Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 25, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    - -J
- -- ..
5cts. a meatk by Hail
Prepaid la Advance.
No Papers Seat Wba
Tlao U Out,
Associated Press Daily News-
paper Published on the
Pacific Coasts
$3.00 a Year.
VOL. 6.
NO. 201.
. sgS5l e 1
The New York Racket
Still occupies their old position in the State Insurance Block,
333 Commercial Street, and still offer
Ii all lines of goods which they carry. Their fine ladies and
misses Dongolia shoes, are away below what they can be
bought for generally, and every shoe of the better class war
ranted. The same can be said of the better class of men's,
boy's and children's shoes. In all lines of goods such as boy's
and men's fur and wool hats, wool, black sateen, and gents
light dress shirts, white laundried and unlaundried shirts;
Ladies, gents, and boys underwear; pants, overalls, jackets,
gloves, bed-spreads, lace curtains, embroideries, laces, table
linen, crash, towels, pocket knives, buggy whips, and a large
line of all kinds of notions, all sold at
We buy all our goods for cash, at the lowest possible
prices for good material, and can afford to sell at low prices for
- General Insurance Agency.
Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
STATE INSUHA.NCK CO., .(Etna Insurance Co.,
Traders Insnroneet3o.. . Bun Insurance Co..
NutlonannsuraDceCo., Westchester Kiro Ins. Co.,
Ijlon Fire Insurance Co., , Imperial Fire Insurance CO.,
Jjondou fc Lancashire Fire Ins. Soc, London Assurance Corporation,
AUlance Assurance Uo., . Norwich Union Fire Ins Joe.
Oldest and Leading Firm In the City Devotod Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. , Long Experience in the trade
enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
give estimates. State Insurance block, Chemektta street.
Ed. C.
ei6iasMt Mfc mCTI
8s 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
Lamoureux's Stables,
West Printing
do better work than ever.
203 Commercial Bt
Insurance - Agent,
245 Commercial Street.
. n m.iu
American Fire rnano8 Co.. PUlto.
Home Insurance Co., New York.
Norwlch-Unlon Ins Co. .
Palatine Insurance Co,. Manchester.
0- 0. MOB. DO- DgdUd
jrrowcuon oi mu ""-
All Lease AdJtdui Patd M Salem ency on Pollcle. Written
ia Marion Polk. Yamhill and Linn Counties.
Ah. Writ. Life -J-2B5 TnTn Best Companlee in the World.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Frcsb, Salt and
Smoked Heats of allKinds
96 Court Mid
110 State Streets.
innf. received some
. lnrpst faces of iob
vno, nnrl is nretmred to
Country orders receive prompt at-
Balem, Oregon.
I Western Assurance, roronio, uioiu.
Wa3e, Manchester, Eng.
HamburK-Msdeburg. Germany.
g'Se Mutual, Ban Francisco, Cal.
xiumo -
W. ? -. 0'" to
Wants Silver Recoined
20 to 1.
Two Banks Failed to Open in
Now York liable to Call intho
Grasshopper loans.
Vest's Theory.
Washington, Aug. 25. Senator
Vest sent to the clerk's desk and had
read a communication from the director
of the mint, giylng statistics of the
quantity of silver bullion purchased
since 1873, the date of the Bland-Alli
son act, 'its cost, amount coined, etc.
Vest summed up all these figures to
show that If all Bllver dollars and
subsidiary sliver were recoined at ratio
proposed in bis bill (20 to 1) there still
will be a profit to the treasury on the
whole of silver transactions since 1873
of oyer fifteen and a quarter mlllior.
He intimated pretty broadly that Car
lisle in his letter to Senator Voorhees
on the same subject had not treated
the subject fairly. Hill, of New York,
then delivered his speech.
Two Banks Closed.
Paxton, 111., Aug. 25. The Ford
County bank failed this morning.
First National also closed to doors.
The Kansas Banks.
Topeka, Aug. 25. State Bank Com
missiouer Blidentbal has issued a cir
cular to the state banks declaring that
In view of tbe-fuot that the New York
city banks refuse to pay drafts except
in the clearing bouse certificates which
are not lawfni money, they appear to
be Insolvent. He rules, that Kansas
banks must not hereafter count as a
part of the legal reserve more than 2
per cent. In money due from New
York. He allows this much only to
enable the banes to supply the local
demand for New York exchange. Lo
cal bankers fear serloua consequences,
as a largo numbar of Kansas banks
borrowers are In New York, and If
they transfer their accounts to another
city New York banks will call loans.
Light Burglary.
HiiEDDP..Or.. Aug. 25.-6pecIal.
The poetofflee at this plaoe was burglar
ized last night. Supposed to bo tho
work of tramps. Five or six boxes of
cigars, some candy and nuts and C5
cents loose change and a tinmen win
dow is the damage.
The Bank BUI.
Washington, D. C, Aug. i5. There
Is much hostility in tho senate to the
bill to increase the circulation of the
National banks to par value of bonds
deposited. It Is not thought It will
ever reach a vote,
In Washington.
Wasiiinoton. Aug. 25. William
Buchanan, of Portland, has applied at
the treasury department for tue omce
of Inspector of hulls.
The second day of the five minute
debate In the house on the silver bill
began this morning. It will probably
last till midnight.
For over two years my little gtrlV i life
wis made miserable by a caie orCaUnh.
The discharge from die nose was Urge,
constant and very offensive. Her eyes
became Inflamed, the lids swollen and
veryparofuL After trying WJiousreme.
diti, 1 gave her MM Tbe firl
tic seemed toHHiaSEravatethe
disease, but the syawtoms soon abated,
and in a short time sfeewae cured.
Da: L. B. Kitchey, Mackcy, Ind.
Oar book on BtoodTadBkla DIscsm nU
tmf tnrwrraoOo,AUau,Ofc
Senator Hill Speaks.
Washington, Aug. 25. The existing
fluanolal disturbance Hill found was
attrlbuteablo to three distinct causes.
First, it was the natural Inevitable result
of many ycara of real or ficticious pros
perity. Second, some portion of present
panlo could be traced to a concerted ef
fort on part of monomentalllsts to pro
duce it In order to discredit silver.
Third, the silver purchase law, Hill did
not bellovo tbe simple repeal of the
Sherman law wowd at once restore
abundant prosperity, but that many
years will be required to recover from
the present disturbance. He was a bi
metalllst and stood for free colnago at
n proper ratio.
his remedy.
The permanent remedy for our finan
cial difficulty was t? return to the bi
metallism that existed prior to 1873. Ho
favored an Increase of National bank
circulation as proposed in the pending
bill. Continuing, he said the question
of ratio if changed at all should not
be enlarged but diminished to 15 to 1.
He should refuse to follow In the foot
dteps of any administration that sought
to place v.he Democratic party In a false
position and lead It into the camp of
tbe enemy. The Sherman law should
be repealed as a measure of temporary
relief. NexJ. December a permanent
system Bhould be considered. He
would cheerfully vote for repeal, "un
awed by power and uncorrupted by
federal patronage."
A Girl With a Curling Iron Benders
Thousands Homeless.
Ciiicacio, Aug. 25. A fire, which In
extent of territory covered Is the larg
est known In this city for many years,
began In that portion- known ao Bouth
Chicago about 6 o'clock Thursday and
before It wbb brought under control It
had dlstroyed over 200 buildings, mpst-
ly framo residence structures occupied
by worklncraen, and rendered many
hundreds of people honio'css. The fire
started in a three-story brick building
at the corner of 01st street and Supoiior
avenue, occupied us a residence by Wm,
Gilles. It was caused by bis dauguter,
who accidentally upset a lamp while
beating a balrcurllng Iron. From there
it grew rapidly in volume, fanned by a
Kale from the West, and the flames ate
their wav over block after block of
mall residences until It reached tbe
lake. Within two hours after the fire
started It had consumed at least live
blocks of the great Industrial section of
tbe city. The residents of that portion
of the city were In a panlo second only
to tbe one which characterized the
great fire.
The burned territory is Just north of
the business center of South Chicago
and was given up almost exclusively to
residences. The flro spread. The fears
of the firemen wero well founded and
before the dozens of engines had made
much headway the immense docks of
the Sunday Creek Coal company were
burning. Over 100,000 tons of coal was
stored In these Immense bins and the
fire boat brought to bear all of It pow
erful Btreams In the endeavor to head
oft tbe flames. A few minutes later,
however, tbe A. B. Beck lumber yards
were seen to be burning and now the
real great buttle of tho firemen with
the flumes began, for tbe firemen had
only this time MicceedeJ In concentrat
ing a sufficient number of engines to
begin to make an Impression on the ter
rific fire.
From I his time on tho forces of the
firemen gradually Increased and the
flames were gradually brought under
control. By 12 o'clock the work of tbe
nearly forty engines tnldes the fire-
boats bad told,
Conservative estimate put the sg.
gregate loss iu the residence district at
f 100,000. The Sunday Creek Coal Co.'a
loss will be 1250,000 and that of tbe
Peck Lurnlier Co. 1200,000. The nu
ber of people hometew. U variously esti
mated at from 4000 to fiOOO but It Is
thought these figures are a little exag
gerated, The Losses.
Cuioaoo, Aug. 25. Polios estimate
tbe loss by the fire , at Bouth Chicago
last nlgbt at 100,000, half of which fall
on the owners of 131 reeldencea and two
churches destroyed. The other half ou
the Sunday Creek Coal Co. Other estimate-put
(he total at hJ wllljon.
Nobody need sutler rojsTJisjifWQf and
melancholy If they take tfifjous
Liver Regulator.
May Yoha
Some Otker Important Items of
Foreign Nows.
London, Aug. 25, Tho Pelican, just
out, announces tho marriage of May
Yohe, tho American actress, to Lord
Hope. The marriage Was kept secret
until a fow days ago, when it was an
nounced to some Intimate friends.
May Yohe, who claims Philadelphia
aa hor birthplace, has been on tho stage
about 10 years. Hor mother was a
dressmaker, and frequently traveled
with hor daughter on her theatrical
tours. Miss Yohe is still quite young,
certainly not over 20.
On returning to San Francisco from
Melbourne another ardent admirer Tom
Williams, a Ban Franolsco horseman,
followed in her train. Again It was re
ported that she was marrlod. Miss
Yohe went to London some time ago
and appeared in comlo opera, making a
decided bit. Lord Hope who bears the
title of lord by courtesy, Is a brothor of
John Adrian Louis Hope, the present
earl of Hopetown. The old earl died In
April, 1873. Lord Hope is 30 years
old. The family Is an old and honor
able one.
Panama Dyaamiters.
Panama, Aug. 25, Two more per
sons who are believed to have been con
nected with tbe dynamite and revolu
tionary conspiracy have been arrested,
Pedro Bodrlgues, who was empowered
by tbe Casanaa and Rosas to take
charge of the movements of tho revolu
tionist in tbe Acblra and Santander,
has been captured in Bucammavange.
General Villa, who was arrested and
then liberated in Barranqullla, returned
to Panama and has again been put un
der arrest.
Liberal Chiefs Exiled.
Panama, Aug. 25. Santiago, Perez
and other liberal chiefs arrived here
Tuesday In transit to exile, and It Is
feared they will Instigate a revolution.
Tho government baa rearrested Villa,
who was released a week ago. The
government Is grea tly scared and Is
keeping troops constantly under arms
throughout the republic. Llbo rals are
being arrested every day. Tho tension
is great.
la Nicaragua.
Managua, Aug. 25. An election for
president Is to beheld in Nicaragua on
Sunday. There are four candidates.
Sacasa, who is in tbe United States,
will be excluded. His friends bore are
determined to nullfy tho election by
Sate of Discount.
London, Aug. 25. Tho directors of
the Bank of England Thursday decided
to lalse the bank's rate of discount to 6
per cent. This is an advance of 1 per
cent. Bullion In the bank of England
has decreased 438,000 during tho past
Two Xew Oases.
RoTTBiinAM, Aug. 26. Two new
caws of cholera have been reported In
this city.
Canadian Will Not Agree.
WlNNBFJEd, Aug. 25. Tho Canadian
Paclflo has annouaced its decision not
to accept the Invitation of tbe general
managers of tbe Great Northern and
Northern Paclflo railways to all trans
continental roads to send representa
iIvm Lo a meeting at Chicago on the
28th IneU for tbe purpose of dlscueelna
iiiiniri.illtv of rasiorintr freight asd
passenger rate to the same basis a ob-
lameu in J'euruary '"
Xot JBvea Water.
Lawkkncb, Kan, Aug. 25. A local
private Water and Light Co., saving
failed to secure settlement of a dispute
with the city, shut oil the supply to
day. The city U wholly without
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
Big Land Decisions.
St, Paul, Aug. 25. Tho U. S. Cir
cuit court deolded in favor of tho o m-
plalnant in the long contested case of
the St Paul and Northern Pacific rail
road Co., vs. St Paul, Minneapolis and
Manitoba Railroad Co., (now Great
Northern) the suit was commenced sov
oral years ago and Involves two million
acres of land in Northwestern Minno
sota. Pollco Ordered Out
New York, Aug. 25. Pollco Super
intendent Byrnes this morning gave
an order to put a stop to rioting among
the striking longshoremen. A turbul
ent crowd were gathered at the Mallory
line docks. A heavy force of police
scattered them.
Proofs That the Sun la Uluo.
Some years ago Profewor Langley gave
expression to the idea that tho nun is not
white, but blue, its apparent whiteness, be
ing due principally to the absorptive action
of its own atmosphcro, but In quite an ap
preciable degree to that of our air.
After several years of further research,
tbo professor was able to show that the
sun, although we regard It as white, ii
blue, or at least bluish. lie reasoned In
this way:
It appears to us when Betting that is,
when wo look at It through a long ranga o(
our atmosphere to be red, or orange, or
yellow, according to tho stato of tho air.
When tho sun Is high above tho horizon,
the action of tbe air is similar, but less In
tense, thus making the sun's disk yellower
than it actually Is.
Moreover, the extreme edge of tho disk Is
less bright than the center, although It Is a
fact that just a much llgUtla emitted from
tho former portion as from tho latter. This
can only bo dite to the absorptlvo action of
tho solar atmosphcro upon tho light.
A further proof is given in photographs
of the sun. It will be observed in these
that tho darkening toward tho edgo is dis
tinctly noticeable.
This shows that the rays which produce
tho photograputo Image (principally blue,
indigo and violet) are affected to a far
greater degree by the suu'h atmosphere
than those which form tho ordinary visual
Image of the sun.
Thus, after a scries ot detailed experi
ments, Professor Langley demonstrated tbe
accuracy ot his theory that tho sun is really
blue, its apparent color being tho result of
the absorption exerted by its vapory atmos
phere upon tho ray of light as tuey pascd
through. Boston Globe
Kitting una Drinking.
It may seem hard that tho man who in
youth has known the pinch of poverty,
who remembers bow tho cut of mutton
with a supply of potatoes and greens scarce
ly sufficed for a vigorous appetite, should
find that In the prosperity of later life an
eight course dinner of delicacies fails to
tempt him and that, nevertheless, his phy
sician warns him thit the attack of gout
from which he Is suffering means that he Is
eating too much and that his diet must be
lowered. Is llfo then never to give satis
faction? Must youth know hunger and old
age satiety t Must tbe poor muscle worker
never bsvo enough food to give energy to
his frame and must the rich Idler bavq so
much to eat that disease is the consequence f
To find tbe happy man, to live according to
sweet reasonableness and knowledge is tbe
aim of the teaching ot science, and If to
these are added the principles of Christian
communism the wealth of later 11e will
not lead to self Indulgence, but to the miti
gation of the sufferings ot those who want
the means ot life.
One of many splendid examples is that
of a gentleman now In possession of a largo
Income who in bis youth lived ou a salary
of 10 shillings a week. He early mado up
his mind tbst to eat little and drluk less
would be hi rule in life. To this resolu
tion he has adhered, though fortuno has
come to him, Nearly au octogenarian, he
is still a man of antirlng vigor of body and
mind. Simple In life be dUpenses his great
fortune as a custodian for his Master, while
living amid th refinement and cultured
surroundings of an English gentleman.
London Hospital
Myths About tli Rattler.
John O. Moore of Otay, Cal., who has
observed tbe rattlesnake In many regions,
destroys anuuiber of traditions about them
For example. It has always been held that
he is a magnanimous enemy and will give
a sort of warning by rattling three times
hefors he strikes. Mr. Moore sayss "I have
Mn a rattlesnake in July lis in the shade
and rattle steadily for an hour. He was
Itbor amusing himself or perhaps taking
a music Usoon, for he did not see me, ami I
am sure ho hod no Intention of biting him
self. Wbn I was In Texas, I have kuown
a rattlesnake to strike a horse without the
Uast note of warning. Another picturesque
trrorrsgsrdlngblm," coutluutsMr. Moora,
"is the supposition that wbeu spoiling for
a fight ho colls himself up like a doughnut
or a balllsrd on board a man-of-war. The
snakssimply gathers himself iuauumber of
IrrvguUr folds like a males of superimposed
B's. He con at best strike but thrite-fourths
of his own length, and rarely accomplishes
that in actual warfare."-New York Trib
une. . .
-Latest U. S. Govt Report
as Nature Ordain.
In the wilderness about the great lakes
the Indians aro tamo and eood naturcd,
and they aro glad to get a job as huntors
and guides for parties who. aro going into
the woods. So much of their wild na
ture remains with them that they prefer
lifo in tho open air at small pay to Bteady
and remunerative employment in towns.
Occasionally one of them will be found
who has had a liberal education, this be
ing especially truo among the Ojibways, a
good number of whom have been schooled
at Sault Sto, Marie, Mich. Among tho
western Indians accustomed to tho free
dom of tho plains education is only tran
sient in Its laflucnco, and a story Is told of
a chiefs son who, after being graduated
with honors at Hampton, was found in
Montana ltving in a wigwam and going
about In buckskin, feathers aud beads
wholly Indifferent to whatever charm a
civilized life may have had for him. New
York Sun.
A foueer Character.
Mr. Alfred Brard, a member of tho Paris'
municipal council, In confutation ot cer
tain rumors respecting his candidature for
a seat in the French academy, has written
to the secretary of that august assembly
stating that he has no time for "such trivi
alities," his time being fully occupied with
the duties of his clvio ofllco, to which he
was elected as representative of tho work
Ingmon voters ot tho Pont de Flander tils
trict. Tho said Mr. Brard has no settled
place ot njjodo. In summer ho generally
sleeps under the arches at La Villctte, and
In winter in the lime kilns at Aubervllliers.
For his headquarters ho rents a table for
the annual sum of 80 francs at a local pub
lican's, whero his election committee meets
to transact business and drink each other's
health. Sleclo.
Stuttering Among Germau Children.
Thero aro over 80,000 stuttering children
In the schools ot Germany, The Increase
bos been so great during the past four years
that tho detect is considered contagious,
Tho famous Dr. Gutzman Is authority for
the statement that the increaso is due to
mimicry that the young mimics who imi
tate stutterers soon become Involuntary
stutterers. The schools of tho city of Brcs-
lau have a total of 3,400 stuttering children.
London Tit-Ults.
Would Not Uo Noticed.
Applicant Yes, madam, 1 wish to se
cure board, but I must Inform you that I
am a vegetarian, madam. (
. Mrs. Sllradlet Ob, that will bo all right.
You will not be expected to eat the meat. '
Vone of tbe others ever do. New York I
rho Height of ObllrIounee.
Tho mavor. In his canaoltv of registrar
of marriages, put the usual qucstlou to the
"Julcs-Ksnrlt iianiar. uo you consent to
take Mademoiselle VIctorluo-Engenle La-
mour, hero present, to he your wedded I
wifef" '
A long Bllince. Then suddenly, as If
uwuklng from a dream, the young man
"Beir oardou. your worship, wero yon
speaking to mef" Petit Parisleu.
Were It not for a decided difference in the
color of tho water you would never know
when tho Atlantic is left and the itlo de la
Plata entered. The high rolling, white
capped billows are the some, and no land is
Tbe judge advocate general ot tho army
at Washington is tbe official custodian of
tbe pistol used by Booth in tho assassina
tion ot Lincoln and the bullet that went
from that pistol Into the body of tho presi
dent. An Intellect which makes a man a great
scholar or pott con surely comprehend the
onllnaryTuies or goou oreeaiug. jjiarefe-wu
of them Is usually the boorish affectation of
n coarse, surljy nature.
Han Fhanoibco, Aug 25, Wheat,
December,' $1.12 J. '
Ohjoaqo, Aug. as, uasn, uui;Bep-
PoRTiiAND, Aug. 25. Wheat valtey.j
07J LOO. Walla Walla B7J W wo.
tl.2l. :
S-Zi -nv
Includes tho great temperance drink
iHireS Beer
Lit gives New Life to tke OW yolks, i
Pleasure to the Parent,
Health to tho tenures.
kA J teat pwUf nVj yW
L U.U -