v "MHB,J' 'm irfpraggsr., OAJpyWja jrfifinix TXrBiK5JLt:t ATOEaiii. AT VER3AILUES. She supped apon that fragrant sward, Bhe bitched the joyous fountains play. ' The girlish rfue'ety whose fate was hard. Her junilifne lasted scarce ft day. She watohed the Joyous fountains play, Her eyes and lips with smiles alight. Her sunshine lastod scarce a day, Her hopes were lost In blackest night. Her eyes and lips with' smiles alight, The charming Marle"Antolnett6? Hor hope's-were lost In blackest night; Her follies let the world forget. The harming Marie Antoinette, Hno iored a play, a rout or ball; Mer failles 1st the world forget. She pald'so dearly for them all She lored a play, a rout or ballt She lored a' brilliant, sparkling gem; She paid so dearly for them all, E'en with her life and diadem. She lored a brilliant, sparkling gem. Ahl who shall countthe. price-she paid? E'en, .with her llfo and diadem, As on the block her headishe laid, -- i Ahl who shall count the price she paid? Aht who can say what thoughts she had As on the blook her head she laid The past unrolled, both good and bad? Aht who can say what thoughts she had? No doubt her lored Versailles she saw. The pant unrolled, both good and bad. Versailles still owns her sovereign law. No doubt her lored Versailles she saw. She lingers yet around the spot. Versailles still owns her sovereign lawt By no one can it bo forgot. She lingers yet around the spot The girlish queen, whose fate was hard. By no one can it be forgot She stepped upon that fragrant sward. M. A. B. Evans in Quips. ALWAYS TOO LATE. Priflcilla, who often wondered why it had Leon necessary to name her after her dead and gone great-grand-aunt; was growing np into a fine young woman. She was 16 and tall at that. Her cousin, Tomlinson Perrybrook, then five and twenty, made up his mind to marry her if he could get her, since in his estimation she was the prettiest, best and sweetest little darling living. But she was only 16. He would say nothing' yet. He would wait until she was 17 and then speak. Then Tomlinson Perrybrook, hav ing made up hid mind quietly, went back to his occupation, which was what he called "improving his place." Ho laid out new paths, planted new trees, improved the garden and gave the parlor a fine frescoed wall and ceiling, a new Persian carpet and velvet furniture. Meanwhile he said nothing to Pris cilla, having not the slightest doubt that she liked him and would say "Yes" whenever ho Baid "Will you!" Priscilla did like him. She was secretly a good deal in love with him and very much hurt that he did not make love to her. Every one in the house knew this except Tomlinson himself. Ho was wait ing for the seventeenth birthday. Before that time Priscilla went to London to pay a visit. There, at the house of a fashionable relative, she met a fashionable young man who fell desperately in love with her. In her heart Priscilla wished that her Cousin Tomlinson had been in his place, but as far as she knew her Cousin Tomlinson had no more than cousinly affection for her. Consequently, feeling that her youth was waning with the approach of her seventeenth birthdav, she Ac cepted her first offer and came home to toll her father and mother what she had done. They in turn told Cousin Tomlin son, who, haying contrived to bide his emotion, escaped from themias soon as possible and went homo to shut himself up in the frescoed par lor ho had furnished for unconscious Priscilla and cry like a girl. There was nothing for it now but to get over his misery as well as he could, and ho congratulated his cou sin in a very pretty choice of words and went away to distract his mind by travel. Ho resolved not to return until the end of November. This was May, In June his aunt, Pris cilla's mother, wrote to him. One of the paragraphs of her letter con tained a tremendous piece of news. It was this: "I am Borry to tell you, dear nephew, that Priscilla has quarreled with the gentleman she was to mar ry and that the affair is quite broken off, bo that she has even given him back his ring. Of course such events aro unpleasant, though we are glad to keep our girl a little longer. Mr. Diawiddio was silly enough to be jealous without reason." Priscilla was free again. Cousin Tomlinson's spirito arose. The fres coed parlor arose before his imagina tion, wjtth Priscilla on obo Bide of the grata and he upon the other in twia armchairs. He Baw her driving the little pony phaeton he intended to buy for her down the broad path leading from the house to the gate, and he was just three days' distance from home, and a woman whose heart has just been hurt is always readier to accept a salve for it in the shape of a new lover, as we all kn0ry' ... T xrtmlA bo well for him to return home and exhibit himself as Pri cilia's adorer In this moment of maid en humiliation. But this young man liked to carry out the plans ho had formed for himself. He had said that he would travel until November, and it seemed proper to do so. Con sequently be pixxseeded on bia Jour- JfVw, iMMiH, who fei lor4 her ,lovHrtui onlyjbeon ,ploased .by bis lovoVor herj Had thought a good deal, about T'jplmson, whose wocbo-, gonaiacojnaa given ner a notion of truvj thp day ho called to bid her adieu before he set off upon his jour ney, and she had actually purposely made her lover quarrel with her and broken off her match on his account "Tell my cousin, mamma," she had said, and mamma had written. But when Tomlinson made no re sponse, Priscilla grew angry ; when he did not return or even write to hor, angrier yet. At last when June, July, August, September and October had passed she began to confess that she was an idiot to throw away a true heart for one that had no love for her, and that Tomlinson had worn a long face for some other reason than her en gagement. Tho consequence was that when exactly on the 23d of November, as ho had resolved in the first place, Tomlinson x-eturned home, and to lose no time hurried to his aunt's as soon as he had made himself present able, with the firm intention of pro posing to Priscilla that very evening, he stood aghast at the door of the parlor before a very pretty picture that dissolved before his gaze his Cousin Priscilla with a gentleman's arm around her waist. He retreated to his aunt. "Who is that?" he asked, pointing to the parlor. "Mr. Dinwiddie," said his aunt. "I thought you told me" began poor Tomlinson, "Only a lovers' quarrel, after all," said the aunt smilingly and quite unaware of Tonilinson's anguish. "They've made it ub beautifully." He went away shortly after and left his complim'ents(f or his cousin. Miss Priscilla Inarriedj Mr. Dinwid die this time andlreally grew to love him, but there was something charm ing about her Cousin Tomlinson, erect as a poplar and trim as a Quaker, which was exceedingly to her taste. His little pink mouth and narrow, well drawn eyebrows were very, very pretty. His hair was always parted properly. There was no dust on his coat. She sometimes contrast ed him with her husband and wished that heaven had given her such, a man, but no one ever guessed it, and the .poor young lady seemed very much ashamed of the silly secret hid den in her breast. She was in all respects a good wife and resolutely Bet herself to banish ing her cousin's image from her breast. She believed herself to have succeeded when 10 years had gone by, but Tomlinson was still a bach elor and Btill kept the room ho se cretlv called Priscilla's parlor as a sort of secret hiding place, where he went at times very late in the even ing with a flat candlestick to bewail his single blessedness and indulge in retrospection. But a change was at hand. Mr, Dinwiddie', who was fond 6f horses, bought a fine spirited one in the morning and rode him out in the aft ernoon. That night Priscilla kept dinner waiting long indeed forever. Nd one ever ate that dinner, or in the ghostly moonlight as sho sat at her window, sho saw her husband's horse rush past like Some black phantom without his rider. The poor fellow lay three miles back upon the lonely road, prone on his face, stono dead. And so Prls cilia at 27 was a widow. As time passed and her grief soft ened she certainly looked very well in her cap. Tomlinson thought so, sodid Mr. Wincher, who Bottled her husband's property. This time Tomlinson made up his mind promptly. Of course it would be indecorous to intrude upon a wid ow's grief with words of love. Ho would wait a year for decency, and one month over for good measure. The "year and one month would bring them to Dec. 24, 18. He would propose on tho evening of Dec. 24. He wrote tho date down in his notebook and counted the days as a girl does those between the present and her first ball. Meanwhile he made no sign and kept away, and Mr. Wincher, being Mrs. Dinwiddio's legal . gentleman, found it necessary to call on busi nessvery often. The year tottered away. The month after it waxed and waned. Once or twice when they met by chance something in Tomlinson's eyes had revived old fancies in the widow's heart But at the end of theyear she remembered be had not bo much as called once. Sho gave a little, sigh and looked in the glass. "Twenty-seven is not 17," she said as she pinned on her first white col lar and tied on a little white crape bow. "I'm sure, at least, that Tom linson used to think ,me very pretty," Just then a servant came to tell her that Mr, Wincher had called about a piece of land. On the 24th of December, 18, at half past 7 in the evening, as be had decided, Tomlinson Perrybrook, just 36, dressed himself with much care I and observea, wim nuraq mYvi, that a bald spot as big as shilling: interfered with the straightness of ! the back parting of his hair. But 1 toning a pair of pearl colored Jdd ! gloves, be betook himself to his cou lin's residence. He rang the bell. The girl answered it and took to big card, bm reun o - linson waited half on hour. Then a jubilant gentleman camo flying out of the parlor and 6hook hands wth him. It was Mr. Wincher, whom he know very well. "Well go in and see her in a mo ment, my dear fell6w,,rhe said in a whisper. "She's a little, agitated, Ladies always aro on such occasions. We'll leavo hor to horsolf awhilo.." "Occasions what occasions!" asked Tomlinson. "You haven't suspected ,me, thpnj" Wincher said. "Sho has just prom ised to make mo happy by becoming Mrs. Wincher." Again Tomlinson, with a woeful aspect, uttered congratulations. Again Mrs. Dinwiddle gavo.a little sigh and drove away a little thought She was married to Mr. Wincher in the spring, and there was no sud-. den dissolution of the marriage, for Mr. Wincher lived 30 years, vhich,' for a gentleman who was 48 on bis wedding day was not doing so badly J He died of something with an ex ceedingly long narrio.and having been very kind indeed to his wife sho shed a great many bitter tears and felt very, very lonely. She was 58 now and bad no chil,-. dren. The second widow's cap and crape veil shaded the face of an elderly woman, but she had grown round and had a bloom in her cheeks, few gray hairs and a splendid bet of false teeth. When she had been a widow six months, Tomlinson Perrybrook,. an old bachelor of 65, utterly bald tand grown woefully thin, sat over his soli tary fire. "It is queer how old fancies hang on," he said to himsolf. "I Buppose I could have any beautiful young girl I chooso to proposo to" (an old bachelor always believes that, ana the Older he grows and the uglier he gets the stronger this strange hallu cination becomes). "But I am fond er of Priscilla than any of them. "She is changed, of course; not pretty now, and I supposo other men think her an old woman, but she a darling yet, and if I can get her to marry a third tune and com aeve and live in the old house I made ready for her when she was1 17 the' end of my life will be its happiest, and, God bless her I I'll try my best to make her happy too." Then he went to his desk and looked at a bit of ribbon sho had dropped from her hair the day she was first a bride, and that be had saved all these years and kissed it and taking his cane (he had already had a twinge or two of rheumatism) went to call upon his Cousin Priscillit Portly and rosy, sho sat knitting at her fire, neatly clad In widow's weeds. Opposite her sat a stout gen tleman, perhaps two or three years her junior. "This is my next door neighbor, Mr. Packer, Cousin Toro4inson',,v slie said. Tomlinson bowed; so did Mr. P. "Any relative bf Mrs. Wincher's I'm delighted to know,, I'm sure," he said, with great emphasis, but hedid not go, It is etiquette for ono caller, Joeavo soon after the arrival of another. Cousin Tomlinson know, but perhaps, Mr. Packer did not At all dv6nts he sat and sat and talked, and talked until Tomlinson, rising, paid!., ''Cousin Priscilla, will you seo me to the door! I've a word to say to you." Sho smiled and went into tho hal? with him, He drew the door shut, "He pays long calls, I see," ho said, indicating Mr. Packer. Something like a blush mounted to Priscilla's face. "Perhaps he thinks bo has a right to do so," she .said. "I'm glad you called tonight for when a woman of my age takes such a stop she doesn't like to break it to her friends herself. You must do it for mel cousin. You must montion that I am engaged to Mr. Packer, He is a worthy man and respects me very much and has 14 motherless children, and our estates joiri, and I am lonesome oh, so Ionesomo! And when peoj)lo at our time of life do this sort of thing, wliat is tho use of delay! I shall, of course, not marry before the year is out, but then" Poor Tomlinson I He sat down on a hall chair and excused tho act by speaking of his late attack of rheum atism. Then ho added, apropos of her late words; "Yes, yes, delays are dangerous 1" And then he said very softly': "Well, well! Goodby, Cousin Pris cilla! GoodbyJ" And he held her band longer than he had ovor before and for the last time in his life and went down the long gravel path. She looked after him. "He's an old man pow, God, blew him." she said, "but how bins and straight be is." Then the thought that bad haunted all her life flashed into her heart for an instant and warmed it back, to vniith. r---- .11 --... "Au, no tool liao an om too, sun said and went back to Mr. Packer, who bad meanwhile refreshed hfari self with a short nap, with bla bead against the paper, and burst out pf U with confused apologies. Mr. Packer outlived bis wife, and Mr. Tomlinson died before she did. He never made up hi mind about her any more, but I often wmttar frow cb tMyryJbsd la ttu OOTFSMILIES 8TlLt LEAD. r Newpprt Society Wants to Know Who the Swells Are Now, There has been much discussion in NowDort of lato concerning the lender- ship qf society as to who nro entitled to laico prominent positions in it ana carry it oh. 'Thelnnltimilllonaires are unques tionably going most of the entertaining now, nnd ono constantly hears the ques ques teons: "W6 are the dweller "Have tho nobs all died but and disappeared, or nro they yet exercising a controlling influ ence in societyr Tlio principal old Kriicite'rbocM'r manorial families aro rep resented 'in society at tho present time by tho Livingstons, tho Vanltensselaers, tho Gordincra of Gardiner's island, the Morrises bf Morrisania, the Van Cort landta, tho Floyd-Joneses, tho Thomp sons of Sagtlkos, the Beekmana, the De Lanceys, the' Polls and tho Do Poystera. Tho hoadapf the Livingstons are Harry Walter Livingston and Johnston Living strvn. mon of fnehlon. Thn hnad nf t.hn Van Ronsaelaers is Bayard Van Renssela'er,'5 the patroohby right, who married a de scendant of tho Gardinors of Gardiner's island. Tho 'head of tho Morrises is A. Newbold Morris. Tho head of tho GaiS diners of Gardiner's island is Colonel J, Lyon Gardiner, twelfth lord of that manor. The head of tho Van Cortlandts is Pierro. Yan.Cqrtlandt in ono branch and Augustus yon Cortlandt in another, Colonblj Do Lancoy Floyd-Jonea repro seuta'tho family of that name, and FredV 'crick Hblo'datl Thompson 'represents hiri 'family.,,ThVBeoknians aro represented by'GeralQ Beekman, tho Do Lanceys by Edward T. De Lancey.. The Pells are headed by George Washington Pell and Howlond Pell, and tho Do Poyaters by General J. Watts DePeystorjlheStay vesanta by Rutherford Btuyvpsant, tho Duera by James G. K. Duer, tho Jaya,by John Jay, tho Hamiltons bySchuylor Hamilton, the Winthrops In ew York by Edgarton L. Vinthrop, and in Bos ton by Robert 0. Winthrop; tho Schuy' lors by Philip Schuyler and John Bchuy lor, secretary of tho Sooiety of tho Cin cinnati; tho Lawronces by J, G. K. Law rence, theRoosovelts by JanieS B. Rdoso velt and Jj RoobovoU Roosevelt, and the Kings by A. Grade King,, All of these people hold high positions in tho fashionable world' of today, and notwithstanding the assumption of the multimillionaires that family) is of no importanco in Now York thoy aro still rejrardod in au entirely differont way from tho new people. This family pride J has bad anew impetus given to it lately by tho formation of tho sociotl'es of the Sons of 'tho Revolution, tho Sons of the Colonial Wars, tho Colonial Dames, etc. Even in-our republican country a Stay- voaont, a Livingston or a Van Rensselaer' i 'J .iil 111 It l.I -l-m' commands bucuu jiushiuu n uvunvwi fitted for It. while other mortals must work for and make ono themselves. Manv mothers aro better satisfied if their daudhters marry representatives! of in? old Knickerbockers with moderate! fortunes than if they marry into wealthy' families which have recently secured; places in fashionable society. This has; been illustrated by several notable inn stances of Into years. Tho old' Colonial! stock was riover so much appreciated ad at present. Cor, How York World. Tli at Is Ixjt. Kosalle Wlmt miikca you think he is In love with youf VloIet-Tlie first time lio ail led he loft his gloves, the second time bis cane, and! tost night hooraot his hat. Vogue. Sick nesdscM aartreiWrs a) I ths tmts hul- dtnt to a bilious stata of the ssteea, aueli ftsi Uizitaus, MaiM-sxiOrowsiBess. DJW sssiatter esUng.i'sialntbe.Blds.Aa While t-Mrmesfc rsnuu-uuue uoeess.-as ceeo saown m wmjj Ilssdsebe, yet O-ftTM's thrut Lnrlw PitU) are enMJlvsHwbt' la CoasUpattoa, eurteri aed pnveBtlae Skis annoy lag com plats, whites they also pempt al) disorder ot Am stoBasx,, sUmuU- MwTirer aad rsfulal the lw4i. VS, mix BiF, iVM I ktsb K aey Bsyraras HEAD Ache they would be aknott prleelest M tkoa who suffar from Mils distressing complaints but XortumteJr tMrfgoodasss aoss.aot ead here, and those who once try tm will Sad these KtU pWs valwtble la so aaaar WSji that tbsr wUl not be wte to do wMMM.tfctcs. liuf after allsie: bead ACHE b the baae ef so asaay Ures that henr Is where we make our crM, boast. Our smxur K -falls outers do sot. Ciaraa's Luna Lrvma Fius are very Ha" and rsryaaay.ta take. Onecrt-opWe a dose. ,TVr are strictly vagetatite and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action pSase S whs ie ahem, to vle6 at ttewttst if 'UiktTsi7wlr, or sa4 by mfsV Vsnew I Plan aVtS-ft-VPV W dWw-f VaM blnll-IlHi, MUh. WQW-Q'f Ai CHiCACp. CflflS, WOLZ, rroprletor of the GERMAN :-: MARKET goutb. Commercial HU.tiUm. AU kinds rrcsb, Halt and Hrnoksd JUmU ana aaa- rHKK MKXIVKKV MONEX TO LOAN rv- innrored Heal EstaU. In amounts and UmstosalU Nodelay la eonlderiog loans. tm FORD, CAP. I pats. jsHuhH-ja CURE SICK m saaj UNWH ATYBBI aa-HI aWMW l l I. ui -su- HitiV -iT-i-r a- I-tw M s- Vn aw gV b b arsa -af aHw s agsaawVn v u i-a Jj l BALD 14 What Is the covdftton ef years? Is yer hair dry, 5' harsh, brittle? Does R aoHt at the end? Has it a iitiak SUMt&fcfMi brMJhc4? la ttlfuH. dandruff ? Does your scalp Itch? I R dry pr, kt. a, hotted condition ? If these aro sofwo of-yorsyfapO!swarswdIatlmeojfyoHWMhf:omAbaIda SkookumRootHair Grower ft whtyott need. lis prodaeMoa I not an accident, but the result of selentlflo Vwl 'errotbewtotresitBem,' "jMmolsjinl "oeaftns neither mjoewrigBor oils. Itif MaotDre,butadeUffa)treoopaf s4 roilRs:,Tor((VBr.tmuUthiit J tb foUioUi.'it ttojwaiSJfcSrri ojvtnyr tmd irtne (air on.bui 5l rettmrea. KnawiMM or t& .l-t- -rr-jr. rr .k r Yh k ' -l- wu ?i & tmm, aK&aaHMttHiMV. -' f i IIS f JlkWi Bl mWm ; If ToWsneeaetfMS7iHMeet tana, and we will torwSTd RfW rwipvvs pmee, Tim-SKt TnABR MjUUC J.'AMl Vt t ' VWjHU s t. j.na HOUSE ,PArJOTTCf,' PAPER HANGING. Natural Wood Finishing, Got, 90th aid ChWefcoO Street. , Geo. Fondrich, CASH MARKET. Best meat and free delivery. 136 State Street. Leave! provement rBOBSSrONAIi AND BUBINE3B pARDB. p. n, b'ABoy. oio. o. BiNaMAM. Tv'AKOY A timanAM. Attbrneys; at lAw, U Room 1, a and 8, i5'Arcy HulldlBr. Ml tUate streets Special latUntlon ftvett Ufbnsl. nMn thqsnpemeand ejrcujt oourUof the state. it RV. UOIBK. Attornty at low, Balem, Or U vmt Offlce 871 Oomtnerolal ittreet. ULMON KOItD, Attorney at law, Balem, . Oregon omco up stairs. In IVttcbtook, HJ. BtaOKR, Altoiney at lw,8ale, Or . son. omoe over Hush's bank. T J. SHAW. M..W, IIU.NT- MAW HUNT J . Attorneys at law. Offleo dver CaoltAl National bank, Balem', Oregon. JOHN A. OABSOJI, Attorney at law.roonip 8 and i, Bush bank hatldlng, Salem.Or. 0. if. BOHUAHs.. W. H. HOLMES OOMHAM A HdLUBS. Attorneys at law 'L - omeeln Bush bloek,, btweea,)SUte,ona ourt, on Commercial street. I 'II ' -- , f . . - .- i . t i i i ' I il E. POGUE, Htenographer and Tjpi wrlussl nest equippea u iilhnjul fvnj,nrr11lnir nf. ea Ent one In OreaoB. Over Hush')) bank, alem,Orenon. TELLA HHEUMANTypewritln and commercial stenosrapnyi mom hi uraj opk. jflrsKlasswprk- Rates,reaonbie. DIC A. UAVIdiLate PnstOraduatoor New York, gives special attention to the dls cases of women and chlldre nose, throat. no. iiMnon airin dluia and sunrerv. Offloe at residence, lol Stabs street. Consul ta- 'Innfrnm0tot2am.andato5p. m. 7-i-om W, f ' J-HTtelOFAN AND8UROEON. Ulllce 31o Commercial streot.ln Kldrldge block. Itl(lenoo 170 Commercial street. ' ' i- (i"t,Ki4ii a illlOWMS, M. D., l'bysolanaadu ceon. Office. Muruhv bloek: reelaence, v Oommrrelnl street. H.T.U. BMlTUj Dentist. SB SJaU street (Tons c tlonsa aaiom, uregon. rinisucu uouw ufi, oi every aescnpiioa. itusiwiujuw spedaity. DIl. OLARA M. DAVIUHON, gradaata of Woman's Medleal Cullego, or t'ennsyK vanla OffloeiiBsshiBreyman, Block, Halem w. D. 1'UOII, Architect, plans, specifies. tlons and superlniendenco for all I ot bnlldlnxs. OMeer-aw commercial street, up stairs, lurl'WTTlnM l)l)(JK NO. 2.A.O.U. W r Meets In their hall In Btats Jnauranoe ou.ia.ng, every weancsa.. J, A. BELWOOD. Keoordeno mm TO SALT LAKE, DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO: ST. LOUIS 4.VDAX.1. EASTEBfl CITIES. 3 1 DAYS to 2 CHICAGO talh.QUlck.jttoChlc.pd .Hub Qulcke' ?& mi Kw" Through Pullmin nd Teurlrt SkvpttJiM Reclining Chair Cn, Dining Cr$. or rates aad ftMMMl lalBrsaaUosj all oa W. H, HORUBaUT, Ajst. O, P, A. kUJktvyiMiM Hair Deatn nslaotly removesand forever "" sl JeotlonabU hair, whet" ubo tn . taos MOMOt neck. wltbouylotoratlon Eas&&2SS2&& BBBPBBiua -; n-, "-".- -.'.TS7.S1' Tiaai as th kkaeM aMthoriiy uncMU. mftBi arrrwnusi' ?. hairs -sallst that ever llvsd. Vurtn ds- hU srlvau iraeUiOlallfllM aMOIHf. IM ? ad arUtocrary ot " . 'S (bUnclps. iTtw, M VJ3S"? pskekrd, CYrreoaoeewiBi . 4IHQI lor Asnenea. ai tut fiKOOXUtf iMT HAIR SROWtR fO. nt ul Mh-uih FUlh Avenus.New York wyYv'ry,0fVYVVWV p, J. LABSEN & CO., Manufacturwr of Wbodb, vr- efVIV!' W Ib-I-T V- bjsjs-i ?vnvPPi'lnT A c .o j. f(i' il i HsVsllMSKftif'A aTTClCJ3 ' I-'IkI fvfrWt( laatMS fi.vvwvwwiWsVvv'WY: c N M fVvu It fall nut wfun -nmlAi1 f fliiMWOnnAflurttniiJctiD leata tbadiianv. ttUifcV-uifniAfmM tv4ttnm iihhp. fut - it? ,r-T7 --;t .""vr i'.w I destroys parotitic tnMtM, wAi ropoons, tHVfTvr,viWEecirawe torfOJith, Doapsvo. ROOT HAIR GROWER CO.. fth Avease, Mew Terk, N. Y. Screen. Qgty? AND JeBBIN. Xerley & Wisstaaley. Shop 318 nigh street. J.B. tIJIll?HY.- -Brii and"TileL NOHTSAlfM T. L. ASH BY. Meat Market, esCoED&iei'Olftl,tfeet, Take ItJ EVENING JOPNAL, Only a cent a day delivered at ' ' yeardeow i Good meats. Prompt delivery. Dayii McPJep, JOHLC. MARTI BLAPSSTHfliG. orders at Salem Im. BUteJPtref.t,, Oo.iMbUitetitrett. J.H.HAAS, THE WATOHHAKJiK, 21SK Ccmmsrcltl St . Stlsw, Orojss, (Next door to Klla's,)i ' 8peelty of Speetealee, and rewMfig doe-. vrwttH ibq jewelry Smith Premier TypftWfjter.u Bold on easy payments. For Beat. W. I. STALEY, Agent, Salem, n.N.BUHPKK,aen'Ugent, 101 Third 8U Portland. Bend forcalalogue. W. L. DOUGLAt 3 SHOP W, Dewawtariliem? WSw nxt In ih4 try . st in thVtfr!tf ' 43.86 $w 42.fl i 2.88 2.25 miAMt II. 7S 2.M rM itoYt !' 7 If vim wast affM MEM SHOE. Md. Nth WH 'lie tllst, Mt ri M t $8( by W ? 3, 3M, WW" 8lws. TWySt Write cirttommi4 (ok kM WMMi Ifyod vlib to uwmk In ywr fceMdrj it by BurchMfng W. L, BwgUs 81mm. Hm m pries lismped n tK bottom, Imk ir It ttRn yon y W.I-mHJGtAS.BrefctB, Maw. SoUby KBAUseB Bkos, HOWARD, The House Mover, 451 MrIH Street. lias the best facilities lor moving and ra'r leg houses. iave orders at Uray Bros., or address Bales., Oregon. Fr Twiiwl or bbriet FMtk to Mm Pacific RaW llstbellaetoiUka Ts all rk Ed wi kH. JtUthedlnlncoarraaU. It runs throagn vesUbula trains; every day la the yes 10 ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO J(Ko chne of aan.) Oosapasad of ltogers Baser used, fuUman drawing rsosm alssaswi Of UUK ssfclemsat TOURIST Sleeping Cars Meet that can be eeaMraetta and In whteb aoacxsHodllus fere both ire and far U4 lar hoWsw ot tat a4 Ssoa4 uIsjs XLlCaAKT DAY COAQPEH. Aaofittnaotk Una eonnertlag will, all Has.a9ntliir. dlivet an. aalHwipUd "r-Stian s!i - " tlonean beaa vuUjf Mvt u nay as, euf of Tfcroagb ticket to god from all it lata taAa7lea,fcii.Un4 ?4Kuropf. r Brobattaatsay tkketPMeeofthlsaaav nftjjl tatermattoa aae-nia ,it, tl of to-lasacitas aadethsr etaUs fumUWM -tawS-KatfMiBl sBM J-' tiBiSfSaSapv3 II s1bHbPSs-mMh' J l Hn-MnHyB5BiLlB-aaBtK? BassSlT HJdMk' " ZA A It Ms .sgL "''' "!? EfBBBBBildiUSBBBBBBB s-Fs-kli iEljgetric Light i Otu iVetei' System TO CONSDMER8 : TbeBalem Uzht end Power Company trreot exneasa have eonlotwHl their Kieefti Llirbtnlnnl with the n jit mrvUm iniinM aud Anluaw able to nfli-r ilm nnhllnhitlf uDt loan-any synera ana lit iwrnte jowe tnftn ab? eUv nn Him itit .- -- v -.-3, - . - -t -t Arc and Incandescent Light! . fag. Electric Meters for i I imqpmes where iwer te feg quired. Residences can ba Trlred tor as msnr l!rh m deelred and the consumers pay for ol; jtuouiwui enrq uea. 'inn BOlUg rsglSMts 179 Copnrflercial, St Fiieshrv News- Paoersr ' Fruits- J. I, BENNETT k SON. V. O. Blectlc T. W. TH0RNBUR6, The Upholsterer, . Remodels, re-covers and rc4r upholstered furniture. Fimt- class work. Cbenieket street. fialetn. State Insnranoe block. The Ysqulna Route. T B. And Orevoo DevalsnnMat cemMST'i nU&m snip, ine. law, miles shorter,) hours v time than ny any other route. First di through fassegjrer aad Portland and au lolnta In the WlllameU weiaBL una xron valley to aad ftot-lian FraiMlseo. TIMM BCHiOHJLK, (BieeH Sunday.) TjvAJby.t.'&3 p m I Lv ( 1 1 Lv porvalll8l! p tOh I ( 1..V YaqulnaZ-ftsft a mp ' I I Ar Albayll:10 mj,' at xaau.na ami d bs i Lv Owrvallt,' Wn am I O. 4 Citrates connect at Albany aad One OREGON PAW vallls. J T i S Tho above trains eoaneet at Vaqulua witl': the Oregon Development Ce.'s line of steamy ere betwren Yaqulna and HM Fracolsots. . . ; w. . fassengrrs from rortiana ana ait . WlHamette valley points caa make olos eoc-? ueotlon with tho trains oftheTaqnlna Soot ; at Albany or Corvallla and If destined VsJtav ' Kranolseo (honldarrangvtoartiveatXftqnlna ; the evening bere date of salllDg. tfueesaM; and KrelgUt. ,Itats, alwavs lbs. v.T.v"". . ?y i"i.""r"w "vrig. --'i HUIiMAM Oo., Freight and Tieket Agents wu ana sua f rotit stri ana jus irrnasirem. i-orusna, ur., or ;. U. V. 11UUUK. ABHrtD'lfl. JTSSS, Jlgl ar. Paclflo X, M, Co . CorvallU, Or. . , C. II. HAHWKLL, jr.,"Oe&'l freight and ' ; M Momoine-y St, , East and South -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE; of the Southern Pacific Company. 0ALII-0KHIA XXTRma TBAM KVK VAILT Twres- ronjiu Anus, i TSouTbT l?fi tsllp.m. 0.0 p. BS. 10:1S a.ra. Portland Balaaa Ban fran. Ar. j k L.V.I Si Lv.l 7i mm t(V. Ar. 1Mp,t& I A hove trains utiin at all stntlons froH Portland to Albany Inclusive; also at Tanaani , Bbsddo Malsey, l)arrlsbrg, Junction City , Irving, aun nun an eiauun inuusmwaii to Ashland Inclusive. ' H(mWUMaMAlL DAILY. IvT IiT. Ar, t'orUasd Salem Hosebnrg at, i wn.Br; IiV.f l:0p.S '- lltl-7 a, m vw p.m. IiV. I 7:00 a, at pnn.yiw mmn si.brprbs" , lUWIHUI Wllflf V-,-V U AND V Second Class Sleeping Car Aitacnea wail mrougn vrami. Veat Siie Kvisw. Betwi F ui Citnllis: PAH.T (XVmn StIKBAT). ""KStKiiu Ar. I.v. "oP,'.!J U:lt.Ba.Ar. Oarvallls jwiy. At Alhan-r and Oirvallls oonoeet trains of Oregon PuntCIo Kallroad. aXHKBHrtTKAIN (UttiV KXPHrTMUWDATi 4:Wp. m. Lv. I'ortluud 75 p. m. Ar. McMlnnvllle "Xrff e.aa", i TMKTJH TIKKll!l To all points In the Ka4en Mat, Oiiwi and Kurope can ba obtata4 at lowest ru from , W. W. pKlMHKK. Agent, Halot KOKM lKSJi, M WiSCOHSIN CENTRAL UNI (Heitntf PmWc R R. C., Lewes.) UTIvST TJM5 CARD, Two Ttif&ugh Twin Dlly. II:Vtm-Mpm lpm 7:l(4im Itik.llllAM l,Mtnaa(aMtt I Htful a I . iwrainai.i.npsna a,rbtc0 MOpS 1 48fiw 7AW 7.Mkvmietam TiaV-utoalii and luaii ahaeked tbrui in .n mvIbi I- ii I1TBT Mates and Uaos ciossVeohwytfott owe, wtth r2?itti'ilr,Tnam aassfap to your Uefcata-MtlM JAB, C r ln Pi".niiT M. AstfJD BLOOD DI&ORDEI A New Remedy AtnM.8tn.Wc .aiwshaaJTar-sssBielsjihjjfj, ,l to IK. tlwi is SWJ J iKJ bVwWr yUA hss UaVlssniiiiftg ta aMiMa (riwUB4WSWBBialm- S4ST-rfwWt f- --rrr J awstsaawWa BfB- sa sasan IMT FAT CMIWCAL CO,, .') WH I ti-wF . i h .1 - .K-ft-- -A-fc. B-t-llJEill ' 11 1