ilVr7n One cent daily i S5cte. a aetk fey J1 Prepaid la Advuce Associated Press Daily News paper Published on the Pacific Coast. $3.00 a Year. JOTTRNAI - -. aj v7xJr 1 JL xxJLj I A Vo Papers Seat "Whew l4SIBJ Time Out. VOL. 6. DAILY EDITION. SALEM, OBEGON, THUKSDAY, AUGUST 17 1893. DAILY EDITION. NO. 194. fj WfWt II 'SsSsSSsWssHE'EBestA flMRffUHnlsrS Hffi s B BfaggsV FOBS POT Is tint the wav you have been buying your goods 1 We have tried it for a year and a half in our business and it has proved a decided success. WE BUY AND SELL FOR CASH ONLY. Try this same method for yourself once. Buy from a cash store. Save the usual per centage added for bad accounts at a credit store, and you will be happily surprised at the result. The New York Racket Offers you genuine bargains in BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, SHIRTS, HOSIERY, UNDER WEAK, TABLE LIN ENS, LACE CURTAINS, COUNTERPANES, and a general line of notions. Bring your cash and get full value for it. E. T. BARE State f H. W. COTTLE & CO., General Insurance Agency. Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies: BTATE INSURANCE CO , iEtna Insuranoe Co., Traders' Insurance Co., Bon Insurance Co.. National Insuranoe Co., Westchester Klre Ins. Co., Lion Y Ire Insurance Co., Imperial Klre Insurance Co., Iiondou s, Lancashire Fire Ins. Boo., London Assurance i orporatlon, Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Union Klre Ins.doe. Oldest and Leading Firm In the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance, J. W. THORNBQRG, THE UPHOLSTUItER. Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in the trade enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to give estimates. State Insurance block, Chemeketa street Ed! C. CHURCHILL1 Pumps, Ptimps.PiimP BURROUGHS j F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. Lamoureux's Stables, riga nor poor borees. " "' " West Printing do better work than ever, tention. 203 Commercial St., SMITH BROS., CONTRACTORS & PLABTEKER8. Leave order at OotUe-rarkkunt bloek,room IS, Balem, Oregon. P. J. LARSEN & CO., Manufacturer of Wagons, Car riages, etc. Repairing a. Specialty. SnopeSBUU street FARM FOR SALE. o,v0Adruw om good Umber. Trmi yery uy din O, I Wsn W-lm-dW wbUnd40f. CASH ONLY! S, Ins. Block Cross, 111 Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of allKlnds 95 Court and 110 State Streets. 103 State Street. Choice KmIx LEADING MEE0HAN1 TAILOR. Co. Has just received some ne tiin lnfpRfc faces of iob Jfcvne and is prepared to Country orders receive prompt at- Baleni, Oregen. MONEY TO LOAN On lmproTe Bel EaUte. Id nJ?a UnietomzU. Hodelaylnconilderlns loan. FEAR & FORD, Boom 12. Buita Rank bkiek. 6 13dw CflflS. W0LZ, jfoprletorof tue GERMAN x MARKET Booth OontmwcUlBU ' All kind Freeh, BltSJ4 Smoked Meats "TSaBMuvnr, FINANCIAL w Immense Steel Rail Mills Suspended. AN OLD IOWA BANK CLOSED UP. Colorado National Baak Resumes Business. A DOZEN PASSBNGBRS INJURED By Train Collision Near Dubuque, Iowa. A Gold Bill. Whbhinqton, Aug. 17. Senator McMillan introduced a bill today to provide for the more extended use of gold. It amends the statutes by reduc ing from 20 to Ave dollars the mini mum issue of gold certificates for gold and gold bullion deposits. Discussion of the Montana senatorial question consumed much of the session. The senate agreed to vote in the Man tel case at five o'clock Monday. Senate finance committee will probably report favorably on tbe unconditional repeal bill tomorrow morning and ask that the body fix a day for a vote perhaps within a day or two of the vote in tho house. The committee agreed upon all but the phraseology of the bill which will contain a declaration iavor- able to bimetallism. Steel Sail Mills Close. Pittsburg, Aug. 17. The Oliver Iron and Steel Company, one of tho largest concerns in the country, went into the hands of a receiver today. Capital of the company is 51,000,000. Apparent indebtedness $600,000. Bend- ed indebtedness $585,000. Tho Old Cooley Bank. Dubuque, Aug. 17. The First Na tional bank, one of the oldest Institu tions In the state, with a capital of $200,000 suspended this morning. The statement showed half million deposits. One Resumes. Denver, Col., Aug. 17. Tho Amer ican National bank resumed business this morning. Wreck in Iowa, Dubuque. Auk. 17. A passenger and freight train on tho St. Paul road collided at 3 o'clock this morning, three miles Bouh of the city. The passenger engine and two cars went over tbe em bankment, and a dozen passengers were hurt. New Manager. Rt. Paul. Minn.. Auk. 17. Acting General Manager Kendrlck has been appointed general manager or the Northern PaclUo Hallway, by the re ceiver. Will Not Discuss Silver. Detroit, Aug.17. Logan Chlpman, congressman of this district, died this morning. T.nnrlno Weakening. T.nnnw. Ana. 17. The acting of the eovernraent iu lowering tbe price ot .w..'v.., o- India Council bills, caused greAt weak enlng In exchange here today. Factory Pails. niitniuiTr. O.. Autr. 17. Tho In.-.-A.A tvcrnn lorn nan y. largest of iu kind in tbe United matee, amKu l.l. mnrnne to UrUV & xju.iuytb. Assets $120,000; liabilities I7uu,uw. Mothers Friend IIHLSfiLL FLUCTUATIONS Colvla, U., Dee. . " My wU b4 "Metier. Ff Uivl" Utor TeruUltf HI. AUeats.0. Daring Bobbery. St. Louib. Mo.. Autr. 17. The Bau Francisco train number four, due to ar rlyo this mornlntr, was bold up by two men at St. Jamea, Mo., this morning and robbed. The safe was opened but the amount taken la unknown. At Chicago. World's Fair. Aub. 17. Tho finan cial outlook of the fair is growing much brighter since tbe recent reduction In expenses and marked increase of earn- lugs. Northern Pacific Receivers. Portland. Aug. 17. In the United 8tatea circuit court today W. H.Payne, T. F. Oakes and Henry Crouso were appointed receivers for the" Northern Pacific in the state of Oregon. Bonds wero fixed at fifty thousand. Denver Banks Resume. Denver, Aug. 17. The National Bank of Commerco re-opeucd today, with almost a hundred per cent, of its liabilities oa hand. Three more of the suspended banks are expected to open by Sept. 1st. Branaen Acquitted. Denver, Aug. 17. Colonel Brannen, charged with being a leader of the mob hanging the Italian Arrata, was ac quitted this afternoon. Hop i Manet. New York, Aug. 17. Hops are quiet and quotations unchanged. Cables modify somewhat former esti mates of large shortage in the Euro pean crop, but it is generally couceded it will not be more than 80 per cent, of last year's crop. Pin Money. Washington, Aug. 17. Tho senate passed resolutipn providing for pay ment of their mileage. Keport Unfounded. London, Aug. 17. Further advices state that tho rioting in Bombay is un founded. "J The Silver Talk. Wasuinciton, Aug. 17. Daniels f New York, opened tbe sliver debase to day with a speech favorable to repeal of the purchase clause. Eeslst Reductions. West Superior, Wis., Aug. 17. Streetcar employes struck this morn Inj,' on a ten per cent cut wages. BET BIGHT. Ed. Journal. Allow a few state ments through your columns regard ing tbe school question. First Salem schools have not been without superin tendence. Mrs. Grubbe's trip was taken after tbe promotions and trans farx at the beclnulDK of tbe term, and she returned in titue to prepare exam inations for tbe close of the year. Each principal bad special directions regard ing matters of general work. Every detail of teachers' meetings was ar ranged and teachers appointed to load the grade meeting. Beside these things she paid a substitute to attend the ofllco work during her absence. With all these precautions to those who know best many things went wrong. Second, Salem might profit by tho experience of Astoria in this matter. She paid each principal more than ba tern purposes paying a superintendent ml now coea back to theDlan of a city superintendent though sharing the uni form trouble auoui runua. as wen say each officer of a ship can do his part boot to act independently with no captain to direct all as talk of a system of city schools with no superintendent. One point of many may be presented. Now while each teacher has scope for Dm creAtest individuality In tbe man ner she does btr work, each covers the same ground in a given time, and chil dren going from one part of the cl.y to another, have no Interruption In their work being sure of classes ready for them to euter. No one advocated economy more honestly than we do, but to any per son knowing what schools should ac complish either employing a cheap su- nerlntendeut or doiug away with tne office Is penny wise and pound foolish. Salem caunot to do without a Clear beaded, active, well Informed person as superintendent, if she wishes her uohnnii. Moeciai v as tuev are expeoieu to duUb a ten grade in nine months,and wuuiiurkm - v ... .-w -...., tbe rooms, will, of necessity, bo crowded n Mvtiint of the school board havlnir thought best to economise, by opening no more rooms tills year. A Tbacukk, D. P. As Receiver of the PertlaRd liv ings Baik. THAT IS TUB RBl'ORT AT PORTLAND. Labor Riot Breaking Out in New York City. Thompson Resigns. Portland, Aug. 17. It is reported this afternoon that David P.Thompson has resigned as receiver of the suspend ed Portland Sayings bank, E. J.North- rup is mentioned as his successor. Labor Slot. New York, Aug. 17. The first of the riots wbieh labor leaders and oth ers have been predicting for somo time, as the result of a large number of men out of employment occurred this morn ing. A crowd of more than 6000 men attacked Walhalla hall on Orchard street, because admittance was denied them. Those forming tbe crowd were mostly Hebrews and represented prin cipally the clothing trades. At last accounts the hall was about half filled with men determined to bold a meet ing at any cost. Want Tkeir Mosey. Portland, Aug. 17. At a meeting of the depositors of the Portland Sav ings bank, held this afternoon, a mo tion was adopted o appoint a commit tee of five to wait upon all the stock holders of the bank, and ask them to pledge depositors that they receive their money in full. The Asiatic Terror. Washington. D. C Aug. 17. A cablegram from Autwerp report six new cases of cholera, five fatal. THE MARKUT8. San Francisco, Aug 17. December, $1,101. Seller Wheat, 03; new $1.13. CniOAao, Aug. 17. Cash, 01 tr Sep tember 61, Portland, Aug. 17. Wheat valley, 07J 1.00, Walla Walla 87J 00; Dec (1.21f. m AMONQ THE GEMS. Pliny in tho first century was the first writer to describe tho diamond. The Regent diamond, tho property of the French government, weighs 106 carats and is valued at 13,000,000 francs. The finest emerald in Europe belongs to tho crar. It weighs only 80 carats, Irat is of perfect color and transparency. The Mexicans carved tho emerald with wonderful skill, using only siliceous powder and copper tools alloyed with tin. tIia i-avbI irnwn nf Great Britain is composed almost entirely of diamonds, pearls and rubles, weighs 80 ounces and 5 pennyweights troy and is valued at $1,900,000. Tbe ruby, sapphire, oriental topaz, oriental amethyst, oriental aquamarine, nrinntnl nhrvBolite. hvaclnth. star ruby. star sapphlro, star topas, aro all corun- duins of uluorent colors. rw nlitnlnwl in Mexico flvo emer alds of wonderful size and beauty. One was cut like a rose, anoiuer in me snapo of a born, a tliird in tliat of a fish with diamond eyes, n fourth like a bell with a pearl for a clapper, the fifth was a cup with a foot of gold and with four little chains, each ended with a large pearl. Bt Loois Globe-Democrat. RAILROAD TIES. F. II. Thomas has been appointed gen eral superintendent of tbe Buffalo Cen tral PrMnt Clark of the Mobile and Ohio is trying to raise mosey to extend bis road to Montgomery, Ala. Tho general otti of the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg railroad have been removed fro Bradford, Pa., to Buffalo. Mr. Isaac W. Fowler has been appoint ed superintendent of the Chicago, St. Louis and Bt Paul (Bluff line) under the new receivership management G. A. Henderson kw been appointed general superintendent of tbe Jackson ville Bonthwistern. Ho has been act-to superintendent since Mr. Rider accepted the superintendency of the Kansas City belt line. .1 RAMI has been appointed 1 Keueraj passenger ana ucxei agent ot uw t Mjjonon" (LouUvlIle, Hew Albany a4 nAan nllmadi in cite of JaasM Barker, realised to take tbe positioa of arai paateairsr aw we t sOTkaouZ2a a4 Tsas Matwaf Highest of all In Leavening Power. RoYal m& ABSOLUTELY PURE ROTTEN PORTLAND BANKING Hew One Basic's Maiagers Fav ored Tkeasolves. PDBUO TAXES TREATED AS DEPOSITS Ila&dod Oat Among Tkomsolves After Suspesslon. It is time for tbe people of Oregon to wake up to a realization of the reckless way their public monies have been ap propriated by alleged bankers and cor rupt public officials. The plain issue is whether half a mil lion of state taxes shall be Btolen, and perhaps as much more of other public funds. The banking methods disclosed by the report on tbe Portland Savings bank aro a disgrace to our state. That report shows that large loans wore made, by the bank managers to them selves and friends after tbe bank had taken advantage of the protection clause of tbe law requiring 00 days no tice from depositors beforo they could withdraw their money and hence they could get no money. IIXRE ARK ALLEOED FACTS. After depositors wero shut off large sums of money wero loaned on several notes at 8 per eeat Interest during tbe few diva previea&to the bank's suspen slon. George P. Dekum, rcclvlug teller of the Commercial National bank, bur rowed (4801 for one year. Edward Cooklngbam, cashier of tbe same insti tution; obtained 18400 on tbe same terms; C. K. Cranston, note teller of the Portland Savings bank, got f3000; Q. H. Durham, f6T00; Ed. Dekum, $3460; It. D. Durham, (3&10; Adolpb Dekum and Otto Dekum, $1800. On July 28, tbe day before the bank closed its doors, L. M. Cox secured $2600 for one year at 0 per cent, and Mrs. A, M. Elkins and II. O. Whitebouse boi rowed $0600 for the same period at tho fame rate of Interest. On July 6, President Frank Dekum and Vice President D. P. Thompson, of the Portland Savings bank, and President George B. Markle and Cashier D. P. Sherman, of the Oregon National bank, borrowed f 14, 000, giving collateral security, of un known value. There is one thing which Is causing much unfavorable comment, and that is the fact that two days before the banks closed sons of President Dekum apparently borrowed on notes $0561 and Messrs. It. L. and George II. Dur ham $0&O. C. K. Cranston, a olerk in the bank, borrowed $3000 on the 27th. Mr. Cooklngbam, cashier of the Com mercial bank, borrowed $8400 on the same day; It. O. Whltehouse, (Mr. Cooklngbam' tether-le-law) and Mrs. Elkins $8100; L. M. Cox, father-in-law of Mr. Btratton, $2600. All this looks like a "family affair." This is a sample of tbe banking meth ods pursued by gentlemen who had In their keeping at least $732,000 of taxes collected from the people and which has vanished from sight is their vari ous "suspended" banks. It is more than likely tUat they had several hun dred thousand of Portland city money, school funds and perhaps other state fund. If tbe city of Portland can stand this sort of thing the slate caunot. The people should not be obliged to stand it. Their hard-earned taxes have beea .toi outright and every wer l the Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Umlvl state should be exercised to compel the thieves to disgorge If It takes every bit of property they have and lands them in penitentiary besides. There has been an epidemic of de faulting county officials, rotten bankers, and defaulting public treasurers, like Shipley of tho state Agricultural col lege, who put a large sum drawn from the stato treasury Into a sawdust bank ut Corvallla a fow days before it basted. Are the peoplo to have no redress for this public robbery and wholesale ap propriation of their hard-earned taxes? All the power In the hands of the gov ernor, the treasurer, the attorney gen eral, and publlo prosecutors should be brought to bear at once to recover to the people the publlo funds, first wrung from them by taxation and then ap propriated by men like Sherlfl Kelly, treasurers Malarkey and Shipley, bank ers like J. D. Cowan of Albany, and Dekum and Thompson of Portland, who are still flaunting a bold front in defiance of tho people. Tub Journal voices the taxpayer. It speaks for those who innooently and confidingly pay their taxes. If no one ever raised a hand to right this stupen dous fraud or protect the publlo against Bnch fraud it would still insist on speak ing for those who so fur are not repre sented in our weak or paralyzed state government, except by their contribu tions to tho tax collector. -"---Ttiftifiiiiflftiimiiiftfti' Said the Owl to himself, "If the moon I could get, whenever I'm urv my throat I could wit! ThetMnnn-iaiL "--i-- , ... quarter. wiui a quar ter I hear; you can purchase five gal lons of Hires' Root Beer." A DeHelMM. 1"MMfr aaca, Thlrtt-qtMnctilag, Good for any Umu 9t year. A PW aulitf J eHoo. 8uniul Set ttimn . llmllllllll'MIIIIIIIIIIIMIIM PROFIWSIONAL AND BUBINHSflOAKDft. r. H. n'ABOY. OBO. O.BIMQHAK. J Koonul.a and 3, lVArcy HaUainr. M (HaU street. BpecUi iUtUon flvottr to omU a. ifTfiTf a vr im-nss ijb.w. pewi id mo HuprciuQ hu uiivui w. w v. UU. ". Rl". 110I8E. Attorney at law. Pslem, Of. . con. Office '71 Commercial street. TILMON KORD, Attorney at law, SaUiu, OregOB. Ufflco up Uitr In ValUm Moofc. j, maaKIl, Attorney at Ur,Jm. Or . goi. Ofllce over Uunu's bank. T j.biiaw.mTwTuunt. hhaw hunt J . Attorney at law. OtHre- ovwr OpIUI National bank, Halem, Oregon. JOHN A. OAIWON, Attorney atlAw.rooaw a and i, Utun bank building, Halew,Or. II. V. DON1IAM. W.H.KOLMBS, DONHAU HOLMES, Attorney at law. 13 omoelnButb block, botweoa Stat ana Court, on Commercial street. K. VOQVK, Monographer and Tip- IX, wriiot eaatcu m hitl nnik In OrMraa. vrrltett Meat equipped typewriting of. VTO JilWJ uah'a bank, Halem, Oregon. TKLLA HHERMAW,-Typewrltlnt commercial stenography, room II. Ory nn.wiTiHiiiiiiiua. wwn and look. Klrml-clas wer nfii.ii nmraTMii Minimal eric, naiea reiwnnm. DB. A. DAVIS. Late h.1 Graduate rf New Vork, gives ipeoUU atlentlofi to the dl eaaee of women and children, bom, tbroat, lung, ktdneyi, ekln dtfMee and aurgenr, OMoe at realdenoe. lol SUte rtreet, Ooneulla-tloarnntoria-a-"toSP''a' 7-i- S.mOT1 lunutnixnM. " le IloOnmmerrlal utreeU-.lCWrldge Woek. Kremenee iu uiiu'n . geoiu omci. Wurpby bloak; reeWeiwt, tomnurcUtl etreeC .. . uiiinit lL.HlUi CM BAtA -' allem.Urenon! ttntokeel eWattel opera. i& tool of every deecxlptloa. JhauleM .uMi- UooaHeclal y hESgr hF BK. OLAKA M. DAVIUWOW, graduate f ,' vaula omoa. UW-lrjra Woek, Maiaa. J, goa. Oeeeiounfcjtia- tof-,av III wore guarBted. Oelee Yr 3. rtf tlreete, 17 -,.,. w. Hirnu.aajiS5iS&', I hT"' g' " "-" ! II I Ir? I I" I ' lit 1 J ! - l