-s H' fli. iiaH "' jVWl??s "Try, i.-jfW.--Tjir- )W'ipyiwc a& VEA'JCK& &iT.AJb rOtm3?AI rBHAYvlT7GirST 25, 18S.' PwaEggg R GREAT (MM SALE Kor 30 Days. ALL DRESS GOODS INCLUDED. Call and Get Prices. Our two fine presents will be given away September 1st THE PALACE 307 Commercial Street. - if - Yoa are going to boBd or xaaks any fried of Improvement, call oa the BndartfiTMtl tor material. We bare a complete noct, and are ready to lapplf- any prepared contract, sewer work, rnuilaz, tie. Salem Improvement Co. The Psmnz. -An immense crop of many varieties of the Italian, French, Silver, American prunes and plains is nov ready for harvest and curing. Much of the profit and success of fruit culture depends on bow the crop Is dried for market. If you are not posted study up on this subject. 8 A- Clarke, the veteran fruit grower and writer on horticulture of Salem, has txjblisbfcd & cheap aod complete book on the prune indattry and or chard work. It is printed by the Pos aon Seed Store and deserves a wide cir culation. We hope to be able to fur. nith all our render who want one a copy of this book and have written to Poseoa A Co., fpr Unto. It la just what you need to nave your prunes. Ode Bakd. Tbe Second Regiment Band that ha been choseu to furnish music for the state fair, now meet nightly in their rooms for practice and beginning next Tuesday evening will give some free open air concerts. The band is now well .equipped and will spare no pains to give satisfaction. They have Just purchased handsome sew uniforms at a cost of I-S81 which will be used for the first time during the fair. A Strange Find. In boring a well for Mr. Beggs near Turner, hot long ago 8. Annett of Rosedale struck a fir tree 31 feet under ground. It was two feet through, the heart was sound of about fie sizo of a corn cob and bad pitch in It. Twenty-four feet below this was leaves, brush and sticks. Mr. Annett baa Just bored a well 71 feet deep for Mr. Kimball of Peacock Hill. It now has 18 feet of water In It. Hors.W. E. Her of Buttevllle is in the city. He says the hop crop there Is light but of flue quality, he has been over most of the yards In Marion coun ty and says the crops will not surpass In amount that of last year. Heeetl niates'the state at 30,000 bales or 6,000, 000 pounds and It will bring ovor$l,000 000 in the New York market. The Pacific Coast will yield 100,000 bales, he puts Washington and California down at 85,000 bales each. tiUBi'KCTKU Crazy. Sheriff Knight this morning received a telegram from Jacob Sobarbach, of ML Angel, request ing the sheriffs immediate presence as there was a suspected crazy man In that vicinity. Judge Hubbard said he would not put the county to the expense of Investigating such complaints with out further evidence. Sheriff Knight went down on the afternoon train. Given Boaku. In his rounds beg itlng this morning John Daley called at the residence of Cnlef of Police Mlnto, for aid. Mr. Minto took him before Recorder Edes to receive the verdict of ftvodaysln all. Maruiuo. Judge Hubbard at 1 o'clock this afternoon pronounced the marriage ceremony of Michael Kloetscb to Miss Olive B. Brown, both of the Htayton vlclulty. To'Keei It Goinov-Despite the turmoil over gold and silver, J. A. Van Eaton, the grocer, la dolus all he can to keep It circulating. Good goods for good money. m u i Improved PuoNoaitAi'ir. IJlford Bareee lias a now Improved Edison eouoert phonograph on exhibition at Mmlth JkBteluer'a drugstore. Ladles and cklwrea will ilud It a great show. Thh Hop Paper. The last two irnmm f Um Journal have been In yt tlMnd, hundreds of copies sell tee to hop wou la addition to our re twlar e4reultlon, Wamtkd, Furnlebetl liouBokeeplug looitM r tbe alate bouaf, No chll- wm, AtmrfM jhih, unu, ouepuaru, i DRY GOODS AND SHOE COMPANY, FEES02TAL AITD LOCAL. Alfred Wright a diminutive little man presented a gopher scalp for a ten cents. Nobody can have dyspepsia orbil llouineself they take Slmmona Liver Kegulator. J. SUtes, the boss laondryman at the state insane asylum, has gone to Louis ville, Ky., on a visit. AntI Disappointment fruit jars at Clark & Eppley'a grocery. Of course, they are the famous Lightning In etanter self-sealing. Great peach bouse of Salem, Clark 5c Eppley. Nobody can be troubled with consti pation or piles if they take Simmons Liver Regulator. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McNary, Misses Kin, Mattle and Ella MsXaryand Charles McNary have returned from their outing at Elkhorn. Prof, and Mrs. E. B. McElroy and their three children left yesterday after noon to spend a few days at Newport. Mrs. C. Gabrielson leaves for her old home at Dea Moines, Iowa, tomorrow, to join a party of world's fair tourists. A. O. Damon, the heavy man of Da mon BrosT, grocers, starts in the morn ing to revisit bis old Iowa home. The White City at Chicago will also be tak en in. Mrs. Mel Hamilton was called to Al bany today by the severe illness of her fatner with paralysis. Mr. and Mrs. J.'H. Howell were at Newport for a tew days. In town today are McKinley Mltcbel ofGervalsand J. 31. Hobart of Gar field. Miss Starr returned home today on the local from near Monroe, where she has been visiting for a few days. MUs Cornelia Poole of Portland re turned this afternoon. M. E. Poirue, the stenographer, has gone to Tillamook to report several cases In the circuit court. Mrs. and Mrs. A. B. Crossman went through from Newport tblaafternoon Mlaa Ermine Busbneli went to Brooks this afternoon for a few days' visit. ecnooi riupenntencent Urauam is now receiving returns from those as piring teachers who failed to pase at the last examination. J. B. Heningor aud wife, of 8alem, left Portland last evening over the Northern Pacific for an extended visit to Chicago and Virginia, where -Mr. Hennlger's parents reside. Across the river from Salem, the peo ple have petitioned Supt. Hutchinson to give them a new school district. Miss Mabel Hutton is visiting Mrs. F, A. Stltes, of Dallas. W. A. Brandow, for many years con nected with Strong's restaurant, wjU leave for the East tomorrow .morning. He will be goue for six weeks aud will visit his mother, whom he has not seen r. r.,.. .,.. air. anu sirs. a. xr. xtoieranauaugu- m a& A W WV m ft a ' ter Marie arrived home this morning after a six weeks' visit to Iowa and tbe world's fair. Bav. F. II, Gwynne U home for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Payne of the Meth- odist conference at Albany camo down with President Whltaker today, . Merchant Ho'man Is home from Idahua. J. J. Murphy and uon returned today from Newport. They report Col. Wag uer entirely recovered. Mrs. Wm, Dumars aud daughter re turned from Newport today. Miss Starr of Bau Francisco, her sister, camo ' wuu lienor a visit Notice to Farmers, Please take notice that tbe Baiem Flouring Mills Co., are prepared to fur. nlsli sacks this season as has been their custom lu past years, Baiem Flouring Mills Co. Jf, I), Ho llano, juanagor, 8-1 d w, 4U ,u,ljr """- Salem. Or, Aug. 21, 1S93. Mrs. H. R. Willlamsou and Mrs. J. A short time ago I had tbe misfortune O. Bmlth will give a moonlight picnic to have the livery barn that was occu at A,y.um farm tonight. About fty 1 ft& 0 Invitations have hern Issued. nnd with th Rrit TnBiinr..v rm. ZSTJZBLY EXONERATED. Private Eoaeh. of Salesa Ifcd Hoi Short ZTelsoa. A the eorsBer'e isqeest at Portland Thursday over the recuiBs ef .Lieut. NeSson, the eildeaee istredoeed as the morning session entirely exonerated A. J. Batch, of Salem, who was believed to be the party firing the six. Mr. Roach.agoompanied by Captain Meyers, commanding Company H. taksosd at Salem arrived and were closely ques tioned. Captain Overman and Private Grif finym the strength of whose testimony Mr. Roach waa.sammoned be&re the jury, both testified that be wu not the man who fired the shot. Mr. Roach himself and Captain Myers testified Roach was in a distant part of the field at the time the fatal shot was fired. the TEsrrxoyr. Captain M. L. Meyers, commanding Company H, did not know of any member of bis company who answered to the description of the man Captain Overman thouebt fired the shot. He did not see Roach at the time Lieuten ant Nelson was shot, but Roach's posi tion was at the farthest point in the field from Nelson. Captain Overman, recalled, testified that Roach was not the man he thought fired the shot. There was no man in Company F who answered to that description. A. J. Roach testified that at the time Lieutenant Nelson was shot be was oe the extreme left. He did not eee the occurence portrayed in tne picture taken cf the scuffle between Nelson and Corporal McDonald and Private McLean. Private W. M. Griffin, recalled, testi fied that Roach was not the Second regiment man who was standing near Lieutenant Nelson when be dropped tbe tongue of the caisson, which be bad been holding up. Only Right To TelL The Rev. Mark Guy Pearee, eminent Knglisn Divine, writes: "Bedford Place,RcbsellSqcabe, 1 London, December 10, 1688. "I think it only right that I should tell vou of bow much use I find Ail- cock's Porous Plasters in my family and among those to wnom I nave rec ommended them. I find them a very breastplate against colds and coughs.' . Are You Nervous. Are you all tired out, do you have that tired feeling or sick neadacne? iou can be relieved of all these symptoms by taking Hood's Sareaparilla, which gives nerve, mental aud bodily strength and purl flea tbe blood. It also creates a good appetite, cures Indigestion, heartburn and dyspepsia. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy in action and sure in effect. 25 cts. a box. To Water Consumers. Tbe Baiem Water Compan&bas com menced to lay tbe new 24-incu suction pipe from tkecrib totbeir worka.and as there will be quite an amount of work around the crib in repairs and putting in fresh gravel tnere will probably be some dirty water. Consumers sbould draw their drinking water before 7 a.m. while tbe work Is being done. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. and any complaint for bad service sbould be made at tbe office when it will receive prompt attention, Baiem Water Co. J. W. Wallace, President. THE STATE INSUEANOE PAYS. CO. Tbe "State of Baiem" has not taken advantage of the sixty days time in which to pay losses adopted by tbe Fire Underwriters, as will be seen by follow, lug items: HALEU, Or., Aug. 23, 1S03. My livery barn and contents located at Marion, Marion oounty. Oregon, burned on tbe 18th day of July. 1893. They were Insured In tbe State Insur ance Company of Baiem. Oregon. I was in California at tbe time of tbe fire and for some time afterwards, beuce tbe delay In filing proofs; said proofs Having Just been Hied wltn the com pa ri v. I am tndav in rprotnt of IJiW In i . . . . :r: - w - casn irom saiu company, ueing inn run amount oi my ciaim, x cannot epeaK too highly In praise of this popular home company and Its course during these bard times. G. W. Eplek. bv v as rf W hj lAtvt f nrm am m ltm . 1 - --- . . !"" ofBalem. Oregou. The loss was adjusted to my entire satisfaction, aud they hare paid me the full amount of my loss and claim on what property I had that was insured. I can cheerfully recommend this reliable borne com naiiH WliAt, li.ua tMi.tafl wa .I.Ih MI4t UVJ MM,V .l.Ut UiQ aiJ anu iioerauy, anu paiu me in casu on ""l?1 of proofs. J- W. Lancr I 8-23 St dw DPRICE'S mi The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. tfo Ammenia: Mo Alssa. wcu m uuioas ot iiornes THE FEUIT PALACE. Wore Gc&tr. ca to Hike tt tea Pret tiest Fnat Exhibit Ever Sees is Oregon. A thousand circulars and sabscrip-tV-a blanks are being tent out today by Secretary to fruit growers, asking them to assist Ja the fruit palace display at Use sots fair Sept. 11 th. Gilbert, Patterson & Co. wffl have a fine display of fruit pat up in natural colors without cooking. Tbe Oregon Nursery Co. will make a fine display of fruits grown at their grounds. As soon ss more returns come in work on the souvenir pamphlet will be gin asd in that will appear the name of evert- Jierson nmlrlhnrinv. -?.--r; v.-..- .ti -., Every fruit grower and all who are , interested in tbe development of this state should be represented in gome way I in tbe fruit palace. Peter Nicewonder the dty today. ' of Gervais is In Some Famou "Bocklaf Stone. During the rears 1ES9-K) Professor Henry Beils of the Britiih Boral todatj was ia tbe United States mating a special search for "rocking stoces" or "balanced bowl !ers." Bat few of these geological woa dtr ate ksown to exist, their Karcitj as well as the coricos manner in which tbey tare been left poised npoa mountain tops and ether eminences cuieitbem objects of cacommon interest. Tbe professor's visit to this coantty was made mainly to prore that these curiously balanced ztoces.in xsaay intwnrm weighing hundreds of toaa, were carried ca Coating icebergs daring tbe epoch known at the "glacial period" and that tbe subsequent melting of these immense icefields left the ftones In the po sitions in which they are now found. There are two fine examples of "rockinx tones" in New Kn gland, one at- Koank, Conn., on the farm of Caleb Haley and the other at Lanesboro, Mara, The former is estimated to weigh 23 toes aod oscillates to the extent of about rix Inches, asd is to erenly balanred as to be easil j moved from side to side by the muscular exertions of one arm and hand. The one at Lanesboro is described a be ing the largest specimen of tbe erratic bowlder in existence in this or any other country. It Is 45 feet high and TO feet long and is estimated to weigh not less than lO.COO tons. Philadelphia Press. Well Protected. There's a nice, oldish young man ha De troit who is a favorite with the ladies, and so far he has not impaired or destroyed that characteristic by marrying one of them. One day a friend met him on his way to the train bound for a popular seaside resort. "Ah," said the friend, "oft for the sum mer?" "Yes; back In September." "Goingto the same place?" "Yes." "You better haua'L" "Why?" "They say up to date there im't a mar riageable man there, and you are running a great risk." "Jh, I'm all right,n;was the cheerful re sponse. "I'm not afraid." "Well, you ought to be under the circum stances." "But I'm safe." "How?" "I carry a rabbit's foot" Detroit Fre Press. Iledcw For Shady Plaeea. It is often desirable to have hedges along lines where large trees are already growing. Evergreens are wholly unfitted for these situations. Only deciduous shrubs can bs employed. Among the best of these are the various varieties of privet. They stand dry ground better than almost anything else. It is not so much the shade which injures the hedges in these situations as it is tbe drying of tbe ground by the roots of 1 the trees. When we imagine tbe enormous amount of moisture transpiring from thou sands of leaves of trees, we can readily see how dry the ground must be which has to supply this moisture. But those who have practical experience understand this with out even a thought of the philosophy in volved. Meehan's Monthly. Small Talk. Young Gent (at a party, to his neighbor) 'What a charming apparition, that lady yonder with the golden hairi "Yes, that hair cost a good 3,000 francs." "And thoe teeth a veritable casket ot pearls." "Patent enamel. Guaranteed to last three years." , "In short, she Is on angeL." "Not bad looking, you mean to sayf " "Come, sir, I won't allow you to speak so slightingly of a person whom you don't know." "I know her a great deal better than you do she's my wifel" Charivari. Popular Letter Iloxea. There is a tendency to drop mora letters in the letter boxes than formerly. I sup pose it is because the public has learned that mailing by dropping In the boxes is as reliable as the pcototfice. It is not uncom mon for a mall collector to bring in tS pounds of letters at 0 o'clock in the after noon. This i- --M-cially true around the markets. It S.tppens that a collector will get his U .by the Urn he has cov ered half of Lu route and will have to go the second time to cover the other half. Boston Globe. The gate of heaven is love, There b ne other. When generous act blooms from ansclflsh thought, the Lord is wild u. tiough we know it not Lucy Larcoin. 40 Years tit lEW TO-DAY. The gains. Fair," Court street, for bar- EeonoQixe in Paper. Clean newspapers, tied in bundles cf ICO, not cat, for sale at this office at flftees cents a bundle. A heavy straw wrapping paper, larse sheets, two cents a pound. Next door to the poatofflee. tf Of Interest to Sportsmen- Mr. W. B. Hot! Hottxtrt, A. G. P-A-CnionFa- ceSntem. .rertl&cd.Orew fcxs Jsut re: vwl a fsttotr of book! cU ed "Goa Oab Bsta asl Bertied Game Lavs." Thi paMkatkra coa tatca a divert or Use lav reUtlcc to ciae la ifce V extern xaces aod terrttorf . Mr. Hcl- bart wlfl be clad to nun yoa oe of tee books npoa receipt ot two naxap to tnrtr poctace. W. H. HOL.BCBT, G. A. P. A. Drainage Meeting. Chekawa, Auz. 22. There will be a called meeting of the stock holders of j jjMthb jbnUnage Datrict held at cbemawa on Saturday, Aug. 6that tbe Post Office, 2 p. m., for the purpose of deciding on a method of deepening land improving the old ditch and pro Jfnung tee muognp wiin seaiment. in LUC lUklUCOUU WJ BliUH LKtCf lUOlUBC F. J. Beatty, By order of trustees ofL&keLabbb Drainage District. NOTICE. To the taxpayers of Marion County, Oresen: You are hereby notified that the County Board of Equalization for said county will convene at the county court room, in tbe Marion county, Ore gon, court bouse, on the 2Stb day of August, 1693, for the purpose of public ly examining tne assessment roll ana correcting all errors in valuation, de scription or qualities of lands, lots or other property. Given this 1st day of August, 1S93, by D. D. Coffey, dw-td Marion County Assessor. Notice to Taxpayers. To Tax Payers of Marion Ceunty: Persons owning taxable property in Marion county who have failed to list tbe same for taxation for 1S93, will pro fit by calling at tbe assessor's office and listing tne same on or oeiore tue Jbia inst. otherwise -such property will be taken from the assessment roll of the previous year and bysodoine, parties are liable to be taxed with property not belonging to tnem. ana snouia tnat be tbe case, unless such errors are corrected tnrougn tne board orequaiization, so en assessment will stand against tnem. and they will be forced to pay tbe taxes on tne same. -Kcapectruiiy, D. D. Coffy, d&w td County Assessor. Before Going to the World's Pair Enquire About The Limited Express trains of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway between bt. aui ana Chicago and Omaba and Chicago. These trains are vestibuled, electric lighted and steam heated, with tbe fin est Dining and Bleeping Car Service in tne world, Tbe Electric reading light in each berth is tbe successful novelty of this progressive age, and is highly appreciat es by all regular patrons or tnls line. We wish others to know its merits, as tbe Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way is tbe only line in tbe west enjoy ing the exclusive use of this patent. For further information apply to nearest coupon ticket agent, or address C. J. Eddy, General Agent, J. W. Casey, Trav. Pass. Agt. 225 Stark St., Portland, Or. tf $100 Eeward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreadful disease that science has been able to cure in ail its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tbe only positive cure now known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh beine a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Halt's Catarrh Cure is takeu internally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of tho disease, and giving tne patient strengtn by building up tbe constitution, and assisting nature in doing its work. Tbe proprietors have so much faith in Its curative powers. that they offer One Hundred Dollars lor any case that it failslo cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney &, Co., To ledo, O. SSo!d by druggists, 75c, CflflS. WOLZ, Proprietor of the GERMAN k MARKET South Commercial BL, Baiem. All kinds Fresh, salt and Smoked Meats andSanaacea. FREE DELIVERY. r- vA)UUUOUOUU, O UuUUUUUUUUvl OlKAsOl Hair Death. instantly remove and forever destroy ob-1 JecUonable hair, whe her upon tbe nanda.1 fimyt arm or neca. wiinoui aucoioratlon I r injury to tne moct dentate skin. Ill iraaibr flilr Year th uuvt fnrmnU nil u ,- "- i- -"--- -"-- EJlimui W11UQ. tftnnvlMIMH hr nhn -mm m iuo uucuewi auiuoniy ana in most eminent dermatologist and nalripe lalUt that ever lived. During hi private pracUo ol a life-time among; the nobility mu nioacj oi turope no preaeriDea ttilareclDe. Prltx si hr mlf umnlr packed. CrrapoadenM confidential, tiole ncumor Arocno. Aaarea THE SK00KUH BOOT HAIR GROWER rn. - DepU R, 67 Sooth Fifth AvcaueJfeW Yerk: iWVVVWVVVWVVWIVVWWftfVVVtAyiflo MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Real 'Estate. In amount and time to salt. No delay in considering loans. FEAR & FORD. Boom 11 Buh Bank block. 6I2dw P. J. LARSEN & CO,, Manufacturer of Wagons, Car riages, etc. Repairing; c Spootalty. Shop ISBtaU street. FARM FOR SALE. A BAltOVIN-16oacrewithlmprr.TeroenU over half BBderealtlvaUon, rest pastor and some good Umber. Terms Tonr easy. Ad- -!m-4w sYkMillsrt.Or, ON THE DEAD TO THE WOOLEN MILL STORE to get one of those Home Made ALL WOOL SUITS that are now beinj slaughtered AT THE- SAXJEIVI, DON'T BE UNEASY. UOITT BE tJKKASY theaa dull time1 ;&eeue aouey Is tlgntasd you cant cat wo yucr expenses u yoa Day yoar Writing Material from n. We will tell yoa a quire of writ-' -nr mcer for 10 eta. dnrlnr tberemalnder: ui uie moau. 11 yon are looncr ior oar resins la oar line, watch this space: BL-..IT- Z .. . " - . . - . Patton Bros., Boolcaellers and Statlonora,1 98 STATE STREET. E. TL WAITE PEEtTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS -ABI . JLegal JBlan k PublisJiers. Basb's New Brlekrver the bank. Ooml street. u i m IjEAVES SAI2K from U. P. Dock at 6 o'clock a. m. erery Wed nesday and Saturday. LEAVES POBTLAKD trou the Central dock, at foot ol Waahlarton street every Bonday and Thnnday. LEAVES SALEK for Albany every Monday asd Tnasday. re taining same days. Concerning freight and passenger business, call on the agent. All HERHEJlT A GOOD CHANCE ! All goods at W. 31. Sergeant's will be sold at tbe reeular Drice for th nxr 30 days at 10 percent, discount for cash. THE PACIFIC DETECTIVE AND COLLECTING BUREAU SAtKM, - - - Orogon. Private work a specialty. a B. CLEMENT, Manager. MAKE NO MORE MISTAKE8 CHABLES A. SMITH BUNS The Rnstler M Saw And he doesn't hnrn nn half vnn w a Sl:wnenL.l,w, ". Mke yoar contracts with blm personally orleave orders at Veatcbs street, or address me by maU. fi-it-ul Steamer Hardware, Wagons, .Carts, Road Machinery AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices. N. W. Cor. SUtc and Liberty -Sto. SALEM. OREGON 20 Degrees' Belou? Zero ! Is nothing compared to our LOWPRICESon Blankets andQuilts ONE WEEK ONLY-SEE THEM ! Our Fall Dress Goods are on hand and were never so pretty or so cheap 25, 35, 40, 50 cts. All styles and Prices. WILLIS BROTHERS A CO. OPERA HOUSE CORNER, - BAIXM, OREGON R. k G. Corsets, CarpeU and Matting. Bmmmer Jacket at Cotf. RUN OREGON, STOLE From any farm, foar bead of honeau fcUowc Blade mare, weJnt 1X0 pound,' bancs tMj .- . .. ... . ....w r-wm .11,1 MJmjfTq hipped and ringbone oa left fore foot, haa been rwlu&led in left iboolder. ace V yean. eepy took, one bind tt hf. .Mpfk, atw, fitn . .....I.f .t.. .. " larre neck. One llcbt brown mare. Is hiodi blfh, wlht about IUO. small itar under fore loct,r J year, hatful de, hOLxy maae and row ten in rronu wcifbt SDO or Xbooscx.ta fair order. Hones were takes TcexUr or Wednesday night, Accnst 1st or 2ad. Iwlil pay 5 apiece tor the return of the Cut Id. scribed bono or a liberal axnocnt for aay Is. lormaUoa leading to their whereabout A6- QrS'. AIJEBSCAS, 8 111m dw Switxeriand, Martin Co, Or. BURTOX BEOTUEKS Mannfartare Stasdard Pressed Brick. .Molded Brick in all Patterns for free!, and supply the brick lor the Hew Sales Cny Hall, and nearly all the fine buUdlngt ertctel In the Capital City. X ards near f enitentiary. Salem, Or. (Mi AGLKTS WANTED ea Sihrj ssj Cnasa, for TIIE ONLY ArTHOEIZEfl BIOGRAPHY OF JAMS G. BLME, By GAIL. HAMILTON, bU literary exeestor, with the co operation ol hi family, and far Hr Blaine's Complete Works, "TWE.MV YEABs O-CONGRESS." and bis later book, -fOLI-TlCAXi DltSCUSalOMS." One prospectus tor these 3 BEST BELLING books In tbe muket. A. P. Jordan ol Me, took 113 order frcmCnt HO call; agent's profit I19&5C Mr. KiUirl of O. took 15 orders, 13 Seal Bussla, In one Ur, profit CSS. E.' Blce,orMasa.tookZorden in 3 day; prodt $17.25. J. Kalridreorue.locl a orders from SS call; profit iI3 S. E. A Palmer of N. Dak. Ieoko3 order In J csje pfoatt)H25. kXCLUatVE TaKRlTOKYfl en. If you wlsbto make LAitGe; JJ0.SI.T, wnte Immediately for teims to THE HENRY BILL PUB. CO., Norwich, Cop. oltW THE WILLAMETTE, SAItBM, OREGON. Bates, $20 to $5.00 per Bay The best hotel between Portland aad Ba Francisco. First-class In all It appointment. m uuue are aervea wiin tne Choicest Fruits Grewn in the "WlllameUs Valley. A. I. WAGNER. Prop. HEW ADVEKTIHEMENTS. XTT ANTED. TO BENT A farm near Paleo, TT of to to SOOacrea, with lmproTemeaU, by experienced and responsible parti dress X. J. Harrington, Esuem, Or. Ad- Sti" TTOR SALE OB TRADE.-S0 acrt Ol liod P sltated In Polk county, six mile fren Baitton, lor sale or trade lor Salem property. Enquire of G. W. J ohnson, or Fred Buns. TJK)R BENT On DemoeraUc Boom Termt,t X? new bouse with 8 rooms, bard rlnlsn; o Elvlslon street between Front and Coiamer daL Inquire on lot. rnHIS PAPER U kept on file at E. a P"; I Advertising Agency, 61 and 65 Utrcbssu Krrhsnge.eanFranclsfO, California, her contract for adverUtlng can be made tor n. CHBI8T1AK 8CIEN0E Literature of sfl kinds on sale at 238 Liberty street. H-V i TTENTIOW--Oah money paid tor rsrjr J. botuts.old Iron and all kind of mtUJ, jm bides, at old Court Houe,t3alem. l-J8-ly L TOLPOLAB. ADYENTLST. . BeruUrBeventbDayAdventrt rvl old Unitarian Hall oppodte opera bcus, lem, Baturusy. fjaboatb ehool at to?-,? louowed by Bible leading ana omer - Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:33 o. m. t-C World's Fair, Chicaco. ..-. Caluraet Anas ua JT UTFI m m Fireproof ; l roomil f"? lacionisFtsa-'