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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1893)
. ONE CENT DAIliYI SScts. a month by Mail Prepaid In Advance. No Papers Seat When Time is Out. CHEAPEST j w, q. JOURNAL ssociated Press Daily News- g"A mnar PllhlkhfiH 'ftn thfi '. Miti" UJVi "WII--.V- - ... f , . Pacific Coast. $3.00- a Yean VOIi. 6. "DAILY EDITION. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST J3, 1893. DAILY EDITION. NO, 198. . . LJ ' A m llHHHU. B-LOCKAD 1., A ' -s -.1 NOT IN SI AM, .BUT ... ' EI0IIT HERE IKSAIiEM. Our shelves are blockaded with goods thatliliist be' We put the pi ices so low that they will TUEN MIGHTY QUICK I Prices are Nothing! Cash is Everything! You needent call on England, - Although we haye.English Goods, You needent call on France," ' Although we have French Goods. J. W. THOMAS, 297 Com'l, St., SALEM, H. W. COTTLE ,&-Ca, General Insurance SAgeiicy, : Representing tke following well-known and reliable Cempanies: i r-AT K INSURANCE CO., ' MSSnfco.. . xra National iSsurVn'ce Co Westchester Kire InB. Co., LlSnKlrelnsnranfeoo.. Imperial Klre Iosurance Co.. U0SSnuSS2.Uw Flrelni-Soo.. "n Anoe Corpora tlon. a niiinra Amuunro Co.. ' Norwich union Klre ins.soc. Oldest andadlng Firm mthVSity Devoted Exelnslvely to Insurance, FATAL RIOTS AND FIRES. The Town of Winlock, Wash., Wiped Ont. YELLOW FEVER SCARE IN GEORGIA. Presidpnt Cleveland Orders the Cherokee Strip Opened. J. W. TflORNBORG, TUB DPUOLSTKRER. j. . I..1.I...J ,.niiM.n T.nn "C.Tnprlpnnn In the trade 10 No trouble to Kive estluiatea. State Insurance block, Chemeketn street. Ed. C. Cross, dice Meats Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of allKiuds 95 Court twd 110 State Streets. ICHURCHILLl Ptimps, Pumps,PtraiP BURROUGHS State Street. F. T. HART LEADING MERCHANT lAlJUUiv. 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. Lamoureux's Stables, I 1... .. tt.i.i Wits iliwk nd Vd lAt the Commercial street bridge wllffZvZ reDiirwl. No shabby fblcles being added constantly. Only the best .T.VtMot rigs nor poor norets. ; " " : West Printing; Co.S?SS5 E tl r l . . i. , do better work than ever. Uountry orders receive prompt at tention. 203 Commercial St., Falem, Oregon.. 1 IMITCHELL, WHfiffT S;CO., GENERAL Insurance - Agents, Blot in Pennsylvana. Mahoney City, Aug. 22. Last night the citizens of Gllberton tore up the track of the Schuylkill Traction Company because the company failed to comply with an ordinance. The at tempt, of the company to relay tracks with an armed force this morning brought on the conflict with citizens, resulting in the death of James Tarfltt and Wm. Hughes, oi.izens, and Injury of Eyan Davis and Rlohard Amour, as sistant superintendent of the company. Will Connor was also shot In the hand and foot and others are reported In jured. The wildest excitement pre vails. - Yellow Fever. Brunswick, Ga., Aug. 22. B. B. Harris is 111 with yellow fever. The place has been quarantined and the authorities are urging the people to leave the city. Three thousand people are expected to get away. Cherokee Strip. Washington, Aug. 22. The presi dent has issued bis proclamation open ing the Cherokee strip to settlement, at the hour of 12 o'clock at noon, central staudard tlmo, Saturday, the ICth of September. She Winlock Fire Winlock, Aug. 22 Fire broke out last night In the baok room of the re ception saloon,and before it was checked destroyed the Traders' bank. Whistler & Phillips' jewelry store and cigars, Whistler's barber shop, Dr. Whiteside's office, J. F. Fowler's general merchan dise store and residence, Winlock hotel, Reception saloon, Eddy'B drug store, Central hotel. Hadley Ic Griffith, gen oral merchandise, H. C. Griffith's meat market; Dr. Wood's oflice. No hotel Is left In town, Tuore was but very little Insurance. The Are Is supposed to be of Incendiary origin. THE LOSS. The total-loss is estimated at (23,000. Insurance $5000. Heaviest losers are Hadley and Griffith hotel and grocery. Their loss Is (8000, covered by (2000 In s trance. Clothing House. New York, Aug. 22. 8. 8ykes & Co., wboln ale clothiers, faled. Lia bilities (3C0.OO0. ABJeta. 1400,000. a Highwaymen. Hep'pner. Or- Aug. 22. Frank Sloan, a very promlneut stockman, ac companied by J. A. Tnompiou, nwB slstant, left Heppner for Butter creek, about 25 miles from Heppner, to pay for and nceive cattle. When about n,rM mttea out two masked men held thra up and relieved them of (185 and a koM watch, The siierm ana posee are out after them now. Bread and Work. Milwaukee, Aug. 22. A mob cf unemployed laborers marched to the city hall this morning, and called out the mayor, who was greeted wllb cries of "bread" and "work." The mayor advised them to return home, assured them the city would soon have money to prosecute publlo Improve ments and give many men work. Then the mob dispersed. In the Senate. Washington, Aug. 22. Senator Voorhees addressed the senate this morulng at length on behalf of his motion, repealing parchise clause of theBuermtn not. Successful Stake. Kansas City, .Aug. 22. Swift's Faoklng house . Is closed today on ac count of butchers' strike. What Mosey is Worth. New Yobk, Aug!.. 22? The premium on currency today is lower, with quo tations at 1 aud 2 psr cent. Spot gold is 1. ' In tike Hewe. The house passed senate bill, adopt ing tree of duty all articles intended for exhibition at California Mid-Winter Fair. Johnson's bill to permit ex change of United. States bonds for treas ury notes was introduced and referred to committee ou banking aud currency. The silver debate was resumed and Buckuer, (Dem.) -addressed the house in favor of repeal of purchasing clause. WILL VETO TOE SILVER BILL Soma Silver Eacts.. Washington, Hugl22. In response to a resolution of inquiry on subject of silver purchase, under act of 1600, Sec retary Carlisle sent to House of Rrepre- sentatives today a letter Betting forth following facts: From Aug. la 1890 to Aug. 16 1803 tho department has pur chased 101,622,000 fine ounces costing (150,609,459. Treasury notes to amoonl of (150,115,985 have been Issued in pay ment of silver bulliou, of which (714, 630 have been redeemed in standard silver dollars aud retired. Since August 31, 1892, up to August 1, 1893, (40,134,100 treasury notes been redeemed in gold, 80,067,185 standard dollars have bsen coined from bullion If Any Passes Ceigresa At All Silvery. IT WILL MEET TUB YETO BLUD.GB0N. Details of Debate and Other Wash ington New Washington, Aug. 22. The Im pression Is growing about the capital the nreeent extraordinary session of congress may come to an end about the middle of September. This appears to be based upon confidence In the possi bilities of a comnromlso being entered jnto within that period upon the finan cial question. Nearly all the important legislation accomplished In recent yean has been tho result or compromise, ana tho outcome of a conference of commit tffl. Thoao nersona who hold to tut opinion that an adjournment is possible next montb sav mat Mr. vesrs pro position to provide for free coinage of silver at a ratio of 20 to 1 will be passed by tho senate, and ultimately win Be come part of the bill for unconditional repeal, which, it Is expected, will bt passed by tho house. The likelihood of a veto by President Cleveland , ot Buch a measure has been soouted by be llevera In the reported early adjourn ment. They argue It would be impos sible to rally a two-thirds vote In either house to pass it over his veto, and that nothing could be accomplished so fax as the financial situation Is concerned by congress remaining in session afUr such a veto had been received. Mori experienced watchers of political event place no confidence in these early ad journment theories. In the house interest in the flnancla discussion was dwarfed today in tht greater interest everyone felt in tho an Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking m&ms iwwuvi ABSOUftEBf PURE It has been practically decided by the leaders of the silver forces in the house to aak the houso to amend tho terms of the order under whloh tho pending dt-bale is being conducted. Owing to the demand upon tho speaker for time to spoak under the rule for general debate, it was suggested that the five-minuto debates to whloh tho last three days of the week had been assigned should bo curtailed one day, and that tho time be added to tho perlodB set for the general discussion. Should the houso agree to tho change agreed upon by the leaders, Thursday and Friday will be devoted to talk un der the five-minute rule, and on Satur day the debate will be olosod under tho general rule. This will alvo tho lead lug speakers an opportunity to speak tt length when interest in tua aeuatc will be at the climax, and add thereby to tho favoring circumstances so eager ly sought and thoroughly appreciated by the average publlo speaker. Orders have been issued by the treas ury department to all sub-treasury to pay out gold over thocountero tho same as other classes of money. The efteot of this 1b practically to. place the gold reserve among tho available treas ury cash assets. As a reoult the oId balance Is Bomowhat reduced bo ng slightly below (100,000,000, The net treasury balance is (11,750,000. I nnnnrwmnnt of standing committees to iV , HWMHWVW--. - -- t, V purchased under the act of 1890. Oa 1 speaker Crisp. No one was preparer : the 14th instant the government owned of silver purchased under act of 1890 183,101,375 ounces. Portland Savings. Portland, Aug. 22. On petition of Receiver Thompson, In the circuit court today an order was issued making the the Western National and Chemical National bankB of Nuw York, preferred creditors of Portland Savings bank. 1'be banks are creditors to the amount of (25,000 each. In Love With a WklU. New York, Aug. 22. Ah Bow, a Chinamen, committed suicide at No. 0 Chatam square by banging. Ho was a clerk in a Cblneee grocery store at that address. He killed himself be cause a white girl, known as Nellie Lee bad deserted him for another China man. The Chinaman who discovered the body did not report the matter to the police and it was merely by cbauoe that tbey learned of the. case. The body was removed to an undertaking establishment. It rests next to the corpse of Chong Poy Sing, who died four weeks ago. Bing's uoay wm oe shipped to China. BRIEF TELEQRAMg. The pacor Mascot, 2:01, la foundered. A statute of Abraham Lincoln ww unveiled at Edlnburg Monday. mi.. -Krn..v.ol l,nn1 at Phnnnv. Wn.. can get no funds from that state, owing 63d congress. for the radical changes made In tbt personnel of some of the Important committees. Springer of Illinois give way to Wilson of West Virginia ae chairman of the ways and means com mlttee and Illinois Is gtven the chair manship of the committee on banking and currency. Holmsn of Indiana, the venerable "watchdog" of the treas ury, was deposed from the committee on appropriations in favor of Bay era of Texas and given the neau or tne com mittee on Indian affairs. Bland of Missouri was retai ned as the bead of the committee on coinage, but the free coinage people were disap pointed in the committee being changed so as to leave much doubt whether tbt fi-ee coinage people are In the minority and whether the Dnanolal nolioy of the administration may not And a majority In the committee. Congressman Tracy of New York, who was an administra tion man and second on the committee, claims the speaker deferred to the re pealing element to suob an extent as to make the committee "mildly free coin age" instead of "radically free coinage," and Insists upon counting Kllgoreol Texas a free coinage mau. The com mittee will stand nine to eight for free coinage. The committee on banking and currency la said to be opposed to free coinage eleven to six. Thoremov. alofHolman from the bead of the ap propriations committee Is Interpreted by some to mean that the speaker fa vors more liberal appropriations in tne The removal or springer A, Good Kxciifte. Father I guess you'll have to wear this blue flannel suit of inlue, I can't afford to get you another new one. Son But it doesn't fit mo. Father That's ull right. Say it was mado In London. Clothier and Fur nisher. A Nice I'alr. Foreigner (on a suburban train) Who is that distinguished looking gentleman showing so much attention to that ordi nary looking woman bosido him? Mnthor Oh, that Is Do Fitz-Smlth ro tsming from town with a new cook. Life. HE MISSED IT. Anil Itenult Ho Hd til Walt Another Day. Tho Columbian guard thought he must bo crazy, nnd possibly tho Columbian cuard was justified in so thinking. Ho had lonir chin whiskers nnd a Bmooth shaven upper lip. His eyes woro appar ently ilxod on something above ono of tho buildings, ancr In Ids hand ho held an enormous silver watch. "What aro you trying to do?" a3ked tho guard. "You 'tend to your business, an I'll 'tend to mine," was tho prompt response. "You'll loso that eight day clock," suggested tho guard fncotiously. "Well, that's notuin to you," roioneu the old man, dually bringing Ids eyes down to earth and looking at tho guard. I'm moro'n 21, an i icnow wiuw in doin." "You don't act liko it," said tho gnord. "I think I'd better take you in anyway for a lunatic." "You nin't Binart enough. One of them three card Monto Carlo men tried to tako mo in an got fooled. But secin ns yOu'ro bo all fired smart I'll jest tell you what I'm doln, an thou you can mosey along. I told tho old woman bo foro I loft Willow Patch down near Kan kakee that I'd bring hor homo the cor rect time. Sho ain't got no confidence In the town clock an wanted tho tlmo right from this horo timoball on the World's fair grounds, an Pvo boon slttin hero nigh onto half an hour so's not to miss it when it drops. When it goes, I'll just sot tho old watch im go homo to" no looked up again and saw that H.i. 1,M liiul nlromlv filllon. Uo'Startod for tho Columbian guard, but. thought better of it. "That'H the Bccond time some darn fool has como aloiig an got mo talklu an tho ball's got away from me.""ho said. "Now I'vo got to stay ovor another day an try it again. I'll bo hore tomorrow 'bout tho samotlmo, lookin tho samo way, with tho old sllvor watch in my hand, an if you seo me you'd bettor go round tho othor aide of tho building, 'cause I'm goin to got that tlmo tomorrow if I have to llok every guard on tho grounds." Chicago Trip uno. . an S!ieCo!llmtita Him. Fweddy Mis Walkah paid mo agweeable compliment last night, m,nilvTOht was it. deah bov? Fweddy I ahaked her if she would. dawnso With me, ana sue saiu sue mkou my faceChicago Tribune. Beared Tbeia Oft "Do yon over havo any rats on your boat, Mr. Jigger' asked Miss Bmythsr. "Never," returned Jlggs. "They're afraid of my boat. It's a catboat." Harper's Bazar. Might U Won. 215 Commercial Street. American Fire Insurance Co., Phila. :iome Insurance uo., new or. norwicu-union ins. VO.. jjivcijw. Palatine Insurance Co,. Manchester. SALE, OKEG0N. Western Assurance. Toronto, Canada. Lancashire, Manchester, tog. Hambnrg-Madebure. Germany. Home Mutual, Ban Francisco, CaL over On. Mill. 9dta Dodte Witt Wato '0B for fretaeura ofFojiey omw w w. -- All Lc MlMtai Fa Tkrwk WmAcy on Policies Written Alo Write Life and AecMeut Inauranc. in Bt Companies in the World. i5SSSpii5S if oitd tir WKM about to txvtrUaca tbe painful rdl attendant nion CblM-t-lrth, Jne anlnlalliblfclf the torture of epn- Uiterer ' to both aertlMr and cMM. r ttt.rrt llmnfl. I At PitUbure. 12,000 to 16,000 were employed by resumption Of iron works. The federal circuit court has held the state dispensary liquor law of South Carolina luvalld and It will belppeald to the supremo court of the United States. a mmmlttee who have Investigated report 100,000 ou the verge of starva tion In New York city. There are nun- ArrAn of thousands of others but a short dlstanco from want and Its at tendanU, sufferlug, misery and crime. Tbe committee calls upon tbe JNew York aldermen to convene In special session and devise ways and means for employment of the unemployed direct ly and calls upon all to contribute funds for the unemployed wuo seeic work In vain. X4 fc. all rffuHilL F"-w !-uis.Kra :" a-feysA MUWflClB MKtUlATCHI C. AVtMt Are Yon Nervotu. Are you all tired out. do you hava that can be relieved of all these symptoms bV taking MOOO'S rvarapiiii, which kIvm nerve, mental and bodily strength and purifies the blood. It aho creates a good appewiv. .wwfjrewwwi heartburn and dyPPla. 0 Hood'a Pilla are easy to take, In notion anl aura In effect. eta. m box. from the ways aud means committee gives this most Important ctiairmaa ship or tbe bouse to tbe South, but It to said that aside from this the make-up of tho committee on ways and means does not Indicate any essential cbaage from tbe policy of the last congress. When askei for a statement aa to tbe reasons which Impelled tbe speaker to depose him from the chairmanship of the wavs and means committee Con greseman Springer said: i'Tn aav I am surnrlsed at my deposi tion from the chairmanship of the ways and means powmlttee and appointment as chairman of the committee on bask ing and currency, to ouly feeble ex presstoa of the truth. IbadnoiBtlma Una whatever, from tbe speaker as to hi failure to reappoint or a to hto In tention to make me cairmB orawxu-j-Vmumittaa. I iro from work which I have given the best study of my life to a committee to tbe buetneae of which I have glyen but little attention hereto foM. I know notulutf of tbe motives of th antakar or of the oblect be bad In v!r. He has assured me be desired to do that wblcb be thought was best for ih vuintrv aad the Democrrtlo party I hope be to not mistakes, but oplskwa may d4er," TjS WSSll HA aaaKiflaiaV'fSI iBErNsTSin Mr Hnnnv Sho is OUCMKed to Cliolly and myself. Don't you think that's bad? She Oh, I don't know. She doesn't have to marry either of you. Brooklyn Life. ... I'leajautlr I'recUe. Minnie Did he kiss you when ha pro posed? May Certainly. I wouldn't considsr any but seeled proposals. Vogne. At three of tho large London railway stations Charing Cross, Cannon ntreet and London bridge as many as 113,000 movements for signal and point levers turn) to be made every 24 hours, quite span from the teiegrapmu operations. ' ' " Tfiej- Kajr Never Karry. One reason why the Russian cxaro wits can never marry the Princess Vlo- rj w.Im with whose name tho gossips have connected his, is that they are first cousins, au iho juii fett cousins la strictly prohibited uy ina -... ii. nrw.w hnrnh. The heir ot the emperor of all the Russlas could tot possibly ignore tneae tawan - sfoed to do so. The young princewas at one time, it is said, deeply In lovo with the Aaaglttsr of the Greek king, and It i was ouij mew p.iiui.... v.u revstttsi their marriage. New York Wl. Ai Well a Not. An Impaasablo gulf yawned between their hearts. She Bat in alowwiokor chair by tho window, whilo ho leaned moodily against tho mantol. It was not a largo apartmont, but tho gulf between their lioarta could not havo been loss than 14 feot in width, as tho crow flies. Thero were tears in his voice as he spoke. "I can never" By a supromo oxerciso of muscular activity ho swallowed a fow sobs, "lovo anothor." j "Thon" ' Her hands woro twined tightly together. "lr you speau iruiy, j. uuu nm that yon. liavo auy further nso for thla largo diamond ring." After the intorchango of tho conven tional civilities usual upon such occa sions, ho withdrew. Detroit Tribune. Juit the Man. Tailor (to applicant for a job) "Wo want a good cutter. Havo you had much experiouce in tailoring? Applicant (with a confident smile) I never had a suit of clothes ready whon I said I would sinco I hayo been in tho business. Tailor You'll do. xoa must uoan old hand. Tit-Blta , llt . (i f i""'IIIIIIIIM i Whether quaffed from a vessel of tin, glass ot gold; There's no thing so trood for the young or the oldas Hires JgRootBeer A delicious, health civlnir. thirst-satis- fyjng beverage. A temperance drink for SMITH BROS., CONTRACTORS FLA9TEKER8. tMTt ordtrs at (XHns-farktMwat btsek.Vesw VI,Ml4a,0eo. r u : f" ". 1 a i M r. .i VI t-yl ft' . .w'tt-.- .