Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 07, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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    WjIBlWfrnWWiMWIl'.'rwjIIU"""'"'1'""'"'"1" HWIiiii i iWWlMl lit
11 nwnaf-iiiiwrr) iinoi
Kor30 Days.
Call and Get Prices.
Our two fine presents will be given away September 1st.
THE PALACE and?shoegcompany,
307 Commercial Street.
- if -
You are going to build or make any- Mnd of
Improvement, call on the undesigned lor
material. We bare a com plete stock, and are
ready to supply any prepared contract, sewer
work, grading, etc
Salem Improvement Co.
What They Bay. Iluslnesa men
Bay the representatives that the Salem
banks art solid and have plenty of
money Is all right but it should also be
added that tbe banks aro not making
loans to business men or farmers. Tbe
Impression Is created tbat money can
be borrowed for business purposes
which is not a fact. Farmers and mer
chants who are perfectly good and have
large stocks of goods and business re
sources cannot borrow a dollar. This
is bard on a class of men who cannot
help themselves but who are Just as es
sential to tbe welfare of tbe country as
tbe the banker. They aro entitled to
some sympathy as well as tbe bank
Railroad Commission. General
Compson arrived this morning and will
be in session hero with tbe other mem
bers most of today and tomorrow. He
says tbe new freight rates which tbe
commission has approved ate reduct
ions in nearly every class of freight
and tbe sheets of old rales and new
shown tbe writer prove tbat to be the
Tub Banks. Tho banks continue to
hold their money. Tho people must
virtually do business without their help
Everybody who owes a dollar should
make extraordinary efforts to pay It up
Every dollar counts.
How He Uauoiit It. After a long,
close and vigilant eflort, J. A. Vun
Eaton has captured one of the biggest
grocery trades in this city and the cap
tives aro as pleased as tho captor.
Vetches. Dalryniou learned a great
deal about vetches for fodder at tbe
dairymen's convention Saturday.
Vetches include all leguminous plants,
such as peas, beans, loutiat trees, etc.
Ditch Cleaning. Sunday the Ban
tlam water ditch that supplies Balem
water powers was shut oft and for the
next two weeks a force of men will
give it tbe annual cleaning out.
Inspection, Companies B and H
Oregon National Guard will bo Inspect
ed this evening by Gen. Compson,
Col. Jaokson and Major Yoran, of Eu
gene, at tbo armory this evening.
A Fine Ride. Got a wheel for a
tew hours at Lockwood's Messenger
headquarters. Tbo best bicycles made,
by tho hour or day.
Lost His Coin. Fleet Waoless was
arrested and lined $10 for kuooklog a
man down iti tho "Mint" saloon Satur
day afternoon.
Police Court. Five drunks and
two hobos got five days each this morn
ing, Two ladles In tho former class
lId out.
Died Insane. David Kluuear, com
mltted to tho asylum from Umatilla
ounty died Saturday, aged 7:3 years.
To "Wed. A llconso
- M)d today to Zeulth
Lorenr.o L, Jakes.
to wed was lu
ll. Neal aud
To Btay. The watermelon
eoBM to stay for a few months,
F.OK Fun, Saturday 10.10 was paid
for squirrel scalps.
' '
At Hotel Willamette, Major James
Jeko), U. B. A., E. L, Boyre.Oniotia,
O. F, Futon, Portland- Col. E. T.
Goodrich, New York.
Nothing equals Ihe lightning Jars for
pwnrvlitg fruIU always In stock at
Oferk Eppley's.
Hower Craven aud It, B. Miller are,
Iwmm from Victoria.
WnA kA of the Portland Custom
JBm wm la the city today.
Railroad CotnmMoneru Eddy and
Jfoerun arrived lu the city thU fore.
Golden drop and peach plums are in
the market-
If everybody would pay their little
bills, or only pay a little on tbefr bills,
there would be plenty of money in cir
culation. It is everybody's duty to put money
In circulation even tbe state of Ore
gon. If a team breaks through that big
bridge and a few innocent people lose
their lives the two counties would have
a big bill to pay.
If you cannot advertise in but one
paper get the best and cheapest. See
the Jouunal's lists. Open to adver
tisers. Simmons Liver Regulator is an excel
lent remedy for dyspepsia. C. Master
son, sheriQ of Bibb Co., Ga.
Bert Bowersox returned from a visit
to parents in Salem tbe first of the week
and on Tuesday assumed his old posi
tion, as bookkeeper for the Benton
County Flouring Mills Co. Professor
H. N. Stoudenmeyer, of Salem, uutil
recently director of the Marine Band of
this city, and who has few equals as a
coronet soloist on the coast, went over to
Yaquina on Thursday's train. He ex
pects to remain at the seaside all sum
mer. Corvalbs Gazette.
Newt Hales and wife, of Salem, for
merly of this place, have a son, born
July 20. Athena Republican.
Tho Fair for bargains, 108 Court St.
Simmons Liver Regulator cures gen
eral debility aud will give you a new
lease on life.
Mrs. Sampson JoDes Is off for a sea
son at the seaside with Mr. Jones at
Henry Keeno, of 8 lay ton, was In the
city Saturday.
Mrs. .as. Batchelor Is home from
Fulrfloldaud again at tbe helm of tho
Capital City restaurant.
Max Buron and Claronce Hamilton
aro at Newport for a few weeks.
Virgla Byrd and Allenn Mellon are
homo from the world's fair and visits
In Washington cities.
Mrs. A. J. Glesy, of Portland is the
guests of Mrs. J. J. Murphy.
H. H. Ragan and family are home
from Indiana.
Mrs. B. M. Gerowe, a daughter of
Alonzo Gesner, Is in tbo city.
Mr. aud Mrs. Sampson Jones are
home from the coast.
Mrs. J. M. B. Royal returned today
from Lebanon.
Hop Buyer Wm. Brown la homo
fiom Idahua.
Dr. Chas. Robertson went to Wood
burn this afternoon.
J. Bensou Starr and wife are guests
at M. C. Starr's on Chemeketa.
Mrs. Etta Husklll of Dayton, Wo,,
who has been tbe guest of her daughter
Mrs. Townseud, returned today.
Miss Eva Miles wbo has been with
Mrs. J, Q. Wilson for some time re
turned to Portland today.
Mrs. Tbos. Dealey aud daughters
Marie and Josle, of Astoria, were guests
of friends at Balem over Bunday.
Miss Maud Kress of Salem, Is visiting
at the home of her uncle, John Fischer,
for a few days. She taught school iti
this locality last winter; at least that Is
the only attraction we know of. BIN
verton Appeal.
Mr. F. B. Barcee, of Balem, paid us a
call Tuesday. Mr. B. Is making a tour
of tbo county In a carriage with his
wife in hopes that the trip may benefit
her health. Marshfleld Bun.
Dr. J. W. Ransom of Turner, was In
the city today,
J. W. Walace of tbo Balem Water
Co., is homo from Foley Springs,
Thomas Reynolds, Jr., has a position
at tho state lusano asylum.
For a fluo line of writing tablets and
books for vacatlou time go to F, B.
Dearborn's, 203 Commercial street.
Tbe Motor Co, Is taking up Its Oak
street swltoh to allow the Improyemeut
of that street.
The melon kings of- Court street,
Clark &. Eppley, growers.
Complete Arrangements Made By
tho HU'to Board of Agriculture.
The horte racing will be good; there
will be a great deal besides tbat will be
excellent; tbe whole state fair will be
first-class: Tbe executive committee of
the Oregon state board of agriculture,
held a meeting at tbe capitol Saturday
evening. J. T. Gregg, tbe secretary of
tbe board, was present. Tboeeappolnt-
ed as superintendents of divisions were:
Division A. classes 1, 2, 3 John Red
mond, McMinnville; classes 4, 6, 0
John Stewart, Eugene, classes 7, 6,9,
10, 11, 12 John Chalmers, Reedvllle.
Division B, classes 1,2,3,7,0,10,12
Ex-Senator Geo. Chandler, Baker
City; classes 4, 6, 6, 8. 11 Richard
Scott, Mllwankle.
Division C Hsmlln Smith, Salem;
special Wm. Haghes, Heppner.
Division D, swine Geo. W. Riddle,
Roeeburg; poultry Geo. D. Goodhue,
Division E H. T. Fre'nch, Corvallis.
Division F S. 8. Train, Albany;
woolen goods, Milton Btrattou, East
Division G Mrs. Morey Hendricks,
Division H Mrs. M. Fox, Salem.
Division I E. B, Fellows, McMin
vllle. Division J, 1 millinery, 2 band sew
ing, 3 machine sewing Thos. Ryan,
Oregon City; 4 embroidery Mrs. E. C.
Small, Balem; 6 braiding, etc., and 6
crochetting and knitting Mrs. W. F.
Matlock, Pendleton.
Division K Mrs. Wm. Galloway,
McMinnville; L A. E. Strang, Balem;
M-S. Hosklns, Newbertr; N Prof. F.
L. Washburne, Coryallls; O Geo.
Cooto, Corvallis; P President J. M.
Bloss, CorvAllIs; Q Rev. Wm. Lund,
Miscellaneous class Z. F. Moody,
Those appointed .as ticket venders
are as follews: West or railroad gate,
Joseph Purdom and H..C. Stevens of
Oregon City; north gate J. W. Cox of
Balem and Ed. Berry of Pendleton;
race track gate J. B. Heninger of Ma
rion county and Orvey White ofUm
tllla county.
Tbe gate keepers named are: West
gate, W. H. Smith of Clackamas coun'
ty and Geo. H. Crolsan of Balem; north
gate, Butler DeLasbmutt of Yamhill
county and Barney Simpson of Salem;
race gate, T. M. Miller of Oregon City,
D. L. Green of Salem and J. E. Reich
ster, Sheridan; horseman's gate, Wm.
Bldgeby of Dallas and Eli Maddox of
New Era.
Superintendent of stables, R, O. Don
aldson. Hay tender, J. T. Beckwlth.
The president of the board was au
thorized to employ a band to furnish
music during tbe coming fair.
The secretary was authorized to lease
tbe restaurant under tbe grand stand
for tbe week.
Tbe committee ordered tbat a prem
ium of $100 be offered tho horticultur
ists of Oregon for display of fruit in tbe
fruit palace provided tbat they move
the building to the ground east of the
oQlce and repair It at their own expense.
A meeting will be held at once of those
Interested In a fruit palaco to make It a
great success.
Secretary Gregg will bo In Salem
about September 1st to remain and will
have his headquarters at the fair
On Asylum Cottages.
There were forty .expectant contrac
tors in attendance at the governor's of
fice at 2 p. m. Jo witness opening of
bids on the new asylum cottages. Tbe
bids were as follews:
the bids.
Gray f24,437
Owens 28,200
Hockett 27,268
Van Patton Bros 25,032
H O Lelbe. 21,434
Craven & Olllnger 24.0S9
Harold & MoBride 20,500
Plummer & Ault 31,160
Hazell 29,21:5
StevenB 25,439
Southwlck 25,106
Wlokstrom 26,600
Wilson 25,800
Ely 25,439
Cahlll 26,186
As there was not a quorum present
of the Board no action was had on
the bids.
Henry Porter of AumsvlIIe says that
town Is going to gravel Its main street.
G. W. Hubbard of Tuslin, Cal., went
to Albany today to take In some hops.
He says he is prepared to make ad
vances on crops, to help secure them I
whether they contract or not.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Altaa,
Used in MilUoas of Homes 40 Years the Staadari
Difficulties of Doing Business at Pres
ent. Tbe state treasurer Is one of tbe worst
puzzled individuals in public life today.
There Is a half million due the state of
Oregon from the various counties It Is
overdue already collected from the
people for the state and it is almost Im
possible to get a cent of It, Tbe only
counties out of thirty-four that have
paid all tbelr state taxes are Marlon,
Coos, Morrow, Columbia, Yamhill and
Josephine. Multnomah alone owes
$292,000. Most of tbe counties tbat
have paid are small, except Marion
The worst of It is tbe remittances made
to tbe state treasury by check or draft
are not treated as cash at tbe banks,
but are first sent on for collection.
County warrants are treated the same.
Not a state, city or county warrant
anywhere is cashed at the banks at
Portland or elsewhere, but simply re
ceived for collection and credited when
returned to tbe city today and says:
"I have exhausted all my power to col
lect In, the money due the state. I
have demanded It over and over. To
me it would do no good, as no terms of
court sit until October. There Is no
peremptory power vested In a state
treasurer to change the present status
of affairs."
No blame attaches to the state treas
urer for tbe stringency or delinquency,
If Multnomah county would pay fifty
cents on the dollar due the state it
would be a great relief. It would put
$600,000 in circulation, as tbe money is
bandied about tour times before it is
banked Anally. To illustrate, clerks
frequently are endorsed six to a dozen
times before paid.
A Valuable Remedy.
Brandreth's Pills purify the blood.
stimulate tbe liver, strengthens tbe kid
ueys, regulate the bowels. They were
introduced in tne united states in
183-5. Since tbat time over sixty mil
lions of boxes of Braudrteh's Pills have
been used.
This, together with thousands of
convincing testimonials from all parts
of tbe world, Is positive evidence of
tbelr value.
Brandreth's Pills aro purely vege
table, absolutely harmless, and safe to
take at any time.
Ed. Jeurnal: I often see nice long
articles in tho papers here telling what
a beautiful country we have: the fruit,
climate, mountain air) sea breeze, wa
ter, etc, etc. I suppose a great many
of these papers are sent back East to
help catch some Easterner who has no
idea of anything beyond a cyclone or a
blizzard. Now wby can't you mention
the fact, that in the beautiful Capital
City of Oregon, all tbe surplus dogs are
killed with "neatness and dispatch and
with the aid of a barn door and a club."
This will show those Easterners wbo
are always anxious to make change for
u penny even, tbat we are a most econ
omical people and our wood la so tough,
tbat with careful management a barn
door may be made to last many years,
and do good service In more ways than
one. It would also help so much to
enlighten tbe darkened minds of
those, who imagine the "wild and
woolly West" Is settled mostly by In
dlans, besides being quite a hint to
some of their big cities, where a small
ball of Prueslo acid la said to do tbe
work. No "neatness and dispatch"
necessary. It will do no barm and
may let them know that we are civ
ilized away beyond their expectations.
By tbe way has the bard times killed
our Humane Society?
. If you are dull and stupid you are
bilious and need a tonic Take Sim
mons Liver Regulator.
- i
A strong remonstrance against Im
proving Center street has been signed
by quite a uumber of property owners.
R. W. Patterson and family, of Santa
Maria, Cal., stopped off a day to see
some of the friends of the Oregon Land
What do you Take
Medicine for? Because you are sick
and want to get well, or because you
wish to prevent llluess. Then remem
ber tbat Hood's Sarsaparllla cubes all
diseases caused by Impure blood and
debility of tbe system. It Is not what
its proprietors say but what Hood's
Sarsaparllla does, tbat tells the story
of Us merit. Be sure to get Hood's,and
oniy noou's.
Purely vegetable-Hood's Pills 25
AUGUST 7, 183.
The Good Old Times.
Then times were good,
Merchants cared not a rush
For any other fare.
Than Johnny cake and mush."
But uow times have changed, and
the plain and simplo fare of the fore
fathers Is done away with. Patent
flour, and high seasoned food, and
strong drinks, have taken Itsplace.and,
as a result, dyspepsia, Impure blood,
and dlseaeesof tho stomach, liver and
lungs are numerous. This great chance
has led one of tho most skillful physici
ans of tbe age to study out a remedy for
these modern diseases which he has
named bis "Golden Medical Discovery."
Dr, Pierce In this remedy has found a
cure for dyspepsia, bronchitis, asthma,
consumption, in Its early stages, and
"llyer complaints,"
G. R. Thomas, tbe Stayton livery
man, was doing business in Salem to
day. Belle Altken went to Newport to
day. AsfcYour Friends
Who have taken Hood's Sarsaparllla
what they think of it, and the replies
will be positive In Its favor. One bos
been cured of indigestion and dyspep
sia, another finds it indlspenslble for
sick headache, others report remark
able cures of scrofula, salt rheum and
otber blood diseases, still others will
tell you tbat it overcomes "tbat tired"
feeling," and so on. Truly, the best
advertising which Hood's Sarsaparllla
receives is tbe hearty endorsement of
the army of friends it has won by its
positive medicinal merit.
There are many forms of nervous debility
In men that yildto the useofCarter'alron
Pills. Those who are troabed with nervous
weakness, night sweats, etc, should try them.
Backache Is almost immediately relieved by
wearlnerone of Curler's Hmart eed and Bella
donna Backache Plasters. Try one and bo free
frm pain, f rice 25 cents.
For any case ol nervousness, sleeplessness
weak stomach. Indigestion, dyspepsia, try
Carter's Little Nerre Mils. Keller is sure. The
only nerve medicine for the price In market.
Able to supply any order for Jersey
milk Sharpe's Dairy.
California Melons.
The first and only carload of. Lodl
watermelons received by John G.
Wright this morning. They are very
fine and cbeap. '
Oregon Peaches.
I am receiving daily Southern Oregon
peaches for sale cheap by box. Also on
band fresh tomatoes green corn and
huckleberries, John G. Wright.
Economize in Paper.
Clean newspapers, tied In buudles of
100, not cut, for sale at this office at
fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy -straw
wrapping paper, large sheets, two cents
a pound. Next door to the postofflce.
Notice to Farmers.
Please take notice that tbe Salem
Flouring Mil's Co., are prepared to fur
nish sacks this season as has been their
cuBtom In past years.
Salem Flouring Mills Co.
H. B. Holland, manager.
8-1 d w.
Southern Pacific Announcement.
Commencing Monday, August 7th.
and until further notice, tbe
following changes will be made
in - tne running or trains on
Woodburn, Bprinfield branch. Train
No. 14 from SHverton to Wood
burn, and local No. 11 from Woodburn
to Natron, will run on Mondays, Wed
nesdays, ana friaaya only. Train No.
12 from Natron to Woodburn, aud train
No. 13 from Woodburn to Silverton,
will run on Tuesdays, Thursdays arid
Saturdays only. E. P. Rogers,
Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.
Teachers' Examination. Notice
Is hereby given tbat the regular quar
terly examination or teachers for Mar
ion county will be held at the court
bouse. Salem. Oregon, at one o'clook.
Wednesday. Aue. 9. 1893. ADolicants
for state papers will be examined at tbe
same time and place. Dated this 24th
day of July, 1893. J. 8. Graham.
County Supt. of Schools. 7-24d-lw-w2t
Armory Co. "B"3d Reot. Inft.
Balem, Or., July 29th, 1893. J
Order No. 4.
I. In comnliance with treneral order
No. 2, C 8. Brigade headquarters,
Uompany "11" will parade at tbe ar
mory on Monday, August 7tb, 1893, for
Insnectlon liv the hrii'tuln rvimmnnrior
Assembly at 8 o'clock p. m.
ii. xuemoers uosent without leave
will Bulilent theniRolvpa tn Ihn tunnl.
ties of Pr. 165 regulations. O. N. G.
III. All RtJltfi nnil frnvornmnnt nrnn.
eriy ujuai oe in tne armory lorexam
iuuuuu uy inapecuug oiucer.
2d Lieut. Comdg, Company.
Aug. 3-5-7
Skin Food.
Ladies -who sutler
from Cutting Winds
and Scorching Hun
will find
Mrs. Harrison's
Lola Montez Creme
The hkln Food.
The beat remedy for
AcvfuuK too imce 0001
and free fr-m Irrita
tion, as It sooths and
eomforU tbtskln and
piev nu freckles or
mutihii n It I. nn.
beautlflerbat a sxln
rcatontlvA aimI nr
erraUve. ! alltt'e Uontes O-emeU rubbed
..... -,...., wmM ,UD jwur win rii,aiu
toncer. dealdea preveutl, g the powder from
clnKing (ha pores of the skin- frt e 75 cents.
Koran, by rKKDUao, ..ruggUt, P.on
- . vcv.
faof to'rm7wm. """" lral
Amkkica' BucTT Doctor,
84 Geary t Han FtancUco, Cal
BuptrfluousBalr reraaatatly RexeoTed.
nttiDjU vr!..Ci
i mnnMn .nam 1 1 m ma a
"When good honest' home
made goods are wanted don't
forget we are
One Step Lower
than the lowest on prices, for
men and boys clothing
at the
W0QXl fllii STORE
Before doing to the Woild'a Fair
Enauire About
The Limited Express trains of the Chi
cago, Auuwauaee s et. jfaui itauway
between St, Paul and Chicago and
Omaha anrl dhlr-ntm
These trains are veatlbuled, electric
ugntea ana steam heated, with the Qu
est Dining and Sleeping Car Service in
the world,
'1 he JCIeetrln nSlf1 nor Unht In nanVi
berth is the successful novelty of this
progressive age, and is highly appreciat-
i uy an regular patrons or tnm line.
We wish others to know Its merits, as
the niilr.qpn MllnrnnbA Ar Rt Roll.
way Is the only line in the west enjoy
ing the exclusive use of this patent.
For further information apply to
nearest coupon ticket agent, or address
v;. j. n,DDY, uenerai Agent,
J. W. Casey, Trav. Pass. Agt.
225 Stark St., Portland, Or. tf
Manufacture Standard Pressed Brick;.
Molded Brick in all Patterns Tnr Wmli
and supply the brick lor the New Salem Cltv
Mall nnrl tioai1v all f Via . K..ll .....
lu the Capital City.
Yards near JPenltentlary, Salem, Or. 83 dw
St. Paul, Marion County, Oregon.
Conducted by the "liters of the Holy Names of
Jesus and Mary. The location affords all that
oin be dt-Mred for (healthful outdoor exercise.
Ht, Paul can be easUy reached by boats on the
Willamette. The buildlne ' new and supplied
with all tbe modern Improvements. The
course of study is complete.
Stenography and Typewriting Taught.
Terms moderate.
For further particulars apply to Sister Super
ior. 8-MmdAw
from U. P. Dock at 6 o'clook a. m. every Wed
nesday and Saturday.
from the Central dock at foot ol Waahlarton
street every Sunday and Thursday.
for Albany every Monday and Tuesday, re
turning tame days.
Concerning freight and passenger business,
call on the agent, AL HKHHEN.
All goods at W. M. Sargeanl'a will
be sold at tbe regular price for the next
80 days at 10 per cent, discount for cash.
Private work a specialty.
O. B. CLEMENT, Manager.
Meat Market.
Fresh and Bait meats ;of the best quality
Poultry and stock. Free delivery.
Steamer Elwood.
Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery
Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices.
N. W. Cor. State and Liberty Su. SALEM, OflEGON.
Such is our firm belief, nnd we have backed it up, by buying
a complete and varied stock of fall goods,, at lowest prices.
i all Prices at Closing Oat and W Sales,
By giving them the best goods
OMEJUHOTJS OOWOW, - - - - WALMM, oiaroojr,
ITAsIw AAAl nt iAH't h a H.t.
wp- wu uu. UU44 . ECi UAUIUM. IBie
J ". 4. Jim niCtlUUUb 1AJ UUJT H UUVCi
e ami tie the new lot of novels on ouri
OAr In tmm (! a. o w. . Til -. "-
"" nui,uniiiuuain in ciuntrme
vwj isa-vc!. VUIMSUfblUCUbUl AuuiMnieu
nfirlnnlnaJst fa t1hininaeaay fall nnM.t
--- - HUHM j. sisiivu vat ftlUUUU
uu mee oar aupiay.
Patton Bros.,
Boolcesllcrs and Stationers
Legal SlanhJPublisJiers,
Bush's New Brlck,over the bank, Com'l street.
The Rustler food Saw
And hft ftrUMn't: hnra nnlitr vafi waaiI 4
fuel, when he saws It. Uake your contracts
with him personally orleave oruers at Veatcbs
cigar store Dearborn's book store.438 Summer
street, or address me by mall. 6-14-tf
Dn CLARA M. DAVIDSON, graduate of
Woman's Medical CoUge, of Pennsyl
vanla Offlce. Bash-Breyman Block, Balem.
pEIBONAL.-E. K. Hall, paper hanger, has
JT returned from the east and Is ready for
business. g-j
TJiOR RENT On Democratic Boom Terms, a
D new house with 8 rooms, bard finish; on
Division strett between Front and Commer
cial, inquire on lot. 8-6
millSPAPER, Is kept on file at E. C. Dake'i
CHRISTIAN RClENOE-LIterature of all
kinds on sale at KM Liberty street. 4-6-ly
ATTENTION-Cash money paid for rags,
bottles. old Iron anil nil trlnria nt metAlt.
also hides, at old Court House, Balm.
old Unitarian Hall opposite opera bouse, Sa
svaut w .mi . DaUUttia VCUOU1 Ht 1U .
followed by Bible reading and other ierrlce.
Pnjtr meeting Wednesday 7:30 n. m. 6-27
On easy terms and cheap.- A SO aire orchard
uuouuuj smuessouui
of Salem.
in the market, at lowest prices.