lay - r?Ws -i ; t. CHEAPEST ONE CENT DAILY! SScts. month by KM Prepaid In Advance. . No Papers Sent Wkws Time Is Out. -W Associatea rress uany News- v JOURNAL. paper Published hefi .JlJP Pacific Coast. ' m I 7 . m I $:MM n Year. 1 41 J VOL. . DAILY EDITION, SALEM,' OKEGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 5.9. 1893. DAILY EDITION. NO, UC4. he New York Racket Still occupies their old position in the State Insurance Block, 333 Comuieicial Street, and still offer GREAT BARCAIl-TS Im all lines of goods which they carry. Their fine ladies and ims?es Dongolia( shoes, are ,away below what they can be b iught for generally, and every shoe of the better class war ranted. The same can be said of the better class of men's, boy's and children's shoes. In all lines of goods such as boy's and men's fur and wool hats, wool, black sateen, and gents light dress shirts, white laundried and unlaundried shirts; Ladies, gents, and boys underwear; pants, overalls, jackets, gloves, bed-spreads, lace curtains, embroideries, laces, table linen, crash, towels, pocket knives, buggy whips, and a large line of all kinds of notions, all sold at RACKET PRICES. We buy all our goods for cash, at the lowest possible prices for good material, and can afford to sell at low prices for CASH. COMB AND SEE. H, W. COTTLE & CO., General Insurance Agency. Representing tke following well-known and reliable Cempanies: OTATE INSURANCE CO., Mtna Insurance Co., Traders' Insurance Co., . Sun Insurance Co.. National Insurance Co., Westohester Jflre Ins. Co., Lion Fire Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Insurance Co., London Lancashire Fire Ins. Boo., London Vssurance corporation, Alliance Assurance Co., Norwlon Union Fire Ins.Soc. Oldest and Leading Firm In the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance, J. W. TflORNBGRG, THE UPllOLSTtiRER. Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience la the trade enables me to turn out first-class work. Bamples of coverings. No trouble to Kive estimates. State Insurance block, Cbcmeketa street Ed. C. CHURCrllLLPiimps,Piiraps,PiimP & 103 BURROUGHS State Street. F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. Lamoureux's Stables, rigs nor poor bore a. H. L. LAMOUKh.UA. rropneior. Ill I r A" A Has just received some West Printing Co do better work than ever. Country orders receive prompt at- tention. 203 Commercial Bt., M1TCHEEU tfRKflT & CO., GENERAL Insurance Agent, 245 Commercial Street. American Fire Insurance Co., Phllo. Home Insurance Co., New York. NorwlcbUnlon Ins. Qo.. Liverpool. Palatine Insurance Co,. Manchester. 0er OneMUlion Dollars, Deposited .rrotecuou 01 jruucjr --- All Losses MlM1i Pl rc WfA8eHrMPUC,M WrittQ in Marion, Polk, Yamhill and Linn Counties. Also Writ. Lift Mi Aoatrteat Iaeuranc la Best Companies Id th. World. t. barne: Cross, ts. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and $moked Meats, of allKinds OS Court and 110 State Streets. Choice lea LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. Balatn, Oregon. SALEJf, OREGON. Western Assurance, Toronto, Canada. Lancashire, Manchester, Eng. namburg-Madeburg. Germany. Home Mutual, 8an Francisco, Cal. With State Treasurer of Orego. for Steamer Carlos Driven from Brazilian Ports. Commercial Prospects Brighten ing Everywhere. THREE BEACH HOTELS MM. Great loss and Slanj lives En dangered. WIND AND RAIN STORMS Do Great Damage in New York and the South. 105 Cholera Victims New Yomc, Aug. 29. A cable from Rio Janerio says tbe steamer Carlos bad arrived tbere, and tbat one hundred and five persons aboard her bad died from cbolera on the way. The steamer was escorted out of tbe harbor by a warship and ordered not to land at any Brazilian port. Beach Hotels Born. New York, Aug. 29. Rockaway Beach, the famous Long Island sum muer resort, was visited by another conflagration early this morning. A fierce gale was blowing at tbe time and the flames spread with tbe utmost ra pidity. Daly's hotel was next to go. Guests had barely time to escape in their night clothes. The Reynolds hotel followed, 'then the New Seaside bouse, tbe largest in tbe place. A heavy rain began falling then and tbe fire ceased to spread. The damage is heavy, as the structures were all new. Financial Improvement. Kansas City, Aug. 29. A statt ment by the National banks of this city, shows that since the height of the financial flurry, July 10th, deposlte haye Increased $2,000,000. Denver Resumes. Denyeb, Aug. 29. Tbe German Na tional bank re-opened Its doors 'his morning, and received large deposits. England Easier. London, Aug. 29. Stocks are buoy ant in view of the large majority by wbicb tbe Wilson repeat bill passed yes terday. At tbe close American railway stocks were higher. Stocks Improving. New Yore, Aug. 29. The effect of yesterday's action In tbe house on the sliver question Is apparent In stocks to day. Tbere is a general advane. Storms In New York. New York, Aug. 29. A storm which swept over this city and the sur. rounding country last night from mid- night till eight tbis morning was like ono a few days ago wbicb originated In West Indies but Instead of following the coast swept more Inland. It reached out In every direction for a distance of over 1600 miles as almost all ttle grapblo connections were broken and signal service unable to give a complete report of its course or exact direction, but local observations Indicate that It probably made IU way to sea tbrougb tbe Bt. Lawrence valley. Tides In tbe bsyhere were unusually blgb, owing to the southerly wind and angry look lng waves. Vessels found difficulty in making headway against them. Rising Breast "mirars mmmisjssjss& ttni ehUd-bearlnr woman. I bate Uaa a Ud-wtfe tor many jeara. and In each caw here "MatWa Frko4 b Jf1 baa aoootaplUhed wonder and rtlWrad taocJi suSerln-. It la U boat remedy for rUUf Mia Wut knvwn. and worth tU prtaa lot tfeat aJooe. MM. M. M. BsiwtTaa, Sent by trcpnu, chare, prepaid, on receipt f pjaee, $lMfr Unit, mmABfftM HfUtATOH CO., Storms in the ast. Augusta, Me., Aug. 29. Sunday night's storm did Incalculable injury to the farming Interests of the south east. No communication has been bad with Charleston, Savannah, or Jack sonville, since Sunday afternoon. The wires are broken by falling trees. The damage to crops cannot be estimated for some days. Several buildings In Jacksonville, S. C, crushed mill dams and washed them away. Cotton is ter ribly damaged and tobacco devastated. In Waysboro, Ga., the cotton Is greatly damaged. "The storm was very severe la Soreven eounty. Great damage was done to bouses and crops. Storms In the South. Washington Auk. 29. The storm did great damage to' tho shade trees here. Tbe electric light and telephone service in Alexandria and Georgetown Is badly crippled. Telegraphio com munication "vlth tbe West waB broken at 7:30 last night, and with tbe East abmt midnight. This morning a partial communication was restoied to Baltimore. Communi cation was also cut ofl south of Lynch burg, Va. Iuteuse auxlety prevails for further news from Savannah and other pbints further south. Rumor comes by wlro from Richmond tbat trains from tbe south report Charles ton, 8. C, under water. Signal service Indications locate Charleston right in the path of the tornado. Locusts Innumerable. Tunis, Aug. 29. A swarm of locusts so immense as to obscure tbe sun three hours passed over the city today. Probably Cholera. Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 29. A woman said to bo suflerlng from genu ine Asiatic cholera was taken to tbe cltv hospital this morning. The houte was fumigated. BRIBERY CHARGED. World's Fair Award Oommitteemen Have Charges to Answer. Chicago, Auk. 29. In tho meeting of the world's fair commission yester day Commissioner Mercer made a vig orous denial of any connection with the alleged bribery case. Ho demanded of tho committee that au investigation be made. Beeson of, Oklahoma also made a denial nnd a committee was ap pointed to investigase the charges. Then Chairman Tbatohor of tbe awards committee came forward with affidavits from ofllclals of the Cary Safe Company charging tbat D. F. Hlgbeebad demauded $22$) for secur ing a favorable award. Tbe commis sion Instructed the committee to tako up this matter. Hlgbeo aroso and de clared the charge absurd. He said he would bring an action In the courts for damases. Ten of tbe commissioners said Com missioners Beeson and Mercer have In terested themselves in the appointment of morejtidges than any other two mem bers of tbe uatlonal commission. Mer cer was vehement In the denial that he Is guilty or any wrong doing. He claims to know nothing about tbe at tempt to squeeze $10,000 out of Wolf scbmldt, tbe iluwlan whisky and wine exhibitor, to Insure him tbe first prem ium on his exhibit, beyond that wbicb he has read In the paper. "I never heard of Mrs. Harmon," be said, "un til she was Introduced to me Saturday In front of the agricultural building by Beeson. Beeson said she was an old friend of his. An hour or so later I learned she bad been arrested for trying to obtain mouey from an exhibitor to secure an award In bis favor," Tbe total number of admissions to tbe fair today was 100,009, of wbicb 120,488 were paid. Oorbett Declines. Poutland, Aug. 20, Ex-Senatcr Corbett declines to accept tho receiver ship of tbe Porttand Savings bank oa account of III health. Will Marry, New Orleans, Aug.29 F.T. How ard, brother of Jula? Annie Howard, has announced that tbe marriage of Miss Howard to Mayor CVter Harri son of Chlcaxo will take place In tbe latter part of September at tbe summer borne of tbe Howard at lllloxl. It is also stated tbat tbe weddlug will be atteoded by a Ia7ge party of Mr. Har rison's friends and relatives from I1II nols, and tbat tbere will be a gather log of all tbe Howard family. Unsatisfactory Performance. Madrid, Aug. 20. At a bull fight at Saragosea, tbe audience, dissatisfied with tbe quality of tbe performance, smashed the seats and set Are to them. The police quelled the riot with Ulfll oulty, after woundtug a number of the mob. At Sau Sebastian, the audience at a concert attacked the musicians be cause tbey refused to play the Basque hymn. Tbey then proceeded to the hotel where tho prime minister was stopping and atoned It. Troops called out were forced to Are on tho mob, kill ing two and severely wounding several. Funeral of Duke Ernst. Pottsdam, Aug. 29. Tho funeral of Duko Ernst of Haxe-Coburg and Gatba took place today and was attended by due pomp and ceremony. After the funeral banquent was given at the cas tle and all tbe visiting members of the royal families, ministers of state and diplomats were present. Chicago Labor Troubles. CmoAao, Aug. 20. Another meet ing of the unemployed was held on tbe luko front today, about 8000 men being present. The poltco arrested ono man who was urging the peoplo to go armod and fight tho authorities, Asldo from this there was no excitement on the lake front. After tbo speeches tho crowd wan dered In an almlpss manner along Van Buron street, until Slegel & Cooper's big general store was reached, here a number of men suddenly became slezed with tho Idea of entering the store and made a rush for the doorway, shouting nnd yelling. Shoppers In tho store wero badly frightened and were hurry ing for other exits when a force of polino arrived and charged tbo mob which scattered with great ba;te. Foreign Crop Demand. Washington, Aug, 89. Tbo recent adyloea received by Secretary Morton from an agent in Europe fully confirm previous reports regarding tbe shortage of certain crops In many sections of Europe, which ho represents la likely to guarantee a largo domand for Amor loan forage crops, including com. Al though ho does not think it likely that much of the latter will bo used for hu man food, bo represents tbat tbe tariff complications between Russia and Ger many are llablo to render the latter country especially dependant upon the Uulted States for their supply. Extra Session in Wyomluz. Cheyenne, Wyo., Aug. 28. Tbe news tbat tbe senate declines to seat the appointed senators revives Interest here in tbo question of tbe governor's calling a special freaelon of tbe legisla ture to All the vacaooy from Wyoming. Although Governor Oabome declared several times be would not call a spe cial session It Is believed pressure will bo brought to bear upon him by bis party and by friends of sliver In both parties and tbat bo will change bis position on the question and call a ses sion at once. Police Shot Sacramento, Aug. 29. Special Ofll cer Charles Wetzel was shot and fatal ly wounded by an unknown man a few minutes before 12 last night. His as sailant was quarreling with a colored man. Wetzel Interfered, when tbe man placed a pistol against Wetzel's stomach and tired. Wetzel's assailant was George Clark, who is still at lib erty. When escaping, be attempted to shoot another officer, but bis pistol missed fire. Xailroat. Salaries Oat. Omaha, Aug. 20. The expected cut In salaries of employes of tbe Union Pacific Is now a reality. Tbo order was made public today and takes eflect Sep tember 1st. Every officer and employe of tbe road receiving $70 or more per month to affected. The schedule for reductions as quoted In the order Issued today to as follews: Salaries ranging froit, ISO to $100, inclusive, 10 per cent; over $100 to $00, 12 percent, over $200 to $600, cent. 15 per cent; over $500, 90 per Prase and Stat. Bangkok, Aug. 29.-NagotUtIon between France and S4ara are practic ally at a standstill. No date to fixed for a resumption of diplowatlo corres pondence. Tbe Siamese commercial Interests are attacked In a vital point by tbe new demands made by France. It to believed Hlasa cannot ascent to them. Thereto a very unsettled feel lmr. Tbe developments of the next few days are anxiously awaited. Asoiher Bask ssU- York, Neb., Aug, 29. The First Na tlonal bank of thto city failed to open Its doors yesterday morning. OMcera state that tbe assets will exeeed th lia bilities by fftO.Geo. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report &ms ABSOLUTELY PURE CONGRESSIONAL DOINGS. The Financial Pot Boiling in Both Houses. Washington, Aug. 29. Senate- Senator Teller objected to tbe Imme diate consideration of tho repeal bills, and it went over till tomorrow. Gor don addressed tbo senate in favor of the unconditional repeal of tbe Sher man act. House Catchlngs called up the re port of tho committee on ru'es, which tho house proceeded to debate. Senate Tbo committee on finance deolded to report back tho Wilson re peal bill with tho recommendation tbat the Voorbees bill bo substituted, aud to set aside tbe national bank circulation bill now, also unfinished business, and favor tho Voorbees bill, uud to press tbo latter as rapidly as possible. Set ting aside the National bank bill will require a majority vote ofthosonate. Silver mon say tboy are Indifferent at to wbloh Is considered first, both being alike objootlouablo. lbey deolare tbei' will fight repeal with all the force at their command. Tbe Voorhoes bill wan reported to tbe Isouato as a substitute this aftornoon. Bank Resumes. Ban Francisco, Aug. 29. The Peo ple's Home Saving's Bank reoponed for business this morning. Destroyed by Fire. Boise, Idaho, Aug. 29. The entire business portion of the town was de stroyed by fire yesterday morning. Tbe fire was caused by an explosion in May's drug store. There was no water and tbe fire burned until tbero was nothing left for it to feed upon. The total loss to $37,500. Insurance $9,500. Schroder, Mays and Herron are the principal losers. WILL START THE MINTS. Carlisle So Orders and Gold Will Be Coined. Washington, Aug. 20. Secretary Carlisle has ordered tbo United States mints at Philadelphia und San Fran cisco to be fully manned and tbo full capacity of both mints to bo utilized In coining gold bullion. Tho treasury de partment possesses from $85,000,000 to $00,000,000 In gold bullion, which to part of the gold reserve of $100,000,000. These gold bars cannot be used as cur rency so It has been decided in the pres ent need to coin the bullion on band, Two Ih(Io "IVurda. She was a gaunt, grim Individual, aud with the aid of an umbrella she wub seen persistently elbowing her wuy along one of the crowded thoroughfares. As hliu entered one of tbe prominent stores aud stepped to the counter she quietly looked over asmart ly dreased lady who stood by her nlde. Then looking calmly around tho store, as if to see If tho display of wares met her approval, with a patronizing air she thus addressed the pretty salesgirl! "Will you please show me your orange spoousf" at the same time adjuring her glaaaeM. , , "Holid or platedf" qui-stloncd the girl. "Ob, sollil," with a sniff. "DoyouwUh souvenir or plaint" again uVm! Mm ilrl In u courteous tone. "I don't know, but I must have a hand some one." , . "Will tulioueat W betooexponMver tbe girl continued, placing a handsome af fair on Hie velvet. Tha ladv in black aavs one glance. Un a determined look beautiful to se she re plied, with a curious inflection, -i non-i "Then how would you like this oner" as she placed one of neat design before the purcbaM-r. . "I gtiBM not. You see, Harry to so very particular. Hut 1 said when 1 came to Hot ton bs should have as bfautlful a spoon as bis grandma's pocketbook could buy, and" "Here to a very pretty onej surely bs would HkotbU," but there was atlmllook about the girl's eyes as she laid the third One on tha counUr before the wquld bo buy. era gaze. "It was marked from" She never fluUbrd tbe sentence. "Marked down, did you say?" "Marked down from" comrnenceu mo glrL "I'll take It," and not long after grand ma was on the street, a moat satisfied ex Eresaion on bw careworn faw. That was owthat salesgirl earned heriuomy that day. Uwtpn quroA,!. Baking Powder tluiiiuiK tilrntto. It urwI to Im mi amusement nnd also a duty to me to try and show thu uaknuls to native la'iitli'ineii when tlicy oaiue from tbclr country s -at" to visit Calcutta, and I Invariably lnvltd them to come with mo to mo the oo. ( think thnt the giraffes puzzled them most. One flno old Hindoo nobleman, with whom I huvo many a time been out tiger shooting on his own proper ty, suggested thnt the giraffe vriin a new sort of tiger, but he was comforted and convinced when ho saw them eat tho branch of a treo from my hand. I wish thnt he could have been present to witness n performance of this pair of girnffea, which I did not see myself, though fortunately Lord William Uercsford snw It and told me of it. On the morning of the queen's birthday Beresford was riding past the giraffe in closure when a feu do jolo was fired by thu soldiers of a nntlvo infantry regiment, whose quarters nro not far from the zoo. At tho first round of tbe firing the gi raffes were startled. When the second roaad came, they took to their heels and jumped clean over the fence of upright gur ran or wattle sticks, about 10 feet high, tbat surrounded tholr lnclosure. When tho third round came, the giraffes were so pnzzbd tbat tbey turned round and popped over tbo fenco again and sought refuge in tho house lii which tbey wero lodged nt night. It is a great pity that a sportsman mid rider like Lord William UcresfQrd, who saw this strange sight, had not a mount on ono of the giraffes. Long man's Mngnzlno. . Uavr to rut-Up a Clothesline. A simple contrivance, designed tp save a great deal of washlngduy work, can bo put In place very catdly. It consists of a little house or shed, IS inches long, fastened stoutly all along one side against the outer wall of a building, or perhaps against n fence, though one objection to tho latter to that tho line when stretched and hung with wot clothes would pull upon the fence and perhaps cause it to sag In time, A part of the other or outer side, ot the little clothesline shelter is made in n sort of door, opening on hinges, which lets down, dis cloxlug tho barrel on which tho clothesline is wound. To this, at one end, a crank handle is attnehed with u ratchet wheel. In nutting up thu line, ono end of which is tied to tho barrel, first unwind tho line and pons it around each pole until all is in tho position wanted. Slip the loop in tho end over tho last polo, then go back to tho box, turn the crank until nil the lino is straight and taut, then fasten by means of tho racket so that it canuot unwind. This pre vents "sagging" effectually. When tho clothes havo been taken oft the line, wind it up ami shut up tbo sido opening to pro tect tho rope from rain, dampness and mil dew. Brooklyn Eaglei NothlnK 5fer In It, "I spent half tbe afternoon tbe other day," said Mrs. Hilltops, "trying to match a woolen dress ot my daughter's in silk, and tho nearest I could come to it was at least two shades toodurk, but thnt didn't disturb my daughter a bit. She simply spread It out next day In tbe sun and faded it to a perfect match. She was Inclined to tako great credit to herself for this, for she thought It was nn original idea, as Indeed it was with her, but I ex plained to her that it was very, Very old; that I bod myself done the same thing with a faded gingham dress, for instance, for which I desired to make a new waist or a new pair ot sleeves; that I had taken a new piece of the same material and washed It and bung It out in the nun, and bad, re peated tbis process until the new material was faded to match the old; that in fact this Is one of those discoveries that people simply keep on making over and over again." New York Sun. Cannibalism Ainonu Cricket. In an assemblage of many crickets kept for certain observations in a roaring draw er or box (enjn do berborizaclon) the num bers diminished from day to dayi At last only one uot a llttja fattened--remalned by tho side ot the remains of his former companions. Hitherto cannibalism among the crickets has been noticed only ainoug' captives, but I am now enabled to state tbat under cer tain conditions cannibalism is present among some ortboptera in the fre state, at all events among the locusts. Carl Berg in Natural Science. I KEEP COOL Inside. onUide. und all Who war tturenaa. U h beslt Mil I toasat T 5aaBKstr r ' jOBm m i