Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 11, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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2Bcts. a meath by Msvll
Prepaid la Advance.
No Paporef Seat WIhmi -Time
ia Out.
The I Cent
Daily. :
VOL. 6.
NO. 189.
We are still in it when
Shoes, lofting, Dry Goods,
In fact all lines of General Merchandi e at the
anargams iotpd li
297 Com'l, St.,
H. W.; COTTLE- & CO.,.
General Insurance' Agency.
Representing tfce following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
STATE INSURANCE CO., iEtna Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., dun Insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., Westonester Klre Ins. Co.,
Lion Fire Insurance Co., - , a Imperial Klre Insurance Co.,
Londou z Lancashire Fire Ini 800., London ssuranoe Corporation
Alliance A-'8urance Co.. Norwich Union Fire Ins.doc
Oldest aud Lonllng Firm In the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
J. tf. TflORNBURG,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture, Long Experience In the trad
enables me to turn out first-class wor&. Samples' of coverings. No trouble t
give estimates. State Insurance block, Chemeketa street. ,
Ed. C.
h !i IlnJlIi
Lamoureux's Stables,
At the Commercial street bridge pear Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve
hicles being added constantly. Only the best service rendered. Nosbabbj
rigB nor poor horses. H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor.
West Printing Co
do better work than .ever. 'Countvy orders-receive prompt at
tention. 203 Commercial St., ' ' ' Ealein, Oregon.
Leaveorders atColUe-Irlthurit
li, fcjalem, Oregon.
Manufacturer of Wagons, Car- .
rlages, etc.
Repairing A Specialty. m
Shop 43 BUle street.
A. BARGAIN ISO acre with improvements
over half und reulUvallon. rl pewtarsand
eoms bjq4 timber. Terms -very
drecs O. T- NASH,
mmm-cit w&tkUwdjor,
it comes to low prices on
Choice Meats.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of allKiuds
OS Court and
110 State Streets.
t i C TT 1
PttHlpS, -PtlERpS, PlIERp
IO 3
State Street.
Unimproved Resd EiliU, In amount aud
time to sulK" No delay in considering- loam.
EAf? & FORD,
Feora , Bub Dank block. 6 1M
CflflS. WOLZ,
Proprietor of Hie
South Commercial Ht., Bilttn.
All kind KrMh,Mtand Smoked Meal
Scales at a Virginia Resort So Fixed as to
Add Twenty or Thirty Pounds.
When tho fattest young lady at
Fort Monroe got upon tho scales there
was a. hush of expectancy. Up to
that time everybody was pleased, be
cause every one seemed to havo
gained in weight Tho little girl with
tho auburn ringlets had uttered a lit
tle shriek of delight when sho found
for the first time in her life Bho tipped
tho Bcales at over 100 pounds. Tho
youthful matron in black, who had
Baid all along that it was only her
mourning that mado her look thin
ner, was triumphant when her avoir
dupois was registered at 111.
As for the fair creature with tho
balloon sleeves and incipient crino
line, sho declared that she had never
before weighed within eight pounds
as much. When tho fattest young
lady got aboard, sho said with amia
ble resignations
"Put on that 50-pound weight Til
need it"
So the iron disk representing BO
pounds was put on, and the register
was slid along by the girl with the
auburn ringlets. Strange to say, it
passod up to the very end of tho bar
without making tho scale drop.
"Guess you'll have to put on an
other CO," giggled tho unfeeling crea
turo in the balloon sleeves.
The fattest young lady began to
look alarmed.
"It isn't so," she exclaimed indig
nantly. "1 don't weigh an ounce ovor
179 pounds."
But tho girl with auburn ringlets
had already added tho extra 50-pound
weight, which caused tho scale to re
spond at once. It promptly regis
tered 202 pounds. Tho fattest young
lady looked as though sho did not
know whether to buret into tears or
to slap off tho bonnet of the girl with
the auburn ringlets and stamp on it
"It is a cheat and a horrid fraud L"
sho declared. Then she raised her
parasol with an emphasis that nearly
broke one of tho ribs and marched
Just at that moment a colored
waiter passed by with a basketful oi
napkins. Tho youthful matron in
black stopped him.
"Is this weighing scalo correct?"
she said.
''Yaas'in,"horeplied;ihen, scratch
ing his head, he added, "Dey is hob
byweight 6cales. "
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"Dey is fer folks what comes here
fer health," ho exclaimed. "Ebery
one weighs a lot moro on 'em than
city scales. Dey is a s'perior article
ob weighin machine?"
"Oh, I see," said tho young woman
in black. "They are expressly in
tended to afford encouragement to
invalids staying at the hotel."
"Yaas'm," responded the colored
man. "Ten to thutty pounds' wuth
of encouragement Youse got tho
idea." -Washington Star.
The nine Glass Fad..
Perhaps tho queerest fad of modern
times was that which placed the elixir
of life in blue glass. That the color
of light has certain influences on life,
especially life of the lower sort as in.
plants, is a tact. Plant llfo ia un-1
doubtedly affected by tho color of
light, and animal life needs light If '
an animal bo deprived of light, it will
become what is called ancomio, but
exactly why no ono knowB. Reason- j
ing from the observed effects of blue
light upon some plants, the inventor
of tho fad prebcribed baths under
blue glass for aU.
You wero to strip yourself, I ro-
momber, and lie down under tho blue
gloss for many hours each day. And
tho queerest thing about tho whole
business was tho fact that somo of
tho devotees not only declared them
selves benefited by tho treatment so
long fts thoy believed In it, but were
unquestionably 60 benefited. I say -so
long as thoy believed in it, for I
do not think thoro aro many If in ,
fact there be one who batnes in blue
light now. Cyrus Edson, M. D., in
North American Review.
Shutting-Hln Oft
Mr. Oldbeau (growing romantio) Ah,
how I wish I had lived in the knightly
days of oldl
Mlaa Youngthing (growing weary)
Didn't you, then? Exchange.
Mr. J O. Jonti, ol
Fulton, Arkanu,
"About ten Ttirt ami I coo-
traeted ! aerara cau of biaod nol-
aoo. Leading pbyildan pieierlbed medicine
after medietas, wbleh I took without any relief.
I alj triad mercurial and potufc retnedie,
with tuumcccsiful rrtolu, tdV which broarbt
of a) Xtack of -mercurial rheumatism that
foar years. I gate op all remedies and kU
turns 0. B. S. After takiofi- Mrersl Ixrttle I
ma autlrtlr cared and aLl to resume vcrk.
u loa irreateet medicine lor Diooa
fahorting to-day m the market.''
TMSsaaf Kewi and Mria Diseases mailed
How the Debate - Shall
Be Limited.
So Decided ;By Bank Comp
troller Ecfies.
Republicans Vote Wall Democrats
in Congress.
Steamer Dimuln Leaves Portland
at Night for tho Ocean.
The Silver Debate.
Washington, Aug. -jl, The confer
ence of silver and antj-ellver men bos
reached au agreement by whioh gen
eral debate on the bllljfor the repeal of
the purchase clause of the Sherman act
will be limited tu eleven days. This Is
to be followed by a debate of three days
under the five minute rule when voting
will begin on the bill and various silver
amendments. Under tho present ar
rangement the ropeal bill will be in
troduced In the house today; an accom
panying resolution shall prescribe the
method of proceduro and general debate
will begiu at once. If carried out this
program will bring the house to a vote
ou the bill and tho amendments August
28th. The silver menspart uf the pro
gram Is to offer flint a substitute look
ing to free coinage ut present ratio of 10
to 1, If that is defeated, votes are to be
taken on amendments fixing ratio at
17, 18, 10 unil 20, In that order, and
finally these failing to. full back-upon
tho Bluud-AIIUnn act.
Checks Are Money.
Buffalo, Aug. 11. In response to a
question by tho local corporation,
Comptroller Eckels has given his opin
ion that the use of certified chectts as
currency is not contrary to the law.
Repeal Bill Introduced.
Washington, Aug. 11. On assemb
ling immediately after reading of the
journal, Wilson, Democrat of West
Virginia, Introduced the silver repeal
bill. Jtlland offered tho agreement
made this morning governing debate.
It limits tho talk to a total of 14 days
from 11 a. in., to 6 p. m., with night
sessions for debate only, if desired.
Bland also presented the bill of tho free
coinage caucus. Bland demanded'tbe
previous question on his order, but It
was antagonized by Republicans under
eadersblpof Cannon, who wanted to
Jebate the question. Finally a vote
was taken r.sultlng: Yeas 217; nays
l'K); eo tho previous question was order
ed. Repupllcans generally voted with
Democrats in support of the motion.
The resolution was fhtn adopted,
Atl p. in., Raynor, Democrat of
Maryland, began tho debate in support
of the Wilson bill for unconditional re
peal of silver purchaoe clause of Sher
man net
President Abssst.
Washington, Auir. 11. Tho fol
lowing statement was made by the
president and given for publication
thia afternoen: My absence from the
capita) at this time may excite some
surprise, In view of tbe intense Interest
In tbe subject now awaiting the deter
mination of congress. Though I am
by no means certain I could further aid
in bringing about the result whioh
aeemi bo necessary, it would bd m great
satisfaction to mo if I could remain at
tbe scene of action. J have been oouu
eld by those who fuivle I csvnaot
disregard, that tho further rest I con
template is absolutely necessary to my
health aud strength. I shall remain
away during tho month of August,
and dovote myself to rest and out-door
With TMity OhiHese-and Two Cus
tom Officers.
Portland, Aug. 11. Tho steamer
Danube suddenly cleared from this
city last night for Victoria taking with
her Custom Inspectors Blum and
Church, and thirty Chinamen out of
sixty she brought to this port. Five of
tho Chinese had already takon stopB
to secure landing ob writs of habeas
corpus. These writs were returned to
day but Captain Myers seeing a long
delay ahead of him dotermlned to clear
and disregard writs.
A dispatch from ABtoria states that
the Danube stopped thore long enough
to send Blum and Church ashore, with
a manifest.
Hops Firm.
New York, Aug. 11. Hops con
tinue very quiet, but values Arm on
strong interior and foreign advices.
Quotations unchanged.
Thresher Accident.
Albany, Mug. 11. Special Mr. J.
W. Wilson, residing near Lebanon,
eighteen miles' from Albany, was mov
Ing his threshing outfit to Benton coun
ty, where he had some work to do,
when he met with a very serious a'cel
dent, one that may cause the Iobs of a
leg. On ascending tho hill by Mr
Bthell's place, aoross the Wlllamolto,
Mr. Wilson was walking besldo the en
gine, being drawn by a team, wbon tbe
5xle of the large fly wheel broke ofT,
caused by jarring, occasioned by tbe
roughness of tho road, aud the heavy
wneol fell striking Mr. WiU n just be
low tbe knee on the left le.', crushing
It in a terrible manner, so badly that
the bones protruded In different dlroo
tlons, and could be picked out witb tbe
fingers. Dr, Mnston was sent, for and
attended tbe Injured man, who was
brought to Albany this- forenoon, and
uIb limb dressed. It is feared utnputa
tinn is necessary. It will saved though
if possible.
Closed By the Sheriff.
New York, Aug. 11. Tho shorltT
has taken possession of the Equitable
Mfg. and Electric Co, It has a capital
of n million dollars.
Fire in Ohio.
Cleveland, O., Aug. 11. Five
houses weto burned here early this
morning. A young son of Jacob Her
old was burned to death.
Eailroad Suspends.
New York, Aug. 11. The Long Is
land railway has beon compelled to
suspend payment of employees on ac
count of Inability to get currenoy of
small denominations. Tbe mon re
fused checks'.
A Shotgun's Work.
Corvallls Times, Aug. 0. The treach
erous shotgun has done its fatal work
again, and this time tho loss of an arm
pays the penalty of carelessness. Tho
accident happened at 3 o'oclook Mon
day afternoon, on tho Val Cusbman
place three miles east of this city, and
William Hannibal is tbe sufferer.
With his wife and two children Mr
Hannibal had Just returned from a
camping expedition to tbe Alsea coun
try, and was engaged in unloading the
wagon. Ills left arm encircled a pack
age and with bis right be was in the
act of taking out together a rifle and
shotgun. Ono barrel of the shotgun
was discharged, aud after tearing away
a portion of hU vest, shirt and a patch
of skin from his abdomen, the
entire charge passed through his
left arm at the elbow. The
bones were shattered into a dozen
pieces, and the hole torn In tbe arm
was so large that the surgeon passed
three fingers through It Dra. Apple
white and I'ernot were summoned and
the arm was amputated six Inches
above the elbow. At last accounts (he
patient was resting easy and hU recov
ery seemed probable. Mr. Hanulbil
came to these parts a trifle more than a
year ago and purchased the Wal Cusb
man aud Henry Dunn farms, paying
about $14,000 cash for thrm. He Is a
robust you ug man of 32 years and Is a
good citizen. Ills neighbors lament
his HjLfortune,
Dyspepsia and Its attendant- Ills are
quickly cured by Blannon Liver Regulator.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The Flnlna ofTlieunly.
Contemplation of tho conditions of
Thessalian agriculture wealth of
sun, fertilizing rains and streams, on
almost inexhaustiblo soil, steady
markets and light taxation turns
our envious, wistful thoughts back
to tho hard wrung, often ungrateful
Molds with which British fanners
havo to deal.
Thoro is plenty of English machin
ery in Thessaly already; tho energy
of tho Greek government in road
making has opened access to traction
enginos, reaping and thrashing ma
chines. What forbids Bomo of our
English formers from settling in this
land of promise?
Well, tho chief obstaclo seems to
bo tho ineradicablo jealousy which
tho Greoks boar toward foreign en
terprise. It was this that pitt an end
to the profitable business of n Fronch
and Italian mining company at Lau
rium. It is this which threatens to
make abortive for tho timo M. Tri
coupis' beneficent work in roopouing
tho anciont canals and draining Lake
Copals in Bcootia, where the riparian
peasant proprietors resist an influx
of strangers to till tho land which
they themselves oro unablo to take
in hand.
Thero is plenty of land to lot . in
Thessaly, yet at presont thero is no
opening for now tenants. It is not
clear what will bo tho outcome of
future years of steady and fostering
government. Blackwood's Maga
zine. Jtfpanets Cure For Consumption.
Highly interesting news comes
from Japan regarding tho possibility
of curing consumption in advanced
stages of tho disease. Somo note
worthy experiments havo boon mado
by a former pupil of Dr. Koch, whoso
method of operation is a modification
of that omployed by tho famous Ger
man scientist. Tho results already
attained aro remarkable, but of
course considerable timo will bo re-
Suired to demonstrate thu success of
lo application of tho now remedy,
Tho Japanese government is taking
a warm interest in Dr. Kitasato's ex
periments and providing tho money
to enable him to carry them on.
TrulU of TurkUli Nouiuil.
Tho Yuruks assort that human souls
return into tho bodies of animals
and that tho spirits of tho latter tako
also a human form and appear at de
termined opocliB. This in eortainly
tho reason why thoy aro so kind to
animals. M. Eliseo Reclus says that
a Yuruk loves his horso as much as
his family, Tho horses havo their
place undor tho tent, and it is not
uncommon to sco thom warmly
wrapped in a magnificent robo when
tho Yuruk and his children aro cov
ered with rags.
Bomo other customs attest also a
pagan origin. In tho orient every
body knows that tho Yuruks wor
ship certain trees and rocks. These
facta yield sufficient ovidenco that
monotheism is by no moans tho es
sential dogma of their religion. A.
T. M. d'Andria in Popular Scionco
I'alcon a Meueug-ers.
Tho experiments of Colonel Braoi
Ion of tho Russian army with fal
cons as carriers of dispatches havo
proved successful, and the Russian
army horeaf tor will employ thom in
nroferonco to ordinory "homing"
birds, Tho colonol bos found that
tho falcon con carry 1,040 grams
without diminishing its rato of epoed,
which is considerably greater than
that of tho pigeon. Tho falcons, he
says, aro less likely to fall prey to
othor birds as thoy aro bettor fighters
than tho pigeons, It is on record,
according to the officer, that a falcon
once flow from the Canary Islands to
the estates of the Duko of Larma in
Bpaia. New York Tribune,
Sseealst; Averted,
Soeealng Is averted by pressing;
lb unnur lin uvuiuu lv rlnlncr an
wt deaden the impreievloa autdeoa
ftervwa brancn oc uie mux nerve,
Massing being a reHex action ex
died by some alight impression osi
that serve. Baeexing doe not take
pUc whea the fifth nerve k para
LyisWL ve thoh the mam ef
MU k utolrml.-LottdoM Tit-!.
Off for Sunday.
Washington, Aug. 11. Cleveland
an L ruout left bis morning at 7
o'clock. The former going to Buzzards
Buy and the latter to New York.
YeUow Jack.
Nasiiville, Aug. 11. Two hundred
refugees from Pensacola and other
points, flying from rumored yellow
fever, arrived here lost night. Some
stopped here, others went further north.
Ban Francisco, Aug 11, Wheat,
December, $1.22. Holler 03; new
Chicago, Aug. 11. Cash, 62; Sep
tember 03,
Portland, Aug. 11. Wheat valley,
1.02, Walla Walla 02; Dee. $1.21$.
Spokane, Wash., Aug. 11. Two
lives wero lost at Northport, Wash., by
tho burning cf tbe Commercial hotel.
George Shields, tbe bartender, was so
budly burned that ho died la a few
minutes, and Frank Ingle suffered in
juries which caused bis death a few
hours later. Othors were severely
burned, but their names cannot now be
Seattle, Aug, 11. Jessie Asber,
wife of tho piano-player of Cordray's
theatre orchestra, committed suicide by
placing tbe rauzzlo of a revolver in her
mouth and sending a bullet into her
brain. Jealousy was the cause. Her
husband was In tho room when she
fired tho shot. Ashor mot bis wife and
married her Ave years ago at Trout-
dale, Or., where her family, named"
Itoiecrantz, live,
Astoria, Aug. 11. A portion of the
new Astoria wharf at Tausy Point was
destroyed by fire.
Oeorgo Trulnor, a young man work
ing near thp Jetty, recolved probably
futul injuries. Ho wan starting a log
down un Incline, when hlsbapd became
eutangled la tho caiithook, und be was
thrown violently In front of the rolling
timber. A portion of bis spine and
right side wero badly crushed. The
sufterer was at once taken to Fort
Stevens hospital.
HiLLSnoito, Or., Aug. 11. Represen
tative Keady, of Multnomah county,
has beon hero for tbe past two days, In
the Interests of tho Portland & Hllls
boro Railroad Company. This com
pany's organization was completed last
Monday, and the company propose
building and operating an electric rail
road between Portland and HllUboio
for carrying passengers aud general
Port Twnsend, Aug. 11. M, M.
Murphy, formerly prlvato secretary to
Governor Bemple, and who resides at
Vi torla, ays that Preacher Reams,
wh was recently arrested at VlotorU
on achurgo of seducing Lucy Rucker,
of Merced, Cal., rodo with him hi a
buggy from Victoria to Samlon. At
tho lattor place Reams purchased a large
supply of cooked provisions and em
ployed Indians to iaue uim across iu
straits to Ban Juan, Island. Reams
changed bis personal appearance as
much as possible and exhibited consid
erable money. After reaching tho
American Ma among the lower Bound
Islands It Is au easy matter to work hla
way out of the country.
Said the
to himself, "If the
moon I could get,
whenever I'm dry
aiy throat I could
. .. 11. ... si.. la n
Wn INUVU10H' -w-. "
xer I hear; yo can
Kuchace rWo gel
Ion of
Root Beer."
V sDaBsBtaI TfaBBBBBsta
A "asjspf w"
ssBsVaiD el
:-w ,