Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 26, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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25 eta. a south by Kail
Prepaid la Adraace.
No Papers Seat Wlteai
Time Jb Oat.
Associated Press Daily News
paper-Published on the ,
Pacific Coasti
$300 a Year.
VOL. 6.
NO. 202.
IflBBIHi sff im fi. iJw IS w Iflfi b
The New York Racket
Still occupies their old position in the State Insurance Block,
333 Commeicial .Street, and still offer
I all lines of goods which they carry. Their fine ladies and
misses Dongolia shoes, are away below what -they can be
b light for generally, and every shoe of the better class war
ranted. The same can be said of the better class of men's,
boy's and children's shoes. In all lines of goods such as boy's
and men's fur and wool hats, wool, black sateen, and gents
light dress shirts, white laundried and unlaundried shirts;
Ladies, gents, and boys underwear; pants, overalls, jackets,
glove, bed-spreads, lace curtains, embroideries, laces, tabie1
linen, crash, towels, pocket knives, buggy whips, and a large
line of all kinds of notions, all sold at
We buy all our goods for cash, at the lowest possible
prices for good material, and can afford to sell at low prices for
General Insurance Agency.
Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
STATE INSURANCE CO., jEtna Insurance Co., ,
Traders' Insurance Co., Sun Insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., Westoheater Klre InB. Co.,
lilon Klre Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Insurance Co., s
Ixndou s Lancashire Fire Ins. Soc., London Assurance Corporation,
Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Union Fire Ins.Soo.
Oldest and Leading Firm in the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience In the trade
enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
give estimates, Btate insurance blocs,
Ed. C.
v9 if'J" f rtt?jM"r-
CHURCHILL Piimps, Piimps,PtimP
Sd 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
Ii 1 1 nrtnl, TAILOR.
Lamoureux's Stables,
At the Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve
hicles being added constantly. Only the best BPrvlce rerKlered o 'Shabby
rigs nor poor horses. H.L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor.
West Printing Co,S!S
do better work than ever. Country orders receive prompt attention.
303 Commercial St.,
Insurance - Agents,
245 Commercial Street.
American Fire Insurance Co., Phila.
Home Insurance Co., New York.
Korwicb-Unlon Ins. Co.. Liverpool.
Palatine Insurance Co,. Manchester.
Over One Million Dollars Deposited With BUto Treasurer of Oregon for
Protection of Policy Holders in Oregon only.
All Losses Adjusted and Paid Through Salem Agency on Policies Written
In Marios, Polk, YamhUl and Linn Counties.
Abo Write Life and Accident Insurance la Best Companies in the World.
CnemeKeta street.'
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Frcsli, Salt and
Smoked Heats of allKinds
OS Cotlrt and
110 State Streets.
Halrin, Oregon.
Western Assurance, Toronto, Canada.
Lancashire, Manchester, Eng.
Hamburg-Madeburg. Germany.
Home Mutual, San Francisco, Cal,
Ripping Up the Demo
cratic .Party.
To Help Cleveland In a Trying
Burke Cochran's Plea for Equity
and Justice.
Great Closing Debate.
Washington, Aug. 20. The galler
ies of the house were tilled this morn
lug, attracted by the fact that it is the
last day of the great silver debate, and
will be signalized by a battle of the or
utorical giants. The speaker said the
debate in favor of the bill would be
closed by Its author, Representative
Wilson of West Virginia. He will be
opposed by Bland pf Missouri. The
day'a debate was opened by Thomas B.
Reed of Maine, who after sketching
briefly the financial condition of the
country, declared that he hfid no desire
to deal with the situation from a politi
cal standpoint. Ho spoke with bis
usual sarcasm and elicited frequent ap
plause. reed's speech.
He said the "Undlscoverable uncer
tainty of the future of both the. cur
rency questions, and the questions of
protection and revenue tariff, were the
principal causes of the present condi
tion of affairs." He considered the
Hherman act and the accumulation of
silver as the earliest indication of the
approaching disaster, rather than the
oblef cause. The question could not
be settled within the bounds of the
Democratic party itself. The pathway
of duty was the unconditional repeal
of the purchase clause. If that dldnot
give relief, -we must try something else,
and the sooner the better. Republicans
found themselves in a peculiar posi
tion. The newly chosen Democratic
president found himself powerful In
his great recommendation to his own
party, and was forced to appeal to the
patriotism of another Darty, whose
patriotism had never been appealed to
in vain.
Hon. Burke Cochran of New York
was the next speaker. He said: "The
Democratic platform did not declare for
free coinage of sliver. The proposed
debasement of coin would reduce debits
45 per cent. Bilver men assumed that
the loss would fall on the banks, but
the fact was the bunks and corporations
were the debtors of ibe country and tho
loss would fall on the worklugmen who
were creditors.
Hecbsed with an eloquent appeal
for equity and Justice as a basis of gov-
ernmental policy, awakening a whirl
wind of applause, and cries of "vote,"
'vote." The speaker was overwhelmed
with congratulations. Excitement on
the floor was so great that the speaker
bad to call on the officers of the house
to restore order. Bland then began bis
closing argument In behalf of the silver
We offer 70a a rtaadr vrhlah, it nd
otbotb mother nd ehild.
Bobs confinement of its Tu. Jlosao 4
New York Banks.
New York, Aug. 0. Bank state
ment; Reserve increase, $5,308,000;
loans deorcaae; $2,983,000; specie in
crease, 774j000; deposits increase, f 177,
000; circulation Increase, $1,042,000.
Banks have now $5,738,000 below legal
Congressional Forecast
Washington, Aug. 20. The pre
vailing impression asvto probable action
of the two houses on the silver question
finds expression as follews:
Wilsen: "The repeal bill will bo
passed by the house, and pigeon-holed
by the senate. After a long debate the
senate will pass the Voorbeea bill,
which will go to the house, If there Is
any prospect of a contest. Cloture will
bo speedily applied and the bill will be
passed, and then be ready for the presi
dent's signature. The Voorhees bill
only differs from the Wilson bill In
making a declaration In favor of bi
metallism. Blouat for Governor.
Atlanta. Aug. 20. J. II. Blount,
U. 8. minister to the Hawaiian islands,
will run for governor of this state. He
will bo the administration candidate.
Parade Blot
Ciiicaqo, Aug. 20. A riot resulted
this afternoon in front of the City Hail
from a parade of unemployed paraders.
They claim a man in a buggy tried to
drive through their ranks and an alter
cation ensued. Police Inspector Ross
and Lieut. Stifle received severe wounds
about tho head and uro covered with
blood. Two of the leaders, one armed
with a long knife, are arrested.
Terrible Wreck.
Danbury,' Conn., Aug 20. It is re
posted that two passenger trains col
lided this afternoon on the Harlem road
at Dykman, ten miles west, seventeen
persons are reported killed. ,
- 8EC0NDfcEaiMNT BAND. -
Instrumentation of the State Fair
A Journal reporter today visited
the headquarters of the Second Regi
ment band over W. W. Johns' harness
store. This baud bas fitted up for its
exclusive uee three rooms, and every
thing Is In shipshape order. The prac
tice room is provided with chairs,
music racks and a director's stand.
Another is elegantly carpeted and
papered, and is appropriately decorated
with large photographs of some noted
musicians on tho wall. This room Is
also supplied with a locker for each
member, in which be keeps hlsualform
and instrument. The third room Is
utilised as i storo room for tho large
drums, and Is used for general purposes.
The boys will present a striking ap
pearance when tbey don their new uhl
forms and menu to do themselves proud
at the fair.
Following Is the Instrumentation of
the band: J. M. Cooiner, director and
solo coronet; Cbas. Poppa, clarinetist;
W. E. McElroy, cornet; Frank Hass,
cornet; A. W. Geir, cornet; Wm. Mo
Glunls, cornet, R. B. Glaeo, alto; Jos.
R. Davis, alto; B. P. McGluuls, alto;
P. J. Beamer, third alto; John Whan,
trombone; Henry Btouderaeyer, trom
bone; R. H. Ryley, euphonium; D. A.
Jones, Tuba, Levi Card, Tuba; II. V.
Bay, drum und tympanites; Joseph
Farrar, drum and cymbals.
$100 Reward
Will be paid for the conviction of any
one ever employed on this paper who
stole copies of Its subscription lists or
sold such copies taken from this office,
or gave information as to their contents
while employed in Ibis afllce. Hubscrlp
tlon books and printed lists are open to
Inspection of advertisers at all times.
Capital Journal Co.
Before 001112 to the World's Fair
Enquire About
The Limited Express trains of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee ABt. Paul Railway
between Bt. Paul and Chicago and
Omaha and Chicago.
These tridns are vesllbtiled. eleclrlo
lighted and steam heated, with the flu-
ett JJIUWg Hnu nirvpwg v;nr rervieo iu
the world,
The Electric reading light In each
berth Is the successful novelty of this
progressive age, and Is highly appreciat
ed by all regular patrons of this line.
We with others to know Its merit, as
the Chicago Milwaukee & Ht, Paul Rail
way Is the only line In the west enjoy
ing the exclusive use of this patent.
For further Information apply to
nearest coupon ticket agent, nr address
U, J. Eddy, General Agent,
J. W. Cabby, Trav. Pass. Agt,
225 BUrk Bt., Portland, Or, tf
U. S. States Treasury Paying
All Ckecks in Gold.
Ilill Declares Himself an Out
spoken Silver Man.
Washington. Aug, 25. The treas
ury department hero yesterday began
paying out gold on all checks present
ed. Redemption paper money Is made
In tho samo class as tho money present
ed. The reason for gold payments here
Is that the treasury, beoauso of its small
receipts and largo expenditures has ex
hausted all its paper money.
The treasury books showed 07,000-,
In the gold reservo and a net balance of
$11,000,000. This balance Is composed
almost entirely of subsidiary coin, the
reserve being used in tho payment of
obligations of the government.
Secretary Carllsio has recommended
tho Immediate appropriation of $300,-
000, for continuing tho recoinago of
fractional silver coin, and an appropri
ation of $44,800 for distinctive paper
for printing treasury notes.
btkvenson's views.
There In considerable anxiety In con
gress regarding Vice-President Steven
son's views in tho pending silver legis
lation, especially as, according to tho
recent canvass, ii appears thnt if the
three appointed senators from tho sil
ver states are allowed to take their seats
tho senate will bo a tie and Stevenson
will have tho casting .vote. Beyond
expressing the belief that tho session
will be protracted, the vice-president
refuses to talk. It is urged that ho be
ing a member of tho administration,
will vote for an administration measure
as a matter of course. There Is a great
deal of compromise talk. It is said
that the steering committee made a
formal oiler to tho silver men for the
passage of the repeal bill accompanied
by a law directing the purchase of 300,
000,000 ounces of silver at a specified
time, all purchases to olose thereafter,
and that the sliver mou havo tho mat
ter under consideration.
The chief Interest In the senate cen
tered In tho speech of Senator Hill, of
New York,. who defined his position
on the financial question in an address
of nearly two hours duration, Nearly
every member of the senate was In his
Beat and an attentive listener and
many members of the house crowded
over to hear the distinguished senator.
"I am a Democrat," which baa now
become proverbial, was recalled by his
forcible declaration on the financial
quostlon, when, as usual, he epitomized
his silver viewsjn tho single sentence,
"I am a bimetallism" The chief sur
prise caused by the speech of Senator
Hill, Was tho position ho assumed In
minimizing the Importance of a revis
ion of the coinage ratio, and bis sugges
tion that International bimetallism
might bo sought by holding outlnduce
menta the Latin union countries to re-
col n at a profit rather than a loss.
Hill gave greater satisfaction to
Western freo coinage people than even
the most sanguine had expected from
his argument. There was a dead still'
ness in the senate when the speaker re
ferred to the statements of President
Cleveland In attempting to lead the
country to monometallism, and made
his comment thereon, concluding with
bis defiance to the present administra
tion. "I shall refuse," said he, "to fol
low in the footsteps of any administra
tion that seeks to place the Democratic
party In a false position; that seeks to
lead It away from Democratic principles
and platforms and into the yery camp
of the enemy. The president must re
ly upon Republican votes to carry out
any such suicidal polloy,"
The Democratic senators looked very
gloomy and uqbappy but aomlle of
amused satisfaction covered the faces of
the Republicans. Referring to the
tariff the speaker said:
"The Democratic party is pledged to
tariff reform and It must redeem Its
pledges, come what may. The people
perfectly understood the question last
fall and they voted with their eyes wide
open. Our course Is onward and we
shall not retreat,"
In ooucluslon Senator Hill said;
"No one, be be Democrat, Republican
or Populist, should be deterred from
voting for this bill simply because It Is
balled as an administration measure.
That furnishes no argument either for
or against It. Mr, President, this Is
going to pass this senate, I believe it,
I predict It."
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Brcakt In Submarine Wlret Are Memted
With I4ttlo DIUlculty.
It has always beea a matter of specula
tion und wonder to most pcoplo as to how
a marine cable onco broken in mldocenn is
ever cot together again. The oxplanr.tlon
is this: First, it must be known that tho
cable practically rests everywhere on tho
bottom o! the sea. Of course thero ore
places where sudden deep places coming
between shallow ones will ciiubo the cablo
to make a span as over a t-avlno or gully.
In other pluces the ocean Is so deep that
the cable finds its specific gravity some
whero in mldwater, so to speak. Iu that
ease it rests quite as firmly nn if it were on
olid ground.
"When a break occurs, tho first step of
course is to accurately locato Its position.
A conductor such as a cablo offers a certain
amount of obstruction or "reslBtanco" to
the passage of an electric current. Appa
ratus has been devised for the measuring
of this "resistance." Tho milt of resistance
is called an ohm. Tho resistance of tho nv
erage cable U, roughly speaking, three
ohmB per nautical mile. Kcslstanco prac
tically ceases at tho point where the con
ductors mako considerable contact with tho
water. Therefore if when measuring to lo
cato a breuk it bo found that tho measuring
apparatus Indicates a resistance of OOOohms
tho position of tho fault will 1m known to
be 800 miles from shore.
With this Information tho cnptalu of the
repairing ship is able to determine by his
charts of tho course of the cable, tho lat
itude and longitude of tho spot where tho
break occurred and can proceed with cer
tainty to effect the repair. When the ap
proximate neighborhood of tho track is
reached, a grapnel Is dropped overboard, and
the vessel steams slowly in a coureo at
right angles to the run of tho cable. On
the deck of tho ship there la a machlno
called the dynometer, which, as JtjlJtame.
implies, is used to rpcoaure resistance. Tho
rope securing the grapnel passes under this.
If tho dynometer records a steady increase
of strain, It indicates that tho grapnel has
caught tho cable. If, on the other hand,
the resistance varies from nothing to tons
and from tons to nothing again, it is
known that the grapnel is only engaging
rocks or other projections of nn unoveu bot
tom. ItiB frequcutlynecessnry to drag over
such a ground several times before the
cablo con bo secured.
Having-secured one end of tho purtcA ca
ble, tho vessel moors It to a buoy and pro
ceeds to search for the other end. when
both ends aro brought together on deck, the
electrician holds communication with the
shore on both sides to make sure that thero
are no other defective places and that the
cable Is perfect in both directions. This
having been satisfactorily determined, all
that remains is to splice the ends together
and drop tho cablo once mora back into the
sea. New Orleans Times-Democrat.
The Wearing- of Haiti.
In the thirteenth century tho uio of the
scarlet hat, which distinguished cardinals,
was sanctioned by Popo Innocent IV,
Throughout medhoval times tho wearing of
a hat was regarded as a mark of rank and
distinction, During the reign of Charles I
the Puritans uffected a steeple crown and
broad brimmed hat, while the cavaliers
adopted a lower crown and a broader brim,
ornamented with feathers. In tho early
part of the reign of Henry V hats became
popular, and In the time of the wars nf the
Hosts, all men of high and low degree (with
the exception of 'prentices, who wore caps)
wore haU. The cocked bat mado its ap
pearance in the reign of James II, and
could bo converted into a variety of shapes.
It was known tinder several names, a the
Brigadier, the Itamllles, the Regent and
the Frederick,
Kven to the present duy tho naval full
dress is Incomplete without the cocked hat,
and on the continent many functionaries,
civil as well as military, continue to wear
It. Our old militia, Hue and field officers
of 40 years ago md to wear them out of
Immense proportions. Tho round hat, such
ns Hen Franklin wore, wan taken to furls
from this country by the young officers who
fought for our independence umlurltochum
beau and Lafayette. It met with great
favor there. Washington Star.
Killing III CttiistU TliUlle.
The Canada thistle, although a rather
pretty blue flower, Is as great a pest as the
whlto rudbeckla, misnamed daisy. The
thistle when cut off in fair weather will
soon cap over and start at once from the
stub, and some of tb roots will start Inde
pendently for the surface. The surest
method of destroying this pest is to cut
them near the surface while raining, at any
time from formation of bloom to maturing
of plant. The rain should be of some dura
tion. The plant will excrete the juloeaud
absorb the water, which is ctrtuln death.
Showery weather is rather preferable, as
all vegetation is more active during the
sudden changes of the elements. fSmall
areas can be cut on the approach of a heavy
shower, but it must be Immediately pre
ceding, and you have the Canada thistle
scientifically and almost automatically con
quered at merely the trlflu& cost of cut
ting. H, II, Itlchards jn Detroit House
hold -
An Ajpl Vvt Ktrsof lit.
Bollum Ind me 110 for a wetk.
tSmartle For a weak wbatr
Bollum For a weak pocketbook, of
The Union Pacific now leads with re
duced rates to eastern points, and their
through oar arrangements, magnlQo
outly equipped Pullman and Tourist
sleepers, free reclining chair car and
fast time, make it the best time to trav
el. Two trains leave from Portland
dally at 6:45 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. The
rates are now wlthlu reach of all, and
everybody should take advantage of
them to visit the world's fair and their
friends In tho east. Bend for rates and
schedules or trains, aud do not purchase
tickets until after consulting Poise &
Barker, agents, Salem, Or.
W. H. Hgrlburt,
Ass't Geu'l Rass. Ageut, U. P.,
Portland, Or,
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to lcaru that there Is at least
one dreadful disease thatsclence has
been able to cure in all Its stages and
that Is catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is
the only positive euro now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being
it constitutional disease, requires a con
stitutional treatment. Hull's Catarrh
Cure Is tukou internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
Ibe system, thereby destroying the
foundation of tho disease? nnd giving
tho patient strength by building up the
constitution, nnd nssistlng nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have
so much faith in Its curative powers,
that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars
for any caso that it falls to cure. Bend
for list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., To.
ledo, O. 8-So!d by druggists, 76o,
A I'leu J 'or tlie Spoon.
Thackeray, it will bo remembered, mnkes
an earnest pleaJn his "Dook of Snobs'1 for
tho fork, excoriating a wretch whom
toctcd eating peas with a knife. Now the
Boston Journal comes to tho front as the
champion of tho siiooii. Tho Journal be
lieves it detects a disposition 011 tho part of
tho fork to usurp tho powers' ami duties ot
the spoon. It protests against eating leu
cream with n fork and adds, k What com
parison in delight can thero bo between' tho
forktd transit from pinto to mouth of scat
tering peas, conscious of their fato, and tho
calm assurnnco of tho delicious globules
contained safely In the hollow of r spoon? "
It remains to bo seen what answer the Bos
ton devotees of tho fork will mnk to this
indictment. Now York Triuun.e.
"The Itlcli Bean."
By "tho high seas" referred to in article
t of tho constitution of tho United States
Is meant tho open sea that It, the waters
outside tho civil jurisdiction of any coun
try whatever, which, according to the law
of nations, is limited to one murine, league,
or three geographical miles, from the
shore. Kven tho great lakes, beyond the
limit designated above, uro regarded as
"high feas." 8t. Louis Republic.
Origin or the I'roelc Coat.
Tho frock coat is unquestionably an
Kngllsh invention, and its first recorded
appearance Is In 1M0 in the reign of Henry
VIII. It is dcticrlbed an "a coat of velvet
somewhat shaped like a frock, embroidered
all over with flatted gold of damasks."
Washington Star. -
San Fuanoibco, Aug 20. Wheat,
December, $1.12.
CiiiOAtio, Aug. 2d. Cash, C0J; Sep
tember OH,
Portland, Aug. 20. Wheat valley.
06; Walla Walla 65.
Includes the great temperance drink
Lit gives New Life to the Old Folks,
ncasure 10 iaa i,
Health to the Children.
fiood Hr M-i 111 t TUm
Ik A s "Bt pukic audi" Fin
Manufacturer of Wagons, Car
riages, etc.
Kaputrlncr Bpoolalty.
Shop SiMW sit.
A HAItqaiNlBu acres with! w pro vMto
over naif uodrr cultivation, rest fMtiwa4
oms good Umber. Terns yry , ssmt. A
arena O, Ii. XJII,
tH-lm-aw WlHMa,Or
Jm f jB