Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 26, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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Hood's Cures
J). M. Hose
" I vras troubled with terrlblo pain la my
back And also had kidney difficulty.
Far 27 Years I Sufforod.
I took Hood's Sarsaparilla and began -to get
better. I liavo not had an attack since I be
gan to use It. I was also cured of. catarrh
In the head and am now in good health.".
D. M. Rose, Denlson, Jowa.
Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly
and efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 20c.
Why Its Professors Holleve In a Dill of
Faro Without Meat.
One of the causes which have led people
to reject the doctrine of vegetarianism is
the idea that it is iuRplred by pietism, reli
gious convictions and monastic mortifica
tion. But this is a grave error, for the
rational vegetnrinnism of today Is entirely
scientific nnd dictated by the solo desire td
follow a system conforming to tho laws of
nature. It hiiu science on its side, and ouiy
the force of habit is opposed to it. The
muscles become soft, the size diminishes,
humanity degenerates and is kept in work
in;? Order only by sedatives and tonics. The
numerous maladies of tho stomach and tbe
intestines, from simple catarrh to the most
ftcrlous diseases of the organs, are often due
to our appetite for meat and other stimu
lants. Vegetarianism, we aie told by Dr. Bon
nejoy, does not consist solely in vegetable
food, but is based on three dietetic axioms.
The general rebuilding power lies in ce
reals, seeds, vegetables, tubers, fruits, eggs,
milk nnd the derivatives. The food, the
air and in general everything that Is Intro
duced into the body should show absolute
purity, freshness and entire absence of fal
sifications, mixture nnd adulterations even
in the smallest quantities. It is necessary;
us far as may be possible, for each one to
manufacture his foods and drinks at home
in order to reach the desired results.
These aro the principal dogmas of the
vegetarians. Han is not Intended to eat
meat. His jaw is made to grind grains
and fruits. Ills hands are made to gather
them. The Darwinian theory does not per
mit us for an instant to doubt the frugiv
orous nature of man, His intestinal canal
Is also a proof. In the lion this is three
times as long as the body; in man, seven
or eight times as long.
Tho human body is a machine which, to
be kept in good working order, should be
nourished according to scientific rules and
not at the desires of our fancies. Four
classes of substances are necessary lor the
maintenance of ll(e the albuminoids, the
carbohydrates, tho fats, the minerals. Now,
meat contaius but three of these, while the
vegetables contain all four. Vegetable food
is also necessary for our intellectual life,
for, as Moleschott has said, without phos
phorus there Is no thought. That phos
phorus contained In vegetable food is al
most double the quantity-contained In ani
mal food. But these aro not all the advan
tages of vezctarianlsm. Those who believe
that meat give the rose color to the cheeks
nnd lips must be shown their error, for, as
Professor Mussa has shown, tho amount of
iron oxide contained in the vegetables is
much greater than that found in meat.
However, vegetarianism is not too pre
sumptuous with regard to Its' wonderful
powers. Its doctrines demand at the same
time tho constant and intelligent practice
of all sorts of hygienic rules. It calls to
its aid pure air, light, heat or cold, water,
exercise and, commencing with alcohol,
tbe condemnation of all stimulants. In
these conditions it is difficult to say widen
would prove more beneficial, the renunpla
tion of meat or the application of a well
understood hygiene. It is, however, Indis
putablo that vegetarianism, at its best,
comprises in its accessories many things
which make it worthy of general sym
pathy. Dr. do Neuvllle in Review of Ke
views. Matchmaking Frenchwomen.
It is amusiug to see how thoroughly a
Frenchwoman Is a natural matchmaker,
nnd how she supposes that the search fur a
"bon parti" must be ever uppermost in tho
mind of a properly regulated youug woman.
At a dinner in Paris given by a hostess
noted for tact and elaboratoentertainmenta
the pretty woman, convoylug a tall youth,
fluttered up to an American girl, say
ing, "Allow me to present Monsieur N.,
MlssX.; he is to have the pleasure of tak
ing you out to dinner" adding in a quici,
little "aside" behind her fan "He is worth
10,000,000 francs, my dear." At tbe table
Miss X. discovered her escort to be uninter
esting, while her other neighbor. Monsieur
T., proved to be most arauslngi.though a
middle aged, plain little mart "To'bfmabe.
devoted herself throughout the, dinner, con
tinuing the conversation afterward in tbe
drawing room, where the neglected Orceaus
nwmnt Iff ilintt-fl llfT
A short Uiue,Alua-, when making her din-.
ner call, the American Bin remarked to her
hostess that she had found Monsieur T.
such a clever man.
"Oh, yes, quite a clever little man. But
what did you think of Monsieur Ntf " In
quired mwlanie.
"Jle was rather youug.anil there didn't
aeetn to be anything particularly interest
ing about him," replied Miss X., hoping to
excuee her evident neglect of her escort at
the dinner.
"Ah." exclaimed her hostess, "I felt sure
when I saw bow little he interested you
that you did not bear roe tell you that he
was worth 10,000,000 francs." New York.
Ai Klectrle Stump Puller.
Space for a fort on a hill near .London is
belnjc cleared of tree stumps by an electric
root grubber or ktump puller. Tho dyna
mo for supplying the current is about two
miles from the hill. The current U taken
by overhead wires on telegraph pole to tbe
motor on the grubber carriage. By means
of belting and suitable gearing the motor
drives a captain upon which are colled a
few turns pfwjre- rope. A beary chain is
attached to the tree roots, and as the rope
exerts its force tbe roots come up quietly
pus aftsr the other, Tw Yerk Tslsgrsaa,
GoodjWill be In thy heart
To all who,thee surround!
Bear balm to other's hurt '
And this shall close thy wound;
So thou on earth and I
In heaven be cluster bound.
For all my life Is love.
And lovo thy life should be;
Oh, let love's shadow, grief,
Divide not thee and me:
Look whore the dawn roso. blooms,
r And there my signal eee!
-Edith Thomas.
"And when shall it be, my dear? "
Tbe speaker was a man who had passed
the prime of life, and the ladv would cer
tainly never see 35 again, but tho glamour
or UuplU's miluence seemed for the time
being to have obliterated all considerations
of nge, and the happv couple were "billing
ana cooing" In the most approved style.
"Oh, not for n long time yet," said the
lady coyly, calling up a most becomir-
blush to her sallow features.
"Shall we say next week?" suggested her
lover, with all an anient swain's Impa
tience. "Good -gnu:ibus, nol Next year, more
likely," with a little laugh.
"Wbntf Wait a whole year? Not me,"
was the emphatic if ungrnmmntical reply.
And while the point is being argued let me
briefly introduce the hero nnd heroine of
my story.
Place, nux damesl Miss Eliza Reed, only
daughter of a village parson, had been an
orphan for some SO years, during which
time she had resided in the town of Battle
moor, occupying a small villa in the out
skirts. Here, with one maidservant, she
lived comfortably on an income of some 200
a year, derived irom the savings of the de
ceased parson, Tier father.
Mr. George Grant, the gentleman whose
Impatience she is trying to curb, having
devoted 80 years of his life to the pushing
of an oil and color business in tho Old Kent
road, has recently retired from business,
and purchased a small place In Battlemoor,
where, meeting Miss Reed at one of the
"small and early" gatherings for which the
elite of the place ar6 famed, he straightway
fell in lovo with her or, as the gossips as
serted, with her fortune. For the ex-oil
and colorman hod only amassed a few thou
sands, which gave him a yearly income
very little exceeding that of the lady, and
It is possible that the increased comforts to
be derived from a union of resources had
quite as much to do with the engagement
as the "union of hearts," which is supposed
to influence such arrangements.
"Then that's settled," remarked Mr.
Grant at length, after some 10 minutes' dis
cussion; "tho! first Tuesday in September,
that will give you nearly two months for
preparation. And, now, where shall we go
for our honeymoon? "
"Oh, what a man you are, to be surel''
exclaimed the lady, with another successful
"Well, wo must 'go somewhere, I sup
pose," was the matter of fact rejoinder. "1
think n week or two at Margate would be
just the thing."
"Margate! that vulgar placel" Miss
Reed was leader of the genteel set in Bat
tlemoor. "Why, you must be joking,
George. No. Let us have a quiet week In
Paris, away from everybody. Everything
is so cheap in France, you know, and we
do not want to begin extravagantly, do we?"
George Grant was rather staggered. He
had always heard that Paris was the very
reverse of a cheap pluco to stay in. In hii
heart he would much havo preferred the
homely if vulgar Margate, and he offered
somo faint opposition to, the plan, but it
was of no use. He had bad hiB way about
the date of the marriage; hlsflanceobecured
hers about the locale of the honeymoon,
and before the loving couple separated that
evening it was agreed that the first week oi
two of their wedded lifo should be spent in
tbe French capital.
It was the morning of the third day ol
the honeymoon, and Mr. und Mrs. Grant
were tented at breakfast at their hotel, Liou
d'Or, a hotel in the Batignolles quarter
A shrewd business man, George Grant baa
made one or two inquiries from n friend
who was used to continental traveling, am.
had put up nt a third rate but fairly com
fortable and very economical hostelry.
"Not a bad place, this, my dear," he re
marked, as he helped himself to anothe'
"And really not expensive," returned hit
wife with prudentsatlsfaction. "Now, we
will do a little bhoppiug this morning, and
you had better Jet me carry the purse,
George, dear. It looks so btupid for a man
to have to pay for everything."
Rather reluctantly her husband consent
ed, but with tho 11 business habits, he ex
amlned the conUnts of tbe purse befort
handing It over.
"There you are, Lizzie there-'s four fivers
and four louis. Mind you make them give
you the right money for the notes that is,
If you have to change them. They art
worth more than gold, you know."
"Oh, I will take care of that," was the
reply. "Though I don't suppose I shall
want to spend more than 3 or 3 louU."
Mentally, George Grant rather doubted
this estimate of tho cost of a morning'
shopping. But it turned out to be correct.
They entered numerous magasins, but
the high prices of every article ollered for
sale quite alarmed tbe prudent couple, and
after seyeral hours' wandering, sampling
and pricing, they had only purchased Mime
0 francs' worth of things, chiefly presents
for friends lu Battlemoor.
Then came lunch at a Palais Royal res
taurant 3 fraucs a head, vin corapris et
pain a discretion. And then, feeling rather
tired, Mr. apd Mrs. Grant took a Batignolles
ntnnihus. which landed them within a short
.distance of their, hotel. They had left the
... . l.l... lw. T Inn
.vehicle ana were appruacuuijj mo "
d'Or, when the lady suddenly exclaimed;
'The purse I have lost 111
"Lost itt Nonsense; feel In your pocket-you-had
it in the. bus just this minute."
Bat poor Lizzie explored her pocket In
vain the purse was gone, and she at once
took rtXugu lu tbe relief of her sex a flood
ol tears.
"Here, don't make a sjhow of yourself in
the street," said her husband somewhat
brusquely; t'ccwo on to the hotel."
Arrived at the Lion d'Or, Mr. Grant re
ported bis loss to the proprietor, who at
once auvisea an application iu me ponce oi
the arrondiftsement. But here all the obsti
nacy of tbe Briton came to tbe front. It
Kas Mr. Grant's opinion thst the police of
all and every country were rank idiots as
far ss detection ol crime was concerned.
He believed In advertising his loss with a
"This Is ho I look at It," he said dog.
gedly, "That purse U elthtr lost or stolen.
If it U lost, there is Just a chance that an
honest person will find it H so. sn ad
vertisement is tbe thing. If It U stolen, the
thieves are sure to see the papers, and the
reward vlll U nearly as much ss they
woal4 get from receiver for the stolen
notes." . ,
Accordingly, rm4 with tttAjnvfit
of money from his dressing case, Mr, Grant
took a fiacre and went around to the offices
of the principal newspapers, in each of
which was inserted an advertisement offer
ing a reward of 125 francs for the return of
a purse lost iu a Batignolles omnibus that
afternoon. This done, he returned to the
hotel, mingling his attempts to console his
sorrowful bride over her loss with very
natural comment on the carelessness of
women in general.
Breakfast was still on the table on the
following morning when the sleek, closely
cropped waiter ushered two strangers Into
the salon occupied by the Grants.
"Something about ze purse, m'sieur," he
raid, with n broad grin.
One of the newcomers advanced, nnd
with a light bow said in fairly good Kug
"My friend here, m'sleu," and he waved
his baud toward his companion, "ees a corn
mis, vot you call a clerque, and he vas in ze
omnibus last af terzenoon vlie he see you
and your so charming dame" another low
to Mrs. Grant. "Aftnlro you aro go out ho
find ze purse on zo flooro of ze omnibus.
'B get out immediatement, but he not see
vlch vnys you go. Zis morning ho see your
announce. He not Bpik Ecngleesh, and 1
come vis ecm to interpet."
" You'ro n couple of honest fellows," ejac
ulated George Grant Impulsively. Tbe
interpreter conveyed the remark in French
to his companion, and both bowed again.
Then tho purse was handed to Mr. Grant,
who, opening it, counted four 5 notes and
some loose gold about 80 francd.
"Here's tho promised reward," ho said,
holding out one of the notes.
Tho Frenchman said something rapidly
to his companion, who nt once remarked;
"Ah, zat ess so, monsieur! You can yot
anozzcr favor do 'eetn. 'E say Eat eet ees
deefecult for 'eem to make ze change of an
English note Could you bo so Very good
to make 'eem ze little present in ze French
"Oh, certainly, certainly," Bald Mr.
Grant, and going Into tho adjoining bed
room he quickly returned with 0 louis and
a 5 franc piece, which tbe honest finder of
the purse received with every sign of satis
faction. More bows, more interpreted ex
pressions of gratitude and compliments to
"monsieur," and to his "so charming
dame," and the visitors go out.
"There, now, Lizzie. What did I toll
you?" was George Grant's triumphant ex
clamation as the door closed. "That's more
than all their cleverpolice would have done
in a lifetime. And now I'll tell you what
we'll do to celebrate our good luck. We
ain't neither of us had much appetite for
breakfast this morning. Now, putonyour
things, my dear, nnd we'll go down toTor
tonl's and 'uve n slapup fetd, and just for
once a bottle of cham, eh?"
The breakfast nt Tortoiii's was u success.
Everything fiom the delicate pawns and
golden butter with which the meal com
menced down to the dcmltasscs with which
it concluded was perfection, and George
Grant sighed a sigh of satisfaction as ho
swallowed tho lost dpop of his coffee. The"
English speaking waiter brought the bill
with a Bmlle and a flourish, only $2 francs
40 centimes.
"You can change a 5 note, 1 suppose?"
asked Mr. Grant as he drew forth the re
covered purse.
"Certainly, m'sleu," was the man's reply
as ho took the note, but ho was a very long
time bringing the change. There was nn
animated discussion at tbe comptolr; then
the waiter, accompanied by the proprietor,
approached ' the little table whero the
Grants were seated.
"This Is a bad note, sir; what you call a
forgery," said the waiter coolly.
"A what?" cried George Grant indlg
nantly. "A bad note? Come, that Is a good
Joke. Still hero is another, if you don't
like that," mid again producing the purse
he selected at random one of the three fires
remaining in it. But as he did so bis face
blanched. It was a "flush" note, and a
very poorly executed one too. So were the
other two. And suddenly it dawned upon
his brain that the honest visitors of the
morning were two clever thieves, who had
not only secured the original booty, but
had actually obtained goodFrench gold for
one of their own forged substitutes.
How tho indignant proprietor of Tor
tonl's called In a couple of gendarmes and
gave the astonished pair into custody on a
cbnrge of attempting to pass falso money,
bow they were conducted to tho nearest po
lice station; how poor Lizzie Grant prompt
ly fainted en route thereto; how her hus
band raved and threatened every official
with dire retribution for the insult to an
Englishman; how they were locked up for
24 hours and only released on production
of Indisputable proof of identity and no
end of "badgering" from the police officials
space will not permit mo to record. Suf
fice it to Bay that within a dozen .hours of
being set free Mr. and Mrs. Grant were
crossing the silver streak in the direction
of Albion's white cliffs, and that were they
to live to the age of Methuselah nothing
would ever tempt them to visit that "awful
Paris" again. Exchange.
what a comfort it is to
have ready at hand a
remedy that never fails
to relieve Constipation,
and that, without pain or
discomfort; and almost
immediately cures bead
achoe, and dispels overy
symptom of Dyspepsia.
Such a remedy is found
in Simmons Liver Regu
lator not a Bweetened
compound to nauseate, or
au intoxicating beverage
t'j cultivate an alcoholic
appetite, but a medicine
pleasant to tho taste, and
perfectly harmless when
given to the smallest
child. S. L. R. never
disappoints. It possesses
the virtues ana perfec
tions of a reliable remedy
of tho kind endorsed by
eminent physicians.
"It affords roe pleasure to add . mr
monr to those you receive enrnuiliy n
reference to yonr valuable inedMna. , 1
SSSde? Htemons Liver ,ps?li'' ?
best family medicine on the marK". J
LTv prescribed H wh1.,en W' J""
V. V. 1USJE, H. V., Trwy CHy, Teiiu.
Leave or dew st OotUs-rarklwrst bloelsooa
U,Bla, Oregon.
LeuiIliizMW'iney i u Stranger.
Ono morninpMr. Alcott, was breakfasting
In Boston, when the ! 11 rang, nnd a stran
ger cent In word thnt bo wished to seohlm.
"Mr. Alcott." said the man when they
met, "you do not know men nnd will be
surprised to learn why I havo called upon
you. I aui In business here and am very
much in want of $3, which I will repay as
soon ns' X can. Will you lend it to me?"
Here, thought Mr. Alcott, was an oppor
tunity of testing his favorite theory cf hu
man nature that all men may be trusted.
He took out his pocketbook Instantly.
"I have uof 5 bill," said he. "but here is
$10. Tahethis."
Tho mau looked xurprised, but accepted
tho money nnd went his way. His creditor
did uot even take the trouble to ask his
name, nnd was for months Incessantly ral
lied by his friends, who would Inquire when
ho expected to bo repaid. More than six
months afterward, at tho same hour of the
day, the man appeared ngain, saying:
"Mr. Alcott, I haven't forgotten that you
lent mo $10 when I only wanted $5. I have
called to pay you, and I wish you would
add the Interest."
This tho creditor declined to do, but re
ceived his principal and suffered his debtor
to go away again without asking his name.
Some weeks afterward he told tho story in
a Boston counting house and learned on de
scribing the appearance of his visitor that
ho was a notorious confidence man who, in
this instance, had apparently found tho
simple trust of the philosopher too much
for even his professional villainy to with
stand. Youth's Companion.
The Delicious Heliotrope.
For Its delicious fragranco and choice
colors, the heliotrope has become one of the
most popular pot plants. Not only Is the
heliotrope a universal favorite for indoor
decoration, but It has become deservedly
popular ns nn outdoor decorator, as a border
plant, or, when properly trained, specimen
plant. Potted in fibrous soil and given
plenty of water, with an occasional dose of
liquid manure water, the heliotrope may
bo made to bloom in tho house tho year
round. As tho heliotrope is uot an erect
grower, a better form nnd shape may be
given to tho.plant by tying it to a trellis
and growing it to tho required size. If a
bushy plant is desired, it muy bo pinched
in until tho required shape is obtained. As
tho roots of the heliotrope grow close and
compact, It will require a generous supply
of water In fact, It is best to saturate the
whole ball of soil thoroughly. A weak liq
uid manure may bo applied twice each week
as a stimulant, both for plant food and wa
ter. Philadelphia Ledger.
Literary Itestrlctlons In Turkey.
In speaking of the restrictions on im
ported lltcrnturdln Turkey, the Rov. Dr.
F. E. Clark says: "Some of these objec
tions to current literature aru, silly and
puerile enough. A textbook on chemistry
was recently forbidden becauscd It con
tained the familiar formula 'H80,' which
was construed by the sapient censor to
mean HamJd. II (the reignlpg sultan) Is
nothing. A geographical textbook, which
naturally contained allusions to 'the union '
of rivers,1 wus condemned because the ml
tan.doos not wish his people to know any
thing about un!on.or combination, whlla n
treatise on nntural history was forbidden
because )n jts chapter on starfishes It was
supposed to contain somo occult allusion to
the sultan's palace, which is named the
Star." Cblcagn..Tribne, ,
Sick Headache and relieve all tbe troubles Inci
dent to a bilious ttete of the syetesi. Hh ss
Plttirivts, Ksusea. Dronrtlneu, Distress after
eating-, fain In tbe Blde,-&e. While tbelriaoit
remarkable success has been shown In cwrlpg
Headache, yet Oiktsk's Ijttlb Lmta Pills
are equaJIy Ttlushle in ConUlpatlon, curing
and preventing thie annoying complaint, wbl la
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
Umulate tbe lirer and regulate the bowels.
Even if they only cured
ehe they would be almoet priceless those
who suffer from Uil dlstresstne complaint
bfit fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and thoee.who once try thfm will find
these little pills valuable In so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without them.
But after all sick head
Is the bane of so many Uvea that here U where
make our great
le others do not.
Our pllia cure It
CUarca's Lrrruc Ltvra Pills are verv small
and very easy to take. One or two pub make
dose. They are strictly vegetable asd do
not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
please all who use them. In vials at 36 cents 1
fire tor tl. Bold everywhere, or sent by man,
CAS7II 3icnrs CO., Vn Tab
MR Mhh M7m
Oregon State Fair,
Under the mauageniriiit of tbe State
Hnard of Agriculture, on (he Htate
Fair Grouuds near Falem, commenc
ing September llth, 1803, and con
tloulng one week,
will t9 raid as nrt-minms for ftnelr. Poullrr.
Hwtne. Agrlcu lurul i'rwlucta, Krult. fJative
Woods, jdiiierai", mm h ah ana jraney
Work, and for trials or tpeed.
Reduced Bates of Fares and Freights
on All Transportation Lln2.
I'AVIl.MN opn four evenlnts durlogthe
week, with g"i munle In ntirnlnre.
Tills Nttw (JKlNIJ mTAND and tbe new
Itegulatlon Tnv k are co ceded to be among
i be tiumt eomlortaU e and tbe best on the la-
ctdeCnuau ,..,... . . .
HftiK.NDiii wj.uhi ur rmen
day. Tb'rels entered furtriese ennteets tbe
beet field of norleetbU year tbst has been on
ii.j vmnndi formntiT untoni.
Valuable bandcome Improvement
bsve beep male on lhpgrouiid'andbaUaln
Has been revised sad improT id to the credit
oflbeebl'.llf. .....
wnirlra litr Premiums elnae tltm. the
Crtdtyfibel''alr,and Ksbiblu must bain
place by ! P " of said dv.
vmp.vh (v Anniflsinv.
Men'Huou Uckt. ., I1W
Women's HaKinTltkel. . . ,., 1M
Men'I4V Ticket . - 10
W..fir,, IkAV Tlcl&fct SI
Xtaoe Track IVkete, IM y . S
u omen to llnat Course, Vtt.
Children under 13 years, Hi to all.
Bend to th Hecmtary at 'V itland tat m irem
lum lis.. j ApwawoN iveatdent.
J.T.QUeaa.BtcrtUry, tedtwtd
tiTV?R "Sfl
harsh, brlttlo? Docs it split nt tho ends? Has it a Z
lifeless appearance? Does it fall out when combed or 5
brushed ? Is It full of dandruff ? Does your scalp Itch ? 5
Is it dry or in a heated condition ? If tiicso aro somo of
yoursymptomsbftwarnedintteiooryouwlllbecomebald. "J
SkookumRoot Hair Grower I
ll irkktvnn ami! tf TtMwInAttnn I twiftftn tiwMiNl hnltlaMMlli.,ui .m. J
research. Kuowlcdce of. too dlaeaaetot the hair and acalp Irdto the discov
ery ot bow to treat them. "8kookum"coutlnnr.ltherminerftlinoro!li. It
la not a Dtc, but adellghtrallr cooling and refreshing Too c Hi atlmulatlnt
thafoUlcles, it ttoptaUini nair7erM taHtrnjT and (rrotcs Aalron tail
.. CV Seep the scalp clean, healthy, and tree from Irritating emotions, by
the use ot Bkookvm SMin Soap. It destroys ponul(o intctlt, trAtoA Jttd en
d(ia dettrOY A hair.
It your druntlstcannotrupply yon send direct to us, and we will forward
prepaid, on receiptor price. Qrower,UpertotUei lorSiXO. Boap.Wtx
per Jar 1 1 for SIM.
TRADE MARK mm u.-.v VI
-,-.- ... ,
Natural Wood Finishing,
Cor, 30th and Chemeketa Btreet.
Geo. Fendrich,
Best meat and free delivery.
136 Mate Street.
p. ii. n'Anov. oko. o.binoiiam.
D'AKQV & BINQHAM, Attorneys at Law,
Booms I. a and 5, D'Arcy Building. Ml
atate street. Speclar attention given to bujl
ns In the suoreme and circuit courts of the
state. 2 11
P. BOIHE, Atlornty at law, Balem, Ore
scon. Offloo 374 Commercial street.
TILMON KORD, Attorney at law, Palem,
WrrgUU. UIHCT UpiWUB IU iiwu wtw
J. B1GGKR, Attorney at law,8a!em, Ore
Bon, onico oyer Bush's bank.
J . Attoruevs nt law. Office over Capital
National bank, Balom, Oregon.
JOHN A. OAIHON, Attorney at law, rooms
8 and 4, lliish, bank building, Halem.Or.
DONJIAM KOLMBS, .Attorneys at law.
D Offlrx In Buih block, between State ano
Court, on Commercial street.
ME. M)eUE, Htenograpbir aqd Tjpe
, wrltest Best eaulpped typewriting of
but one In Oregon. Over Ilush's bank.
Salem, Oreiron.
CJTELLA HHEKMAN.-Typewriting and
O commercial stenography, room it, Gray
block. VlritrClass work. Kates reasonable.
TR. A. DAVIS, Late Post Graduate of New
J York, gives special attention to tbe dls
eases of women and children, noao, tbroat,
lungs, kidneys, skin diseases and surgery,
pnice at residence, lol State street. Consulta
tion from U to 'l a. m. and i to 5 p. m. 7-l-flrn
9-MO-1T, ..
TV J lliniuiAn AniiQumrcAJii,
Ollico 3to Commercial street,lu Eldrldge block.
UoalrinnnA 47n I Vimmerelal atrtht.
C! C. BROWNE. M, D., Physician and Him
O. goon. Odloe, Murphy blojk; residence
45,Coinimrelal street.
J Tor
R.T.O. SMITH, Dentist. (B State street
tMieiu, urejon. riuieucu uui uiwu.
ons of every description.
lions a specially.
4 muiaca 'upvrai
DR CLARA M. DAVIIJHON, graduate ol
Woman's Medical College, of l'eunsyl.
Van'a Dlllce. Dusu.llreyrdan lllcct, -Hatein.
fJi gon. Office hours frnrae'r.. m. to 6 p. m
All work guaranteed. OtncS over J. J Da),
rymple's store, corner Court and Coinmerolnl
WD. PUGII, Architect, plans, ppeclOcn.
, tlons and superintendence for al
clashes ot buildings, Otllco 13 Commercial
street, up stairs.
Meets In their ball In Htats Insurance
building, every Wednesday evening.
J. A. BELWOOD. Recorder.
l DAYS to
nours ulcker t0J""ci.y' ,nd Kan'
Through Pullman and Tourist Steepen, Free
Reclining Chair Carl, Dining Can,
or rates sad general InJonastlon call on
or addrces,
W. H. HURLBUnT, At. O. V. A.
rViKTIMD. Oaa-W.
A New Remedy
A tree fodee positive w4 rBl?M!
cVuebu7rua lU14ol, si rwrji rfW'T
,tiXXSksUlldrIoih asysl es
rUIiox yer srim Wb mwcuiy "J u,ffrn
17WHree rOTlUfB, 0.
ft, a-,Bne. New VorU. N. V.
, ,.,, ,
Screen Doors
Xorlcjr & Winstnnloj.
Bhop 216 High street.
Irak and Til-
Meat Market,
SOa.Cominerolal Street,
Good meats. Prompt delivery.
Take It J
Only 2 cents a day delivered at
your door;
David HcKillop,
Steal food Saw
Loavo orders nt Ralem Im
provement CO., 1)3 State street.
Btalo Street, - -
213K Commsrclil St . Stmj Oregon,
(Next door to Klein's.)'
ipoelaltypi Hpeotoolea, and repairing Clocks.
Watohnn and Jownli '
Smith Premier Typewriter.
Sold on easy payments. For Rent.
W. I. STALEY, Agent, Salem.
H,N,BUttI,EK,aen,Ueent, 101 Third BU
Knrtlaad. Houd rorCHnlngne.
S3 SHOE noTMp.
Do yea wtsr them? When next In need try t pair,
test In the world.
2.O0 4I.7S-
ron boys
If you wtnt a lint DRESS SHOE, mide tn the lttl
itylei, don't pay $9 to (8, by my $3, $3.30, $4.00 w
13 Shoe, 1 hey lit equal to cuttoro made and look ano
wear as welt, If you wlih to economize In your footwear,
do eo by purchasing W, L. Dovglai Shoes. Name and
price itamped on the bottom, look for It when you buy
W. L. DOUOLAB, Jlrockton, Mmi, Sold by
KllAUBBK 111108.
The House Mover.
451 Marlon Street.
Ilaa the beet facilities lor moving and lal
ln lioute. Leftve orders at Uray Broe,, or
address haletn, Oregon.
Froi Terminal or Interior Points (be
la tbe line tojtake
To all roints East and South.
It is tliodlnlng car route, it run through
reetlbule train; every day In tbe year 10
;(No change of cars.)
Oompeeed of dining cars nnsurpaaeed,
inllman drawing room sleepers
Of latest equipment
Sleeping Cars.
Beet that ran be constructed and Jn wblcb
accomtnodatlwns are both tree and lur
nUbed for holder of Brit and second-elaM
AcoDtlunoca Una conce sting with all
Unas. aHordluj direct awtl uninterrupted
lallman ill - ' '"xlloniean ben.
cured tn adyi r , .. any ajot of
tbe road.
Through tlokets to and trowx all ryluts
In AmericM. Kogland and Kitropt can be
pnrehasedatsny ticket office 01 thUouu
Mnr, full Information enneerning ratci. time
of traliu.roulea aud other deUlla furulshe!
on ?PlluaUon to any aaentor
A. D. 0HAJU7T0N,
Aaeie nt Oeuera lMenk-er Agnt. Mo,
Wi irtrst street, oor, Wtil",l! kort-
s!1-. vSSS II
Hir ..hB
m m B m KHu,. . P1k
2.53 flPVPf
2.25 m. Mil
ron ..n JeKi
Electric Lights
OntSJctcr System,
ThoBalnm Light and Power f'ompany at
g-CHi i pen's Cave equipped their Kleetria
Light plant with the ni ml modern apparatus
aDrl H'umwnhlo tn nflnr ihA mihlfn a l,ttiM
k" iiiku uiijr nyicui uuu at a rata lower
than any city on tbe coast.
Arc auil Incandescent Light
lag. Electric Metors lor nil
purposes "nhcro jowcr is re
Ucl len'ea can 1j wired for as many lights
as jdealrod sun tbe consumers pay for only
sudh lights ns ore uel. This being reglsteieel
byantileotnoAieter. Office
179 Commercial St.
!.. ..... ..... .-"-? ;'"
nnd Candies.
V. O. Bloolc.
The Upholsterer,
imodols, re-covers and repairs
iholstered furniture. First-
liui trnrlr. nhnmnlcntA afreet.
Salem Htate Insurance block.
On easy terms nnd cheap. A !0 acre orchard
on Bunny Bide Nn. one. S mllei south
of Salem.
Deutscher Advocat.
DAPTnrripr n, Art oil pu rto
sruQiwrrit uluh, - - onLcmiun.
Admitted to practice In all the courts.
Bpeclal' attention given to German (peek
Ing people and buslneM at tho county and
atate offloea. B. HOPEK, Kotsry inibllo.
Tho Yaquina Route.
And Oregon Development company's steam
hlp line. 225 miles shorter, 20 hours less
time than hy any othfr roulo, Klrnt class
hrough pastcnKer and freight line from
Portland and all lolnta In the Willamette
valler to and from Man Francisco.
TIME BOHKDU-E, (Escept Bnnday.)
Lv Albany 1-00 pralLv oervallls.l: p va
IjV Oorvallle. 10:!iS am Ar Albany .11:10s m
O. A O. trains connect at Albany and Cor.
Tho above trains connect at Yaqnlna with
the Oregon IJovelrpment Co.'s lino of steam
ers between Ynqulua and Han Francisco.
N. II I'lmscnutra fiom Portland and all
Willamette VRlley polnturan makeolose con
section with the tralnoflhe Yaqnlna Koute
it Albany or Corvallla und If destined t Ban
Krauctsoo should arrange U nn ive at Yaquin
the ovenlug before data of sailing.
i'nvnenger and Freight Unu-n alvrni the
orat For information apply to Meser.
(UIIiMANACo.. Krtlgbt and Tlchet Agents
MO and 302 Front alrrtt, rortlaud,Or.,or
U 0. 1IOOU15. Ao't uen'l Ft, - Fau. Agtn
Or. l'uclno It. it Co . CorvallU, Or,
CU.UABWl.LIi, Jr., aon'll'relKlitand'
I"as. Agt. Oie lloTelupmeutCo,,
sen Uouigomery m
East and South
of th"
Southern Pacific Company.
cALiroiiWA xxi'iiess thain now daii.v k
Tvrxt-it I'outi.and Aft) s, r.
b lu pTFii,
lh U . in.
10 h H.m.
Above trains atop nt all stutlons from
I'ortliiud to Albany incluslvoj bUo ut Tangent
ShMld, llalsey, llarrlsbtirg. Junction City,
Irving, Kuvrne und all sutlons from HoHcburg
'o Akhiand Inclusive.
'Ar.j "jt:w p, m.
Hal em
. 1 l:w p. to.
DIhIiik hih oh Optica Rtute
Second Class Sleeping Cars
Attached to all through trains,
vVcst Side Dlviswi, Mmi Ttttui
ni CTillis:
12:19 p. m.
At Albany snd OorvallU eonnset
trains ef Oregon l'uclno Railroad.
KxmsxHTtiAiNinatnr xvmtTVMHAT
4:i p. "ra. f "Lv, Portland ArT
75 ti. m. I Ar. MeMinnvllIe Lv.
To all points In the Ktn Mates, Oanade.
u Mil niiu IU fruv mFtTfm m.h,n, UH(
and Kuropa can bo obutseel st lowest n
Irom w, w. skimmxk. Aa. )
K.P. ItOTl KKfl, At. . . MMIftSS, i
n raw
r.4 nisi, r.wi, .ww. . . m Mmm.m
B. KOKHt.KK. Wassse
(Nerleeni Pcll R. R, Cc, LesvM.)
Two Through Trlfl BMy.
1 1 iiis1 isiiii,aysss8aisii.iiH ..,..
I !itrtil2ls
I.A.bUuHt. a
IP (am
Tickets Hold anil m gheeeisd tkeousk.
11 poinia in tbe UsH4 mMm sna Oauaos,
oae cosneettoa hvm4 Ut Otlesctt with aD
trulci aolajr tin it aast tlaiill.
For lull iBforMksUeet SMtly to your nemrsstt
Uokaeto 4 A. C. roiro.
2 I Korth.
Lv. I'urtlaim " Ar. TTaTa, m
I.v. Hnitm t.v. I
Ar. Han I' ran. I.v, I 7:00 p. m
11:17 a. m I Lv,
rM p, in. I Ar.