Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 19, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    "TWr"ii' -
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1 i
85cts. a moatk by Mall
Prepaid in Advance.
No Papers Sent Wfaea
Timo is Out.
CHEAPEST--: . rw ; s.
a f sjjva
Lciated Press Daily News- g"A
I PnViliehpH nn ihfi 79'
apui i u - - -
Pacific uoast.
$3.00 a Year.
' VI
kOL. 6.
NO. 195.
,'-3tL VjV?GlipifrPtfiB jL
JuwJijHB!ik! jB y( tSHBW H
gff,BI ' Jm JWMM!J5 HMMMiWf ' LJL
he New York Racket4
occuDies their old position in the Stale Insurance Block,
33 Commercial Street, and still offer
In all lines of goods which they carry. Their fine ladies and
oisses Dongoha shoes, are .away below wnat tney can oe
i ufht for generally, and every shoe of the better class war
ontH The same can be said of the better class of men's,
ov's and children's shoes. In all lines of goods such as boy's
nd men's fur and wool hats, wool, black saten, and gents
At dress shirts, white laundneel and unlaundned shirts;
jadies, gents, and boys underwear; pants, overalls, jackets,
hlnvfl-j bed-SDreads. lace curtains, embroideries, laces, table
Binen. crash, towels, pocket knives, buggy whips, and a large
Bine of all kinds of notions, all sold at
Wo buv all our roods for cash, at the lowest possible
prices for good material, and can afford to sell at low price? for
To Cripple the National
Bank System
Sherman Wants the Currency of
Banks Increased,
Not Federated Labor.
Washington, Aug. 19. In, speaking
of the movement said to linve' been In
augurated In at; Louis of urging all the
unemployed from the west to movo on
to Washington and by mean's of a tre
mendous demonstration force, congress
to provide relief for the needy classes,
Herman Schullz, a prominent member
of the local federation labor says federa
tion labor Is not at the bottom of the
movement. It Is the direct result of
agitation by a lot cranks, socialists and
anarchists endeavorlug to create trouble.
New Scheme forTeniporary Finan
cial Relief by a Bnttalo
General Insurance Agency.
Representing the following welUknown. and reliable Cempanies:
STATE INSORANOK CO., - - . -tna,In8"n?V,r.
Traders' Insnrance Co.,, . ouu "";"". yx, Tn m
National Insurance Co., Weiri ki insurance Co..
Oldest and Heading FttEta Uwcfar Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
T l i ..i.i j ..-.. ii., rntr TlYnprionce In the trade
enahlPB nip tn turn mil flrat-fllnaa wnrli. RamD e8 of Coverings. KO troUDie,;MM
give estimates. State Insurunce block, Chemeketa street
Ed.- C. Cross,
The Senate Adjourns
Washington, Aug. 10. The unex
pected decision of the senate to adjourn
yesterday is believed to have been due
to a torpedo thrown into the senate by
Butler, of South Carolina, yesterday,
in shape of an amendment to the bank
circulation bill repealing the state bank
tax, thereby alarming senators who de
sire speedy action on the measure, nnd
who feared that tho amendment
might carry and thus cripple the na
tional bank system. They accordingly
permitted the adjournment.
Situation Growing Bettor.
Washington, Aug. 19. Senator
Sherman, 1b a letter to an Ohio frleud,
says he thinks It best for congress to
move slowly until something effective
can be done. The financial situation
is gradually becoming better and the
belief is becoming general that all thai
is wanted is to Increase the currency of
the National banks and the suspension
of further purchases of silver. Tue
latter, he does not regard as Important.
except to dissipate the fears ol capital'
lets that we
yer standard
Mohammedans and Hindoos.
Bombay, Aug. 19. This being Mo
hammedan prayer day, there was a
general expectation of further trouble
between the membora of that seot and
the Hindoos. The authorities stationed
troops and artillery before the mosque
resorted to by the Mohammedans and
patrolled all the thoroughfares by sol
diers. Foil Books Stolon.
Indianapolis, Ind Aug. 19. The
poll books of nine precincts In the Gth
ward, check book, cash book and prl
vato memoranda were stolen from the
committee room of the Republican city
committee, about midnight last night.
There is great Indignation, on the part
of the Republicans. ,
Waito Softening.
Chautauqua, N. Y., Aug. 19. At
Grange today Governor Wolte of Col
orado was the chief sneaker, address
ing himself to the silver riuestlon and
eloslntrwlth these words:'"Weof the
West don't intend to wade in blood or
anything of this kind, but let this op
pression on the part of the East con
tinue and then let any candidate of
your old parties go before the people in
1896 on a platform of protection when
the West has received no protection
and he will not receive an electoral
vote west of Ohio or south of the Potomac."
den. Weaver Speaks.
Erie. Pa.. Aug. 19. General
J. B.
Itlagal Pensions.
Washington, Aug 19. Late Depu
ty Commissioner of Pensions Lincoln,
who Is a candidate for commandor-ln-chlof
ofG. A. R., Is authority for the
statement that an efloit will soon be
made tn the courts to declare the sus
pension of pensions granted under tho
act of June 27th, '00, Illegal.
Feeding Laboring Men.
Fresno, Cal., Aug. 19. Tho event
of today In this city Is tho feeding of
laboring men at the free labor bureau.
Two hundred were served.
Hop Market.
New York, Aug. 19. Hops are very
quiet; brewers trade Is moderato, export
ordere are light. Best Pacific's are
quoted at 21 Jo. European markets are
Arm on unfavorable crop prospects.
Ecuador Wants War.
New York, Aug. 19. The World's
Panama cable says? Thore Is a peculiar
clamor In "Eouador for a declaration of
war against Peru to take revengo for
atrocities said to have been committee
by the Peruvians during tho dispute
over the boundary, and In violation of
the status quo. The Peruvian consul
hero officially denies tho rumor. Peru
would bo unable to respond to a chal
lenge to light en acoount of troubles at
Trouble Among Laborers.
London, Aug. 10. The Paris corres
pondent of the Times says in the fight
between the French and Italian work
lngmen in Algues-Moitxn yesterday ai
least fifty wero killed and 150 wouuded.
Tho troublo grew out of a dispute ovei
wages paid tho different nationalities.
Union Pacific Bates.
Chicago, Aug. 19. The Union Pa
cific today gave notice that on next Sun
day it would put Into effect the $25 first
c'ato and $18 second-class rates from
Missouri river points to Butte, Holoua,
Portland and Spokane. The same first
class rate applies East bound.
Business Men Talk.
New York, Aug. 19. An officer of
the board of trade states that a call foi
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Thoutands of forced Stniui.
J. W. Palnior, a resident of Lon
don, has a room which is papered
with 70,000 forged stamps, mho
placo looks like an intoxicated mo
saic, and Mr. Palmer, who is proba
bly the most widely known stamp
collector in tho world, recently told a
writer that if tho collection was gen
uine it would bo worth $5,000,000.
Tho forgories represent every known
stamp and wero found in collections
whioh Mr. Palmer purchased during
bis 83 yoara' oxporionco aa a collector.
To collect tho 70,000 forged stamps
took almost 00 years. To make wall
Eapor out of them kept four pairs of
ands busy- for throo months. They
are pasted upon canvas, so that in
order to remove tho stamps it will
not bo necessary to remove the build
Paste, not gum, has been used, as
gum discolors stamps. Having boon
fastened to tho canvas, tho Btamps
wore treated to a coat of shellac and
wero thon varnished. In tho ' 'Cham
ber of Philatolical Horrors," as Mr.
Palmer calls it, is a flat topped desk.
Instead of leather, tho top is inlaid
with postago stamps. Theso aro gen
uine, and they number 1,440. Near
tho desk stands a screen. It is about
6 feet high and 0 feet long. Both
uidea aro covered with stamps. Tho
most valuablo among tho forgeries is
a Brattloboro, an American Btamp of
tho faco value of 5 cents. If it wore
genuine it would bo worth $1,250. A
fenuino, Brattleboro was sold by Mr.
aimer for that amount. Pall Mall
tviintasiilc und Kctnil
Dealer iu Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of allllinds
98 Court and
110 State Street.
are coming to a single ell- Weaver of Ohio was entertained here Lmeetln gof tuo buBlneai men of tin
i miiiiv hv the iree-coinace eieuieui. no ..,.. Tnt.i,innti rnrthnmirtvw
,, --,, -- Uj U1UUU3IUV , 1 mommgwm .,.. , a
of demanding Immediate ana uncouai
Piimps, Ptimps.PiimP
State Street.
Lamoureux's Stables,
At the Commercial street bridge pear Willamette Hotel. Vthsbbv
rt nor hSwaT h7L- lAmOUREUX. Proprietor.
Has just received some
of the latest faces of iob
9f.v-n nnd is prepared to
Country orders receive prompt at-
West Printing Co.
do better work than ever,
803 Commercial St., "
SaUni. Oregon.
Insurance - Agents
Debate Opened.
Washington, Aug. 19. Silver de
bate In house opened today by Mc
Oreary Ky., In favor of repeal.
The Plan of Relief.
New York, Aug. 19. The city bank
of Buffalo has devised a new scheme
for temporary relief of the financial
stringency. Briefly stated, the plan h
forthecltv bank to issue New York
drafts In uniform sums' of $1, $2, $5 and
$10 payable to the bearer, and let them
be passed from hand to nana as casu,
till It becomes convenient to redeem
them In the government currency.
Financial Statement
New Yonic, Aug. 19.-Bank state--OI,t
roaerve $4,499,000. loans decreased
5 255.000. specie increased $4,728,000
deposits $1,901,000. In banks now $12,-
045,000 below rule.
to make their future home.
Increased circulation for the week,
three million, three hundred and fifty
thousand dollars. The statement wa
received with cheers by brokers, when
read on chance.
People's Party on Silver.
Sylvan Beacu, N. Y., Aug. 19.-
-a u-nnittlnn tills
The Peoples' party wuou..u ......
morning adopted a platrorm reueruiiuK
allegiance to three basio planks of the
Omaha platform. Safe and sound flex
Ible national money, which shall be a
full legal tender, with free and un llm
Ited coinage, silver and gold at 16 to 1
Increase in circulation of mediums 60
net cent
Per capita platform declares the pres
ent distress is the result of lost confl
dence, Induced by the wall of capitalist
over the exportation oi gu.u, ----;
gently demands the construction of
the public works for the unemployed.
Applications for Appointments.
WABHINOTON. Aug. 19.-Tbe follow
log application, for PPolDtmeDtftfBAV;
Lfn Sled here: J. D. Campbell rf A
JTri. Or for Inspector of bulls, first
Tacoms, tmmlgrant Inspector.
addressed a farmerH'piculo of 3000 work
logmen. He attributed the present
stringency of the times to the insuffi
ciency of the volume of money to the
necessities of commerce, and said that
ihe free coinage of silver In America Is
Growing Rtstless and Listening to
Inflammatory Speeches.
New Yokk, Aug. 19. Th unem
ployed, principally tli03 concerned in
yesterday's demonstration, held a con
tinued meeting in Golden Rule hall,
Irvlngton street. Emma Goldman,
wife of Bergman, the man who tried
to kill H. C. Frlck In Pittsburg, made a
npeech of the most inflammatory na
ture telline the men, among other
things, that if they wanted bread not
to sulfer but to go and got It. A com
mittee was appointed to urrange for a
monster parade of workiugmon
throughout the work quarters of the
city.' An anarchist named Blanck
made an Incendiary address. There
will be a big mass meeting.
245 Commercial Street.
American Fire Insurance Co., Phila.
Home Insurance Co , New York.
Norwich-Union Ins. Co.. Liverpool.
Palatine Insurance Co,. Manchester.
Western Afsurance. Toronto, Canada.
Lancashire, Manchester, fcog.
Wornn Mutual. r?n Francisco, uu.
Home Mutual, fan
Witk itata Treasurer of Oregon
Over One Million Bolla-i DnosIt4
Protection of Policy Holders In Oregon omy.
AU Losses Adjusted ai PaWI Tkroagk galein Agency on Policies Written
I Marios, Folk, Yamkill as LU Counties
AUo Writ LU and Aeektoat Isaoraooo la Companies In the worm.
Young Mothers
"Msthsr's FrUnd"
Sots Confinement of its
ptla. Horror sad Risk.
SL WMUUrjn Oxo, Ir. Ho.
el4t7ndSS1, AnxTA,OA.
Henry Villard Speaks.
Boston, Aug. 10,-The story of n
sensational suit brought In Philadel
phia against four directors of tho North
ern Pacific for malfeasance In office
was shown today to one of them, Ed
win H. Abbott, who said It was all rot.
"It Is merely an attempt to Influence
proxies at the coming election In Octo
ber," he said.
New Yobic, Aug. 19. The following
letter from Henry Villard was received
at the meeting of the directors of the
Northern Paclflo railway yesteraay.
It relates to the charges urougni Dy
John Bwope, a stockholder of the com cem
pany: New Yobk, Aug. 14.-Tbomos F.
Oakes, president of the Northern Pa
tlflc Railroad Company Dear Blr: I
duly received your favor enclosing the
communication of Messr. Head and
Pettlt, made Jn behalf of John Bwope,
of the Northern Psclflo Railroad com
pany, and bearing the date of the 4tb
in.f. I desire to Immediately place on
record my unofficial denial of the
nharoen made, so far as they In any
wise relate to me, ana ia hjubu muo
emphatic my statement I hereby pre
sent to you ray affidavit on the subject
as requested by the counsel, who will
show you how absolutely unwarranted
It would be to subject me to the annoy
ance and expense of litigation over
matters in which I took no part.
Yours truly, H. Vnumv."
The affidavit requested by the com.
paoy was appended.
tional repeal of the purchase clause ot
the Sherman silver act will probubly be
Issued by the board within a few days.
Tho Bodies Eecovorod.
Colfax, Wn Aug. 19. Word wo
received here I his morning that ull tbt
missing bodies from the wreck of the
steamer Annie Faxon have been recov
ered. It was reported that aionr, on
of tho dtck hands, who escaped Injury.
was drowned while In bathing thlt
morning ut Lewlaton.
Prominent Portlander Arrested.
Portland, Aug. 19 A warrant has
been Issued for the arrest of John L.
Ayer, manager of the New England
Building, Loan and Investment com
pany. It Is charged that Ayer hypetho
cated eleven thousand dollars worth ol
the company's stock to his own ao
count. Ayer, li will bo remembered,
figured In this city about two years
ago, in local politics.
Stocktonians vs. Chinese.
Stockton. Cal., Aug. 19. Yesterday
some excitement was caused here when
a meeting of laboring men was held on
Hunter square to take up tue ami
Chinese movement and run the Chi
nese out of Stockton. Officers wero ap
prUed of the meeting and were sta
tioned In the crowd to stop auy unlaw
ful demonstration. The uprising ended
in the talk of one man and a promise
to assemble again tomorrow night and
notify the Chinese U- leave.
No Quarters for Mongolians.
Fhesno, Cal., Aug. JO. Last night
sixtvroen started for Roedlng's nur
sery, seven miles west of here, to force
the Chinamen employed there to leave.
Sheriff Scott and an armed posse went
In pursuit of the meu, and overtook
them uear Roedlng's. The sheriff read
the riot act to the raiders, and making
all return to town, where they arrived
at 2:30 this morning. Borne of the raid
ers were armed, and wero Inclined to
bewarlllke, but soon subsided. The
sheriff says be will arrest all the leaders.
New Mods of Exit.
Wichita, Kas. Aug. 19. Joseph
WalMseh. a farmer llvlug west of this
town, nearly succeeded in killing him
self Wednesday In a curious fashion.
H was found silting on a freshly dug
grave with his head and shoumers
above the surface, puttlug the earth In
nver himself. Within his reach was a
Sqnlre Abingdon' Good Deed.
Some years ago a lottor was hand
ed to Mr. Baird written by tho wifo
of a former friond. In tliirtho lady
informed him that her husbnnd won
dnnfroroufilv ill in Pnris, and that
thoyhad unfortunately reachod tho
end of their resources, unuer uieso
drcumatttnoes she ventured to rifile
for flflsiutanco. Without a rnomont'H
hesitation Mr. Baird summoned tho
mom; eminent physician of tho day,
and having stated tho circumstances
ho handed him ft blank check, with
orders to proceed forthwith to PoriH,
and at whatever cost to bring tho in
valid man back to England com
plotely cured.
His orders wero carried out to tho
letter, and threo wooks later his
friend returned to London nccompa
nled by tho dootor, snatched litorally
from tho gravo by Atnnguon uairus
millions, and, what is immeasurably
more crcditablo, by Abingdon Buird's
generous impulso and gonuino kind
hoartodness. After this lot tho ovr
righteous stop their cackling criti
dams concerning tho poor lad who
whilo ho bofriended many, whs hit
own worst enemy. London Truth.
And Thought Ho Win Entitled to It Any-
Mr. Jacob Sassafras of Hooppole dis
trict had answered all tho preceding
questions to the satisfaction of the clork
of vital statistics, and thon that genthv
man suidi
"Now, what Is tho lady's nnmer
"Can't you leave that blank?" asked
tho candldato for matrimony.
"Cortaiuly not."
"Havo to put tho girl's name right in .
there, do you?"
"Of conrso."
Mr. Sassafras rubbed his chin thought
fully and thou ebserved:
"You kin make mo ont two licenses
one for Miss Jeruslta Higglns an tho oth
er for Miss Amanda Abbott."
"Yon aro not going to marry them
both, aro you?" asked tho clork.
"Of courso not, but you see Jorusha
mightn't have mo. That's tho reason I
wanted the girl's namo loft blank."
"Havon't you asked her yet?"
"No. Is that tho regular way?"
"That is tbo invariablo rule. I never
know of a man coming hero for a mar
ringolioonso until tho lady in tho case
had boon consulted"
"Waal, that isn't my way. Yo seo I
hadn't popped to Jerusha yet, but I
thought It would bo a good way to m
tho Uconso an show it to hor an say,
JoniBha, don't you think your namo
would look well on this document? Don't
you think that would be a good way to
"Possibly, but I can't issuo a Uconso
under theso conditions."
"Not for Jorusha?"
"Nor for Amanda?"
"Nor with tho namo loft blank?"
"No." ,
"Well, I swowl Ef I'vo got to go back
to Hooppolo district and ask one o' thorn
girls to marry mo without a llcenso to
help mo, I'm afcnrd I'll nover get mar
ried." And Mr. Sassafras loft tho ofllco with
a big sigh. Brooklyn Life.
bottle labeled laudannm, which would
doubtless have been emptied but for the
timely arrival or a aearcuing party,
-. - w
It should be made a crime. against
the people to trifle with their taxes.
The ValthfulneM of Dog.
Tho htotorio dogs of Franco wore
no time servers. Thoy took little
hoed of rovorso of fortune or change
of dynasty, woll content if allowed
to attend their owners in prison or
palace, to the throno or tho scaffold.
Lord Bacon says, 'Takoanexamplo
of a dog and mark what o generosity
and courago ho will put on when ho
finds himself maintained by a man
who to him ia in the stead of a god."
A dog has no wish to command.
Ich dien is their motto, and more
willing, easily remunerated sorvaute
it is impossible to find. Their fidelity
is proverbial; their constancy is nol
in ho houfrht. If there Is a lifo be
yond thia for them as well as thoir
masters, thoy will not only lovo thom
"to tho death" hero, tmt "out uoyonu
Into tho dream to como." Art
0ad-lcu Itluid Irlet.
It Is said that tbo Kahunas wero
wild and weird in thoir methods,
thoir gesticulations and howliug
when an extra healthy victim did not
takft kindly to tho scheme or pray
ing him into tho gravo being some
thing terrible to witness and hoar.
Tho most recent victim of f ronsy and
fanaticism on tho part of tho Kahuna
Is one in connection with a double
murder on tbo island of Lanal about
a year ago. Ono of them was fnirly
clubbed to ueatn Dy an agou uumuuiv,
tbo other being burned nlivo in a
Irulldlng. Bo great was tho influence;
of tho hag that tho terrified Kanakas
who witnessed her acts wore afraid to
laUrf ero to aavo tho Uvea of thovio
Hat, HoboIuIu Cor. Chloago Trio-
An Amendment.
Some years ago in a vory rural district
afarmorhada cow for salo. Now, as
thoro was no weekly .paper to advortlso
in, It was the custom of tho vicar to give
such notices out to his congregation on
Sundays. So tho fanner thought he
would go to the vicar and got him to ad
vortlso tho cow in church.
"Yes," says tho vicar, "but you uons
como to my church."
And they struck tho bargain that the
vicar should advertlso tho cow and tho
man In roturn should go to church.
Now, unfortunately, the man was vory
deaf, and on the Sunday following, whoa
tho vicar gavo out tbo banns of marriago
botwecn Joseph So-and-so and Sarah So-and-so
a rathor unusual incident, for
they seldom had a wedding tho farmer
took it for granted timt tho vicar was
giving out particulars of his cow and
shouted outj
"Yon may as well say, while yon are
about it, that sho is a most gontlo crea
ture, entirely f roo from vlco and a great
cater." London Tit-BiU.
Qus Hecgo, tho author of "Yon Yon
son," writes from Tronhjem, Norway,
that ho has olroady gathered material
for n now Swedish dialect comedy for
Jacob Lltt.
Charles Frohman disposed of his rights
to "Tho Second Mrs. Tanqueray" to Mr.
and Mrs, Kendal recently, and tho Eng
llsh players will uso it during their forth,
coming American tour.
It is rumored that thero may again be
a Wallock's theater in Now York city.
Arthur Wallack, tho eldest son of the
late Lester Wallack, being credited wttk
nourishing such a scheme.
Ck-J ' ji'i.
includes the great temperance drink
Hires Sa
It gives New Life to tho Old Polks, i
i Pleasure to the 1'arcuts, 1
m lifnitii tn ma uiwuch.
KV QM tor XU-H AH tt llm.
L'JMb -..LMinftVMIli
smooth i-w.-p wj
UtK ,S
1 ;.'
..,, ,. nmaUKmm,M,mwmm,Mttm,m immniwai sitswiMiMM(BJtt
. i-'-i' .tfii I, ,. .
--- . Annul