Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 31, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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SSets. a month by Mail
Prepaid in Advance.
He Paper Seat Wkesr
Tlate is Oat.
elated P(ijjriyg3gtf.-- fi& K?tf
per PublishedoiftKe ? ?1 jl!f
Pacific Uoast.
$3.00 a Year.
. 4-it
(XL. 6.
NO. 2XJ.
, -
' t!&Hj f M
he New York Racket
II occupies their old position
ouiuumruiui itrt'ttc, una sua
j,ll lines of goods which they
?es Dongolia shoes, are away below what they can be
ijht for generally, and every
;ed. The same can be said
s and children's shoes. In all lines of goods such as boy's
men's fur and wool hats, wool, black safe en. and gents
It dress shirts, white laundried and unlaundried shirts;
lies, gents, and boys underwear; pants, overalls, jackets,
q, bed-spreads, lace curtains, embroideries, laces, table
n, crash, towels, pocket knives, buggy whips, and a large
' of all kinds of not'ons, all sold at
We buy all our goods for
pes for good material, and can
General Insurance Agency.
Representing t'te following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
rE INaUIlANOK CO.. .(Etna Insurance Co..
Traders' Insurance Co.,
iMUMonai insurance uo., wesKjoesterriruiuii. w.,
lAoa Klre Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Insurance Co.,
Iiondou js Lancashire Fire Ins. Soc,, London Assurance Corporation,
Alliance Assurance Co.. Worwlcb. Union Fire Ins.Soc.
Oldest and Leading Firm In the Oity Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
tecovors and renairs unholstered furniture. Lone Experience in the trade
3lea me to turn out first-class work.
i estimates. State Insurance block,
Ed. C.
i&m-tn t j& v fcjm?rr MtiKi.
Lamoureux!s Stables,
' .
Itne Commercial street Driage near wnauww .. t".".---,,-fes
behigadded constantly, Only the best figrtiS?
i uur poor uuretn.
1 i t Jl1
rest Printing
better work than ever. Count y orders receive prompt at-
tion 4
(03 Commercial Bt., j; ,
Insurance - Agents,
Commercial Street.
perlcan Fire Insurance Co., Phila.
rae insurance Co , New Yora.
rwioh.TTnlKii Tna fn T.liwrnnnl.
ailue Inbiirance Co,.'Manebtter.
r One Million Dollars Deposited
Protection of Policy Holders in Oregon oniy.
Losses Adjasted and Paid Through
la Marion, Polk. Yamhill and Linn counties.
Write Life and Accident Iwaranc in Best Companies in the World.
in the State Insurance Block,
carry. Their fine ladies and
shoe of the better class war-
of the better class of men's,
cash, at the lowest possible
afford to sell at low prices for
Hun Insurance Co.,
Samples of coverings. No trouble to
Chemeketa street
Choice M
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer In Fresli, Salt aud
Smoked Meats of allKiuds
OS Court and
110 State Streets.
State Street.
tm.i w aninl ffaur afnnlr nnd vft.
" -
f Has just received bo roe
Cojst fls
Balcm, Oregon.
Western Assurance, Toronto, Canada.
Lancashire, Manchester, Kng.
Hamburg-Madeburjr. Germany.
Home Mutual, Ban Francisco, Cal.
With State Treasurer of Oregon for
Salem Agency on Policies Written
A Wild Iieaat Carnvau.
Few of the peoplo who go to a menagerie
realize what an immense undertaking It is
to transport wild beasts from the land of
their birth and of their freedom to the land
of their imprisonment, und too frequently,
of their death. I will ask my readers to
picture for themselves an African desert
blazing beneath a burnlngsun. Across the
weary waste of Band a long column of men
and animals is wending its slow way. As
It draws nearer we see that it is a caravan
of wild animals on their way from the in
terior to the seaboard. And as it passes Us
the vast mass of living creatures, as in a
chemical process, slowly dissolves itself
Into distinct particles and individualities.
Let us regard them carefully. In the
first place we notice a procession of 11 state
ly giraffes, then come 5 elephants, a huee
rhinoceros, 4 wild buffaloes bellowing sadly
after the mates they have forever left be
hind. Thon there go lumbering by a number
of enormous carts or wagons, in which are
confined 80 hyenas, 5 leopards, 0 lions, 3
cheetahs, 16 antelopes, 2 lynxes, 1 serval, 1
ward bob, 20 smaller carnivorous animals,
4 African ant eaters and 45 monkeys. And
then there come slowly prancing by, wary,
restless, cunning, 20 ostriches. There aro
20 boxes of birds, from which sounds of
shrill screaming are constantly proceeding.
There are upward of 100 Abyssinian goats
scattered here and there in the proceAon.
These aro to give milk for the young ani
mals and to serve as food and meat for the
The caravan is on its way through the
desert of Suakin, which is the first ship
ping place for Europe. There are no less
than 120 camels in it, which are required to
carry the food for this caravau, and there
aro upw ard of ICO drivers in tho procession.
It takes tho caravan upward of 80 days to
cover tho distance which lies between Oaa
sala in the interior of Nubia and the port
of Suakin, for which they aro bound. The
same journey is usually performed by
quick post camels in 12 days. McCluro's
"Had Rather" and "Would Rather."
A teacher in one of our eastern schools
has .prepared a list of words and phrases
to be shunned by the youth of the land
who wish to grow up in the fear of the
laws of language. He has got together a
lot of popular vulgar errors and slovenli
nesses and done good service' iiT printing
them, but one of the idioms be slips up on,
as better men have done before him name
ly, the student is cautioned against using
had rather for would rather and had bet
ter for would better.
This is all wrong. The idiom I had liefer
is as old as Chaucer, and in the sixteenth
century or thereabouts I had rather was
formed by analogy and has held its place
in the best usage, written and spoken, ever
since. It is a piece of silly modern pedan
try and purism to object to it. Of course
the argument used against it is that in the
sentence I had rather go you aro really say
ing I had go rather than dosomethiugelse,
and this Is nonsense.
It is true that Jt seems to lack oualytio
meaning to the modern Janguagu user or
hearer, but the answ er Is that in older days
the meaning was there, because the verb
have, which is now used mostly as a pale
auxiliary, with no more of Independent life
than the verb be, had then a strong Inde
pendent life and a far more vigorous sig
nification; hence tho idiom, once obviously
right, has become securely lodged among
tho unconscious speech processes of wield
ers of English and Is still right, though
harder to prove analytically. We are glad
to see oh turning to the Century Diction
ary that the correct view of 'the case is'set
forth, and would rather is not counte
nanced at all. Hartford Courant.
Why Japaneaa Sword Are Cheap.
People who are fond of rummaging about
in curio shops are no doubt surprised at
the cheapness of Japanese swords. They
ate cheap because they are plenty. When
the nobles adopted European ways, they
took to European costume also and
seemed to acquire a distaste for many of
the things that had been personal or house
belongings. The short, needle pointed,
razor edged swords worn by the damlos
and their retainers, though of the finest
steel and beautifully ornamented, were dis
carded for English sabers and dress swords
and camo to this country by thousands. In
San Francisco a dozen years ago they were
heaped in boxes and tubs and were sold for
less than $1 apiece.
The price hasadvancedallttlesincethen,
the alues running from 12 to 110, accord
ing to the condition of the blade, the
richness of the lacquerou the scabbard, the
ornamentation in gold and bronze on the
handle, but plenty of good ones are still to
be Lad. One cranky freak of collectors is
to break up the weapons, preserving only
the bronze and iron guards, which are often
decorated with flowers and figures of ex
quisite workmanship in gold and silver.
One man In New York has dismantled over
500 Hwonls for this purpose and wants more.
New York Sun.
Her Way.
She was dressed In the erjr finest style,
And her air was sweet and ulaod
As bo stepped with a cussre, mnbrosIU
smile ,
To the odorous fresli frnlt stand.
Bhe lingered as though In a reverie.
While over the stock she bent.
Till she Cnally purchased In bti glee
A banana tbst cot one cent.
And the Tuscan chuckled from head to foot
Till U made his wbUlers we.
When she lUped, "The banana kindly put.
If jou will, la a paper Uk "
-Detroit Free Pres
ilfu croren an infalllUe
'jctfic for all denote
meBts peculiar to the
Usuit sex, sueb as ebroa
I la womb and ovarUo dis
I eases. It Uken la time It
I refjuutc ana promotes
I healtay action or all f uno
Itkmi of tbe reortlr
I organ. Youeff ladies at
I tbe ace of Puberty, and
older ooes at the mebo-
paiuc. will And la It a beat lor. soothing tonic
HlfbMt recoujroendiUous from pbyticiana
and tboM wbo bate tried it. Write for book
To Women," Uei fro, gold by druggists.
SMffnttS ISBlHAipe, W., rwf t, isesls, m
milt I Ml M
Uncle Sam's Subjects
Take it in Cffafge.
Attempt to Annul Judge Stein's
Sunday Closing Order.
Operation on llis Month Probably
Successful Can He Livo?
Under Americas Protectorate.
Honolulu, Aug. 24.' Blfioe last
writing tbero baa been more or less
saltation and excitement here, occas
ioned by the report that ntij attempt
would be made to uuseat the provision
al government. Admiral Skerrltt has
ordered the battalion aboard tho U.
8. ship Boston to bo ready tel laud ou
fifteen minutes' notice.
The provisional governmenUs highly
pleased at tikorrlt's promp aoMon with
out their request, and all Americans
claim it outlines the future policy to be
pursued toward tbe provisional gov
ernment in case its existence; is threat
ened. p
The royallsts'deny that any outbreak
was contemplated.
F. M. Hatch, an American has been
elected vice president of tho provisional
government. The opinion prevails
here that Httwuil Is now practically
under U. 8. protectorate, and officials
blgb In authority assert (hat before
Ulount left be virtually said this inuob.
May Close or Not.
Ciiioaoo, Aug. 81,-Tbe superior
court rendered a decision today dissolv
ing the injunction issued by Judge
Stein forbidding tho management of
the world's fair from closing the gates
on Sundays. This leaves tho manage
ment free to close the gates if it de
sires. LATER.
An extraordinary scene was wltneeed
iu the superior court this morning. In
tbe absence of Judge Stein, who issued
die order forbidding tbe closing of the
world's fair gates Bundaj s, the manage
ment applied to Judge Uoggln to dis
solve tho order. He called Judges
Dunne and fireutuno to sit with blm.
They agreed that the order be dissolved
while Goggln held It should be contin
ued In foroj.
At tbe opening of the court this
morning, Judge Dunne insisted on tbe
right read to the opinion of tho majority
and did so. Then after a wordy wran
le, Goggln announced that be no long
er desired tbe other Judges to sit with
blm. They retired and Goggln over
ruled tbe motion to dissolve. Uoggln
afterwards gave an his reason for this
extraordinary action, that to set aside
Stein's order would cause the people to
lo confidence In tbe Judiciary.
Judge Goggln made a long rambling
address to tbe audience In court relutiv
to taking public parks tor private ue.
It Is denied that be was under the In
fluence pf liquor,
CleYsland's Diseased Mouth Operat
ed Upon Successfully,
New YyiiK, Aug. 31. The publica
tion of the story concerning a surgical
operation on President Cleveland,
which was currently rumored two
months agu, baa brought , statement
from Dr. Ferdinand ILubrouclc, tbe
dentist. Dr. H-wbrouclt onsen ted to
talk for publication, and said:
"The president's disease Is or vu, for
tbe operation may have been successful
In removing It, u growth In the. bona
of bis left upper Jaw aud tbe adjoining
boost- of tbe nose. The operation con
sisted In removing the diseased por
tions of bone, and was performed about
10:30 o'olook on tho morning of Satur
day, July 1st. while tbe president was
on board Mr. Benedict's yacht, the
Oneida. I want to Bay that I don't
think tho disease is the same as that
which caused be deth of General
Tho president was entirely composed
and cheerful. Ho lay down and an
nounced that be was ready, and I ad
ministered nitrous oxide to him. He
responded to tbe anesthetlo promptly
and was Boon unconscious. In order
to enable tbe surgeons to cut away tbe
bone which was tho seat of the disease,
I extracted two bicuspid teeth from tho
left side of the Jaw. The surgeons then
took charge. There was no external
incision In the flesh of tbe face, the op
erators working entirely within tbe
cavity of the mouth. The seat of tbe
diseased growth was In tho lower bones
of tbe nose and in tbe adjaoent bone
tissue on tbe loft side of tbe upper Jaw.
Piece by piece, perhaps an Inch or moro
of It was removed. Wbllo the opera
tion waft la progress, the president re
vived from the effects of tbe anesthetic,
andjlhey were obliged to administer It
to blm a second time. Mr. Cleveland
stood tbe oxide very well, and no bad
effects were produced by it. He raided
very quickly. Ttie operation bo ftw as
I could Bee, was an entire' success. 'TKe
1 las of blood was dot greatt" -
Dr" Hosbrouok' was, then asked: "Is
tbe disease of tho jtttttteat olsrable?"
TotLls be replied: liave po doubt
of It, provided It is atnded to in' time,
and that was tbe object of the opera
tion. Enough of tbe bene tissue was
cutout to make certain that tbe entire
extraneous growth bad been removed."
"Is tbe disease cancerous In Its na
tue?" 'Tbatrl, will not say," Replied Dr.
HasDrouck". "That to for Dr. Bryant
to say, and It can only be determined
by a microscopical examination of tbe
diseased bono removed.
"What tbe microscopical examina
tion has disclosed I have not definitely
heard. I understand, however, that
tbe president Is progressing as well as
could be expected. I bave seen worse
cases, and so far as I Know they are
living yet. It only remains now for
Dr. Bryant to state what the mlcro
Boplcal investigation reveals concern
ing tbe character of tbe malady."
Money Running Short.
Washington, Aug. 81. The mone
tary stringency has caused such a fal
ling of! In receipts, tbut tbe govern
ment Is now falling three hundred
thousand dollars short of tbe compul
sory expenditures for pensions and or
dinary expenses of tbe government.
Already there la a deficiency of ten to
eleven millions in sight The alterna
tives before cougress to meet tbe situa
tion are limited to three. New Issue of
government bonds, Incoming tax, or
somo such now Impost, or an increase
ofratelnsome existing forms of taxa
In OeagrsM.
Washington, Aug. 81. Tbe house
resumed tbe consideration of tbe new
Itrikers Xetnrn.
London, Aug. 81. Over sixty thou
sand of the hundred thousand coal mla
ers In South Wales have returned to
work, breaking tbe strike there.
Trakt Wrctksi.
BrKwayiKM, Aug. 31. Five cars of
a train from PitUfleld went through a
bridge at Chester this morning. Three
were killed and sine injured.
Latest reports show ten killed and
twelvo Injured.
A Xew Tariff Bill,
e Washington, Aug. aj-cbalnnan
Wilson expects to bave a tariff bill ready
for consideration by tbe house by No
vember. Tho senate this morning took up tbe
bouse bill for the repeal of the Bfeersaaa
act. Waloott, of Colorado, spoke aJ net
Hffchegtof all in Leavening Power; Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
A Geary Law Decision, -A Fair
" - Ssaggler. -
Moro Wreckage From the Lato
Chinese Must Go.
Los, Cal., Aug. 81. Judge
Ross In tbe United States district court
yesterday banded down an opinion
which declares thai a warrant for the
arrest of a Chinaman imder section 0
of tbe complaint hud Its, verification is
In proper form. This sixth section I
tne registration clause that Has caused
so much sensation. It ia plain that the
executive department of the govern
ment can not execute the orders of a
ludge directing tbe deportment of a
Chinaman who failed to register pur
suant to tbe provisions of section 6 of
tbe act of May 5, 1802. Unless congress
gives it money with which to send
them away the department would be
manifestly powerless and no Judge In
bis opinion should order Into custody
for deportation any Chinaman who he
Judicially knows cannot be deported by
the executive department for want of
tbe necessary means.
Redlands, Cal., Aug. 81, There Is
much antl-Cbluese excitenaeat here,
and Chinamen in different parts of the
valley aro being driven from ranches.
Last night one was robbed of (200 and
several of smaller sums. An open air
meeting beld last night was led by Im
ported agitators. Tbe sentiment of tbe
people here Is in favdf of obeying the
laws. No serious tyiuble Is anticipated.
A Fair Smuggler.
Port Townsend, Aug. 81 Hattle
Stratton, an accomplished young wo
man of Port Angeles, was arrested on
the steamer City of Kingston from Vic
toria, with nine pounds of opium In her
possession. Bbe made frequent trips
between Puget Bound ports uud British
Columbia lately, which prompted Cus
tom Officer Learned to approach ber
and ask if she bad any opium concealed
on bor person. Bbe replied In tho af
firmative aud produced eighteen cans
of opium from the folds of her drcBa,
Bhe was released on (160 bonds. Miss
Stratton belongs to a highly respectable
family in Port Angeles, who It is said
aro having difficulty to raise money to
pay for a lot on tho government reserve
and tbe girl went Into tbe smuggling
business, unknown to her parents, to
earn tbe money.
Oat Salaries,
San Fkanoiboo, Aug. 81. Yester
day afternoon tba beads of tho various
departments In Wella-Fargo'a offices
here notified each employe that on and
after September 1st bis salary would be
reduced. Fourteen men In the forward
Ing department, now receiving from
$C0 tof85 per month, ware reduced $15
per month each, and other departments
were cut down In like ratio-
Ciiioaoo, Aug. 31. Theaaslgneej for
Conrad Nlehoff, the Insolvent banker,
made a report in tbo county court yes
terday, showing the cash accounts to
be short f 100,114 and also stating that
179,000 wefe embezzled by NiehofTs
sons, both of whom, together with
their firthrr, haye left for parts un
known. Savannah. Ga., Aug. 81. The
steamship Birmingham arrived this
evening from New York two days over
due and brings a portion of the passea
gers and crew of the steamer Savannah,
wrecked Monday morning off (he
boal, six mllea from the Bt, Ileleua
light house, Tbe City of Savannah left
itatton Tburrdsy afternoon last and
went through three storms, each being
worse than the preceding one. Captafa
Savage beaded her for shoal water. All
nightlong the vessel ran In a storm
the passengers expecting death every
minute. Early Monday morning sbe
went aground and all the upper'works
began to give way. In the afternoon
a small boat with three of tbe erew
who volunteered were sent to find a
place on shore where a landing might
bo made. Tuesday morning the boat
not having returned the only two boats
left were manned and filled with wom
en and children. They bave been
beard from, having arrived at St.
Helena Island. Those who remained
on tbo steamer were rescued by tho
Birmingham. Tbo latter vessel loft
New York Saturday and Sunday night
labored in u terrlffip storm. TUre was
no abatement Monday until evening,
by which time the ship was blown far
out of her course. At daylight Tues
day tbe steamer was running through
wreckage of all descriptions. Bbe
came across tbe schooner Joseph Both
er, with u crow of seven mob, the ves
el being water loggedjrthe men were
rescued. A number of other, vessels
wero met with masts and rigging partly
?one. Later a eapelzed vessel was
sighted but no signs of a erew.
Bavannah, Ga., Aug. 81. Capt.
Finney of tbe steamer Bessie, which
arrived from Beaufort, St. Helens and
Bluflton, half an hour before the City
of Burmlngton Bays Beaufort was
wrecked aud on the sea Islands tbe lots
of life among the negroes was very
irreat. Fully bait the population was
drowned. ' '
Bo long a hundred j Xn'rs acol'
The orchard stood all white, e
Ilecsuse her fact) hns caught tho aloir
Of summer, Just In sight,
And the looked bejond Its bcuffhf, I know,
For her eyes hold heaven's light.
"My Cicely," tho lettors old
Heam written tlirotwh tv tear.
How tendorly tho tlory'it told "
Of him who imt them horel
The pausing of hor hair's young gold
Toole light from all the year.
"My Cloely" 'twero easily said
To such a one an she;
Methlnkn the Iraves they whispered, I
The blousoms bent to Uff,
Wheh on nod's world her smile It sne4
As sbe doth smile at mot
"My Cicely," somewhere today
Tho gra blows at your feet;
Vet theo old letters plainly say
How one spring was oomplsto,
Uecsuso that time you pawed this way
Earth found a thing to sweet!
-Virginia W. Cloud In Ladles' Home Jouraat.
Throe Kinds of WchtulB.
The Etruscaus of old believed in three
kinds of lightning ono Incapable of doing
any injury, another more mlshlevoue in Its
character and consequently only to be is
sued with the consent of a quorum of !3
Kods, and n third carrying mischief in its
train and for which a regular decree was
required from tho highest divinities in the
Etruscan skies. Curiously enough, mod
ern scientists, following the lead taken by
Arago, bave also decreed that tne varieties
of lightning are threefold. The firs com
prehends that in which tbe discharges
pears like a long luminous lino, bent into
angles and slgxags and varying In complex
ion from white to blue, purple or red. This
kind is known as forked lightning becausa
it sometimes divides in two or more branch
es before reaching the earth.
The second dlffets from tbo flrntlntbe
range of surface over which the flash is dif
fused. From this circumstance the dis
charge Is designated sheet lightning, The
third class differs so widely from the more
ordinary manifestations that many meteor
ologists have denied their right to be treat
ed as legitimate lightnings. They neither
ossumo tho form of long lined ou tba one
band nor sheets of flnnio on the other, but
exhibit thuiiMjlve as balls or globular
lumps of lire. Chambers' Journal.
A Natural Mrldgu of Agate.
A mining e.pei t sent to investigate-soine
Arlwna properties for Denver capitalists
reports tbe finding of a most remarkable
natural brld to formed by n trwt of agatlxed
wood, Nuii)u!ng u canyon -13 fett lit width.
The tree bad at soma remote- time f-alltn
and become Imbedded in the tilt of sows
great iulaud sea or mighty water ot erftew,
Tbe silt became In time sandstone, and Mm
wood gradually passed through the stage
of mineralization until it la now a wowser
fill tree of solid agate.
Iu after years water washed aa4 ata
away tbe aaudstone until a canyon -Has
In width ban been formed, tbe HTutyUU
substance of the agutUcd wood kavtajt re
sisted tbe erosion of the waterflow, FWy
W feet of the tree rest ou oae side w4 ea
be traced, but how far its other We Ht
burled Iu tbe sandstone cannot be
termlnod without blasting away tbe rock,
Jewelers' Journal,
Aud II fulled HI Wullet.
"1 seem to bo considerably pushed for
cash today," nmtteml Rivers, xeisetan-
ly squaring au account of fl.25 with Mm
wheeled cbalrjnan. Chicago Tribune,
,tor i