Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 26, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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ForSO Days.
Call and Get Prices.
Our two fine presents will be given away September 1st.
307 Commercial Street.
- IF -
Yon are going to build or make any Und of
Improvement, call oo the undersigned lor
material. We hare a com plete Block, and are
ready to supply any prepared contract, sewer
work, trading, etc
Salem Improvement Co,
Two Girls. Corvallia New: The
daughters of K, Zichary, of Buena
Vlata, who rau away from home several
days ago of which the News has al
ready made mention, were taken to
their home yesterday by Bberlfl Oaburn
and Deputy Bklpton. The girls state
their reason for not wanting to remain
at home la an abusive step mother who
made It most disagreeable for them.
They also atato that they have not had
tho advantage of any schooling, and
consequently aro Ignoraut of tho ways
of the world. On arriving homo the
elder girl, who is sixteen, explained to
her father that she had a place to work
in this city at once In the home of
LF-ll roanwtahln fatnllv mid she was al
lowed to return, apparently much to
her pleasure, but the parent thought
the other too young to take care of her
self and sbo was compelled to remain
at home. If the Birls' story Is true It
Is not at all to bo wondered at that
they should leave their home. To say
nothing of a disagreeable step-mother,
'here is not the least excuse for children
not being given bo much as an ordin
ary education, and it is a Bbame to de
prive them thereof.
m .
Farmer Buncoed. Tho bunco men
caught several suckers yesterday at the
circus grounds at Eugene, says the
Guard. David Coleman had a lottery
Interview for a drawing In one of the
tents, and Invested $250. He Bwore out
a warrant for the man who got i,8
money. Mr, Amberg, n German, had
$70 with which he thought ho could
b)at the antiquated but suro thing
"shell" gntne. O. W. Blgbam con
trlbuted (60. He also swore out a war
rant for the apprehension of the bunco
sharp. Henry Kohler also had a com
plaint agaloBt thorn to tho amount of
J20 and had a warrant Issued. It ap
pears useless to warn men against the
sharpers who accompany traveling
shows. The victims, however, deserve
Utile sympathy as they expect to beat
tho man with whom they deal. The
Guard should havo added that men
who would thus bo taken in should be
taken care of, ns they aro not rosponsi
ble for their actions, Lommou sense
should teach them that they are bank
Ing against n "sure thing" game.
Tjik New Rates. Tho first class
rate on eastern freight from Portland
to Corvallia over the Southern Pacltlo
has been advanced to 44 cents per hun
dred pounds. From tho suowy night
in January, 18S0, whan the first tegu
lar tralu entered Corvallls until a few
weeks ago, the rate remained at thirty
cents per hundred, a prominent mer
chant says: "The rate from tho East
to Portland and to Ban Francisco are
the same. The advance will cause us
to have all Eastern freight seut to San
Francisco there to be reshlpped over
tho Oregou Pacltlo to Corvallls, at a
rate of 23 cents per hundred by which
we will save ft 20 per ton. The curious
part of this Is that first olasa rates to
Corvallia on freight shipped at Portland
tire only 20 cents per huudred. Of
course this sohedule has been arranged
with no eye singly to tho welfare of
Portland merchants. "-Corvallls Times.
Probably Demented. Oflloer Lat-
curette arretted a man named Ander
son, who stood crying In Marlon Square
lt evening. Ho was before tho coun
ty court yesterday asking to betaken
care of, claiming that he had heart
dkMe. Tho recorder scut him to Jail
and requested thu county Judge to ex-
amine iilm for insanity.
Shooting Nkau Guants Pass.
JwJfe Hatta is hearing the trial by
Jury at Grant Pitta of the young man
wkoi charged with shooting an old
raiiefcw by nme of Anton Joseph, an
oM talew who lived o Williams creek.
Tiiolctt who Mckl the bouse
ftr the muffler found s 1500 hid in old
Prof. MoElvey and Misa Mary Bhafer
have been employed to teach the Castle
Rock school.
Great spring chicKen dinner at
Strong's Bunday,
Maggie Durst from Washington
county was committed to tne insane
asylum yesterday. Bhe drew a knife
across ber mother's throat and threat
ens to kill herself.
Railroad Commissioner Eddy was a
passenger for Newport this morning
where he goes to spend the Babbath.
Great spring chicken dinner at
Strong's Sunday.
A.J. Richardson and Washington
Crabtree, of Stay ton, are in the city to
day to purchase tickets for the East.
Mr. Crabtree is over eighty years old
and wanta to pay a farewell visit to bis
native state, Kentucky.
Attorney W. H. Johnson came up
from Woodburn today accompanied by
G. H. Marwin, of Minnesota.
Great Bpring chicken dinner at
Strong's Bunday.
R. G. Keene returned from a business
trip to Drain today.
Prof. E. B. McElroy returned from
bis trip to Newport.
Mark Bkifl was a passenger for Port
land on this afternoon's train.
Great spring chicken dinner at
Strong's Bunday.
Misses Mclntyre and Gray returned
from a summer vacation at Newport
Attorney General Chamberlain came
up from Albany today.
Great spring chicken dinner at
Strong's Bunday.
Near 8000 bushels of wheat is now re
ceived daily at tho flouring mill. The
receipts will grow larger as the thresh
ing season progresses,
Thomas Simms lost a valuable horse
yesterday afternoon.
Peter Mauer, a Mebama rancher, is
in the city for a day or two.
Y. M. C. A.-Rev. M. M. Lewis of
Ogden, speaks at 4 p. m. at tbe Y. M.
C. A, ball on "Some Little Things
Which Helped Me." All invited.
Presbyterian. Preaching tomor
row by the pastor at 10:30 a. m. and 8
p. m. Sabbath school and Y. P. B. C.
E. at usual hours.
M. E. Church. Rev. C. A. Rice
will lecture In tho auditorium of theM.
E, church Bunday oyeulug the 27th.
Every body Invited.
Christian Church. Preaching to
morrow, moruing and evening by Rev,
G. M. Weimer of Albany. Bunday
school at noou. Endeavor at 0:30 p.
m. All Invited.
First Baptist. M. M. Lewis, a
brilliant young pastor from Ogden,
Utah, will occupy the Baptist pulpit
Bunday uiornlug and evening.
Evangelical. J. Bowersox pastor.
Services ut 10:30 a. ru. As to evening
services will be made known during the districts to count on tbe apportion
morning services. The general public ruent to reach them in the winter,
cordially iuvltod,
Evangelical German church cor
ner Liberty and Center streets. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. Services at 11 a.
m. and 7:30 p. in. All Germans are
cordially invited. A A. EugelbarU
A boy stood on the burning deck,
Unwisely, loo, 'Us said,
r or. with tbe fast approaching flame,
HU elders aulckW nl.
Bo. many now In peril stand,
unmindful of their fttte.
Till.step by step. U rim Death comes on
Auuiueu, atssi too late l
Kr wlssr, surely, wou'd It seem.
When bis approach we se.
To vaaguUh old"U. 1) M
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets have
tuarkable power to correct all riiivalml
derangements, (bus warding oft disease
that would surely follow. Purely veg
etable, pleasant to take, perfectly harm
less I With a little forethought, they'll
be a ureseut beln In time of ueed-eheat.!
Ing t no doctor and robbing the grave 1
As a liver Dili, tttey are unequalled.
Smallest, cheapest tallest to take. Oue
ariose as a laxative, three or four as a
oathartlo. Tiny, sugaroated granules '
In vlal 5 otnU, j
Apportionment of tho School Money
by Comity Snperin
tendent. County Superintendent Grabam Fri
day made apportionment of the school
money for Marlon county. The per
capita sum is 90 cents, 70 cents of which
are received from the state and 20 cents
from the collection of delinquent taxes
in the county.
No. of Name of Post- Sam
District. Clerk office Appor.
1 Cbas Lembeck.BatteviHe-? 61 30
2 W. M. Cbas. Cbampoeg 38 70
3-H. Walker, Salem 38 00
4-M. Skaife, Silverton, 284 00
6-C. D. Abbott, Salem, 27 90
6 G. B. Cornelius, Turner, 28 80
7 J. P. Ledgerwood, Bublim- 04 60
8-J V Estes, Salem, 60 40
9-W A Taylor, Macleay, 87 30
10 RD Allen, Silverton, 83 70
II T IiBall, Aumavllle 80 10
12 E Slegmund, Klumb 17 10
13 Scott Jones, Gervais 40 60
14 B N liongowortb, Jetler..
16 Albert Jordan, Hubbard-
176 6(1
132 30
16 H Heppner, Whiteaker
18-J Vorhies, Woodburn
20 J W Winsiow, Marion
21 W H Simpson, Salem
22 W J Turuidge, Gates
23 J H Miller, Aurora
24 W Holmes, Salem
25 Gerome Simmons, Turner-
26 F R Durette, Fairgeld
27 J B lioouey, Jefferson
29 R E Downing, Sublimlty
30 li K Hibbard, Willard
31 E it Savage, Brooks
32 F E Osborne, Cbampoeg
34 C F Leatberman, Woodo.
35 F P Lewis, Lewiaburg
36 W G Evans, Brooss
37 C W Balmer, Salem
38 H D Waldo. Aurora
33 30
72 00
68 40
61 20
29 70
71 10
2203 00
62 20
20 70
36 90
40 60
72" 00
93 60
43 20
76 60
43 20
47 70
44 10
63 IX)
40 F W Durbln, Howell 77 40
41 Ward Hicks. Silverton 42 30
42 W A White, Whiteaker 63 10
t43 R P Phillips, Sublimity 26 10
4o-R E Kirk, St. Paul 109 80
48 A D Pettyjohn. 8alem 57 60
60- W H HuKbes, Salem 61 30
51 J M Cutsforth, Gervais 83 70
52 E S Porter, Silverton 18 00
64-Jobn A Hunt, Clymer 45 00
56 W E McKee, McKee 57 60
57 A H Cone, Butteville 63 90
58 J A Hussey, Turner 57 60
69 David Gregolr, Gervais 58 40
60-M J Egan, Brooks 26 10
61-H B Condit. Ale 82 80
63 G D BoweH, Silverton 66 70
65-S Davis,Howell 60 30
66 C H Osterhaudi. Marqu. 63 90
68 John Johnson, Gervais 65 8(1
69-W W Culver, Sslem 33 30
70-J R White, Mt Angel 74 70
71 J M Lawrence, Rosedale. 91 SO
73 R G Moore, Ankeny 38 70
73-Jos Brodle, Scotts Mills 23 40
74-J M Eskew Mebama 75 60
75 Geo M. Morby Silverton 27 90
76 F A Mangold Gervais 153 60
77 W. H. Hobaon Stayton 241 30
78 M E Fuller Salem 27 00
79 M Howe Turner 121 60
80 Eva Keene Bnaw 42 30
81 Frank HerlInR8tny ton 18 90
82-L D Smith Gervais 54 90
83 W H Tate 8ubllmlty 27 00
84-J L Cook St Paul 46 80
85 S Brown Argent! 49 60
86 Peter Gutknecht Silverton 27 00
87 Anthleu Wood Turner. 9 90
83-C W Parrlsh Balem 80 10
89 T E Herren Turner 28 8u
90 F M Taylor Mebama 23 40
91 John Butch Mt Angel. ... 109 00
92 H L Eberbard Champoeg. 45 90
93 P Benson Bllverton 26 JO
94 Cbas Booth Bllverton 27 90
96 H D Havase Balem 45 00
97(j w McCown Silverton 20 70
93 A H Wright Mebama 14 40
99 J 8 Byrne Balem 46 80
100 T T Geer Macleay 33 30
101 Joseph Hutsby Mebama 12 60
102 Leon Glrod Brooks 27 00
103 J E Day Woodburn 356 40
104 A Hayhurst Woodburn 70 20
105 Willis Dunagan Silverton 24 10
106-Elta Boathby Mill City 9 00
107 M A Van Gorder Hullt 11 70
108-M Hrnran, Mill City 63 00
109 Jno Wllla, Independence 39 60
110-H P Hicks, Bllverton 20 70
HI E W Ross, Bllverton 18 00
112-WDnerfler, Sublimity 27 00
113-8 H Kaylor, 8alem 81 90
114 L Mauldlug, Silverton 23 40
115-8 W Mlnturn, Mill City- 21 60
116-W H Adair, Salem 27 00
117-J 8 Mvers, Niagara 38 70
118-R E Wands, Balem 48 60
119 V A Manning, Gervais... 38 70
120-P A Correll, Green Baaln. 19 80
121-E E Lawton, Mtnto 13 60
122 Jacob Giesy, Brooks ,22 60
Ad school fund a pro.
Joiut districts.
18,262 90
There was a small balance left in the
county fund, which, with the prospec
tive receipts from delinquent taxes will
make quite a sum In tbe school fund
towards the end of the year. The prob
ability of another distribution of the
fund later In the year makes It safe for
probably about the first of the year.
A Bargain. Bennett A Son of the
Poatofllce news depot have a hard
times bargain by which you take a first
data 'Frisco dally for three months
and get a 15.00 atlas free. It is the
latest and best atlas out.
iia .
w . T" '
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powdcr.NQ Animoaia;N Aluas,
Ued in Millions of HontM 40 Yr tkt Stfliai-H
Sons Against the Father the
Former First Best.
F. B. Mire, a resident of South Sa
lem had trouble with his two sons,
Walter and Charles, last evening that
was brought to Justice Batchelor's
court for settlement this morning.
It seems to be an aggravated domestic
aflair, probably urged on by outside
parties. About 6 o'clock tbe two boys
engaged in open combat with their sire
and the melee brought several wit
nesses to the scene, among tbem a num
ber of ladies. After releasing himself
from the boys, the old man hurled a
stone Indiscriminately, which came
very near striking Mrs. Hunter. This
enraged ber son, who had jnst come
to the scene, and seizing a club he dealt
tbe old man a rather severe blow on the
head. Tbe father would not stand
much more of the fight after this, and
came before Justice Batcbelor and
swore out a warrant fur the arrest of
bis two boys.
Young Hunter did not wait for ar
rest but came before tbe justice and
confessed, paying $6 and costs, amount
ing in all to $18.
Mr. Mize presented a very pitiable
appearance when he came before the
justice last night, though be looks
strong enough to have soundly thrashed
both the youngsters. Tbe trial was Bel
for 10 o'clock this forenoon, but a jury
trial was asked for, and the case was
nor called till 2 this afternoon.
At 2 p. m. Prosecuting Attorney Con
dit appeared for the plaintiff and Mr.
D'Arcy for defendant. At the hour of
going to press the merits of the case are
being looked Into by the following jur jur
ors: 8. B. Watklns, L. D. Henry, E.
M. Law, Chss. Simpson and G. W.
Was Insane. It was deputy CoopeJ
instead of Sheriff Knight who went to
ML Angel to look after an insane man
yesterday. Mr. Cooper found his man
and arrested him with little trouble.
He was unusually quiet till on tbe
'road be tnrned loose to give his captor
some fun. It was not without con
siderable exertions the sherifl
succeeded in reaching the city with
him. After examination Dr. Jessup
be was committed to the asylum by
Judge Hubbard. His name is P. Dare,
a Frenchman about 40 years old.
Chinese Ex-Convict. Jong Hlng,
who has served two terms in the peni
tentiary is again in the custody of tbe
ofQcera and tbe prospects for a third
term are very flattering. On the 17th
lust, a hop sprayer," pick-axe and rake
were missing from the residence of
Nick Biers on Liberty street and Chief
of Police Minto was Informed. On
Thursday following Minto had bis
man spotted and arrested him under a
bed in a China bouse on Liberty street
Insane. J. C. Randle of Grants
Pass, constable, brought George Cronk
of that place to the asylum on tbe
morning overland. He is 26 years old
and was quite troublesome, making it
lively for two persons in the "Black
Maria" that took him from the train.
Scalps. Adam Mlseler, of Turner,
presented 24 squirrel and 8 gopher
scalps at the clerk's office this morning;
Robert Diem received a warrant for 52
squirrel and 2 gopher scalps, and C. M.
Beck brought in a coyote scalp.
First of the 8eason. Mr. Muecke,
oftheMlra Monto farm near Aurora,
shipped two bales of bops yesterday to
London through the firm of Llllientbal
& Co. This Is the first shipment from
Marlon county this season.
A. O. U. W. Social. All members
of Protection and Valley lodges of A.
O. U. W. are requested to join the D,
of H. In a social at their hall on Wed
nesday evening next. Only members
Great Piles Of green corn, mel
one, squash, vegetables, decllcacles,
fruit and staples for the Bunday dinner
at Van Eaton's.
German Baptist Brethren.
(Dunkard) Service at 4 p. m. in the
Evangelical tabernacle on Cbemeketa
and 17th streets.
Band Concert. Tbe 2d Regt. band
will play at Morningslde from 4 to 7 p.
ru. Bunday afternoon.
BOND. At Halsey. August 19, 1893,
bin. mrvey Bend, agea : years.
"The Fair," Court street, for bar
gains. A Carload. Gilbert, Patterson &
Co. got a carload of sugar last night via
Albany from 'Frisco.
Cider and Spices. At this season
fine cider vinegar and pure spices are
necessaries. At Clark & Eppley's gro
cery, Court street.
Wurrm KnrnlatiMl hntlRAheeriinir I
rooms near the state bouse. No chll-J
dren. Address Mrs.
430 Ferry street.
Economize in Paper.
Clean newspapers, tied In bundles of
100, not cut, for sale at this ofllec at
fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw
wrapping paper, large sheets, two cents
a pound. Next door to the poatofllce.
Of Interest to Sportsmen.
Mr. W. H. Hulburt. A. G. P. A.. Union Pa
cific Bystem, Portland, Ore., has Just received
Diy oi oooas cauea -una uuu nuies uu
sed Game Laws." This publication con
tains a digest or tbe law relating to game In
the Western dales and territories. Mr. Hnl
burt will be glad to mall yon one of tbe books
upon receipt ol two tamps to eover postage.
To Water Consumers.
Tbe Balem Water Company has com
menced to lay the uew 24-inch suction
pipe from the crib to their works,and as
there will be quite an amount of work
around tbe crib in repairs and putting
in fresh gravel tnere will probably be
some dirty water. Consumers should
draw their drinking water before 7 a.m.
while tbe work is being done. Office
hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. and any
complaint for bad service should be
made at tne otnee wnen it win receive
prompt attention,
Salem Water Co.
J. W. Wallace, President.
To tbe taxpayers of Marion County,
Oregen: You are hereby notified that
the County Board of Equalization for
said county will convene at the county
court room, lu tbe Marlon county, Ore
gon, court house, on the 2Stb day of
August, 1893, for the purpose of public
ly examining the assessment roll and
correcting all errors in valuation, de
scription or qualities of lands, lots or
other property.
Given this 1st day of August, 1893, by
D. D. Coffey,
dwtd Marjon County Assessor.
The "State of 8aJem" has not taken
advantage of the sixty days time in
which to pay losses adopted by tbe Fire
Underwriters, as will be Been by follow
ing Items:
Salem, Or., Aug. 23, 1693.
My Hyery barn and contents located
at Marion, Marion county, Oregon,
burned on tbe 18th day of July, 1893.
They were insured in the State Insur
ance Company of Salem, Oregon. I
was in California at tbe time of the fire
and for some time afterwards, hence
the delay In filing proofs; said proofs
having just been filed with the compa
ny. I am today in receipt of $560, in
cash from said company, being tbe full
amount of my claim. I cannot speaK
too highly in praise of this popular
home company and its course during
these hard times. G. W. Epler.
Salem, Or., Aug. 24, 1893.
Asbort time ago I had the misfortune
to have the livery barn that was occu
pied by me destroyed by fire, wherein
I lost personal property which was in
sured with the State Insurance Com
pany, of Salem, Oregon. Tbe loss was
adjusted to my entire satisfaction, and
they have paid me the full amount of
my loss and claim on what property I
had that was insured. I can-cheerfully
recommend this reliable home com
pany. They have treated me fairly
and liberally, and paid me in cash on
receipt of proofs. J. W, Lance.
8-25 3t dw
Notice to Taxpayers.
To Tax Payers of Marion Ceunty:
Persons owning taxable property in
Marion county who have failed to Hat
the flame for taxation for 1893, will pro
fit by calling at the assessor's office and
listing tbe same on or before the 20th
Inst, otherwise such property will be
taken from the assessment roll of tbe
previous year and by so do ncr. nartiea
are liable to be taxed with property not
belonging to them, and should that be
tlte case, unless such errors are corrected
through the board of equalization, such
assessment will stand against them,
and they will be forced to pay the taxes
on the same. Respectfully,
D. D. Coffv,
d&w td County Assessor.
CflflS. WOLZ,
Proprietor of tbe
South Commercial BL, Balem.
All kinds Fresh, oslt and Smoked Meat
and Baiuacea.
Hair Death
Instantly removes and forever destroys ob
jectionable balr, wheber upon the hands.
w.ouor necK, wiicoui discoloration
or Injury to the most delicate skin. It
was for nflr years the secret ormntini
Erasmus Wilson, acknowledged by physi
clans a tbe hUhest authority and tbe
most eminent dermatologist and halrspe
cialtst that ever lived. Uurlnr hi nrtat
practice ola life-time among the nobility
nd artstocracy of Europe be prescribed
ibis recipe. Price, tl by xal(. securely
kpacjcea. trretpoBdcnee confidential. Bole
4jwn cur America. Address i
Oept. It. &7Houth Filth AvenncNew Vnrir 1
I On Improved Real Estate, In awnuWii and
time to suit. Nodelaylnnonfldi4krlc,
to-get one of those Home Made
are now beinej slaughtered
JJONT BE UNFASY these dull time!
because money Is tight and you can't cat
j own your expenses u you Duy your
' Writing Material
from us. We will sell you a quire of writ-:
Inz naper for 10 cts. durlnr the remainder:
ofthe month. If you are looking forbar-B
ains in our line, waicn mis space.
Patton Bros.,
Booksellers and Stationers,
Xegal BlanJc Publishers. .
Bush's New Brlck,over the bank, Com'l street.
from TJ. P. Dock at 6 o'clock a. m. every Wed
nesday and Saturday.
from the Central dock at foot ol Waahlajton
street every Bunday and Thursday.
for Albany every Monday and Tuesday, re
turning same days.
Concerning freight and passenger business,
call on the agent. AL ILEKKEN.
All goods at W. M. Sargeant'a will
be sold at the regular price for tbe next
30 days at 10 per cent, discount for cash.
Private work a specialty.
C. B. CLEMENT, Manager.
The Rustler Wood Saw
And he doesn't burn np half your wood, in
fuel, when he saws It. Uake your contract
with blm personally orleave orders at Veatebt
cigar store Uearborn's book store.433 Hummer
street, or address me by mall. S-li u
Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery
Latent Improved Goods and Lowest Pricea.
N. W. Cor. State and Liberty Stx.
20 Degrees
Is nothing compared to our
LOW PRICES on Blankets andQuilts
Our Fall Dress Goods are on hand and were never so pretty
or so cheap 25, 35, 40, 50 cts. All styles and Prices.
KkG. Corwti. CirpU anil Mattinir.
at Co-t, -
From my farm, four bead of horses.os follews:
Black mare, weight 1S00 pounds, 16 hands high
heavy In loal, in fair order, romewhat drooped
hipped and ringbone on lea fore foot, has
been swinnled In lea shoulder, age 6 yean.
One bay gelding l&K hands high, 4 yeats old,
round built. In goua order, star in forehead,
somewhat sleepy look, one bind foot white,
weight about IlOO, shouldeia scalded, rather
large neck. One light brown mare, IS hand!
high, weight about 1150, small star under fore
lock, ugesyetrs, naif Ul de, heavy mane and
tall, square built, heavy letocks and htgb.
headed. One uiareugeLi or II, about M bands
high, light bay, stlft traveling, has long Dr
row leet in front, weight 800 or 90ujKiunas, In
fair order. Horses were taken Tuesday or
Wednesday night, August 1st or 2nd. 1 will
pay &5n piece lor the return or the tint S de
scribed horses or a liberal amount for any in
tormktlon icadlnc to their whereabouts Ad
dress, aL. JKRjsAN,
81Mmdw Switzerland, Marlon Co., Or.
Manufacture Standard Pressed Brick,
A! olded Brick in all Patterns for Fronts,
ana supply tbebrlca lor the AewKalemCltr
Hall and nearly all the ttne buildings erected
in the Ukpltal City.
Vards near penitentiary, Balem, Or. 83dv
AGtNTS WANTED on Salary and Commissi
By OAIL HAMILTON, his literary executor,
with the co operation ol his family, andTor. Mr
Blaine's Complete Wot ka, TWEMt YiuAlU
OKCONGUK3S." andhts later oooK, "rW
11CAL DlbCtSoIONS." One prospectus lor
these 3 BUST HELLING books In the market.
A 1'. Jordan ol Me., tcok 112 orders fremfint
110 calls; agent's prod t S1W.SG. Mrs Ballard
of O. took 15 orders, li Heal Russia, in one dy;
profit J28 -25. K.N Klce,orMass.look27orilcr
inSdaje; piodtl7.J6. J. "atndgeofMe.toa
43 orders from 30 call; profit J 75 23 E. A
Palmer of N. Dak. tookoJ orders in 3 days?
prontltHSS. fcXULUolVK TKHIlOKYfl
en. Ir you wish to make LAftQb MO.Nitf,
write immediately for teims to
THE HENKY BILL PUB. CO., Norwich, Cop.
Bates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day
The best hotel between Portland and Baa
Francisco. First-class In all Its appointment.
Its tables are served with tbe
Choicest Fruits
Grown in tbe Willamette Valley,
A. I. WAGNER. Prop.
nril KTPn TmivKT A farm nearHalen,
W of to to 800 acres, with Improvement!,
by experienced and icsponslble parties,
nresa n. j.uarnngtontbaiem, or,
IX)R BALK OB TUADK.-80 acrts ol Ud
P situated in Polk county, six niUes frou
Ralston, lor sals or .rade lor ealem propenf.
Enquire of G. W. Johnson, or Fred Burst.
I7H)R RENT On Democratic Boom TermM
JD new house wllh 8 rooms, bard flnlah, o
Division street between Front and Commer
cial. Inquire on lot.
THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Dskrt
Advertising Agency, 61 and 65 MerchsBjJ
exenange. Ban nunc
exchange. Ban Francisco, UaltforuU, ;
sontraca for advertising can be made lor "
kinds on sale at S2J Liberty street.
of all
AXTENTION.-Cash money PJ0',
buttlea.old Iron and all kinds of "
tbo hides, at old Court House, Half m.
1-26-ly 1. TOLrXJIB
Regular Beventb Day Adent st ""
old Unitarian Hall opposite opera noue,
lem. Haturuays. Haboatb achool at los. w
followed by Bible reading and other service.
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7.33 n. n. u
M8TEL - - assasgSS
--.--.- American and Europe" gy?
BeloW Z?ro !
& CO.
Summer Jacket