Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 22, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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Capital' Journal Publfehing Company,
rottotBoe Block. Commercial Street.
lully, by wirier, per month,-
Dally, or mU, per year.
Weekly, Ice, per year .
A Test GaSe7SIefcM"B2- aade
Simple Manner ftglrfiefePaWe
Fsncls Could Be Made
One newspaper against a half-millioo
of money in the hands of corrupt coun
ty officials and rotten banks is note
Yery hopeful contest. But whether
others Bee it that way or not, it is the
case of all the taxpayers against that
combinations of defaulters and Jaw
What is the law as to public taxes:
The sheriff of each county shall turn
over to the county treasurer each week
all the taxes collected by him. The
county treasurer shall pay to the staU
treasurer out of the first monies re
ceived by him the taxes due the state.
Has that been done? No, Half a
dozen counties have paid their state
tax. A score or more are defaulters to
the state in total turn of half a million.
Multnomah alone owes $202,000 stati
tax for 1802, and a large sum for 1891,
on a judgment in the supreme court.
The state treasurer has no power to
enforce payment except by suit and no
penalty attaches for withholding the
public funds.
What can be done? A suit should
be begun at once In the circuit court of
come county on the bond of some coun
ty sherlfTor county treasurer to test the
question whether a plain statute has
any binding force In this state. If It
has not, let a law be enacted that will
stop the lodgment of the public taxes
In the hands of private manipulators.
This stato will never secure reform in
its finances until tax collectors can be
forced to account for the people's con
A general law should be passed re
quiring public officials who have charge
of publio money to deposit It in no bank
except on a legal limit of ten per cent
of its capital. If a bank has (200,000
capital it could hold (20,000 of public
money on deposit at once and no more.
and that should only be hold on proper
bonds being given by parties other than
the bank officials.
That would stop tho sheriff and treas
urer at Portland conducting rival bunks
with publio taxes, and putting bun
dreds of thousands of the pooplo's
money Into a bank regardless of Its
standing or credit. A law like that
would force tho distribution of publio
funds among tho different banks so
that the stato could never bo lu the hu
mlllatlng attitude of having all Its
money tied up In the suspended banks,
while the sound banks do not hold any
of the unremitted taxes.
Subscribers to the Weekly Journal
are requested to remit all back dues aa
we desire to put the Hat orr the cash In
advance plan as soon as possible. Do
not send btamps.
Tjik Onk Cent Mail Daily Is a
groat success. None are sent after time
Is out for which It Is ordered. Bhow It
to your friends and renew.
paper In the state that deals with u)l Im
portant publio questions solely from
the standpoint of the people's luterest.
Like a Good Conundrum
Is life, because everybody muatglvejt
u-p I Life Is worth living I To pro
tatur It. Is worth your untiring effort I
Dod't give It up without calling to yojr
rescue that graud family medlclua, Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
Many a worn out, exhausted body has
It wade over good as new! It
strengthens, builds up, Invigorates, as
seating nature, aud not violating it.
Curssllver disease. Indigestion, aud all
Wood Ul his aud humors. Bure and
lasting beueflt guaranteed, or money
refunded. All druggists.
BewMteaMe la FK
ClaH newspapers, tied lu bundles of
lv9t mi out, for sale at (hie oftloe atUud notes from Canada will make the
nneea routs a uunuie. a ueavy straw
SDUihrtK addition to the monetary wpt
I W'tSor totbt WoSoi! P ever experienced lu a single month;
l, wextooorto u, 9mhk BUQlet, , h ,
Eddie V. Iximb
"IyUtoeboy'WbidraJriUns spellval. -mosiitti,-
fouoed pf TonJltlng Vpw
him.three bottle of Hood's BanraparflUand
beta how as rugged "a o8e.-rald- wish to'
Hood's CWre&
tee. His appetite U good, hli cheeks are
Mike 'win roses M he gains dally." Mns.
David 'liDjBona YUfag, Palmer. Mass.
Hood's Pills ewe liver troubles, lndl
ges'ion and headache. Try a box. 25c
Dun's Review Aug. 19: Themachln-
ry of exchanges has almost stopped,
When $30 per 11,000 had is for New Yoit
'xchanges at Chicago, and $15 or $20 at
oher Western cities, settlements be
tween the East and West, which ordi
narily amount to $3,200,000,000 in a
year, become extremely difficult. Even
the New York Central could not get
currency here on checks of the Boston
& Albany, and was obliged to Bend to
Boston for the money. The root of
the trouble is that, according to reports
if July 12th to the comptroler, over
$131,000,000 of deposits had been wlth
Irawn in two months from part of tbe
National Banksnd probably $177,000.
000 from all, besides unknown sums
from savings, stato and private banks,
tnd during the month, since July 12th,
the withdrawal and hoarding must
have been relatively even greater. A
premium of 1 to 2 per cent Is paid for
old, and 3 to 4 per cent, for currency.
The government is printing $1,250,000"
bank notes dally. The clearing bouse
has issued $6,000,000 more certificates,
and the hope is that confidence
may be revived and hoardings un
locked. The arrest of industry goes so far
that a third of tbe iron production
ceased In the month of July, and tbe
consumption of Iron in manufacture
diminished 46 per cent, from May 1 to
July 1. Not even this shrinkage stimu
lates demand enough to support prices,
which remain tbe lowest on record,
and further stoppages In August have
reduced the weekly output below 100,
000 tons. Copper has declined to 0J
cents and lead to 3 cents, with narrow
trade, Shoo shops are looking in vaiu
for further orders, and last week's ship
ments from Boston were 10,100 cases or
20 per cent. leas than those of the same
week last yer. At Fall River alone
700,000 spindles stopped on Saturday,
and the whole number of spindles, in
all tho Southern states, la said to be-less
than the number now idle lu New Eng
land. Even more than lack' of orders,
want of confidence In the Integrity of
brders troubles the textile mills, fur
cancellations multiply. The Wamsutta
has lowered prices of goods 7J and 7
per cent, and while jobbers find a bet
ter demaud for dress goods, and the sit
uation as to knit goods Is considered
'strong, tho sales bf wool at the three
largest markets wore only 1.570,750 lbs.
or tho latest week, against 9,220,700
lb?., for tho sarao week last year. Since
May 3d the decrease compared wltb
last year has been 55 per cent.
If only confidence In the future could
bo restored, the monetary troubles
mlfrlit. annn hn i-aIIavaiI ' wu,At
,.!, iVM W .W..V.l-. A.MHMV 'CWUl
jwant of cash, It-la Bald, accounts for
tho retarded movement of wheat from
furnia to Western markets, and exports
have nrtraet expectations of late, so
that the prices of grain have somewhat
declined. Pork products are sold more
largely for export this week, but cotton
has yielded an eighth, stocks of 880,000
bales here, and 1,885,000 American
abroad, bolng too heavy when many of
the mills are stopping. Coal Is dull,
and the output Is much restricted by
the difficulty of getting money for
Iwages. The movemont ofauiuials Is
'less aflected, cattle receipts at Chicago
are fairly maintained, aud hog packing
for tbe latter part of July has been near
lly as largo as las year, though for the
year thus far, March 1st to Aug. 1st, 1,
015,000 less than last year.
Railroad carulugs show a decrease of
about 8 per ront, compared with those
of last year, but tbe clearing house re
turns at the principal cities shows' a
decrease In settlements of 23 per cent;
Appeals to the treasury for some relief
are frequent, but Its cash balance has
been reduod so low that tho gold re
serve may have to be used lu part for
current expenses. But $13,000,000 bauk,
notes will quickly be added to tbe cir
culation, through use of the bonds pur
chased from savings banks, and $23,
000,000 lu gold from Europe, In suite
of the advance lu the Bauk' of England
rate to 4 per cent aud Its charge for
gold to 70s. lOd. which with seme specie
I hoarded money, some recovery may
come without waiting for alow-footed
1 lair-makers at Washington. But late
advice8?iriregrouiid to Bope that the
wishes pf the business world may soon
betonaweredby tbeuncotiditional re
peal T)f The sifter purchasing clause of
the act of 1890.
The school meeting to again locate
the school house Bite-convened on Mon
day 6C last wee.' ,
A general 'discussion was held, and a
vote by ballot decided to locate the
school bouse where it is at present, be
ing built.
Aruld the silence1 that followed tbe
Vote, tbe chairman left bis seat, and
walked to the center of the room, threw
bid bead"back, raised onerarm, opened
bis mouth and in thundering tones
said: "Mr. President. I move that
those contractors be ordered to tear up
the foundation and .throw it out of tbe
trenches,' and then build tbe wall over
again, and that a' person be appointed
to Btand over them with a club to com
pel them to do a good job." Tbe mo
tion was carried with a rush, and Mr.
Tucker was appointed as champion of
the club.
Different opinions exist as to this
foundation, a majority believe that it is
not built strong enough to support a
large two story school bouse and that it
should be rebuilt, others contend that
tbe ft uadation is all rfgbt having suffi
cient strength to support tbe cobweb
structure that Is being built upon it,
that the pressure will not be down
wards but upwards like a balloon.
As soon as the Monday meeting was
adjourned tbe chairman of tbe board
called another public meeting for tbe 25
Idat. to locate tbe school house site
An election in Aumsville does not
decide anything, we are locating school
ubuse sites every ten days, and expect
to continue locating them. In tbe mean
tipie tbe building staqds still.
Mr. Mesner Is making improvements
id bis carriage fuctory by adding a paint
Mr. Garb was the orator of the day on
itouday last.
The Southern Pacific "floats the
weather signal every day, but there is
something wrong, the signal changes,
but tbe weather does not.
Dan Smith bas entered into partner
ship with the Nott boy.
Charles Heln is himself again, can
walk with a steady tread.
This has been Mr. Cole's mad week.
; 1830 The different charge for differ
ent distance system, was abolished in
England, and a uniform rate of postago,
tourpenco per lottcr, was adopted.
1840 Stamped "postage covers," a
ind of envelope, was invented and
adopted by the English postofflce.
18-10 Rowland Hill's penny postage
feystem, 1 penny per letter of half an
pnnco weight, was put in practical opera
tion. i 1840 Stamped adhesive envelopes,
made by hand, were" put in use directly
after the establishment of the penny
system and superseded the "postal cov
prs." 1841 Much objection raised in Eng
land to postago stamps having the por
trait of tho sovereign, on account of the
beeming disloyalty in blackening, during
cancellation, of the face of tho monarch.
1844 Machinery was invented for tho
(rapid manufacture of stamped envel
opes. Much objection was made by the
;men who'manufactured the envelopes by
j 1845 Letter postage fixed In the United
States at 5 cents and 10 cents, according'
to distance.
I 1847 Postage stamps introduced into
,the United States.
1854 The annual publication of the
reports of tho British postmaster gen
eral began.
1855 United States letter rate fixed
at 0 cents for any . distance under 8,000
1855 A system of book post was put
In operation 1 ounces for 1 nennv. 8 for
,8f and soon. St, Louis Globe-Demo-icrat
President Cleveland receives from 10
to 20 letters a day containing "recipes for
reducing his obesity.
William F. Harrlty, the chairman of
the Democratic national committee, has
not taken a holiday for 10 years.
Charles R. Drake, a prominent man of
Tucson, A. T., claims to be a direct de
scendant of Sir Francis Drake, the dis
coverer. Miss Ella G, Nash, a graduate of tho
Boston College of Pharmacy, has passed
a successful examination and Leen
awarded & druggist's certificate.
The late Admiral Sir Geortra TWnn
was cold, reserved and even abrupt in'
manner, but he was a warm hearted and
oval friend aud nn inmiemu, fnvnH .
tho queen.
Mrs. George W. Corpcutor of Phila
delphia has presented to the Academy
of Nntyral Scleneea of that city the fine
collection of birds, minerals and fossils
which was the life work of herhusband.
Oolonol R. W. Thompson pf Terre
iiaute, variously known as "your Uncle
Dick," "the old man eloquent" and "the
oncieut mariner of the-Wabash," cele
brated' his eighty-fourth birthday re
cently, no is as active and vigorous as
of M. aihu memory is btrong.
Ha ,iaa " r" mXnc, he
was i secretary of tho navy under Pai-
dent Hayes.
" sliBiiBliiV fxA
jHEtfSsmHk asMM
Ks&?MbIk. ifesBa
rk&- sflBBBBBBBBsV Ijt
1 J. $S,-,:Vwv'-v-'ir:i" f
0m cf tie bettfloova tastae nra ia Chiasms,'
reprsseatath of the great Bzabtmt Go.
Vr. XOea JTeaKeel Co ZWiarf, InS.
GeaUenenrltakaplcafareln lnforategyoti
of tbe very ben3clal rendu which hire followed
thesetr Dsu Mitra- Rctroiumvs HtsviHC
in tbecaseor mrselfandwiie. Poryriwu
abject to c ditfrtEslog ptln at the base of the
brain and eppac Doruon of tbe spinal cord. I
CI J R I" LJ troubled WHS sicepUwneM.
WW nbityToDt Kerrlne ni htehlj
recewmradedtoma. Mr csm raid been Mobttf
nine tbst I had no confidence In the efficacy
anjrroedicioe. Yet J a but resort I consented to
give It a trial. Much to my surprise. I experienced
marked beneSt; tnj sleeplessness disappeared:
py hcadacbewa rexnoredj my spiriUand general
Mao raiuo. Mr wile Is Uklng the Kcrrlne wlta
thVbestofrefulta. Loua D. Vakdzxtskx.
sfold by D. J. Fry, druggist, Salem
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed : Castoria
Prices Current by Telegraph Local
and Portland Quotations.
Salem, August 22, 4 p. m. Office
Daily Capital Journal. Quota
lions for day and up to hour of going to
press were as follews:
Peas and beans-8 to 10 cents a gallon
Blackberries wild fiOcls. a gallon;
tame b cts. a cox.
Peaches 70 to 80 cts. a basket.
Veals dressed 4J cts.
Hogs dressed 6J to 0J.
Live cattle 2 to 2.
Sheep alive $1.60 to $2.00.
Spring lambs $1 50 to $2.00.
Salem Milling Co. quetes: Flour
in wholesale lots $3.20. Retail $3.60.
Bran $17 bulk, $18 saoked. Shorts $10
and $20. Chop feed $10 and $20,
Old wheat on storage 48 cents. New
wheat 60 cents.
Oats old, 38 to 40a. new 30c
Hay Baled, new $8 to $12; old $10 to
$14. wild in bulb:, to to tf
Barley Brewing, at Salem, No. 1,
uo to si.uu per owr jno. z, 7i to bo cts.
Apples 75o to $1.00 a bushel.
Wool Best, 10c.
Hops Small sale, 15 to 17c.
i.egs ua8n, lb cents
Butter Beat
creamery, 30.
Cheese 12 to 15 cts.
Farm smoked meats Bacon
hams, 13; shoulders, 10.
Potatoes new, 50c. to COc.
Onions 1 to 2 cents.
Beeswax 34c Caraway seed.
Anise seed, 'mo. Ulnseng, $1.40.
Green, 2 cts; dry, 4 cts; sheep peUs,
75 cts to $1.25. No quotations on furs.
Chickens 7 to 10 cts; broilers 10tol2;
ducks, 12; turkeys, slow sale, choice,
10 cts; geese slow,
Grain, Feed, etc
Flour Standard, $3.40; Walla Walla,
$3.40; graham, $3.00; superfine, $2.60
per barrel.
Oats White. 4Sfl ner bushel. t?rnv. 42v
rolled, in bags, $0 25 6.60; barrels,
lfl.600.75; cases. $375.
Hay Best, $15017 per ton; common,
Wool valley, 10 to 12o.
Millstufis Bran. $17.00: shorts. $21:
ground barley, $26024; chop feed, $18
per ton; whole feed, barley, t085 per
cental; middling, $2328 per ton r brew
lug barle, 90D5o per cental: cnlcken
wheaL $1 22 1.24 percental.
nop io to iso.
Butter Oregon fancy creamery, 22
25c: fancy dairy, 2022c; fair to good,
iu(!)i7c; common, n to too per id; call-
fornla. S5r344o Dr roll
fnee Oregon, 12; Eastern
,W,D8 IB! ioutig American, Ho per
VI. Pouuu; uamornia uats, no.
Ekks Orecon. 15 to 17o per dozen.
Poultry Chlokeus,old,$5.00; broilers,
large, $2.003.0u; ducks, old, $4.60
6 00; young, $2604.00; geeae, $8 00
turkeyp, live, 12o; dressed, 15c, per lb,
V(m; Oregon Eastern choloe, 12
15e: do inferior. Dlftlle: do vallov. lira
10c " '
Hops 1018!o,
Potatoes E.rly Rose, 4550. Bury
baiiKs,. &5S5o per cental.
Onions 7o85o per cental for ed.
and $.8000oTorsllveraklus.
Barley ..Feed, 6082a per cental
for good quality aud 83o for choloe;
brewing, St no per cental.
Oats-MIUinf, fl.U01.85.
When tbe world leamstliat Salem
has been without a bauk failure tbe
world will want to come to so solid a
city.- i
A very neat publication, calculated to
drive away the buMnes? blues or tbe
impreeaiou that the country is going to
the deminition bow-wows, is "Tbe In
vestor" published at 14 Sansome street
San Francisco.
It is pretty good evidence of the
Telegram's Independence of both, that
Cleveland seems to suit the Republi
can Oregon Ian better than he dees tbe
staunch little evening Democratic paper
of the mtt opolis of Oregon.
A great many deserving poor are no
doubt in danger of starvation in tbe
large cities. Buttbe multitude of those
who parade the streets crying, "we
want bread or work," should also add
"we will not do without liquor or to
bacco." The fruit growers should not let the
Fruit Palace fall this year for want of
support. There is plenty of fruit and
generous contributions from every or
chard should be made to this' end. It
Is a voluntary effort and a few tons of
fruit contributed to this cause will be a
gre?t stimulus to this industry.
The State officials deserve great credit
for going ahead with tbe work on the
State Reform school and Insane Asy
lum improvements. There is no good
reason why work should not proceed
on all the other public institutions in
various parts of tbe state if the Port
land bankers who have looked np this
year's state taxes would surrender them
according to luw. Oregon is all right
but some of tbe financial customs are
Sick Headache and rellera all the troubles Inci
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after
eating. Pain to the Bide, 4c. While their most
remarkable success has been shown in curing
Headache, yet Cutter's Lmue Lira Pius
are equally raluable In Constipation, curing
and preventing this annoying complaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
stimulate tbe lirer and regulate the bowels.
Even if they only cured
jiche they would be almost priceless to those
who suffer from this distressing cemplaint:
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will find
these litUe pills valuable In so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without thsra.
But after all sick head
is the bane of so many Urea that here ts where
we make our great boast. Our pills cure it
while others do not.
Clara's Lrnu Liver Pills are very small
and very easy to take. One or two plus make
a dose. Tbey are strictly vegetable and do
not gripe or purge, but by thslr gentle action
please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents;
Are for $1 . Sold everywhere, or sent by mail.
casus vrxsicurs eo., ; i4.
balH. akllk iUIMt.
Going to the Woild's
Enquire About
The Limited Express trains of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway
between St. Paul and Chicago and
Omaha and Chicago..
These trains are vestlbuled, electric
lighted and steam heated, with the fin
est Dining und Sleeping Car Service in
tue wona,
TheElectrlo readlntr llcht In each
berth Is the successful novelty of this
progressive ace. and Is hicrblv annreclat.
ed by all regular patrons of this line.
We wish others to know Its merits, as
tbe Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail
way Is the only line in the west enjoy
ing tbe exclusive use of this patent.
For further Information apply to
nearest coupon ticket agent, or address
C. J. Eddy, General Agent,
J. W. Cabey, Trav. Pass. Act.
225 Stark St., Portland. Or. tf
lAM4UUUwUUU UUuUUuouuuU.u'u.t
Hair Deatti
Instantly removes and fnr.v.riiMtmnnh.1
pjecttonable hali wheiher upon the hands.l
iiace arms or neck, without discoloration S
or injury to tbe most delicate skin. Ill
was for Any years the sevret 'ormu'anll
cmsraus wuson, acknowledged by rhysl
rlATl. Aft lh. hluhi..! ait,lii..U .k
y - . m.. wu.MfMI.J
nmt Am1,tn, ,-... a, lu..i km.4 .... . V
allst that ever lived. Durinr hl nrlvato
Dracllooi allfntlnie amnio- ih nnhiniv
ind arUtocrarr of Knmm h nr-rihi
this i recipe. Price, II l.y m-lf, securely
icackrd IvrreaDondenoeoontlctentlsl nri
Agents for America. Address
lOept. R. 67Kouiti Filth AveuueuNeW York
On Improved Real Estate, In amounts and
time to suit. Ho delay In conslderlnx loans.
FFAR x, rnpn
I ufin x. i vnu,
Boom 12. Bush Bank block. S UM
Manufacturer of Wagons, Car
riages, etc.
KaputrtriK u. Spaotalty.
over baif und calllraUnn, resrpstn.r and
some good "Umber Terttar "VBryt-essyrxfc
Ti-lm-aw WWU4,Or. ,
IHhCi.CsBLtt?wBCfl.llV4 sLHHtte .tB -BBa," Lv - sbH 1
for Infant:
known to me." H. A. AacB,M.B;i
Ul Saw-Oxford Bt, Brooklyn? H.T.
"The use of 'Castoria1 ts so universal and
iu merlU so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the
Intelligent families who do not keep Oaatori
within easy reach."
Cisxos sUsrrsVp. Da
New York CRy.
Late Paster Booalsgdale SeConsed Church.
Tsa CsarrAtra
Completed and ready, to walton customers.f Horses I boarded by day or week)
atrfeasonable prioefe. We keep a frfj line Of Truck Dmy-ano Expreato
meetall demands. Also keep the finest Stallions In 'this county, for service.
Barn and residence 2 block south of postofflce. RYAN & CO.
If you would "be clean and have" your clotheB done up in
the neatest and-dressiest manner, take them to the
where all worlr;is''dbne by "white labor and in themost prompt
Liberty Street..
Receiving all the
A&sOoiated. Brtess
These low hard times rates enable every farmer to have
his daily paper and know -the state of thefmSrket-and all the
news of the world.
Editorial commentiis fearless and. independent. Edited
by its publishers to secure good '.'government for the people,
able to deal justly and-fairly
Complete Telegraphic, State, Capital, For
eign, Market ,and Crp News.
"ilE.M BMLY!
25 Cents a Month.
The Only One Cent-Newspaper on the Coast. More new
than anysiT-weBltlieB'that cosfciyto 12 a year.
-No' papers sen traftor. time ?a out.
aAi Iifcf oMftit Payftr AU.Sfa.l Readers.
33rt atttJFuhlishera,
SalMB, Oregon.
and Children
- Sour Stpssach,' DtarrscMTXroetaasa,
XCls Wonaa, givs stof protaoM a
" Fori eerersl yean I havs reeesmntafoi
your CMMi aadshaa alwaya eeotians to
9J MTariahly pro4geeA bmeSciil
resales, n
Emrtx T. Pi inn. X. D,
Cosvjurr, TT Uuxmxr B-rasar, Maw Tosx,
with all.
$1.00 for 4 Months J
Mr Mi