Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 30, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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    RJTflJUftPw .7 -
sr TUB
OapHal -Journal Publishing Company.
Ratofflce Block. Commercial Street.
llly, by carrier, per montb
Daily, by loall, per year,
WOeEiy, psgcpcrjrcar.
Few York distrusts Kansas. The
rest of the coudjrjj distrusts New york.
Wlthatew mora streets Improved
Balem will be the pretMest city oil the
coast Klucsiii, tUe veteran
editor df the Eugene Journal, would
uot be a bad man for tbe Republicans
to nominate foCrtfetajry of slate.
Wheat, wool and labor are low.
Beer, whisky aud tobacco are high a
ever and in ereat demarid. Times are
very bard.
Oie member of tbe legislature had
the sense to not reply to tbe letter ask
ing his advice about calling a special
session. That duty Is put on tbo gov
ernor by tbe constitution.
Tbe decision of Judge Bellinger of
tbe U. H. circuit court is a severe blow
to the corporations us he gives tbe set
tlers to a large tract ou a laud urant
near Forest Qrove a title to their
Messrs. Thompson and Dekum made
a bad mess of It when they ever allowed
their disposition to pay every lost de
positor every last dollar to be called lu
question. Men who haudlo other peo
ple's money cannot be too scrupulous
about making their honesty a subject
of public discussion. They always suf
fer by It.
The Salem Journal wants the state
treasurer to sue tbe several delinquent
counties for their unpaid state tuxes.
Tbe reasou for this action is uot anoar-
ent except that It would pile up a lot of
money in mo treasury ror the state
treasurer to Bpeculute with and provide
funds with wblch to make the proposed
improvements to tbe asylum and reform
school at Balem. Tbe Journal seems
never to have an idea that does not em
Inate from a selfish local lnterest.-Rose-burg
If It la selfish to require the county
treasurers to turn over the people's
taxes they collect for the state, we ad
mit the truth of the criticism. It is
probably local Belflsbness that causes
tbe various county treasurers to hold
back half a million of the people's mon
ey and become defaulters, as was the
case in Douglas county. The Review
probably endorses that.
The fall grain in this soctlon la most
ly threshed, the yield being fairly
good, averaging about thirty bushels
per acre.
Q. W. Weoks contemplates moving
to Balein this falls.
Prof. Auddreggs, who taught school
at North Howell and resided here some
timo previous, has been visiting old
tlmo friends In this vicinity the post
week. Ho took his departure last Frl-
day for his homo wbloh Is at Oberlln,
Ohio, where ho occupies the chair of
mathematics at tbo Oberliu college.
Tlio prospect for a large yield of hops
of superior quality is most fluttering
and with the price which Is now being
offered the returns will far ecllpso other
crops In tbe way of profit. The price
for picking will probably remain as
usual which Is 60 cents per box,
Tbe residence of Mr. Wiesner's is
nearlng completion aud the contractors
hope to have it done by tbo uuddlo of
Boptember. It will, wIiom completed,
be an ornament to these purta and a
model residence containing nil the
latest Improvements una oouvonleucer..
Tho lire alarm was sounded at 11 a.
m. last Baturday coming from the field
of Graver Blmmons whoresldea at Cen
tral Howell. A small force of neigh
bors living uear wero Boon on the scehe
where destruction and devastation
seemed inevitable. However, by tbe
indefatigable exertions of all who had
assembled the fire was confined to a
tony acre Held or stubble the grain
from whlplt had been threshed only a
few days before aud as fortuue Inter
vened thogralu Instead of being staoked
1b the Meld had been stored In the bam,
Tk only losa sustained was the burn
lug of about 200 yards of fence. Tbe
Are waa supposed to have been caused
by (he sparks thrown from a thresh-
Ng wigiue which passed only a short
tUue before the fire was discovered.
Art You Xerrous,
Are you all tired out, do you have that
tlrw fcellun or nick headache? You
cah fc relieved of all these oymptoma
by UklHK Hood's Barvapariila, which
g(v Mve, mental aud bodily etreugth
vw4 trterotsguly purifies the blood. It
a wo emtea a good upnetlte, cures iudl
a, mwmtHirn suu dyspepsia.
ITs4'a Plltt aro easy to take, easy n
aetktti atwl aw) in ef&cL 5 oenta a
VckMs!u take TUlT'ti PILLS.
' I
Thd election to locate tue Bcnooy
bouse site again came ouwriuay, me
25th inst. A full attendance waa proa-
ent, and tbe farce was carried through
malority of two, the ,
UD . , - -"J"'"' ,"" -.- !
location waa cuuuneu iu iu buo wuu.o
the school house is at present being
built. At the close of tbe meeting tbe
board of education met, and very right
ly located the school site back again.
As yet no ne7 meeting has been
called to locate a school house site. If
we were to make comments about
tbia school bouse business, wo would
Bay tbat tbe opposition toredncatlon
and the new school house, has gone far
enough. Everything tbat they could
do baa been done(:firt, to defeat tbe
board; second,-to prevent thembelng
negotiated. Thirdly by delaying the
building of tbe school house, add so
successful have they been, Is
now impossible to have tbe building
completed for the next term of school.
Some people' are willing to submit to
tbe majority, but not so here. The op
position never ends.
On Monday (circus day), Mr. Pound,
Swauke, Btnl(b, Mover, and Bard,
went to Balem, but not one of them
went to tbe circus. Some of them eaw
tbe tents at a distance. Mr. Smith
can tell a good deal about tbe perform
auce that which some one told him.
Mr. Moyer was down to the tents three
times, and saw some of tbe band bills,
but a lion growled and frightened him
away. He bos not quite got over It yet.
Farmers are beginning to store their
wheat and oats at the mill elevator.
Very few are selling, as prices ottered
are too low.
How to Get a Handsome Husband.
"Wben'er some lucky Indian maiden
Found a red ear In thehusSlDK,
'Mukkn!' cried tbey alt getber;
'Mum- a!' yon Khali bave a sweetbeart
You (ball bave a handsome husband."
The handsome mau always admires
tue beuutuul woman, 'inen stmpi
make yourself beautiful. Remove all
blotches, pimples, "forked signs of tur
key tracks" from your features, by tbe
use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion, a tonic to tue nervous, circulatory
and procreative systems. Its use brings
roses to tbe cheeks aud sparkle to tbe
eyes. Take it, and you will, like tbe
Indian maiden, find a "red ear" in
good health, an omen of future happi
ness. Guaranteed to give satisfaction
in every case, or money paid for it re
funded, .Threo-fotirtha of your ailments arise
from liver troubles which Blmmons Li
ver Regulator cures.
-i '
Harvest is swiftly passing.
Mr. Roy Miller of Balem, is visiting
relations near Willard.
Miss Bosco of Hillsborough, is visit
ing Miss Stella Griffith.
More bands tban there is money to
pay, is the cry by all farmers.
Farmers are, as a rule, storing their
grain In their granaries.
Mies LIda Thompson spont Sunday
in Bllvertdn.
Miss Musa Geer has engaged a school
near Sublimity.
Miss Amy Forward came near hav
ing a serious accident Buuday while
swinging. Bbe came In contact with a
colt. With exception of a few bruises
aud a good scare she was not hurt.
One dollar a year will cover your doc
tor's bill if you take Blmmous Liver
Trying to Oorner Hops.
From the St. Louis Globe Democrat;
August 29. New York aud Londqu
bop buyers have dropped Just $4,050,000
by their failure to prevent the hop
growers on the Puolfio Coast from rais
ing money to harvest tbolr crop. A
few weeks ago when It was known that
the hop yield of Europe would fall 100,.
000 short of the demand a bunch of
New York and London dealers, who
had plenty of money at their command
set about to corner tbe Paclllo Coast
yield, which this year will be 20,000
bales above the average or 150,000 bales
In all. That number of bales represeut
27,000,000 pounds. The scheme was to
udvauco money to those needing It and
moat of the growers did need It badly,
to harvest the crop, aud make them
contract to deliver the hops at from 10c
tol2oper pound. With tbe failure of
the crop In Europe and controlling the
Puclflo coast yield, tbe combine would
have no trouble in forcing tbe price of
hops up to 27c. Therefore, If 12o were
paid the combine would bave realized
(4,050,000 on the Paolfio yield alone, to
say nothing about the balance of the
country and Europe. Owing to tbe
(luancial stringency the growers could
uot be accommodated by the coast
banks, and they would be at the mercy
of the comer. Ezra Meeker, repre-
tseutlug the growers, went to New York
and, after several times giving up the
eilort to raise mouoy as hopeless, he se
emed an advance of $15,000 from the
Milwaukee brewere, aud with that'll.,
tie hole lu the combine, be returned to
New York ami renewed negotiations
with Lindsay, Bird & Co., of London,
who have finally cabled that -they had
arranged fur the cash to harvest the
crop. All ttio representatives of tbe
corner hero are refusing to buy for
more than llo per pound Coutrnclo
with the Loudou mouey are being
made by Meeker at 17o to 18o.
Prevention Better than Ouro.
Many persons nre afillcted with skin
AmtntlAtia ltIfa
Zjtf?R - w--
or, ulcers. JJkand-
., , effect' a corrmletG cure ofall
BUCg troubles. Ulcers of Ions standing
have been cured by them. Carbuncles
nBVO ""sn cnecaeu in ineir incipiency
by them. The
. nr.rpfl and tlifi llhn liavn tutor, driven
from the sklrj by them. Only begin in
will prevent many a sickness.
Bbandreth's Pills are purely veg
etable, absolutely harmless, aud safe to
take at any time.
Mr friend, look here yan know how weak
and nervous your wife is, and yon know tbat
Carter" Iron Pill wfl relieve her. now why
not be fair about It and buy her a box?
A wddud who U wenk.nervoun and Steep
lers, and who bat cold bands aud feet, can
not feel and act like a well person Carter's
Iron Pills equalize tbe circulation, remove
nervousness, and give strength and rest.
A man's wife sbonld always be the same,
esrtecla ly to her husband, but If sbe Is weak
and nrrvous, and uses Carter's Iron Pills, sbe
cannot be, for tbey make her "feel like a differ
ent person," so they all say, and their hus-
Danak say so ux I
St. Paul, Marion County, Oregoa.
Uonduc ed b v the Msters of tbo Holy Names of
Jesus and Mary. Tbe locatlo aunrdsall tbat
oin oe aesirea lor neauniui ouiaoor exorcise
-U. Paul con be easily reaobed by boats on tbe
Willamette, The building Is new and supplied
with all tbe mod-rn Improvements. The
couse of study Is complete.
Stenography and Typewriting Taught.
Terms moderate.
For further pai tlcu ars apply to "Ister Super,
lor. U-Mmd4w
Willamette University, Balem, Or ,
School of music for piano, organ, violin,
ulnging, orchestral instruments, narmo-
ny, counterpoint, tugue, orcrieatration
and higher musical composition, .No
better grade of work done west of tbe
Rocky mountains. Prices low. Beven
teachers. Next term begins Bept. 4th.
Bend for annual year book or address,
Z. M. Parvln, Mus. Doctor, musical
director. 8 9 2md&w
Oldest, Highest and Most Extended
Institution of Learning in the Pacific
Northwest. 4
Sixteen courses of Instruction, from
Grammar, through Academic and Col
lege, to Theology, Law and Medicine.
Splendid Courses for Training in
Teuching, Business, Art, Elocution
and music. Beveral Post Graduate
Courses. Stronger and better than ever.
H'b Woman's College. nflordsan ideal
home for young ladies with unsurpassed
facilities for their care and training.
The school yertr opens Sept. 4, 1893.
For Year Book and all information
relating to school management and
course of study, address,
President GEO. WH2TAKER. D.D.
For fiuanoial information, address,
Rev. J. H. R00B.K, Agent,
8-22-d&w Salem, Oregon.
ITCHINO PILES known by snoLrtnr
like ptnplraUcm. eaoso Intense Itching
when warm. This form and Bf.TKD.
whloh sou dlraotly on parts affected
absorbs tumors, allays ltehtn, effect in.
a permanent euro. Price fiOo. Snigzleta
Or malL Br. Sosaoko, Philadelphia. Pa,
Bold by Baskett & Van Slype.
World's Fair, Chicago.
iavsii Calnmet Arenas and J9th Street.
Hlirfg si Klreprooti lit ruomst near Fatr
Sal Oroundii Laths on erery noor,
sktaaaaai American and European plana.
Tbe Union Pacific now leads with re
duced rates to eastern points, and their
through car arrangements, magniflo
ently equipped Pullman and Tourist
sleepers, free reclining chair car and
fast time, make It the best time to trav
el. Two trains leave from Portland
dally at 8:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The
rates are now within reach of all, and
everybody should take advautago of
them to visit the world's fair aud their
friends In the east Bend for ratea and
schedules of tralus, and do not purchase
tickets until after consulting Boise A
Barker, agenta, Balem, Or.
W. H. Hurlburt,
Ass't Gen'l Rasa. Agent, U. P.,
Portland, Or.
CfiflS. WOLZ,
Proprietor of the
South Commercial HU.Balera.
All kinds Fresh. Halt unrt HmAtort it.,.
and Sausages.
Unimproved Ral Estate. In amounts and
timo to suit. Ho delay In eoaslderlnr loans.
Room 12. Knsh Rank block.
L ttaksksr ksVaft flnMnlavs.
Willamette University
A Lf rs
f A v rre jif jF
aTMaS L ySi
Usaeo a othaf plus da, T Toiamoa VouStkr
atsriu w. Wl aaasplaa Dmh fiu Ibis asiXai
8c44 by Kwkt A Van Slype.
JoujKKi, Wednesday, AtratrsT so, it3.
- -''
Xasurr ef Waltp's 0elebTst4 OoDeJr 09,
"ftealaai Jindsaa Orciwetea.
tr. MUe Mt&UoX Oh, Elkhart, Ind,
Toa will remeraber the condition I was In flTA
years ago, when 1 was afflicted with a combina
tion of diseases, and thought there wis ho heu
roMatx. I tried all kinds of medicines, and sooros
of eminent physicians. My nerres were prostrated,
producing dltzlness, heart trouble and all tbe 1113
that msie Uf falaefabto. I commenced to take
snd tn three months i FtuncTLT cuace.
In my trarelseack year, when I are tno thousands
of physical wrecks, ca&rins froai nermns crca
,mA tratlon, taking- prescriptions from
W tlj. local physicians who haTe no knowt.
I rS edie of thelrcase, and whose death
aln. 1 (eel Uka jolng to them and sarinr,
Eipii Miles NtaviNc and sccussa" In
my profession,
Mesaon, . . , nav wnere
oresomanysaff TlillXta l 1 flerers'r' " tal prostrsr
tiou and nermas azhanstian. broniht on br the
character of the business entiged In, I would
aa a euro euro for all WlTerlng from theso camel.
Jutm R. Waits,
gold by D. J. Fry, druggist, Balem
Baby cried,
Mother sighed.
Doctor proscribed : Castoria
Prices Current by Telegraph Local
and Portland Quotations.
Salem, August 80, 4 p. m. Office
Daily Capital Journal. Quota
tions for day and up to hour of going to
press were aa follews:
Apples 75o to $1.00 a bushel.
Blackberries wild 50cts. a gallon;
tame 5 cts. a box.
Peaches 85c to $1.00 a box.
Veals dressed 5J cts.
Hogs dressed 6 to 6.
Live cattle 2 to 2.
Sheep alive $1.50 to $2.00.
Spring lambs $1.60 to $2.00.
Salem Milling Co. quetes: Floilr
In wholesale lota $3.20. .Retail $3.60.
Bran $17 bulk, $18 sacked. Shorts $10
and $20. Chop feed $10 and $20.
Old wheat on storage 48 cents. New
wheat 50 cents.
Oats old, 38 to 40a, new 30c
Hay Baled, new $8 to $12: old $10 to
$14. Wild In bulk, $0 to $8.
Barley Brewing, at Salem, No. 1,
05 to $1.00 per owt. No. 2, 70 to 85 cto.
Peas and beuus-8 to 10 cents a gallon.
Wool Best. 10c.
Hops Small sale, 16 to 17a
Etrgs Cash, 20 cents.
Butter Best dairy, 25; fancy
creamery, 30.
Cheese 12 to 16 cts.
Farm smoked meats Bacon 12;
uams, in: snouiaers, iu.
Potatoes new, 50c. to 60c.
Onions If to 2 cents.
Beeswax 34a Caraway seed, 18a
Anise seed, 26o. Ginseng, $1.40.
Green, 2 cts; drv, 4 cts; sheep pelts,
75 cts to $1.25. No quotations on furs,
Chickens 8 to 10 cts; broilers 10tol2J;
ducks, 12; turkeys, slow sale, choice,
10 cts; geese slow.
Grain, Feed, etc.
Flour Standard, $3.40; Walla Walla,
$3.40; graham, $3.00; superfine, $2.60
per barrel.
Oata Old wblte,40o perbu ; grey, 36c:
rolled, In bags, $0 250.50; barrels,
$6.606.75: cases. $3 75.
Hay Best, $1015 per ton.
Wool valley, 10 to 12a
Mlllstufls Bran, $18.00; shorts, $21;
ground barley, $22023; chop feed, $18
per ten: whole feed, barley. 80085 ner
cental; middling, $23028 per too; brew-
Ing barley, 00095c per
centai: cuicken
wheat. $1 25101.25 per cental.
Hops Old, 10 to J6a, new 15 to 17.
Butter Orezon fanovcreamerv.221tat
25e; fanoy dairy, 2O022o; fair to goqd,
I617c: common, 14 to 15o per lb; Call-
loruia, iwc per roil.
Cheese Oregou, 12 ; Eastern
twins, 16o; Young American, 14o per
per pound; California flats, 14a
.eggs uregon, io to loo per dozen
turkey?, live, 141c
Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 100
10c; do Inferior, 800c; do valley, 130
Potatoes Ery Rose, 30050, Bar
oanKB, $ -IO075O per cental.
Onlona 75f85o ner cental for rA
y . . .
'JssssssatSKissr-? JwsssssssssssW
ssmsmsmsmsmsms slsssmssmsmsmsmllmsmB
QsaHsMsaHssKl av jHk SVwKKKk
Poultry Chlckeua,old,$4.00; broilers,
large, $2.OO03.Ou; ducks, old, $4,500
5 00: younir. (2 504.00: freest. SS.&T
, u -- T--
and $.600000 ifiir sllveraklns,
Barlej.Feed, 6S07&J per cental
for good quality aud 83o for cheice:
brewing. $ 0) per cental, '
0ts-Mll!iB , $1.0001.90.
Sympathy Appreciated.
I was a passenger on a Fourth avenue
electric cor an afternoon br so Ago, and In
thosanio car was a handsomely dressed and
very pretty and modest looking young wom
an. She sat on the front seat, and her pretty
face attracted the' attention of two young
men who occupied a seat In the middle of
the car. She gavo evident signs of being
hi considerable distress and now and then
would twitch with pain. When at last she
stopped the car and started to alight, the
cause of her discomfort was evident. She
was wearing tight shoes.
"My goodness," whispered one of the
yonng men to his companion as the girl
paa&ed, "hasn't that girl got on tight shoes?"
"You bet I havel" the girl responded in a
lugubrious tone as she turned through tbe
door. The young man who made the re
mark turned several different colors, while
the other passengers smiled audibly, realiz
ing that the girl's words bad been the
thoughtless remark of one in pain and
longing for sympathy. Louisville Courier
Journal. .Making Postaco Stamp.
Every part of postage stamp making is
done by hand. Tbe designs are engraved
on steel, 200 stamps on a single plate.
These plates are inked by two men, and
then are printed by a girl and a man on a
large handpress. They are dried as fast ris
printed nnd then gummed with a starch
paste mode from potatoes. This paste is
dried by placing the sheets in a steam fan
ning machine, and then the stam s ore
subjected to a pressure of 2,000 tons in a
hydraulic press. Next tbe sheets nre cut
so that each one contains 100 Btamps, after
which the paper between the stamps is
perforated, and after being pressed the
sheets are filed away. If a single stamp is
injured, the whole sheet is burned. St.
Paul Pioneer Press.
Origin or "Panta."
The words breeches, tronsers and panta
loons are now used interchangeably, but
originally the (significations were quite dif
ferent. Pantaloons were at first nothing
but long stockings worn in Italy as a sort
of religious habit by tbe devotees of St.
Pantaloon. Breeches originally reached
from the waist half way to the knee and
finally to the knee, where they were fas
tened with a buckle. Trousers are the
present style of leg gear, a combination of
the former two. Exchange.
A Curious Hello.
A curious relic is at the mercy of public
sale by the death ot ait alter in Paris. He
had served at a table in the cafe where
Gambetta, Floquet, Cosimir-Perier, Jules
Ferry, et al. frequently dined. The table
is marble, and the famous men covered it
with signed epigraphs. An American of
fered the waiter 10,000 francs for tho table,
hnt he refused it. Npw York ilerald.
Mian Varna Moffit
In Danger of Consumption
"I was sick and discouraged when I called
on the village doctor. lie Intimated I had
consumption and would not live long. I da-
ood's Cures
dJcd to take Hood's SarsaparllU and I am
now well and hearty." Miss Daiia Moar
iiT, Vox 73, Ashmore, Illinois. f
Hood's Pills act easily, yet prompUy
cud Lllcctlvely, on the Uverand bowels.
Before Going to the World's Fair
Enquire About
The Limited Express trains of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee & BU Paul Railway
between St. Paul and Chicago and
Omaha and Chicago.
Theoe trains are vestlbuled, electric
lighted and steam heated, with the flu
est Dining and Bleeping Car Service In
the world,
The Electric reading light in each
berth is tbe successful novelty of this
progressive age, and Is highly appreciat
ed by all regular patrons of this line.
We wIbIi others' to know its merits, as
tbe Chicago Milwaukee & St.Paul Bail
way is tue only line in tbe west enjoy
ing tbe exclusive use of this patent.
tor further Information apply to
nearest coupon ticket agent, or address
C. J. Eddy, General Agent,
J. W. CA8EY,Trav.Pasa. Agt.
225 Btark St., Portland, Or. tf
Oregon State Fair.
Under tho management of the Btato
Board of Agriculture, on the Btate
Fair Grouuds near Balem, commenc
ing September 11th, 1893, and con-
uuuiugone ween.
WU1 be pitd aareminma for Ptoca-, Poultry.
Hwtne Agricultural Products, Fruits. Native
woods, Minerals. Works f Ait and Fancy
Work, t.nd for Ulals or speed.
l4ac4 Kat8 of Fares and Freights
oa All Transportation Liaas.
PAVIiJ'rNopen four evenlcsrs dnrtnitthe
Week, with rood music In attendance.
TUB Ni.W grand KTAND and the new
Regulation Track are conceded to bo anions
the most ooznlort&b e and the best on tbe Pa-
Safl LaaWt4 " a -
hTIuH:ulY wwtwi" or hpked -each
X. There la entered tor these contest tbe
j. aw v suim iuh jow inui aas mfb on
t h i a sre-n a da for many veasoas.
vwpaE-ro ana &anUora Improvements
have Iwea made on tbeeroundsand bulldlnss.
c5'het,nhtltort'U,d toiwwdto theerettlt
Kntrles for Premiums close atSp-m. tbe
plaee by 1Q p, m. of said day
PKinra DP ahviccinv
Men's Beaaoallckrt
.1 no
, 103
b " a . "T "sp
Ham Trw tickuia. iwTV
n uiaeo's uav
Chlldnn nnSiJlVr'aa. ''L...
Yy.ffljf,i,jj ss? Wi
It ii slnipfy parc-hilHfof tfic besfcjuSliry from whlchVUfge'efcentae of water
has been evaporated.
Completed and ready to wait on 'customed. Worses bbarcf'e'd'by day or week
at reasonable prices. We keep a full line of TrUck Drays and Express to
meet all demands.. Also keep tho finest Stallions in this county, for service.
Barn and residence 2 block sooth of 'petorflce. RYAN & CO.
If 'you wdul3 rje clean and "have your clothes done up in
the neatest arid dressiest'mannor, tdke them to the
where all'work is done by white labbr'afid in the most prompt
Receiving all the
a, Associated Press
These low hard times rates enable every farmer to hate
his daily paper and know the
news of the world.
Editorial com'ra'ent iV feaViess add' independent. Edited!
by its publishers to secure gopd government for the people,
able to deal justly and fairly
Complete Telegraphia, State, 'Capital, For
eip, Market
25 Cents a Mo'ritli.
a. Year,
The Only One C6bt'Nfeirvapftper
mini any sis wesKiiea tnat cot fa to f rz a year.
No pperaf bt aftor time' ;s out.
AH Isriepetffe ffrrkc AH Stf W iMle.
8lea, Orege
They are calling for it and our
shipments arc increasing daily to
other lands. The
Condensed Milk is the first conden
sed milk ever dffefe'd to the public.
It is the leading brand. It has stood
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Grocers hd Drumiisls sell it.
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I.OO for 4 Months
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4 1-1 aaTis,snii. j. I LJI
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