Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 18, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Associated Press Daily News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coasts
$3.00 a Year.
25 eta. month by KaH
Prepaid la Advasee.
No Papers Seat Wkea
Time is Out.
VOL. 6.
NO. 195.
, -,u ' - . . EIGHT HERE IN SALEM.
Our shelves are blockaded with goods that must be
We put the pi ices so low that they will
Prices are Nothing! Cash is Everything!
You needent call on England,
' AAlthough we haye English Goods,
, ! ' "
You needent call on France,
Although we have French Goods.
297 Com'l, St., SALEM.
"-JLiW-. COTTLE &, CO.,
General -Insurance Agency.
Representing tko following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
BTA.TE INSURANCE CO., , .fljtna Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., Hun Insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., Westahester Fire Ins. Co.,
.Lion fire Insurance Co.; Imperial Klre iDSuranco Co.,
Iiondou &. Lancashire Fire In?. Soc, London ssurance corporation,
Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Union Fire Ins.doo.
Oldest and Leading Firm In the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience In the trade
enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
give estimates. State Insurance block, Gbemeketa street
Ed. C.
Lamoureux's Stables,
At tbe Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve
hicles being added constantly. Only tbo best service rendered. No shabby
rigs nor poor horses. . H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor.
West Printing
do bettor work than ever.
203 Commercial St., r
215 Commercial Street.
American Fire Insurance Co., Phlla.
Home Insurance Co , New York. .
Norwich-Union Ins. Ca. Liverpool.
Palatine Inburance Co,. Mancbester.
Insurance - Agents,
Over Om Aillioa Dolkri Deposited With State Treassrer ef Oregon for
Protection of Policy Holders In Oregon only.
All Lohm Adjusted and Paid Through Kalem Agency oa Policies Written
Is Maries, PeUc, Tamkill and Linn Counties.
Abo Write Life and Accident Insurance la Beat Companies in the World.
Choice .Meats.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of all Kinds
OS Court and
110 State Streets.
Ptimps, Piimps.PUmP
State Street.
Has j ust received some
of the latest faces of job
'tvne and is prepared to
Country orders receive prompt at-
Balew, Oregon.
Western Assurance, Toronto, Canada.
Lancashire, Manchester, Eng.
Haroburg-Madebunr Germany.
Home Mutual, Ban Francisco, Ca!,
Senate Finance Com
mittee Reports
a Bill.
In Equal Value as Standard
Repeal of Silver Purchase Clause
Sure to Pass.
In tho Senate.
Washington, Aug. 18. In tbo Ben
ate today Voorhees reported from com
mittee on finance a bill to dlscontluue
purchase of silver bullion, and declares
it to be the policy of the government to
continue use of both gold and silver
as standard money, and to
coin both gold and silver Into
money of equal intrinsloand exchange
able value, such equality to be secured
through international agreement or by
Buch safeguards of legislation as will in
sure maintalnance of parity in value of
coins of two metals. It is further de
clared that the efforts of the govern
ment should be steadily directed to the
establishment of such a safe system of
bimetallism as will maintain at all
times the equal power of every dollar
coined or Issued by the United States
in the markets and in payment of debts.
In the House.
Washington, Aug. 18. The silver
debate opened promptly this morning
in the house, with a speech by Sibley
(Democrat), In favor of bimetallism
and by Johnson, on the inconvertible
bond proposition.
Vest, on behalf of the minority of
finance commltttce, presented a substi
tute for the repeal bill. The substitute
fixes the number of grains of silver In
coins at 464 MO pure silver per dollar,
and proportionately for half dollars,
quarters aud dimes. Voorhees gave
notice be would call up the bill and ad
dress the sonate Tuesday.
Vote on the repeal bill not be reached
for some time, as there is a dlposltion
on part of senators to debate the meas
ure for an Indefinite time. While anti
silver senators feel pretty certain tbe
bill can pass tbe bouse they appear by
no means sanguineof tbe senate. Thero
seems to be a feeling that tbe bill of
Vest, establishing free coinage at a ratio
of 20 to 1, may possibly be successful.
Tbe two bills would then go to confer
ence, and In that stage of proceedings
tbe senate could, without sacrificing
dignity, recede from Us position and
adopt bill of bouse. It is believed that
members favorable to free coinage, hav
ing by tbat time put themselves on rec
ord, would be willing to vote to recede
and n straight repeal would go to tbe
president for bis signature.
Certain to Pass.
CmcAao, Aug, 18. A Washington
special says: Silver men admit now
tbat tbe repeal vote will pass tbe house
by large majority because of peculiar va
riety of free coinage views, In matter
of ratio, but they hope tbat senate will
return bill to the bouse with certain
changes favorable to free coinage.
I bad s malignant breaking out on my left
Wowtasta .mdirMcnrxl lonndandweU
with two and a klr bottle of ESFJBBJ
Other blood BUdlcUiM bad faOtd Kill
to do s as food. Wux C.Batt,
I waa trofc!l f root childhood wW an a-
inMctM of Tetter. atM tferaa fcoiuw Of
p"4 MV"V$ZZiuM.
Our book oa Blood and Bito PheaiM nu!U4
awirr srscino w., auhh, u.
Important Telegram.
New York, Aug. 18. A St Paul dlB
patch to a morning paper affirms that
a movement Is on foot to start u new
company with James J. Hill at the
bead for the purpose of consolidating
the Northern Pactfio and Groat North
ern railway systems. It is rumored
that this consolidation will bo urged
on tbe ground of economy, and Presi
dent Hill and President Oaacsaroat
tbe present moment going over tbe de
tails to prepare Borao plan of operation
to be submitted to tbe stockholders.
PuiLADRr.rniA, Aug. 18. Stock
holders of tbo Northern Paclflo rail
road, whose names are withheld, have
employed Attorneyss Read and Pettlt
to bring suit against Henry Villard,
Edwin H. Abbott, Charles T. Colby
and Colgate Hoyt on tho general
charge of malfeasance In the office
and mismanagement of the affairs of
the company in their capacity as direc
tors thereof. It is alleged that tboy
favored enterprises In wblcb they wero
personally Interested and that in this
manner they profited largely as indi
viduals, whereas the road lost heavily;
Ten million dollars is the sum named
as the amount of profits misappropriated
by these four directors. It is said hero
tbat Brayton Ives, Henry Clews and
Jay Cooke, Jr., the comuittteee which
investigated tbe affairs of the road last
year, aro back of tbe suits.
Valparaiso, Aug. 18. Martial law,
which was yesterday proclaimed in tbe
city of Buenos Ayres, has been extend
ed to all ports of therepublio of Ar
gentina, and n state of siege has been
declared for sixty days. Notwith
standing the fact that tbo federal troops
control tbe city of La Plata, it is In a
state of confusion bordering on anarchy.
Murders and robberies were frequent
last night, and tbe military authorities
seemed unable to prevent tbem.
News received states that Volontlno
Virasoro, who was made minister of
foreign affairs in tbe reorganized Ar
gentina cabinet, has resigned. It is not
known whether any other members of
the cabiilet Intend resigning.
Tbe latest telegrams from La Plata
says that 2,000 rebels havo been dis
armed, and tbat the work of disarma
ment will be pushed with the greatest
possible speed. Argentina revolution
ists, under Caseros, have Invaded Uru
guay, from Corrientes. They were
driven back by the Uruguayan troops.
Immediate Repeal.
Boston, Aug. 18. A committee rep
resenting tho business men of Boston
suggested to tbe Chamber of Commerce
that it may communicate by telegraph
to persons with whom they bad busi
ness relutlons In the West and South
requesting tbem to correspond without
delay with their senators and represen
tatives urging the importance of im
mediate repeal of tbe purchase clause
In the Sherman law.
Virginia Democrats.
Richmond, Aug. 18. Early this
morning the Detnocratlo state conven
tion renominated B. Taylor Scott for
attorney general amid a scene of great
coufuslon. The platform adopted and
endorsed tbe money and tariff plauks
of tbe nutlonal platform. All effort to
secure tbe Introduction of free coinage
In the plank failed.
Crimes of the Day.
CiiKitoiCKE, Iowa, Aug. 18. Mr, and
Mrs. Martin Bbultz, an aged couple liv
ing on a farm lu Tilden township,
Cherokee county, wero foully mur
dered. They had concealed about the
house about f 1000, and of this the mur
derers secured 1260.
Sacramento, Ctl., Aug. 18. A
special to tbe Record Union stutes that
tho railroad ofllue at Anderson, Shasta
county, was robbed at 2 o'clook, a. m.,
of $257 by two men who got oil tbe Ore
gon train. They blew tbe safe door off
aud carried away two drawers and an
Iron box containing the money.
Denvkk, Aug. 18, A hold-up oc
curred here which beats the record. P.
Ca&bmau, of Pensacola, Fla., registered
at tbe Wellington hotel. At 2 o'clock
be rang for tbe clerk and said tbat be
was very ill. The clerk rushed to the
street, and meeting a man, asked the
way to tbe nearest physician. Tbe
stranger replied tbat he was a doctor,
and was Immediately taken to the sick
man's room. The doctor asked for a
pitcher of water, and while tbe clerk
was after It the ulleged doctor robbed
hi patient of everything he had.
When tho clerk returned Casliinao bad
died, presumably from fright. Tbe po
lice were at onto notified, aud the rob
ber was arrested an hour later. He
gave his name as J. HUveii.
Don't waste your time mi doctors
when your liver Isdiseased, Taketilm
mens Liver Regulator.
In Iowa.
Dubuque, Aug. 18. Financial cir
cles are quiet today. But few deposits
are being withdrawn.
J. C. Cox, of Drain, is iu tho city to
day. Hard Fighting.
Chicago, Aug. 18. A brutal prlzo
fight was surreptiously held In tho
stock pavllllon, at tbe world's fair last
night. Eleven rounds were fought and
one man removed senseless.
New York News.
New York, Aug. 18. Clearinghouse
committee Issued 500,000 additional
certificates today. The steamship
Bismarck arrived last night with 889,-
037 gold. Steamer Campatgnla sails
from Liverpool tomorrow with $300,-
000 of gold, and the Elb $5130O,OOO In
gold. Premium on currenoy this morn
ing 3 per cent.
New York, Aug. 18. Epplnger and
Russell, lumber dealers, assigned. Lia
bilities $400,000.
San Francisco, Aug 18. Wheat,
December, $1.10. Boiler 03; now
Chicago, Aug. 18. Cash, 00J Sep
tember CO J,
Portland, Aug. 18. Wheat valley,
07 J 1.00, Walla Walla 87 00; Dec.
With a record like Simmons Liver
Regulator all should use it for tho liver
kidneys and bowels.
Hop MarKot.
New York, Aug. 18. Hops quiet,
offerings indifferent. There is no bus
iness practically except ordinary sales
to brewers. Quotations are unchanged.
first shipment.
Wheatland, Call? Aug. 18. The
first car load of sblpmonta of hops on
the Paclflo coast, was made today.
Four car loads, three hundred and
thirty bales, were shipped from tbe
Durst yards, billed to London. The
sample is extra flno for the first baling.
In MiBsourl.
Rolla Junction, Aug. 18. The
two men who held up tho St. Louis
and San Francisco train, near St.
James, Mo., yesterday, wero arrested
near thero this morning, by the shorlfl.
Chang, tho Chinese giant, now con
versos in several langnagos.
The only mombor of the British roy
alty who does not pay postage is the Duke
of Cambridge exempted as coinmandor
in chiof.
The Princess of Wales is afroquont
visitor to tho studios of Sir Frederick
Leighton, and on such occasions gener
ally takes tea with Lady Leighton.
Eddie Johnson, a Kentucky boy, who
is 2 years old, weighs 85 pounds and Is
regarded as tho largest child of his ago in
tho state. Ho wears a man's hat and a
OJ shoe,
The Duchoss of Edinburgh can ex
press her royaKwlll and desire in five
languages. Sho speaks and writes Eng
lish, Russian, German, French and Ital
ian fluently,
Mr. Clifford, traveling passongeragent
of tho Canadian Paclflo road, says that
an expert of his company is mapping out
a tour of the world for Mr, Cleveland U
make when his term ends.
The first Mrs. Rider naggard wan a
Miss Carroll of Baltimore. She was di
vorced from tho English novelist and is
now living on tho Paclflo coast with a
third husband. Bho was tho original of
Kacrambinl Gangnli is tbe name
which a Hindoo woman doctor rejoices
in. She la a D. A. and an M. A. of Cal
cutta university, bat she wants to got u
modical degreo from a European or
American college.
Mr. Selons, who gets a modal from th
Boyal Geographical society this year, is
believed to have killed tnoro elephants
than any one else. lie is popularly re
garded as the original of Rider Haggard's
"Allan Qnateraain."
Penigint desires to go upon the dra
rnatlo stage.
When Charles Wyndham appears In
New York, it will be in "The Bauble
Miss Juliette Cordon, theuowPrlscilla
in "Tho Lrio of Champagne," lias scored
John nnrloy has purchased "Walker,
London," for James T. Powers and com
pany. It is by J. M. Barrie.
John Drew is in London with his fami
ly. He is so popular there that Charles
Frohiuan lias arranged that he shall oc
cupy tbe Criterion next season.
Tho New York Empire theater will be
gin a preliminary season on Aug. 21 with
"liberty Hall," a sentimental and en
flaglaic London comedy by 8, Q4 Carton.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
No Tiller.
A lady from Buffalo had quito an ox
perienco in a largo Berlin hotol. Sho
was a bravo littlo woman "doing" tho
contlnont alono with her two children,
without being ablo to speak a word of
any langnogo oxoopt United States. Ono
night, having retirod early with the lit
tlo onos, sho was suddonly awakened by
a peculiar noise, which sho soon becaino
convinced was caused by some ono try
intf to opon tho door botwoon her room
ana tbo ono adjoining. Sho "wasn't a
bit scared," but got up quickly, turned
on tho electrio light and rang tho boll,
which resounded through tho whole
house. Tho sound at tho door ceosod
suddenly, and after a slight delay a
"Dutchman," as sho called him, ap
peared to answer tho boll.
"Speak English?" (tho usual quostion.)
"I ahpoaks hoom a leotlo," was tho re
ply. "Thoro is somo ono in tho next room
trying to opon my door," oxcitodly.
"No, ho is out," positively.
"But thoro is somo ono thero a rohbor,
a burglar. Don't you undorstand?"
"Ho is oudt! Ho vill bo eon at holluf
past zwolf."
"No, n robborl a burglar! a thief a
thief, I toll yon a thief in tho next
"Veil," meditatively, "I do not fink
hoeesat'ief, but ho eo.i oudt. Ho vill
be eon athallnf past zwolf, nnd I vill
tell heem tat you want to eee
heom." Exchange
Tho Now Anio aqueduct at Rome was
63 miles long.
It is said that disinterestedness is not
a mountain virtue.
When talking, givo each syllable its
propor valuo or length.
This Is tho centennial year of Protes
tant missionary work in India.
No ono can breatho n greater height
than ooven miles from tho earth.
A chronlo borrower Is a person whom
til sooner or later loam to avn'd.
People sometimes mako tho most noise
in church when thoy aro sound asleep.
Tho root of tho brior is tho only wood
which docs not burn when exposed to
Romovo grcaso from garments by
sponging with one tablespoonful of salt
to four of alcohol.
Tho smallest baby at birth was born at
Bucksport, Me. When S3 hours old,, it
weighed but 20 ounces.
Tho French chambor has recently ap
propriated $500,000 to bo oxponded In
planting tho mountains with trees.
During tho complicated procoBs of
manufacturing stamps they aro counted
11 times in ordor to guard against pil
Design In Nature.
Nowhere is tho evidenco of design
In naturo more emphatically not forth
than among certain forms of plant
lifo, which In their various functions
seem to approach so near tho animal
kingdom that the observer fools that
hero la some strange plant animal
something that might possibly form
a connecting link botwoon tho ani
mals and the plants.
In a close study of theso plants wo
see many evidences of Booming intel
ligence that are not found in somo
animals, and so romarkablo aro tho
actions of certain plants that tho im
pression is forced upon us tliut we
aro confronted with Intelligence or
something strangely ukin toit. Cali
fornia Magazine.
VlDft Nail Growth.
According to tho rato of growth
agreed upon by eminent authorities,
tho average time taken for each fin
ger nail to grow iU full length la about
4 months, and at this rate a man of
70 years of ago would havo renewed
hte nails 180 times.
Taking the length of each nail at
half an inch, he would have grown 7
feet 9 Inches of nail on each flngor,
aad on all bin fingers and thumbs an
aggregate length of 77 feet 0 inouee,
Philadelphia Times.
VoaHalow' AdtUe to flirt.
It is to Dr. von Bulow that is deb
ited the curt criticism of a vounir and
very pretty girl's, effort on tho
SlaBoforte. When ahu had Btruggled
arough ono of Bach's fugues after
the fashion of tbe ambitious maiden
aspirant, and asked tho great master
wuat no wouw auvue ner to ao, -uo
and get married," he answered as he
turned away and left her. New York
Kuil For l4tro Portrait!.
Tho proper caper just at present is to
havo ono's portrait done in oil, a very de
lightful capor if ono can afford it It Is
about tho costliest fad, howover, which
has fastened itself on tho money lockers
of tho fashionables. Still society, so
called, is always willing to amuse itself n
with fads. None of tho fashionable
portrait artists caro to dovoto their timo
to a portrait for which thoy will receivo
less than $1,000.
Porter, who so exquisitely painted Mrs.
Duncan Elliott when sho was Miss Sallle
Hargous, has just comploted ono of Mrs.
Abram S. Howitt. Mrs. Thoodoro Havo
moyer caught thocrazo and has hanging
at tho end entrance to tho art gallery in
her town house on Madison avonuo a
lifo sizo portrait of horsolf , for which tho
is said to havo paid the artist, Mullcr
Vry, ovor $5,000. Tho same artist's por
trait of Dr. Dopow cost tho latter gen
tleman nearly $4,000. Mrs. Havomoyer's
is lifo sizo, and the canvas, together with
tho frame, covers a spaco fully 15 feet
in width and length.
Mr. Vry is vory shortly to commence
a portrait of Mrs. Chnrlos Yerkes, and
apropos of this it is said that in the lum
ber room of her houso in Chicago there
is stored away a portrait of this hand
somo woman for which sho paid the ar
tist somo $15,000. Tho story of the plc
turo is similar to that regarding Mrs.
Mackay's picturo by a faraouB artist it
too truthfully rcsemblod her. New
York Press.
Would See Her Later.
Coming ovor from the cost Bide the
.other day a university car was filled
with all sorts and conditions of passen
gers, conspicuous among them being a
crowd of jolly university studonts. Op
posite tho boys sat a hard featured fe
male, evidently on her way from a moot
ing at tho opposition. Noxt her sat a
bright faced woman talking with a
friend. Naturally tho talk drifted upon
tho subjoct of tho rovival meetings, and
the friend asked, "I supposo you have
boon to somo of them?" "No, I have
not," tho other roplied. "I haven't had
timo," and as sho spoko sho signaled the
conductor to lot her off the car. At her
words tho hard featured female sitting
noxt her quickly turned, and leaning for
ward said In solemn tenes: "Haven't had
timol Will yon have timo to go to hell?"
The car had stopped, and as the lady
reached tbe door she hurriedly retorted,
"If I havo, I'll boo you later." Then she
stepped into tho etrcot perfectly con
scious of having been ablo to squelch a
woman who didn't know enough to mind
her own business. Minneapolis Tribune,
A Sailor In Court.
A sailor was a witness, and the cross
examining lawyer nskodt
"Do yon know tho plaintiff or de
fendant?" Witness Now. What's that?
Lawyor You don't know tho meaning
of plaintiff and defendant?
"And yet you would givo testimony
against tho plaintiff? Tho witness is in
competent from ignorance, your honor."
"Avast heavin, shipmate. Stand
athwart ships and let me ask yon a ques
tion." "Qo ahead."
"What is abaft of tho binnacle?"
"What has that to do with tho case?
I don't know."
"A pretty lawyer yo be, Any bloody
land lubber ought to know that the com
pass Is abaft of tho binnacle. 'V-Texa
Iu Deep.
"I understand Jigson holds quite a re
sponsible position and that ho is nn
klly interested in the concern ho is
"Yes; they owe him six months' ssl
ry," Westfield Union,
k the rlrit time
fcr every body to
i ill vBeer
A temperance drink.
A home-made drink.
A health-girlsg drtak.
A thlret-ouencbTns: tkiak.
I A drink that ti popular ewywlw,
Delicious, Spy kHaf, KfcmiciMl.
A jJ cM pulai mitt $ boKom ef tfckl
4'hrtHil4iaj, Uoo'l be dcml, I
km4l' Jml n good 'Uifolw. KaUfc
It M o4 M lb gonulo. HlM.
ff?. w,-Jjs
1 k
1 1
t!iyi"''wT.'!riw1 imivymm '&f) ' WM Str 1
ly-af" j.ft!i