Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 07, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    ' Ll f -LsLsm
. iSJWmWliiSSMf m .MAim ijwmt)fr' - -v?'iew tr ..
28 eta. ' meaih bjr XaJf
Prepaid ia Advaaes. ,
No Papers Seat Wfeea
Time. Js'ttnts'
The 1 Cent
NO. 185.
! -
We are still in it when it
Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods,
In fact all lines of General Merchandise at the
BonanzaBargains inBroken LinesStrawHats
297 Com'lSt, SALEM,
H. W. COTTLE. & CO.,.
General Insurance Agency.
Representing the following
HTATK INSURANCE CD.. Alnainsurance lot.,.
Traders' Insurance Co.,
Lion fire Insurance Co.,
Londou iSneaVhlre Fire Ins.
Alliance Asurance Co.,
Oldest and leading Firm In the City
Recovers and repairs upbolsteed furniture. Long Experience 1 in the trade
enables me to turn out flret-claas worfci Samples of coverings. No trouble to
give estimates. State Insurance block, Chemeketa street
Ed. C.
Lamoureux's Stables,
a ti,n rmmprnini ninwt hrirftrn nnir
i,ini,w, iuin Diiii nntnnii Onio ti,
rigs nor poor borsta.
West Printing
do better work than ever,
803 Commercial Bt.,
Leare orders niCutUe-larfchnrstbloek,room
U, Halem.Oregon,
Manufacturer of Wagons, Car
riages, etc,
Rpotrinir Specialty.
fiuop 45 BUM street.
A BAROAIN lto acres with Improvements
over tuurtmdt-r cultivation, rest pasture and
com good timber. Terms very ? AA-
e-17-lm-aw f hen!. Or.
conies to""low prices on
well-known and rollable Cempanies:
Bun Insurance Co.,
Westoueater Klre Ins. Co.,
Imperial Fire Insurance Co.,
80c.. London Assurance t-orporatlon,
, worwicn union r ire ina.000
Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of allHinds
93 Court and
110 State Streets.
Spraying outfits,
State Street.
Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve-
tipst service rendered. NoshaoDy
H. L. LAMOUREU, Proprietor.
Has iust received some
latest lace8 Ol lOD
ftp. and is prepared to
Count-y orders receive prompt at
Balem, Oregon.
On Improved Real Estate. In amounts and
time to sulu No delay In eeaalderlBf loans.
Boom 12. Bneh Bank block.
CflflS. W0LZ,
Proprietor of the
innth nnmmerelal BUSalerrt.
AW kinds Freeh, oalt and Smoked Meau
The LINE That
HOUrS the QuickC Chicago and
Jlnwnn Quicker to Omaha and Kan
Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclin
ing Chair Cars, Dining Cars,
or rates and general Information call on
or address,
W B. HOBLBURT, Asst, Q. F. A.
351 Washington Bu,
Pnjm.Awn. Omtnn'
1600 The English postal Bystem as at
present constituted founded by order of
Charles II.
1CC3 The postofflce and post routes
were let to Daniel O'Neill as the highest
bidder for the contract
1081 A penny post was established In
London as a private enterprise by Rob
ert Murray, an upholsterer.
1690 Murray having sold his penny
post undertaking, litigation arose regard
ing it. It was adjudged a part of the
general postal system and annexed.
1002 A general postal system for the
accommodation of the American colonies
was planned by the, British government.
1710 Tho system of American postof
fices and post routes was put into opera
tion by the British government.
1720 Envelopes for letters mentioned
by Swift as in common use at this date.
They were large Bquare pieces of coarse
paper folded" over the letter and fastened
with sealing wot.
1740 There was talk of discontinuing
tho post between London and Edinburgh
on account of the fewness of letters. On
one occasion the post carried but one,
and generally there were only three or
1753 Ben jamin Franklin was appoint
ed first deputy postmaster general for
the Ainericau colonies.
1760 Mrril coach routes were estab
lished by Franklin from Philadelphia to
Boston, connecting with all the leading
towns en route.
1774 In this, year tho English mails
were first conveyed in coaches. The first
mail by this startling innovation was
sont from London to Bristol, St. Louis
Thcro are 10 lines running out of
Chicago competing for eastbound busi
ness. There were 2,4-14 railroad accidents in
this country in 1892; 700 persons were
killed and 2,033 injured.
A belt recently made for the Brooklyn
City Electric Railway company la 110
feet long, 72 inches wide and weighs
1,800 pounds. One hundred and twenty
hides wore used in its manufacture.
A new plan is being considered to con
struct a belt line around Columbus, O.
Tho proposed line is about 10 miles, and
the cost is estimated at $1 ,260,000. Part
of the right of way has been secured.
A custom was established some time
ago by the roads entering Columbus, O.,
to give stato employees a pas&engor rate
of a cent a milo on all occasions. The
custom has been abandoned, and now
full faro is charged.
All the tracks of the Boston and Maine
road at Boston are to be covered with a
shed. It was tho first intention of the
company to allow me traces 10 remain
j-j-s-Jj-. .!-
The new station of the Central Rail
road of New Jersey at Atlantio High
lands has been finished. It is one of the
finest in the state and was built in con
nection with the vast improvements
made at the Sandy Hook steamboat tor-
nvt Rimmom Liver Regulator for
headache, constipation, Indigestion or
Tor rtnovatlne the entire system,
ellmlnaUn afl roUons from the
til t hh.r nf scrofulous 01
origin, this preparation has no equal.
"For slrbtfttn months I had an
( eating sow on nyr tonwe. i was
treated bv Utt local physicians,
hot obtained no relief! the sore gradually crew
worse. I ftaallr took 6. 8. B., and was entirely
cored after using a few bottles.'
V. m, nri."". HanoHsw,
i ivkwk
B 9nuflP5t. fl
Tmk&m 1
Treatise on Blood and Bkio Pi
IfttT " "
TBM WWT mnanaw-f
That is th President's
At the Moderation of Cleve
Byaua aid Ceckrat) to bo
Silver traders;
Democrats to Be Confronted VVitli
TUoir Platform.
Olevoland'a Message.
"Washington, Aug. 7. It Is thought
the president's message will not go to
oongress aa a bill tomorrow. Tho mes
sage is only about three thousand words
In length. Beyond tlie fact that It Is
largely devoted to financial matters,
nothing reliable can be! learned regard
ing It. Free silver Democrats express
themselves agreeably surprised at what
they understand as moderation in the
president's recommendations, while
recommending tbo unconditional re
peal of the Sherman act they under
stand he recognizes silver as one of the
monev metals which must bo main
talned, but points out that with the
present attltudo of the European coun
tries a proper ratio between'gold and
silver cannot be maintained by this
country atoue. Therefore be doeanot
favor the coinage of silver under the
present conditions except for subsld
uary purposes. He thinks in this way
Europo will be coerced into au Interna
tional agreement more favorublo than
heretofore. He favors silver on a parity
with gold, and stands by the platform
of 1892, but says that tho platform can
not be carried out because a fixed parity
cannot be maintained. Prominent
Democrats of both wings have been
given to understand that these are the
president's views. It Is understood
that Cochran, of New York, and By
num, of Indiana, will lead the anti
silver Democrats In the house.
How It Will Be Dose.
The Intention Is that Cockran shall
at the first opportunity, introduce a
bill to repeal the Sherman aot outright
without anv condition or substitute,
Culberson, or nome one will Introduce
a bill which will provide for tho repeal
of the purchasing clause in tuo Sher
man act and provide for the coinage of
silver without charge for mintage at a
rat o of 10 to 1, The bill, aa Is under
stood in the wording, will follow aa
closdy as may be, section 7 of the
Democratic platform of 1802. By this
means It is thoui;ht that Democrats,
who are opponents of the bill thus
framed will beiput.ln an attitude before
the country of opposing their own plat
form. Congross Meets.
Wabainoton, Aug. 7. An extra
session of congress assembled at noon.
The first thing on assembling in both
bouse was the reading of the presi
dent's proclamation cosvealng con-
resa In session. This ww followed by
roll call of namei of members,
Commltee appointed to notify the
president that house organized after
drawing for teats atljourned till tomor
Prrtldeut'i mresage would be sent to
congress today but for early adjourn
went of the seoate.
DysrPl and Its attendant ills are
quickly cured by Simmons Liver Regulator.
The ProceeAlagii.
Washington, Aug.7. Senate. Af
ter reading tho proclamation and calling
congress together, Quay, of Pennsyl
vania and Pawcoe, of Florida, wero
sworn In. A communication from
Buck with, of Wyoming was read, eas
ing he had placed his resignation la tho
hands of the governor. The commit
mlttees wero appointed to notify the
house and the president of the senate
then m session. Then the death of
Senator Stanford, of California, waa
communicated to tho senate by White,
of that state, and as a mark of respect
they adjourned till tomorrow. When
tne house waa called to order,8G0 mem
bers were found present. The clerk
then announced that the election of
speaker was next in order. The vote
resulted, Crisp, 240. Reed 122, Blmpeon
7. Crisp was declared elected amid
great applause, and was conduoted to
the chair by his late opponents.
Old Farmer Killed.
Indkpmndencb, Aug.7. This morn
ing near McCoy G. C. Bell a farmer
seventy years of age was run over and
killed by the Southern Pacific train.
He attempted to cross the track in a
light wagon ahead of the locomotive.
His body was oaught between the cow
catcher and the rail and literally cut in
pieces. The old man was evidently
deaf anddld not hear tbo whistle.
Ono Little One.
Springfield, Mo,, Aug. 7. Tho
Greene County bank failed this morn
ing. No statement. A run on all oth
er banks resulted.
Senator Appelate..
Washington, Aug. 7. It Is under
stood the governor ot Wyoming has ap
pointed A. L. New to succeed Senator t
Beck wltb
Iron Works Close.
Philadethia, Aug. 7. A receiver
(tn nptnnciiWM u rat vunts "in ji.uxt
Ore comDanv. It Is hopelessly Insolv
ent. It was one of the largest manu
facturers of pig iron In eastern Penn
Ton to Be Deported.
Portland, Aug. 7. In the case of
the 28 Chinese held on the steamer
Hay tlen Republic, United Sta tea Com
missioner Deady thl9 afternoon decided
that under sections two and six of
the Geary act, eighteen were entitled
to land and that the remaining ten
must be deported.
Lane Oouaty Mews.
Eooenb, Aug, 7. Special. Apsel
Hyland was drowned at Big Fall
Creek, 18 miles east of here, while tak
ing a bath Baturday evening about 7
o'clock. He was aged 23 years. He
could not swim. A young man named
Humphrey was nearly drowned In try
ing to rescue him.
Tho little girl who was thought to be
the lost child of I. W. Miller has been
claimed by her father, Mr. Compson of
Florence. The marks on the child's
nose, head and nips corresponded with
the Miller child.
Brief Telegrams.
T.nlflnnntl vnrba hnrnnd ntOaUland.
LOBS f 100,000.
Fresno sufferred a f 100,000 fire Batur
day night.
A 20.000.000 gallon reservoir burst at
Portland, Me., four lives lost.
Confidence In finances aro nearly ful
ly restored In India.
Judge Locbren pension commission
er, has extended until October 10, 1803.
the period within which pensioners
whose pensions have been suspended
may make proof of their right to re
ceive them.
Bah Francisco,
December, 91.231.
Aug 6. Wheat,
Seller OS; new
Chicago, Aug. 6. Cash, 60; Sep
tember 62.
Poktlaxd, Aug. 6. Wheat valley,
1.05, Walla Wall 05.
Let Democrats Keyest
Bandusicy,0.,Au.7. Governor Mo-
Klnley addressed as audience or 10,000
people Saturday at the annual harvest
Dlcnloof the Erie couHty agricultural
society at Llnwood Park, Vermillion.
HU speech dealt largely with the pro-
ent flottnclal and business conmuons.
He Dolnttd out that the business of the
country rested upon credit, faith la one
another, faith In the industries of tke
country, faith In the deetlaies of the re
public, and when eyery man lost faith
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
then the paralysis followed. What we
wanted now was level headed tieee, but
unfortunate aa our situation was today
It would have been worse If, instead of
haviug national bank money, we had
state bank money.
Continuing, he said that whatever
Influence tho Sherman law may have
upon the present condition it la by no
moans the chief cause of tho trouble,
Ho charged that the uncertainty in re
gard to tho tariff changes waa the prin
cipal cause of the present financial dis
turbance. Manufacturers are not going
to produco for tho future and pay the
protective tariff wages when their pro
ducts may have to compete with like
products under free trado wages.
"Let congress when It meets next
Monday," he said 'make an authorita
tive declaration approved by tbo presi
dent that the threatened changes will
not tako place, that they have disco v
ered that they were wrong. If they
will do that next Monday the fears of
the business world will bo quieted and
business will resume Its normal condi
The gravo of George Eliot at High,
gate, near London, is reported, to be m a
wretched state of neglect.
Mrs. Humphrey Ward is writing a
now novel, a companion work to "David
Grieve" and "Robert Elsmero."
General William Mabone cf Virginia
haa.pectnaawtly retired from politics.
He Is qalte wealthy and says that pub
Jlo life has no rewards nor temptations
for him.
Aloxius Columbus, a formor ship
builder, now nearly 07 years old, who
claims to be a lineal descendant of tho
great Christopher, has been discovered
in Buffalo.
Dr. J. Collins Warren, tho now pro
fessor of surgery at Harvard, is a direct
descendant of General Joseph Warren
of Bunker Hill fame and is of a distin
guished medical family.
Brighara Young, Jr., one of the numer
ous sons of the late president of the Mor
mon church, advises his peoplo to regard
politics as next to importance to religion
and predicts that the Mormons will be
come "powerful politicians and saints."
John Hays Hammond, the noted Cali
fornia miner and manager of the Bunker
Hill and Sullivan silver wines at Coour
d'Alene, Ida., lias gone to Johannesburg,
South Africa, to tako charge of the eight
great gold mines of tho Barnat brothers.
Rev. Ralph Bwlnburn, who lives near
Charleston, W. Va is the oldest railroad
man living in this cquntry. Ho was
born near Nowcastlo-upon-Tyno, in tho
county of Durham, Aug. 4, 1805, and
began to work on railroads in tho year
Among tho distinguished citizens of
Philadelphia past 00 years of age, the
Rev. Dr. Furness is ono of tho most re
markable of personages. He takes long
walks like a boy without fatigue. He
hears well and can read at night oven in
the cars without glasses.
Missouri leads tho world in load pro
duction. The name bank is derived from banco,
a bench.
Forgery was first made punishable by
death in 1631
The Germans were the first to employ
gunpowder for blasting rocks.
A gold coin depreciates a per cent in
value in 16 years of constant use.
There have been 80 suicides commit
ted on the XUfsl tower, in Paris, since
its construction.
More than 60.000 stamps are said to be
found every year loose in the letter boxes
of the United Kingdom.
A cublo foot of newly fallen snow
weighs 6f pouaAsaad has 13 times the
balk of n equal weight of water.
To Xaula Vor Warsoth.
Five yearn ago Lord Randolph
Churchill undertook r journoy to
Rusm, A friend asked him what
be had gono there for.
To get warm!" wna tho reply.
And he wont on to explain tho ap
parent paradox. "Tho winter is
very cold everywhere, hut it is much
colder in Russia than any whom elso.
Heaea tho Rvweians tako tho moat
Aciest nrocautious against its rigor.
It is only in Bt. Petersburg that peo
ple understand the art of heating ft
hcttuM thoroughly." 89CQI9,
Cautious Uttersaces ef Crisp,
Reed and .McKialcj.
Democrats Concede an Extraor
dinary Condition of Attain).
Washington, D. C, Aug. 7. Sat
urday night tho hall of the house of the
representatives was well filled with
Democratic members. Tho chairman
of the caucus, called It to order. Crisp
waB nominated by acclamation amid
applause. Crisp spoko as 'follews:
"The extraordinary condition of af
fairs throughout tho country has necec
sltated our meeting in an extraordinary
session. In so farasthat condition la at
attributablo to existing laws, wo are no
wise responsible therefor. Now, for
theHrst time In more than thirty yearp,
we are in full power. We can repeal
the laws and wo can make good ones.
The people have entrusted ua with that
power and expect us to exorcise it for
their behalf. Our financial system
should be revised and reformed; strict
economy In publlo expenditures should
be observed and taxation should bo
equalised aud greatly reduced. To
these purposes are we thoroughly com
mitted. We must redeem our pledges.
Let us begin work at once. Let us lay
aside eyery other consideration than for
the publlo ood and endeavor to so dis
charge the duties assigned us as to ro
storo confidence, proaioto prosperity
and advance tho general welfare of all
the classes of our people. Sincerely
grateful for your confidence and esteem,
I pledge inybdf. to devote to tho dis
charge of the duties of the responsible
position you have assigned mo to with
all the energy and ability I possess."
A Republican caucus was hold and
ex-Bpeaker Reed was nominated. After
applause Reed responded In ouo or his
characteristic speeches, hts sarcastic
drawl having lost none of its pungency
during tui miner reiiexa.
"Four months ugo," besuld, "they
had left congress mid returned to their
homes with tho country in u prosper
ous coudlllon, All tbo mills were run
ning, spindles playing, furnaces rear
ing, labor was employed everywhere,
and people were happy. "Now," he
continued, "we aro called back to find
extraordinary business depression, dis
trust In all circles and general demor
alization of the flnauceaof the country,
acoudltlon, of course, precipitated by
Democratic falluro to legislate. In this
emergency Democrats call upon Repub
licans to lay aside all partisanship, for
got anything that hua been done In the
past aud Join with the Democrats to
get them out of their present trouble,"
There was no attempt on the part of
Reed to outlino the party policy and he
concluded by saying that the Republi
can party would be found discharging
IU duty In a way to fit with the broad
measure of IU past record when It was
In tho majority, nnd if It did this It
would be asked to do no more.
do not nauseate or
lathe rtekt time
for every wxiy to 1
A temperance drink.
A hotne-niodo drink.
A health-giving drink.
A thlrfit-iucnchTntr drink.
I A drink that la popular everywbew.
tendons, SearkUflft Hfcmscea,
A .
) c padUf Rufctt J gsIloM bt thi
jutUnnik l9a'ttfOciviUilMf,l
fur ibt ukt frfUtgc r woai, UlU you I some elUr
tUJU"Juissc4''--'tUMM. Watathertesii
U M good ss tU sul Kwti I
nuu! DKUVJcar.