Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 10, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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    ' Twwwfiy "mmw &
liTillGl SHE
For SO Days.
Call and Gjet Prices.
Our two fine presents will he given away September 1st.
THE PALACE and5shoegcompany,
307 Commercial Street.
- IF
Yon are join j to build or mtke any Mod of
Improvement, call oa tin unders'gned lor
material. We hare a complete stock, and are
ready t supply ny piepared contract, sewer
work, grading, etc
Salem Improvement Co.
Needed no Physician. J. A.
Banwdel), who with hla family is
camped near the gas works, on the
river bank, was more or less Injured by
a kick from one of bis playful horsed,
as be was leading tbem to water last
evening. Mr. Itamsdell is a travelling
missionary, who preaches that the time
is now at hand when all tbe nations of
the earth will be dashed to pieces as a
potter's vessel. When asked by some
1a lies who came to his asalstance.he re
plied, that he bad a physician in tbe
great healer of all ills. He Is nursing
a very sore side today.
Forest Fires. The forest Ores are
nowraglnz more furiously than ever
known before in the 8antiam country.
One fire near Leedy's mill, is making
its way eastward und another north of
Niagara is under good headway in tbe
same direction, and three miles east of
Idanba Is another. The most furious
one, and one that is spreading In all
directions, is five miles up the JBreiten-
bush. There ia no possible chance of
checking the fires until heavy rains set
In. Millions of feet of fine timber will
be destroyed in the mean time.
Direct-Purchases. ThoNew York
Itickot is receiving this week, a large
lot of all kinds of goods In their line di
rect from New York. Such as bats,
buck and other leather gloves, for har
vest work, underwear for ladles and
gents, overalls, all kinds of dress and
work shirts, hosiery, dress stays and
notions of all kinds and a large lot of
shoes of best make direct from St. Louis
to be sold at racket prices. Call and
see tbem. 9-8-2dlw
Methodist Minstrels. A band of
merry Methodist minstrels starts Fri
day on a tour of song and speech In be.
half of Wlllauutto university. Prest.
Whltaker will leoiure on education,
Profs. Parvln, Kruse, and Carpenter
will sing and play. They have dates
atSllverton Friday evening, Turner
Monday, Htayton Tuesday, Aluutiy
Wednesday, Lebanon Thursday.
Pardoned. Joseph J. Jennings, a
photographer of Woodburn, convicted
at the Juno torni of having obscene
picture lu his possession and stuteuced
to pay a fluoof WOO or go to jail for 300
days. District Attorney J. H. McCaiu
asked tho governor to pardon him and
ho did so. Tho goyeruor granted the
name and Jennings ww, given his liber,
ty yesterday afternoon.
Tin: Militia. Fifty to sixty of tho
Baleui militia companies will go to
Camp Compson, named In honor of
Goneral Compsou of tho Oregon Na
tional Guard, at Gladstone Park, Ore.
gon City. Thoy wl.l parade In full
uniform at tho armory and leave Sat
urday on tho 1:10 train.
Stouts. Sunday has becomo a great
day at Gervals. A ball game botwoou
St. Paul and Portland Is the ovt-ut next
Sunday. Then a run of 75 yards be
tween Brultuwatt of Balom, and Geo.
Glveua of the lied Hills, for 100a Bide,
follows tho gatuo.
LooAL Ok'. Tho Albauy local will
bo taken oil after Saturday, Aug. lth,
the overland picking up the trade each
way, reaching Salem going about 8 p.
in,, aud going north about 0 a. in.
Water Jkrkkrs. Churchill & Bur
roughs aro putting lu pumps la many
parts of the city and seem to uudor
staud their business. Got their polut
era on pumps before buying, Store on
Stuto street.
BliouTKit TlMB.-Tiie Capital City
Electric reduces hours on aud after Sat
urday, 12tu, will not run any cars ear.
Uer.tuau to the morning overland uor
later (bau 10 p. ni.
Tub Ilia Twins. In Oregon they
are fruit and vegetables aud they nra
fuuud Ju a high slato of perfection at
Ymu Etttou'a grocery at all tlnw, '
Mrs. Frank Cooper, tbe corset dealer,
is at Gervals.
8. C. Foster of the secret service de
partment of the world's fair, is home
on a visit.
The jury in Sroat & Glle vs. 8 and
Earle, the log attachment case, found
a verdict for defeudent.
Don't fortcet The Fair 108 Court St.
The Journal, will put your business
before 3000 good people at low rates.
CharleB Long, tho 8ilverton fruit
grower, was In tho city yesterday.
Tbe Democratic county treasurer of
Jackson county is a defaulter. That is
another county that has not paid its
state taxes.
Multnomah county sends one-half
the inmates of tbe state prison, asylum
and reform school and should be forced
to pay Its back dues of state taxe
amounting to $300,000,000 at once.
Misses Esther Robertson and Mollie
Horgan, employees at the asylum left
for tbe Bantlam country today on a
short vacation.
Jno. Dorcas and A. M. Brown of
Stayton, aro looking after business in
Salem today.
Henry Parker of Mebama, is in the
M. E, Goodell is home from a visit in
the East.
Miss Lou Lewis and Johnny Foley,
students at the state blind institute, are
at Corvallis.
J. T. Smith of Gervals, E. O.Norton,
A. L. McCully and Thomas Kneeves
of Portland, D. D. Prettyman of Turn
er, were Salem visitors yesterday,
Eugene Register: What will Presi
dent Cleveland think when he nears
how deputies are being appointed by
the federal ofllcers out hi this far west
ern country? It will probably not be
very gratifying to him when he hears
that Col. Bob Miller appointed bis
brother to a position In tho Oregon City
land o 111 co before he got his commis
sion, aud that Mr. Black appointed
seveu men from Linn county to posi
tions in tho custom house at Porllaud
Some Democrats seem to be supremely
selfhh, to say the least.
Tho Democratic administration has
had one good effect. Tramps aro per
fectly willing to do a good lot of work
for a meal.
The county treasurer of Multnomah
county la short lu bis accounts to the
state $300,000. Ho should be investi
gated or "puuglo up."
Deputy Assessor H. W. Smith went
to Jellerson today to assess tbe Chinese
uud Japs, All aliens must pay a poll
of $1.00 and property tax.
Mrs, Wylie A. Moores Is at Newport,
tint guest of her sister, Mrs. Chlpmau.
Mrs. Muxley and Miss Mooney, of
Frisco, arrived today aud will be the
guests of Mrs. Parmouter, on Commer
cial street. Mrs. M. was formerly tu
the millinery tradu at Salem,
Mre.J. J. Dalrymple went to Eugene
A nue lino or purses anu pocuei
hooks at Dearborn's, $203 Commercial
McKlnley Mitoholl of Gervals, was
lu the city today.
Attorney Johusou of Woodburn,
Is In the city ou business, with the cir
cuit court.
Twelve teams aud 31 men aio on the
State street work and the grading is
extended today down past tho M, E.
One druuk was beforo Recorder Edea
Dr. Mluthorn of the Oregon Laud
Co., Is lu his old home, Iowa, and goes
to tho world's fair this week, '
Miss Nellie Carpenter, of Vancouver,
Is in the city.
Miss WaUou, of Memphis, Toon.,
aud Miss Morgau, of Hemaudo, Miss.,
who bavu beeu guests at tho home of
B. it. Burford of Nob Hill, departed for
their homes today. Miss Morgan was
u daughter of Cougreasmau Morgan
Chicago uatloiul convention last June I
ai a delegate, J
Are Portland Banker Encouraging
8tat4 Bobbery ?
Portland Is perpetrating an ancient
steal In holding back 1300,000 of taxes
doe tbe date. It is nothing but a steal.
It Is the duty of tbe preen and tbo
public to demand tbe money due the
state and set the wheels of business go
ing. The state officials should declare
county officials defaulters who do not
pay their state taxes.
There Is a half a million dne Ibe state
treasury that is now In tbe hands of
county officials, or loaned by them to
banks. What Is this profiling these de
faulters and these favored banks ? Not
less than $-50,000 interest a year, or $25,
000 profit for 6 months. Do the bonds
men of these county treasurers share In
this profit ? As a rule they do not, un
less the bondsmen are the bankers
themselves, which is undoubtedly the
case in Portland. If the bonaSmen do
not look after the county treasurers
they are going to be called upon for
some round sums. And this is right.
This money should be in circulation.
It should employ labor. It should be
honestly accounted for. If it is not
accounted for tbe state will never get
half of It, The people who have paid
these taxes will in future prefer to be
relieved of their earnings by tbe high
way robber in preference to banding it
over to kid glove officials and sawdust
bankers. The question comes right
back to this: Have we a Btate govern
ment? If we have we ought to snow
it. If Portland Is an honest city tbe
world should know it. Stop the state
Tbero are some black records being
made by public ofilclalannd bankers in
tbe various defaulting counties and tho
people seem to have no protection
whatever against tbem. But it Is high
time something was done to protect
the state.
The One Cent Daily willgiveyou
all tbe bop news every day at 25 eta. a
For additional telegraph news see in
side pages.
Mrs. Sarah Kaiser went to Albany
today to visit with friends.
Miss Emily Staiger is at Albany for a
few days.
Tom Hubbard says crops on all rol
ling lands are good. He thinks hops
will be light.
It is not certain that there will be
money to buy crops with, but tbe fact
that a new saloon and cigar store have
been started' in Salem within a few
days shows that there is money enough
for beer and tobacco.
Mrs. Dr. R. A. Jayne, well known at
Salem, died at Scbedd, Linn county,
Aug. 8.
A. B. Huddleson, of Jeflereon, J. W.
Welty, of Turner, and W. B, Cox, of
Sllverton, were lu town today.
O. B. Dobson and wife, Sacramento;
C. D. Cardwell, 8. F.; A. C. Craig,
Union; H. P. Hoff, Huron, 8. D.;S. H.
Tate, Talladega, Fla.; C. H. Elwlck,
Brownsville, Or., were at tbe Willam
ette today.
Probate. Petition for administra
tor in estate of A. B. Carlson, granted
aud Jennie Carlson appointed. J. J.
SUaw, attorney.
Lightening. That is what they
are tbo lightening Jars for putting up
fruit at Clark & Eppley's, sealed quick
as lightening and never fail.
NEAL-JAKE8.-0U Aug. 9. 1893, bv
Rev. J. W. Spangle at tbe M. E.
church, In Turner, Lorenzo L. Jakes
and Cenith R. Neal, all of Marion
Egah Home.
New York, Aug. 10. Hon. Patrick
Egan, ex-Mlnlster to Chill arrived by
steamer tblaMornlng.
Wagon Works.
LAKAYETTE.Iud., Aug. 10. The
O'Brien Wagon works fulled; liabilities
Gov. Walte's People.
Golden, Aug. 10. President Cleve
land was banged In effigy lost night by
free silver enthusiasts.
Hops Quiet,
New York, Aug. 10. Hops are ex
tremely quiet, with no elgus of a reviv
al of speculative energy. Best Pacific's
are quoted at lil and 22 eta. Cables re
port firmness In foreign markets.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder, No Ammonia; No Alasa.
Ufted in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Staadafi
What do you Take
Medicine for? Because you are tick
and want to get well, or because you
wish to prevent lllneM. Then remem
ber that Hood's Sarsaparilla curbs all
rtlen caused by Impure blood and
debility of the system. It Is not what
its proprietors say but what Hood's
Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story
of its merit. Be sura to get Hood's,and
only Hood's.
vegetable- Hood's Pills 25
8an Francisco,
December, $1.21.
Chicago, Aug.
Aug 10. Wheat,
Seller 93; new
10. Cash, 59; Sep-
tember 60,
Pobtlad, Aug. 10. Wheat valley,
1.05, Walla Walla 9-5; Dec. $1.21J.
Flower was
An old legend tells of two lovers,
walking by tbe river Rhine. The lad
begged her suitor to pluck a little pale
blue flower, growing on the bank. In
doing bo, he fell into tbe water and was
drowued; but, while sinking, he threw
tne iiower to ner, ana cnea: "Jborgei
me not !" Thousands of women will
never forget what Dr. Pierce's Favorltt
Prescription has done for tbem. It it
prepared specially to cur ethosedieeaset
froru which they alone suffer, and of
ten in silence, rather than consult a
physician as periodical pains, weak
hack, prolapsus, aud all uterine trouble.
.Purely vegetable, and guaranteed to
give satisfaction In every case, or mon
ey refunded.
County Judge Hubbard and Commis
sioner J. M. Watson constituted the
county court for the August term
which conivened yesterday. Commis
sioner F. J. Anderson could not be
present, owing to Illness.
The usual number of bills for bridge
account and other necessaries were
R. A. Shepherd was appointed a com
mLssloner to examine the Canada this
tle In road district No. 33, a petition
from, taxpayers having been presented
to that effect.
The petition of S. R, Porter for a
rebate of taxes amounting to $5.84 was
not allowed.
The report of Sheriff Knight on the
collection .of delinquent taxes was read
and accepted, showing that he had col
lected $24,096.
Thos. HIerlinger, a German, was ad
mltted to the poor farm.
There are two road petitions, three
viewers reports and three tax rebatt
applications to be acted upon.
Miss Jennie Thornbury la an appll
cant for a scholarship to the State
Agricultural college at Corvallis.
$3 50 aid allowed to Mrs. Nesblt.
No tax rebates allowed so far.
Cox road ordered established and or
dered opened.
Dunagan road same order.
H. V. Mathews road ditto.
A Valuable Remedy.
Brandreth's Pills nurlfv the blood.
stimulate tbe liver, strengthens the kid
neys, regulate tne bowels. They wer
introduced in tne United States in
1835. Since that time over slxtv mil
lions of boxes of Brandrteb's Pills have
been used.
This, together with thousands of
convincing testimonials from all pam
of the world, Is positive evidence of
their value.
isranaretii's fins are purely vege
table, absolutely harmless, and safe to
take at any time.
"Splendid" Was Made For America.
I asked Commander Diclrins what ob
servations the Duke de Veragua made at
the World's fair. Ho informed me that
during the tour of the exposition build
ings both the duke and duchess fre
quently exclaimed, "Magnificencia, pre
closol" "Everything they saw on the
grounds," said the commander, "was
magnificent and precious. They were
almost speechless when they saw Niag
ara. All through the state, and espe
cially during our journey along the
Hudson at 6unset, tho .ducal party was
lost in wonder. The duchess, who had
been gazing upon tho landscape for some
time, turned to me and said, 'The word
"splendid" must liave been made to de
scribe America.' "New York Press.
Marriage or Lilliputian.
A curious marriage has recently taken
E lace in Franco. The groom, M. Edouard
lOrnet, was born at Arbois June 9, 1872.
He is 05 centimeters in height. The
bride, Miss Elise Georges, was born at
Amplephnis July 3, 1674. She is 83
centimeters in height. The best man
was a brother of the groom, 18 years of
ago and 84 centimeters in height, and the
maid of honor a sister of tbe bride and
70 centimeters in height. New York
When we lemember liow bravery a
woman has her teeth pulled and how a
man yells, we sometimes think that pain
harts a man worse than it hurts a worn-
an. Atchison Globe.
Sick Headache and rrliere all th troubles lad
drat to a bilious state of the system, such as
DUztaea, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after
eaUng. Fain In tbe Bide, 4c Wbils their most
remarkable tuoccM bas been shown In curing
Headache, yet Ci ami's Lrmx Lira Pitta
are equally raluable In Constipation, curing
Eren If they only cured
.ache they would be almost priceless to those
who (Oder from this distressing cemplaint:
but fortunately thetr goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will And
these UtUe pills raluable in so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without them.
But after all side bead
iy Ureal
we make our great Doast.
Our pills cure it
wane omen ao not.
Cisrx&'s Lotus Lttxb Pills are rery small
and rery easy to take.
a dose. Tbey are si
One or two pills make
dose. Tbey are strictly vegetable and do
ibleand do
ntle action
cot rrtoe or nuree. but br their eei
nlaam all who use them. In rials at 25 cents
fire f or $1 . Sold everywhere, or sent by mail.
Cilia UZSICOZ CO., Krw Tot
SUlll fail In M Fries.
Able to supply any order for Jersey
nllk Bharpe's Dairy.
Fresh lot for canning at 60 etc. a gal
on at John G. Wright's.
Economize in Paper.
Clean newspapers, tied in bundles of
100, not cut, for sale at this olilco at
fifteen cents a buudle. A heavy straw
trapping paper, lare sheetB, two cents
t pound. Next door to the postofSce.
Notice to Farmers.
Please take notice that the Halem
Flouring Mills Co., are prepared to fur
iiiah sacks this season as has been their
custom in past years.
Salem Flouring Mills Co.
H. B. Holland, manager.
8-1 d w.
Southern Pacific Announcement.
Commencing Monday, August 7th,
ind until further notice, tbt
following changes will be made
in tbe running of trains on
Woodburn, Bprlnfleld branch. Train
No. 14 from 8ilverton to Wood
burn, and local No. 11 from Woodburn
to Natron, will run on Mondays, Wed
nesdays, and Fridays ouly. Train No.
12 from Natron to Woodburn, and train
So. 13 from Woodburn to Sllverton,
will run on Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays only. E. P. Rooehs,
Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper w ill be
pleased to learn that there is at least
ne dreadful disease that science bas
teen able to cure In all its stages and
that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
trie ouly positive cure now known to
tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh being
t constitutional disease, requires a cou
"titutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of
he system, thereby destroying tbo
foundation of tbe disease, and giving
tbe patient strength by building up the
constitution, and assisting nature in
doing its work. Tbe proprietors have
so much faith In its curative powers,
ibatthey offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case that it falls to cure. Bend
for list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., To
ledo, O. JBSTSold by druggists, 75c,
Conservatory of Music.
Willamette University, Salem, Or.,
School of music for piano, organ, violin,
singing, orchestral Instruments, Harmo
ny, counterpoint, fugue, orchestration
and higher musical composition, So
better grade of work done west of tbe
Rocky mountains. Prices low. Seven
teachers. Next terra begins Sept. 4tb.
Send for annual year book or address,
Z. M. Parvln, Mus. Doctor, musical
director. 9 2md&w
Oregon State Fair.
Under tbe management of tbe State
Hoard of Agriculture, on tbe State
Fair Grouuds near Salem, commenc
ing September 11th, 1893, and con
tinuing one weeK.
Will be paid as premiums for Bloc, poultry,
-twine. Agricultural IVtxlocU, Fruits, NaUve
Woods, Minerals, Works af Art and. Fancy
nvift.HUUuw uuiil ui ipeeu.
Seduced Bates of Fares and Freights
on All Transportation Lisas.
PAVlLl'iNopeu four evenings during the
week, with good mntle In attendance.
TUENMV OHaND HTAND and the new
Regulation Track are co- ceded to be among
the most oomiortab e and the best on the i a
clflo Ooaxl.
day. There Is entered for these contests tbe
best field of horses this year that has been on
l grounds for ntMiy seasons.
Valuable aMd handouia ImnmMmtni.
Baj been madeon tnegroandsand buUdlnjs.
rntMium lisi.
lias been revised and tmnroved to the credit
of the exhibitors.
Kntries for Premiums cloe atSp'tn. the
flrstdayof I he Fair, and Exhibits must be in
place by 10 p. m. of said day.
Ilea's Beatoa Tlck'L. -
Women's hearou Ticket -
Men's IUt Ticket
. t iro
, 100
Women's bar Ticket
Kace Track tickets, Daty.
Women to Hare IVnn V.
rhllilMn i.nAW 14 waam 1 ... .
Bend to the Becretary at HorUand for a Pram,
lum List.
t - . J APMCBSOM, President.
J.T.OiUXlO.fccretary. ' -9dwa
"When good honest home
made goods are wanted don't
forget we are
One Step Lower
than the lowest on prices,
men and boys clothing
On easy terms and cheap. A SO acre orchard
on Sunny tilde No. one. 3 miles south
of Saiem.
6-3Wt-dw JOHN HART.
Legal Blank Publishers.
Bush's New B lck.over the bank. Com'l street.
Manufacture Standard Pressed Brick,
Molded Brick In all Patterns for Iftrml.
and supply the brick lor the New Salem City
Rail and nenrlvall thnflnn hntlrt'nr. ..iil
n ,Unf1.ll.l
Yards near Penitentiary, Salem, Or. 8-S dw
St. Paul, Marion County, Oregon.
Uouductedby the sisters of the Holy Names of
icau auu mary. ine location anorasan mat
can be lelred for ihealthful outdoor exercise.
-t. Paul can be easily reached by boats on the
Willamette. The buildlne Is newand supplied,
with all the modern Improvement. The
routse of study Is complete.
Stenography and Typewriting Taught.
Terms moderate.
For further pai tlculars apply to "lster Super
fmm U. 1. Dock at 6 o'clock a. m. every Wed
nesday and Saturday.
trom the Central dock at foot of Washington
street every Sunday and Thursday.
for Albany every Monday and Tuesday, re-
luruiug fcUUlB UttK,
concerning frelgt
ght and passenger business,
cau on me agent.
All goods at W. M. Sargeant's will
be sold at tbe regular price for tbe next
30 days at 10 per cent discount for cash.
Private work a specialty.
O. li. CLEMENT, Manager.
Meat Market
Fresh and Salt meats of the best quality
Poultry and stock. Free delivery.
World's Fair, Chicago.
Oahimet Aranue and Sta Street.
Flreprooti 311 roomai near Fair
Ground! baths on every Boor.
Auitncso ftaa K.urupean piana.
for circular.
tmKitu ismuy
Hardware, Wagons.
Steamer Elwooi
Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices,
N. W. Cor. State and Liberty St.
AtiH h-Warrvicra save Rll9V.
We are still hammering away oa Sh
uargatoa, auon aa
All Wool Coalites for 45o a yard worth 5e.
Balbrlfgan and Gauze Veeta for 3So worth 60 and 76c.
We atlll save an elegant etock of
and have cat prices In bed-rock.
Silk Mitts 15c to 75c ft pirin all colors.
"XTTT T TO DTa-kTTTrMrCt V. (d.
oPEnAHonsK mnmjiiL
AeaMBaber oar bjtr Mock of raen'a
bum, aleo our ooaanlete aeaortjeaeat at tmrnatm. " ' " - DBoleuBM ana i
M lowt prtMi.
A CTeatrjlunzedownwird In tirtcM- v
have cut without regaid to cost and tori
non urne oner our Dacjc numtxricii:
PERIODICALS conslsUng ol Puck, Jndp
lslle's Weekly. Y. L. Journal!. If tot
want rbcsD literature for the feaaldenoi
knbs'-riptlons for all periodicals andmii
u me i me 10 dot. we nanaie ssa ui
fi zines.
Patton Bros.,
Boolcsellors and Stationer
Bates, $2.&0 to $5.00 per Dij '
The best hotel between Portland uitiu
Francisco. First-class In all its appolntmoiy
ius laoies are servea wiin ine
Choicest Fruits
Urown In the Willamette Valley.
A. I. WAGNER, Prop-
And he doesn't burn up half your wool,
mfli. wnpn nn hawk ii uaii tuutcuu."
with him nAninnnllv nrlHTA rimer St YK.
cigar store Dearborn's book store,3 Saw j
iinwL cir innmu ma nr mini. "rM
nnn uii.v i .n tr a nw fin rrf4 of 1
Jb situated In Folk county, six mlleiL,
itaton. lorsaieor raaeior paieni !"
EnoulreofO W. Johnson. or Fiedfluni.
tti ri nil 11 nivnwllll. mJlW'
I I ..M";- Ti--.rf'-i 7...iii" .t iviiiiM
vanla Office. Bush-Breyman Bicck, fl
TEKHONAL.-K. K. Hall, paper bscrtf,
X reiurnea rrom tne easi anu ii-,-
TJHDR RENT-On Democratic BooraTert
rt m.t !... n?it s mnmi hard BDKUt 1
Division street between Front and Coi"!
M .4... W. w.
n.m.iiliii.l......lll.l K-f-DW
Advertlslne A eency. 61 and 65 MMrtl
change, Ban Francisco, California, j j
conlracU for advertising can I
iverusmE cu u-- - j
kinds on sale at 828 Liberty streeJ
k 1
T,neNTinwJari money PSIOW'
also hides, a'told Court HoMe'j$LroUl 3
k ... ..& aM lAn f all I
. - --- . .. . ,J ...
Regular Seventh Day Advent st ??
ild Unitarian Hall opposite prer Bj
lem. Batnr.iavs.
C-.AIT.. .mI.aI it lfl1
followed by Bible reading andoinw " L ,
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7 JO r..
BMUumu ":- iW A
ana oiu iei
Carts. Road Machinery
rawer Goodi, and aro giving soese I
iHkA hatem. OV"a
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