., j....g. i,.ibw. j¨'l' jc&m V wtn' Ngs,. w & CHEAPEST ONE CENT DAILY! 5 eta. a month by MaH Prepaid in Advance. No Papers Sent When Time is Out. Associated Press Daily News paper Published on the Pacific Coast. .$3.00, n Ycnr. CAPITAL JOURNAL 3Z3Z5Z VOL. 6. DAILY EDITION. SALEM, OREGON. MOiNDAY, AUGUST 21, 1893. DAILY EDITION. NO. 197. Jit -ettBr,, The New York Racket Still occupies their old position in the State Insurance Block, 333 Commercial street, and still oner GREAT BARGAINS In all lines of goods which they carry. Their fine ladies and misses Dongolia shoes, are away below what they can be b mght for generally, and every shoe of the better class war ranted. The same can be said of the better class of men's, boy's and children's shoes. In all lines of goods such as boy's and men's fur and wool hats, wool, black sateen, and gents light dress . shirts, white laundried and unlaundried shirts; Ladies, gents, and boys underwear; pants, overalls, jackets, glove, bed-spreads, lace curtains, embroideries, laces, table linen, crash, towels, pocket knives, buggy whips, and a large line of all kinds of notions, all sold at RACKET We buy all our goods for cash, at the lowest possible prices for good material, and can afford to sell at low prices for CASH. COMB AND SEE. E.T. H. W. .COTTLE & CO., General Insurance Agency. Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies: BXATE INSURANCE CO., .Etna Insuranoe Co., Traders' Insurance Co., dun Insurance Co.. National Insurance Co., Weutohoster Rlre Ins. Co., Lion Klre Insuranoe Co., Imperial Fire Insuranoe Co., London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Boc, London Vssuranee ( orporatlon, Alliance Assurance Co., 31dest and Leading Firm In the City J. W. TflORNBORG, w-k 3 .! Kl..1niAHAj1 itecovens ttiiu repuira uiuuiiuicu luiunuio, xjuujj jjja.jciicuvu vav vv.v enables me to turn out first-olasa work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to K'VU eSUUiaUS. DWIW 1Iuibui uiwpb, Ed. C. CHURCHILL Pumps, PimpsfPiinp sc ' ioa BURROUGHS State Street. C T UAJCJT LEADING MERCHANT Fi L nrtflli TAILOR. f 247 COMMERCIAL 8TRBET. Lamoureux's Stables, At the Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. Newtek and ve hicles being added constantly. Only the best HMnimPDProDrietS. rigs uor poor horns. , H. L. LAMOUBkUA, rropnetor. West Printing do better work than ever, tention. 883 Commercial St MITCHELL, WRIGHT CO., GENERAL Insurance - Agent, 245 Commercial Street. American Fire Insurance Co., Phlla. Home Insurance Co , New York, Va.Ia1i TTtn Tttt V4 T.lvorrWil- i Palftiiue Iuburaoce Co,, Manchester. Over One Million Dollars Debited With State Treasurer of Oregon for Protictioa of Policy Holder in Oregon only. ' All Louea Adjwtad and Paid Thrwgh Salem Aeney on f olicles Written L in Marion, Polk, Yamhill and Linn Cow)"- Also "Write Life and Accident Insurance la Best Companies In the Worw. PRICE uA BARNES Norwlon Union Fire Ins.Bjc. Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,- TUB BFHOLSTKRER. .tkltnw T.nm1?vnnilttnAA In Vin trarla iuumoncm ouctu Cross Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smokqd Meats of allKinds 95 Court and 110 State Streets. Co., Haa just received some latest iaces or iod type and is prepared to Choice Us Country orders receive prompt at- BaUu, Oregon. SALE, OREGON. Western Assurance, Toronto, Canada. Lancashire, Manchester, Eng. ,itk.ia. narmurio Hamuurg-wnucuui k v. -"" Home Mutual, San Francisco, Cal, Cleveland Democrats are in Control. TOE SOCTH GETS TDE PLUMS In Awarding the Committee Chairraaishipa SPEAKER CRISP SELECTS HIS MAN Looks Yery Muck Like a Free Sil ver Committee. The Chairmanships. Washington, Aug. 21. The speak er announced bis chairmen of bouse committees this merning: Ways and Means, Wilson, West Virginia; Appro priations, Bayers, Texas; Judiciary, Culbertson Texas; Coinage, Weights and Measures, Bland, Missouri; Bank ingand Currency, Springer, Illinois; Iuvalid Pensions, Martin, Indiana; Pensions, Moses, Louisiana; Blvers and Harbors, Blancbard, Louisiana; Agri culture, Hatch, Missouri; Publlo Lands, McRae, Arkansas; Indian Affairs, Hol man, Indiana. IMPOBTANT C0MMITTKE3. The following Is the membership of the Coinage cemmittee: Bland, Mo., Tracy, N. Y.; Kilgore, Texas; Eps, Va.; Btone, Ky.; Allen, Miss.; Bank head, Ala.; Baynor, Mil.; Carter, Ohio; Collin, Wyoming; McKelghan, Neb.; Stone, Pa.; Johnston, North Dak.; Dlngley, Maine; Sweet, Idaho; Haye, Iowa; Aldricb, Ills ; Rawlins, Utah. Ways and Means Committee Wilson, W. Va.; McMillan, Tenn.; Kennel, Ga.; Montgomery, Whiting, Mich.; Coch ran, N. Y.; Stevens, Mass.; Bryan, Neb.; Breckenridge, Ark.; Byuum, Ind.; Tarsney, Mo.; Reed, Maine; Burrows, Mich; Payne, N. Y.; D&zell, Penna; Hopkins, Ills.; Gear, Iowa. Silver Debate. Washington, Aug. 21. In the sen ate this morning Senator Merrill spoke in favor of repeal of purchase clause of the Sherman act. A Mid-Winter Bill Washington, Aug. 21. The Benate bill, in the interest of California mid-winter international exhibition authorizing transfer to San Fran cisco from Chicago of dutiable goods on exhibition ana or foreign em ployee, passed. The vote on the Lee Mantle case was postponed. Receiver Appointed. New York, Aug. 21. Jarne K. O. Sherwood has been appointed receiver of the Philadelphia, Reading and New Eugland railroad company. Denver Banks. Denver, Aug. 21. The People's Na tional and Union National banks re sumed this morning. The three na tional banks, which are stilt closed, ex pect to resume some time this week. French Elections. Pabib, Aug. 21. Returns from yes terday's elections have been received from 601 dlstrlota out of 684. Re-balloU are necessary In 143 districts. Republi cans gained 40 seats and bave lost none. Nobody need suffer from lang melancholy if they take HI noraad minoBs Liver Regulator. I AM SO HAPPY! 3 MTTLES Of Relieved raeol a severe Blood trouble. It has also Caused my hair to grow out again, as it had been falling out by the handfuL After trying many physicians In vain. I am so happy to find a cure in S.S.S. O. H. Elbxkt, Galveston, Tex. UtCJmi tml flu aaoaawtU. Jr-It U entirely yagetotto tonaleM. Treaties on Blofxl and Bki teatted ft. IHnrrfOB0C9iAuw,e. National Guardsman Diod. Portland, Aug. 21, Special. Lieut. Nelson of A Co., who was wounded by discharge of a blank cart ridge Saturday evening (Med Sunday at 3 p. m. He had been moved to Port land. His condition became critical aud It was thought best to take him to his home. He expired on the electric car as It was uearlng the city. This tragic ending of a. gallant officer casts the national guard encampment in deep gloom at its close. The last com panies went home today. Nelson will be buried with military honors. Lieut. Nelson was of a very nervosa disposition and hla injuries were such that be could hardly recovor. Investi gation showed the discharge of the gun shattered the two feet vertebra of his spinal column. He was removed to the hospital early Sunday but gradually sank away. No blame Is attached to anyone for his death. The men all had orders to not approach nearer than thirty yards when firing. No pris oners were allowed to bo taken, and the officer's place Is always behind the firing line. It baa opt been learned who fired tbo fatal shot and no blame Is attached to any official. inquest. ( The coroner will hold an luquest to olghfbvcr the remains of Lieut. Nel son, who died yesterday, from tho ef fects of a wound received in the sham battle at Camp Compson Saturday. Stock Show. World's Fair,' Aug. 21. The ex hibition of live stock was opened this morning at the stock pavilion. There re 1017 horses, 1600 bead sheep, 1205 cattle, 1400 hogs. Tho Czar of Russia has 21 horses on exhibition, eome with pedigrees running baok 123 years. The Imperial stablos of Germany are also represented. Smart Man. Caddo, I. T., Aug. 21. State Treas urer McCurtaln fulled and the payment of leased district money to Choctaw In diana has to stop. He had oyer a mil lion dollars due the Cbootawa in bis possession. Bend only (30,000. The Choctuws are very blue. Grain Supply. New York, Aug. 21. -The visible dupp y of grain In store and afloat as comlled by the New York Produce ex change, Saturday, August 10, is as fol lews: Wheat, 37,813,000 bushels de crease 1600000. At Oregon Oity. Orboon City, Aug. 21. The work upon the Willamette Falls eleotrlo railway being completed as far as it is profltablo to do tbe work before the re ceipt of tbe cars, tbe company baa laid oft lb) men until tbe arrival of tbe cars. Upon tbe receipt of these the road will be immediately put In sfaspa for travel and opened to tbe public. No word has been received from the cars since tbey left tbe shop. Tbe Crown paper mills will startup Monday next upon orders, of which tbey have quite a number on hand. Owing to tho slack demand for stock tbey have determined upon a reduction of 25 cents a day on all wages. Tbe Oregon City Manufacturing Company adopted, without previous notice, an innovation In the manner of paying off Its hands. Instead ef pay ing cash they issued time checks, one half payable at the eud of SO day's and tbe other half at the end of 00 days. This is likely to work a hardship upon a great many who are dependent upon their monthly wages fortbelr living each month, especially as there is no apparent sale for tbe checks. The Oregon City iron works are being moved bodily to the corner of Fourth and Water streets, where tbey will be enlarged to accomodate tbe Increasing btulnesa. Among the Improvements that will soon be added will b wood and mouldlug department. BRIEF TECEOKAMS. NewYobk, Aug. 21. An evening nanersavs the discharge of a number nf men at the Hftveiueyer suitar refin ery at Wllllauitburg brought out tbe ff.t that about 2300 men had been laid nfl dnrlnif tbe week. It Is now prob able tbe entire force of 8000 men will be laid of! Monday. It Is also reported that tbe Havemeyer rtfiuery at Oreen Pome w"s"' " "yi;dT bsnds as the Williamsburg establish-1 . . igui, ment, bM closed. ) twnoto . SUGAR REFINERIES RESUME. Eapleyiig Fear TkstMMd Mei is New Ywk. IDLE MEN IN SAN ERANCISCO. Judge Bollinger Decides tke Quadrant Cases AgaiRst the Railroads. Refineries Sesame. New York, Aug. 21. The Have- meyer sugar refinery at Williamsburg resumed operations today, giving an ployment to four thousand band. Idle Laborers. San Francisco, Aug, 21. There art at present about ten thousand men out of employment In this olty and five thousand bave already registered bb applicants for work on tbo Midwinter fair. The Quadrant Lands. Portland, Aug. 21. United States Dlstriot Judge Bellinger today render ed a decision In the case of the TJniteo States versus the Oregon & Callfornh railroad company, and Oregon Central railroad company, commonly known a the Quadrant case. The Judge decide that lauds In tho quadrant are Included in lands forfeited to the government bj the act of January 31, 1803. ODDS AND ENDS. A fly has 10,000 eyes. There are 240,000 varieties of insects. John Wesley's father was a country clergyman. At tho equator the average annual rainfall is 100 inches. Pigeons were employed in the mall service in Bible times: Oblique finger nails are an indication of deceit and cowardice. An ocean racer burns about $18,000 worth of coal every trip. By sowing frugality we reap liberty, a golden harvest. Ageeilaus. In New York the average number of persons to a dwelling is 18. Tbo favorite flower of tho Prinoees of Wales is tho lily of the valley. Do not clean tbe gravy ladle by scrap ing it over the edge of the tnreen. The heaviest British wood is that of the box tree, which sinks in water. A woman maybe a "mother" to all the little waifs in her neighborhood. The longest bridge in the world, over the St. Lawrence river, is 0,144 feet Pronounce tbe letter r in words where it occurs, as in "arm," "girl," "robber." In Slam the king's head has to be shaved in the presence of the assembled nobility. The bones and tnnscles of the human body are capable of over 1,900 different movements. A Chicago merchant has on exhibition in his show window a pair of Hve Japa nese babies. There are one Chinese, one Portuguese and one Cherokee newspaper printed in the United Stales. Oilcloth should never bo scrubbed, bat washed with a soft cloth in lukewarm water, without soap. In this world of change naught which comes stays, and naught which goes is lost Mme. Swetchine. The British museum has recently ac quired a Chinese-bank note dating back to the last years of the fourteenth cen tury. It is tho oldest bank note known. FASHION'S FANCIES. The Tuscan hats are very large, bat tbey are soft, light and ingeniously woven. Eton suits worn at tennis at Newport are made variously of red, cadet blue or magnolia white English serge. Tkere haa been a wonderful dasaasd tkis season for blue serge or hopsscUng eeetem, with Jacket to match, wtth a Msaber of blonses of various sorts en site. There is a great fancy thk season for pliant anfsead leghorn bate esqnUHsly draped with crepe Has in 4nk, yellow or white, with many short An ostrich sips as trimmings. Accordion plaited or gathered ohifon, Usee, crape or silk muslin ruttes on dress skirts and on bodices, bretdles, sleeves and around the necks of slightly open dresses are very much in fashion. At the garden party given at Marlbor ough IIoum in honor of tbe Dnks and Duchess of York the Princess of Wales wam .Uut rt ral D-rav MM'jLtd kiUr. trimmed with ecru lace, and a sttrer Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. RoYal t$mm& ABSOOmSttl PURE HOPS AND CROPS. ABOUND rUYALLUI. M. E. Chase, who Is cultivating the 5 acre yard of Geo. O. Kelly's report tho hops in fine condition. Ho la now spraying for tbe third time. He ex pects to commence picking by tbe 10th. The following shipments uavo been mado the last week: For Llllentbal, New York. 132 bales; for tbe Uhlmans, Stw York, 60 bales; Meoker & Co., shipped 14 bales to New York. Some growers claim that they have contracted at 20o, and others claim that tbey have been offered and refused that figure. Some of the dealers are now laughing it the frantlo efforts of English com mission houses to convince American growers through their circulars that they had best consign to them. Fred Templeton, representing E. Meeker & Co., arrived from Oregon this veek, and reports tbo crop doing vell in that locality, with no llco to speak of, but a abort crop. 000 bales of '0 crop still remaining in growers.' bauds. More than 50,000 pounds of tbe new orop of hops have been contracted here this week by Mr. Nels, of Eugene, and Wm. Faber, tbe Albany brewer. Among those who sold are B. Grant, I. C. Tibbets, Jos. Bartholomew and Messrs. Alford. The price agreed upon is 10 cents. Seven cents was advanced for picking. Harrlsburg Courier. IN ENGLAND. Tbo London advlco from LeMay Bros., dated July 81, says: The red spider Is on tbe inorease and doing much damage. Tbe vines bave fully matured and the full orop is estimated' At 100,000 old duty. Hops slow; orlght fuggles lively but nearly all bought up by brewers. Tbo few Pacific coast hops that bave been placed on the market are rapidly taken. Vim All Spoiled. Little Dick Did you havoa good tdmo in tho country? Little Johnny No; mos' died. Wo bearded at a farmhouse. "Wasn't it nice?' "Yes, nice 'nongh; but on tho train a ole lady gave mo a cent, on when we got to the farm I found out that thore wasn't a store within 20 miles." Good News, Not All Dead Yet. Mr. Stuffy Good afternoon. Is this hot enough for you? Mr. Puffy Ob, yes; it's just 03. Mr, Stuffy What! Has tho mercury gone np to DO? Mr. Puffy Not exactly, but yon are tho ninety-fifth fool who has asked me that same question today. Boston Cou rier. MatrtaaoalU Item. Wife (a widow newly married) Do you speak Gorman? Husband Ob, yes. "Well, occasionally address me in that language." "Why?" "It will remind mo of my first dear husband." Texas Slftiugu. Malting Allowance. Mr. Oldboarder (going on bis vacation) What do you think of this bathing nit? Landlady Isn't it too big? Oldboarder Oh, I guesa nst. I ex pect to fatten up in the next fow days. Clothier and Furnisher. Near tbe KootllfhU. Usher (at the Church of the Iloavealy SplreV-Can I giro you seats, sir? Old Oavbov (fonrettlna where he is) Yes; irtt or second row; on the aisle, if you've got 'em. Brooklyn Life. Net a Lawbreaker. It was in tbe public garden. Two pretty little boys were running upon the edge of a big flower bed and jumping off, only to run np and jump off again, while a nursemaid salUd at tbera en cowsgtogly from a bench under a tree nearby. After they had wade tbe bank Uhs border very ragged, several of tho oan!Bara cams bv. and one of them atnnnad In renrova tho children. "Bee hero, stop that," said the man. "Go over there ana piay nnaer tno tree.- "Why, we mustn't plsy there," said as of the little boys with dignity. "Can't you soe that sign there to keep est tbe grass?" And, entirely aitisaed with bis own deference of law and or der, U went on jumping on the flower bad as soon as the gardener had passed Baking luwuci TUTT'S PILLS Bold all over the world. THE ANTI-OHINESE AGITATION. Bakeksfield, Cal., Aug. 20. An anti-Ctilneso mass meeting held here was largely attended. Rumors were ourrent during the day that a turbulent element would predominate, but exact ly tho reverse was the cause. From first to last overy sentiment expressed was In favor of ridding tho country of Chinese, but doing so only in a legal way. A committee aopolnted Tuesday evening reported in favor of calling upon tbo United States marshal at Los Angeles to furnish complaints enough for tbe arrest of Chineso residents here who are not registered, tho number be ing estimated at 1500. This action was Indorsed by tho meeting, and the re quest will bo forwarded to the marshal at once. Soverul strong addresses were -made by business men, laborers aud others, ail fuvorlng only legal steps. An tho Btiuso of the mooting, tie following whh adepted: 'Resolved, By tho citizens of Bakers lipid und Knru county, in mass meet ing assembled.tbat whllo ull urn strong ly iu fuvor of legal measures looking io deportation In accordance with tte Geary aot of such Cblueso as may be in our midst, we aro, as a people, unalter ably opposed to auy measures In viola tion or laws, and will frown upon any hucu action on tbo part of any person or persons whomsoever." Pasadena, Cal., Aug. 20. Goveini r Markham, who is at bis homo here, said tonight in regard to tho requett for troops to quell tho expected antl-Chincso uprising at Bakersfield, that ho bad wired for Information to Judge Conkllu at Bakcrfield aud had been informed by him thero was l o immediate necessity for troops. He has notified Judge Conklin that tbe local company of tbo National Guard at Bakersfield can be called out if neces sary, but that the step must be taken with discretion. Saorambnto, Cal., 21. Sheriff Bov ler, of Bakersfield, haa telegraphed the governor, asking that company G, of tbe Sixth Infantry.statloned at Bakers field, be called out to suppress an ex pected rising against tbo Chinese. The governor is at Pasadena, and Bovier'a telegram has been repeated to him thero. Driven Out of Selma. Helma, Cal., Aug, 24. An unarmed body of laboring men waited on the Chinese restaurants In town and de ported tho proprietors, sending them out of town quietly, using no vlolenoe whatover, and today their places of business are closed. This action was not taken until one day after tbe time speclflad In tho notice given them to close by the Autl-Ghineae league. The Chinaman mado no eflort to suspend business aud excitement was running high, They made no resistance when tbe last moment came. Tho wash houses aro preparing to closo by Sep tember Istj Nobody will suffer with liver or kid ney disease If they take Simmons Liver Regulator. I KEEP COOL tnalde, ouUlde. and alt the wjT thrue), HiftiSs' TliUareat Temperance drink: """ U it tiouUUful Tm U Jlent. Try U. SMITH BROS., CONTRACTORS A PLA8TEKBRP, Leaveorder at 0tUa-r knant Btoekeew VI,laa),Orefo. fel 3 41 I Xt ' r till yO Ji-