! JBTOBKntt 0AJfc?LT?.AJCi JOUBHAJtj,HnKrilSDAYAtJGXJS 10,-188. HoodisCCures r Mr.'j: It. BHUman " am Truly Thankful For ITood's Sarsaparilla. In tbo war I con ractod typhoid ferer.and fever and ague, leaving mo with malarial and mercn rlnl poisoning from which I have suffered ever since, In neuralgia, rheumatism, ner vou jprostrntlaa and eeneral debility. Since I began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla I have not lost a day's work In 3 months, and am In better health than any time since tha war." J. II. BTlLuay, Cheltenham, Vu Hood's Pills cure Llrer Ills. 25c World's Fair, Chicago. .. Calumet Avenne una JOlti Street. unTEl a a Fireproof t 341 rooms; near Fair tlU 1 Sab Grounds! baths on oTorj Door. BAHGROFTs American ana rinropcwipiwiB. ;1 tnKl&dK jiirsv-ciaH xamiij oxeu wrua ior cucuiu FINANCIAL FACTORS. The Crisis in Commerce Slowlj Proceeds. Gold Movement! Continue from Europe and the Sides Keep Clearing for Fairer Weather. New York, Aug. 9. Wm. F. R. Mills vas today appointed receiver of, tlu, Hamilton Loan & Trust company at 150 Broadway. F. W. Popple was ap- pointed at Denver, Colorado, a few dayt ago receiver of the property of tht company In the Northwest, It having branches at Kearney, Neb., Denver Omaha, and Tacoma. The company was organized in March U'S7 to make loans on farm mortgager and guarantee them. The compan has loaned, It Is said, over $2,000,000 or western farms and had a paid In' cap ital of $359,000. At the office it was sold today that a receiver should have been appointed as a matter of protec tion and to save assets, as'lt is claimed there is a large surplus of assets ovei the liabilities. The outside capital stock is $330,000, and the assets are ovei $700,000. New York, Aug. 9. A large crowd of small depositors assembled before the St. Nicholas bank, which refused to clear for the Madison Square bank, and a run was started. Later, however. Henry Goldstein, the millionaire coal dealer, agreed to bond himself In the sum of $300,000 to pay all depositors and the run stopped. Nashville, Tenn., Augr. 9. The First National bank of this city, the oldest national Institution Bouth of the Ohio river, closed Its doors this afternoon. The capital was $1,000,000; deposits I $1,000,000; surplus fund and undivided profits $100,000. Directors of the Fourth National bank and other capitalists representing several million dollars worth of property have signed a .guar antee pledging themselves and indi vidual estates to the payment of all deposits. The directors of the City Savings bank held a meeting tonight and de cided to suspend payment for sixty days. The bank is considered solvent, An uneasy feeling prevails. London, Aujr. 9. The aura of 495,000 In gold was withdrawn from the Bank of England for shipment to the United States today. The Bank of England Is charging a premium on eagles and Is holding bar gold at a higher rate. The sum of 830,000 was shipped today for New York. . New York, Aug. 9. EUInger Bros, havo been advised by cable that the report from San Francisco on the 4th, giving mall advices from San Jose de Costa Rica, stating a disastrous state of affairs prevailed there and the, Ban co de la Union was In financial dif ficulties and Its notes were no longer uccepted In Commercial circles, Is, so far as It relates to the bank, utterly false. The capital of the Banco de la Union Is J1.800.00Q: surplus, 500,000; re serve fund, J250.000. A dividend de clared June SOth was paid. July 10th the cash on hand was 11.510,000. EU Inger Bros, further say the circulation of the bank Is guaranteed by the gov ernment, and Its notes are accepted by everybody and are a legal tender for taxes, duties, etc. Chicago, Aug. 9. Armour & Co. today bought $500,000 in gold In Europe for Immediate Importation. It Is said to be the first purchase of the, kind by-a purely commercial - house. T1hU com pany contemplates further purchases. The move la said to be In the Interest of relieving the financial stringency. Before Going to ths Wortd'a Fair Enquire About The Limited Expreea trains of the Chi cago, Milwaukee A St. Paul , Railway between St. Paul and Chicago and Omaha and Chicago. ... Tbeae trains are vestibuled, electric lighted and steam heated, with the flu ent Dining and Sleeping Car Service in the world, TheEIectrlo reading light in each berth is the successful novelty of this progreasiveage, and Is highly appreciat ed hy all regular patrouB of this line. We wish others to know Us merits, a tbe Cblmiro Milwaukee A St. Paul lull- way Is I he only line in the west enjoy ing the exclusive use of this patent. For further Information apply o nearest coupon ticket agent, or address l J Eddy, General Agent, J W. CAsrr.Trav.Paas. Agt, 226 Stark St., Portland, Or. tf By Ui Tub Joukai has set BepU 1st Mmes saslng op. for DYSPER81A Ib that misery experienced' when suddenly mado aware that you possess a diabolical arrangement called stomach. No two dyspep tics hare the same predominant symptoms, hut whaterer ' form dyspepsia takes The underlying cause is in the LTFEB, and one thing is certain no one will remain a dyspeptic who will Qni It will correct Acidity or mo Stomach, Xxpel foul eases. Allay Irritation, Assist Digestion, 'and at the same. tima Start the JAver working and all bodily ailments will disappear. "Forimoie tfcsn three years I suffered with Dyspepsia In Us wont form. I tried serend doctort, but they tfforded no relief. Atlattltried Simmons Liver Regulator, which cured me la a short time. It Is a good medicine. I would not be without it." James A. Roams, Philad'a, Pa. " As a general family remedy for Dyspepsia, Torpid liver, Conitipation, etc.. I hardly eves use anything elte, and have never been dkap. pointed in the effect produced; it seems to b almott a perfect cure for all dilutes of the Stomach and Bowels." W J. McEutoT, Macon. Go. SUUUMTED CUJIMENT. Tue Polk farmers Invested $S.OO each In the One Cent Daily yesterday. Sal-m has a youn man In G. (B, Clement who is-winning golden fame as a detective. Tue One Cent Daily is coming to be the acknowledged hop paper'of this valley. The Democratic party la not exactly the great apoatle of the boom. Few tbiDgs that have not been shrinking since it went into power. 1 It la rather late lo discover that Ore gon has no representative on the lia, ional Board of World's Fair Commis--ilouers. The Independent ought to be happy, t has at last been noticed by the gov Tnor who says in substance that Bupt. Downing has but one fault, he will noi readily pungle up. The state law says that "Out of the first monies received for taxes," ,the eouuty treasurer shall pay state taxes. 1'bislaw is ignored by the Portland money lenders and politicians. Our news service Is dtill more com plete. All dlcpatobea of the associated press received after the, hour of going to press will be found on our infeidi pages. AH the news for a cent a day. Next time the labor orgauizations of our country may not unite to put lu power a gold bug, free trade admlbiai t ration. They did that. lust fall awl have 'plenty of time to -think about if. Those Eastern Oregon couuterfelterr do not agree with Grover Cleveland In their fioauclal methods. They aro try l,nK to make bad dollars good. Ho is, trying to make good silver dollars bad. 8TATE NEWS. Baker City, Aug. 9. The Virtue gold mine this evening sent In a10.000 clean up, the result of a fifteen days run on the stamps of the Mabel mine, e2,000 for five days In the two-stamp mill. Eight thousand dollars were received from the mines yesterday. Albany, Or., Aug. 9. A report from Coburg says the farm house of W. P. Barger and the public school building three miles from Coburg were de stroyed by fire .Monday forenoon. The fire caught from a burning wheat field. Two Germans, deserters from a vessel In Portland, gave the officers here a lively chase today. One of them was supposed to be Fredericks who re cently shot a brakeman at Gold Kun, Cal., and afterwards killed the sheriff, but on being arrested In a grain field where he had concealed himself he was fdund'to be the wrong man rnd was released. GOVEItNOIVS PROCLAMATION. Governor Pennover s esterday issued a proclamation calling the attention of the people- of Oregon to a law passed ,'it' the last session of the legislature, which makes It punishable by a fine for any person to kindle a fire on land not his own and a misdemeanor to fret I fire to any wooded country or forest belonging to the state or to the United States, punishable by a fine not ex ceeding 11,000 or imprisonment not ex ceeding one year,, or by both such fine and imprisonment. DOWN OO TKK XATMI The Union Pacific now leads with re duced rates to eastern points, and tbelr through car arrangements, mannlHc ently equipped Pullman and Tourist sleepers, free reclining chair car svnd fast time, make it the best time to tray el. Two trains leave from Portland dsllv at 8:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Thr- ratet) are now within reach of all, and everybody should take advantage of them to visit the world's fair and their friends In the eait. Bend for ratwi and schedules of trains, and do not purchase tickets until aftr conaultlng Boise 4 Barker, agents, Balm. Or. ' W, H. Hoblburt, AssH Gn'IRss, Afutu-,PA, Portland, Or. v2SaVTJraT&flL mtL wr3rrsrwB?rT7sT . LIQUID AIR. A Snrcesfnt Kxperlment Thai Verified One Mado Some Years He fore. Tho hoiling points of oxygon -and nitrogen-are respectively 378.8fcfuid B3G degtees F. lxslow tharfrooririg' point of water, ntid thureforettSe&o aro tlio highest teinporatrcs"at rhich they can bo seen as-liquids. The most remarkable liquefaction which hair yctwbeon? accomplished, however, i3 that of air. ' The, two pases of which it is almost 'entirely composed nro oxygen, and nitrogen, and Binco those have- different'-boiling pointa 16 would nnturdlly bo sup posedas ibwaa supposod-r-that they would liquefyr separately,, the oxyi gen, Which has tlio- higher boiling point, first and thoi-nitrogeq, after ward. So indubitable dido thiai-easoning appeanthat thoughtHoyeara ago a Braall quantity of iliqiiidi atmospheric air waa actuallyprodueodbytwo continental-scientists they were told thai they, must have been mistaken and that ''their supposed' liquid air was not-air, at alh Thcf audience which -was sof ortunuto an to witness Prof tssoE'DQwar18' remarkable exper iments at the- Royal-inatitutiom re-. ceived ocular demonstration. Ihafc'the too confident' critics-woro'rwrong. Liquid atmosphoricair -was produced inconsiderable duantitie?, and soine of' it poured into. a'.-wineglafiSnUnd handed'aTOund'forJinspeotion. ' It was at first in a-stato'.bfrryiolent ebullition," butr'this-soon 'eerufedstbnd a gentle and finally olmobt imper ceptible1 teffervescenco took its place, the liquid idr being1 apparently in no hurry whatever to resume1 its ordi nary gaseous condition. This was not tho least striking part of a most Btrildng experiment, for at an ordi nary'temperature tons of pressure to the sciuareinch would not havo re tained tho air in a liquid state, yet there it "was in an open vessel and apparently exposed to tho temper aturo of tho lectureroom, but it was apparently only. All liquids when boiling absorb heat, and liquid air is no exception to the rule; therefore on being poured into'the glass it 'immediately absorbed all the .heati it .could get from that source, nnd there waSi no other available save the immediately surrounding air, but this air was it self just givon. off from tho liquid, state and was at the low'tempera ture of the boiling point. In conse quence suffioienMieftkwaB'mot) forth coming to mainuuu uuuumuu, uuu the. liquid air was 'compelled to evap orate with comparative deliberation, Good Words. A HISTORIC -BLUNDER. Jefferson Davis Was Once Arrested In At lanta as a rielcpocket. It is not generally .known that Jef ferson Davis was onco arrested nnd held prisoner in Atlanta charged with being-n-piokpocket. In 1857 or 1858 ;Miv Davis, who tas then secretary of war, was traveling from i Richmond to Mississippi. On the same train was 'Sam Nohle, tho founder of the big iron works I in Rome nnd Anniston. Mrr Noble had but recently come over. from England and was on a prctepeoting tour. Ho had with liim a small hand Batchol containing $1,000 in gold. When Atlanta waaj reached, the dismay of Mr. Noble may bo imagined when ho found jhu. satchel gone. Ho gavo tho alarm, and city marshal E. P. Hunnicutond jhis deputy, Ben TVilliford, respdhdd at onco. They learned .that a nuhit, ub nssumincr man had occupied tho sent witlr;Noble,.and after ashortBeafr-ch,; thevfouhdi maeed him! uudonarrest and carried him to Washington Hhll.( Una stranger iook. his arrest- vpry .fiuietly (and. said: i'lv not .Allison I Nelson the mayor of your town? 1 Well, I think if you will bring him hero I can' be identified." , Tho arrest of a person charged with picking pockets waa unusual in Atlanta, and tno prisoner was sur rounded by a, gaping, staring crowd. Tho mavor camo.and as he crossed tho threshold ho glanced around rthe room until his eyes rested on ithe prisoner. Willi a Bhdut of joy, his arms out stretched. he.Bnranrr forward. 'Jeff Davis, God Mesa your eoull Where did you como from! Gen1 tic-' men, I fought under this man inltho Mexican war. He is tho secretary of war." Ttwli,.t4nnann,i ft-mtfinntionsifol- lowed Tho officers began another investigation and finally recovered the.money from tue negro iroui pox at. uuu vuu - 7' . inn jz: J tlio other, although the pipe is 8(120 Messrs Hunnicut and Willlfordl are feet in length. Whon soma -tarper-Rtm alive: Mr. Noble nnd Mayor lmentsluthls lhio were Uinfficoa Nelson aro dead, but there are many dueted,a pistol fired at oneen.tJ old men in Atlanta today who were tube actually blow out a lihU4caa presSit in Washington Hall when. j.dlluld at tho otlior and vtokat, K!7iV.- M,rrM.AUantaIIerald. ly ejected the shavings, featbera. hawu4am. w. uiefllS VuilU im tivr sT4 ypr'-, rt tUitut I mt 4Uttt 'IMaJs waisg Tutt'sPills SSlSJsbMslsMs,suasllswCsvta souimnrxsu. . FOH Tha Wall ufliuonU Player. Tho Central park tennis courts aro so well patronized that they cover tho nvailnblo ground Hko tho squared of n checkor board, and tho players aro almost lbow to elbow. Thin has 'resulted in an unwritten law that every player shall "fiohTor ; throw Iwtck to- its ownor otery ball which Htrays from its proper court ' into hia court, 'iho reply ror tno courtCi?y is invariably, "Thank you I" 'I he next stp from this was easy, Not knowing your neighbor's name three timtM out of a hundred you ore iiiiablo to call hia nttention in any very graceful manner to your bait which, has rolled into his court un Kcnn bv liiin. To shout "Say Tat him or'il'' ' is not dignified To call out "Mister I'' or "Oh, mister I" is stiff. To yell, "Oh, mit'mn I" is jlangerous, for sho - may boa miss or vice versa. Bo play era havo fallen into the way in such cases of, shouting, "Thank you I" with tho emphasis . on. 'you, at tho samo time Indicating tho person addressed by pointing with tho racket. Tho player so pointed at under stands that ho is being thanked in advancoj-fomreturuingaball which he' has not yet seen. But the, absurdity comes in when the person nddrpssed is so engrossed in his own play that ho does not hear or hood the call at once, and then, tho petitioner comes out in imploring tones'with this incongruous jumblo of werds: ''Thank you, please I Thank you, pleasol" And alliover tho lawn on a crowd ed day thifl queer wail sounds from morn tenight: "Thank you, please I Oh, thank you, -please 1" New Yorb Herald. Count Tolstoi's Views uf Poetry. Ooun&Leo Tolstoi' has received in Moscow a visit from' an aspiring young Russian poor, whd had pre viously sent aqopy'.of his productions to'thoj great vromancistr and philoso1 pher. iAt-ithisiintorview tho .count said: "I have read your bookv or at least tho 'greater "part of it But 1 must tell you at onco, and frankly, that I entertain a, gonoral dislike to all poetry, and for this roason-rthnt it preventsionfl from giving a clear, intelligent aud'eomprehonsiveexpres sion to one's thoughts and ideas.1 Why should we1 laboriously strain to con form our -icxpnsssiou to tho rhyth mical and metrical rules of-versification -when'tiwo mnutheahetter and moro clearly 'convoy our thoughts i in Bimplepand Jncid prosef It iSasif, In stead of permitting mo tho freo use of my limbfl,.you,tather,my.legs and mako me hobble around tho object of I observation. "III firilH.rilElltlMUIXJlllLiL. LiUUULDUUalU , "Ti-",T lmw0 compruueiujiveiy ncooiu oi..ji strivo so to construct ray langungo that every reader, oven ho of tho scantiest intelligence, can, without tho slightest trouble or refloctiom at onco grasp my meaning. If I wrote, in verso,' my primary and dis tracting labor would, bo t,o conform to tho laws and rules' of versification, and my readers would bo left to sift out fer: themselves uio uiouguia anu ideas I wished to convey. If d-may bo perfectly frank with ou," said the count, with a pecullnrly bitter ex nression on his face, "I would Say -thati verses are generally .thoiprodho- tion of literary wantonness, utorary frivolity and literary i6olortco.,, London News. The Mean Han Heard It. A young fellow dining in tho BUb trrba tho other night endeavored to mako himself agroeablo by a succes sion of "good stories" which bo had gathered in tho city. Ono concerned a man (name unknown) who waa bo phenominally mean that ho sent half a turkey to each of his tenants) at Christmastime. Afterward at home he chanced to Bpeak of tho ovpning I and of this pleasing talo to tho orig inal tellor. 'Did your audience soem Interest ed.1' ho was asked. "I don't remember not particu larly, I think. Why?" Thero was a malicious grin acepm- Eanying tho answer, "Because ypur ost was tho mean man. "Philadel phia Press. Sound Heard a Long- Distance. When wo aro so situated as to bs able to confine sound wavoa, m in a tiiro or nine, a very slight disturb ance can bo beard for a longdistance, i fn the cast iron water pip of Paris, which forms a continuoua tube,vflth only two slight crooks, and these near its middle .the ( lowest whhrpcr i . ,l,lti no1 rtAAn vilannA In ono end of tlio pipe by tho exper imenters: -St. Lon Republic. Dlvvrra In Various Couatrles. A statistician who has been look ing intoftthe matter of divorce has found that the projwrtlon of divorces to population U least of all in Ire landonly ono divorce to overy 400, 000 inhabitants. In tho United States the projwrtlon of divorces la ominously lurge, 88.71 to uvory JP0, 000 of population, the largest known, in fact, save in Japan, the figures for that happy empire being 608.45 divecc to every 100,000 of popuk .wvvflsWwVsfWVfVwvwwy' BALD What Id tho condition of yours? Is your fralr dry. tWh. brittle? Dot Mttei aptearrice? feniatied ?' Is it'f all of dandruff ? Docs your scalp Itch ? Is K dry or la attested condition ? If these arosomtf of y oursy mptoma Vo warned In tlmd or y oil wHl bscwno bald. SkookutuRootHair Grower U what rou need. Its ttrednetlon Is cot an accident, but the malt of sdontlflo 'jSSsssHDw rtMrcb, Knowledsaot the SHseasesof the fcolraad scalp ltd to thsdlaeoT. irnf linwtaifMitham. rKtiookum "contains rxiltber mlaarslino!1 oils. II stsutaOrs,butoaUihtfslIr.eociUaf And tefreihlne Tcnto. J Iiratlrat tBS foUlcle. (t sfopsaUlnakMir, Wr iadrnff ln4 armies hairt tw trin tha seain eleoa. Mil tho tue; of tookvm fim isbqp. It Cestiojs paraUit Siueets, uhieh ftl on and dutrev tfa-hair. ..... . .... If Toorslrncglitpssi"' sootilr yw seart direct to ns, and will forward aeia, on receipt of arte. Grower, $IM psr botUs for tMO. Bsp,goo. THBliSKOQKUri TRi . 87 tlaath vlfth T. J.KRESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing. Cor, 30th and ChemoleU Street. Goo. Fondrioh, GASH MARKET Beet meat and free delivery. 136,btato Street. J. L.ASHBY. Me&t PBOFESSIONAIj AND BTJSINEBSOATRDa. r. u. D'ARor. oio. o, bxhouam. D'AUOY A BINGHAM, Attorneys at Law. Itooms 1, a and 8 li'Ator Hundin. Ml State street Spqelal attention given to bdsl- nws in we supreme suu oireuu """ state. a u R. V. UOISE. Attornty at taw, ,Balem,Ort Ron. Office Z71 Commercial street. fTULMON FORD, Attoxneyt at 'law-, Saloin, X Oregon. Office up stairs in Patten plot. EL J. BlQGKK. Attorney at law,8alom, Ore gon. Offlco over Hush's bank. T J.BUAW.'M.W.UUNT. SHAWAUUNI J . Attorneys at law. Offlpe over Capital National bank, Halem, Oregon. JOHN A. OAR-ION, Attorney at law, roptnt K and 4, Hush1 bonk bnUdlng.-HaleBi.Or. H jrl HONhAM. W.H. JIOJUME8 ON HAM A UUL,AIIS9. Aiwrnw" i. "i. office in Dush block, between 'State ano urt, ou Oomraerclal street. r E I'OGUK, iBtenogropher and jTjpe ltest nest eaulpped ty pewrltlngror- IVI uf.Hoat. ilco but one In .-- ---i -mr--i i . -l Oregon, over busuh.uuuk, Halem, ntegon CU'ELLA BUEUMAN. Typewriting and n oo block. oommerclal'slenojtraphy,' room 11, U fay iTlrsMjloss work, iiiaiee reasuuauio. ' ' ' . . - -.. 'Ttt A, DAVIUlLate, Post Graduate pj w yj York, gives special attention to the dta of women and children, nose, throat. .eases lungs, kidneys, skin, disease an Office at residence', loi Btate street. and sursery IXinsuiia- Uon from 9 to 12 a. rat and S to 5 P. m. 7-1-dtn 8MOT 1 ill varnr im NTl UTtrtriKON. ce Slorommerclal streot.ln Eldrldge block. UfSlueuCO HO IXHnmerciBI qucc. S. geon. 'onice, Murphy uiolk; residence, 15, i ommerclal street. rvit.T.O. 8UITII, .DentlsU M stale, street D Salem; Oregon. KlDlshed'dental'opera, lions (of overr ' description, rainless .opera tlons a specialty. J' O.OIUF1TII. DKtfTlST. SALBM, OIlKi , gpn. Office hours.frorn 8 a m lofpim Ml worH goaranteed. Offlce ver J. J Dal; rymple's store, corner Court and Commercial streets. WI), i'UOIl, ArcblteeVplatts. PclOca. . tlons and superintendence for alj classes ol buildings. 'Offlco '290 Commercial street up stairs. PllOTEOriON LOpOK NO. 8 A. MmIi In their Miall In Htata o. u. w-- insurance Gliding, over Wev. M. w. J, A. 8 ECLWOOD.Ilecorder. The -LINE That LEADS: ALL OTHERS FOLLOW, 2THRUUUH DAILY TRAINS LIAVINQ PORTLANDf,!34J; 3 1 DAYS to 2 CHICAGO lours 'fl;'E,w lours ulcker i0J, Mi Ka"' ullman snd Tourist 5lepen, Free Reclln Intr Chair Csn, Ofnlng Can, tor rawa and general laformatiun caU oo t address, W. II. 1IUBLHURT, Aast, O, V. A, 3M WaaktogUjn Bu, ynnrUk.no. Oaaoox. 3L00D DISORDERS A New Remedy re, wKs 0it M Alto m ikt fMddbrfuIl 11 putkuLn sj1 rnti-tn. U JSi mrnur and - poJ jvsuiailri.l''' " ?" rrri rz. wthLut un ri TZZliiii m TiS V . r-r. -ddfttt H0FFAT CHEMICAL CO., 1 19 nnt Stsst rOOTXAKB, OS. JM'M PrTFtVsfa li77iLiMai biitwl tKfM ors. Il ks,y t pnxuiKic YvlmJ? - - .vswwvvw'j'j'jw BADS4 It sdIH at the cnd3? Has it a Does it fall out when combed or stinoiaunr , envait , fcealthT. oad free from Irrltattnr rnntlons. br ROOT HAIK UKOWEK CO., ArsBBe, ,New Yark, H. T. Scneen ;Ooors J. . tMUIlPKY. 4icNii(t Tilfr- -AN1 joiiniNa. Xorl6y & Winstauley. Bhop 213 nigh street. NOIlTHi BAUKM. TaleIt! Market, liVENING IIODRNAL, Only 3 oenta a day delivered at your door. ftoa.Commerolal Street. Good mnata, rrompt delivery. JOHN C. MARTIN. "Horseshoeing. BLAOB&MITHING. State Street, - - ' Batem David McKillop, StarWdod Saw Ieave orders at Salem tm provcrnentCq.,,05 State street, ..ill J. H. HAAS, THE' WAT O H'M AK!ER, '2ISK Commsrtlsl St., S1m Org". (Next door to Klein's.)! ijpeeUltyof Spectaoles,,and repairing-Clocks,' Wathw and .lowalrv Smith Premier Typewriter. Sold on easy payments. For1 Bent. W. I. STALEY, Agent, Salem, U.N.inUHl'ElI.aen'Ugenl, JOlffrhlrd PU Portland. Bend for)nalalngue. W. L. DOUGLAS 3 SHOE xoTWr. Do m WW thm? Whs nxt tn n4 try S ptk. est In the world. 43.0ft 42.SI. fMlJMM' t.UU FOR B8YS Ivji M If ywnrwt (Ins DRESS 8H0L mie la the ItW hlM, don't piy $6 to S try Y 53, $ MO, $4.00 ef $lShe. Tkv fit 6quillo custom rfiadasftdMsM wsr u wtlt, If you with to Konomi In your fovHtv, do to by purchiilnr W. L. Douglu Sheet, Nm ni eric tmpd wt tbs bottom, look fcf It whsn you buy W. Xm DODOUUI, Brecktoo, Mass. Sold by Kkaussr Bros. HOWARD, The House Mover. 451 Marlon Street. Has the best facilities lor moving and rals- log idd,i nouses. iLieave oraers m ir uru,, wi address Halem, Oregon. From Ttmisal or Interior Points lh lithe line tojlske To all Points East and Soutb. It Is thedlnlag car runt, ltruns througt vesUbule trains, every day Inthoyeartc ST. PADL AND CDICAGO (No change of oars.) Oompased of dining oars unsurpassed, IuUmun drawing room sleepers. ;of latest aqufnuieBl TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best that can h constructed and la which acoonBAOdatlaas are totU re and lur. nlsbed for holSws of Srst and aeooud-olaw tlokW,anS ELEOAMT DAY OOAOHKH, Aeontlnnocs Hat aeaMjtlne with all Unas, aflordim dljeci nnd uninterrupted atrvlee. l'ullman sl i 'nionirau bs. enrad tn adYk'T any agent ol tke road. Through tloketii tn and from all pluU In ArasrW, Kngland and Bump can be paratesaSHlany Woketomosol thLioonv 'Vwdtnanruutloneonoorninir raUslmj of trlnvroutandotUordUUrurtiwaw 0nh"P.U,'0HLTON, iad,Ora(oa fSdtasvrHflfi!i"0B53ifei 'IlkBjLaLLsHisLflftiu. :1-ynmMT-tk . 44.0sflt' 1 41.10 mtwtiki run ..rmui shbva w Electric LlWs On Itlctci System. TO CONBUMEH8 1 TberMlem Light nnd I'ower Coiilprtny at great expense liayo eqtilpped their Kleetno l.lLt plant with the m st modirn uppamtrM mid tuoiiowr stile to ofler the pnhllo a better Mslit limn any sytem nnd at a rata lower tnu but city on the coast. Arc nnd Incandescent ilyfetV lot;. Hcctrlc Motors for nil flurpttsea wlHir frowcr fa re quired. lle-Monres enn be wired for iw many light a desired una tho consumers pay for only sachilltf ht n ore ood. This betug registered by svn Electno Meter. Offlco 179 Commercial ,St. Fresh-News-Papens bruits- nnd Candles. J. L BENNETT & SON. ' V. O. BlobVc T. W. TH0RNBURG, Tha Upholsterer, Bemodeli, re-covers ftd replr; nnholstered furniture. FlrsUj dais work. Oheraaketa street Bute Insuranoe blooJc Deutscher Advocat. .P0ST0FFICE BLOCK, - - SALEM, OR. Admitted to practice In all the court. BpeclaJ attention given to Gersaaa ? Inir people and business at tho county and staWoffloeB. B. HOFEll, Kotary IMblle. The Yaqulna Route. OREGON PAW I & And Orecon Development company'i a steam- shin line. 226 miles shorter. M hours une.lhaa br. any other, route.i First class through passenger and freight line from VOitlaDd and all joints In tho Willamette valler to and from nan Francisco, TIME SOUEDULK, (Except Bunday.l Ly Albany I.-00 p m I Lv Oorvallls 1:10 p m Ar Yaaulna6:80 p m Lv Yaqulna ft m Lv Oorvallls. 10:35 am Ar Albany 11:10a m O. & O. trains connect at Albany and' Co vallls. .... , ,. The above trains connect at Yaqulna with the Oregon Development uo.s line 02 mean ers between Yaqulna and ttaa Francisco eenxaqui Vassnge N.B.- irs iruu r points bm I'ortlaud and all Willamette valley potBtacaasnako close, eon- lection with tho tre niof the Yaqulna jwnta h trains of the Yaau it Albany or Corvalllft and If destined ta Han HTancisoo, inonia arrange uismiosi iujuiu tho evening before date of sailing. .... ttusenger and Fielaht Bates always the lowest For Jntbrmatlon apply ,to Messrs. UULMAN ft Co.. Freight and Ticket AgenU M0 and SOB Front street, I'ortlaud, Or., or O. O. JJOOUK, Ao'UUen'l Ft. I'ass. Agt Or. laclno ft. K Co . Oorvallls, Or. C. II. HABWKLL, ir,( Gcn'l Freight and Fass. Agt, Oro. DeTeloproent Co., UH Montgomery Ht East and South -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE of tht- Soutliern Pacific Company. CAMroiwiA Kirnrsa tkajw run tuily i TWKiM POBTlJtHDAMDfl. r. "HouIET I iMortb. 1M p. tn. :18p. m. 10:16 a.m. TvT Lv. Ar. I'ortland Halem Han Fran. rT -.1 1-M r. 7:3ft a. ro LV, a.ia LV, p.m A.Ttk)VO trains stop only at folipwlng ststlona north of Boseburg, East I'ortland Orjgon Olty, Woodburn, Halem, Albany Tangent. Hbedds. IIalsey,ltarrisburi,JunctIoninty,Irvlnicand Kugene. KWKPIHUlMAll.TJAlLTr. 8:30 a. w, 11:17 a. m 0 p.m. Lv. LV. Ar. Portland Halem Koseburg Ar.) op. . Lv. I 1:40 p. m. Ly. 70 a.m Albany Local! TraiF Except Suaday, GO o. m. LvT LVI Ar. I'ortland "XtT Lv. LV, KhWajtu M p.m. HO0 p.m. salem 7;Ma.w. Albany tuwa.ni. DIuIhk Cksx oh OkIoh Rente PDLLMAN BUFFET SfcBBFKRS AND Second Oiass Sleeping Cars Attached to all through trains. rVestSido DiviswB, Betwees Fertlu. si4 (Mlis: rAILT. (aXCTCPT BOMBAY). l&rz n ,v. "Krtlanii" Oorvallls n &1S p. in. 17: 16 p. m, Ar. Lv, At Albany and l5orrallts connect trains nf Orecon I'artfln Kallrvad fltli XfKSralTKAUl IllalbV a.'KKTWUWl 4:40 p. m. fLv, Portland Ar. I 7:26 p. m. lAr. MoMlnnvllla Lv. I TUKftl'till 'KlVtiLtH Tp all polnla tn the Pastern Mates. Canada and Uuropa ran We obtained at lowest rabra trow w. W. aKINNKK. Ageut, ttalew, R. KOKIII.KK, Manaasr WlflSl CENTRAL UHBT IHofthws FkMc R. R. Cs.( Lmm.) LATEST tSeCAHD. Two Through Train Daily 1243pm I3tpm wsss a.35pHillrMtBD..a B:4SaM ll.laM INsm 4 0Aru jPaliHi-a J ()Mili Ashlaad. a 7iltelu M4am afhlMw"- 0.tMU fleketssald and hacoais ekaukad tasaaak to all points In the UnTWIS MsM aad CaasJha. Closo ooonsotloa mad Ia Cklaa wtik all Indus g-oieg al at I ana HimtW. yurnH inform tlo aelr to ytr jjis '.-., - 'iiiiihiiilfcNimiat-sl-aiilMs haJifl'TMMhiilstiiist'iair'i'iiirrirrfi-M y ' ui