"" - V -Ki . - "T' W . (JH9BEh i3H)k -j f V - - h -' I ""7 TO"'""""''' 1 ONE CENT DAILY I 2et. a. nsatk by MH Prepaid ia Advance No Papers Seat Wbwa TL' fv"'.r'T arvr' :S3Br 'J ?r" JOURNAL Daily. Tiata is Oni. ) VOL. 6. DAILY EDITION. SALEM, OBEGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1893. DAILY EDITION". NO. 16. 1 sk- jfLaLsafe A V . mT H H A zm zm fc A vk t S BJi S. H fl FOR SPOT Is th.jfc the way you have been buying your goods ? We have tried it for a year and a half in our bu-ineaB and it has proved a decided success. WE BUY AND SELL FOR GASH ONLY. Try this same method for yourself once. Buy from a cash store. Save the usual per centage added for bad accounts at a credit store, and you will be happily surprised at the result. The New York Racket Offers you genuine bargains in BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, SHIRTS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, TABLE LIN ENS, LACE CURTAINS, general line of notions. Bring your cash and get full value for it. E. T.BARNES, Me H. W. COTTLE & CO., General Insurance Agency. Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies: STATE INSURANCE CO., iEtna Insurance Co., Traders' Insurance Co., Hun insurance Co.. Notional Insurance Co., Westchester Klre Ins. Co., .Lion Klre Insurance Co., Imperial Klre Insurance Co., Ijondou j; Lancashire Fire Ins. Boo., London Assurance Corporation, Alliance Asurauce Co.. Norwich Union Fir- lns.doc. Oldest and leading Firm In the City Devoted-Exoluslvely to Insurance, J. W. THORNBORG, THE UPIIOLSTtiRfiR. Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Xong Experience in T.be trade enables me to turn out flrst-class work, Samples of coverings. No trouble to give estimates. State Insurance block, Chemektta street Ed. C: CHURCHILL Spraying outfits, Ss ,103 BURROUGHS State Street. F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. Lamoureux's Stables, At the Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and; ve hicles being added constantly. Only the best service rendered. No shabby rigs uor poor horses. H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor. West Printing First-class Work. 803 Commercial St., MONEY TO LOAN On improved Real EataW. In amount sod Ume toiulu .No delay In contlderlnj loans. FEAR & FORD, lloora 12. Butb Bank block. 8 134w (MS. W0LZ, Proprietor of the GERMAN.:-: MARKET Booth Commercial HC, Balem. All kind vyech, salt and Smoked Meat Ad Saaaagea. f ' FjUCE DKUVXKY. CASH ONLY! COUNTERPANES, and a Ins. Block. Cross, Choice Meats. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fresh, Salt and Smoked Heats of allKinds OS Court tend 110 State Streets. LEADING MEECHAN1 TAILOR. Co.,! BOOK AND JOB Priraters.- Reasonable Friccs. fialem, Oreeen. SMITH BROS., CONTRACTORS PLABTEKERP. LeaTcordrs atOotUe-l'ajrkkurat blockoom IS, Balem, Oregon. P. J. LAESEN & CO., Manufacturer of Wagons, Car " rlages, etc. Repairing ft SpaolUty. Baop 5 State treU FARM FOR SALE. over ba'tundrr cultivation, reat pa.tur.acd mm -woo. rawi v,trr .'"i'.Ji," Sr-lav4w WaUe, Or. Two Wtt ormillni; Meet. Heallby meat is firm, clean and at tractive in nppearanco. In this cli mate, when proporly lolled, properly cleansed and leisurely bandied, it is not only unnecessary but positively deleterious to froezo it The differ ence between moat killed in the Chi cago method and that killed accord ing to the methods so long and suc cessfully practiced by Californian butchers is apparent at a glance. Great efforts have been made to in troduce meat killed in the Chicago style, but they have been unsucceos fuL The proof is positivo that what may suit the eastern palate and stand well in Eastern climate does not meet with the tastes and requirements of Californians and does not Buit Pacific coast climate. The rapid methods adopted In the abattoirs, the spray ing with hot water and diluted am monia and then tho sudden freezing rob tho meat of its natural flavor, substitute an artificial taste and give to tho meat as soon as it is exposed to the air and commences to thaw a soggy, unappetizing look. In tho methods adopted for years by tho old Son Francisco butchers tho meat is wiped clean with cloths wrung out in cold water and is then allowed to hang. Handled in this way it will keep perfectly healthy for days and is in appearance and taste all that can bo desired. San Fran cisco Chronicle. BU I41y Knair Hr night. Perhaps it ia because sho is colored that Miss Lily May Tucker, a professor of tho divine art of cooking at Quogue, N. Y., knows her civil rights. Anyway she obtained one of her rights where strong men would merely havo sworn and walked. Wishing to go from Quogno to Riverhead Monday, by way of Manor, to do some shopping, Miss Lily asked for a ticket by that route, Tho ticket was supplied to her, and she paid for it. Then sho boarded the train end arrived rapidly at Manor, but was there informed that the train which last tummer ran from Manor to Riverhead was not running this season. Right there is whero a more white man would havo made a feeble exhibition of the inferior ity of Ma color and sex. But Lily I She just looked over that station agent and said: "You mean it hasn't been running, young num. It's a-going to run, 'cause Tve got a ticket that calls for my trans portation from Manor to Riverhead, and Pm going by that route." Then she sat down on a bench and let the station agent walk tho platform. After awhile ho went into his office and telegraphed something to somebody. When he got an answer, ho went out and looked at Miss Lily's ticket. Then he telegraphed Borne more, and some mora was telegraphed to him. Then he went out again, wiping his brow, and said that if Miss Lily insisted upon going by the route called for on her tickot a special train would havo to bo made up to carry her. Miss Lily made answer: "I ain't a-sisting; I'm just a waiting here for that train what's going to take me to Riverhead.' And the train was made up, and Miss Lily in her lonely majesty was trans ported to Riverhead as per hor tickot. New York Sun. RAILROAD TIE8. Southern Pacific locomotives will soon use for fuel bricks made of coal dust and asphaltum. Tho Old Colony is building four hotels cars, which aro to be put on the shore line between New York and Boston. In the latest style of Pullman palace cars the sleepers are upholstered with a plainness of decoration that approaches elegance. Michael Maloney, one of the expert telegraphers of the Erie's eastern divi sion, has been appointed chief dispatcher with headquarters at Jersey City. Six new engines will soon be put on the Grand Trunk road to haul fast ex press trains. It is stated that these en gines will be expected to show a speed of 80 miles an hour. There is absolutely no foundation for the Chicago stories concerning Darling ton official changes. None ia likely to occur among the higher officers until Mr. Forbes, who ia well advanced in years, chooses to retire. The projected Philadelphia, Honeedals and Albany road, the surveys for which were made last spring from White Ha ven and Honesdale, Pa., to Hancock, N. Y and toward Albany, is to be con structed by the Tennius Construction mrananv. UfTHElVS ftlEK. It ud by Wive about toexperitno tba palntul ordeal attendant npon Child-birth, proves an Infallible teU la for. and obviate tb torture of coo Kflnetaeot, leateoloK I tba daatcr thereof tobotbtaotberand caUd. mjj SU tr aU dnnfeu. I MM I M - MiWiftM. MMMl rvMUUTOW ., ATUMT, JU, HiTiran PROPOSITIONS JL For Helping Silver and Increasing Money. NO MORE SILVER CERTIFICATES To Be Issued By the Treasury Department. LONDON HOLDING A BIG MELTING. Balfour Declares for (he Double Standard. FAVORS INTERNATIONAL BIMETALLISM. Financial Stringency Strikes New York City. Huntington Talss. New York, Aug. 3. Colla P. Hunt ington, president of the Southern Pa clflo has dictated the following upon the situatien: "If congress will repeal the Sherman act, make, say $10 legal ten der of silvei,and not allow any paper issued u d r $6, that would put a large amount of silver in circulation. Then let tho government issue (300,000,000 gold bonds, bearing InUrest not exceed ing 3 per cent., they to be used as col lateral for national currenoy, and let banks have par In currency on old fours. That would restoro confidence, make money plenty and, I believe, be a good thing for silver." The Limit Reached. Washington, Aug. 8. No more silver certificates will be Issued by tin treasury department for tho present, as the limit prescribed by law has been reached. That is to say, as many silver certificates are now outstandlugas there are standard silver dollars coined in the treasury to redeem them. Un der the Bland act 380,930,874 standard silver dollars have been coined. London Disturbed. London, Aug. 8. A meeting was held today at the ofllclal nsidonoe of the Lord SI tyor to consider the finan cial and business situation. It was pre sided over by the Lord Mayor. Tho gathering was very largely attended. Most all leadlug bankers were present. Balfour made an address and disclaimed all political motives, and alluded to the anxiety felt throughout the business world connected with curronoy changes In India and the action that might be taken by theUnlted States government. The gold standard Balfour declared would never satisfy the commercial wants, while double standard alone would prevent dangerous oscllliationa In trade. He commended International agreement, fixing ratio of value be tween gold and silver. Growing. Scarcer. New Yohk, Aug. 3. The banks here bavrsnut d wn on shipment of cur renoy to the interior, as the scarcity Is so pronounced that agents are bidding a premium of teu dollars per one thous and dollars today. Institutions with large pay rolls have been compelled to resort large y to the ue of silver. Banks request their depositors to use UneCKS BS Iliucu as nnmiviv, nuu wueic cash Is required are paying a large por tion In silver dollarsXue supply or bills at the sub-treasury Is growing Hmlted. The order of the sub-treasury today that backs must deposit cash agalust the withdrawal of currency and stiver, is one of the results of the conference yesterday, betweeu Secretary Carlisle aod Assistant Bub-Treasurer Jordan. A Decoyed Gotten. Milwaukkb, Wis., Aug. 8. The erand Jury was called td Investigate the South Side Savings bank failure Pres ident Trutupff and Casbter Koettlag are missing. The aflalr of the bank are In bad shape, Depositors will prob able lose every thing. Enough to Li a. a.u Mu. ttntttni. Autr. B. JiuliA Oarber this morning made an order givlog Mrs. jane iu maoioru, wjuow .ri.i.Oantlnr Rtanfnrrl. a. mnntlilv al. towanoe of f5)00 out of tier kusband'f MUW. IMPORTANT PORTLAND NEWS. Collector Black Begins Deportation of Chinese. PouTr-AND, Aug. 3. Pursuant n in structions from the treasury depart ment, Collect ;r Black today begnu pro ceedlugs toward deportation of thirty odd Chinese brought here by the Hay tlen Republic. STOLEN aiHL FOUND. A little girl nuswerlug to the descrip tion of Alma Qladls Miller, who was stolen from her home near Summer vllle, Or., about one year ago by James Smith, a Gypsy, was arrested at Eu gene last night. The girl said her name was Vclr, but officers are confi dent she is the missing Miller girl. They are trying to open a communica tion with her' father whose present whereabouts aro unknown. Silver Committee. Chicago, Aug. 8. The committee chosen by the silver convention met this morning and affected permanent organization by electing General A. J. Warner, of Ohio, president; Geprgo F. Washburn, of Boston, secretary. It was decided that tho oflloials of the general committee together with mem bers of the sub-committee meet at Washington Tuesday, presumably to remain there until the oloee of the ses sion of congress. Hurrah for Our Side. Southampton, Aug. 8. The steam er Normanula Bails hence tomorrow for New York with 14,600,000 gold tor American houses. Another Silver Man. Chicago, Aug. 8. Lazarus Silver man, a well known private banker, has suspended. Liabilities half u mil lion, assets said 'to be greater; cash on hand six thousand dollar. Booming Harrison. Chicago, Aug. 8. A speolal from Shelby ville, Iud., says: L. T. Mlchen or has taken hold of Harrison's cam paign for the presidential nomination in 1800. Ho is working aystematleally from Washington. Secret clubs are now being formed nil oyer the state. They will magnify pension suspensions and attribute monetary stringency to the Democratic administration. It is uuderstood that similar tactics will be followed in other states. Bearing Sea Subjects. Pabib, Aug. 8. The Behring" sea tri bunal of arbitration has made good progress. It Is expected the decision will be rendered in s fortnight. Every point at issue has been adjadloated. The decision will give entire satisfac tion to Great Britain and Canada. In every Instance the claims advanced by counsel for Great Britain are held good. The decision will be unanimous on all points save one, In which Justice Har lan and Senator Morgan, the American arbitrators, held out for the American claim. The tribunal is no v discussing the question of regulations to govern tho seal fisheries. Paris, Aug. 8. JVlth reference to the London report that the Behring sea case had been decided In favor of Great Britain Hon. C. H. Tupper, Canadian minister of marine and British agent bbre, said that all forecasts are mere surmises. The arbitrators hadarrlyed at a decision in regard to half the points presented but did not know when the work would terminate, Mews of Ha wall. Honolulu, via Ban Francisco, Aug. 8. The royalists who presented a cane to Claus Spreokel Just before the Aus tralia sal ed, have deeply offended Min ister Blount by the unauthorized use of his name and the matter has become the subject of dlplomatlo correspond ence. Just before the steamer Austra lia left port a prearranged scheme of presenting Claus Spreckels with a cane Inscribed with a list of names beaded by those of Lllluokalanl and Jamas H. Blount was carried out amid the pop ping ol champagne furnished by friends of Mr. Spreckels. The royalists took the occasion to assert on the boataud on the wharf that Mlnleter Blount bad allowed the use of his name to show his appreciation of Spreckels and the ex-queen's caitee. Withlu half au hour after the matter became public Miukter Blount denounced it ia an excited manner aa an outrage aad authorized a reporter to publish his statement. On July SO Minister Blount seat the provisional government a note calling its attention to the matter and the gov ernment at ouoe began investigating as to the persona responsible for the out rage, The provisional government is fully in earnest in sifting the Matter and Itte understood that it wilt sot stop short of full reparation to the American taloUter, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report lVaf .soar ABSOUJTEiy PURE Hops SUraer. New York, Aug, 8. Hops show an increasing firmness under ilrm foreign advices but no Improvement in trade, and quotations are unohanged. TH; MARKETS. Ban Francisco, Aug 3. Wheat weaker, December $1.2f, seller .03; cash number, one shipping, $1.10. Chicago, Aug. 8. Cash, 66 J; Sep tember 68. Portlamd, Aug. 8. Wheat valloy, 1.00, Walla Walla 87j.Pfl. HIGH LIVING AT SEA. Pour or Fit o Bloala a Day Hoi-tiuI on the Transatlantic! Llnom. Yachting may bo puraucd chiefly for pleasure, but incidentally it is for sharpening tho appetite. Tho capac ity of the ocean traveler's stomach is proverbial, and unlostt scasicknesp intervenes ho becomes u gormandia er from tho timo ho leaves shore un til ha lands on it again. So thor oughly nppreeintod is this that the steward's department on yachts and tho great Atlantic steamers is made a very important office, and nothing contributes so much to tho pleasure of tho voyage as a comploto and va ried larder of the most tempting na ture. Social life on yachts centers around the table in tho richly upholstered cabin, whero tho ontertaimnont can bo as expensive as tho owner desires. Indeed tho cost of yachting ia often tn direct proportion to the amount of money devoted in eating and drinking. No less important is tho dining room on board tho first class ocean steamers, and the four or five moalu a day that aro served aro in dicativo of the passongers' marvel ously increased appetites. Tho dining service is elaborato and costly, equaling in quantity anil va riety that of tho finest hotels in the world. For a six or eight day voy ago the floating palaces aro provi sioned sufficiently to support a good sized city for several days. Every thing is of the finest quality, served in the most approved stylo and at tractive form, making tho pleasures of dining on shipboard alluring enough to elicit praise from tho hy percritical epicure. Although tho sorvico varies slight ly on the different lines, one steamer will typify ail the others. Tho dishes and tho art of cooking are similar to that found at leading hotels. The German liners givo dinnor services that aro not excelled by any, but there is a slight savor of Germany and hor people in the various odd compounds and mixtures that daily appear on tho table. Tho English steamers aro likewise distinctively English or American, and tho tables are loaded with all tho delicacies no much appreciated by tho travolor. Most of the large eteamors furnish four or fivo meals a day, and each one is elaborato. To attend thebo ta bles about 100 cooks and stewards aro employed, 80 or 40 saloon waiters and a dozen or more carvers, dish washers and stewardesses. Tho force of men required for the kitchon and the dining room on a large ocean steamer is thus much largor than the crews of many ocean ships. Break fast to generally served at 8 o'clock, luncheon at 2:30, dinner at 6 and cold meats and salads again at Op. m. On somo of the steamers coffee and rolls aro served at 0 in tho morn ing to accommodate early risers. Be tween these meals anything can bo ordered by applying to the steward or by tipping the waiters. Drinking to no less important than eating, and the bar to so well patronised in the summer time that aa ettonao-ua stock must be carried. Buying provisions for one of the large steamers to a work that requires experience, for it to more important than buying for a large hotel. The supply muat be large enough to last for the entire voyage, and of tea for emergencies when a storm keep the steamer out from port sev eral days later than usual. The quantity of provtoioas also varies with the number of passengers en gaging bertha, but as the ltote are generally made up weeks before the steamer sails this to sot a disturbing element in the steward's caloula Uofcw. New York Mall and Express. fcdg? rowuer Effect of Gm on FarnUnre. Gas conBumors often complain that books, furniture and pictures are in jured by tho small quantity of sul phur which, despite all precautions, passes through the burners. But Dr. Odling, F. R, 8., and Professor Le;wis, in giving evidenco boforo Lord Sand ford's committee on tho Crystal Palace gas bill, declared that this idea was an error. Tho damage was not duo to tho sulphur, but to the heated zone of tho atmosphere above tho chandelior. Tho sulphurous in gredient was so small that four or dinary lucifor matches struck in tho courso of Bix hours would yield as much Bulphur in a room aa tho burn ing of 100 feet of gas. IullueiiL'o or Rzainple. Factum You'd hardly think that Buch a dumb thing as n hen would bo influenced by tho example of man, but it's bo. Rawlins That scorns Btrange. Factum I know it does,.but it's so. Rawlins How do you know? Factum From observation. You remember tho other evening when the crowd of sports came up from the village and had a eetto in my barn! Rawlins Yes. Factum Well, it was only a day or two after that I found two of my bens clucking around looking for a placo to set too. Boston Courier. Chinese Designation. Nover is a Chineso wif o Bpoken of by hor husband in a plain, straight curyrufd way. Buuii piayiui terma aa "My thorn in tho ribs" and "My dull companion" aro most usual, but leave something to bo desired on the wore of elegance ' 'Tho mean one of the inner room" has a distinct flavor of masculine selfishness about it Exchange. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Miss Etta Hughes, tho English gov erness of the Spanish infantas, receives $5,000 a year. Emil Ney, a grandson of the marshal, Is living in San Francisco, according to the newspapers of that city. Lioutouant Otto E. Ehlers, tho Ger man explorer, mado an Asiatic journey of 7,000 miles on a Himalayan pony, Mr. Stanley is carrying out his often expressed intention of writing up the folklore of tho African regions which he has explored. Doputy Marshal Oroder of Watcrville, Me., is 88, and his wifo is 84, They have a family of nine children, six boys and three girls, tho eldest 17 years of age. Miss Kato Sanborn, tho author, is in California and proposes to write a book on the northern part of tho state, the character and resources of which are comparatively unknown to the general public. Professor T. K. Cheyne, the distin guished Biblical scholar of Oxford, is al most blind, and yet ho has' written several books, tho preparation of which required a vast amount of original in vestigation. J. K. Mentzer of Lancaster, Pa., owns a Biblo thnt wns printed by Christoffel Froschaner of Munich 863 years ago. The Bible, it is claimed, caino oyer ia the vessel iu which William Penn made his second trip to America. A popular ballot lately taken in France as to the rank of authors resulted in Victor Hugo leading tho list. Shake- spearo was third, and Ilomcr, who was put below Lumartiue, was twelfth. Zola didn't got mUho Hat at all. I KEEP COOL laaMe, MtaM. aad eH the war Umm&, 1 Koot F!ai TUUk-rtTera(arorllcl ?TT" HTDDC