Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 28, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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Kor 30 Days.
Call and Get Prices.
Our two fine presents will be given away September 1st.
307 Commercial Street.
- IF -
Yoa aro golngito build or make any Una of
Improvement, call on th under gned lor
BUkterl aL Wn cave a complete stock, and are
read' to inpply any piepared contract, sewer
work, grading, etc
Salem Improvement Co.
New Minister. Rev. G. W. Gran
nis of Port and, Alblna church, haa
been sent to Balem by tbo Methodist
conference ut A bany. He haa served
four years aa presiding elder of the
Boise, Idaho, district, and as pastor on
the coast In all ten years or more. He
has been at Astoria and other import
ant points, is a prominent G. A. R.
man and a fine selection for Balem.
Rev. C. R. Kellerman of Salem goes to
St. Paul's church, Portland. This is a
fine recognition of one, of the most cul
tured and intellectual preachers on the
Pacific) coast.
Promptly Extinguished. The ef
ficiency of the fire department was
demonstrated Saturday evening in the
promptness of the boys being on the
scene after the alarm bad been turned
in of a fire at the Churchill Sash and
Door factory. A fire had started from
sparks falling on top of the dry kiln
and burned through tbo roof and wan
still making Ita way downward when
discovered. A bole was cut through
tbo roof and the hose directed on the
fire which checked the spread of the
llames before any considerable damage
was done.
M. T. R. 132 State street.
Porcupine. Earl Mundell and Fred
Dlmler captured a porcupine Sunday
night about 9:30 in front of W. Wade's
residence In North Salem. The animal
was wet, had evidently come out of the
creek, and was not difficult to capture
Theso animals are quite rare in this
part of the valley and this specimen is
nearly as large as a coon.
The Fruit Palace 132 State Btreet.
BADLY Kicked. Unas. Worden. a
farmer living four miles south of Salem
was brought In Sunday forenoon
for surgical treatment. He bad re
ceived a very bad kick In the facd by
a bunch grass horse, laying open bis
cheek for soveral inches on the right
aide. Drs. Browne and Mott sewed up
his face. He Is doing well.
M. T. R. 182 Btato street.
Doa Theft. 8ome one stole a valu
able dog from Henry Mejers Thursday
night, by entering the buck yard and
deliberately unfastening tbe canine's
chain, taking chalu and all. The dog
la a red setter, two years old and well
broken. Mr. Meyers Is sparing no
pains to recapture his dog.
Tho Fruit Palace 132 State street.
Still Scalping. A gentleman from
the hills south of tho city, reports hav
ing threshed a field of grain whore the
squirrels had destroyed at least twenty
acres. Such complaints will not be
coming in long, at tuo rate waina are
now showiug up,
Forest Fires. On Saturday a Ore
was raging In tho vicinity of Mluto,
having destroyed a largo part of tbo
mill tramway besides the valuable tim
ber that was laid waste. Some of Ore
gon's fiuest timber is found In that vi
cinity. Prof. E. B. MoElroy left on tho
morning overland train for XJulon
Ira Erb and wife have arrived home
from Gatee.
Go, S. Downing and Hugh Thomp
tuna have returned from a short vacation
at Newport.
Prof. Hawtoy lias arrived lu Salem,
and will bo hero to assume his work lu
Mm Willamette uutvoralty Monday
Tiw county board of equalization,
eewpoawl of the judge, clerk and as-
kMwor, convened in ac-selon today and
will cMUIuue all week,
TbtfCanltal Fiult fHMnHCllool will
tttglu Moutfay with PreVf; 5 Crapps
m ptt&cip!.
' -
1 1
r, it
Miss Grace Scriber is home from
Miss Jennie Long of San Franolsco,
one of tbe ablest readers of tbe coast, is
in tbe city for a few days.
Andrew Gilbert Is in Moscow, Idaho,
looking after Gilbert Bros, banking in
terest there.
Dr. Richardson went to 8t Helens
Rev. P. B. Knight was a passenger
for Portland on thld afternoon's train.
Rev. Kellerman returned from tbe
Albany conference this afternoon.
Mrs. Henry Downing has returned
after a three weeks visit in Southern
Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Wagner returned
from their outlnc at the seaside, near
Newport today.
Miss Ethel Cusick returned from
Newport this afternoon.
Pleasant to tbe taste and readily tak
en is Simmons Liver Regulator. It
cures heartburn.
Capt. Howard and family arrived
from their outing at Slab Creek Sunday
Marriage license has been issued by
County Clerk Egan to Miss May Mc-
Mlllen aud W. A. Rains.
M. T. R. 132 State street.
Rev, M. M.Lewis ofOgden, Utah,
delivered a very practical and Interest
ing lecture to youug men In Y. M. C.
A. hall yesterday at 4 p. m.
J. Dugan is in Astoria for a few
Stephen Sanford returned from a
visit to Albany this morning.
Tho Fruit Palace 132 State Btreet
The case of the State of Oregon vs.
the Mize boys for flailing .their father,
was dismissed at tbo trial Saturday.
The Fruit Palace 132 State Btreet
Henry Keene and son Arthur, of
Btnytou, are in tbe city today.
M. T, R. 132 State street.
Jno. Porter, the Republican of Ale,
is doing busines) in the city today.
Tho Fruit Palace 132 8tate street.
Deputy Assessor Smith has returned
from an outing at Sodaville.
M. T. R. 132 State street
"Five days In the city jail," was read
by Recorder Edes to Wm. Marshal this
morning. His sentence was for drunk
enness. LoU of new goods at "Tbe Fair."
T. D. Linton and wife, of Eugene,
are guests of their cousins Mrs. A. F.
Hofer and Miss Villlo Ballou of this city.
Interest in placer mining is being re
vived up the South Santiam in Lion
oouuty, and as much as $4 a day is be
ing panned out in the old-fashioned
way by some prospectors.
Mrs. Mary Payton, Salem's member
of tbo ladies' board of world's fair man
agers, has relurnod Home,
The examination of the recently elect
ed officers of Company I, will be hela
in the armory Thursday evening. The
examination will be conducted by Cap
tain D. C. 8herman, Lieutenants Chas.
E. Roblln aud I. M. Berry.
Wm. Larklus, a hop grower from the
eastern part ot the county, Is In the
city, Mr, Larklns says hops are look
ing well In his vicinity.
Wm. A. Munley returned from
Portland this morning,
Hon. Chas. Nlckell, of the Jackson
ville Times, was a passenger for the
South on this morning's train.
Mrs, D'Aroy and daughter we'ut to
Newport today for an outing.
State Treasurer Metschan returned
from Portland today.
Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Hirot, of Slay ton,
are In the city. j
Frank Barr aud John Albright
started to the popular reaort atNenv'
port today,
Sherman Catterlln departed for hi
home In Winterset, Iowa, today, f
Chas. Whale and family will return
from an extended visit at Butte villa!'"
this evening, j
Proceedings oi the Methodist Gather
ing at Albany.
The report of the Presiding Eider,
John Parsons, for this district, showed
over 700 conversions during the year.
There are now twenty Epworth
Leagues in the district .
Bev. H. P. Satchwell and Dr. Doane
were honored by being placed on tbe
superannuated list
Dr. Fisher, editor of the Pacific
Christian Advocate, spoke in the inter
est of that excellent church paper.
Dr. Payne presented tbe interests of
tbe board of education, showing that
last year 1260stndents bad been assisted
in Been ring an education for the work,
nine being in the Oregon conference.
On motion ail the effects of tbe Oregon
board were turned over to tbe National
Tbe Woman's Home Missionary So
ciety met with Mrs. Harrington in tbe
chair. Reports showed eighteen auxil
iaries and 310 members,and the receipts
and expenditures for tbe year, f 1100.02.
Rev. Ellsworth, working under tbe
auspices of this board among the SI
letzs Indians presented his report. Mr.
Grant an Indian preacher, spoke for
bin people. Rev. W. Skipwortb made
the address of tbe afternoon, an efiort
fall of good thoughts.
A large congregation heard tbe an
nual missionary sermon In the evening,
by Rev. 8. E. Meminger, of McMinn
ville, one that contained much on
which to reflect
At night addresses were delivered by
J. S.Smlth and Dr. Whitaker on Freed
man's Aid and Southern Education.
for this" conference district are an fol
lews: Salem district, John Parsons,
presiding elder; Albany, J. Tabbed;
Amity, C. E. Craudall; Brownsville,
David Wolfi; Brooks, T.-F. Royal; Cor-
vallis, H. Guuld; Dallas, S. A. Starr;
Dayton, L. F.. Belknap; Eugene, D.N.
Mclnturff; Halsey, H. Oberg; Hub
bard, A. Kershaw; Independence, 8.
W. Potter; Jeflerson, W. H. Myers;
Lebanon, D. T. Summerville; Mehama,
to be supplied; Monroe, G. R. Arnold;
McMinnvIlIe, S. E. Meninger; New
port, to be supplied; Salem, G. W.
Grannis; Balem Mieslou, to be supplied;
Sbedd, 8. L. Lee; Sheridan, E. C.
Graff; Sitetz Indian Mission, C. R.
Ellsworth; Silverton, Isaac Reart;
Turner, R. M. Corner; Woodburn, A.
S. Mulligan; Junction City, H. 8. Wal
lace; Philomath, C. H. Lee; Waterloo,
to be supplied; Geo. Whitaker, presi
dent Willamett3 university; J. H.
Roork, financial agent; I. D. Driver,
lecturer;. G. W. Grannis of Alblna
church to Balem churcb.
Tbe M. E. conferenence adjourned
today to meet in Eugene next year.
Good Sense!
Disease is
largely tbe result of im
pure blood. To purify tbe blood, is to
i ! Aa
cure tne disease ! As a blood-purifier
and vltalizer. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery stands head and shoul
ders above any other known apeciflo 1
Its power In this direction is nothing
snort oi wonaenui. uuaranteea to
benefit or cure in every case, or money
The Ring Pike of the Coneniaugu.
The Coneniaugh valley is in a state of
great excitement over an immense pike
that haunts a certain pool of the historic
little stream. Wildest stories of its size
have spread over tho etitlro valley, and
all the old fishermen have tried to land
tho big fellow, but he has snappedstheir
lines liko so many threads, and although
pounds of ammunition have been wasted
on him ho soils about as serenely as ever,
apparently unmindful of tho bullets that
have rained about him like hailstones.
Tbo pool that is owned exclusively by
his pikcshlp is at Pack Saddle, about 60
miles out on the Pennsylvania linohnd
about ono mile cast of the Blairsville in
tersection. W. P. France, the veteran fisherman
of tho Conemaugh, who has been in the
employ of the Pennsylvania railroad for
80 years and is now their yardmastor at
Bolivar, says that tho fish is fully 8 feet
In length and will probably weigh 150
pounds. Ho saw him for tho first time
four years ago, nnd then ho broke a
number of heavy lines in trying to land
"Tobble," as tho genial yardmaster is
generally called, irresponsible for the
Btorythata number of light fieldpieces
were used on tho giant pike, and scales
as big as car wheels were knocked off,
but from this the fish did not 6eem to
suffer any serious inconvenience.
Tho pool in which he stays is about
300 yards long and about 15 yards wide,
aud at uo point is. it less than SO feet in
depth. A number of persons havo shot
at the piko "with iron Blngs fully 3 inches
long, bnt these did not appear to take
effect Pittsburg Dispatch.
TJe.oa?7 Vnn Crwm of TnxUr Powder.-No Ammonia No Alaat.
UMd i Millions of Honwe ao Yars tbe Staadaxi
Concluded irom First Page.
mg above tbe surrounding buildings is
a monument of the growth of a pros
perous city.
the crrr hall,
which la to be the pride of Salem, has
the first stone of its foundation laid
and work is still in progress. Tho en
tire cost of this building will pot some
thing over $54,000 In new channels of
circulation and will meet a long felt
want in Balem.
F. B. Southwick, tbe contractor, has
one year from October next In which
to complete the building, and he does
not expect to do more than complete
the foundation this year. Fred Erixson,
who haa the contract for tbe foun
dation, has been working from ten to
twelve men the past two weeks, and
will have tbe foundation completed in
about a month. Work will then be
suspended till spriDg, with the excep
tion of that of the stone cutter's. Mr.
Erixson has also the contract tor the
cut stone work, and will have a force
of men preparing Btone through the
winter months.
This ball wll be situated on the cor
ner of Churcb and Cbemketa streets,
and according to Architect Pugb's de
sign, will be three stories high, above
the basement, having a frontof 124 feet
on Cbemeketa Btreet, 133 feet long on
tbe Bouth side and 68 feet wide. Tbe
first story of the front on both Churcb
and Cbemketa streets will be laid with
pressed brick and cut stone and the up
per stories of brick. This building will
afford ample space for rooms needed for
city purposes and will be a model of
convenience. The first floor will be
used aa a Jail and office, the scond will
be partioned Into Bitting rooms, bed
roomB,connciI chambers, mayor's office,
aurveyor'sofflce,and various other com
partments, and the third story will be
reserved as a hall. The completion of
this structure will give Salem a band
some city ball.
Tuts dwelling is being erected on
East State street for Thomas Simms by
Plummer & Ault at a cost of $4500. It
will be a charming two story residence
of the Queen Ann style and an orna
ment to that part of the city where it
is located. The dwelling will have
nine commodious rooms besides base
ment, bath rooms, etc., aud an obser
vatory in tbe tower built up from tbe
east Bide. Mr. H. Smith baa most com'
pleted the work of plastering andJas
Warner is adding much to the beauty
of tbe building by his skillful use of
the painter's brush. Bome very neat
and fancy work has been done on this
dwelling and it will be completed in
about six weeks.
Among the other residences now go
ing up in different portions of the city
is an eight room building Just complet
ed by N. H. Folger, on Center street at
a cost of 52500; another $2500 structure
two doors east of Mr. Folger, and In
tbe same vicinity in Marion street.
Cline & Blakely are Just completing
tbelr work on a (1600 dwelling for J.
Morris. J. L. Riggs will perhaps drive
the last nail in a new $2000 bome be is
buildlDg ou tbe corner of Bummer and
Marion streets next week and Archie
Mason will have a very pretty two
story residence finished on Church
street by tbe middle of next month.
Jeff Gwynne is erecting a two story
frame on Liberty street Judge Sbaw
Is having built a neat cottage on Broad
way in North Salem and will also soon
have bis cottage in the same part of
tbe city on Mill street completed.
In Moruiugside CUauncey Lockwood
is having erected a creditable five-room
cottage, and Mr. Clark has also laid tbe
foundation for a dwelling to be com
pleted yet (bis season.
There are still several other smallei
or larger buildings In course of construc
tion as well as more in contemplation.
Mrs. Taylor will begin a erection of a
$2000 residence in Asylum Avenue,
right away, aud F. H.Turner will build
a fine resideucelin Morningslde before
winter, that will be a credit to that
neighborhood. Judge Moore also ex
pects to build a fine residence on tbe
corner of Church and Chemeketa
Btreets, this fall.
Indeed, Salem Is holding her own,
and In poiut of growth seems to recog
nize no impediments. Indifferent alike,
to spasmodio booms and financial crises
tbe capital of Oregon has been a suc
cessful contestant for that enviable goal
of belug one of the sound cities of the
Pacific Northwest,
A BARGAIN- IGa acres withlmDrovemente
over half undrr cultivation, rest pasture and
sums goou umocr. Term Terr easy, aq
drew u. L. NA9H.
WMm-dw Wheatland. Or.
?Vevention Better than Core.
Many persons are afflicted with skin
eruptions, boils or ulcers. Brand
reth's Pills taken freely will in a
short time effect a complete care of all
such troubles. Ulcere ot long standing
have been cured by them. Carbuncles
bave been checked in their incipiency
by them. Tbe worst fever sores, bed
sores, and the like have been driven,
from the akin by them. Only begin in
time and a tew of jjrandreth's pills.
will prevent many a sickness.
Brandreth's Pills are purely veg
etable, absolutely harmless, and safe to
take at arty time.
Cider and Spices. At this season
fine cider vinegar and pure spices are
necessaries. At Clark & Eppley's gro
cery, Court street
Wanted. Furnished housekeeping
rooms near tbe state bouse. No chil
dren. Address Mrs. Chas. Sbepbard,
430 Ferry street 8-25-3 1
At John G. Wright's for Southern
Oregon tomatoes, melons, peaches at
vnoiesaie ana retail. A car load or
melons Just arrived.
Economize in Paper.
Clean newspapers, tied In bundles of
100, not cut for sale at this offico at
fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw
wrapping paper, large sheets, two cents
a pound. Next door to the postoffice.
Of Interest to Sportsmen.
Air. W. H. Hulburt, A. G. P. A.. Union Pa
cific System, Portland, Ore., haa Just received
a supply of books called "Gun Club Rules and
Revised Game Laws." This publication con
tains a digest ot the laws relating to game In
the Western staled and territories. Mr. Hul
b irt will be glad to mall you one of the books
jpon receipt .'! two htamps to cover postage.
W. H. HULUURT, Q. A. P. A.
$100 Reward
Will be paid for the conviction of any
one ever employed on this paper who
stole copies of its subscription lists or
sold Bucb copies taken from this office,
or gave Information as to their contents
while employed in this office. Subscrip
tion books and printed lists are open to
inspection of advertisers at ail times.
Capital Journal Co.
To Water Consumers.
The Salem Water Company has com
menced to lay tbe new 24-iucb suction
pipe from the crib to their works, and as
there will be quite an amount of work
around tbe crib in repairs and putting
in fresh gravel tnere will probably be
some dirty water. Consumers should
draw their drinking water before 7 a.m.
while tbo work is being done. Office
hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. and any
complaint for bad service should be
made at tbe office when it will receive
prompt attention,
Salem Water Co.
J. W. Wallace, President
If you anticipate visiting tbe world's
fair, or your friends in tbe East, take
advantage of the present opportunity,
as tho fares are now so low they cut no
figure in the expense. The Chicago &
Northwestern Railway have placed in
service a solid vestlbnled train, between
Portland and Chicago, the famous
Wayner tourist care, free reclining
chair cars, and dining car "par excel
lent" With the accommodations fur
nisbed,rates now offered, together with
the short time consumed in making
the trip, it is witbin the reach of all.
For further information, apply to any
ticket agent, or write
A. G. Barker, Gen'l Agt.
i272 Washington street
"Portland, Or.
The "State of Salem" haa not taken
advantage of the aixty days time in
which to pay losses adopted by tbe Fire
Underwriters, as will be Been by follow
ing items:
Halem, Or., Aug. 23, 1603.
My livery barn and contents located
t Marion, Marlon Jcounty, Oregon,
burned on tbe 18tb day of July, 1893
They were insured in tbe State Insur.
anoe Company of Salem, Oregon. I
whb In California at tbe lime of tbe fire
and for some time afterwards, hence
tbo delay In filing proofs; said proofs
having Just been filed with tbe compa
ny. I am today in receint of $550. in
cash from said company, being tne full
amount of my claim. ' I cannot spcafc
too nigniy in praise or this popular
home company and its course during
lueao unru limes. V. W. JliPLER.
Salem. Or.. Auc 24. ism.
A short time aco I had tbe misfortune
io nave me livery barn tbat was occu
pied by me destroyed by fire, wherein
i lost personal property wbich was In
sured with the 8tate Insurance Com
pany, of Salem, Oregon. Tbe loss was
adjusted to my entire satisfaction, aud
they hare paid me the full amount of
my loss and claim on what property I
bad tbat was insured. I can cheerfully
recommend this reliable bome com
pany. They have treated me fairly
and liberally, and paid me in cash on
wcelpt or proofs. J. W. Lance.
8-25 3t dw
$100 Seward, $100.
The readers or this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreadful disease tbat science has
been ante to cure In ail Us stages and
that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive cure now known to
tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh being
a constitutional disease, requires a con
stitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
tbe system, thereby destroying tbe
foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength bv bulldlnir nn th
constitution, and assisting nature in
doing Its work. The proprietors have
o much faith in Its curative powers,
that they offer One Hundred Dollars
ft n,tr AAttA Km I. A.ll. . tm .
I.w. j.j voto wm ii, iuu io cure. Deou
for list or testimonials.
, 2" r,FJ-CueoeyCo., To
do,0. 8rSoki by drulU, 75c,
On flio yhi4. nf rv..
" l"tu " uuufilcoa luv
,. - n . ,
siTO uo avwv letiei imanciaiiy
but that is very indefinite.
But a DEAD SUEE thing
are those ALL WOOL Suits
at the Woolen Mill Store.
Don't fail to get one at the
price they- are being slaugh
tered at the
V00il pi STORE
DON'T BE UNKAiY theiie dull tlmen1
becHuse money is tight and you can't cntS
luwn vmir nn.niM r vnn hnv vnnT m
"Writing Material .
from ns. We will sell ton a autre of writ
BZ D4Der for 10 rts. during, thfl remainder
si,.-..:.. .c "-. r . --. - -L"
jn iuo uiuuiu. ii you are loosing lorDar-
ains in oar line, watch this space.
Patton Bros.,
Booksellers and Stationers,
Legal Blank JPublisJiers.
Bush's New Brick .over the bank, Com'I street.
from U. P. Dock at 6 o'clock n. m. every Wed.
nesday and tiatnrday.
trom the Central dock at foot ot Washington
mvw. v,v. uimijr iuiu lUulBQHi
for Albany every Monday and Tuesday, re-
Concerning freight and :
qui on we agent.
All goods at W. M. Sargeant's will
be sold at tbe regular price for tbe next
30 days at 10 per cent, discount for cash.
Private work a specialty.
O. B. CLEMENT, Manager.
The Rnstler food Saw
And he doesn't bum np half your wood. In
-.."J18 "w 'S "ke your contracts
with him personally or leave orders at Veatchs
cigar store Dearborn's book store.lS. Summer
street, or address me by mau. 6-1 t-u
Stealer Eiwood.
Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery
Latest Imnroved Gooda and Tnwpat Prlrca.
N. W. Cor. State and Liberty. SU. SALEM, OREGOH,
20 Degrees Belou) Z?ro I
Ib nothing compared to our
LOW PRICES on Blankets andQuilts
Our Fall Dress Goods are on hand aad were never so pretty
or so cheap-25, 35, 40, 50 eta. -All Btyles and Prices.
R. 6. Coweta, Carpet ami Mattine. Summer Jacket
t Coat. l " '
f sV!x s
From my farm, four head of borsesa followe
Black tuare, weight 1300 pounds,l6 hands hlrh
heavy In loal, In fair order, romewbat drooped
hipped and ringbone on left rore foot, has
been swlnuled in left shoulder, age 6 yean.
One bay gelding 15K hands high, i yeais old.
round Duiit, in good order, tur In forehead.
somewhat sleepy look, one hind foot white uhnnt linn hynltAM ... . .
large neck. Onelleht brawn man. i hoH.
high, weight about 1150, small star under for
lock, age 3 years, half ui de, heavy mane and
tall, square bnilt, htavy etiocks and hleh
headed. One mare ajte U or II, about 14 handi
high, light bay, stiff traveling, has lonenar.
row leet In front, weight 800 or sou pounds, in
lair order. Horses were taken Tuesday or
tvednrsdur night, August 1st or 2nd. iVui
pay 5 apiece tor the return of the first S de
scribed horses or-a liberal amount for any In
formation .eadlne to their whereabouts Ad
"HPK'i ., D ,. AlJKRiiAN.
8 11-lm dw Switzerland. Marlon Co., Or.
Manufacture Standard Pressed Brick,
Molded Brick in all Patterns for Fronts
and supply the brick lor the New Salem atr
Hall and nearly all the fine buildings erected
in the Capital city.
JardanearienlUntlary.Salem.Or. M-dw
AGtNTS WANTED en Salary and Commits!,
By GAIL HAMILTON, his literary executor,
with the co operation oi his family, and for Mr
Blaine's Complete Works, "IWKM V YhABd
Of CONGHKda." and his later book, "HJLI.
T1CAL DlSCU8ION8 " One prospectus lor
these 3 BEST SELLING books fa the nurxeu
'A P.Jordan ol Me., look lllordeis fnmflrrt
110 calls; azent'4 profit JlOTjG. Mrs BUard
of O. look IS orders, 13 deal Kussla, lnonedr;
profit 128 -.5. E.N Klce,orMass.took27orden
in a days; p-odtS47.15. J. ratridgeofite.took
a orders from SO calls; profit J7525 E. A
Palmer of N. Dak. took 63 orders In 3 dajc'
pioflt&BZi. KXCLUMVtt T. RitllOitYrl
en. If you wish to make LAhGc MONKF,
write Immediately for leims to
THE HENKY BILL PUB. CO., Norwich, Con.
Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day
The best notel between Portland aad Ban
Francisco. First-class In all its appointments.
Its tables are served with the
Clioicest Fruits
Grown In the Willamette Valley.
A. I. WAGNER, Prop.
TOUON i A purse. Owner call at Cook hotel.
X. y uniizeu
rXJB UALK OB TBADH-S0 acres ol Und
P situated In Polk county, six miles from
Ralston, tor sale or radeior ealem property.
Enquire of G. W. J obnson, or Pred B utsu
CX)B RENT On Democratic Boom Termi,
JJ new house with 8 rooms, bard flnisn; on
Division street between Front and wrapier
clal. Inquire on lot.
31HI8 PAPER. la kept on file at E. C. Date
Advertising Agency. M and 65 Merchants
xchange. Ban Francis, o, California, wner
contraca for advertising can be made lor k.
CHBIST1AN BCIENCE-Llteratnre of aU
kinds on sale at 838 Uberiy street. 4-W
ATTENTION.-Caah money paldtor rsa
bottles.Qld Iron and all kinds of met".
aiaolildea, at old Court House, Balem.
1-ae-ly 1. TOLPOLAM-
Regular Seventh Dy Advent su sjviec
old Unitarian Hall opposite otera bouae,
lem, tutun-ays. Haboath school at ! By
followed Dy Bible reading ana ovu
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7JS3r.m.
Leaveorders atCotUe-ParkhnrstbloekB
15, Balem, Oregon.
. nrt-gj Atai. Wi,