Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 05, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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One cent daily i
25cts. a month by Knll
Prepaid in Advance.
No Papers Sent When
Tlrao a Out.
NO. 184.
XjAjlY Jl xxJlj
Is th t the wav you have been buying your goods We
liave tried it for a year and a half in our bunine?s and it has
proved a decided success.
, Try this same method for yourself once. Buy from a cash
store. Save the usual per centage added for bad accounts at a
credit store, and you will bo happily surprised at the result.
The New York Racket
Offers you ijenume bargains in BOOTS and SHOES, HATS,
general line of notions.
Bring your cash and get full value for it.
General Insurance Agency.
Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
BTATE IN8URAN0K CO., iEtna Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., Bun Insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., Westchester Klre Inn. Co.,
Lion Klre Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Insurance Co.,
Loudon & Lancashire Fire Ins. Soc., London Assuranoe i orporatlon,
Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Union Fire Ins. Sao.
Oldest and Leading Firm in the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience In the trade
enables me to turn out JQrst-olass work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
give estimates. State Insurance block, Chemekera street.
Ed. C.
Lamoureuxls Stables,
At the Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve
hicles being added constantly. Only the best service rendered. No shabby
rigs nor poor borate. H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor.
West Printing
O1 "typo and is prepared to
do better work than ever. Count y orders receive prompt at
tention. " .
203 Commercial St., ."""""" " Balem, Oregon.
ieaveorders atUottlFarlchunl block,rooin
U,Halem, Oregon.
Manufacturer of Wagons, Car
riages, eta.
Repairing a Specialty.
Bbop 15 State street.
A BARGAIN-18o ere with Improvement
over tuurnud-r cultivation, real najtnraand
som good timber. Term ver eiy. A-
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of allKiuds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
Spraying outfits,
State Street.
Has just received some
latest laces oi jod
On improved Real Estate, in amount and
time to suit. Mo delay in considering loans.
Room 12. Ilnab Rank block. 6 lSdw
Troprtetor of the
South Commercial HU Baleia.
AH kinds Ffean,oaltand Binokd UNU
and Sausage.
Slrucctinc With Duty.
It is always a couflist, this wres
tling with duty. A young dress
maker, a member of the Salvation
Army, received a letter from a would
bo customer asking among other
things whether tho material she was
planning to bring plush would bo
suitable nnd look well to uso in tho
big sleeves in vogue.
Now, tho famoof the customer as a
parlor elocutionist had preceded bcr,
but was misunderstood by tho dress
maker as associating its object with
tho stage, which her duty taught her
to abhor.
So she sat down and conscientious
ly replied to the letter that sho could
not sew on a garment which was to bo
worn by a person so contaminated
and urged her to forsake her ungodly
work and turn hor talents to some
bettor advantage. Tho letter ran on
thus for three pages and as sternly
But duty having been placated tho
natural kindliness of human nature
popped up in a littlo postscript.
"I think the plush quite too heavy
for the uso you suggest. It would be
better to make tho sleeves of silk."
Now York Times.
Gems Found In the United States.
The United States has entered tho
field as a gem producer. Turquoise
mines aro in successful operation in
New Mexico, and the stones taken
out uro in many respects, including
color, equal to tho best Persian. Ru
bies and sapphires are being mined
in considerable quantity, in several
places in Montana, and tho stones
are very beautiful, although no truo
red ruby or true blue sapphire has as
yet been found there. Fine fire opals
have been discovered near Colfax in
the state of Washington. Mine build
ings have been erected and a settle
ment called Gem City founded, wlrioh,
it is hoped, will prove tho center of a
paying industry. A surprising fact
to the general public will be the pearl
fishing of Wisconsin, which for the
past few years has been extensively
earned on along tho Pecotonica and
Applo rivers and their tributary
creeks. Pearls weighing over 50
grains each and varying in value
from $500 to more than $1,000 have
been taken. Mineral Industry.
What Mr. Froe Had to Tell.
Ono day as a anako was crossing
our lawn it was seen and pursued by
some member of the family. It
seemed to bo rather portly and inca
pable of flight, and finally, in order
to bo free to move, it opened its jaws
and emitted a frog, after which it
wriggled rapidly away.
Tho frog lay pulled out at full
length, a ghastly spectacle. A great
deal of sympathy was expended over
its inanimate form, and just as it was
about to be removed from tho spot,
behold 1 it drew in first ono leg and
then tho other, contracted itself into
a respectable frog and hopped off a"
if nothing had been amiss.
"My dear," it probably said to Mrs.
Frog on reaching tho pond, "I shall
never smile again. Such a remarka
blo experience as mine sobers ono for
life. I went out this morning com
paratively young and cheerful. I re
turn an older and a sadder frog."
Charlotte M. Yongo.
More Expressive Than Words.
A volunteer who was a great man
in his own eyes was by somo influence
appointed captain. He could hardly
speak of anything but his now dig
nity. Meeting a friend ono day bo
accosted him thus:
"Well, Jim, Isupposo you know I
have been appointed captain 1"
"Yes," said Jim, "I hoard bo."
"Well, -what do folks say. about
it?" asked tho captain.
"They don't say nothin," replied
truthful James; "they just laugh."
Exchange. .
Three Very Good Seasons.
Candid Minister Good morning,
Janet. I am sorry to hear you did
not like my preaching on Sunday.
What was tho reason I
Janet I had three vorra guid rea
sons, sir. Firstly, yo read yer ser
mon ; secondly, yo did na read it weel,
and, thirdly, it was na worth readin
it a' 1 London Tit-Bits.
Bradfitld's Finale Riflilator
Every ineredJent possesses superb Tonle
projiertle and exerts wonderful influence
in toning op and strengthening her ijriUm
by driving through the proper channels all
Imparities. Health and strength gntranuod
to resale from iu use.
My wife, who was bedridden for eighteen
mouths, after using Hju vnxui't FfLC
UxouJLlTOjs for two months, is setting well.
J. M. Jouysox, WsJrcrn, Ark.
DsupncLD Reo tLATOB Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Bold by Untggists at SI.M r bottle.
Meet In tbolr hall in Htala Inaniane
Ulldisg, ever Wednesday arming
V Or DebStaW Women Should Um
J. A. BEL WOOD, Recorder.
The Silver taw Cannot
be Wiped Out.
opposition is Strong enough
To Force Congress to Enact
a Compromise,
Many Trains Discontinued on the
Union Pacific.
No Possibility of a Strike Proving
Successful Any More.
Kepeal Impossible.
Denver, 6. Senator Teller wires
from Washington that the uncondi
tional repeal of the Sherman law is im
possible. Silver men will not be able
perhaps, to &ecuie enactment of the
law, that will be entirely satisfactory,
but they aro in position to force tho op
position to compromise.
New York Finances.
New York, Aug. 6. Following is
the daily New York bank statement:
reservo, decrease (0,716,000, loans In
crease, (2,231,000; specie decrease, $0,
602,000; legal tender decrease, (5,322,
0i)0; deposits, decrease (9,232,000; cir
culation increase, (107,000, Banks
aro now (14,018,000 below requirements
25 percent rule.
Firinjr off Trains.
Denver, Aug. 5. Tho Union Pacific
bos discontinued Igbt daily and two bi
weekly trains in this state. Tho dis
charged men aro complaining of hard
ship. There is no chance of a strlko
being successful, as there aro twenty
tnen for every vacant place.
Our Silver.
Washington, Aug. 6. Inquiry at
tho treusury elicits (bo Information
that tho government has on hand
about 130,000,000 ounces of line sliver,
coining value of which Is (167,000,000.
If this Is coined tho government
would realize a profit of about (38,000,
000 against which silver certificate could
be issued. It would take however
about Aye years to convert this bullion
Into silver dollars.
Rescuing Now York.
Washington, Aug. 6. Tho treas
ury Is doing all In Us power to meet the
demand for small notes In and around
New York City. Last night (1,000,000
was sent to New York and this morn
ing an additional (1,000,000 was sent
Cotton Mills Close.
Lawrence, Mass., Aug. 6. Tho Pa
cific, Everett, Washington, Atlantic,
Arlington and Pemberton mills now
have announced a shut down fur from
2 to 4 weeks. The Pacific employs
6000 persons,
Safe Deposit Co.
New Bedford, Mas., Aug. 6. The
New Bedford Safe Deposit & Trust Co.,
with a capital of two hundred thousand
dollars lias failed. No statement. It
Is claimed debitors will be paid In
New York, Aug. 6. Nellie Grant
Sartorls and children arrived from
England. It is reported that she will
reside here permanently.
World's Fair.
Chicaoo, Aug. 6, The weather con
tinues all that world's fair vltltora could
vrlhb; clear and cool, with a refreshing
breeze from the lake. Yenerday was
Scotland's day at the fair, and many
thousands of Scotia's sons gathered
there, the members of the various soci
eties lu native costurue lending a most
bright and plcluretque appearance to
the grounds. There was a reunion this
morning at the Illinois building, most
ly of literary men, musicians and ar
tists. Later a congress of Scots was
held In the festival hall, at the conclu
sion of which a special concert of Scot
tish songs was held.
Andreas Boos Got Boyond His Depth
In a Slough.
Andreas Boob, a milkman, living on
the outskirts of the city on the East
Side, was drowned In n slough near In
uiau, Pi-ulsnu & Co. 'a pinning mills
yesterday alternoon about 6 ''o'clock.
He and a companion wont iu bathing,
Neither could swim, and thoy proposed
to keep out of deep water. But Boos
accidentally stopped into a deep hole
His struggles were seen by his compan
ion, but ho could render no asslstence,
and Boos -went to the bottom. A
brother of Boos who lives in the vicin
ity was notified, and he camo to tho
police station and Informed Chief Hunt
A very unsatisfactory explanation was
given, as all tho parties interested were
Germans and had to tell tho story
through an Interpreter. Chief Hunt
could do nothing for them, and referred
them to Coroner Hughes. Thatofllcial
enlisted tho services of the veteran
body-raisor, Hugh Brady, but, owing
to the lateness of the hour, it was de
cided to postpone tho work of grap
pling for tho body until this morning,
when it will probably bo brought to the
Boos was singlo and about 27 years of
age. Coroner Hughes will hold an In
quest this afternoon. Portland Tele
gram. More Mills Close.
New Bedford, Mass., Aug. 5. Tho
clearing house has notified the mills
that no assuranco money can bo fur
nished for pay rolls after August 12.
The Wamsutta and a number of other
cotton mills will close indlflnltely,
700 spindles aro stopped by tho shut
down. Tho Spinners' Association urge
their employees to husband thoir re
sources. One Thousand More,
LoweiiXi, Mass., Aug. 6. The Law
rence mills will run on half time begin
ning Monday. Faulkners mills have
shut down for an Indefinite period.
The Lowell Co., ingrain department
has laid l,000hands off for one month.
Open Sunday.
Chicago, Aug. 5. It has beon de
cided by the management to keep the
gates of the fair open tomorrow in def
erence to on order of the court, but
there will be no special attractions and
many buildings will bo closed.
Resumed Business Again.
OMAHA,Neb.,Aug.4. The Ame'ican
Trust & Loan Co., which went into the
hands of a receiver July 5, was leturned
to Its officers by order of the United
States court and resumed business. The
receiver reported that the aflalrs of the
company wero in excellent condition
and tho assets exceeded the liabilities.
Arrangements wero made with credi
tors to cause no distress when coupons
became due. Tho stockholders are
principally men of Boston and New
York, who express the greatest confi
dence in O. M. Parker, the president.
Tho company owned several banks,
land companies and other enterprises.
It has a paid-in capital of (400,000. This
Is the first trust company in the West
which during the post four years has
emerged from tho bands of a receiver.
Populists Issue an Address.
CmoAao, Aug. 6. The executive
committee of the Populist party, whloh
has been In session since the adjourn
ment of the silver convention, Issued an
address to the people of the United
States. It says In part:
"The overwhelming spirit of this con
vention Is alive to the dangers which
threaten us. The convention not only
repudiates tho Idea of a gold standard
and gold basis but unanimously com
mitted Itself to the principles that we,
as Popullits, havo long held and cher
ished, namely, 'that law alone makes
money acd that the stamp of the gov
ernment converts sixty cents worth of
silver into a dollar, equal to auy gold
dollar,' and they unanimously accepted
the doctrine, that the money of the
country should be adequate for tho de
mands of business and should expand
with the growth of population and
Tho address holds out the Idea that
the silver convention was a great vic
tory for the Populist principles embod
ied In Omaha platform.
Minister From Some.
IIouk, Aug. 6. It la expected that
the U, S. government will soon official
ly recogiiiz Mgr. Batolll,
More Laborers.
Portland, Or., Jan. 6. The steam
er Danube has arrived here with sixty
Chinese passengers. Their right to
land will be looked into Monday, by
Collector Black.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
fct 1
Germany a Good Deal Short of Last
New York, Aug. 5.-(SpecIal.)
Hops are quiet but firm. Holders aro
not urging Bales. Best Pacified aro
quoted at 2121Jo. London is qulot
and steady. Germany reports some
Improvement In vjnes, the result of re
cent rains, but tho crop Is a good deal
short of last year.
Considering Tho Message.
Washington, Aug. 6. A special
cabinet meeting was called for this af
ternoon to consider tho financial ques
tion and president's, message.
Denies a Boom.
Washington. Aug. 6. L. F. Mich
oner of Indiana denies there ' Is any
movement on foot to boom Harrison
for ronomination in 1800.
Important Personal.
Phelps of the Amerlsan BehrlngSea
counsel sailed for New York today.
Washington, Aug. 5. Tho presi
dent arrived this afternoon.
Pailadeu'iiia, Pon., Aug. 5. J. L.
Wright, one of tho founders of the
Kuights of Labor is dead.
Big Iowa Failure.
Leon, Iowa, Aug. 5. The Decatur
County Banking Association, the old
est concern In Southern Iowa, includ
ing brunch banks at Davis City and
Garden Grove, suspended this morn
ing. Assets (471,000, liabilities (31G,
000. T. S. Arnold, assignee, believed
the embarrassment was only tempor
A 3oul Somewlmrs Ahead.
We aro born in thfo worM, and yot
wo nro somuwuat strnngora to it.
Wo havo to tuko ourselves tu wo nro,
and yot wo know that wo nro not
what wo wero meant to bo. Ideas of
which tho Hun and moon ami ntnrs
and tho wido earth know nothing
Boizo hold of us, nnd wo havo in our
heart of hearts such affinity with
thorn that 'tiruw if in t,omol"iv onso
wo woro born of thorn, iw,, iu
our inmost bolnjr wo mov toward
them. And bo I say wo nro pilgrims;
ovory ono who ontern on tho moral
lifo is a pilgrim; his cycj uiort f.u
ahead it in not aucther La.l ho
seoks, another earthly homo, bat an
attainment of tho spirit, a rest for
tho nffoctlonH. a company of bouIs
wherein a perfect lovo doth reign.
Wo struggle- on, wo fight our lone
ly battles, wo try to meet each day's
tasks and duties, wo catch but
glimpses of tho porfoct goal to which
our being tends, and yot, if ono man's
confidonco can bo of any uso to an
other, lot mo say that I boliovo that n
goal thero is, that tho moral require
ment shall havo somo day its fulfill
ment, that wo dream of and thohoart
sighs for will at last como truo. Wo
aro not pilgrims traveling nowhoro.
Wo havo a country, though it Is not
yot.-W, L. Baiter in Light.
Jockey Slmms yearly retainer is said
to bo between (8,000 and f 10,000.
Every jockey of noto today enjoys tho
luxury of possessing a valet to attend to
his wants.
Fred Taral is first jockey to Walcot is
Campbell, and he draws a yearly stipend
of $13,000.
Hamilton, the colored Jockoy who
rides for August Belmont, is paid $11,000
for his services. '
Marty Bergen received $10,000 before
be quarreled with Dave Gideon and tore
ep his contract.
Jockey George Taylor was so badly
injured in a recent race that ho will be
unablo to ride again this season.
George Covington, for years a success
ful jockey, is now a trainer ami handles
a string of crack thoroughbreds.
Snapper Garrison's salary is said to b
$10,000 a year. He rides for Marcus
Daly, the copper king of Montana.
Patsy MoDennott, the coutun cutting
jockey, supports his mother and broth
ers and is said to havo ridden into a
comfortable fortune.
i wYVmvi -
Tho finance ideas of the great South
ern Paclflo magnate contain some sen
sible suggestions. It is about the best
all-around plan of temporary relief of-
fered so far.
Ho would increase the present legal
lender silver limit from (5 to (10. That
would forco the uso of more silver for
change. He would abolish nil paper
mouoy bolow a (5 bill. That would re
duce tho volumo of dirty one and two
dollar bills, but leavo tho people no
small bills to send through the malls.
But without fractional paper currency
they are not of much valuo.
Big Printers.
CmoAao, Aug. 5. Knight & Leon
ard, a well known and long established
p -luting firm, confessed judgment for
(17,000. Leouard Is father" of the fa
mous comla opera singer Lillian Bus
sail. The firm expects to resume Mon
day. Ship Ashore.
Port TowNShND, Wn.. Aug. 5. The
Chilian bark Eritrea, which went
ashore on Dungeuess spit yesterday
morning, will b? a total low. Her
crew will arrive here tonight.
San Francisco,
Aug 5. Wheat,
December, (1.23g.
Seller 03; new
Chicago, Aug. 5. Cash, 00; Sep
tember 02.
Portland, Aug. 5. Wheat valley,
1.05, Walla Walla 05.
Miss Mary Byl and Charley Young
United in Wedlock.
Tho marriage of Miss Mary 8.-Byl,
the superintendent of the Chinese mis
sion located at No. 140 Fifth street,
Portland, to Charley B. Young, a Chi
uese business man of this city, was cele
brated Thursday at the First Baptist
church In Vancouver.
Charley Young was formerly con
neott'd with Seld Back here. He Is a
bright, Intelligent Chinaman nnd is
said to bo very well-to-do. Miss Byl Is
a rather prepossessing woman of 27,
She has been superintendent of the
mission on Fifth street, which Charley
Young has attended. An attachment
sprung up between them, which culmi
nated In tho event referred to, Charley
Young has furnished a houso Iu Alblna,
to which he will take his presumably
happy brldo, and it Is said his mother-in-law
will likewise live iu tho Oriental
Caucasian Alblua homo. Sho Is re
ported to have approved of the marriage
of her daughter to Charley Young,
You ni Is related to ,eid Back by mar
riage. Ho is Americanized, having
adopted our style of dress and dispensed
with a queue.
A rcceptlou to tho nowly wedded pair
was hold at the Chinese mission.
About 200 friends wero present. Port
laud Telegram.
Threo Killed!
Alexander, W. Va Aug. 6. Mrr,
Stephen Welch, under arrest here for
mooushliitng, was rescued by a mob of
her sympathizers last night. In a fight
with tho officers, three of the mob were
fatally wounded.
Said the
to himself, "If tho
moon I could get,
whenever I'm dry
my throat I could
quouer wjia qar
icr I hear; you can
purchase five gal
lons of
Root Ber."
mm. TWr4-te5St5,
OckkI lor aay Msm 4 ,
A sje. pussgs buI i esBcos, 8 sui sad
mt If Its H
- "
jjHHHf tfRnn'i
ft 4
-H-lm-dw Wheatland, Or.