and enable
it to gain tho ascendency. Ella
Wheeler Wilcox in Ladies' Home
The Art of aarnUlilng.
Tho Bciontifio branch of cookery
comprises the dovfemg of diBhoa and
sauces. Tho urtistio branch consti
tutes tho nr(; of garnishing, and this
playb a most important part in tho
outcome of tho kitchen, ns by means
of it dishes pleaso tho oyo beforo thoy
ploaso tho paluto. First impressions
go a gjoat way, and wlion one sonso
is captivated by nn ngrokablo and in
viting nppenrnnoo tho dish must be
bad indeed which falls to stand the
moro searching ordeal of tnsfo. Be
sides, pooplo who suffer from jaded
appotitos havo u bettor chance of eat
ing thoir dinnor when the dishes
which aro put lwforo them aro pleas
ant to tho sight
Art, howovor, ia not a thing to be
taught. You may show it man how
to mix colore, but you cannot teach
him how to uso them. I will only
explain that what in cookery to
meant by garnishing is not tho tra
ditional parsley of tho cook. The
one and great thiug to avoid as much
as poasiblo is tho using for purposed
of garnishing things which aro not
eatable Philadelphia Press".
A lilt of Flue Writing, '
About 40 years ago a spocimon of
microscopic ponmanship was exhib
ited in America. It consisted of tho
following inscription written upon
glass in a circle much emallor than
tho head of an ordinary pin 1-025
part of an inch in diameter "Low
ell and Scutor. Wntcbmakors, 61 Ex
change St., Portland. Written by
Format at Paris, 1852." Boston Com
monwealth. Not Traveling Incognito. I
"Mhss Smiley is going to travel un
der an assumed name."
"You Burpriao mo I"
"Yes, eho is going to bo married
next week and start on her honey
moon. " Exchange
The state of Now York leads every
etato save California in tho production
of grapes. About 40,000 acres in that
state are planted in grapes.
Ono thousand and fifty-six lives were
saved by llfeboatmen on the coasts of
Great Brituin during lust year and with
out tho loss of one llfoboatinan.
A monster lock, to bo built on the
Calbcrt Shoals canal, at BirtniBghaw,
Ala., will bo when completed, it is
claimed, tho largest in the country.
In Bengal, India, thoro aro three har
vests reaid every year peas and eil
seeds la April, tho early rico crop in Sr
tember and tho great rice crop in De
cember. Tho old Lougfellow hoiucstead.thq Ant
building erected in Portland, Me., has
beeu given to the Muiuo Historical sod
ty by Mrs. Anna L. Pierce, a sUvter o
the poet.
Tho full blooded South African as
tro Is remarkable for his extraoc&aary
length of arm, the Ayutara India ef
Peru for the urpriUe shoss, ot Mst
. i
. a
H"f I
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