Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 21, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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    SWUUL t-J I ... .UULJU1.
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tBe capital jomal
(Capital Journal Publishing Company.
I.tofflce Block. Commercial Street.
Itelljr, by carrier, per month,.
Dally, hr mall, per year...
Weekly, 8 pace, per year
WIjch fhe Slate Shonld fie Solid
It Is Weak.
Straight Comment1 Oh Treatment
of Public Funds.
If the people of this state ever secun
any reforir in the management of theli
state taxes they can thank the present
financial eric la and the agitation of the
matter In the Journal The people
are determined to Mop further juggling
'with public taxes by county officials
and local bank?. Oregon Is in the piti
ful condition of having collected half
a million of elate taxes from the people
and having not a cent turned over to
the state treasurer according to law.
Twice as much more of county, cit)
and school funds is probably collected
and loaned out to money sharks and to
bolster weak banks all over the state.
County sberifls and treasurers have too
long been a law unto themselves, vio
lating the confidence of the people and
ignoring their obligations to the state.
There is no disposition to make the
matter worse than it is. The attempt
to suppress discussion of this great pu
He iniquity comes from those who have
reaped the profit of boodling the pub
lic taxes. It does not come from the
state officials. It is an abuse that has
been foBtored for profit by an unscru
pulous ring of money-changers and
boodlo politicians at Portland. They
are crying out,that there should be one
newspaper in the state to make their
corrupt practices prominent at a time
When It will educate the people to de
mand a better order of things in our
publlo revenues and a higher codo of
morality among those who handle the
publlo monies direct from the people.
There should be greater publicity in all
thceo matters from the stato funds
down to county, city and school funds.
Discussing this subject a Portland
paper tho Telegram bos tho follow
ing scathing rebuko to the tax boodle re:
What is the difference between steal
ing under the guise of law and Bleating
contrary to law? What shall we think
ot tho morality of the Porttuud banks
that liavo confessedly been doluir busi
ness with stato funds, city funds, coun
ty ninus, any tunas nut meir own
funds, and all these public taxes paid
by the people? Capital Jouknal,
The Portland bunks are not alone. It
is tho uulversal practice throughout the
state to deposit publlo funds In the
banks, becauso the law has made no
other provision for the custody of the
mouoy. It Is also tho uulversal prac
tice for tho bunks to use these funds as
if tho money belonged to them and was
not committed to them In fiduciary
trust. Tho practice Is most reprehcu
alblo, yet it Is moio the fault of the
legislature and of tho state constitution
than it is of tho state and county oftl
clals. It has gone so long without pro
test being mude against it that the
banks look upon It as their Bpeclnl per
quisite, and has led to tho additional
evil of allowing banks and bauk oill
cers to become bondsmon for tho publlo
officials who handle the mouoy.
There ure two remedies for this. One
Is to havo certain bunks designated as
depositories of publlo funds and thou
require thorn to executo and file special
bonds to cover tho publlo deposits; aud
to further require them to pay Interest
on suoh deposits. Tho other remedy Ib
to tuako the publlo treasury m fact what
it la in name the plaoe of deposit for
publlo funds. The btate aud each coun
ty should have Its own vaults, and tho
treasurer made enstodtuu thereof, Then
there would bo no temptation to juggle
with tho public funds, The collecting
officers would have to deposit lu the
vaults before taking a receipt from the
treasurer. If the treasurer took tho
money out of the vaults and deposited
It la a bauk, he would be guilty of ein
The evil of the prevulllug system was
exemplified right here iu Portlaud,
. where the bank oraab,- was precipitated
by a fight between two rival bapklug
institutions for control or the county
money. How much Josa there will bo
to state aud county Is yet a conjecture,
but we know enough to say that it Is
going to boa hard rub for the taxpayers.
vent? - fr, - fi r I
Warn- sB&M&& xJi'
ITr.K.X Salter,
A well teown photographer, of iltreed,
CaL, testifies; "Mr face and Body were cut
txtA with red MoUbes wMch dUSgnied ne
and caused much sufferlnc Other JneJI
clnes taUed.tmt alter iaUnt tour twttleJ of
Hood's Sars'apariila
I am enUrely free front blotches and aa per
fgtlywell." HOOD'S CURES.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and
caret ally prepared. 25c Try a box.
had experience enough to teach them
the necessity for a change in the system
of handling the public moneys.
A view on our city shows times are
not so hard as many seem to think. On
one fine farm near Salem a threshing
machine runs from 5:30 a. m., to 8 p. ro.
turning out the golden grain. The men
get $1.50 to 12.50 a day. Single wagons
roil 70 to 100 bushels of grain to mill at
Salem and get the money for it. Hoj
yards are engaging 20 to 100 bands eacl
at good wages. Later the bops wilt
bring the yellow gold.
The writer spent two days looking
over Portland and Oregon City,
population of 100,000 people. He saw
no grounds for apprehension of calam
ity overtaking those places. There art
now buildings going up and consider
able public work being done on Btreets;
railroads are building and improve
ments are the order of the day.
Ten thousand Portland people had
50 cts. apiece to visit Camp Compson
with Saturday and Sunday. That I
evidence that there is still a good dea
of money In the hands of the people
and not so much real destitution as ha.'
been advertised. There was certain 1
a vast army of unemployed who had
money to spend.
D. P. Thompson bos made a ver.
completo statement of his connection
with the suspended Portlaud Saviugn
bank. The statement will set at rest
a great many fulse and prejudiced ru
mors that were afloat about thla gentle
man's connection with the bank and
his position as receiver. He sbowt
that he had retired from active man
agement of tho bauk several years ago
andonly accceptedj the receivership ai
the request of all the stockholders and
prominent depositors, of whom Judge
Stearns was ono,
Mr. Thompson expresses tho be)Ief
that all depositors will bo paid in full.
As Mr. Dekum has douo likewise nod
as both are morally aud personally
pledged to secure this result, It will
probably be brought about, If modera
tion, good counsel aud patience prevail
Mr. Thompson's high soclul position
and the important part ho has played
lu the development of Oregon and ej-l
peolally lu the upbuilding of the aie-t
tropolls makes It very desirable by all
who love fair pluy that ho should be
given every opportunity .to oxtrlca(-
Portland Savings bauk and his own
fortune and good name from ruin.
Like a Good Conundrum
Is life, because everybody must give It
up J Life is worth living I To pro
long It. Is worth your untiring eflurt I
Don't glvo It up without calling to your
rescue (hut grutid family medicine, Drf
Plorce's Golden Medical DIcovery
Muuy a worn out, exhausted body ban
it mude over uood as now! Jfc
strengthens, builds up, Invigorates, am
slating nature, and not violating It.
Cures liver disease, indigestion, aud ull
bloodtitlulB aud humors. Sure aud
lasting benefit guaranteed, or motley
refunded. All druggists.
Tho Union Pacific now leads with re
duced rates to eastern points, and their
through car arrangemeuls, magnlfio
entlv enulnncd Pullman anil Tmirlai
sleeners. free rucllnlnir chair nnr an. I
fiiBttlauviuakoitthobcsHlmototrav-. to tho- number, quantity and nature, of
el. Two trains leave from Portland those tulcroecopio beiags which surround
dally at 8:15 a, m. aud 7:30 p. m. The ns. Lo'ndon Hospital
rates are now within reach of all, and ,
everybody should take advantage of Thisisaeoreustor
them to visit the world's fair and their At w2" !"f mJ?.Z'
friends lu the east. Bend for rates and 1inLL.T ' i, beforo nc?nt
schedules of tralus, and do not purchase Jo'inff. two young fellows went out to
tickets until after cousultlng Jlolso & luPet tne gallows and satisfy their curl
Barker, agents, Balom, Or. OSU
YV, H. Huw.URr, I Arrived on tho spot, one of Uiem ex
Ass't Geu'l Rasa. Agent, U. P., ' pressed a desire to see how the thine
On improved Ileal uute, in amounts and
lime to tutu ISo delay in couildortu loans.
Itoom 12. Hush Hank b'ook. ft 3
. : :
&Jii. - t - , a fe,"". .
WMwdn Whmmd,Or.
It's the Frauds ltrrlXhmt Make All the
iroame, ix udb upvii
MoMlBtoes? 'Well? I should say so,"
exclaimed genial' Captain Veazey of the
steamer Enoch Pratt. H? had been asked
' f this was a good seafon for the birds.
"Why, th?e are billons of them down
and Virginia? We'eatrgbt-it-at Deal's
island recently. There was a land breeze,
and the mosquitoes swarmed about the
boat. Every one was lean and hungry
and seemed to want a square meal, and
from the wny we felt when we got away
tWyrhnst have got it. They are bad
in Somerset. I've got a farm four miles
from Princess Anne and wanted to go
no and see if my wheat had been har
vested properly, but was afraid of the
mosquitoes. I haven't been yet."
Just why the mosquitoes are so nu
merous this year no ono seems to know.
A great many persons attribute the in
crease to tho warm, wet spring, while
others say the mo&quitoes are just like
peaches aftertwoorthreeyears in which
they are comparatively scarce there will
be a tremendous crop. This was the view
taken by a party of steamboat men who
sat on one of the wharves along Light
street yesterday and grumbled about the
hot weather. Amosquito which bad just
arrived on one of the bay boats landed on
the neck of, one of the party and was get
ting his or rather her dinner when she
was killed by a vicious swipe of her vic
tinu "There's another 'skceter done
for," remarked the murderer, with satis
faction. "He won't bother anybody else
in this yere vale o' tears."
"She, not he," corrected another.
"Don't you know that a he 'skeeter' nev
er bothers anybody? It's the females
that make all the trouble jn this world,
and that applies to 'skeeters' just-tho Bame
as" it does to women. If all 'skeeters
were hes we wouldn't have any trouble
from them, just the same as if all human
beings were men we'd have things more
quiet and peacefullike, A he 'skeeter"
doesn't live long, Go down along the
water in the snring and you will see bil
lions and billions of them, 'woolly heads,'
we call them. But you can get right in
among them and have them so thick
around you that you can't see through
them, and you will not be bitten. They
only live long enongh to provide for the
next season's crops, and then they die,
leaving the she 'skeeters to make man
kind miserable till cold weather comes."
Baltimore Sun.
The Importance of Good CooklPK,
A good cook is a treasure a mistress
rarely wishes to offend. How often
does one hear a woman say something
like tho following, after recounting
faults of a most serious character on the
part of her coek: "Still I cannot afford
to part with her, for she is a far better
cook than I can get elsewhere. Sho sat
isfies my husband better than any we
havo had, and you know how difficult
ho is to please. There is no peace if his
dinner does not pleaso him."
"If a woman is at the mercy of the
cook, and 6he is not good," as a writer 1
havo already quoted has remarked, "her
table will soon become intolerable. Bad
soup, soft and flabby fish, meat burned
outsido and raw within the husband
will soon fly from tho Barmecide feast
and take refuge in his club, whoro he
will not only find food that he can di
gest, but at the same time fly from the
domestio discord that usually accom
panies ill cooked victuals at home."
Bad cookery may seem a small thing
in comparison with other evils, but the
results are as dire as those that followed
the proverbial lost nail in the horse's
shoo wasted incomes, impaired health,
drinking habits, family discord. Bad
cookery, more often than not, causes
"tho little rift within the lute" which
by and by makes the music of married
life mute. "Whom God hath joined in
matrimony ill cooked joints and ill
cooked potatoes haveoftenputasunder."
Nineteenth Century.
A Finch of Dub
Tho dangers that lurk unseen in the
air form tho subject of an essay by M.
do Nansouty on "The Atmosphore of
Largo Towns and Micrography." He
points out tho increased pollution of tho
air m iJarts from the factories worked
by steam machinery and remarks that
vapors which contain sulphur are spe
cially disastrous to tho lungs, since tho
sulphur which they contain is trans
formed into sulphurous acid and then
into sulphuric acid, which falls back to
the earth with the rain and fog. An
analysis of dust particles reveals that a
remarkable collection of diverse objects
may bo absorbed at every breath in tho
streotof a largo city silox, chalk, plas
ter, pulverizod rock, charcoal, hairs,
fibers, vegetable refnso, starch, jxjllen
cells, etc. A specimen of dust collected
from fnrnituro on tho third floor of a
street in Henries coutained all this and
nearly 3,000,000 bacteria in addition. A
gram, of dust (about 15 grains) in move
ment in tho Btreets incloses about 180,
000 bacteria. The dust of house, then,
is for more dangerous. M. de Nansoutv
concludes that it is of incalculable ira-
portance to dovoto Incessant attention
"Put yottr head in tho noose," tsaid the
other, "and I'll show vou.1
For the novelty of tho thlntr his com
panlon stilted tho action to the word,
when "cllckl" and down shot the trapl
I xao noose wus not in position, how
ever, and slipped off the head of the
frightened fellow just in time to Bave
. him from being jerked out of the world.
MSI - IV, ,v". ;:. "I "'".""'
S'ltcUng people from this world to
he Dext-JLtlantft ConBtitntlon. j
JmBxjBpQBF. W;? at
Stricken Down with Heart Disease
Dr. XtU Xedleal Co., Elkhart, tnd.
GkctlzxzX! I feel it my duty, as well as t
pleasure, to pabllsh, unsolicited, to tho wo
benefit received from pij. Mitrs- ncrroi
RcucDtts. I was stricken down with
ibUiS, unsolicited, to tho world the
i lit art
Disrate t.n&l
annld culie vary
ing from 9? to 140 beau perralnnte,a chokingor
burning temation in the wina pipe, oppression
Eton of the heart and below lower rib, pain In the
arms, shortness of breath, ileeplessnecs, weeJmtss
and general debility. The arteries in my neck
would throb violently, th throbbing of my heart
could be beard across a large room and would
shake my whole body. I was so serroos that I
could not hold my hand steady. Xhare ben
undrr th treatment of miiniti$ phyMiHaru,
and have tairn oaXUmt of Patent Xe&ldn
tatthmit tho latt btttefU, A friend recom
mended your remedies. She was cured by In
Vlles remedies lrTtixn -B ir "
threo botUes of your KpwCLIRED
Heart Core and two bottles W nfc.1
Nervine. My pulse is normal, I hate no more
violent throbbing of tbs heart, am a well man
I sincerely recommend everyone with symptoms
of lieart Disease to tako Xtr. MUta' Kettora
fan lXrmfUr$ and be cured.
Gypsum City, Ipuu. . L. CaKVXB.
eold by D. J. Fry, druggist, Salem
Baby cried;
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed r'Castoria
Prices Current by Telegraph Local
and Portland Quotations.
Salem, August 21, 4 p. m. Office
Daily Capital Journal. Quota
tions for day and up to hour of going Ui
press were as follews:
Peas and beans-8 to 10 cents a gallon.
Blackberries wild 50cts. a gallon;
tame 5 cts. a box.
Peaches-70 to 80 cts. a basket.
Veals dressed 4i cts.
Hogs dressed 6J to 6.
Live cattle 2 to 2.
Bheep alive $1.50 to $2.00.
.. Spring lambs $1 50 to $2.00.
Salem Milling Co. quetes: Flour
in wholesale lota $3.20. Retail $3.60.
Bran $17 bulk, $18 sacked. Shorts $10
and $20. Chop feed $10 and $20.
Old wheat on storage 48 cents. New
wheat 50 cents.
Oats old, 88 to 40c., new SOc
Hay Baled, new $8 to $12; old $10 to
$14. Wild in bulk, $0 to $8.
Barley Brewing, at Salem, No. 1,
05 to $1.00 per cwt. No. 2, 70 to 85 cts.
Apples 75c to $1,00 a bushel.
Wool Best. 10c.
Hops Small sale, 15 to 17c.
Etrgs Cash, 18 cents.
Butter Best dairy, 25; fancy
creamery, 30.
Cheese 12 to 15 cts.
Farm smoked meats Bacon 12;
hams, 13; shoulders, 10.
Potatoes new. 60c. to 60c.
Onions 1 to 2 cents.
Beeswax 31a Caraway seed, 18c
Anise seed, 20a. Ginseng, $1.40.
Green, 2 cts; dry, 4 cts; sheep pelU,
76 cts to $1.25. No quotations on furs.
Chickens 7 to 10 cts; broilers 10lol2;
ducks, 12); turkeys, slow sale, choice,
10 cts; geese slow.
Gralu, Feed, etc.
Flour-Standard, $3.40; Walla Walla,
$3.40; graham, $3.00; superfine, $2.60
per barrel.
Oats Whlte,45o per bushel, grey, 42o;
rolled, In bags, $0 25 0.50; barrels,
$0.600.75; cases. $3 75.
Hay Beat. $1517 per ton; common.
Wool vallov. 10 to 12o.
Millstufls-Bran, $17.00; shorts, $21;
cround barlev. $26(5)24: chop feed. $18
per ton; whole feed, barley, 8085 per"
cental; middling, js per ien: Drew
ing barley, 009oo per rental: chicken
wheat. $1 22jl,24 per cental.
Hops 10 to 18c
Butter Oregon fanoy creamery ,221
25c; fancy dairy, 2022b; fair tr good,
1617c; common, 14 to 15o per lb; Cali
fornia, 3544o per roll.
Cheese Orearon. (l 12): Eastern
twins, 16o; Young Amerlonn, 14Jo per
per pound; California flats, 14c
Eggs Oregon. 15 to 17o per dozen.
Poultry Chlckeus,old,$5.00; broilers,
lartre. $2.00(33.0u: ducks, old. $4.50to
0 00; young, $2 604.00; geeee, $8 00
turkeys, live, 12o; dressed, 15o, per rb.
Woel: Oregon Eastern choice. 12TS
no; do inferior, U(a)iio; uo valley. H
Hone ICCiUSla.
Potatoes Erly Rose, 4550.
banks. S. ooffiSSopercentai;
ij& - qafafccaa
brewing. SI 00 par cental.
OaU-MUllmr, f 1.16QM5.
At the Dade Club.
Cbolly Awi Theah goes my brother
got engaged to Nell Setemup lawst
week, don't ye know.
Chappie (after a pause) Who got en
raged to Nell Setemup?
Cholly My brother.
Chappie (after a pause) When did he
jet engaged to her?
Cholly Lawst week.
Chappie (after a pause) Got engaged
o whom?
Cholly To Nell Setemup.
Chappie (after a pause) Why, I heard
ibout that a week ago. Brooklyn Life.
Marine Notes.
Captain Hendee toed his bark into the
harbor yesterday noon. Harper's Week-
Love and Business.
"Sir, you have deceived me V exclaimed
Mr. Dukane wrathfully.
"How have I deceived you, Mr. Du
kane?' replied young Mr. Bellefield.
"Why, sir, you came to my house, and
you sent np word that you would like to
see me on a matter of business. I come
down to the parlor, and you ask my con
sent to your engagement with my daugh
ter. T cannot countenance deception,
sirl You may go and bo thankful I do
not put you on the pavement forcibly."
"But won't you hear me in my de
fense, sir?' pleaded the young man.
"What sort of a defense can you pos
sibly make?"
"Why, sir, I really did call to see you
on business. I mean business, and your
daughter mean3 business. We both mean
business. If such an important occasion
does not warrant my sending you word
that I wished to speak to you on a mat
ter of business, I do not know what
would. Why, my dear sir"
"There, that will do," Mr. Dukane.
'You love my daughter?'
"And she loves you?"
"Ask her."
"That's all right. You can have her.
Take a seat, and I'll send Nellie down to
calm your feelings." Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph.
What Saved II I m.
"Time I was out in Colorado," said the
man with the ginger beard, "I was
chased by the Injuns into a cave and
had to stay there-three months without
anything to eat." Here the man with
the ginger Jbeard looked round defiantly,
expecting some one to doubt his asser
tion, but as no ono spoke he centinued:
"I e'poso I would ha' starved if it hadn't
been for my wife and family back east.
Whenever I would git to thinkin of them,
a big lump would rise right up in my
throat, and by swalierin that I kep' my
self from starvin." Tit-Bits.
Truly Heathen.
Mother See here! You told me you
belonged to the Boys' Literary society.
Small Son Yes'm.
"And you said you spent the time read
ing about the heathen."
"Huh! I have been informed it is sim
ply a' club, and the only books you have
are dime novels."
"Yes'm.. But they is all about Indians
"wot has never been converted."-Good
Jnkt the Other Way.
There was a fight between two Irish
men in Washington a week or two ago,
and The Post reiortsa conversation over
heard not long afterward:
"You had a fight with Murphy, I hear.
"I had that."
"And ho gave you a black eye."
"That's a lie. Tho black eye was on
the other foot." Washington Post.
Beforo Going to tho Woild'o Tair
Enquire About
The Limited Express trains of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway
between St. Paul and Chicago and
Omaha and Chicago.
These trains are vestlbuled. electric
lighted and steam heated, with the fin
est Dining and Sleeping Car Service In
' e world,
The Electric reading light In each
berth is the successful novelty of this
progressive age, and is highly appreclat-
. byall regular patrons of thla line.
Wo wish others to know its merits, as
the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail
way Is the only line in tho west enjoy-
iuk iuo exclusive use oi ims patent.
For further information apply to
nearest coupon ticket agent, or address
C. J. EnrY, General Agent,
J. W. Cabky, Trav. Pass. Agt.
225 8tark St., Portland Or. tf
lUWJ UUvUUubbuuUUUvU.v
air Death.
instantly removes and forever destroys nb-1
leetlonable balr. whether noon the hands.
r . ""or uecK, wimoui aisooioratlon
iry a u most delicate skin, li
r arty years the secretronnu'a oi
loa Wltoou. acknowledged by Phral
OH the hlffhest anlhfirltv and Ih
mi tiuidu! a.rn&ioinf tt and tiAiraiu.
. i . .- . - . -r -
-jteJiat that ever lived, burins-his private
pracueaoiauniine uraonr the nobility
Hd arUtoeracr of Ktimno h nnurih
.tbUrecipe. Price, tl by mlf. securely
paca-fa tvirespouaenceconndestlal, Bola
i.uiiui Awvna, Auuress
. n. MHoutb Filth AvenueiNew Yorr
fwnwyvwo oo fvo ofwywvvt
ITCmMO PUJC3 known br nsktnM
Ilk panptetUen. mum IbUom IKblas
hea un. TtU (arm u4 BULKS
xuucdixq n yaoTHUDiMo rajsl
ulch sots dirvcfly oa pens arwiud
permaaul our, fliotma. JhmS
rUtO emmJ. It. B-xmta,
N s
Bold by Baikttt A Vaa fclyptv
Kiiriilanwrni 0mm
You can use it with success for all cooking purpose.
r'nr'sss m w f p
Completed and ready to -wait on customers. Horses boarded by day or week
at reasonable prices. We keep a foil lino of Truck", Dras -and Express to
meet all demands. Also keep tho finest Stallions in this county, for service.
Barn and residence 2 block sonth of postoffice. RYAN & CO.
Civ SAM.
If you would be clean and have your clothes done up in
the neatest and dressiest mannar, take them to the
where all work is done by white labor and in the most prompt
manner. " ' COLONEL J. OLMSTED,
Liberty Street.
Receiving all the
Associated Press
These low hard (times rates enable every farmer to
his daily paper and know the -
news of the -world.
Editorial comment' is fearless and independent. Edited
by its publishers to secure good,, government for the pec
able to deal justly and fairly
Complete Telegraphic, State; Capital, For
eign, Market
25 Cents a Month.
-a -- ..A.., fi t,
xSa Yearr
Tho Only One Cent Newspaper on the Coast. More
than any six weeklies that cost $9 to' $12 a year.
No papers sent after time is out.
Arlifcpei&it' Paper fr All 'Stri 4 Readers.
Editor and Publishers,
Salem, Oregon.
fc astSMbsaasasMx
Can possibly exist in a food that has
been heated to more than 2120 Fahren
heit Every particle of the
Condensed Milk is sterilized by this
enormous heat and is therefore a perfectly
healthy food. Thousands of children are
annually reared on it and in times of con
tagious diseases it is safe, healthy and
nourishing. For 30 years it has stood
First. Buy it and take no substitute.
Your Grocer and- Druggist sell it.
mmw w
state of the market and all the j
with all.
and Crop News.
$1.00 for 4 Mo
nfm iff
Double Newspap
I muQItaimi MMJmmU4uMMmm-