Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 09, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    r-vjjm,Ayfl i Vjwpt;
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-The 1 Gent - -
85 eta, a meatk Vjr
Prepaid la Advance.
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Ho Papere Sent
Time Js Out.
VOL. 6.
NO. 187.
" . SHBwt
j ' SjgSSsWolBKHr-.,
We are still in it when
Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods,
In fact all lines of General Merchandise at the
BonanzaBargains inBroken LinesStrawHats
297Com'l, St., SALEM.
. H. W. COTTLE & CO.,
General Insurance Agency.
Representing tke following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
HTATB INSURANCE O., .fcltna Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., Han Insurance Co.,
National Insurance Co., Westchester Klro Ins. Co.,
Lion Fire Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Insurance Co.,
London Lancashire Fire Ins. Boo., London A-Bsurnnce l orporatlon,
Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Union Fire Ins.Suc.
Oldest and Leading Firm In the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Beoovera and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in the trade
enuuies me to turn out nrst-olasa worn.
Kive estimates. State Insurance block,
Ed. C.
Lamoureux's Stables,
At the Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve
hides being added constantly. Ouly the best wrvlce rendered. No shabby
rigs nor poor borsts. H. L, LAMOUREUX, Proprietor.
West Printing
do better work than ever. Count'y orders receive prompt at
tention. 203 Commercial St., Falem, Oregon.
Leave order atCotOe-l'arthnrst
IS, Ba' em, Oregon.
Manufacturer of Wagons, Car
riages, etc
Repairing a Spoolalty.
Shop 5 Btate strteU
A BAIiaAlNlto acre with Improvements
over half undr cultivation, real pustnroand
soma good Umber. Terms v;y eaay, Ad
drew o. I. NASH,
4Mra-4w Wheatland. Or,
it comes to low prices on.
Samples or coverings. JNo troume to
Cbemeketa street.
Choice Meats.
Wholesale anil Retail
Dculer in Frcsli, Salt and
Smoked Meats of all Kinds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
Spraying outfits,
State Street.
Has just received some
if fhe latest faces of job
'type and is prepared t
On Improved Real Estate. In amounts am
time to suit. No delay in oonrlderlug loans.
From 12. Bnsh Bank block, 6 134
CflflS. WOLZ,
Proprietor of the
Booth Opmraereial HU, BiUra.
Alt kind Prwb, nail and Smoked Meal
and sUtuaare.
The Money Making Scheme of a Remark
able Milwaukee Genius.
1 liad a large cork and bung fac
tory in Grand avenue, and I needed
power to run my machinery. You
know, of course, tbat there is un im
mense amount of stored up electric
ity in a cat. The problem for in
ventors has been to invent a way to
extract it profitably. Iu the rear of
my factory I constructed a 1-story
chcular building, some 60 feet in di
ameter. On the floor of this I coiled
a glass pipe G inches in diameter.
The first coil ran around the out
side of the room, tho coils gradually
growing smaller till tho last, in tho
center, was no larger than this table.
It gave mo something like a mile of
pipe. Tho top and sides of this pipe
were lined with rather stiff hair
brushes, the bristles being a little
more than an inch in length.
At that time Milwaukee was over
run with cats. It was impossiblo to
sleep nights. I put a notice in the
paper that I would pay 10 cents a
dozen for prime cats delivered at my
factory. I got CO dozen the first day
and stored them in the basement of
the power house. The motor op
erated thus:
Placing in tho outer end of the
glass pipe an imitation rat made of
rubber and propelled by a small in
terior storage battery, I would then
adjust a cat immediately behind it.
The rubber rat would start off at a
terrific rate it was made to go
through tho mile of tubing in from
two to three minutes and the cat
of course followed furiously, think
ing to catch tho supposed animal
throughout the entire distance.
Gentlemen, it was exciting to watch
a healthy, active cat whip about
those spirals, with the mechanical
rat about a foot ahead and going
like a cannon ball. The cat's back
and sides rubbed against the brushes,
and her electricity was thus ex
tracted. With a storage battery and
by sending a cat through every five
minutes I generated enough elec
tricity to operate my entire plant,
light my factory and sell power to
run neighboring passenger elevators
and small machinery.
It also took tho yowl out of tho
cats, and gradually the city became
quiet At tho end of a week a cat
could be caught and used again. In
terview in Harper's Weekly.
Agriculture In "Wyoming.
Hay is a chief crop in Wyoming.
Wheat and other cereals are vory
important. Of these moro aro raised
every year. In some instances thoy
have made extraordinary yields. Po
tatoes are of a very good quality, and
a promising industry is that of rais
ing sugar beets. Tho climate and
soil aro very favorable to their
growth, and they product) an unusual
percentage of starch and sugar. It
is. however, true that Wyoming's
agneultural progress has been slow.
There has hitherto been invested
$10,000,000 in irrigating ditches with
a length of about 8,000 miles and
commanding 2,000,000 acres of the
best lands in the state.
These ditches wero most of them
planned and started while tho cattle
business was at its height. When it
collapsed in 1885, a large proportion
had to be abandoned from want of
capital. Again, many miles of ditch
ing wore built by stockmen not for
irrigation, but to got titles to pasture
lands. Others were built to get con
trol of water rights and with no in
tention of immediate uso. Thus of
all the land under ditches at the pres
ent timo only about 10 per cent can
be irrigated, and only 1 per cent is
actively cultivated. New York Sun.
A Submerged Continent.
Dr. Bowdier Sharpe suggested in a
lecture on the geographical distribu
tion of birds before tho Royal insti
tution in London that thero was onco
a great continent with its center at
the south polo, now submerged
under 2,000 fathoms of ocean. It
embraced, ho said, South America,
Madagascar, Mauritius, New Zealand
and Australia, and thus is explained
tho existence of tho cognate strn
thious birds tliat now exist, or once
existed, in those countries. Phila
delthia Lodger.
Cures Scrofula
Mrs. K. J. Howell. Medford, Mass, says her
mother ba bee n cured of Bcrof uU by the use of
four bottles of Msaasjpjg after barinr bad
tnoen other tra HB aunent, and being
reduced to qui s"S te a low condition
of health, as it was thought she could not lire.
Cored my little boy of hereditary
Scrofula, which appeared all orer
his face, for a rear 1 had riven
ap all bop of hla recovery, when finally I was
Induced to use HHHMM A few bottle
cured him, and IHH tut symptoms of
the diseaa ruula. JRm.T. I- Uatuku,
Xatfcarvlll, Ml.
Ow beek Bl s tkla DUttw sulW ;.
kwur If auric Co. iUuu, C.
Shall Silver Go Up or
'Go Down?
Free Silver Men Caucusing in
"-'Both Houses
Where They Succeed in Forcing
The Silver Commit cee.
Washington, Aug. 9. After tho
adjournment of the house, friends of
free silver held a caucus and adopted
the following resolutien: Resolved,
We will support a bill repealing the
purchasing clause of the Sherman act
and concurrently providing for free un
limited coinage of silver, with full legal
tender quality, on such ratio as will
provide and maintain parity between
gold and sliver. Be it further re
resolved, a committee of seven be ap
pointed, bycbulrwan of this conference
to draft and Introduce suoh bill. Com
mittee ia as follows Bland, Sibley,
tfoatner, Lane, Bnkhead, Bryan and.
Bailer, and Culberson, Chairman of
committee was ufterward added. Dom
ocratlo senators also caucused. After
two boars session, the caucus adjourned
without reaching a conclusion as to
line of policy. 1 he subject ot Bllver re
peal will not figure iu the senate for a
few daj s for the purpose is to adjourn
from tomorrow till Monday.
A S-ver Victory.
Was iunoton, Aug. 9. The vote to
adjourn was a sliver victory in the sen
ate. The negative votes wore all Re
publicans. 1'feifi'er (I'op.) of Kansap,
voting with them und Kyle, (Pop.) S.
O., vot'ug with the Democrats. Demo
crats kll voted for adjournment and
were Joined by the following named
Republican: Perkins of California;
Power of Moutanu; Dubois and Slioupo
of Idaho; Jones und Stewart 'f Nevada;
Teller aud Wolcott of Colorado.
Peace In Samoa.
London, Aug. 0. Tho United States,
Great Britain and Germany are re
solved to end tho Samoau trouble. It
Is said Mataafa wilt be exiled.
The Hop HarJcet.
Nkw Yoiik, Aug. 0. In hops, stocks
are i ratty well controlled and held
firmly, but the trade Is light, and ex
port Interest quiet. It ewers are buy
ing cautiously. Best Pud Ilea aro quot
ed at 21 to 22 cts.
Forest Fires.
Ciuri'KWA Falls, Wis., Aug. 9,
It Is reported that Hope Village, of
1600 inhabitant-, on tho Wisconsin
Central railroad, Is burning up. A
large saw mill, much lumber and a
large number of buildings are destroyed.
Oreat Eunnor.
Fulton, III., Aug. 9. Heury
Bothune yesterday rati a hundred yards
In nine and tbree-quurter seconds.
Dangerous Goaaterfelt.
Portland, Aug. 0. Edward Mar
shall and George Nordale are under ar
rest here ou a charge of pasalng counter
feit money. The men were arretted
esterday on the train between Hosier
md the Dalles. Beventy-Ix counter
felt dollars were found on their person
)ther arrests aro expected aa there U
vldeoce of a gang working In tbr
Northwest Counterfeit U pronounce'
dangerous one.
Warning's Senator.
Cheyenne, Aug. 0. Governor O-
.true has decided not to appoint am
ne tothesenatomUlp made vacant bj
te resignation of A. U. Beckwlth unti
te senate shall have decided the que
d whether or not a senator appoint
Aer failure of a state legislature t-
.lect la entitled to a seat
Sonata Does no Business.
Washington, Aug. 9. The senate
met and, without transacting any busi
ness, adjourned till tomorrow, on mo
tion of Gorman. The yeas and nays,
demanded by Piatt, resulted 48 to 21.
Tnls will be a day of caucuses. Tho
house adjourned till Thursday, to give
full scope tosllvermen for consultation.
Anti-silver meu have been led to ex
pect by expressions of silver men, tbat
no filibustering will be countenanced.
Call Rates Advanced.
Nkw York, Aug. 9. Wall street
received a disagreeable surprise this
morning in shape of uotice from tLe
Associated National banks that they
have unanimously decided to increase
rates on call loans of recent dato to 12
per cent, and those of long standing to
10, They say the reason for this aotlon
is that bo many borrowers laid down
on them. It is necessary for self pro
Colorado Flood.
Pueblo, Aug. 9. The water in the
Arkansas river rose eight feet In one
hour last night, submerging tho lower
part of the city, doing Immeueo dam
age to bridges and railways.
Moro Counterfeiters.
Portland, Aug. 9. William Cody,
Fred Smith, E. J. Maynard and J. F.
Frourey wore arrested in this city this
afternoon on charge of counterfeiting
silver dollars,
Iron Works Failure.
Lebanon, Pa., Aug. 9. Robert H.
Coleman, an Iron millionaire and wife,
have executed a doed of assignment.
Tho liabilities about three and a half
millions aud exceed assets.
One Banc
Minneapolis, Aug. 9. The Com
mercial bank has failed. Officers say
depositors will be paid la full.
Silver Bills.
Bonator Vest has introduced a bill to
fix thu number of grains ofgjld hi,
silver In the gold and silver coins of the
United States. Tho silver dollar is to
contain 404 4-10 grains of pure silver or
C10 grains of standard silver.
Tho most significant bill introduced
in the senate perhaps was one by Sen
ator Hill New York. Tho measure
be presented leaves no doubt of his pos
ition on the financial iatue. While re
pealing tho purchasing clause of the
Sherman act It unqualifiedly pledges
tho country to bimetallism.
Severe Shocks.
Santa Rosa, Cal,, Aug. 9. The
soverest earthq take felt here since 1SGS
occurred this morning. The oscilla
tions were apparently southeast and
northwi-st. Considerable damage was
done by fulling chlmnoyn, brokon
windows etc. The court house was
badly shaken up, and plastering exten
slvely damaged.
Anuoynnco of Creaking: Shoes.
Whether they nro worn by tho do
mestic who wuita on your guosts,
making unpleasant "musio when
ever she goos," or by tho deacon who
walks up tho aisle during tho solo of
tho sweet voiced soprano, thero is no
greater nulsanco than a pair of
squeaky shoos. If tho case is bo des
perate that oiling thoroughly around
tho solo whero it joins tho upper and
then immersing in hot water for
half an hour does not cure it, with a
tiny awl boro two or threo small
holes through the lower layer of tho
sole, and with an oil can having a
vory lino nozzlo insert a drop or two
of oil, in fact, as much as the spot
will absorb, and you may go on your
way noiseless, but rojoiclng. Now
York Recorder.
She Wm Bo 1'laln Looking.
"Did you win that breach of prom
ise caso you conducted?" asked Jar
ley's friend.
"No," answered tho young law
yer bitterly. "My cliont insisted
upon appearing In court."
"And thent"
"When tho jury saw her, they
brought in a verdict of temporary
aberration on the part of the oefend
int." Harper' Ratr.
A man would rather be wicked than
If rou want to make a doctor hate
you, call hlw "mister."
A womau thinks that a man can ac
complish anything. Bat a man knows
People forgot eo many aches in their
sleep that It is a wonder they don't try to
sleep more.
What a contemptible weakness charity
U when it is felt for the faults of those
yoa dislikst
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
John T. Snlllvan denies thot he has
mnrriod Rose Coghlan.
Mathiklo Cottrelly will appear with
Bussoll's comedians next season.
Edwin Ardon will bo a member of
Thomas W. Keene's company next sea
ton. Max Figman has been engaged to Bap
port Johnstone Bennett next season in
Ellon Torry has been writing a vol
ume of reminiscences which will soon bo
Fanny Rice Is in Geneva on her way
to tho Mor do Glace, She has bought a
now play in Paris.
Henry V. Donnelly of Donnelly and Gl
rard was marriod recently in Now York
to Miss Kate Allen.
Thero is a report in circulation thot
Minna Gale-Hayncs will roturn to tho
footlights next season.
Alma Stowart Stanley, tho onco groat
English burlesquer, is at presont singing
in a concert garden in Paris.
A faraway Johannesburg (South Af
rica) critio hoists tho following over his
celumn: "No tickets, no notice."
Manager J. M. Hill states over his
own slgnaturo that he has no intention
to retire from theatrical management.
Emily Soldene, osce famous as a comlo
Gfttrapla dotmaria'lidw supplying the
Sydnoy Evening News with theatrical
and musical notices.
Go-won-go Mohawk and her company
are said to bo quite tho rago In England
at present. They aro playing in first
class houses to packed audiences.
Nnt Goodwin will begin his season at
tho Now York Fifth Avonuo theator on
Aug. 8 with Augustus Thomas' com
edy, "In Missouri." Mr. Goodwin plays
a nervy llttlo sheriff of the southwest.
Sleepy Jim, a horse that is trotting
this year, stands closo to 18 hands.
The late Senator Hoanit paid $88,000
for King Thomas. Tho horse was sold
recently for $760.
Cyclone, 2:28f, although 17 years old,
trotted a quarter on tho x'aris(Ky,) track
In 88 seconds recently.
Mattio II, Dtlli, and Lysumlur Wilkes
are in Russia. Both have been trained
for long dlstanco races.
O. J. Hamlin, one of tho leading trot
ting men of the country, goes on record
as saying that the kite track must go.
Scientists say that horses will eat 80
varieties of plants, the cow 60 and tho
sheep 660 out of 000 plants in tho test.
William Russell Allen has tendered
his resignation as a member of the board
of review of the National Trotting aeso
elation. Meddler, the 8-year-old by St. Gatlen,
purchased in England for $76,000 by W.
H. Forbes of Boston, will not be raced
this year.
The Manchester (N. H.) track is Illu
minated by electric light, and night rac
ing is to bo one of the features of tho
summer season.
The cost of the Columbus handicap to
the Washington Park club was $17,000,
that being the sum it bad to add to make
up the $26,000 guaranteed.
Tho fair grounds at Newark, O., are
no doubt tho most historical grounds of
the kind in tho world. The track Is built
within a sort of fortification, which was
probably erected by tho mound builders.
Mulball estimates that tho civilized
nations annually pay 2,740,000,000 for
In Spain women servants are said to
bo capricious, slatternly and generally
Inferior. Men servant, if good, demand
high wages.
A curious caprice Is that of a New
York woman who haa made a collection
of penny toys and has secured over 900 of
such trophies.
A suit In tho English chancery court
began 163 years ago was concluded tho
other day, Tho government dutteo and
lgal fees covered nearly the eatlro sum
fought for,
Poaasylvanla haa moro Umber than all
tho othwr aorta AUantlo atatoa pat to-
other, sovea Wines tut much aa Now
York, OBO-avalf moro thaa Malao and
sore mm any other of tho western stats
short of thooo on tho Paclfio coast.
Tho mbm of "sodlacal Ugbt" haa boon
given to a singular appearance frequently
witnessed soon after sanset or just be
fore tunriso. It may bo seen at all sea
sons of tho year la low latitudes and lo
oBvioualy due to Illuminated matter tar
ypMB&lmf tho sun, .
Madison Square bank of New York.
Capital Impaired $80,000. "
Indianapolis Cabinet Works. Debts,
H. L. Hotchklss & Co., stock brokers,
New York.
John J hnstone, capitalist, Milwau
kee, assigned.
Opinions of the Message. ,
Washington, Aug. 0. The message
of tho president was received by con
gress with a degree of attention and
earnestness that has seldom been ac
corded to a state paper. A i otable fact
was tho general absence of adverse criti
cism from a party point of view and
among .hose who have reserved the ex
pression of their Judgment, Democrats
quite as numerous as Republicans.
Gorman Bald: "Tho message Is a
clear out statement of the president's
views. All the commeut tbat I have
heard In the senate Is that It Is as terse
and clear a statement as could have
been made."
Bonator Alllsou remarked: "It lea
very fair message." But he thought
the tariff references of the president
calculated to disturb business further
at a very critical time. "
La Grande, Or., Aug, 0. Fliiaga
wero mode on 1920 acres of coal land at
the United States laud office In this
city. The land filed upou is along
Beaver ereok, eighteen miles south of
this city and ton miles from Hllgarde
on tho Union Pacific. It Is claimed by
tho discoverers of the coal that they
have triced a well defined yeln, vary
ing In thick nesn from elghteeu Inches
to three feet, for a distance upwards of
lx miles. Tho specimens brought In
aro of a superior quality.
Hillbhoiiv, Aug. 0. News has Just
reached hero of thi accidental death of
Murtlu King, a young man employed
at hauling logs to tho pond of the Man
ning mill, on tho wont fork of Dairy
creek, last Frlduy. Ho had Just rolled
off one log aud stood watching It splosh
in tho pond, when another one, larger
thou the first, coiuo rolling from the
truck and caught him at the loft hip,
orUBhtug his hip aud smashing both
legs. The accident occurred about 4
o'clock, and ho died after Intense suffer
ing about 0. Tho funeral took place
Sunday at tho Wilkes oomotery and
was largely attended by a host of
friends. Deceased was a slugle mau,
having no relatives In this state but
Martin Maiming, tho owner of the
mill, who Is an unole.
Ban Francisco! Aug 9. Wheat,
December, ?1.23J. Boiler 93; new
Chicago, Aug. 9. Cash, 68); Sep
tember 18J.
Portland, Aug. 9. Wheat valley,
1.05, Walla Walla 05; Dee. $.1.21.
Imldo. outaM. and all tit w-vy Uuwf b.
uj ttfuiKiJflsx Wm A-
Thl great Temperance drink t mrZ?7
1 it U j?leawnL ttr It.
Zegal Iila,ik Publlithvr.
uU'jNt UrltkfOver thetoHt.Um'ltfi.
B'fc&ii. J. UdU 4A.