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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1893)
Wr1 wwnBHHiiMiwtiwiiin'iMwui'iwiiiniiinimmiiirt v. Sfc 3 jffiVJ:tfi:NO UaPITaIj JOITKNAli, MOITDAY,-AU&UST J4, 18U3; . .,-m,iti iTnagazsiT- 2i ft II Hi Kor SO Days. -ALL DRESS GOODS INCLUDED. Call and Get Prices. Our two fine presents will be given away September 1st. THE PALACE anddshoegcompany, 307 Commercial Street. - IF - You are going to build or make any Hndol Improvement, call on toe uudcrilgued Jot material. We have a com piete stock, and an read to (apply any prepaied contract, sewer work, rradlne, etc Salem Improvement Co. Goino TO C'ONFlsKENCE. Rev. G. V. White, of SU Paul's African M. E church, Balem, leaves Tuesday for Beat tie to attend conference. He will be succeeded here by another young col ored man from Philadelphia, who will probably return with him. Rev. White started to build the African M. E. church in North Salem March 1891, and in May, 1B02, the first service wus held, when a fine $1500 property wu presented to the conference, Presiding Elder Gteen and Key. Keliermau, ol the First M. E. church preaching. Rev. White has preached acceptably to to 25 or 30 people every Sunday at the African M. E. church, the only one in the state outside of Portland. He has beon a bard student at Willamette uni versity for two years, and baa had the hearty good will of the pastors of all the churches. There id quite an ele ment of colored peoplo in and about B tlem. After Heii Ckedentials. A drummer at Albany thought to be smart with the secretary of thb Balem Humane Society. On her credentials being asked for she weut to the bagguge room of the 8 P R R and asked for her baggage that had been left there, re marking that she wanted to get her credentials. Opening her yallse she pulled out a savage looking revolver at least a foot long and pluced It in her hip pocket. It has never beeu learned whether the credentials were accepted or not. Miss Hall of Balem, takes "eass" from no drummer. Deaf-mutes. The Oregon school for deaf-mules, located at Salem, will reopen for the next regular term on Wednesday, September 13, 1693. Pa rents will confer u favor on the teach, era and olllcers of the school by return ing tlio pupils promptly ou tho open ing day, and it should bo borne In mind that places cannot bo reserved in the classesor in tho dormitories for pupils who full to arrive at tho proper time. Address B. Irvlug, superiuteiideut. RoseDAiiU. That Is getting to be a great fruit region south of Salem. The orchards there growing will supply car loads of fruit In the next year or two. The Cottlo orchard is yielding wagon loads of Halo's early peaches. Black and White. Rorhaps the lineal lino of iuks uuil mucilages ever oflered lu Salem, Is now held in stock by Dearborn at lowest market figures Good to Know. It Is always good to know uat where to get satisfaction lu dealing. Go to Van Eatou's, the grocer's, with this safo assuruueo, al ways. Ouh EximilT. State Supt. McElroy shipped today 8333 copies of Arbor Dai pamphlets aud catalogues of tho Ore gon educational exhibit for distribution at tho world's fair. Phouatb. Orders were mado today in the J, L. Taylor estate, for sale of personal property and allowance to widow of f 000 a year. School Mattkks. Tho Salem ftohool board meet Tuesday, Aug. IStli, to consider quostlou of electing a prin cipal and other business. ii mill .iii m I' ADVElvriaKjts. Come In and seo Thk Joubnau'8 lists of three thous and of tho best peoplo lu Oregon to do business with. Try our columns If you want actual returns for wary two-bit pkaa or dollar you luvest. JUCAL UTAH TRANSFERS. J, a Johnson and wf. to S. T. Rich. ftHfeoti, I H, I, J. ami K, Garden Fruit towet, Mariou oouuty, ?8,003, 8, T, WobaTilsoa d wf. to J, 0. tokmoa, 1 B. D. B. P, L, M, N, and O, aUJKL0 ALE PEBSONAL AND LOCAL. Visit The Fair store, 108 Court St. Mrs. F. L. 8ullivan of Portland Is a guest of Mrs. E. Hofer. Mrs. Geo. H. Beeler started Saturday evening for a few weeks summer resort ing in the Siskyou mountains near Ash land. To enjoy life take 8Immons Liver Regulator to stimulate digestion and regulate the bowels. Wm. F. Dugau, the plumber, went to Eugene Saturday on business. A large party of Salemltes started for Newport Saturday night. Don't waste your time on doctors when your liver is diseased. Take Sim mons Liver Regulator. Robert Tutft, aged 12, was brought to the asylum from Roseburg Saturday. Greatest supply In the city for Ore con peaches at Clark & Eppley's gro cery. Hon. Ed. Hirscb and Guy Hirsch came up from Portland Saturday. TUTT'S PILLS don't interfere with work, Jus. Kyle is home from a trip to Mt. Jeflerson. Lecture at Unity church this evening ou Theoaophy by Dr. Allen Griffiths. Lightning jars at Clark & Eppley's, Court street grocers. Wagno Osburn of Eugene, Is at Sa lem visiting relatives. The Myrtle Creek Mine stockholders hold a special meeting at Eugene, Aug. 15, 10 a. m., to raise money to pay oil the debts and extend the work. A young Salem lawyer has some of the sporting men telling it on him that over in Spring Valley he killed a half grown brown leghorn cookerell think ing It wai a Chinese pheasant. The farmer is after him, too. Every week will be better now in all Hues of business. Messengers at all hours of the day or nlgbt. Bend orders by the blue boxes and Lockwood does the rest. Dr. A. Davis and daughter and Miss Mnttlo Greer goto Newport for a few days. The Dr. returns Sunday. A complete lino of Ledgers, Journals, day books, records, memorandums, etc. at Dearborn's, S203 Com'l St. Baxter P.Burton, a five year old boy, had his arm broken Saturday. There la considerable betting going on over the tie medal shoot this even ing. Harrltt aud Turner shoot oil' the tie of the lost medal shoot at Morniugslde grounds this evening, at 0:30. Mrs. Dr. Glese, who has been tho guest of Mrs. J. J. Murphy, has re turned to Portlaud. Rev. E. Stlllwlll of Garfield, Wn., preached at tho Baptist church yester day. The members meet tonight to consider calling a pastor. Asslstaut Secretary of State Glltner weut to Portlaud today to bring his daughter Georgia home. Miss Maggie Grills, of Roseburg, formerly with the Western Union at Salem, was lu tho city yesterday. G. Sauger, of Manchester. N. II., registered at the Wlllamotto yesterday. II. E. Willis, Lacy, Or., and E. Can non, Portlaud, are at tho Willamette, Mrs. 11 row ii, of California, U visiting her mother, Mrs. C. W. Bcrlberof South Salem, J as. R, Davis, a merchant at Shedd, Linn county, Who with Mrs, Davis and daughter haye been guests at the home of his brother, Geo. W. Davis of Lin coln Park returned today. Miss Bote ford, of Salem, returned with them. A carload of Chinese salmon catchers went through to Drain today. Mrs. Geo. Harrlugton of Dixie, Wu., Is visiting her mother at the home of E. L. Burris in East Salem. Charles Young, of this city, nud O. Rrulthwalt, of Salem, have been matched to run a foot race at Salem ou Sept. 12th, the second day of the state fair, The dlstanno to be run is 75 yards ami the stakes MOO a side. A $25 for feit was ported thl morning, Corvallis News. SPECIAL SESSION POSSIBLE. Governor Pennoyer May Have to Con vene the Legislature. Governor Penuoyer received a num ber of letters today urging blm to call a special session of the legislature to re lieve the distress of creditors in several counties of the state where many mort gages will be foreclosed. The general assembly will be asked to enact a stay law, or most of the farmers will be turned out of bouse and home, In Uma tilla and other counties. A law Btay ini execution would relieve matters some and the Governor will probably direct a letter to the members of the legislature asking their advice. He says: "Things have stopped all but the machinery of collections, and we may have to stop that to preyent mortgaged farms from being sold out at half I heir value." THE WOMAN AHEAD. Terrible Conclusion of the Perkins Family Eow. A woman and two children go to Kansas, a husband is crippled and goes to the poorhouse, a grandfather goes to jail, and the preacher who caused the trouble has disappeared. A tragic scene was enacted on Trade street in Yew Park Sunday afternoon, which was the closing act of a domestic tragedy unparallelled lu the history ol this city. It was the final chapter of the Perkins family trouble. Mrs. M. D. C. Perkins bos been referred to in the Salem papers as a young married woman too intimate with one ex-Rev. Campbell. County Judge Hubbard had secured her a ticket for Chapman, Kan., where she was going on the 1:40 train with her two little boys. She was all ready to go when about one o'clock old man Perkins, who has lived with his son, made a dash to kidnap the youngest boy. The woman was too quick for him and tbey struggled fiercely in the street for possession of the child. Perkins, the father of the boy, came out on the porch on bis two crutches and encouraged the white haired old man. The woman fought like a tiger for her baby boy. It seems the old gentleman had also formed a great af fection for the little fellow. "Pull him In two before you let her have him," yelled the rheumatic on the doorstep. It was bis lost yell for a while. His crutches flew out from under him and he fell headlong down the steps ofl the front porch. When he was picked up his right leg was brokeo at tho thigh, his right arm above the elbow, aud the bone protruded. Mrs. Perkins had got away to the train, with her two little boys, leaving the grand father In the clutches of Policeman Latourette, who marched him to jail, and her husband in the bands of Dr. Byrd, who arrived and set his withered limbs. Shortly after be was removed to the county poor farm. This was a tragic conclusion of a family row that has Kept tho Perkins' neighborhood In Yew Park hot for the past week. The preacher, Campbell, who has been the cause of all the trouble, Is biding in eoumern uregon in mo urusn some where. He was trying to get Mrs. Per kins to fly with him. He has been ex pecting ber to go to Kansas via South ern Uregon. Hut the .county court "got onto" his combination and sent Mrs. Perkins north via Portland. Palpitation ofthe heart, nervousness, trem bllncs, nervous headache, cold bands and feet pain In the back, and other lorms or wtaknix-s are relieved by Carter's Iron Pills, mane es pecially forme oiooa, nerve and complexion. All cuaa of weak or" lame back, backache, rheumatism, w 1 rind relief by wearlue one ol Carter's bumrt weed and ilolladona Backache riasters. mce v cents. Try them. If you are nervous or dyspepsia try Carter's Llttie Nervn fills. Drsprpiiamaken you ner vous, and nervousness uiukes jou dyspeptic; either one makes you miserable, aud these lime pats cure Doin. City Superintendent. Ed. Jeurnal: The people should heartily approve your present course in opposing auy cheap city superintend ent. Yet, it is difficult to see how we cau have a high priced one. Iu Port laud lady principals aud assistant prin cipals aud high BChool teachers have been getting (1200, $1400 and $1800. Why should our city get along with a $1000 man? It was shown in Mrs. Grubbe's abseuce that the schools ran quite as wen, anu wuon mere was a whipping case it had to go before the board to bo settled. B. A. J CAPRICE'S The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Altusu Used in Millions of Hqmes 40 Years th Staadai FEOM CAMP COMPSON. The Gladstone Park National Guard Encampment. Gladstone, Or., Aog. 14, The troops arrived In camp at about 6 o'clock on the 12tb, without any exciting In cidents, and were assigned to their quarjers. A great rush was made for shady tentp. The boys were allowed to select their own camp sites, and everything passed oil all right. Dress parade was dispensed with, and after guard mount nearly all of the boys turned in as everyone was tired. SUNDAY. This morning divine service was held in a fine grove about a mile from the campgrounds, Rev. C. C. St rat ton, of Portland university, delivered a very impressive sermon. Compauies were formed and marched back to camp. At 2:30 o'clock troops were formed in three battalions on account of the arriv al of Brigadier General Compson. A salute of nine guns was fired and troops dismissed. Nothing very interesting happened today only that Adjt. Roblin and Major Sherman made some very graceful dis mounts from their horses. Adjt. Rob lin walks now. Major Sherman's horse was frightened by the band at dress parade, and turned out to be a thorough-bred bunch-grasser, the major bad a very narrow escape from being badly injured. Every body has settled down to camp life like old soldiers, and everything is running smoothly. The weather is pretty warm and the boys are getting a very healthy color. Nearly had a strike of "B" Co., over the "grub" question, but we are eating better now. personals. Capt. Meyers Is supposed to be the best looking officer in camp. General Compson is on the field at present. Colonel Beebe, 1st. Regiment is Camp Commander. Corporal Geo. Tbornbnrg salutes Col Beebe when be meets him now. (Major Sherman says he wants a sin gle action horse. The field music needs practice in bu gle calls and horse-back riding. Co. "B" boys have the best quarters in the camp. Corporal Fagan is the only man in "B" Co. who turns out for roll call at 10:30 p. m. After Breakfast. To purlfly, vitalize and enrich the blood, and give nerve, bodily and di gestive strength, take Hood's Sarsapa- rilla. Continue tbe medicine after every meal for a month or two and you will feel "like a new man." The merit of Hood's Sarsaparllla Is proven by its thousands of wonderful cures. Why don't you try It? Hood's Pills cure constipation. They are tne oest atier-ainner pill ana mmiiy cathartic. PBOM OHEMAWA, Goodrich Bros, started out with their threshing outfit on Saturday morning, August 12th. They begun ou F. J. Beatty's winter wheat which made 23J buihels per acre. A Mr. Edwards has rented the Gilbert place and vlll take possession this fall. He is from Canada. Mr. R. Hughes is wrestling with his beaver land oats now. They will tbresb about 100 bushels per acre. At tbe present price of 0 corita this will pay expenses. Worth Knowing. That Allcock's Porous Plasters are the highest result of medical science and skill, and In ingredients and meth od have never been equalled. That tbey are the original and genu ine porous plasters, upon whose repu tation imitators trade. That Alcock's Porou3 Plasters never fall to perform their remedial work quickly aud effectually. That this fact Is attested by thou sands of voluntary and unimpeachable testimonials from grateful patients. That for rheumatism, weak back, sciatica, lung trouble, kidney disease, dyspepsia, malaria, and all local pains, they are Invaluable. That when you buy Allcock's Por oub Plasters you' obtain the best plas ters made. Dr. J. C. Smith of Salem is attending to Dr. Hawk's patients during tke ab sence of the latter M. D. J. J. Murphy and son went to New port today. Police Court. Three drunks eot five days each and old man Perkins was discharged. Poft! NEW TO-DAY. Of Interest to Sportsmen. Mr.W.n. Hulburt. A. G. P. A.. Union Pa clflc Hystera, Po Uand.Ore., has Just received a supply of books cal sd. "Hon t;lub Rules and Revved Game Uvi " This publication con. tains a digest of the laws relating to game In the W estern states and territories. Mr. llul birt will be glad to mill you one ofthe books upon receipt ol two stamps to iver postage. W. H. HULBURT, O. A. P. A. Economize in Paper. Clean newspapers, tied in buudtea of 100, not cut, tor sale at this office at fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw wrapping paper, large sheets, two cents a pound. Next door to the postofflce. Notice to Farmers Please take notice that tbe' Salem Flouring Mills Co., are prepared to fur nish sacks this season as has been their custom in past years. Balem Flooring Mills Co. H. B. Holland, manager. 8-1 d w. Southern Pacific Announcement. Commencing Monday, August 7th, and until further notice, the following changes will be made in tbe running of trains on Woodburn, Sprln field branch. Train No. 14 from Sllverton to Wood- burn, and local No. 11 from Woodburn to Natron,, will run on Mondays, Wed nesdays, and Fridavs onlv. Train No. 12 from Natron to Woodburn, and train No. 13 from Woodburn to Sllverton, will run on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. E. P. Rogers, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. ic. Willamette University, Salem, Or., School of music for piano, orcan. violin. singing, orchestral instruments, harmo ny, counterpoint, fugue, orchestration and higher musical composition. .No better grade of work done west of tbe JttocKy mountains, Jrices low. fcJeven teachers. Next term begins 8ept. 4tb. Send for annual year book or address, Z. M. Parvin, Mus. Doctor, musical director. 8 9 2md&w ODDS AND ENDS. The Nile has a fall of only 6 inches in 1,000 miles. Light howitzers for field nse were first made by Paixhans in 1822. The greatest university is Oxford. It has 21 colleges and 5 hills. The Orloff diamond is believed to be responsible for 07 murders. The Egyptians kneaded their tread in a wooden bowl with their feet. The father of Whewell, the mathema tician and philosopher, was a joiner. No household is complete without a sister. She gives the finish to the family. Marshal Ondinot was a brewer's son and entered the French army as a pri vate. One should lower the voico and speak slowly when one wishes to enforce au thority. Cleopatra's needle was taken from Egypt to England in a vessel built around it May I always have a heart superior, with economy suitable, to my fortune. Shenstone. The Chinese have a flower which is white at night or in the shade and red in the sunlight. Eighteen of the principal presents giv en to Bismarck on his birthday are val ued at (20,000. A Tina (Mo.) man advertises pasture for turkeys, as he has a large lot of grass hoppers on band. The average length of the whale is CO feet; average girth, 40; thickness of blubber, 15 inches. The owner of tho handsomest driving coat in the city of Philadelphia never drove a horse in his life, it is said. A woman may have a wardrobe full of silks and Batins and yet know nothing of the pleasure of helping a poor sister. There are 10,000 Hollanders in the chief cities of the United States more than half of them, 5,000, in Chicago. Playing cards undoubtedly originated in Asia and were introduced into Europe by the Saracens about the close of the thirteenth century. Virginia Dare was the first white child born in this country so far as known. The site was Raleigh's fort, where, on account of its historic associations, an effort is being made to reserve 250 acres. Peculiarities of Senators. Twenty of the senators served in the Confederate army during the war and 10 in the Union army. The man with the longest time to servo is Edward O. Wal thal of Grenada, Miss., who has been re elected by the legislature of his state for the term ending 1901. The most cul tured senator is Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts, who is an author, artist, linguist, scholar anu society man. The handsomest is Charles II. Gibson of Maryland. Tbe most senatorial is Alfred H. Colquitt of Georgia, whose father and grandfather sat in the senate before him. The haughtiest is J. Donald Cameron of Pennsylvania, whose nniquo distinction it Is never to say a word In the senate unless he moves to adjourn. The richest, now that Stanford is dead, would seem to be John P. Jones of Ne vada; who bestows gold dollars on the beggars of Washington. The one most celebrated outsidj of his own country is John Sherman. The most abused is Mat thow Stanley Quay of Pennsylvania. The most punctilious is Calvin 8. Brico of Ohio, who changes his shirt thra times vary day. The niost temperate is David B. Hill of New York, who neither drinks, amok, swears, gambles nor eats dain ties. Tho strongest Is William B. Alli son of Iowa, who aid almost fell an ox atorv wita tut si Cncinaatt Oosmmwcial, Oaattte, v- - -. .mmmmmn mi utim, OUR DESIGNS One is to furnish all the work we can for the working man. The other is to sell the best goods for the least money. s Come and try a suit of our Home Made Goods at the SALEM, i A GREAT PLUNGE. SgfeiS A treat Dlnnee downwird In prices. WeS i .. ...:: . . x . w uuo rui wuuuuireEHiu woMb iuiu juri. nonumeouer our Dace numoersoi an PERIODICALS consisting of melt, Judge,! Ixslle's Weekly. Y. L. Journals. If you want cheaD literature 'or tbe beaslde now Ik the time to buy. We handle and takt UDsrripuons or ail penoaicais anamae izlnes. Patton Bros., I Booksellers and Stationers, 08 8TATK 8TKKET. E. M. WAITE PRINTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AND Legal Blank Publishers. Bush's New Brick.over the bank, Com'l street. ST. PADL'S ACADEMY, St. Paul, Marion County, Oregon. Uoudncted bv the Sisters ofthe Holv Names of Jesus and Mary. Tbe location affords all that can oe aesirea ior ineaunroi outdoor exercise. St. Paul can be easily reached by boats on tbe Willamette, The building is newand supplied with all the modern Improvements. Tbe couise of study Is complete. Stenography and Typewriting Taught. Terms moderate. Por further particulars apply to Ulster Bnper lor. 8-1-1 md Aw LKAVE3 BALEM from U. V. Dock at 6 o'clock a. m. every Wed nesday and Saturday. LEAVES PORTLAND rrom the Central dock at foot oi Washington street every Kunday and Thursday. LEAVES SALEM for Albany every Monday and Tuesday, re turning same days. Concerning freight and passenger business, call on the agent, AL HEHKKN. A GOOD CHANCE ! All goods at W, M. Bargeant'B will be sold at tbe regular price for tbe next 30 days at 10 per cent, discount for cash. THE PACIFIC DETECTIVE AND COLLECTING BUREAU 8ALBM, ... Oregon Private work a specialty. a B. CLEMENT. Manager. m3 --x.-itm. tr T ' Steamer Elwood. Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices. N. W. Cor. State and Liberty Sti. HARVEST And tlie Farmers are Busy. We are still hammering away pa Summer Gooda, and are giving some rlca bargains, snob aa All Wool CuaUles for 45c a yard worth (Zo. Balbrlggan and Gauze Veata for 25o worth CO and 76c. We still have aa elegant stock of IiADIES AND MISSES SUN HATS and have cut prices to bed-rock-. Silk Mitts 15c, to 75c a pair in all colors, WII.I.IS BROTHERS & CO. OPERA HOUSE CORNER, - SALEM, OREGON. JRsweaaber oar to stock of aaaa's a4 boy'a clothing, furnishing goods hats, alsa ear aemplef aasortmsat af oamts. elklaUM, laoJetimsi and matUnP f Ui Waaaat KaaaasBsaC. " 1 " ?s,a s. ItfVVrvfk OREGON, STOLEN From my farm, four bead of hnnsesju follow Black mare, weight 1S00 pounds.16 hand blth heavy In ioal. In fair order, fomewhatdroowd hipped and ringbone on left fore foot, Ku been swlnnled In lea shoulder, age 6 yean. One bay gelding )h hands high, I eats oil round built. In good order, star lnforebeal somewhat sleepy look, one hind foot whltt. weight about 1100, shoulders scalded, rather large neck. One light brown mare, It hmdi high, weight about 1150. small star under tore lock, age S yeir. half OU de, heavy mane ltd tall, square bnllt, heavy fetjocks and hleb beaded. One tr.are age 12 or 14, about 14 bscdi high, light bay, stiff traveling, bas longiir. ruw leet In front, weight fiOO or 90upounds,la lair order. Horses were taken Tuesday or Wednesday night, August 1st or 2nd. I Till pay $25 apiece ior the return ofthe Qrattto scribed horses or a liberal amount for any to- ormatlon .eadlmc to their whereabouts Ad dress, AL. J KIIM AN, 8-lMmdw Switzerland, Marlon Co., Or, Deutscher Advocat. P0ST0FFICE BLOCK, SALEM.OR, Admitted to practice in all the courts. Special attention given to German speak ing people and business at tbe county icl slate offices. E. HOFER, Notary Public. BURTON BROTIIHItS " Manulacture Standard Pressed Brick, Molded Brick In all Patterns for Kronti, and supply the brick lor the New Balem City Uall and nearly all the fine buUdingt erected in the Capital City. Yards near Penitentiary, Balem, Or. M dv THE WILLAMETTE, BALEM, OBEGON. Bates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel between Portland and Bin Francisco. First-class In all Its appointment!. Its tables are served, with the Choicest Fruits Grown in the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. MAKE NO MORE MISTAKES CHARLES A. SMITH RUNS The Rustler Wood k And he doesn't burn up half your wood, Is fuel, when he saws It, Make your contract! with him personally or leave oroers at Vestchi cigar store Dearborn's book storo.438 bummer street, or address me by mall. S-" u NEW ADVXUITISEHKKTS. PKKBONAL. WUl the gentleman who, by mistake took the wrong hat irom tbe l. M. O. A. rooms last unduy. Please leave with tbe secretary and gel his own. EOR bALE OE TBADK.-S0 acres ol lnl sltUNted In Polk county, six miles froa iston, lor sale or trade Jor Palem property. Enquire of Q W. Johnson, or Fred Hurst "nKlibONAL.-E, K. Hall, paper bauger.bM JT returned from the east and is ready w business. "' ipOR RKNT tin Democratic Boom TermM new nouse wiin a rooms, oaru nm, - Llvlxion street between Front and Comm clal Inquire on lot. " mills VAfRIl la ksntnn fllnst E. C. PSlt'l I Advertising Agency, M and 65 Merchant Exchange, Ban Franclaio, California, wbers conlraca for advertising can be made ior CHRISTIAN BC1ENCE Literature pf J kludson sale t.flJ Liberty street. t-T ATTENTION-Oash money paid tor nth bottles, old iron and all kinds of meun, a so hides, at old Court House, Salero. 1-M-ly I. TOLPOLAB. ADVENTIST. . . ,- .. .. -j - ..nHMI S old Unitarian Hall opposite opera noui, 1Ht U-n- ... Unknolh hnril lit III " followed by Bible reading and other serricw. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7.30 n. m. SALEM, OREGON. IS . iv HERE JL JujA&ti)-$li' i :At.,.