tnuJt mnf EffiffgWtaul ra UJUJJJ JimiiUMit. hOF rUT'! ' "'JamT&jmrimm MYSTERIES! The Nervous System the Seal of Life and Mind. Recent Wonderful Discoveries. , No mystery lias over compirbd wllli that a. human life. It lias beon ThdJeadlng subject of professional research utidntticly in all ages DUl, uuLmiuaiuiiuiug iuib met 11 IS HOT gcner? lujy k n o r t tllUt till! SCIl) v liic in jucii edln tliu ui per part of lii spinal cord near (lie bast df the brain and Mj bcnsl- tlvn U llili portion of l fie Gortons sys Urn the! uin the prick of u needle will cause Instant death. IfeCOflt rlfsnwftr)fl6 1lnv rlAmn,.. rAfnft .tin. allHi.oohraiivof tliu body mo tinder the con trol of the-nurvo 'centeis, located In or near tllO basu-nf thnTirnfn. nnrl ihnf )ii tltnnra derangedllTo oTjmiH wlilcli tlmi jjtupy wllli norKcflurd-nTD also dnalifted Wl.eii a is re meirfDercd thata ictrio'ji inlu'ry (o llm spinal cord wr 111 cause paraljsW of the bddv below tlio Injured pdlnt, becauso the nerve forco Is provonted by tho Injury from reaching the paralyzed portion, it will bo uuduistood how tho derangement of tho norvo centers, will cause tho derangement of the various organs which they supply with uorve force. Two-thirds of chronic diseases-it 10 dim to tho Imperfect action of tho nervo co ui tho base of tho braltT, not from u uc t mont primarily originating in tho ort li solf. Tho great mistake of physlcli In treating these diseases to that they trc i ho orgaiuuthor than tho nerve center which ar tho cause of tho trouble. Do. Kiiankun Milks, the celebrated sno clalist.hus profoundly studied this subject for over 20 years, and has made many important discoveries In connection with It, chief among thorn bolnz tho facts contained In the a ove statement, and that the ordlntity mcthodi of treatment aro wrong. All headache, dizzi ness, dullness, confusion, pressure h.ucs, mania, molancholy, Insanity, epilepsy, St. Vitus dance, etc., aro nervous diseases no mattor how caused. The wonderful success of Dr. Miles' liestoratlve Nervine is due to the fact that It Is based on tho foregoing principle. Dn. Miles' Rcstobativb Nervine is sold by all druggists on a posltlvo guarantee, or tent direct by Dn. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of price, SI rer buttle, six bottles for $5, express prepaid. It contains either opiates nor dangerous drugs. tJohl by i). J. i''ry, druggist, Salein fl:;hv r-riVcl, Jiuilti'i Hiliett. 1 lector prescribed : Castorla $100 Howard, $100. The readers of this piper will b pleased to learn tlmt there Is at leasi one dreadful disease tbat science lias been uble to cure in all its stages ana tbat is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure lr the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires u con btitutional treatment. H-tll's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and raucous purfiices of tho system, thereby destroying thi foundation of tho disease, and giving tho patient strength by buildlug up tbt constitution, and aa&istluj; nature it dolus its work. The proprietors huvt so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollar? for auy case that it fails to cure.. Bono for list of testimonials. Address, F. J Cheney & Co., To ledo, O. 8-5old b.' drungUts, 75c, DOWN QO THE RATES! The Uulou Pacific now lead willi re duced rates to eastern points, und theit through car urrangemeuts, magnific ently equipped Pullman and Tourist sleepers, free reclining chair car and fast time, make it tho best time to trav el. Two traiua leave from Portland daily at 8:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Tht rates are now within reach of all, and everybody should take advantage ol them to visit the world's fair and their friends In the east. Send for rates and schedules of tralup, and do not purchase tickets until after consulting Boise & Barker, agents, Salem. Or. W. H. HfJRLBUBT, Ass't Gen'l Itass. Agent, U. P., Portland, Or. POWER HOUSE Meat Market. Fresh acd Bait meats of tbo best quality Poultry and stock. Free delivery. FRED WAYMIRE. The LINE That LEADS: ALL OTHERS FOLLOW, 2 THROUGH DAILY TRAINS HAVING Portland $jgs 3 i DAYS to 2 CHICAGO HOlllS ,h9 0"'"' S Chicago and lirimr IlfllirS Qu'c'(er 0m?a and Kan- Pullmtn and Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclin ing Chair Cart, Dining Cars, rcrrau and general Information call oo W U. H UtLB UT. A wt, Q, J. A hpnjrOKuo, Btaaassac-Eur A VliRYGOOD FISH STORY. f " x A. When You Come to'lnqulre Into It, It's Ooncl Ghost Story Too. "A fow years ago," said nn old gentleman, "I'wnH it-cutting and pil ing driftwood on tho lake shoro when "a party from tho village camo down to flsh through tho ico. It was a cold, raw day. Tlity told mo if I'd lot Uiem uso my fishing shanty and they had any luck they would give mo eoine fish. Well, at it they went. Just as 1 was a-packing up at night to go homo they fetched me a pickerel that would a-pulled down six pounds good and Btrong. I brought him home and put him up in tho crotch of that apple treo over there. Then I done my chorea, eat my supper, got the pickerel and thought I'd clean him, but ho was frozo hard as a brick, so I run a string through his gills and hung him up back of tho stove to thaw him out. "I'd got a good grip on tho sleep that night and was a-plowing ahead on tho gallop whon my wife woko mo up and eaid there was some one at tho door. I listened a bit and heard a noise jest liko somo feller was a-knocking on the door with mittens on his hand, f were a bit vexed, slid out of bed, pulled on my pants and boots, but did not strike a light, grabbed a big cane which stood at tho head of my bed, hurried to the door, opened it and jumped out ready to knock tho stuffing out of any thing. But, my dear sir, there weren't anything there to knock. I run round the house. Not a living critter could I see, nor even my tracks in tho Bnow. "To bed I went ag'in and was just dropping off when tho old wom an Bhe nudged me hard and whis pered: Hear that I Jest listen I There it goes ag'in I' "I sat up in bed, and jest as plain as day I could hear a dull sort of a thump, thump. I begun to feel agor Lshlike. Mought have trembled a bit, then hollered, 'Who's there?' No answer. "I kinder shivered for 'bout half a ninute, when there was the darned st racket out in tho kitchen you ver heard. Sounded as if some one vas a-kicking a tin pan all around ho room, and my dog he came .-yelping and howling in the bedroom nd crawled clear under the bed, here ho kept up a-whining and -yelping. My wife screamed and rawled down under the bedclothes, had not only the ager, but the hills sweating chills good and trong. I was? rattled badly rat led. Jest hadsonso enough to crawl ut of bed, grab my gun, which was oaded, and creep carefully to tho .itthen door. There was certainly omo fellow there barefooted, and he va8 having a hull dancing school all ohisself. I located him as near as i could in the dark, then without ,nakmg any noiso brought my gun to my shoulder and let hor go. "Tho flash of tho gun was just long enough to let mo see what tho trouble was. I went back, lit a can dle, and then went to tho kitchen. There, right in the middle of the floor, was that are cussed pickerel hav ing the liveliest kind of a circus all by hisself. He was a-cutting up in great shape with his flippity flop, hip pity hop, jest as lively as if ho had jest been pulled out of tho water. With a stick of firewood I busted that aro show quicker'n you could say shoo. "You see, I hung him up in a good, warm place to thaw out, directly over tho old woman's dishpan, right under tho pan being a good, warm, out of tho way place tho dog used to Bleep, as iuui uuuiiiui picueroi vv i gan to thaw out his old'eussednosa crept back into him. Between the flappings of his tail and tho work ings of his jaws ho broko tho string, then dropped onto the dish, and both, fell onto tho dog." Forest and Stream. CURE Sick Headache and relieve all the trouble Incl dent to a blUous state of the ayateni, aucb a Dlzzinasa, Nausea. Drowtlneaa. Distress after eating, I'ain In tho Side. Ac While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing SICK tleadaebe. yet Cismca'a Lima Uvea Pill are equallr valuable in Coustipatlon. curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, UmuM the lirer and regulate the bowels. Kves It abey only cured HEAD che they would be almost priceless to tfcose wbo suffer from this distressing complaint but fortunately ineir gooanew does not end hHt. end those who once trv them will find CARTER'S these little pills valuable In ao many ways that they will not be willing to do without tbem. liut after all sick head ACHE is the bane of so many Uvea that bere Is where we make our great Mast. Our puis cure It while others do not. Ciarca'e Lrrrus Uv Pitta are very small cad very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. Tbey are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their genUe action please all who use them. In vials at tt pmts; tvefortl Sold everywhere, or tent by malL CUI8 sfXttSUtl CO., Vr Ttf. blA tailm Wfm jnVkkiJr& biMTJOi Mr. Chas. M. JOauer "Norvos Shattered Generally broken down; at times I would tail qver with a touch o( tho vertigo', was not able to go any distance from the bouse. I was a miserable mnn. The day I com mencecl tin my second bottle ol Hood's 8ar saparllla, I began to leel better and I now Hood's Cures feel ilka new num. I am working again and ao not have any ol my bad BpcllJ. I have a perfect care." Charles iu Lxusn, 050 West Market Street, York. Ta. Hood's Pills are the best atter-dlnner Pills, assist dlgesUon, cure headache, ace. World's Fair, Chicago. mmitmmm Cftlamot Arenneond XthSlrwU till 1 p! b Fireproof! 241 roomsj near.Falr iiv,! bdu urounas; pamft on eyorr noor. BANCROFT American and European plan. iotU Writo for circular. HORSEt LIKE TO BE TLKED TO. Some Anlmuls Are Even Ablo to Carry on n Polyglot Conversation. "There is nothing that horses are so fond of as being talked to," said a clubman to a reporter tho other day one who knows all about the ani mals he was discussing. "So well known is this that in the Austrian cavalry and in several other armies of Europe tho soldiers have sVct orders never to enter tho stalls with out speaking a fow wordB to the nags. I had often endeavored to impress this fact upon my colored groom, a very bright aud unustidlly intelligent lad, who, whenever I told him to talk to my horses, would in variably laugh sheopishly, convinced that I was making fun of him. "The other evening, after taking one of our friends to the station, he was drivi'i" home leisurely in a rather m ..'jwmood, whon 'suddenly my recommendation on tho subject of talking to tho horses occurred to him, and without thinking what he was doing ho addressed tho pony he was driving as follews: "'Well, Pompey, old boy, do you remember the namo of tho man as used to own you in Texas?' "I do not know whether the word Texan' aroused memories in the breast of the pony, but tho fact re mains that he stopped Bhort, turned his head round and whinnied at Dawson that is the lad's namo. "Balaam was certainly not more astonished when his donkey ad dressed him than was Dawson, who, with a cry of 'Jee-rusalem ! Great Scott I Hey, what's tho matter with you, Pompey; aro you crazy?' jumped out of tho carriage and ran to the pony's head, convinced that eithei ho himself or tho horse had become bewitched. "So startled was ho by tho horse's utterance that it was quilo two oj three minutes beforo he could re cover his equanimity sufficiently to mount the box once moro and to re sume his drive home now talking all tbo way with the pony, who over and again whinnied in reply. "Since then my horsos and this particular attendant have becomo in finitely bettor friends, and tho groom is delighted to havo found at least two creatures who appreciate his jokes. "While on this subject," he wont on, "let mo give you an infallible euro for a balking horse, which, moreover, will havo tho advantage of diminishing much of tho beating' and other kinds of cruelty to which the an,imals aro subjected by people ignorant 'of tho truo character of this kind of equine hysteria. "There is nothing to do savo to tako up a handful of ashes or dust, in preference ashes, and opening the horse's mouth wide put tho oshee as far back as possible down his throat. "Tho horse will, in his endeavor to got rid of tho foreign substance, for get all about balking and will, with out thinking of it, go forward with out the slightest whipping or other method of forcible persuasion. " Chicago Tribune ii Utilizing Itoof Space lu a City. Tho folly of building a house in Washington exactly liko a house Jn nnston is too obvious to need point .ing out. In a city wbero evenings; indoors are Insupportable every men of roof should be utilized, and whoro space permits there should be com modious balconies in front or rear ot tho upper stones of dwellings. Thi is not a difficult architectural prob lem, and its ukillful solution would add a characteristic feature to the homed of tho city. In a town whoro the 6Utnmer la two months long and nearby moun tains or sea provide a convenient refogo it makes littlo difference whether houses aro built to warm weather comfort, but wbero summer lasts for four months and hills and shoro aro half a day distant it Is most important to provide every pc bIUo alleviation for the tooortown caf ed inorUl.-JUte Field's Wrt- 'AQtrttasAtE. SAttTriiiiAT, AtrsirsT Sjisbs. DAY ANBOTGHT WEAR! SEVERAL EFFECTIVE MODELS OF THE MOST RECENT DESIGN. For Street TJso Are Noted Two Gowns of Striking Attrnotlvenets For Trend)" Use Two Elaborate Oarments Are Delin eated A Word or Two About lints. A very Useful model has itsboilice bnt toned ot tho sldo. Tho trown is of crepon, and the wido fiariiiK ro.ra are fuced with rich, thickly ribbed eilk. Tho lower part of the sleeve is silk. Tbo chemisotto is of chiffon. This gown ia also mailo in cloth, with satin rovers and trimming. A rather plain but effectivo gown of dark blue summer serge or hop sacking ia trimmed with black satin and jet pas Bementerio. The upper band of each group of satin bands on tho skirt ia edged with tho passementerie, and, na will be Been in the cut, tho pointed capo and epaulota of black satin and the satin cults are also edged with it. STIUiKTmOCKS. In noting Paris styles tho accompany ing sketch of a very elaborate costumo must not bo forgotten. It a of "soio chongeant" in boautiful shades of green and heliotropo. Tho skirt haa three flounces of eilk, and tho seams are out lined with jeweled passementorio, ro poating tho shot effect of tho gown, The bodico ia trimmed to match. Tho huge puffs of the Bloevea aro formed pf small pinked out flounces, giving tho effect of flower petals. , Another gown is of a material which no ver fails to bo bo witching silvor gray satin, Its trimming is black tullo em broidered with jet. Tho girdlo ia of poa coclc blnej velvet. Whito pinno vest's aro tho coining fad. They are worn with colored shirts, pink, blue and xnanvo, a full skirted flaring blazer and a perfectly plain boll skirt.' Flat "plaque" huta aro yery much In favor this spring, and come in all tho newest shades. The most becoming way of trimming them is with two pompons of flowers violots, buttercups or daisies one on either indoof tho bent up front, with a ribbon bow betweon. Thero is another very odd looking hat which Is exceedingly becoming to some faces called "lo coeur." It is exactly In tho shapo of a heart, with a small crown In tho center. When the pointed bent and tho rounded scallops at tbo back turned up, it leaves a couplo of sockets on eithor sido for tho trimming, which generally consists of two bouquots of flowers, a molnngo of field flowers being tho last French fancy. The Now York Tribuno says: Fash ionable dressmakers do not dovoto very much time to cotton goods, except iu their dull seasons In tho middle of win ter or late in the stun in or. Even tho most liberal or extravagant customers are hardly willing to pay us much for mak ing a ginghnm gown as thoy do for a gown of wool. Hcnco it comes that many of tho simpler gowns of cotton and cf India silk, which now must bo ranked as a material chiefly for house wear, aro mado up by tho seamstress at home. Tho experimout which the dressmakers nndortook last year of raising tho price of making gingham dresses by making them over a silk lining did not proro a great success. Customers liko a gtng- EVEK1NO TOILETS. ham gown for what it is, because it Is light and fresh and may be laundered repeatedly. Tho condition of a irown mode over a eilk lining and worn an en tire season uiu hov curaiutiim it to per sons of neat instincts. Cotton becomes sleazy and stringy, even if it does not become actually soiled, ranch sooner than wool. nit Checks JIueli Worn. Among tho most pleuslni: costumes seen on the street in thebo days are the heavy check cheviota, In eighth and in quarter-Inch checks. Borne excellent ro sulU are secured in tlieso by modest touches of color, in the shapo of silk blonses and similar knlclcknocks, or silk linings in the short cajea, or little jackets. These ideaa as applied to the cheviots aro m me main new tn New York, which heretofore lias remained re markably loyal to the strict English model of tailor gowns, the tailor wool seldom being fashioned in tho more or namental designs of the French tailor made costumes. The color threads strik ing thropgh the cheviots are well brought out by ihn eilk accessories. That tbey are oeceuoriea rather than trimming- w worth rtmemtriBf . I M it. BHrl ' VV KssssssPl t rv isssssssssfit i .VI v sn vEa ftftWaVWWVVWWWWWWV BALD naran, enuier uoes it spue at mo enasr lias it a lifeless appearance? Docs It fall out when combed or brushed? Is it full of dandruff ? Does your scalp Itch ? Is it dry or in a heated condition ? Jf tneso aro somo of yoursymptomsbo i ;. .n VsassssssssKsssssssssssrlV iinll SkookumRoot Hair Grower is whit yoa need. Its prodnetlon is cot an accldsnt, but the remit ot sclentlflo research. Knowledge ot the diseases ot the hair and scalp led to ths dtscov. ' ery of bow to treat tbem. Skookum''conulns)ielthernilneralsnorolls. It i mho a Liye. out ueiigaituu7 vwiujg iuju roircnuiug juuic. jiyilimuisuni? the .follicles, (t sfoju ailing hair, cures dandruff and orous hatrvttbali , ET Seep the scalp elssa, healthy, and free from Irritating enipUons. by the use ot Stookvm Sim Snip. It destroys jxmuilio intccti, which f ltd on If Your dratrelit caanot prepaid, on receipt of price prjariforlS0. THE SKOOKUn TRABR If ASK 07 Hotitli jitpiMtcrwu. T. J. KKESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Oor, 30th and Cheruoieta Btreet. Geo. Fendrich, CASH MARKET llest meat and free delivery, 136 State Street. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS. p. n. n'AitCY. ao. a. iiinouam. D'AUOV A BINOUAM, Atforneys nt Law. Rooms 1, 2 and 8, D'Arcy HulldinK. Ui Suite Ktreet. Bpoolal attention given to bust nwln tho supremo and circuit courts of the state. 2 11 R V. U0I8K. Attorniy at law, Halem, Ore gon, oalce 271 Commercial street. TILMON FORD, Attorney nt law, Pnlem, Oregon. Office up stairs In 1'ntton block H, J. 111GOKU, Attorney at lnw.Salom. Ore gon. Olllce over Hush's bank. T J.8HAW.M. W.I11WT. HHAW&UUNT J . Attorneys at law. Office over Capital National bank, Balom, Oregon. JOHN A. CARSON, Attorney nt law, rooms and 4, Oush bank building, 8alein,Or, a K. HONHAM. W. II, JIULMEH BON HAM & HOLM EH. Attorneys at law OfUoe In Hush block, between State nnd Court, on Commercial street. M E. POCUK, Htnographer and Tjpe- w,Nnot line unnlnnArt . VIMwrft llltf nf. nee but one In Oregon. Over Rush's bank, -tnlem, Oregon. CJTKLLa HHERMAN. I'ypew'rltinn and O commercial stenography, room 11, Gray block. First-class work. Rates reasonable. DR A. DAVIt), Late Post Graduate or New York, gives special attention to the dls eases of women and children, nose, throat, liingi, kidneys, skin diseases and surgery. Oflloo at residence, lot State street. Consulta tion from 9 to 3 a. ra. and 1 to 5 P. m, 7-1-flm H. AlOTT, Ico81orommerclal Eldrldge block, iw siaence no uouimerciui bi reuv. 0. DROWN K, M. D.. Physician and rui . gcon. Ofllre, Murphy blojk; residence, , nrniw rclal street. rviv U s tlons i T O. BMITII. Dentist, B2 State street fljlem, Oregon. Finished dental opera, of every description. Painless lopera- llons a specialty. WD, PUOI1, Architect, plans, speclflcn , tlons and superintendence for all classes ol buildings. Olllce 21)0 Commercial street, up stairs. PROTKOriON LODOK NO. 2 A.O. U. W. MeeU In tholr hall lp mate, insurance building, every Wednesday evening A. W.DKNnA, M.W. J, A. 8ULWOOD, Recorder. THE WILLAMETTE, 8ALE OJ&E'GON. Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per I)y The best hotel between Portland aud Ban Vranclsca, Flrst-claas In all Its appointments. Its tables aro served with the Choicest JTruiia drown In the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. BLOOD DISORDERS A New Remedy A tro Specific a potltlre nd permuisnt llmlostlon of all potton from tht Hood, and a rutoration of healthy vlf or to tht limit, u bffcred to aulftf era tat lh fmt lima tn a remedy which has been undergoing the moti teverc prirate eiirimcntt for lha ruwl three yean. It haa not yet failedand it will not fall, aa it I. a True ftpeolflo lor Syphilitic poison and all Mood dlteaax. Do you U liere Ii I Send for full particular) and proof free. Sift; (Wing your ayuem vrtih mercury ami other polaonj Thi. remedy will cure yeu io 0 to oo day. without fail. We guarantee a cure or refund the money, Addrcu MOFFAT CHEMICAL CO., 170 JTIrst Street POUTXAND, OB. Skin Food. Ladies who sutler from cutting Winds and ncorcblng Hun 111 find Mrs, Harrison's Lola Montez Creme The fklu Food. Ths bent remedy for keplig the face cool and tttu tt m Irrita tion, as It sooths and comforts the skin aud prevents freckles or sunbtt n. U Is not a beautlrlrrbnt a Kln restorative and pre- jAMbU exwUliirW yju .ervallve. Ifalltt'e Monies O eme la rubbed In the Kln and thoroughly wiped off again, jueti-efote applying powder, ths complexion fill be softer, and I he powder will remain nnger, desldes preventing the powdr from Jlngginglheporusof the skin Prle7SoenU Foraalsby VHKD I.KOO, Drugglet, PatUrn Hlock, talriu, Ore. foray sptcisl ot complicated blemish of taoMor luriu, wine MRS. NETTIE HABRjSON,. AWCHfCA'e Uiutrrr Poctob, M Oeary HU, Vaa PraucUoo, Cai. Sojrerslooas Hair Permausnlly ReaoT(4, mmm w w 'ii '.St k mrmL. im. L S H'KAIIJM What Is the condition of yours? Is your hair dry, v. 5 warned in time oryou wilibccomo bald. lutrolv voa tend direct to tis. and we will forward Grower, S U per bottle S for S9.0O. Soap, coo. ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., Fifth Aveaoe, New York, N. Y. Screen Dobrs and jbiimrta. Aorloj & Winstnnloy. Shop 218 High street. .I.E. lUKl'lir. - Brick and Tile- NOHTil BALKM. J. L.ASHBY, Talce It I EVENING JODRNAL, Only 3 cents n day delivered a. your door. Meat Market, SOa.Coinmorilnl Street, Good anntB, Prompt delivery. Dnvlil McKillop, Steal Wood Saw JOHN C; MARTIN, Horseshoeing. BLACKSMITHING. Stato Street, - - Batem Leave orders nt Rnlem Im provement Co., 05 State street. J. H. HAAS, TELE WAT OH MAKE It, 2t5K Ccmmerclil St,, Salem, Oregon, (Next door to KIcIu'b.)' Specialty ot Spectacles, and repairing Clocks. WatnhM and .Tnwulrv Smith Premier Typewriter, Sold on easy payments. For Rent. W. I. STALEY, Agent, Salem. n.If.DURPBtC,aen'Ugent, 10) Third St. Portland. Bend fornatalogue. W. U DOUGLAS S3 SHOE hov('. Do yoa wear them? When next a nni try a pair. Best In the world. 5.00. .oa "44.00, 2.5& 52.00 fMLAWCB- iZ,09 II.7S- rem boys 41.75 ir you want aflne DRESS SHOE, mads In tho tales! tytes. don't pay $6 to $8, try my S3, $3.30, $4,00 1 $3 Shoe, They ti equal to custom made and look and wear at welt, Ifycu with to economize In your footwear, do to by purchasing W. L, Douglas Shoes. Namo and pries stamped on the bottom, look for It when you buy JT, I DODOLAS, Brockton, Mass. Sold by KitAusai: Duos. HOWARD, The House Mover. 151 Marlon Street. lias the best facilities lor moving and rais ing houses. tave orders at Uruy llros., or address Halem, Oregon. From Terminal or Inferior Points (bs ill (illlCIM la the line to tak To all Points East and South. It Is thedlnlng car route, it runs through vestibule trains, every day Intbuyrario ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No change of cars.) OompefM of dining cars unsurpassed, l'nllinan drawing room sleepers ;of latest equlpiuonl TOURIST Sleeping Cars. llest that can be constructed and U) vbiob aooommodallttts are both tree und Ur. nlsbed for holders of first Hnd see ,nd tut. UckeU.and ELEGAKT DAY UOAOITES. A.contlnnots Una eonnettlng with all lln.s.aQordlng direct t-ud uuUiterrupied service, fullman sli yf -- 'loncan beae. cured In a4vr .u . any ari-i't o the road. Through tloU to aud from all onls tn America, Kngland and Kuroiw cah tt purchased at auy ticket oftlc oi tliUonai pauy. Kulllnronnatlon concerning Mtea. time oftraln,niiiUaandothsrltIUfurutlhttd cm a?pllixallon to uuy arout or A. P. CHAHLTON. Aaslataat Oenerai AgeUI, No, S.I r2 iree, ew. WMniaepon; iwi- p fotw MKKfBrL'H ayajMBf m 4Mf Tk sssssssssHt .' tsneBi,: ,.,i-nm 92.S0 tMnKl 2.25 1. mk "vf?MJ.Jssssssik,, Electric lights On h cter System, TO CONSUMERS : 'ilio"flim Light nni Power romnnny ot e el .it-nu have uiulpprrt tholr ElrHrto I.IkIi! iiiut with (hojn ri mod ruupparatns Mid 'i i- tif.v Wo io oil r the publln a better llithl llinr -tny y em ant nt u rate lower than uuy on j ru ihm.o.'. iiv und Innwidcsrciit Light ing. Hcctric Motors lor all lHi'rposIcs where iiiwer is rc qui.i'il. He I .mirrgriei b lfl fiiritmt-iyi'Kbia ns ilr.lrel n d iliu '"Jn-uiiiien. lmj fir only uo' lUhln nr- ti c.J. Tills btliiij registered by hi, f. oniric Mfler. Office 179 Commercial St. Fresh- NeWs-Papers- Fruits- mid Candies. J. L BENNETT h SON. P. O. Bloolc T. W. TH0RNBURG, Tho Upholsterer, Remodels, re-covers and repairs upholstered furnltnre. First cIiibb work. Chemeketa street, Stato Insurance bloolc. Deutscher Advocat. P0ST0FFICE BLOCK, - - SALEM, OR. A,dmltted to praotloe In all the courts. Special attention given to German speak ing, people and business at the county aud stato offices. K. IIOFKlt, NoUry Public The Yaquina Route. &i And Oregon Development company's steam Mi I p line. 22S miles shorter, 0 hours lees titan than by any other route, First class through passenger and freight line from Portland and nil joints lu the Willamette valley to aud fromlan Francisco. T1MK HOUKDUJLE, (Except Sunday.) f.v Albany 1:00 p m I liT Corvallls 1:40 p ra Ar Ynaulna-fi:t0 pmlLv Yaquina l:l'm l,v Corvallls. 10:35 am Ar Albany. 11:10a m O. & O. trains connect at Albany and Cor vallls. Tbo above trains connect at Vaqulua with the Oregon Development Co.'s line of steam ers between Yaquina and ban Franelsoo N. U. lasseugers from Portland, and all Willamette valley points can make close con nection with the trains of the Yaquina Hoate at Albany or Uorvsllls and If desllned'te) Haa Krouclsco, should arrange to arrive at Yaquina the ovenlng before dateof sailing. Passenger and Freight 1 tales always the lowest For Information apply to Messrs. 11UI.MAN Co.. Freight and Ticket Agents 300 and 302 Front street, Portland, Or., or O. O. HOG UK, Ao't (Jcn'l Ft. S Pais. Agl., Or. I'acino It. H. (Jo . Oorvullts, Or. r. H. IIA8WKLI,, jr., Qon'l Freight and Pass. Agt. Ore. Development Co., 301 Montgomery Bt East and South VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE the Southern Pacific Companv. CAUrOKNIA SXVMCHH THAIlf BUN DAILY BS TWCSM POUT1.AMUAHDB. V, Boulb. "1 hortuT' 7,-u; p. in. :1b p. m, 10:1ft a.m. XvT I.v. Portland Ar. TJ3& a, m 6:29 a. m Halem t.V. Ar. Han Fran. I.v. I 7:00 p. m AnovetruiUH stop only "ut followTug stations north of Itoseburg, Kast Portland Oregon City, woouuuru, naieui, Aiunuy langeni, aneaaa. llalaey, Jlttrrlburg,JunctlouC1ty,Irvlrjantl Kugena. ' UlWKIliJu(lMAlinAH,Y, H:80 a. m. 11:17 a. m 1:60 p. m. Lr. I.v. Ar. Portland "Xr.i:!i0 p.wu Halem nt. Itoseburg i.v. i i:su p, I.T.I 7.-00 a, au Albany Local, Dally Kxeept Nuuday. 5O0 p. m. 71 p.m. 9.00 p.m. ITvI Portland Ar. iftJMsviu, tiV) Balem Lr. I TM a. m. Ar. Albany l.yjooa. m. iMulng Cars on Ogricit Konte PDLLMAN BUFFET SLEEFHRS AND Sbcond Class Sleeping Cars Attached to all through trains. (Vest Side Dmsiw, Betwcei MM a&d CwYillis: tAIl-Y. (KXCItrT HUNDAT). 75Sa. in7livr lifcis p. ni. 1 Ar. "Portland" Corvallls Xr.i I.v.l &TB p. 111. i o p. m. At Albany and Corvallls connect wltn trains f Oregon PaIBn Kallmad. KXFHEWtTIIAIN I DAILY BXCKITrlUHDA V TnypTKiTT'Lv, PortlancT Ar.1 ifciSa, w. 7Ai p. tn. I Ar. MoMtr.nvHlq I.T.I kftm THKOU; TldKETS To ell points In the r'a.ttm Mates, Canada and Kurope can be obtained U lowsat rt iruiu w, vv. nflvmnnn, .ajvii., rain, K.P. iioiiKitn. Ast. si. r. ana k, Ag-i It, KOKIII.Kli, Mars-tr WISC0S1N CENT1UL UNES. (Nerthern PatUt R, R. Co., Istaee.) LATEST TIME CARD. Two Through Tr!n Daily. I'iWpm loaiwni 638pm 7:IApm HtPaut a 1 Dulutk- a iuTm 1 t-lpw 7.(Hpm i . AahtosMt. 7 mom mm T.Kbin ISfam i ,i i ii in..,! i a(.'hlcn I UtDcm Tlckf ti sold and bnasaaie eksd tiallnolnlaln the UiiTleJ kta4ea aaJ Uwtub Cstoaem. Cleeeonwllo hm4 1s OMskS Wttb ail traiavi wb)h waw iwaa, ?wiNluRrsiUHKHt tfif w yiMtr iieartatt (M.INSadTllt,A4t.,Oalao. H