Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 08, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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ZBcia. a Month fcqr '
Prepaid la AdriMMMfc
No Papers) Set "Whtm
Time J Out.
' ? ' .('"
$ ,.
NO. 186.
- 'ivjsw4 w 'A w Ir-- T", m A T
raiwaA4ittL Jl 1 A. I j
Is thfc the way you have been buying your goods ? We
have tried it for a year ana! a half in our business and it. has
proved a decided success.
I ry this same method for yourself once. Buy from a cash
store. Save the usual per centage added for bad accounts at a
credit store, and you will bo happily surprised at the result.
The New York Racket
Offers you genuine bargains in BOOTS and SHOES, HATS,
general line of notions.
Bring your cash and get full value for it.
. General1 Insurance Agency. r
Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
STATE INSURANCE CO., Etna Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., Bun Insurance Co.,
National Insurance Co., Westchester KIre Ins. Co.,
Iilon Klre Insurance Co., Imperial Klre Iosuranoe Co.,
.London as Lancashire Fire lbs. Boa, London Assurance corporation,
Alliance Assurance Co, Norwich Union Fire Ins.Soc.
Oldest and Leading Firm In the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in the trade
enables me to turn out.flrst-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
give estimates. State Insurance block, Cbemekfcta street:
Ed. C.
CHURCHILL Spraying .offlffls,
ss ' -f 'io3
BURROUGHS State Street.
Lamoureux's Stables,
At the Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve
hicles being added constantly. Only the best wrvlce rendered. No shabby
rigs uor poor horses. H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor.
West Printing: Co.,
is voi a r anting vvijfcypQ.amj is propared to
do bettor work than eyeri Counfcy orders .receive prompt at
tention. f x
303 Commercial St.,
Leaveorders atOottle-l'
15, Huleni, Oregon.
P. J. LAESEN" & CO.,
Manufacturer of Wagons, Car
riages, etc
Repairing Spvotalty.
Shop 43 BLate street
A BABaAIN-ltoacrMWlthlrnproTemenU
orerbaif under cultivation, rot paluraod
torn good Umber. Term WT jr. Aa
dea - -. O. Ij. WASH,
w-lnvdw? WnsaUaad, Or.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer In Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats or allHinds
OS Court and
110 State Streets.
Balem, Oregon.
On Improved Real Kitato. In amount and
time to sulu Mo delay In oonilderlng loan.
Poora 12. BMb Bank block. 5 124
CflflS. WOLZ,
Proprietor of the
South OommercUl Ht, Silem.
All kind Frcu,eaUaad Smoked Meat
and Baa.
Sir. and Mr. Tonon Dlfcnt the Weak
D(M(i of n Near Neighbor.
"Seems to mo Mr. Salter's kinder
givin out in his mi 1," said Mrs. Por
8on as sho looked out of tlio window
and saw bor neighbor, Enocli Salter,
walking briskly down tho road. "I
dunno why you think so, mother,"
responded her husband. "Enoch
stops ofFs smart as he over did, fur
aa I kin see, and if you'd 'a' heard
bun at town meetin jawin 'bout tho
6chool tax I reckon you'd think his
mind was clear 'nough." Mrs. Por
6on kept on with her patchwork, and
beyond a smile xpressivo of a fund
of information upon the subject,
made no response.
Her husband watched her for a
moment and then put down his pipe.
"Land, Hannah, you're 'nough to
try a saint. What's the matter of
Uncle Enoch?:' '
"Well," replied his wife, "as 1 said,
I think Mr. Saltter's mind is a-failin
of him, an I hov my reasons fer so
thinkin. Ee's allers been a fussy
kind of a critter, wearin overshoes
when 'twas so dry tho dust 'd blow,
so I didn't tliink nuthin of his comin
to the sosherbul last night with rub
bers on. 'Twas a nice clear night,
but we've been needin rain, so I jest
thought p'raps Enoch see some signs
of it."
"I don't see nuthin great in that.
He allers wears rubbers," remarked
Mr. Porson, picking up his pipe.
"You let me tell my story. As I
said, I didn't givo no great weight to
bis rubbers. I see him an Mis' Salter
8tartin fer homo, an they hadn't been
gone long 'fore Enoch como rushin
back. 'I've loft ono of my goloshes,'
says he, 'an I dunno but what I've
caught my death by it,' says he.
"Well, wo all fell to and looked ov
erywheres for his old rubber shoe,
when all to onco Amelia Pike begun
laughin, an says she, 'Uncle Enoch,
you've got 'em both on one foot.'
"An I vum if he hadn't. Hedidn't
say much. Mrs. Salter would be
anxious 'bout him, he said, an ho
must hurry right home. That's the
reason I said I thought his mind wa'n't
jest what 'twas. A man that can
wear two fleece lined rubber Bhoes on
a hot July night and never know it
why, .he ain't-to-boirolied on, 'cordon
to' my way of lookin at it"
Mr. Porson smoked thoughtfully
for a .few minutes. "Well, I guess
that ain't much of a test," said ho.
"You're allers wearin two aprons to
keep the calico skirt clean, an seems
to me I've hearn you say you wear
tho calico skirt over your gingham
so's to save your gingham."
"That's different," responded Mrs.
Porson sharply.
"May bo 'tis. An seems to me I've
known you to carry round ono pair
of your spec'B on your head an wear
tho other. An onco I recollect 'bout
"Hov you brought in tho kindlin,
Nathan?" asked his wife.
"I'm gointonow. I jest wanted
to show you, Hannah, that forgetful
ness wa'n't no sign of a weak mind.
Now I might V forgot to bring in
tho kindlin's, but 'twouldn'fcbo a Bjgn
of my losin my memory, would it?"
"I dunno as 'twould," replied Mrs.
Porson, with a littlo chuckle, "but if
you'd 'a' forgot an brought in two
lots of kindlin's I declare to it I should
been worried "bout you." Youth's
Taper Carpet.
This has been called a paper ago,
and quite justly perhaps, when even
cart wheels aro made from paper,
but it was poverty and not scienco
that led to tho following inventien:
Carpets wore nooded and there was
no monoy for their purchase, so tho
pine floors bad tho cracks' filled with
putty and every inequality leveled
with tho plane. Common, stout ma
nilla paper that coats but a few cents
a pound was pasted down smoothly ;
then a heavy, dark, inexpensive wall
paper, conventional in design, was
chosen and firmly pasted to the
brown paper. When this was dry, it
received a coat of sizing and then ono
of floor varnish. Rugs were laid here
and there, and although this was
several years ago tho paper carpet,
which receives a yearly coat of var
nish, is still in good order. American
W ctfar Toil a remtir vrhieh, it umI
us directed, Insures stitty to lit
of both mother Mad child.
BoU confinement of lu Paix. Houox and
Bum", a many uttilj,
'My w Med only two bottle of Mother
PiUmd. SfcwaMjllyandqlfUyrtllvcl;
JTb. Mobtox, lUxlow, N. 0.
Bent byerurt, thxretdVituxM, on xttttt
otvtioaglMiVtrUAXl. Book "To MoUxr"
gold by ! Srofcltu. ATUUrrx, 0.
President's Message to
In a Cleafitand Comprehensive
Able PleaWAgainst Depreciated
Deruands Mopoy Universally HeC
ognized iu Cirillzpd
Tho Message In Congress.
Washington, Aug. 8. After the
morning routine both houses adjourned
till 12:45. When the bouse reconvened
tho president's message was read. The
reading was listened to with Intense In
terest and in dead slleuco. There were
& number of broad smllea on the Re
publican side at the presidents allu
sion to tariff reform as a secondary1 Is
me just at thia time. At tho conclusion
if the reading of tbo message It web
loudly applauded by the Democrats.
The Message.
WAsniNdTOHi D. C. Aug. 8. The
existence of nrr nlnrming-and extraor
dinary business situation involving the
welfare and prosperity of all our people
bus constrained me to call for an
extra session of congress, that by a wise
tud patriotic exercise of tbo legislative
duty the present evils may bb mitigated
and dangers threatening tbo future
may be avoided. Our unfortunate fi
nancial plight Is not the remit of
untoward events nor conditions related
to our natural resources, nor la It trace
able lo any of tho uflllctlons which fre
quently check national growth and
prosperity. With plenteous crops, with
abundant promise of remunerative pro
duction and manufactures, with un
usual invitation to safe Investment and
with satisfactory assurance to business
enterprise, suddenly financial distrust
and fear have sprung up on every Bide.
Values supposed to bo fixed, are fast
becoming conjectural, and loss and
failure have Invaded every branch of
business. I believe these things are
principally chargeable to legislation
touching the purchase and coin
age of silver by the general governomnt.
Undoubtedly the monthly purchases
by the government of ftiur million five
hundred thousand ounces of silver,
forced under statute, were regarded by
tboeo Interested in silver production as
certain guaranty of Its increase In price.
Th - lesult, however, boa been entirely
Thlsdlsappolntlug result bos led to re
newed and penUtaut etlort in tbo di
rection of free silver coinage. Mean
while not only are evil eflucU of the
operation ot the present law constantly
accumulating, but the result to which
IU execution must Inevitably lead, is
becoming palpable to all who give the
least heed to tha financial subject.
This law provides that In payment
for four million live hundred thousand
ounces of silver bullion, which the sec
retary of the treasury was commanded
to purchase monthly, there shall be If
tued treasury notee redeemable on de
mand lu gold or silver coin, at tne dis
cretion of the secretary of the treasury,
tod that said notea may be reissued,
(t Is, however, declared In the act, to
be "the established policy of the United
titates, to maintain the two metals uj
on a parity with each other upon tho
present legal ratio or such as may be
provided by law."
This declaration so controls tbo act
ion of the secretary of tho treasury ns
to preveut his exorcising the discretion
nominally vested In him, If by such
action a parity between gold and silver
may be disturbed. Manifestly a refasal
by tho secretary to pay these treasury
notes In gold, if demanded, would nee
essarilly result la their discredit and
depreolatson as obligations payable
only In silver, and would destroy the
parity between the two metals by es
tablishing a discrimination in favor of
Unless government bonds are to be
constantly Issued and sold to replenish
our exhausted gold, only to be agalu
exhausted, it Is apparent that the op
eration of tho silver purchase law now
In force, leads in the direction of entiro
substitution of silver for trold In tho
government treasury and that this
must be followed by payment of all
government obligations In depreciated
silver. At this atago gold and silver
must part company and tho govern
meqt must fall In Its established policy
to maintain two metals on a parity
with eaoh other.
Given over to the exclusive use of
currency greatly depredated according
to the standard of the commercial
world, we could no longer claim a place
among nations of the first class, nor
could our government claim perform
ance of its obligations, so far as such
obligation has been imposed upon it,
to provide for use of the people the best
and safest money. If, as many of Its
friends claim, silver ought to occupy a
larger place la our currency and the
currency of the world, through Kreat
International cooperation and agree-:menr;lti'obvioS'tW-UBlted
will not bo in a position to gain a hear
ing in favor of auoh an arrangement,
so long aa we are willing to oontlnue
our attempt to accomplish the result
single banded.
Possibly If the undertaking webavo
In hand, the maintatneuco of specific
knowa quantity ot silver at a parity
with gold, our ability to do so might be
estimated and gauged and perhaps In
view of our unparalelled growth and
resources, might be favorably passed
upon, But when our avowed endeavor
Is to maintain such parity In regard to
the amount of silver Increasing at the
rate of fifty millions dollars yearly,
with no fixed termination to suoh In
crease, It can hardly be said that a
problem is presented whose solution is
free from doubt. The people of the
United States are entitled to sound,
stable currency and to money recog
nized aa such on every exchange and
In every market of tho world.
Their government has no right to In
jure them by financial experiments op
posed to polloy and practice of other
civilized states, nor is It Justified In
permitting an exaggerated and unrea
sonable reliance on our national
strength and ability to eopardlzo tbo
soundness of the people's money.
This matter rUes above the plane of
party politics. It vitally concerns ev
ery buslnsas and calling and enters ev
ery household la the land. There la
one Important aspect of the subject
which especially should never be over
looked. At time like tbo present,
when evil of unsound finance threaten
us, the speculator may anticipate tha
harvest gathered from the misfortune
of other, u capitalist may protect him
self by boarding or may eyea And pro
fit In the fluctuation of values, but tha
wage earner la tbe Ant to be injured
by a depreciated currency and last te
recelvo the benefit of lis correction.
lie (s ptactlcally defenetleaa. He relies
for work upon the ventures of confi
dent and contented capital. This fall
ing him, his condition Is without al
leviation, for he can aeltbar prey oa
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
the misfortunes of others, nor hoard hla
It may be truo that the embarrass
ments from which the business of the
country is suflerlng arise as much from
evils apprehended as from those actual
ly existing. We may hope too, that
calm counsels will prevail and that
neither capitalists or wage earners will
give way to unreasoning panic, and sac
rifice their property or their Interests
under influence of exaggerated fears.
Nevertheless, every day's delay In re
moving ono oflhe plain and principal
causes of tho present state of things en
larges the mischief alrondy done and
Increases the responsibility of tbe gov
ernment for it existence.. Whatever
else people havo a right to expeot from
congress, thoy may certainly demand
that legislation condemned by tho or
deal of three years disastrous experi
ence shall be removed, from the statute
books as soon as their representatives
can legitimately deal with It.
In conclusion the Freaideut says: It
was my purpose to summon congress in1
special session early in the coming
September, that we might enter
promptly upon tbo work of tariff re
form which the truo interest of the
country clearly demands, which so
large a majority of the people aa shown
by thelr-suffragea desire" and expect',
and to tho accomplishment of which
every effort of tho present administra
tion Is pledged. But while tnrlil reform
has lost nothing otlta Immediate' and
permanent Importance and must In the
near future engage tho attention of con
gress it has seemed to mo that the fi
nanclal condition of tho couutry
should at once, and before all other
subjects, be considered by your
honorable body. I earnestly recom
mend a prompt repeal of tho provla
Ions of the act passed July 14th, 'DO,
authorizing tho purchase of silver bul
lion, and that other legislative action
may put beyond all doubt or mlstrke
the Intention and ability of tbo gov
mont to fulfill Its pecuniary obligations
in money universally recognized by all
civilized countries.
Up la Arms.
Caddo, 1. T., Aug. 8. Nowa Irom
Cedar county, where Governor Joues
removed county Judge and sheriff, an
nounces that the ousted Judge has been
murdered and tho whole country is In
The Flaaacial Debate.
Washington, Aug. 8. Indications
are that a financial fight In congress
will begin at once and be fought to a
finish. Negotiations already show near
ly twn thirds of tho house favor the
question being settled In a committee
of tho whole without reference to
any committee. Both sides are of tbe
opinion that tbo voto can be reached
lu two weeks, after tbo debate has be
gun. Among many compromises that
will be proosed, Is one by Bunk
bead, of Alabama, for a suspen
sion of tbe Sherman act till the
esd ot tbo present year, and authoriz
ing banks to Increase circulation to par
for their bond. As a result of cany as
ses, frteuds of unconditional repeal of
the purchasing clause of the Sherman
act, are a good deal more confident that
they will carry the point, it looks like
a majority for It la both houses, though
It will not be put through without a
hard fight. Senator Carey, of Wyom
ing, surprised hi silver friends by com
ing out Mat-footed la favor of repeal.
Silver la tan SeaaU.
Washinoton, Aug. 8. In the sen
ate today a rwolullou for a vote on tha
repeal of the sliver purchase on tbe 22
last was Introduced. Tho faowetook
ap tbe Michigan electioa case.
San Francisco,
December, $1.23g.
Chicago, Aug. 8
Aug 8. Wheat,
Boiler 03; new
-Cash, fi8i; Sep-
Portland, Aug. 8. Wheat valley,
1.05, Walla Walla 05; Dee. $1,213.
Business Suspended.
St. Louis, Aug. 8. The Phoenix
Powder Mills exploded today. Two
killed and several Injured.
Quarter Million Idle.
Chicago, Ills., Aug. 8. In an ad
dress of welcome to the military sur
geons or the United States, In the an
nual convention today, Mayor Harri
son declared there were 250,000 Idle
men In tbo city, and unless congress
Klves the couutry money, there will be
such riots bore as will shake the coun
try. H on-Partisan Finance.
WASuiNaTON, Aug. 8. The extra
seeelon of congress Is of special interest,
because for tbe first time in a third of a
century the Democratlo party Is In Con
trol in all departments, and because
tbe national legislature Is convened to
deal with one of tbe gravest questions
which has confronted the nation since
tho civil war. While tho responsibility
for tbe results rests on the Democrat,
it is also true the questions at Issue will
not be fought out on strict party lines,
as the parties are devided on It geo
graphically rather than politically.
The anomaly Is shown of men on
each eldo of tho free-col nngo proposition
In tho ranks of Democrats, Republi
cans, Populists, and Ureeubackers alike.
This Is a fruitful theme of discussion
wbllo tbe mumpers aro assembling,
uud thero aro many congratulations
that the fight had been taken out of
tho domain of rigid party politics, with
a likelihood that It will be dlscuseed
more nearly In the light of pure reasou.
Sut Business Men apd Bankers Like
the Message.
New York, Aug. 8. Immediately
after tho the president's message
reached Wall street a drive was made
against the whole stock market. It la
an old device with the bears to sell on a
piece of bullish Information to kill Its
effuot. It proved successful once more,
and some long stock was sold by holders
who had not tlmo to read the message
and concluded from the drop in prices
that the document was disappointing.
As a matter of fact however, It fully
met the expectations of leading bank
ers and conservative Wall Street bouses
who havo been most desirous that sil
ver legislation should tako precedence
of every thing else, and that congress
should adjourn as speedily as possible
after repealing tbe Sherman silver law.
Tbe Industrials bore tho blunt of tbe
attack and fell 8 to 4. Railway and
other stocks deel I ucd to 1.
Includes the great temperance drink
.It gives New Life to the Old Polks, i
k measure to the Parents,
Health to. the emiamj.
. Sao tt H-i4 AHtfc time..
A o'-ntnulLinmakttf'inSal
k " "w f Z - . TWer jbbISM
gidlwu. !Uuruidf-t
LT Una. S
Legal Blank publisher,
UuU New Mrlfk.ovr th bask, Cow') MK